"Night" mineral: the magical properties of moonstone. Moonstone: properties for whom it suits

The name of the moonstone is due to the beautiful bluish-silver radiance, reminiscent of moonlight. Another, less well-known name is "adularia". Moonstone, whose magical properties have been known since ancient times, is worth its weight in gold in the culture of many peoples of the world.

It is good to use a charm from it for people with an explosive temperament. The mineral will not allow such people to scatter their energy. One of the properties of adularia is the ability to enhance the gift of clairvoyance, so wearing it as an amulet is recommended for people who want to learn or are learning to foresee events. The mineral is able to connect its owner with the past, teach him to draw the right conclusion and make the right decisions. Adularia, whose properties allow you to comprehend the past, is suitable for historians, archaeologists and anthropologists.

The cold glow of the crystal excites daydreaming, relieves internal tension, relieves anger, excessive self-confidence and painful dreams.

Medicinal properties of moonstone adularia

Traditional Tibetan medicine used moonstones to treat mental illness, epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system. The mineral is also used in the treatment of neurological diseases, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, with edema and dropsy, with paralysis, insomnia, sepsis and asthma. Chronic inflammation of the tonsils, diseases of the spine, infectious diseases, fractures and inflammation of bone tissue can also be treated with moonstone. It is believed that adularia improves the functioning of the digestive system. It is advised to take it with you to the maternity hospital for women in labor, so that the child is born quickly and without pathologies. The mineral restores the hormonal process, stimulates reproductive function and helps to calm hyperactive children.

According to popular beliefs, adularia is associated with water (just like the moon). Therefore, it is considered an excellent cleanser for the body. The mineral removes all inflammation and even softens tumors, in particular, malignant ones.

The magical properties of moonstone

Just look at the photo, the magical properties of the moonstone bewitch with a mysterious glow. Adularia is famous for its ability to attract love. Therefore, it can be worn by single people.

It is worth noting that adularia is a stone whose properties are manifested depending on where it is worn. Lonely people are advised to wear a stone closer to the heart - on the left side. To become famous as a conflict-free person who knows how to compromise in any situation, you need to wear a ring with a moonstone on your left hand. And the ring on the right hand promotes relaxation, awakening fantasies and creative impulses.

The mineral makes its owner a kind, merciful and tolerant person. Adularia products (pendants, earrings, pendants, earrings, bracelets) relieve stress and other negative emotions.

And if you are confused and do not know what to do, then it is enough to take the stone in your hands, concentrate or meditate a little, as the right answer to the exciting question will come to you. In addition, adularia reveals the subconscious, develops talents and abilities.

The possibilities of the moonstone are huge, but they are aimed exclusively at a positive impact on people.

Moonstone: zodiac sign

If you decide to wear a moonstone, the sign of the zodiac is of great importance. The mineral is especially recommended for Cancers, whose patron is the Moon. But people born under fire signs are highly discouraged from wearing adularia: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. It is not contraindicated for other signs.

Moonstone is one of the most beautiful ornamental stones. It is transparent, light blue in color with silver tints. Its radiance resembles the light of the moon, which is why it got its name. His beauty created an aura of mystery around him, and this is what attracts people to this day. If you need to find out the properties of a moonstone and who it suits, you can refer to the horoscope, because the compatibility of a stone with a zodiac sign is very important.

It is called selenite, adularia, pearl spar, algaurite and jandarakand or fisheye for the lightest variety.

The name translates as "radiance of the moon". The name “adularia” was given to the mineral in honor of the place of the first extraction - the Swiss mountain Adul, but it was first found in Persia.

So, the name "moonstone" is not the only one. It combines several different minerals under it: adularia is feldspar, belomorite, selenite, amazonite, albite and sanidine.

Due to the fact that moonstone has a huge palette of colors, any mineral with a silky surface is often called this. The following colors are possible:

The rarest of them is blue, the most common is milky yellow.

How to distinguish a fake

There are a number of signs by which you can understand whether a real mineral. You need to carefully examine it and check the list:

Use in traditional medicine

Since ancient times, adularia has been used in folk medicine. Tibetan healers identify the following ailments that they can cure:

It is also believed that it can normalize the psycho-emotional state and relieve nervous tension.

magical properties

Due to its unusual appearance, selenite has attracted the attention of magicians and mystics since ancient times. The magical properties of the moonstone are presumably related to its origin.

