Gratitude to parents and teachers at graduation in verse and prose. Graduation greetings to parents Beautiful words for parents from graduates

Our mothers and fathers, relatives,
You are just as worried as we are.
You are beautiful and young
You graduated from school with us!

We say thank you today
For sleepless nights, excitement.
For homework done together
For exams, poems!

Moms, dads, live happily
If you cry, then only from happiness.
We will delight you, dear ones,
And protect from adversity and bad weather!

And dads and moms, thank you very much
We are all talking to you now
For help, support, for your participation,
Your work is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
Accompanied with love and patience
On that long school trip.

We hope in life big, unknown
Give us advice again
After all, even though the last call has already sounded,
We are only learning to fly.

Let there be a lot of pride
For all achievements later.
Today, just accept from the children
A big thank you.

Today, on our last school day, I want to appeal to those who worried and cheered for us the most, to our best, most caring and most patient people - to our parents. We are grateful to you for everything that you have invested in us, and continue to invest to this day, for supporting us even in the most difficult moments of our lives and for the fact that always, no matter how old we are, you are us with such tenderness, as if we were still small children. We love you very much!

Parents worry about us
After all, they were the ones who brought us together.
Most recently, in the first class in my life,
Experienced, nursed, dreamed!

And now the soul hurts for us:
Graduates we are new roads.
And again, do not close their eyes for a long time
And survive the worries and anxieties.

Thank you family for the love
For endurance, patience and wisdom.
We promise to please you again
And we will not let you upset with sadness.

Our dear parents,
Bow to you from all of us to the ground.
Do you remember how first-graders
Did you drive to school with excitement?

Many years have passed since then,
We matured quickly, and now
To the turn of school life stubbornly
Time, as if by the hand, leads.

You have invested love and care,
Learned how to solve problems
And it seems like it's time to go to work.
Let our knowledge and strength

Of course, we will come for advice.
And today we just want to say
That we love you, and with this verse
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.

Our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
In the whole world we can not find.

You have always helped us in everything
And sleepless nights did not sleep.
We were taught, raised, treated,
Surrounded by their care.

On this day, together with us, you also
Our feelings are ready to share.
We spend our school years
We will never forget them!

Thank you parents for
That the nights did not sleep because of us,
That we, beautiful, to the first call
They escorted you to school early in the morning!

For not being scolded if we
Once upon a lesson they played pranks,
Or ball a huge window
In the teacher's room, they accidentally broke it!

Thank you for your support, kindness,
For the tenderness of hands and an affectionate word,
For the true kindness of the heart,
And the fact that we are always ready to help!

Well, that's all, we are adults!
Look, parents, at us!
And, remember, you led us once
First time in a happy first class!

Thank you for all your efforts
For the fact that we have always grown in love!
We will meet your expectations
To be proud of us you could!

Who are we without you, dear parents,
And wise, and very dear,
We thank you for our life
Thank you for your concern!

For the fact that they brought us to the first class,
For being able to deal with us,
That they loved us very much, helped,
Not often, but only scolded for the cause!

We wish you both happiness and good,
From us love, attention and warmth,
And eternal and beautiful youth,
And life is very joyful, happy!

I remember how you saw me off
With flowers and a briefcase in the first class.
And on the line we were childishly shy,
They approached each other, holding on to your sleeve.

I remember the fear of the meeting,
My pranks, victories and successes.
Thank you for all the memories
For guidance, support and fun.

Today, saying goodbye to childhood,
Growing up, we go out into the people.
And in this, no doubt, and for sure
Your great merit!

Thank you parents for your love
For the fact that you help children again and again,
For strictness, thank you for the kind words,
For always being so protective of us!

We love and appreciate you, although we rarely say,
Sometimes we offend you, and often we even get angry,
But you are with us forever, help from the heart,
In our hearts you are always in the most important place.

This farewell call today is for you,
You do not hide the tears that flow from kind eyes,
You blinded us correctly, and opened the way forward,
Thank you dear ones for always being with us!

