What does serpentine stone mean. The serpentine suits such signs of the zodiac. Stone color variations

Serpentine is a stone with very strong energy.

It is worth using it as a talisman only to people for whom it suits. In this case, the impact will be large and clearly noticeable.

The second or scientific name of this stone is serpentine or magnesium silicate. I got the mineral because of the coloring, reminiscent of snake skin.


The serpentine is used not only as a talisman and decoration. It also has domestic uses. Even during the reign of Peter 1, it was used for making clothes, capable of withstanding fire.

Now the serpentine is used to create jewelry and souvenirs, as well as in other areas.

It is not worth re-gifting products from the serpentine, since the stone is closely attached to its owner and already cannot serve anyone else.

Serpentine deposits are found in many places:

  • Ural;
  • Siberia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • North Caucasus;
  • New Zealand;
  • India;
  • Cuba;
  • Italy;
  • Mongolia;
  • Afghanistan.

Who suits

The coil is quite powerful in its energy. It is absolutely not suitable for people of the signs of cancer and fish. He will not be able to provide the necessary action to them.

In addition, he is able to deprive the owner of mental strength.

The serpentine is best suited for people born under the sign of virgins. He is able to endow his master gift of foresight, strong instinct.

Virgo serpentine gives the opportunity to go deeper learn the secrets of nature itself and absorb the forces of the earth.

In addition to virgins, this stone can be used with maximum efficiency and capricorns. If a person born under this sign strives to achieve great sporting achievements.

Serpentine can be used in healing by all signs, with the exception of crayfish and fish. The stone is able to enhance the impact of any medicines or traditional medicine. Small pebble of serpentine can be carried in a home or car first aid kit. So the medicines stored in them will have a stronger effect.

If a person plans to use it as an amulet, then you can wear it on your body no more than two days a week so as not to harm yourself and your energy. This applies only to those amulets that are adjacent to the skin. You can carry a coil in your pocket more often. But sometimes it pays to take a break.

It is recommended to use serpentine as an amulet for purposeful and rudimentary people. magical abilities. In this case, the talisman will be able to rid its owner of negativity, giving him in return the purified energy to make victories.

Use the serpentine as an amulet inactive people are strictly contraindicatedO.

magical properties

In ancient times, powerful and strong sorcerers who knew about the magical properties of the serpentine and could neutralize its negative effects could use such an energetically heavy stone in ancient times.

With age, the stone does not lose its properties, but only strengthens and accumulates them.

Now it is not scary to acquire a serpentine as a personal talisman or amulet, since it has a negative effect only on people with weakened energy.

The magical properties of the serpentine lie in the fact that it is able to absorb any harmful formations coming from the energy field. Based on this, the stone perfectly helps in the treatment of diseases of the soul and body.

Regularly needed clean the stoneb from the accumulated negative energy in it. It is enough just to briefly put it in running cool water once or twice a week for a few minutes.

The serpentine belongs to a special class of so-called guide stones, but is an exception, since it puts surmountable obstacles in front of a person.

Talisman for men

According to legend, the serpentine appeared when the first man choked on a bitten forbidden fruit and spat out a piece of it.

According to this legend, the stone is identified with temptation and original sin.

Serpentine - mascot of businessmen, lawyers and extreme sportsmen. He will help men to protect themselves from misfortunes and evil people and also bring good luck.

Ideally, this stone should be passed down from generation to generation, then the energy accumulated in it will increase many times over. In this case, the owner of the amulet will be able not only to improve his own life, but also affect the well-being of relatives.


What actions can a serpentine amulet have:

  • fill with energy;
  • develop positive natural qualities;
  • cleanse your mind and body of negativity.

It is always impossible to use a serpentine amulet, because then it will be observed the opposite effect of its influence.

Modern lithotherapists or doctors using in medical procedures stones, it is advised to carry this stone with you. It will help get rid of headaches, bone fractures, allows you to bring a person out of lethargic sleep, coma.