There are several legends about this:

In the Ancient East, the mineral was used for medical purposes, it was believed that it helps to preserve youth. In ancient India, as is clear from their version of origin, selenite was endowed with many magical properties.

Now in India it is used as a good luck charm, its use depends on the lunar phase.

In the West, it is believed: to find your love, you need to wear a mineral near your heart.

Some seers put adularia under their tongue at night to enhance their abilities.

In Hinduism, the stone is used to influence certain chakras.

He is credited with many miraculous properties. . It is believed to help:

You need to charge it in the rays of the full moon, carry it with you in the following days.

To develop creative abilities, you need to wear an adularia ring on your right hand, to improve your emotional state - on your right.

The moonstone is of great importance for magicians and healers. They use it for rituals and making talismans and amulets, while sculptors and craftsmen use it to decorate figurines and handicrafts. It is also used in feng shui for the northwest direction.

This crystal is quite fragile, usually in products it is framed with silver.

Selenite is mentioned not only in mystical treatises, but also in historical evidence. So, Alexander the Great wore a ring with this stone. Aristotle treated selenite with great respect and mentioned it in his writings.

Who is selenite suitable for?

It is believed that adularia is responsible for the energy of Yin, and therefore is suitable mainly for women.

It is also perfect for those born on the full moon and on Monday, regardless of the sign of the zodiac.

There are several opinions about who the selenite stone is suitable for. Its properties can both strengthen and weaken the features inherent in the signs of the zodiac.

Signs of the zodiac and the properties that the moonstone gives them:

It is best to wear the mineral on a full moon, charging it in the rays of the moon. On a decreasing, on the contrary, jewelry with it is better to put it in a box, otherwise, due to lack of energy, it can take it from the owner.

Cost per carat

The cost of this stone, like any other, is determined by several characteristics:

  • transparency;
  • variety;
  • color;
  • cut.

Usually it costs up to $20. A medium sized cabochon can be purchased for around $5 or less.

A rare "rainbow" stone, which is rare, can cost up to $100 per carat.

Stones from Sri Lanka of beautiful blue color can cost from 100 to 500 USD. per carat or more.

On average, jewelry with a stone in a non-precious frame can be purchased for 300-600 rubles. Moonstone is inexpensive and, at the same time, incredibly beautiful. He will always attract the eyes of people prone to esotericism, astrology and mystical stories.

A symbol of eternal love and a talisman for two loving hearts.

Talisman of people of creative professions: writers, musicians, artists. He reveals their talents, gives inspiration, encourages creative impulses.

The stone is considered to bring happiness and is highly valued as a gift to loved ones, as it helps to awaken tender feelings and makes it possible to read the future.

A stone of love and harmony with the environment, the moonstone among many peoples was valued more than gold and was considered sacred.

The moonstone is filled with special power during the full moon. Its glow excites dreaminess, softness, tenderness in people, relieves tension, eliminates anger and excessive self-confidence.

Zodiac signs:

Moonstone is a highly versatile mineral that suits just about everyone. It is the main mascot for Cancers and those born on the 27th lunar day. It has a strong influence on Pisces.

  • Moonstone is one of the lucky stones Cancer .

    The moonstone will relieve Cancers of causeless anxiety, give softness to the character, and help develop their artistic abilities.

    Moonstone is an excellent assistant in business, capable of suggesting the right decision at the level of intuition.

  • Moonstone will help Lions realize their ambitions, abilities for the exact sciences, become more reasonable and attentive.
  • Moonstone will help people born under the sign Dev find love and start a family as soon as possible.

    Such a talisman will help overcome shyness, help open up, show the best qualities inherent in Virgos.

  • Libra , especially for those born between September 24th and October 2nd, the moonstone is also one of the lucky and most suitable mascots.

    Moonstone is one of the most suitable minerals for this sign; is able to help Libra to open up, to realize their creative abilities.

  • Born between October 24 and November 2 Scorpions it is recommended to carry jewelry or any item made of moonstone as a talisman.

    The moonstone will protect Scorpio from the intrigues that are constantly present around him, give confidence, relieve excessive amorousness, and help realize creative abilities.

