The best dry premium dog food. Rating of the best food for dogs of large and small breeds

Any owner of a four-legged pet knows that the health, activity and attractive appearance of a dog depend primarily on its nutrition. But choosing the right diet for an animal is quite difficult, because the food should not only be nutritious and balanced, it should contain useful supplements (vitamins, minerals and trace elements). And in this matter, many owners trust television advertising or rely on the opinions of friends and prefer dry kibble. Does dry food meet all the needs of dogs, as its manufacturers guarantee, what products are crunchy kibbles actually made from, and what do veterinarians think about this?

Dry food: disadvantages and advantages

Dry food has a number of undeniable advantages. Read about them below.

Ever since packages with dry dog ​​food appeared on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies and supermarkets, disputes between the owners of these animals, and even the veterinarians themselves, have not subsided.

Opponents of this type of feeding believe that only natural food (meat, cereals, dairy products and vegetables) can satisfy the need of animals for a daily calorie intake and essential vitamins. Adherents of dry food disagree with this opinion and are sure that crunchy kibbles contain not only meat, but also components such as cereals, vegetables and minerals, so they are an excellent alternative to natural food.

Opponents of dry food believe that natural food is better for the dog.

It is difficult to answer which of them is right, because dry food, compared to natural food, has both a number of undeniable advantages and many significant disadvantages. And before transferring a four-legged pet to ready-made food, each owner must carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Pros of dry food

Dry dog ​​food has a wide variety.

  • Big choice . You can choose food for a pet, taking into account not only its dimensions and breed, but also factors such as the sterilization of the animal, the age of the pet, or certain types of products.
  • Time saving . To feed your pet, it is enough to pour a portion of dry granules into his bowl, because it does not need to be boiled like meat or porridge.
  • Tartar prevention . Dry food helps to clean the dog's teeth from plaque and prevents the formation of tartar.
  • Content of vitamins and minerals . Premium feed contains trace elements necessary for animals, so the owner does not have to buy additional vitamins in a pharmacy.
  • Availability and long shelf life . Packets of crispy granules can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or nearby supermarket, in addition, such food practically does not deteriorate and can be bought with a margin.

Cons of dry food

  • Expensive price . High-quality food is not cheap, and not every owner can afford to buy it. A cheap one will not only not bring any benefit to the dog, but can also harm his health.
  • It causes addiction . Some dogs become so addicted to dry kibble that they may refuse any other food afterwards.
  • high salt content . Ready-made dry food is very salty, so the owner must ensure that the four-legged pet always has access to clean, fresh water.
  • The monotony of the diet . The dog's daily menu consists of the same dry granules, even if they are tasty.
  • Difficulty of choice . Many owners find it difficult to find the right food for their pet.

Cheap dry food is harmful to the dog.

It must be remembered that a complete diet is important not only for a thoroughbred pet, but also for an ordinary mongrel who does not have a pedigree and titled ancestors. Therefore, each owner should consult with a veterinarian before transferring a pet to dry food.

What ingredients and components is dry dog ​​food made from?

In television advertising, beautiful and well-groomed dogs with great pleasure eat fragrant dry granules poured by a caring owner. And, as advertising promises, such food gives animals energy and strength, because it contains only components that are useful for dogs.

But in reality, most manufacturers make dog food from ground into flour, offal, tendons, bones and internal organs. And they also add soy, starch, cornmeal, dry egg powder and chicken fat to it. Therefore, do not believe commercials that prepared food contains a lot of meat, it is there no more than 20–30%.

Premium food comes at a high price.

In addition, the composition of dry kibbles also includes preservatives with flavorings, which in no way can be called beneficial to the health of dogs.

On the contrary, stabilizers and food coloring can harm the animal's digestive system or cause allergies. As a rule, harmful additives can be found in the composition of all cheap economy-class foods, so you should not hope that your dog will get the maximum benefit from such food.

The idea of ​​writing an article about dog nutrition has been on my mind for a long time. Now the time has come, our little Jack Russell Terriers are getting ready to go to their new homes, and I have to help the owners understand this complex topic.

Types of dog food

Conventionally, all types of dog food can be divided into three groups:
1. natural nutrition ("natural"),
2. mixed meals and
3. feeding with dry food (“drying”).

In the cynological world, "natural" and "drying" have their adherents and opponents. In this matter, I do not speak categorically. The only thing I categorically do not accept is feeding the dog “from the table”. A dog is not a pig, so table scraps, soups, porridge, pasta, in my opinion, are categorically not suitable for dog food!

Let's turn to nature

Let's reason in order. To begin with, let's remember that the dog belongs to the canids - a family of mammals of the order predatory. What do predators eat in the wild? Meat first! Predators survive at the expense of other animals by eating the muscle meat, internal organs, connective tissue, bones, fat, and skins of their prey. Often this is "stuffed" meat. For example, a killed deer has fermented (that is, already processed with food juice and partially digested) food in its stomach, which will also be eaten by a predator. Eating the stomach of its herbivorous prey, the predator receives nutrients and trace elements for its health. What do deer eat? Grass, berries, fruits, leaves, etc. Do you get what I mean?..