The serpentine also helps with colds, inflammations, and pressure surges.

How to distinguish a real stone from a fake

The serpentine, although not expensive stone but it is often counterfeited. You can distinguish a real mineral from a fake by several signs:

  • weight (stone is heavier than plastic);
  • specific pattern;
  • heating rate (the stone heats up more slowly).

You can also check the naturalness of the stone, scratching it. This coil is easily damaged.

An inexpensive decorative mineral of the serpentine group. Serpentine stone is widely used to decorate jewelry in arts and crafts, and is also endowed with a large number of magical and healing properties.


Serpentine (serpentine) is a mineral that is valued for its color variety and non-standard pattern on the surface. It comes in different greenish shades from light green to grassy with dark green non-repetitive blotches and spots. The color is very reminiscent of the skin of reptiles and snakes as well.

It has a silky glassy luster, opaque, in rare cases translucent specimens are found. The hardness of this ornamental material differs for different stones and ranges from 2.5 points to 4 points on the Mohs scale.

Types and their differences

There are about 20 types of serpentine stones, which differ in color and physical characteristics. The most common:

  1. Satellite - has a fibrous structure, coloring type cat eye.
  2. Bowenite is translucent with a glassy sheen, light green in color, similar to jade.
  3. Ricolit is the main color green with a clear striped pattern.
  4. Nigrescite - has a dark green color, almost black.
  5. Antigorite - has olive color with a yellowish tint and waxy sheen.
  6. Ophite - light green, often with a predominance of gray-blue hues, fibrous structure.

Such differences are associated with different quantitative composition of microelements, the conditions and place of formation, and also depend on where it is mined. One of the popular and very beautiful varieties of this green mineral with large black spots up to 3 cm in diameter is mined only at the Chukovsky and Koyulsky deposits in Kamchatka. And finished off at the Malyshevsky mine, it has inclusions of mica and is distinguished by a special brilliance and shimmer in the light.


Serpentine is a stone that is distributed throughout the world in in large numbers. The deposits are located in different countries, it is mined in large quantities in the USA, Argentina, England, Germany, India, Mongolia.

Large mines are located in the Urals, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan. Most large deposits in the Urals:

  • Akhmatova mine;
  • Green hill;
  • Bonfire;
  • Mount Cuckoo;
  • Chukovskoye.

They are mined in an open way, the layers are opened by excavators, and then the layer is sawn into blocks with saws. Serpentine deposits occupy large areas and often coexist with amber and marble.


The history of its use by man began many centuries ago. Archaeologists have found items made of serpentine dated 3 yew. BC e. Made in ancient China. Even then, jewelry, various containers and paraphernalia for rituals were made from it. Such finds were found in South America, India, and Europe.

Serpentine is a stone whose properties allow you to craft various souvenirs. According to the description, it is moderately hard and plastic, which allows it to be widely used as an ornamental material.

In the interior

From the coil are made:

  • vases;
  • caskets;
  • tables;
  • candlesticks;
  • ashtrays;
  • figurines and figurines;
  • chess.

The manufacture of vases and souvenirs from this mineral can be attributed to a separate art form, they are distinguished by their particular sophistication. And the serpentine stone box is similar to jade, but more affordable at its price.

The discovery of large springs made this gem cheaper and began to be used as facing stone for walls, floors, stairs and other building elements. Used for decorating baths, lining the oven. They also make tombstones.

In jewelry

The serpentine is ornamental stone, which is used in jewelry, is sometimes framed in silver or cupronickel, very rarely it can be seen framed in precious metals. Such jewelry has a low price, but it looks very impressive due to the color and variety of patterns on this mineral.

  1. For the manufacture of bracelets, a processed polished mineral is used in the form of smooth round beads of different sizes.
  2. Pendants and earrings are decorated with round or drop-shaped cabochons, and they also use untreated plates, which have a special decorative effect.
  3. Rings are decorated with large oval or round polished inserts, often combined with zirconium or other inexpensive gems.