  • Succeed in business Capricorn a moonstone talisman will help.

    Moonstone will help get rid of longing, despair, melancholy.

    The moonstone will help develop intuition and the gift of foresight, as well as warn Capricorns against possible "pitfalls" on the path to success.

  • Moonstone is also perfect for people born under the sign Fish , because it is not without reason that this mineral is sometimes called the "Fish Eye".

    A Moonstone talisman will help save Pisces from excessive amorousness.

    This mineral will help Pisces find their true love, understand the meaning of life and find purpose in their lives.

    Moonstone jewelry or talismans should be worn by Pisces born between February 21st and March 1st.

    Such a talisman will make people born under this sign not go with the flow, but against it, realizing their "unrealizable dreams", turning them into reality.

    Whatever the sign of the zodiac, the moonstone is the mineral that can influence the fate of any person. After all, the moonstone is a conductor of the forces and energies of the moon, and the moon, as proven, affects every person.

    Medicinal properties:

    Its ability to cleanse all body systems is simply amazing. The stone is very closely connected with all the water structures of the universe, which is why it is a great purifier, dissolving and removing negative influences from the body, softening seals, tumors, and has a beneficial and healing effect even on malignant tumors in advanced stages.

    Moonstones are well compatible only with silver. He treats kidney diseases, helps with epilepsy and renal colic, chronic jaundice, hormonal disorders and diseases of the endocrine glands. It is recommended for paralysis, edema, blood diseases, insomnia, arthritis, febrile conditions, infectious diseases, sepsis, asthma, spinal diseases, chronic inflammation of the tonsils, fractures and inflammation of bone tissues, diseases of the liver and biliary tract - acute and chronic, jaundice.

    Protects against epilepsy and other transient nervous attacks. It has a good effect on the functions of digestion and the pituitary gland, improves lymph circulation, and facilitates childbirth. It makes dreams clear, vivid, memorable. Treats sleepwalking. It is often placed under the pillow to ensure restful sleep.

    Magic properties:

    Absorbs the energy of the moon. On the new moon, the adularia gets colder and shines brighter: at this time, it gains "magic" power, helping magicians and soothsayers to foresee the future. Such a property of it was known even to the ancient Chaldean sorcerers, who put a moonstone under the tongue before divination. In Ceylon, the moonstone was considered sacred and bringing happiness.

    The stone is filled with special power during the full moon. Its glow excites dreaminess, softness, tenderness in people, relieves tension, eliminates anger and excessive self-confidence.

    This stone is a peacemaker that makes people more tolerant of each other, understanding and loving. This is a talisman of love, which helps to pacify a strong mental and mental state. To lovers, adularia brings consent, fidelity, understanding each other from a half-word and even without words, and quite clearly reacts to the cooling of feelings: it changes color and saturation, and can become dull. It gives the owner the ability to beautifully and accurately express their thoughts, the gift of poetry, romantic art, the gift of penetrating the secrets of nature and the hearts of people.

    Adularia makes a person attractive, charming and refined, gives the owner an inimitable charm and the ability to behave even in very unpleasant situations. He is a strong guardian of people with an explosive temperament, does not allow them to scatter energy, and pacifies unconstructive emissions. Adularia perfectly protects against the harmful influences of people and unpleasant entities, clears the space for its owner, especially if the owner often talks to the stone. For rough natures, adularia is almost useless, because he does not want to fight such manifestations, but seeks to develop only those who go to this on their own, with their own will.

  • Moonstone is a beautiful gem with a mysterious name. He is like a gift from the universe that fell from the moon to earth. Its amazing brilliance is comparable to the lunar glow, with the twinkling of stars.

    Description of moonstone

    All moon gems have not only an attractive external brilliance, but also enchant with their internal shimmering glow. Their brilliance can be compared to the golden lunar highlights. In terms of color, these minerals can also be different: milky, purple, white, or colorless. There are stones and light gray with a gentle and blue tint. Of great value are specimens with a pattern of the starry sky. Rarely there are also shades of "cat's eye" stones with a reflection effect.