The dog's metabolism is adapted for digestion and assimilation, in the first place, animal food. Animal proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs) have always been and should remain the basis of a dog's diet. In addition to animal food, a dog needs herbal ingredients. I think you noticed that domestic dogs periodically chew grass or eat berries from the bushes. Vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds, and plants (but in smaller amounts than animal protein) are also natural diets for carnivores.

Dry or natural?

I feed my dogs dry food. Why I stopped on dry food, I substantiated in this article. Of course, I envy those owners who can provide their dogs with the right, balanced, healthy natural food! Check out the article Looking at these photos, even a person will salivate! To SO feeding a dog requires not only a lot of time, desire and opportunities, but also serious knowledge about how to make a balanced diet. Start by learning the material 30 foods forbidden for dogs. I am sure this information will be of great help to novice dog owners. Yes, and experienced, I think, will not be superfluous either!

All this was just a preface. 😉 Moving on to the main topic:

What is the best dry dog ​​food?

Firstly, appropriate for the dog's age! You should not buy puppy food for adult dogs and vice versa - give adult food intended for young animals.

Left dry food for Savarra puppies from 1 to 12 months (inscription on the Puppy pack), dry food on the right Savarra for adult dogs of all breeds from 1 year to 7 years (Adult all Breeds):

Pay attention to the inscriptions on the pack - Puppy And Adult all Breeds.

Secondly, when choosing dry food, be sure to consider the size of your dog, depending on the breed, the composition of the feed and the size of its granules vary.

Both dry food in the photo Pro Plan for Puppy (Puppy), but left for small breeds (from 1 to 10 kg), and the right one for breeds of medium size (from 10 to 25 kg).

Look at the indicated weight of the puppy on the packs of food - 1/10 kg And 10/25 kg

See how different the pellets of these feeds are?

Dry food granules Pro-Plan for puppies: left for puppies 1-10 kg, on right for 10-25 kg

Another example of a variety of dry food for adult dogs from the same manufacturer is 1st Choice: Dry food 1st Choice for adult dogs (Adult) - left Hypoallergenic (for dogs older than a year), medium for dogs large and medium breeds (from 14 months to 6 years), right food for decorative and small breeds (aged 10 months to 8 years).

The food differs not only depending on the age of the dogs, but also on the size of the breeds!

It is difficult for decorative mini-breeds to chew large granules intended for large dogs. And large breeds will swallow without chewing and choke on miniature breed pellets. Therefore, both options for such a "resort" are not suitable!

On the left, dry food pellets for adult dogs 1st Choice for large breeds, and on the right for small ones.

These are the two main parameters that are ALWAYS taken into account!

In addition, an impressive list is produced specialized feed: for dietary nutrition of dogs with various diseases (for example, with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), for neutered and sterilized dogs, for allergic animals, for elderly dogs. Lactating and pregnant bitches also eat specialized foods that are most often suitable for puppies. It is very comfortable! You can buy one package for everyone - for puppies and nursing mothers. 🙂

A few words about the packaging of dry food

There are "probes" of feed weighing up to half a kilogram, there are packs of 1 kg, 3 kg, 7 kg, 12 kg, 20 kg. I'm giving you average figures. The weights of various packaging from different manufacturers are slightly different, but that's not the point.

When converted per kilogram, the cost of dry food in a large pack is less than in a smaller pack.

An example of different packaging of the same feed Savarra - 3 kg and 1 kg.

Is it worth it to buy large packages if they are more profitable for the price? My answer is everything needs a measure. Firstly, if you are only introducing this type of dry food, then it is definitely not worth getting excited!

I remember the case when we bought dry food of the Brit brand (we liked the composition, the manufacturer, and the reviews about it), and Sobakevich categorically refused to eat it. I tried to transfer to a new food smoothly, mixing a little new food into the old one, and he chose the granules of the new one and laid them out of the bowl on the floor ...

It happens! The dog did not like this food and that's it! It’s good that I didn’t get greedy then and bought a small pack of 800 grams, and did not immediately buy a large one of 3 kg.

Another interesting point from my observations. At exhibitions, for example, they often distribute promotional samples of various feeds. It would seem that a great reason to look at the reaction of the dog to the new food - like it or not. So, even if a dog eats a sampler with apparent pleasure, she may not like the same food from a large pack bought in a store. That's why so? Maybe the quality of food in advertising samples is higher than that of the same food in the store?..

Store opened packs of dry food tightly closed. Make sure that it does not remain open after you poured a portion of food out of it for the dog.

Back to why you shouldn't buy oversized packs of food...
Secondly, the smell of food is very important for a dog. If the food smells weak, it is of little interest to the dog. Over time, the food in an open pack disappears and loses its smell. The dog eats this food without pleasure. Hence the conclusion - do not buy packs that the dog will eat for a long time. Another thing is if you have more than one dog. This means that a pack of larger weight will be eaten faster and will not have time to lose its attractive smell.

When buying dry dog ​​food, do not be too lazy to check the expiration date on the pack!

Classification of dry dog ​​food

Important! At the moment, there are no legal norms, GOSTs or other standards by which it would be possible to clearly and unambiguously subdivide industrial dry dog ​​food into certain classes.