Correctly selected beautiful product with serpentine well suited for everyday look, and some unique specimens that look no less impressive than gems can complement the festive look.

magical properties

Magical significance and special power are attributed to this mineral, this is due to the legends of the origin of this stone. There are two legends about the origin of the serpentine, and both are associated with snakes, which have long been associated with evil spirits.

  1. One says that when Adam tried an apple offered by Eve in the Garden of Eden, he choked and a piece of the fruit flew out of his throat and turned into a stone and it was a serpentine.
  2. In another serpentine - this is the skin that was thrown off by the Serpent Poloson, who lived in the Ural mountains and guarded the treasures.

The frequent use of black magicians and shamans of different tribes in the rituals of paraphernalia made from this mineral also left its mark. In ancient times, only sorcerers and shamans had the right to own such a stone. A ordinary people according to legend, he could bring madness and misfortune.

The magical properties of the serpentine are that it can absorb negative energy, protect its owner, and also endow him with intuition. They also believe that the serpentine stone has a magical property to remember the accumulated information. And he must be left as a legacy so that he does not leave the family and can help already knowing how to deal with emerging problems.

Medicinal properties

Coil's ability to amplify medicinal properties herbs and medicines. Healing ointments and tinctures are stored in containers made of serpentine.

This mineral is used to treat and prevent many diseases. To be effective, the stone must be close to those organs that require treatment.

  1. Wearing earrings with this mineral will help in the event of a severe migraine and headache, hypertension, impaired blood flow in the vessels.
  2. Rings and bracelets will help with fractures, open wounds, problems with the joints and the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Beads, necklaces, pendants should be worn with a cold, inflammatory processes, infections of the genitourinary, blood system.

They also recommend it to accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body, cleanse toxins, improve work nervous system, fortifications immune system. It is also endowed with the ability to calm and relieve irritability and anxiety.

Talisman and amulet

The property of the talisman to serve as a talisman in various life situations. An ornament, a souvenir or a simple beautiful cabochon from a serpentine can act as a talisman.

  1. By placing a product made of this mineral on the desktop in the office, one can avoid intrigues, envy and anger from colleagues.
  2. The amulet will be able to protect a person from physical injuries whose activities are associated with danger and physical activity(athletes, policemen, firefighters, rescuers)
  3. Will become good helper for a person who knows what he wants to achieve and in what to develop, and goes to his goal. The stone will free the way from competitors, reveal the ability to learn new things.
  4. Suitable as a talisman for children, will help to reveal abilities, improve logical thinking and memory.

For love relationships

Finding love or finding a pair of serpentine will not help because. what to treat stones as loners, but will help solve problems or protect them from it.

  1. In combination with opal, it is able to notify of treason by giving information in a dream.
  2. With obsidian and shungite, it will protect relationships from envious people and ill-wishers.
  3. To protect the family from relatives who want to destroy it, the talisman will help in combination with an emerald, jasper, which is worth keeping in the house.
  4. To get rid of an unwanted gentleman, a serpentine ring on the right hand will help.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

According to the sign of the zodiac, the serpentine suits Capricorn and Virgo. In Virgo this magical mineral able to awaken energy, a desire to interact with the environment, help to correctly assess life situations, will give confidence and attractiveness in the eyes of others. And for Capricorns, its action will have the opposite effect. He will be able to pacify him a little, calm him down, help him focus on specific goals. It will make you more calm and balanced, and careful in communicating with others.

Among those, Cancer and Pisces are those who categorically do not fit the serpentine stone according to the horoscope. They are emotional and sensitive signs of the zodiac, and the influence of the serpentine is quite strong and intense. Under energy pressure, Cancers and Pisces can experience depression, apathy and neurosis. And prolonged wearing leads to a tendency towards addictions and emotional overstrain.