A wedding is the most touching and exciting moment in the life of every couple in love. A whirlpool of feelings and emotions overwhelms with furious force, and the anticipation of a new family life seems to fascinate with its unpredictability. Everything around promises a bright continuation of a beautiful love-story. But at such a magical and fabulous hour, it is easy to forget about the dearest and most important people who put their lives on the altar of children's happiness - about the parents of the bride and groom. In order not to offend your beloved mom and dad with unintentional indifference, it is better to prepare words of gratitude to your parents at the wedding in advance and choose the most opportune moment to express them. So, beautiful lines in poetry or prose from the bride and groom can be uttered after the blessing for marriage, when leaving the father's house, at the stage of presenting the loaf or at the very end of the festive party. Moreover, not only the wedding day can be a good occasion to express gratitude to moms and dads. A great opportunity to remind your loved ones of your gratitude is a graduation party, an anniversary of the parent's wedding, and even a birthday.

Touching words of gratitude in verses to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom

There are many special moments at the wedding celebration: the exchange of tearful vows of fidelity and wedding rings, the ignition of a symbolic family hearth and the first lyrical dance of the young, the presentation of gifts with congratulations and the throwing of the bride's bouquet. The happiest couple of newlyweds is in the center of all events, the guests are sincerely happy about what is happening, relatives are lost between touching crying and joyful laughter. But among all the guests there are the most honorable and special - moms and dads. They don't talk much and can hardly contain their excitement. But only until the newlyweds rise to say touching words of gratitude in verse to their parents at the wedding from the bride and groom.

Thank you for shedding tears

For the nights that you sat without sleep,

Protecting our peace and dreams

Over the baby's cradle until late.

For the first breath, for the first smile,

For the first step we took.

For birthdays, for the first mistake,

For all the surprises that presented.

For helping us up

And find the connecting thread.

And in a difficult hour from life do not break,

You helped gnaw at the granite of science,

We were guided by a firm hand.

Thank you for everything: for the pain, for the torment,

For our happiness, peace over our heads.

We are here today with you in this hall

Gathered for the birth of a family

And, as once promised in childhood

We bring our bow to the ground.

We enter this life boldly,

Only thanks to you.

We're not just kids anymore

We're a new family.

All that you gave us

We will keep it carefully.

The two of us can't do it

So many cups to break.

Both carpets and bedspreads

They will decorate our house.

Even warm blankets

Let's not let the side lie.

We will arrange all the gifts

In our house in places

We'll make a noisy housewarming

There will be dancing, noise and din.

We will never stop

Mom and dad are the main people

The best people on this earth!

If you're around, I know what will happen

Peace of mind for me and you.

Your warmth will warm you in the cold,

Strong hands will always support

Dear heart, when you get sick,

He can heal you easily.

May God grant you long life, health,

Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!

My family, thank you for everything!

We compose an ode to you in these verses.

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose to parents from the newlyweds at the wedding

Often the bride and groom refuse to choose words of gratitude to their parents at the wedding in the form of touching poems. After all, the long pre-holiday fuss and fatigue, combined with the lyrics of the moment, leave an imprint of excitement on the ability to express one's thoughts. At such moments it is very difficult to follow the rhyme and tact. Therefore, it is much more convenient to compose a thank-you speech in prose lines that can best convey the depth of true feelings.

Dear dads and moms! Today's bread is especially tasty, because it was presented to us by the dearest people - you. Words cannot express how happy we are to have you. It is impossible to express how grateful we are for your support and unconditional love. Thank you, dear ones, for raising us for each other and sharing this day with us. Thanks to the fact that you are near, it has become even more beautiful!

Dear and beloved, our mom and dad, thank you for your tenderness that you gave us when we were little, for the love that warmed us in difficult moments of our lives. We thank you for the gift of happiness to be with you, to feel your warmth and support in the most difficult days.

Heartfelt gratitude to you, our loved ones, our dear ones, our irreplaceable mom and dad. You have always supported us in our most difficult times. But right now, when we are at the peak of happiness, we want to thank you for everything that you have done for us. Thank you for the gifts that we will definitely use in our later life, for the help you provided us in preparing this celebration. And know that we love you as much as you love us!

Dear Mom and Dad!