The existing classification of feed, unfortunately, is rather arbitrary and is more of a marketing nature, helping manufacturers to position their product in the target consumer segment of interest.

It is logical to assume that “super premium” dry food should be more expensive and better than “economy” food. But is it always like this? I will teach you how not to fall for beautiful packaging and empty advertising promises!

The main classes of dry food:

1. Economy class. The target consumers of such feeds are people who seek to feed the animal at minimal cost. You will find bright packs with these feeds in the markets and chain supermarkets. Some large chains produce economy-class food under their own brands.

Often packs with economy food are decorated with empty but loud phrases like “appetizing”, “delicious” and a picture with multi-colored food pellets and cheerful animals.

Advertising of such feeds is known to everyone, it is often shown on the central channels, it is professionally executed and awakens the best feelings in us, and therefore causes gullible viewers to dislike these brands ...

Economy class dry food usually has a fairly narrow line that does not go beyond the dog's age (puppies and adults) and breed size (small, medium and large).

If you start to read the composition of economy feeds, you will easily understand that there are no specific ingredients! It is very difficult to understand unambiguously what exactly this food is made of. Common phrases such as "meat and offal" do not carry information about which animal's meat was used in production, in what form, what percentage of it is in the feed, etc. This abstract formulation allows a lot of "creativity" freedom for producers, and feed formulations vary considerably from batch to batch. And under the concept of "chicken" flour from the "remains" - the bones, beaks and skin of the bird gets into the feed ...

Although, let's be honest, expecting fresh meat and fish, as well as healthy additives, in an economy class food is stupid. But cheap grains (such as corn, which is not healthy for dogs), dyes, preservatives and flavors are always present in them. Perhaps that is why dogs eat such food with an appetite.

If you love your pets and wish them a long, happy life in good health, I strongly advise against buying economy class food!

2. Premium class. Unfortunately, most often, this inscription on the feed is just “dust in the eye” for the consumer! Premium feeds are not far from the economy class in their composition, and the inscription “premium quality” on the pack does not mean at all that you have a “premium quality” product in your hands.

The main difference that I see in premium class food compared to economy class is the further expansion of the food line: according to tastes (chicken, lamb, etc.) and physiological characteristics of dogs (hypoallergenic food, for old or, for example, slimming dogs).

3. Super premium and ultra premium feed is significantly more expensive than the above. Such feeds are sold exclusively in specialized pet stores and veterinary clinics. Super-premium foods are heavily promoted at dog shows. They are distinguished by a VERY wide product line and the presence of special functional additives for the health of dogs (to maintain the immune system, teeth, joints or better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - prebiotics, hodroprotectors, etc.).

4. Holistic class. A relatively new and trendy class of food, which is based on the philosophy that diseases should be prevented, not treated, so nutrition should be perfectly balanced. The Greek word "holos" is translated as "harmonious", "whole".

Marketers have firmly fixed in the minds of consumers a stable connection between the concepts of "holistic" and "elite product". The price of holistic feeds is much higher than even the considerable cost of super premium feeds.

Holistic diets include not only quality meat and fish ingredients, vegetables and fruits, but also grains, which I personally do not approve of as they are non-species-specific food for a carnivore. But holistic people like to surprise with the exotic fruits included in the diet of dogs - pomegranate, bananas and papaya, which you will not find in their composition! 🙂

5. Class "biologically appropriate" feed. This is a new class of feed for the Russian market. At the heart of "biologically appropriate" is the desire to imitate as closely as possible the composition of the food that the wild ancestors of dogs received in natural conditions, in the production of dry food.

Outwardly, the packaging with BS food is less flashy, the emphasis is on naturalness - often images of nature are used in the design.

Biologically appropriate feeds have a high percentage (70% or more) of quality animal proteins (meat, poultry and fish). Quality in this case means - obtained from fresh natural raw materials.

Also in BS feeds, various vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices are present in a small amount. The grain component and artificial dyes are not used in such feeds, and the preservatives used are exclusively of natural origin.

About dry food prices

An interesting point, which is not at all obvious to dog owners (and not only beginners, but sometimes even experienced ones)!

If you compare the prices per kilogram of premium food and BS food (or the prices of two equal packages, if you prefer), you will see significant difference.

However, if you recalculate this amount by the number of days that the dog needs this amount of food (the cost of a day's feeding of this food), you will realize that this difference is not so big! The fact is that BS food is more nutritious, therefore, its daily intake (in grams) is less than that of premium food.

It turns out that the "daily cost" of the feed BS far from scary as it might seem at first glance!

Learning to read the composition of the feed!

Conclusions about the quality of dry food should be made not based on the price, the attractiveness of the packaging design and looking at the specified class (in which, by the way, your food MYSELF defined manufacturer), and above all by analyzing COMPOUND stern!

According to Russian law, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate the composition in descending order of the ingredients in accordance with their weight at the time of entry into the feed. However, manufacturers have the right not to disclose the specific amount of each ingredient and their percentage ratio ...

To get started with the quality of dry dog ​​food, you FORCED learn READ And UNDERSTAND food composition!