It has a neutral effect on other signs of the zodiac and manifests itself in a slight corrective effect:

  1. Aries. Without lowering the emotionality and energy of a person, it makes him more calm and tolerant.
  2. Calf. It will allow you to be more open without taking risks, and will also have a positive effect on health.
  3. Twins. It will inspire changes in life, give confidence, stimulate new acquaintances.
  4. A lion. will affect leadership skills, will give confidence in new endeavors, help to cope with many tasks.
  5. Conclusion

    Serpentine stone is distinguished by its properties and magical meaning from many other minerals. It is not expensive and widespread, but it amazes with the variety and beauty of shades, and its magical powers attract and bewitch. It looks like an expensive jade and has a great influence on a person, it will serve as a good talisman and protector for those to whom it suits.

Types of minerals distinguished by color and type of pattern:

  • Bowenite is a light green serpentine, similar in appearance to jade.
  • Verdantite - a natural stone deep dark green serpentine with black streaks due to the presence of calcite.
  • Williamsit - very beautiful mineral bluish-green color with small black patches.
  • Rycolite is a green mineral with a striped pattern.
  • Antigorite - green-yellow or completely yellow serpentine.
  • Oficalcite - or serpentinite marble, has such a name due to the presence of spots of calcite or dolomite.
  • Satellite - rare and unusual, has an interesting effect of shimmering in certain light. For collectors is of particular interest.
  • Retinolite is a dark yellow mineral with a certain resinous sheen.
  • Noble serpentine - mineral stone whitish green or yellowish green. In the Urals, they call it a moss fly, and a plain noble serpentine without any inclusions is called an ophite.

Gem Application

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/zmeevik-3-300x256.jpg" alt=" serpentine vase" width="300" height="256">!} As decorative cladding they prefer to use a coil because of such a non-unique, but valuable property in lining as hardness. In the mineral, it is considered small, which allows it to be used for decoration and in some ornamental jewelry work. Even with the help of a serpentine, you can carve stone in the production of stones.

Most often, the serpentine can be found as an inlay in vases, candlesticks, earrings and any souvenirs that you can imagine.

Healing properties of stone

In our time, supporters of lithotherapy agree with the opinion of their predecessors and argue that the mineral is able to cleanse the body of all negative impacts, remove toxins and slags. And when storing medicine in a serpentine box, everything beneficial features will increase many times over.

Jpg" alt=" serpentine decoration" width="200" height="171">!} The effect of the mineral on the treatment of headaches is also noted, vascular diseases and changes in blood pressure. The serpentine has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system: it significantly calms and balances the emotionality of a person.

With various colds you can carry the mineral with you to ease the symptoms of the disease. It will relieve pain during inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, strengthen the immune system and positively affect the functioning of the circulatory system. For kids, the stone will help improve memory and fruitfully develop logic and thinking.

It is believed that the magical healing properties of the serpentine contribute to the fusion of bones in case of fractures and help to recover from all kinds of injuries. To do this, wear rings and bracelets as close as possible to the injury site.

The magical features of the serpentine

In the common people, the serpentine is assigned the value of a very insidious stone. Often it is called a tempter, which may well lead the owner into bad hobbies, distracting from normal life. Therefore, this mineral should not be acquired by a person with a weak spirit and self-doubt. However, if a person is able to resist the power of a gem, he will gain absolute power over him, and the stone will help its owner in all endeavors.

The magical properties of the serpentine characterize it as very strong amulet and an amulet. The stone will help the owner achieve unprecedented growth in their career, increase the desire to move forward towards their goals, and also increase physical forces its owner.

The amulet itself must be treated very carefully and should not be re-gifted. The mineral has the ability to get used to the owner and regards this as treason, only inheritance is considered an exception. It is believed that he has powerful energy, and he may well avenge betrayal at a distance.

So that the mineral does not accumulate in itself negative energy, it is worth rinsing it under running water about once a week. With this approach, the mineral will serve for a long time and only accumulate a positive effect.