    Moonstone in the culture of different countries

    This mineral has become a real discovery for scientists. Its flickering is due to its internal structure. The whole secret is that the light, falling on it, passes through refraction and therefore scatters in the eye. Because of this unusual ability of the gem and because of its enchanting beauty, it has become often used to create jewelry. It is also widely used for decorating designer items.
    Chroniclers from different countries described the history of the origin of the moonstone. Many myths and legends are associated with it. For example, ancient mythology believes that this mineral contains petrified moon rays. That is, it is part of the lunar surface, a gift and a messenger from heaven.

    All moon gems have not only an attractive external brilliance, but also enchant with their internal shimmering glow.

    In India, this stone was perceived as a symbol of passion and love, it was believed that it gives people the opportunity to see their future and helps them manage their destiny. The inhabitants of Greece believed that this crystal was a gift from the Hyperboreans. He disposed a person to revelations, gave the ability to see what is hidden from the ordinary eye.

    Among the Chaldeans, the peoples living in southern Mesopotamia, priests used this gem in their mystical rites. They recited prayers and incantations while holding a moonstone under their tongues. This helped them realize what they wanted, their thoughts became prophetic.

    Many beliefs are devoted to this mysterious mineral. It is believed that he absorbs lunar energy, as a result of which he acquires magical powers. You can even read a book about moonstone by W. Collins. She saw the light in 1868. Not all stones can boast that a whole book is dedicated to them.

    The moonstone is perceived by people as the protagonist of mystical events, capable of influencing human destinies.

    Moonstone deposits

    High quality crystals come mainly from the island of Sri Lanka. But still, the main place of their extraction, which is known to the whole world, is located in India.

    This mineral has become a real discovery for scientists.

    This kind of moonstone, like adularia, is mined only in India and Burma. In our time, deposits of this stone have been discovered in Mongolia. Unique samples of this mineral are also found on the island of Labrador. And in Russia, deposits of this gem were discovered near St. Petersburg.

    Healing properties of moonstone

    If you want to “make friends” with the moon, protect yourself from all its negative manifestations, then this gem will help you with this. It relieves epilepsy attacks, gives calm and serene dreams, relieves irritability. Magicians and psychics recommend wearing a piece of raw natural moonstone as a piece of jewelry. Such decoration will have a beneficial effect on brain activity, namely on the pituitary gland. The mineral also works as a sedative, eliminates fears and anxiety. If you put this gem under your pillow at night, it will help you sleep. Also, many healers refer to its healing abilities as help with problems with the gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. It helps with diseases of the cardiovascular organs, improving blood circulation.

    This gem is recommended by lithotherapists to all women who are afraid of the upcoming birth. It will also help if the pregnancy proceeds with complications. Under the influence of this stone is the heart chakra.

    The stone is part of the lunar surface, a gift and a messenger from heaven.

    It is known that on bright moonlit nights this gem can “cry”, shed tears. On such nights, he is charged with special healing powers, so he can even replace the help of psychotherapists. Thanks to him, all the experiences and difficulties of life are much calmer and easier. Therefore, men can give rings with this stone to their beloved women, who are prone to excessive emotionality and anxiety. With such decoration, a woman will be more restrained and emotionally stable.

    The magical properties of moonstone

    This mineral is endowed with an unusual magical power. Its main ability is to attract love to its owner. Psychics say that he can help a lonely person find happiness in his personal life, meet his soul mate. To do this, they recommend wearing moonstone jewelry on the left side. This charming crystal is able to teach a person sincere love. It helps closed, closed and emotionally cold people become more open in their feelings, reveals true love in their hearts. For this, magicians recommend wearing a moonstone bracelet on the left hand. Also suitable for this purpose is a ring with this gem, which should also be worn on the finger of the left hand.

    You can buy moonstone jewelry if you want to become more merciful and gentle. It will make you a more patient person, help you establish harmonious relationships with others and correct your sensuality.

    If you wear moonstone products on your right hand, they will have a relaxing effect. They will help you to reveal your talents and abilities, reveal your imagination.

    Who is moonstone suitable for?

    Since ancient times, this mineral symbolizes harmony with nature. People valued it more than gold and treated it like a sacred stone, using it as a talisman. This gem is most suitable for creative people: musicians, poets, actors, art historians. It gives such people inspiration and makes it possible to see the world from the original side. Like a bracelet - a talisman, it creates an atmosphere of creative impulse and imagination for its owner.