Start analyzing the composition, taking into account first FIVE ingredients in the list - they are the basis of this food. When choosing dry dog ​​food, try to build on the recommendations below.

What is the best dry dog ​​food

1. In which more meat! Always remember that dogs are carnivores and animal proteins are vital to them. Quality meat, fish and poultry (chicken, lamb, rabbit, salmon, etc.) should be the main ingredients in dry food.

For example, I really like the Genesis formula, which is 80% meat!

2. Know that replacing animal proteins in the feed vegetable proteins and carbohydrates (using rice, wheat, barley, potatoes, legumes and, especially, corn), the manufacturer significantly reduces its costs for raw materials and degrades food quality!

Separately want to stay on corn. I would recommend buying a food that contains this ingredient either absent, or at least not in the top five in composition. And this applies to all possible derivatives of corn, such as: corn starch, bran, stigmas, corn germ, grits, whether it be whole grain, ground or crushed corn.

The manufacturer uses corn in the production of feed as the cheapest and most affordable source of protein, thereby saving on meat components!

Any derivatives of corn in dry food are NOT HEALTHY for the dog's body - corn protein (gluten) often causes food allergies in dogs, and excess carbohydrates can lead to obesity and diabetes.

I repeat - it is animal proteins that are the correct basis for the dog's diet, therefore, in good food, they occupy the first positions in the composition.

An example of the composition of dry holistic food for puppies Savarra

3. When analyzing the composition of the feed, pay attention for the presence of "splits", due to which manufacturers mislead the consumer.

Let's show an example Babin poop. The manufacturer positions its food as super-premium. Here is its composition:

Is 35% meat a lot? It would seem that since the ingredient is in the first place, and the percentage of its content is the largest. However, not all so simple! The second in the composition is corn, but its percentage is not indicated, and here's why. In 6th place in the composition we see corn gluten. This means that the manufacturer deliberately shows the corn not as a single whole, but by crushing it into two separate ingredients. Thanks to the use of such a “split”, meat comes out on top in the composition. Most likely, if you combine the percentage of corn and corn gluten, their total figure can outweigh the proportion of meat in the composition and “jump” ahead! Here is such a sad arithmetic. Here's a super-premium food for you, based on corn! By the way, I still do not touch on the fact that more than a third of the meat component is a mystery covered in darkness! More on this in the next paragraph.

4. Pay Attention not only on the quantity of meat, but also on its quality. In high-quality feed, not only is the percentage of the content of the meat component necessarily indicated, but an accurate and its unambiguous definition.

abstract controversial concepts such as "meat", "fish" or "poultry" on high-quality dry food are simply unacceptable!
It is important that the animal protein source is clearly and unambiguously stated.

As an example, I will give the composition of the feed holistic-class Genesis:

Agree, heaven and earth compared to the super-premium Babin food? The specific gravity of EACH ingredient is registered. From meat - fresh chicken 56%, dehydrated protein from chicken meat another 12.5%, and in addition to them, fresh goat meat 6% and fresh lamb meat 2%.
The hydrolyzate is a chicken protein chemically purified during the production process and, along with fresh meat components, is also a valuable ingredient in the feed.

It is clear that in the process of producing feed, all its components undergo heat treatment. Ingredients that came into production without prior heat treatment are the most valuable and beneficial for dogs. In the photo above, we see that all meat components have a definition "fresh", which means that they have never been frozen and do not contain preservatives. If you see the word "raw", be aware that this also means that the ingredient has not been heat-treated, but has been frozen or treated with preservatives.

I really hope you have the strength and patience to read this long but important text! 😉

With care for you and the health of your pets,
the author of the article is Ekaterina Kirillova.

I remind you that copying this material is allowed only with a working, clickable link to the source.

  1. (Russia. Choose those flavors where the meat content is 40%)
  2. - (Russia). Large selection of canned goods, many lines of different price categories, including: Golden, Platinum and Silver Line. There is a special series -.
  3. (Russia). Many worthy feed lines come out under this brand, read the composition, reviews and choose what you like best.
  4. (Russia).
  5. The following canned domestic products will be approximately at the same level:, and other feeds, which include: meat, meat by-products, vegetable oil, natural jelly-forming additive, salt, water and no: dyes, cereals and other components.

Our dog food rating includes holistic and grain-free dog foods; feed premium and super-premium classes. Today it is customary to attribute holistic and grain-free feeds to the most expensive and high-quality ones, what we wrote about holistic class feeds here. You should not assume that since these foods are expensive and of high quality, they are suitable for all dogs. On the contrary, due to the complex multi-component composition and high content of proteins / fats, they may not be suitable for dogs with allergies, and dogs with diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Speaking of price, carefully study the composition and prices of food of different volumes of different brands, sometimes it is more profitable to buy large packages (from 8-10 kg) of seemingly expensive food than small cheaper ones, while you will feed your dog with really high-quality food. Before buying large packages, you should always try the food, check if it is suitable, if the dog is allergic to it.

Before buying large packages from 8-10 kg, you should always try the food, check if it is suitable, if the dog is allergic to it.