Green gem and zodiac signs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/kozerog-.jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="80" height="80">.jpg" alt="" width="80" height="80"> Змеевик для знаков Дева и Козерог (особенно для проактивных и интересующихся натур) - минерал поможет открыть новые возможности, добиться неплохих результатов в карьере и спорте. Особенно это касается врачей, предпринимателей, юристов и психологов.!}

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="80" height="60">.jpg" alt="Fish" width="80" height="80"> Раки и Рыбы должны избегать долгого контакта с этим камнем. Змеевик может сломать привычный уклад жизни и внести суматоху. Другим зодиакальным знакам тоже стоит с опаской носить изделия из змеевика.!}

A proud and cold gem does not immediately activate its charms and attract its owner, only true connoisseurs are able to appreciate its greatness and magnificence. If you can fight the powerful energy of the mineral and look into the eyes possible danger, this mineral will bring you only good things and will become a faithful assistant throughout your life.

Serpentine (serpentinite)- a widespread jewelry and ornamental mineral. Its sonorous name is associated with the original coloration, which strongly resembles snake skin: peculiar streaks and spots on a dark green or olive background.

History of the stone

As an ornamental mineral, the serpentine has already been used in Europe about 500 years. Initially, it served for the manufacture of various interior elements, containers, coasters and other products.

In America, various amulets were created from it, and long before the moment when Columbus arrived. In China, as well as in other Eastern countries this mineral was widely used as an imitation of jadeite.

In Russia natural stone the serpentine was used for the most part for facing the palace, although craftsmen in the Urals made it from this malleable mineral unusual souvenirs and inserts in rings.

Ural legends associate this mineral with a snake guarding gems and precious metals. Regularly, he shed his skin, which hardened and became a handful of stones.

Types and colors of the coil

Coloring and ornament distribute the serpentine stone on the following types:

  1. Ricolite characterized in green with an unusual striped pattern.
  2. Bowenite- a serpentine of a soft apple-green hue, which looks like jade. Its main feature is light translucence.
  3. Verdantite- a deep green serpentine, characterized by the presence of black veins, which are due to the presence of calcium.
  4. Antigorite has an unusual green-yellow tint. It is named after the Italian area of ​​Antigorio, where it was discovered.
  5. Satellite- a fibrous serpentine with an original iridescence effect, which makes it look like a cat's eye. This stone is considered a mineralogical rarity, which causes an increased interest in it from collectors.
  6. Williamsite- a mineral of a bluish-green, emerald or olive hue with small black patches. It is similar in color to jade, chrysoprase and jadeite. Williamsites are mined in America - in the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania.
  7. Retinolite It is characterized by a dark yellow color with a resinous (with some resinous) luster.
  8. porcellophyte- a porcelain-shaped variety of serpentine with a wide palette of green hues.
  9. Officialcite(serpentinite marble) has characteristic inclusions of calcite, and sometimes streaks. This mineral was especially popular in Ancient China, as well as in the Islamic world, where he got during the wars along with silver and gold. We present to your attention an article where it is compared, here.
  10. noble serpentine- a mineral of a whitish-green or yellowish-green hue, which has small black specks or is evenly colored. In the Urals this species serpentine is called an ophite, and a noble serpentine with black "flies" is called a moss fly.
  11. Nigrescite- a stone with a wide palette dark shades: from dark green to almost black.

Of the other types of coil, it should also be mentioned zermattite, which is structurally a tangled fibrous mass.

Place of Birth

Serpentinite is the most common ornamental material.

There are quite a lot of serpentine deposits all over the world: in Germany, Italy, the USA and in the highlands of Switzerland, India, which became famous for its jade-like serpentine of the original color, as well as in many Asian countries.

In Russia, the coil is mined mainly in the Urals(22 deposits). Ural stone serpentine has a wide range of varieties.

For example, in the Malyshevskoye field, a deep grass-colored serpentine with mica flecks is mined.