Today is such a special day, our family has become bigger and I am so happy (happy) that I found (found) my happiness. For all these emotions that I experienced today, I want to thank you, my dear parents! I had a wonderful childhood and this is only thanks to your care, selfless love and kindness in which I grew up (grew up). You have taught me a lot, thank you for these lessons. Now I know what real parents should be and I will also try to raise our children well, give them as much love and affection as I myself had (had myself). I am immensely grateful (grateful) for your help and support during the preparation for one of the most important days of my life and I look forward to your help in the future when our house is filled with children's laughter!

Thank you for everything, family, I love you very much!

Luxurious words of gratitude to the parents of the groom from the bride

At the wedding, it is customary for brides to thank the groom's parents with small but very pleasant gifts. But the simple transfer of presents from hand to hand is completely unacceptable. Before, during or after giving gifts to her husband's relatives, the girl must deliver a beautiful speech in prose or poetry. Luxurious words of gratitude to the parents of the groom from the bride are better to learn in advance, so as not to spoil the beautiful moment with primitive sight reading. Or you can use a simple template, supplementing it with your own thoughts.

An example of the bride's words of thanks to the groom's parents:

Today is the happiest day of my life. I am happy because fate brought me together with such an amazing, kind, sympathetic, loving, etc. a man like ___ (groom's name) who became my husband today.

And I tell you, _______ (mother) and ______ (dad), thank you so much for raising and raising such a wonderful son. After all, only thanks to you, I found true love in my life, which I will carry in my heart through many years.

And as a sign of my heartfelt gratitude, I ask you to accept these modest gifts. Know that I appreciate, respect and love you! Thank you for my husband!

Video with the bride's words of gratitude to the groom's parents

The best words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom

Unlike the bride, the guy should say the best words of gratitude to the bride's parents from the groom at the end of the evening. Warm and sincere speeches coming from the depths of the heart should be spoken respectfully, calmly, quietly and always standing. Parents can be thanked for blessing the marriage, invaluable life experience, help in organizing a beautiful wedding celebration and, of course, holiday gifts. At the end of the speech of thanks to the parents from the groom, it is also worth remembering all the other guests who shared the joy of the newlyweds, about the witnesses who responsibly fulfill their roles, about the cooks, organizers, best man, musicians, etc.

The best words of gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents on the wedding day: video

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse to the godparents at the wedding

According to ancient customs, it is the godparents who are considered the most expensive people after their parents. They are fully entrusted with the role of mentors and spiritual teachers of the child. Godparents in life are responsible for their godchildren, root for their successes and are upset by their failures and mistakes. At a wedding, as in life, such important and necessary guests are given a special place of honor. And just like their parents, the bride and groom dedicate words of gratitude to their godparents in verse.

Two mothers, isn't it strange
But I thank fate
To you, my mother in Christ,
Once stood at the altar.
No wonder you became a godmother,
I am very close and dear,
Caring, and gentle most,
It's good to have you with me.
Your attention is so important to me
Your kind smile
'Cause you're always by my side,
When I need it.
Let everything you want come true
Love and happiness give light
I will share with you forever
After all, the best godmother

Thank God for a crown in life
Held by my godfather.
The warmth of his heart always warmed
When I was in trouble.
He melted the ice with his soul,
And he always told me: "Only forward!"
He knocked down my tear with a smile,
When it was difficult, he always helped!
You mean a lot to me,
You are the godfather, that's a lot!
I wish, sincerely loving,
I am an easy way of life!

There is so much love and warmth in the word "godmother"
Light tenderness, sensitivity, affection ...
For me, you were a sorceress in childhood
From the tale you told!
And now I still come to you -
I rest with you in spirit.
You know, godmother, how I treasure you!
How I need you in my life, dear!
How dear are your good hands,
You, like in childhood, hug me.
Too rarely I tell you about love
You forgive, you forgive me everything ...
And my luck, and my care -
How are you ready to accept yours?
“I love you, godmother! I love it very much!”
I will repeat this again and again!!!