All feeds in the rating are worthy of your attention and are presented more randomly than in descending order. High price, frequent supply disruptions, unfavorable packaging, and infrequent store availability are some of the main reasons why other brands are not included in our dry dog ​​food ranking. Of course, there are more good dog foods, but the difficulty in acquiring them nullifies their advantages. In addition, please note that the feed of the same brand differs in its composition depending on tastes, rulers, and so on. Food of the same price may contain a different percentage of meat, sometimes the difference is very significant. Always read the ingredients!

As for the country of origin, today worthy representatives of domestic high-quality dog ​​food with an excellent composition appear on our market! For example, pay attention to the brand RosPes. They have a fairly wide selection of both dry food and frozen meat products for dogs, as well as quick meat porridges (“Rich buckwheat on lamb ribs with carrots and onions” and “Rice porridge on veal and chicken giblets”). The only negative, although quite significant, is that these feeds are difficult to find in stores, let's hope that the situation will improve over time. Trapeza brand foods are much more modest in composition, but they are easy to buy at almost any pet store, and they very often suit even the most fastidious and allergy-prone dogs. Canada, England, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Italy are leaders among foreign countries producing good feed.

Wet foods include: Tetra Pak food, canned food, lamister food, pouches (soft foil sachets). When choosing wet food, pay attention to the type of food: regular or delicacy (treat). Delicacies should be given in small quantities and not every day. If the food is a delicacy, then this is indicated on the packaging. How to choose the type of food for your dog read How to choose dry food for your dog read.

When choosing wet food, pay attention to the composition and expiration date. Several fairly popular brands were not included in our rating of wet food due to the “blurred” composition. The manufacturer must indicate the content of meat and other components as a percentage, this is the first thing. And secondly, the composition of premium and super premium food should be written in as much detail as possible: if vegetables, then which ones; if fish, what kind and so on. Since there are now many allergic dogs, the exact composition allows you to avoid buying food that can provoke an allergy attack. Conversely, when a food allergy appears, it allows you to find out a list of possible allergen products. Pay attention to the nutritional value of the product, since wet food, unlike dry food, is less caloric, their consumption is greater. Premium feed should not contain vegetable protein, dyes, flavors, preservatives, the content of cereals and cereals should not exceed 10%. Although veterinarians and pet food manufacturers do not recommend mixing prepared foods and homemade natural foods, many dog ​​owners successfully combine wet foods with natural foods (such as rice and buckwheat porridge). As an owner, you are responsible for the health and well-being of your pet, so observe his condition, mood, stool and you yourself will understand what kind of food is best for him.

Owning a dog is a big responsibility. Her diet should be taken seriously, because it directly affects the well-being, health, mood and even the appearance of the animal. The degree of activity of the pet is also the result of a good balanced diet. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right food, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog. According to veterinarians, the best feeding option is a complete food with a high quality composition rich in useful components. Ready-made food from trusted manufacturers meets the necessary requirements and is easy to use. The choice of owners is offered a wide range in different price categories. Regardless of the cost, the feed must have a certain composition:

  1. Meat ingredients. The presence of such components is a sign of a good product. They are full of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the dog.
  2. Vegetables are an important ingredient. The activity of the animal depends on its content. Gives food a special taste.
  3. Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice). Cereal components should be in the composition as an element of fiber.
  4. Vitamin complex - important nutrients (iron, sodium, iodine).

Any host will confirm that it is easier to put ready food on the table than to spend time preparing it. Especially considering the opinion of veterinarians who claim that the right food is healthier than the leftovers from the table. There are two types of food for animals:

  • Dry. They look like small balls of different sizes from tightly pressed dried ingredients. They have a long shelf life and optimal consumption.
  • Wet ones consist of meat pieces in a special sauce. Presented in the form of canned food or portioned packages. Animals love them for their rich meaty taste.

According to veterinarians, dog food should be selected taking into account certain characteristics of each pet:

  • age;
  • activity;
  • breed;
  • state of health (presence of diseases).

If you want to see your pet healthy, mobile and happy, then a good balanced diet is what he needs. Manufacturers produce feed with different composition, quality, price. Our ranking consists of the best dry and wet dog foods in different categories (budget, premium, small breeds). It is based on feedback from pet owners and the opinion of veterinarians.

The Best Premium Dry Dog Foods

3 Brit Premium Adult L (15 kg)

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 2400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

If your pet is an adult dog of a large breed, then Brit Premium Adult will be an excellent dietary option. Premium dry food is considered one of the most budgetary in its category. The composition includes chicken meat flour, fat, corn, dried fruits, rice, copper, zinc, etc. The high meat content (41%) is the main advantage of the product. The standard package volume is 15 kg. When fed with Brit Premium, the animal looks healthy, does not get sick, behaves agile, has a beautiful smooth coat. The opinion of veterinarians proves that the Czech Brit dry food is a complete high-quality diet for adult dogs.


  • fastened after opening;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • animals like the taste;
  • high quality;
  • optimal cost.


  • bad smell;
  • imperfect composition;
  • not suitable for all dogs.