And in the Shabrovskoye field, which has been actively studied by geologists since 1963, as a rule, there is a motley light green serpentine with fine white veins used in lining.

The Grigoryevskoye and Belousovskoye deposits contain a serpentine with very high artistic characteristics.

Physical and chemical properties of stone

Coilrock, varied in structure.

Serpentinites include a whole group of stones of the same composition, which were formed using hydrothermal alteration of magnesium-rich rocks:

Duonites, etc.

Most often, serpentinite crystals are not too hard and completely opaque, however, there are exceptions. For example, a type of serpentine called bowenite has mild degree transparency. According to the Mohs scale, the hardness of serpentinites is in the range from 2 to 4 points, and the density is 2.6 g/cm3. They have a silky sheen and are easily polished. The fracture is uneven, with cutting sharp edges.

Medicinal properties

In the old days, the serpentine was used to eliminate many mental and bodily ailments, since it was believed that it could draw absolutely all negative clots from the injured invisible field of a person.

Today, lithotherapists advise resorting to a serpentine for:

Pneumonia, sore throat, flu;
Discomfort in the joints;
Disorders of the nervous system;
Hypersomnia (significant increase in sleep duration);
Elevated blood pressure;
Digestion failures;
Depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic attacks.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on correct application coil. For example, in order to get rid of nervousness and migraines, it is advised to wear clips with this mineral, and in order for the bones to grow together correctly during a fracture, wear bracelets inlaid with a serpentine. To smooth out emotional outbursts and neutralize panic attacks Serpentinite beads work well.

Modern lithotherapists agree with healers and healers of antiquity that the serpentine is much better than other stones capable of cleaning human body from external negative influences, relieving it of toxins and toxins.

It is believed that casket stone serpentine perfect for storing various traditional medicines, as it enhances their beneficial characteristics.

magical properties

The magical qualities of serpentinite are somewhat controversial:

  • Some hold the view that the serpentine can assist people who have selfish and dirty desires, and also seek to use and slander others. This stone helps to lure pure souls into its networks.
  • Modern esotericists are sure that the serpentine is a combination of energies that restore the spiritual harmony of a person, help him feel protected, confident and calm. The following types of coil have the most powerful energy:
    • Officialcite (serpentinite marble);
    • Satellite;
    • Noble;
    • Antigorite.
  • Separately, it should be said about the influence of the coil on the home atmosphere. Cute gizmos from this mineral will protect warmth and peace, as well as prevent disputes. The serpentine absorbs all the negative energy, so this “home” stone should be placed in running water from time to time for several hours to cleanse. The magical properties of another precious were covered here.

Coil Care

Since the mineral is quite fragile, jewelry with it should be removed while washing dishes or doing sports.

Serpentinite can be washed with soapy water, rinsing it thoroughly after cleaning. To delete heavy pollution, apply soft tissue. Brushes should be discarded.

It is better to store the coil in a separate box or a special box with velvet upholstery inside. Storage with other minerals is acceptable, which also do not differ in hardness. This is because hard stones(for example, or emeralds) can scratch the coil.

Coil Products

This mineral is often found, and in fairly large formations. This allows you to use it not only to create elegant jewelry, but also for large enough products. The decoration of several stations of the capital's metro was even created from it.

Due to the original coloring of the stone, easy polishing and relatively inexpensive cost, the serpentine has always been made of:

Caskets, rosaries, pyramids, polished balls and other souvenir items;
Facing plates;
Pharmaceutical containers.

Exceptionally elegant gizmos made from this gem in combination with bronze. Luxurious tiles made of pink or white marble with a serpentine, if laid out in a checkered manner.

The coil is resistant to abrasion and heat. This mineral was used by the inhabitants of America several centuries ago. They made exquisite mosaics and decorations from it.

The coil is used in the form of inserts in such jewelry, like rings, necklaces, earrings, etc. Since the serpentine is not expensive, silver often acts as a frame for it. Rimless jewelry, such as beads, is also popular.