Solemn thanksgiving words in prose to godparents at a wedding

Many newlyweds consider beautiful words of gratitude in verse to godparents at a wedding a big banality. Instead of poetic lines, the guys compose beautiful prose texts with mentions of funny moments from childhood, life instructions, and even the first gifts they received from their godfather and mother. Such a text, as a rule, evokes much more emotions than the usual rhymes with template phrases.

Dear godparents! I am glad that on such an important day you are by my side. Thanks for having you in my life. If parents are relatives by blood, then godparents are kindred in spirit, and how to understand who is really the closest? Let everything be in your life: good and bad, black and white, bitter and sweet, beautiful and terrible. After all, as long as we have something to compare with, we have the opportunity to choose. I am always glad to see you and will never forget what you taught me all my life.

They say: "If a student surpassed his teacher, then this means that the teacher was good." Rest assured, I will not make you ashamed of me and blush. I will achieve a lot in life and build a strong family, I will be able to live a life together so that you can proudly say: this is our godson! Thank you for everything you have done for me. We will never forget this, and I will always be glad to see you.

I thank my godparents for their cheerful disposition, for their ability to listen and understand me, for their kindness, for their sensitivity towards me, for showing the highest degree of interest in my life, for always finding time for me, and in in general, simply for the fact that they are! Without you, life would be completely faceless! I love you!

Sincere words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their daughter in verse

The birthday of your beloved parents is another great occasion to express sincere words of gratitude in verse from your own daughter. In the company of relatives and friends, mom or dad will be doubly pleased to appreciate the love, sense of tact, level of education and appreciation of their children. Especially if they were not too lazy to prepare a speech in advance and rehearse its pronunciation. So:

  1. The most sincere words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their daughter in verse should come from the heart, and not from a collection of primitive toasts. After all, it is better to have your own not very harmonious words than stereotyped phrases;
  2. An invariable element of thanksgiving words is respect. This means that even close people should pronounce them standing up, without excessive gestures and feigned pathos;
  3. It is better to say words of gratitude on your parents' birthday calmly, measuredly, with a genuine smile on your face.

An example of thanksgiving words to parents from a daughter on her birthday

I ask for a moment of attention
We have more to tell you
And now let's make a toast
We raise for parents.
We sincerely wish you
Good health, and may
Your wrinkles will smooth out
Sorrow and sadness will come off the face.
Live happily and amicably
But who gave birth to you must be remembered.
Who brought to people, brought up,
Who dressed and warmed
Whose hands rocked you as a child,
And who is with you today.
Love them and respect
And never forget.
They don't need much
If only you could live together.

Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think people will agree
What a toast to parents should be raised,
We wish you health and happiness!
I ask everyone to raise their glasses
For the happiness of mother, father,
And I offer all guests
For this drink to the end!
We thank you for all your efforts
Thank you for all the experiences
For a warm, homely atmosphere,
For the long preparation, yesterday.
At the table that was set in detail,
For not succumbing to circumstances.
Thank you for the warmth, attention
And for parental understanding.

My parents are so precious
They gave me their warmth all my life.
I was not afraid of any adversity
And everything went well in life.
Thank you for investing in me
You didn’t sleep through the nights, you didn’t finish your bread.
Your care kept my life,
Love protected from all troubles.

Parents, thank you for your understanding.
You are what inspires me to live.
You gave me love and education
I will forever thank you.

Words of gratitude in prose from the son to his beloved parents on a bright birthday

Beautiful words of gratitude from a son to his beloved parents on his birthday do not have to sound in verse or in ordinary prose. As a thank you gift, you can draw (print, glue, etc.) a bright rainbow for mom and dad and give it a beautiful explanation. For example:

“Thank you, dear mom and dad, for teaching me to sincerely believe in feelings and listen to emotions. Your instructions are like a rainbow to me. Where:

  • red - the ability to love instilled from childhood;
  • orange is the color of holidays and joyful events in our family life;
  • yellow - the color of the kindness and warmth you gave;
  • green - nature, which you introduced me to in early childhood;
  • blue is the color of a dream that you have been taught to believe in;
  • blue - the depth of your support and support;
  • purple is logic. 'Cause you always say, "Listen with your heart, but listen with your mind"

Thank you, my dears, for the rainbow!”