    Thanks to this gem, all experiences and life's difficulties are much calmer and easier.

    This mineral also helps all lovers. In order to strengthen love and keep it, it is given to your soulmate. It reliably protects the tender feelings of lovers.

    Magicians and shamans use this gem in order to gain the ability to look into the future and enhance their magical abilities. It is believed that the mineral manifests its special power during the full moon. The owners of this gem become more gentle and dreamy. It helps a person to get rid of many shortcomings in character, for example, from excessive pride and self-confidence, thereby creating favorable conditions for meeting with his soulmate.

    Moonstone and zodiac signs

    Astrologers believe that this gem has the closest compatibility with such a zodiac sign as Cancer. He will bring them great luck and success in all matters. It will help to reveal the creative potential inherent in a person, fill life with harmony and meaning.

    Magicians and shamans use this gem in order to gain the ability to look into the future.

    Not all representatives of the zodiac constellations are suitable for this mineral. For some, it can even pose a danger, interfere with development, attract troubles and problems into their lives. These signs include representatives of the fire element. These are fire signs such as Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Hence the question follows: is it possible to wear a moonstone for these signs, or is it better to avoid contact with it altogether? Astrologers cannot give an unambiguous answer to this question, since it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person: the day of his birth and the phase of the moon at the time of birth. Astrologers agree that the moonstone is suitable for all people, regardless of their zodiac sign, if they were born on Monday and on a full moon.

    • It is favorable to wear jewelry with a real moonstone for Pisces. This gem will teach them to manage their feelings, get rid of excessive amorousness and meet their true love. It will also give Pisces the strength to turn dreams into reality.
    • It is also useful for Scorpions to wear this gem in order to reveal their talents and abilities, as well as protect themselves from the intrigues of colleagues.
    • Almost all astrologers recommend wearing moonstone jewelry to Gemini. Representatives of this zodiac sign need it in order to be able to concentrate on the goal and not suffer from sudden mood swings.
    • Thanks to this mineral, Libra will be able to gain the energy of harmony and balance. It is favorable to conduct meditations with this stone.
    • Taurus, thanks to the moonstone, will acquire a more optimistic view of the world, get rid of stress and tension.

    Can men wear moonstone?

    Not only women can wear jewelry with this gem - he provides help and support to representatives of the strong half of humanity. To a greater extent, it suits Cancer men. He will help them smooth out their difficult character, protect them from envious people and enemies, give vitality and self-confidence, and improve health. Moreover, if the Cancer man is lonely, then this gem will attract the attention of women to him and add masculine charm. And if a man is married, then the moonstone will bring prosperity and peace to his family.

    Moonstone price

    Due to the popularity of this mineral, its fakes are often found on sale, which are only called moonstone. Their role is played by both jewelry and ornamental materials and glass. In order to avoid acquiring a fake and buy a real moonstone, you need to know its cost and imagine exactly how it should look. In order to have an idea of ​​its appearance, take a look at the photo of the moon rock. Since ancient times, the qualities to the moonstone, namely to the adularia, were as follows:

    1. it should have a blue luster, it should not have brownish and greenish tints;
    2. in color it should be with a blue, glassy sheen, translucent or slightly opaque.
    3. there should not be any inclusions on a real stone. At least they are not visible to the naked eye.

    It is believed that the mineral manifests its special power during the full moon.

    Its brilliance is called adularisence. The ideal option is a glossy blue color that is clearly visible from most viewing angles. If the visibility of the shine is limited, or there are a large number of cracks and inclusions in the stone, then its price becomes much lower.

    Stones that are of premium quality are colorless, translucent. Their brilliance can be seen from any viewing angle. And their cost ranges from 1.5 to four thousand rubles, but the stone must weigh at least 20 carats.

    Top quality gems have a colorless base. Their main difference from premium class stones is that their brilliance is brighter, visible from all sides, having a rich blue color. Such a mineral less than 20 carats will cost from 4 to 160 thousand rubles. To date, there is no information on technologies that allow obtaining a synthetic stone of the highest quality with the same composition as natural. It is known that its imitations are made in India.

    Where to buy natural moonstone?