Serpentine stone cost

The cost depends on which stone is the serpentine: its type and color. A noble serpentine with a smooth whitish-green or yellowish color or a slightly translucent bowenite are slightly more expensive than other varieties, but their price remains quite affordable.

Despite the beauty of serpentinite, its prices are low, as it is ubiquitous. The price of a pendant ball with a diameter of 2 cm from a noble serpentine is on average 380-420 rubles. A block of mineral that is suitable for decoration costs about 400 dollars.

You can buy a serpentine stone both in online stores and in ordinary souvenir shops or at gemstone fairs.

Who is the serpentine for?

At all times, the serpentine has protected people seeking to help others. Here in question about doctors, rescuers, policemen, firefighters and homeopaths.

Harmoniously, serpentinite interacts with people who are constantly striving to acquire new skills and physical activity, giving them endurance, mental flexibility and openness.

It is acceptable for both sexes to wear jewelry with a serpentine, because it has the perfect balance of masculine and feminine. Thanks to this mineral a man gains courage, and a woman gains heightened intuition.

Serpentine and signs of the zodiac

The serpentine suits such signs of the zodiac:

  • . The serpentine destroys the apathy and cold detachment from the outside world, which is found in pronounced Virgos. Also, the stone favors their interest in the knowledge of life.
  • Capricorn and serpentinite also harmonize with each other on a subtle level. The mineral makes Capricorns lead an active lifestyle, travel and exercise. exercise, further develop perseverance and endurance. can be mascots, find out here.
  • . The serpentine is excellent for Scorpions, as given stone has mysterious and powerful properties. Serpentine keeps Scorpios in excellent physical form, and in difficult situations helps to maintain composure, as well as to predict the development of events in advance. However, serpentinite can push Scorpio to take risky steps, however, they will not harm in any way - one born under the constellation of Scorpio will come out of any situation with dignity - even more wise and renewed.

It is better for Pisces and Cancers not to contact this gem., so they are very vulnerable and lack the ability to resist his power. The coil can cause representatives of these signs to lose strength and mental discomfort, leading to bodily injury. Which promise good luck, you can find out here.

Other representatives of the horoscope can wear serpentinite, but not more than 5 times a month.

In conclusion, we can conclude that this impregnable and cold-blooded stone is not distinguished by catchiness, but gradually fascinates and not everyone can recognize its splendor and grandeur.

If you decide to reunite with his powerful energy field and defy danger, then the serpentine is definitely what you need.

Serpentine is a common jewelry and ornamental mineral. The stone is a type of serpentine. Its "snake" coloring contributes to the development of many legends and myths.

In ancient times, it was believed that the serpentine was nothing more than the discarded skin of the Great Poloz, who was the owner of the Ural gold.

Description of the stone

Characteristic veins and spots on a greenish-yellow background leave no doubt about the occurrence of the name of the stone - serpentine. The name also gave rise to the fact that in Latin the word serpentine means a snake. It is also customary to refer to the mineral as an apothecary stone. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the discovery of the coil, medical mortars and cups were made from it.

The stone is moderately hard attractive appearance and rounded edges. Often, the mineral is mined faster than the rest, this is due to the fact that they mainly lie in large monoliths.

The opaque mineral has original fibrous veins. The difference from jade is that the serpentine is much softer in structure and can be processed better.

In addition to high resistance to abrasion, the mineral has the ability to withstand and retain original form in the most difficult temperature conditions.

Varieties and colors

The coil is so diverse that it is divided into several types. noble mineral has a dense structure and is used for crafts. The stone that has green tint referred to as an ophit having a spotted color - moss fly. Interspersed with black suggests that you have another variety in front of you - williamsite.

A real serpentine is not transparent, which cannot be said about its many varieties. Some gems can be easily confused with jade.

With regards to the color palette, the serpentine is most often green or gray with black and golden tints. Which is especially similar to snake skin.