An example of thanksgiving words in prose from a son to mom or dad for a birthday

Eloquence is not my trait, but today I am not afraid to speak. After all, my gratitude to you, mother, father, is huge. Thank you for your patience, care and support throughout. Mom, you have invested in me the best - tenderness, kindness and sympathy. Father, you taught me what it means to be a man. Only thanks to you I was able to achieve what I have today. And the path that I am embarking on today - a new life in a new family - is also partly your merit. In gratitude, I will be your support.

Dad! Mother! You will always be the best people for me, and I will always love and respect you endlessly. Despite all the quarrels and misunderstandings that occurred, I firmly knew that at any moment I could turn to you for support and help. Dad. Your jokes could cheer me up at any moment if I was upset. Thanks for them. And for tacitly approving my actions and my choice. Mother. I have no one closer to you. At any moment, you knew what exactly I needed - to be silent or cry, talk or hear advice, or maybe just eat! Thank you for everything. You are the best in the world!

Mother, father! I thank the universe that I have you. So kind and patient, bright and loving. Without your support and advice, I would have been incredibly difficult and lonely. Daddy! You showed me what a man should be like, you knew how to cheer up and calm me down. Dear mom, the warmth of your hands warms my heart every minute. Thank you my best people!

Exciting words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 9

Composing an exciting speech of thanks to parents, graduates of the 9th grade forget about other equally important elements. For example, about beautiful bouquets of bright flowers, symbolizing youth and beauty, about small presents as a gift for efforts, about the proper design of the text “as a keepsake”. After all, exciting words of gratitude to parents at graduation in the 9th grade can not only be read at the end of the event, but also arranged into beautiful wall charters or letters of thanks. So sincere manifestations of love and gratitude will remain not only in the memory of moms and dads, but also on the most prominent sideboard shelf.

Like a path through an unknown planet,

Words of gratitude to dear parents from children graduating from grade 11 can be made up of a whole series of small speeches. The plan for the closing speech would be something like this:

  1. Words of sincere gratitude to parents from children at graduation in grade 11 and to all the other guests who came;
  2. Short memories of school events dedicated to parents;
  3. Solemn thanks to the teachers and all the staff of the school;
  4. Demonstration of collages or a video in gratitude to moms and dads;
  5. A promise to continue to love and listen to relatives, despite age and a new, more responsible stage in life.

Text of gratitude speech to parents from 11th grade graduates

We must say at this hour

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped grow

And it will help a lot.

Parents follow us invisibly

And in joy, and at the hour when trouble came,

They seek to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, there are no people more valuable than you.

As they say, children are the joy in life,

And you are our support in it!

Let sometimes it was difficult with us,

But you always understood us!

native parents,

Thank you for being with us

Together with you we went through school,

And you helped us a lot!

For your support and patience,

For parental opinion

For all relatives, we say "thank you" to you,

And for you, we will pass the exams “excellently”!

Congratulations on graduation!
Your child has grown.
So much life ahead
So much happiness on the way!
We wish you only good
So that from night to morning
Graduate studied, thought
And I didn't want to relax.
To do well
And he was successful in life!

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at a wedding from the bride and groom, at a graduation or for a birthday - this is not only a tribute to traditions, but also the best way to express your love and once again convince of your respect. The selection of words of gratitude in prose or in verse should be taken seriously so as not to spoil a beautiful and heartbreaking moment.

The guests of honor at the wedding are the closest people of the bride and groom - their parents, who often take a direct part in the preparation of the holiday itself, helping both financially and organizationally. Therefore, the portal advises you to say a few words of gratitude to your parents at the wedding, thereby expressing all your love and gratitude.

It can be both beautiful wedding toasts for parents, and touching words of the bride and / or groom at the end of the celebration. Or maybe you have a beautiful voice? Then prepare gratitude for your parents not in prose or poetry, but in the form of a song that you will perform at the wedding, surprising them with your creativity!

In the middle or end of the celebration, you can express gratitude to your parents, because they are the most honored guests at the wedding. You can even say the words of a thank-you speech together, showing that harmony and mutual understanding reign in the newly formed family! What can be the words of gratitude of the newlyweds? Here are some examples for creative inspiration!