    Not only expensive adularia refers to real moonstone. There are other varieties of it, which can be purchased in the form of a bracelet at a more affordable cost. These varieties also include Labrador and Belomorite. Labrador, like adularia, belongs to the feldspar family. It received its name in connection with its location. There are several varieties of this mineral:

    • with large spots and a rich blue glow - such a stone is called a bull's eye;
    • a gem with a greenish glow, called a lynx eye;
      spectrolite stone with iridescence in the form of the spectrum of the sun;
    • black stone with blue tints;
    • tavusite with iridescence of different colors, reminiscent of peacock feathers

    Moonstone bracelet.

    The price of a Labrador depends on the degree of manifestation of iridescence. So, a small stone can cost from 120 to 300 rubles per carat. The cost of the beads of their uncut Labrador is about one to two thousand rubles. If the labrador is polished, then it will cost from two to three thousand.

    Belomorite also belongs to feldspars, namely, to a subspecies of oligoclases. It also got its name in connection with the place of its extraction, which is located on the coastal regions of the White Sea. This mineral is most often translucent, it can be completely transparent. It has a pearly sheen with a blue-yellowish or greenish glow. The cost of Belomorite, like the Labrador, depends on its size, color and degree of transparency. The average price for it varies from two to 60 thousand rubles. Large stones are more expensive.

    Also, the cost of products with moonstone depends on the setting and decorations with other stones.
    All varieties of moonstone are highly valued, because thanks to their radiance, beautiful jewelry is created from them. If you wish, you can buy a moonstone bracelet from balls of all varieties of the moon gem. Jewelry with this mineral will fill your life with harmony, love and prosperity.

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    Moonstone (adularia) and astrology

    The name of perhaps the most mysterious and romantic gem comes from the place of its first extraction - Mount Adula in the Swiss Alps. Adularia (moonstone), which first saw the light, radiated a cold blue shimmer. The most famous and largest deposits of stone were located on about. Sri Lanka. The gems mined on the island had the most valuable indicators of color, transparency, number and density of layers. Today they are practically exhausted. Only in 1958 in the USA, Virginia, in the river pebbles of the environs of the city of Oliver, were found crystals, partially close in quality to those mined in Sri Lanka.

    There is such a gem deposit in India, Burma, Australia, Madagascar. There are also small deposits in Siberia and the Urals. Most often, Siberian feldspars contain inclusions of gold, which only adds value to the mined specimens. It is not uncommon for particles of another noble metal, silver, to be found in the mineral. And microinclusions of albite, falling under direct rays of light, give the adularia a rare bluish color.

    Types of moonstone

    The mineral does not have a clear distinction in its varieties. However, it is not uncommon that other gems are also called moonstone, such as:

    1. belomorite
    2. feldspar
    3. - black moonstone
    4. selenite

    Cold, silvery, mother-of-pearl and bluish overflows of the mineral endowed it with the most gentle second name, better known than its native one - it is “moonstone”. Unusual, bewitching overflows served as the basis for many legends.

    According to one of them, the gem was called "moon foam" and they believed that these stones were a vessel for the tears of the beautiful moon Goddess. The iridescence of the stone creates the impression that there is something inside it that radiates this iridescent white glow with yellowish-bluish tints.

    Healing effects of moonstone (adularia)

    Adularia unusually powerfully interacts with the human body. In order for the gem to fully be able to exert its healing effect, it is important to wear it directly on the body in the form of a pendant, bracelets or beads. In the folk medicine of Tibet, the mineral was used as a healing wound of the human soul, sleep disorders of varying degrees, depletion of the central nervous system, and epilepsy.

    Stones are used in the prevention and treatment of:

    1. diseases of the spine, inflammation of bone tissue,
    2. edema and dropsy,
    3. paralysis
    4. arthritis,
    5. inflammation of the urinary tract and bladder,
    6. varying degrees of kidney disease,
    7. liver damage,
    8. infectious diseases of the respiratory tract,
    9. congenital and acquired asthma,
    10. various kinds of febrile conditions,
    11. insomnia and depression.

    Other healers advise women who are in the third trimester of pregnancy to purchase a gem and wear it as a decoration to facilitate the process of childbirth and minimize the risks of having a generative baby. Lithotherapists note the exceptional effect of the stone on the circulatory system, which helps to normalize it.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Aries

    Aries are the owners of indefatigable energy. They are restless and always on the move. Having an active life position, they always strive to be among the first, the winners. But at the same time, representatives of this element are careful and attentive to persons from whom they feel love and respect.