2 Purina Pro Plan Large Robust Adult canine dry (14 kg)

The best food for large dogs
A country:
Average price: 4400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Purina dry food is specially formulated for adult dogs with a strong physique. Considering the characteristics of large breeds, the company's specialists have developed a unique OPTIHEALTH formula. It has a long-term beneficial effect on the general condition of the animal. The right combination of ingredients is the main benefit of Purina Pro Plan. The food contains chicken, wheat grits, protein, plant extracts, fish oil, etc. The balance of vitamins and minerals contributes to the development of joints, strengthening bones and optimizing activity.


  • quickly absorbed;
  • the composition contains meat, fish, essential nutrients;
  • supports joint health;
  • like dogs;
  • good quality;
  • provides excellent condition;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • high quality.


  • not detected.

In order for your beloved pet to always remain healthy, it is not enough just to choose the right food. The owner must know how to properly feed his dog. Listed below are the most important rules for caring for a pet.

  • The optimal amount of feeding is twice a day. Exceptions are pregnancy, age up to 12 months, the presence of diseases.
  • You can not combine ready-made food with homemade food.
  • Clean water should always be close to the bowl.
  • It is not recommended to give too much food in order to avoid the threat of excess weight.
  • The portion is calculated depending on the age, weight and energy needs of the dog.
  • Raw bones that do not burst during feeding (porous) are allowed.
  • For the first time, it is worth buying a small package of food in order to track the reaction of the pet.

1 Acana Heritage Adult Large Breed (17 kg)

The best quality
Country: Canada
Average price: 6700 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The best food for adult dogs according to veterinarians is Acana Heritage Adult. The Canadian manufacturer produces premium products with a high content of components important for the health of animals. Wild chicken, flounder and Atlantic herring are the main ingredients of the feed. Dogs with powerful muscles need a balanced diet with plenty of protein. Acana Heritage has a high content of meat, fish, which supports the activity of the pet, and also contributes to the proper development of the skeleton.


  • excellent composition;
  • positive reviews;
  • the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • high quality components;
  • the content of vegetables and fruits (40%);
  • many useful vitamins;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • sold in all pet stores.


  • high price.

The best inexpensive dry food for dogs: budget up to 1500 rubles.

2 Chappi Meat Plenty with Vegetables and Herbs (15 kg)

Best price
A country: USA (produced in Russia)
Average price: 1200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Inexpensive dry food Chappi is designed specifically for dogs of medium and large breeds. An adult animal needs a balanced diet and additional nutrients. The manufacturer took into account the requirements and produced optimally suitable products. The food has a good taste, has a convenient packaging and the optimal size of the pieces. One bag is enough for an average of a month. The composition is enriched with cereals, animal fats, vegetables and minerals. Vitamins, present in large quantities, support the healthy appearance and well-being of pets.


  • economical packaging;
  • low price;
  • the optimal size of the pieces;
  • palatable to animals.


  • not completely balanced composition;
  • gets bored quickly by dogs.

1 Pedigree for adult dogs with beef (13 kg)

The most economical cost
A country: USA (produced in Russia)
Average price: 1500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Pedigree dry food is a budget friendly option for adult dogs. Designed to feed all breeds. Consists of cereals, vitamins, oils and meat meal. Helps strengthen bones due to the high zinc content and improve immunity. Despite the low cost, the food is of good quality. Produced in bags of 13 kg, which is enough for a long time. Glucosamine contributes to the proper development of the joints. Dogs love to eat Pedigree because of the great taste.


  • slow consumption;
  • like animals;
  • good taste;
  • nice price;
  • convenient packaging;
  • sold everywhere.


  • low meat content (only 4%).

The best food for small breed dogs

2 Royal Canin Mini Adult (8 kg)

Optimal piece size
A country: France (produced in Russia)
Average price: 2650 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The French popular brand Royal Canin in its lineup presents Mini Adult wet food, designed specifically for small breed dogs. Suitable age of pets from 10 months to 8 years. A balanced composition has a positive effect on the skin and coat. Does not cause allergies, tearfulness and other problems. The food of the middle price category meets the requirements and has many positive reviews from the owners. The content of chicken, fats and proteins in the composition contributes to the optimization of activity, healthy development and well-being of the dog.


  • good consistency;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • convenient to pour;
  • the optimal size of the pieces for dogs of small breeds;
  • sealed zip lock;
  • optimal price;
  • normal composition;
  • contains l-carnitine, omega 6.


  • sometimes adversely affects the teeth.

1 GO! Daily Defense Lamb Dog Recipe (11 kg)

Best Cast
Country: Canada
Average price: 3800 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The unique formula in GO! Daily Defense keeps small breed dogs healthy. Its main difference is the high content of lamb meat. Among the ingredients are vegetables, oils, brown rice, oatmeal, flaxseeds, sources of vitamins C, A, E, D3, calcium, etc. According to veterinarians, it is ideal for dogs with allergies. Designed for inactive and active animals. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, it optimally supports the immune system.


  • balanced composition;
  • there are no by-products, GMOs, preservatives and other harmful components;
  • gives shine to wool;
  • recommended for allergies;
  • no pungent odor;
  • well-being of dogs.


  • inaccessible;
  • high price.