Dear parents, we would like to say a huge “thank you” to you for your love and care that you have surrounded us with all our lives. You have always supported us in any undertakings and helped in everything. And even this wonderful holiday we organized only with your help, without you we would not be able to fulfill all our dreams! Thank you for being and being in our lives!

Dear parents, we want to thank you for everything you have done for us. We cannot wish for ourselves other dads and moms, because there is simply no better you. You have always surrounded us with great love and care, supported us in everything, were our support and protection. Therefore, today, on such an important day for us, we want to say “thank you” to you and promise that we will try to become the same exemplary parents as you are. Remember that we love and appreciate you!

Dear parents, we would like to thank you for helping to realize our cherished dream - to organize such a luxurious wedding! Without you, we would not have been able to make this day so amazing and magical. And we are talking not only about your help, but about your presence at the holiday and kind words spoken to us. Without you, we cannot imagine a second of our life, neither before, nor now, nor in the future!

Dear parents, we want to say “thank you” to you for everything you have done for us, because from birth you surrounded us with love and care, attention and support. You have created strong and happy families, which are a real example for us. And we will try to build our relations in the same way - in love and mutual understanding. Thank you for being with us on this important day for us, which makes it even more beautiful and magical, because you are the most dear people, without whom it is impossible to imagine a single day of our life!

Dear parents, on our wedding day
We want to say thank you for the love and warmth,
For your care, attention and tenderness,
For helping us make our dream come true!
Thank you for your attention and congratulations,
For touching, beautiful words.
For blessing us
Thank you and we will always love you!

Words of gratitude to parents from the bride

At a wedding, you can often hear beautiful toasts from parents. But the newlyweds themselves can prepare a touching speech for them. For example, if the bride wants to please the groom's parents, she can turn to them with words of gratitude. Moreover, at the wedding it is customary to give gifts to the groom's relatives, and this whole process can just be accompanied by beautiful and warm words addressed to them. Gratitude to parents at a wedding from the bride can be written both in prose and in verse, for example.

Dear ______ and _______, I want to say “thank you” to you for raising such a son - a real man and gentleman who made me the happiest in the world. I feel behind him, like behind a stone wall, always surrounded by care and love. And I am sure that this is all your merit! I promise that I will always love and appreciate your son, making every day we live together joyful and wonderful!

Dear _____ and _____, I want to thank you for the happiness that you gave me in the person of your son. I know deep down it's hard for you to let him out of your home. But know that I will love and appreciate him, surround him with care and support in all endeavors. And if you need something, know that you can always contact me, I will be happy to help you, both with advice and deed!

Today is not easy for you, I know
Let your son leave the house.
But I promise you
To be a caring wife
Share with him joy or sorrow,
Take care and save your family.
Let me tell you, even though you knew about it:
Madly I love him!
For a real man
For giving me happiness
For a wonderful son
I thank you doubly!

Words of gratitude to parents from the groom

The most common option is the speech of the bride at the wedding, addressed to the parents of the chosen one, but the groom can also express special gratitude to the parents of his beloved for raising such a treasure.

Thank you, _____ and _____, for raising such a beautiful daughter - the standard of a woman and wife for me, because there is so much tenderness and kindness in her that every minute spent with her is filled with joy and happiness. I promise you that I will appreciate and love your daughter, protect her from all sorts of troubles and make her the happiest every second of our life together!

Dear _____ and _____, I want to say “thank you” to you for finding your happiness, because without you this could not have happened. You have raised a beautiful girl who will become for me an excellent wife and mother of future children, because you have laid only the best qualities in her. And no wonder, because such kind and sympathetic people can only have such a beautiful daughter as _____. Thank you for sharing this day with us, we hope that we will continue to be friends with families, supporting each other in everything!

Today is your holiday
And with that I congratulate you
Thank you I want to say
Thanks to you, we are walking now.

You gave me happiness.
After all, here she is, next to me.
We promise to live in happiness
And for each other to be a mountain!

Words of gratitude to guests and specialists

Many speeches are heard at the wedding: touching toasts from parents in verse and prose, wishes of friends, colleagues and relatives. But the bride and groom can also say a few words of gratitude to the guests for coming to the wedding and sharing this important day with them. In addition, if the newlyweds and guests are delighted with the host, you can express gratitude to him for the excellent wedding!

Dear guests, we would like to say “thank you so much” for sharing this important day with us. Thank you for the gifts, kind words and touching wishes. Thanks to you, the celebration was held in such a positive and friendly atmosphere filled with joy and fun! We hope that in the future we will often meet on pleasant occasions and events!

My fiancee and I would like to express our gratitude to Toastmaster _____ for a job well done. It was thanks to your professionalism that our celebration turned out to be so cheerful and sincere. You easily created a positive and relaxed atmosphere at the wedding, in which each of the guests felt comfortable and cozy, wanted to have fun more and more. And this is your merit! We cannot imagine a better host than you, and we will recommend you to all our friends and acquaintances!

The portal told what words of gratitude from the bride and groom can be: in verse and prose, long and short. Which option to choose - it's up to you! In any case, your relatives and friends will appreciate your efforts and the attention given to them, because there is nothing more touching and tender than words of gratitude to parents from the young, said in front of everyone at the wedding!


    The wedding day is the most important day in the life of a young couple. Everyone is waiting for the approach of the celebration: the groom, the bride, and their parents. For everyone, this is an equally exciting moment: for young people, a wedding is the beginning of a new life, for their parents, their child is growing up before their eyes.

    For the bride, it is especially important that the celebration goes perfectly. This requires careful preparation - wedding attire, table, hall decoration - all this requires attention. Surely, your mother or the mother of the groom helps you in such a matter. Together, as you know, it is much easier to cope, and support is simply necessary for the festive fuss.

    Agree that your parents played a significant role in arranging life. They supported in difficult times, directed you in the right direction. These are the only people who were always there, despite quarrels and omissions.

    One of the highlights of the wedding

    Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding are one of the most touching events of the celebration. Each of the newlyweds has something to say to their parents. However, it would be much more correct to say thank you to the parents of the groom (bride).

    If you are a creative person, then it will not be difficult for you to make a solemn speech for loved ones. By the way, the poem of his own composition is a very original version. Parents will be very pleased to hear important words in a beautiful way.

    As for cramming, one should not memorize verses dedicated to parents. The fact is that at a wedding the atmosphere can be exciting, not everyone will be able to overcome their fear of the stage.

    If you decide to give a carefully thought-out speech, then work it out in advance. It is advisable to write it down on a piece of paper so as not to remember the well-chosen words a minute ago. Thus, you have stated all thoughts. It remains to add sincerity so that parents know that the words you said are not just a learned text.

    This is where improvisation comes in handy. Even if you forgot any fragment, you will always pick up words on the go. Here they will add sincerity to your speech. The best option is to prepare a joint speech. The words of the bride and groom are the most important and important for parents.

    Remember that now you are one and, accordingly, the speech should be one for two. It will even be a plus. If, for example, one of you is shy and gets lost in public, you take on the role of speaker. And at the end (or during the speech), your significant other inserts a few warm phrases as a complement. What could be better?

    Thanks to parents for bread and salt

    So, after the wedding and an unforgettable walk, the newlyweds go to a restaurant for a banquet. According to tradition, parents meet spouses with a loaf, that is, with bread and salt. The role of the bride and groom is as follows: bite off a piece of loaf and say thank you.

    How to express gratitude to parents at a wedding for bread and salt? Following the customs, you can say the following:
    “Our dear and beloved parents! We thank you for everything: for warmth and love, for parental shelter, for a wonderful loaf! We know that not a single table can do without bread, and a dish without salt. We believe that both bread and salt will be present on our table, and we will always be happy to share them with you! Thank you very much!"

    If you want to make your wedding original, then the way you express gratitude should also be special. For example, you can print a beautifully designed letter to parents, which will contain the same words of gratitude. Then print it on a color printer and present it to your family.