The Best Wet Dog Foods

3 Monge Grill

The most delicious
A country: France (produced in Russia)
Average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Monge Grill wet food is designed for dogs of all breeds. Special pouches (bags) have a volume of 100 g and a shelf life after opening one day. Consists of meat and offal, vitamins A, E, D3, fiber, fats, oils, minerals, etc. An important feature - the absence of cereals - allows you to eat animals with allergies to gluten. High palatability is due to the content of grilled meat and juicy jelly. The manufacturer has added special substances to maintain joint health. Customer reviews point to the good taste of canned food that animals eat with pleasure.


  • Suitable for dogs with gluten allergies
  • good taste;
  • nice smell;
  • convenient packaging;
  • vitamins and minerals in the composition;
  • natural beef.


  • not completely natural composition;
  • small portion;
  • high consumption for medium and large breeds.

2 Belcando Selected meat

Good value for money
Country: Germany
Average price: 170 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

German-made Belcando wet food is guaranteed to be grain-free. Therefore, it is recommended for all pets with gluten intolerance. Produced in a convenient 400 g jar. Designed for adult dogs of different breeds. It has an optimal jelly consistency. Judging by the reviews of the owners, the animals are happy to eat canned Belcando. Useful elements are present here in large quantities, positively affecting the well-being of the dog, its appearance and mobility.


  • suitable for gluten intolerance;
  • convenient packaging;
  • economical consumption;
  • pleasant smell and appearance;
  • good taste qualities;
  • maintains a healthy state.


  • not completely natural composition.

1 Hill's Prescription Diet L/D Canine Hepatic Health canned

The best medical composition
Country: USA
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Wet food, developed using a unique technology, belongs to medicinal products. Indicated for dogs with urolithiasis and impaired liver function. It consists of a rich vitamin and mineral complex (A, E, C, D, magnesium, L-carnitine, phosphorus, zinc, Omega-3, etc.). Improves condition, increases activity, promotes better absorption of food. According to veterinarians, Hill's Prescription Diet is the best food with a therapeutic composition. It has a preventive effect and reduces the load on the liver. It is recommended for feeding during the rehabilitation period after operations.


  • highly digestible ingredients;
  • dietary composition;
  • large volume (370 g);
  • optimal cost;
  • restores immunity;
  • good taste qualities;
  • recommended in the postoperative period.


  • low protein content (to feed healthy dogs);
  • many contraindications.

You should not choose food for a four-legged pet at random: with this approach, you literally put laboratory experiments on your pet. Dogs, unfortunately, do not know how to speak, so they simply cannot warn the owner that they have become worse. If you really care about the health of your ward and you are not indifferent to his well-being, then you should immediately pay attention to the highest quality varieties and choose diets, taking into account the recommendations of experienced dog breeders. These are the brands included in this rating: we offer for consideration the top ten brands for the production of holistic and super-premium dog food.

TOP 10: Rating of the best dry dog ​​food for 2018-2019

Place Name Rating according to buyers Package weight Average price in rubles
5 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.6 out of 5 ⚖ 0.23-2.72-5.45-11.35 kg 290-1800-2500-4700 r.
4 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.6 out of 5 ⚖ 1-3-12 kg 640-1600-5000 rubles
3 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.7 out of 5 ⚖ 0.34-2-6.8-13 kg 430-1900-4900-7100 rubles
2 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 ⚖ 0.23-2.72-5.45-11.35 kg 230-1600-2000-4100 rubles
1 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 ⚖ 2-6-11.4-17 kg 1450-2600-5800-8500 rubles
Super Premium
5 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.4 out of 5 ⚖ 2-6-12 kg 1000-2300-4200 rubles
4 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.5 out of 5 ⚖ 1-3-12-15 kg 670-1300-5200-5900 r.
3 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.5 out of 5 ⚖ 1-3-8-18 kg 500-1400-3500-7100 rubles
2 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.5 out of 5 ⚖ 7-14-15 kg 2400-4100-4700 rubles
1 🏆 « » ⭐ 4.6 out of 5 ⚖ 1-3-12-18 kg 420-1100-4100-5500 rubles

(the table shows the weight and price of a package for dry food varieties, designed to feed medium-sized adult dogs)

On a note

Holistic and super-premium diets are very similar in composition, but there are significant differences between them. First, holistic foods are 'Human grade', which means they are completely suitable as a food source even for humans. Secondly, they completely lack freeze-dried products, but in some super-premium varieties such a source of proteins already comes across. Thirdly, the ingredients of the diet are carefully balanced, making holistic varieties universal and, in most cases, they can be fed to dogs of any age group.

The best holistic dog food


Produced by the Canadian company Petcurean, which produces several other popular lines of cat and dog food. The NOW FRESH brand of products has proven itself well: this variety of holistic has a diverse composition, which, in addition to a large amount of meat, also includes fruits and medicinal herbs. Grain-free diets are available.

  • Only meat is used as a source of proteins, not cereals;
  • Diverse composition;
  • The presence of minerals and vitamins necessary for dogs;
  • For manufacturing, only high-quality organic matter is taken;
  • You can buy it in most pet stores.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • High price.