    Bride's words of gratitude to her husband's parents

    In the middle of the festive evening, you will have the opportunity to thank the parents of your beloved. It will be right if the bride prepares small gifts for them in advance. The words of the bride must be sincere and beautiful.

    What can she say? The gist of her speech is as follows:
    “I want to thank you, dear _______ (name of the groom’s mother and groom’s father)! Today is the happiest day of my life. I am very grateful to you because you raised such a wonderful person as your son. I am happy that I met him and fell in love. He is a very kind and sympathetic person, with whom I will be glad to share all his sorrows and sufferings, as well as joy and victories. I realized that I found true love and will keep it in my heart for the rest of my life. I really appreciate and love your son. Thank you very much! As a token of my gratitude, please accept small gifts.

    Last thanks for the wedding evening

    At the end of the celebration, when all the toasts and congratulations have been pronounced, it remains for the newlyweds to express gratitude to their parents at the wedding. These words of the bride and groom should be the most sincere, coming from the heart.

    Gratitude should be pronounced in a firm, confident voice, always standing. The young couple say thank you for the help that their parents provided them, for the invaluable experience they gave their children. It must be emphasized that the wise advice that parents gave was very useful in life. It is appropriate for newlyweds to say about their love for them.

    Respect, love, mutual understanding and support are the foundation of a strong marriage. Do not forget to mention how important it is for them (the young couple) the presence and support of their parents at the wedding. Thank them for giving a blessing to a life together.

    Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding in verse

      My relatives, beloved parents ...
      I wish you to live together forever.
      After all, between you there is always an invisible
      And so kindred love is a beautiful thread.

      And in the wedding I want to say again,
      (Even though you've known about it for so long)
      In my heart I keep you, and despite the quarrels,
      Which is rare, but it happens, I love you anyway!

      My relatives and beloved mom, dad,
      I will kiss you at the wedding, hug you,
      And I wish it didn't rain today.
      And the sun was bright not only in the morning.

      Live for many years in boundless love.
      Cook together, have fun and go for a walk.
      And in old age, gently holding the handle,
      Remember the moments of wonderful life!

      My relatives and good
      Congratulations on your wedding!
      To live together for a very long time
      And spent an hour nearby!

      Like a daughter, I love my parents
      I wish you happy moments...
      For mother to be an inspiration
      And dad to those whom everyone is waiting for!

      The wind of change has blown into our lives,
      We fell in love, you supported us
      We want to protect you in return.
      From anxiety, from unrest, from sadness.
      In gratitude, we will give you grandchildren,
      Five boys or five girls
      Let them bawl and scream
      Getting out of your diapers.
      Our gratitude for love
      We can no longer express in words.
      We are your life and your blood
      We will stay with you forever.

    Words of gratitude to parents at a wedding in prose

      Dear and beloved, our mom and dad, thank you for your tenderness that you gave us when we were little, for the love that warmed us in difficult moments of our lives. We thank you for the gift of happiness to be with you, to feel your warmth and support in the most difficult days.

      “Our dear and beloved dad and mom! We are sincerely grateful to you for all the gifts presented by you, for your attention and the warmth that you give us along with things. Thank you very much for the tenderness that surrounded us, even when we were little children, for the love that never left us and supported us in the most difficult moments. It is happiness to be near you, to constantly feel your support in difficult times and the warmth that has always given us strength. We will always take an example only from you, come for advice, respect and love you.

      “Our dear father and mother! Thank you very much for the salt and bread that you prepared especially for us. We promise you to cherish our happiness as carefully as you gave us this bread, to love and appreciate each other all your life. We thank you for all the support you have given us and we hope that it will accompany us all the time.”

      “Our dear and beloved dad and mom! Please accept our heartfelt thanks. You have always supported us in difficult times of life. But right now, when we are at the very peak of our happiness, we want to thank you for everything you have done for us. But at the same time, we understand that it is very difficult to find words of gratitude and it is impossible to convey the feelings that we experience. Thank you very much for the gifts that we will definitely use in family life, for all the help provided to us in the preparation of this celebration. We have always looked up to you and will try to justify your expectations, and in which case, we will definitely ask for advice.”