This brand from the Belgian company of the same name has always deserved only positive feedback from customers, some negative comments were associated with the manifestation of allergies in dogs to certain meats in the diet, so they do not count. Several different varieties of feed are produced with the meat of fish, birds and cattle, while there is a lot of meat - at least 60%. For carbohydrate feeding, sweet potatoes are usually taken, there are no cereals in the diet.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • Lots of natural meat;
  • No cereals;
  • Preserved natural vitamins;

❌ Disadvantages:

  • Not everywhere you can find it, you may have to order via the Internet;
  • Price.


The Canadian company "Champion Petfoods" was noted in our rating several times: almost every line of feed from it is an order of magnitude better than competitors' products. For example, Orijen feeds boast a high protein content in their composition - there are about 40% of it. And this is not surprising, because the diet for four-fifths consists of meat. Due to the abundance of proteins, the brand is recommended for large breed dogs with an active lifestyle.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • The vast majority of the diet is meat;
  • No cereals;
  • The presence of all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • Products are tested according to Canadian quality standards;
  • Common: Easy to find in pet stores.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • Expensive.

"GO! NATURAL Holistic»

Another high quality food brand from Canada. Like all holistics, it boasts a high meat content in its composition. Cereals are not used, there are rations for sick dogs, they are also divided by age groups. The price is the best among the feeds of this class, although it is confusing that some of them contain meat ground into flour, but what exactly was ground is not mentioned.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • Canadian quality;
  • Extensive and varied composition of the diet;
  • No artificial colors and flavors;
  • Balanced composition of vitamins and minerals;
  • There is food for sick and obese animals.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • High price.


This brand has long been known among dog breeders and rightfully won their trust. The products are again made in Canada by Champion Petfoods. The line includes a wide variety of diets: for dogs of any size and any age. The manufacturer is proud of the fact that it has completely abandoned the use of meat production waste: only natural meat is present in dog food. Most of the food is made without the use of cereals, but there are fruits, vegetables and even medicinal herbs.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • Two-thirds of the feed composition is meat;
  • Only plant organics useful for dogs are used;
  • A complete set of essential vitamins and minerals;
  • All antioxidants are natural.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • High price.

The best super premium dog food

"Arden Grange"

A good brand of food from the UK, under this label you can find rations for dogs of any age and size. There are separate strains for dogs with sensitive stomachs and many dog ​​breeders recommend them. By composition, 35-45% consist of meat, most of it is meat ground into flour. A little disappointing is the large number of herbal ingredients, as among them there is corn, which is practically useless for pets.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • No offal;
  • Contains only natural meat;
  • Common;

❌ Disadvantages:

  • Price;
  • The presence of cereals, especially corn.


The composition of the feed line is quite good: natural meat in feed from Procter and Gamble is at least 30%. The rest is carbohydrates from cereals, fiber from beets, fish oil, and supplements consisting of minerals and vitamins. Whole chicken eggs are an additional source of protein. When buying, it is worth choosing rations made abroad, there have been many complaints about feeds produced at Russian production facilities recently.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • No synthetic additives or ingredients;
  • High percentage of natural meat;
  • Diverse assortment.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • Price;
  • Russian feed is worse than foreign analogues.

Gina Elite

A lot of dissatisfied and angry reviews have been received on some varieties of the Gina brand, but they relate to premium products. The Elite line deserves only praise. The feed contains 25-30% crude protein and up to 15% fat. The meat in each set is taken from several animals, fish is also included in the diet. Herbal ingredients consist of medicinal herbs and several varieties of cereals, mainly rice. Synthetics and harmful antioxidants are absent.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • Several types: dry food, canned food, soups;
  • The composition does not contain sublimated products and synthetic flavors;
  • A lot of protein and fat;
  • Dry food has a long shelf life.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • You will rarely find it in ordinary stores, especially canned food and soups;
  • Price.

"1st Choice"

A well-established brand under which several varieties of dog food are produced. Meat ingredients account for approximately 30-35% of the diet; fish and cattle meat are used as protein sources. The composition itself is balanced, it includes a large amount of vitamins and minerals. There are food kits for dogs with sensitive skin and coats and diets for pets with a delicate stomach.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • Variety of assortment;
  • Balanced composition;
  • High quality workmanship;
  • Long shelf life.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • Rarely seen;
  • Quite expensive.

British care

A line of super-premium food from a Czech manufacturer. Ranked first due to numerous positive customer reviews. It will serve as a complete source of protein even for very large dogs and dogs of fighting breeds. Due to its calorie content, it is used sparingly: for example, an animal weighing 16 kilograms needs 200 grams of feed per day, that is, 12 kg of a package is enough for two months. The ingredients are purely natural, although in some formulations the manufacturer is cunning and does not fully indicate the description of the components.

✅ Advantages of dog food:

  • No sublimated products;
  • High calorie;
  • Complete set of vitamins and minerals;
  • All preservatives and antioxidants are natural.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • Difficult to find;
  • "Opaque description" of some diets;
  • Price.

Economy and premium food: is it worth buying?

Varieties of these classes deserve attention only because of one factor - price. Yes, super-premium and holistic foods are really expensive, but any quality product costs much more than junk food. Therefore, it is worth feeding your pets with premium food only if, in addition to them, natural supplements of protein and carbohydrates are added to the dog's food, and you can use economy food only in hopeless situations when there is no other alternative.