    A small pendant made of adularia in the hands of Aries will help you sleep soundly and healthy, relieve the nervousness accumulated during the day. Thanks to the positive energy of the talisman, its wearer will feel more confident and calm in all his endeavors.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Taurus

    Moonstone has always fascinated with its inexplicable, cosmic beauty. But every single one, the representatives of this mineral had an obvious connection with the Moon, because such a huge number of legends about this miracle cannot be unfounded.

    Taurus, who wears an adularia bracelet or pendant, takes care of his health and does not give such ailments as:

    • depression and insomnia
    • oncological diseases,
    • hormonal imbalance, develop and overshadow the life of its owner.

    For Taurus women, this gem is valuable for good reason. He helps a young woman open up like a flower, forcing her to live with all her heart. The representative of the inspiring zodiac sign, who has an ornament with a moonstone, becomes more benevolent, peace of mind is achieved, love affairs are argued.

    For a Taurus man, adularia is an important talisman. He is a secret talisman for him, healing even the most severe mental wounds, sleep disorders and neuroses.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Gemini

    For Gemini, Moonstone is an excellent amulet. He keeps their health and spirit, helping in both love and professional affairs.

    Adularia is a complex and characteristic gem, like any representative of the Gemini sign. This is their strength and strongest bond. That is why it is so valuable for Gemini. For both women and men, who always find it difficult to define themselves in relationships, the mineral is salvation. It promotes the search for new and the preservation of existing relationships. Moonstone is useful for those representatives of the sign who seek to develop their skills and qualities in the professional field.

    For Gemini men, a gem is emancipation, passion, wisdom. For women - confidence, fearlessness, a new look at the world.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Cancer

    It should be noted that the Moon is the patron planet of Cancers. Namely, this fact speaks of how important it is for a sign to have such a talisman as an adularia. The moon is like a coin and its sides are polar. In order to get rid of the influence of the dark side of the star, Cancer wears a gem only during the full moon, absorbing energy with full force.

    It is very important for Cancer women to have a moonstone pendant. It not only inspires confidence and helps to achieve goals, but also prevents diseases and disorders such as:

    • infertility,
    • nervous attacks,
    • insomnia
    • arterial pressure.

    Cancer with a moonstone is able to reveal in itself talents about which he had no idea, to establish relationships with loved ones and loved ones, to tell you in which direction to move and develop.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Leo

    A self-sufficient Leo is always full of energy and inner strength. Sometimes, due to his impenetrable self-confidence, he, without making diplomatic compromises, breaks down in attacks of aggression. Which he later sincerely regrets.

    For Lviv men, the moonstone is an indispensable assistant. He copes with aggression, making Leo balanced, reasonable and less nervous.

    The energy of the gem has a positive effect on the state of mind of the representative of the sign and his energy, helps to cope with old grievances and restore the former joy to life. In a woman, the mineral will pacify pride, thereby helping to establish family relationships.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Virgo

    Virgos are inconsolably lazy and extremely hardworking. But most often it is a pathological perfectionist who will not calm down until they just finish what they started, but bring it to perfection.

    Representatives of this sign are extremely notorious, although they are erudite and gifted, because they often prefer a new book to a meeting with friends.

    For Virgo women, warmth, tenderness for their partner is absolutely not characteristic, however, as for the Virgo man. Adulary allows feelings to open up, to become more affectionate, more friendly and active in the society surrounding the zodiac.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Libra

    Energetics and basic properties of the sign and the mineral are similar. Therefore, the healing properties of the gem are easily and completely absorbed by Libra. Adular has a beneficial effect and supports:

    • work of the nervous system,
    • the state of the cardiovascular system and its work,
    • hormonal.

    Indecisive, constantly balancing Libra, acquiring a talisman with a heavenly stone, achieve their goals. The mineral awakens hidden talents in them, brings good luck and prosperity, fears, doubts and insecurities go away.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Scorpio

    It is difficult for an ambiguous, secretive sign to share with those around them their inner world, but if they feel sincerity, their love is pure and real. Often worried and worried Scorpions, adularia will help to cope with:

    • insomnia
    • nervous tension,
    • relieve swelling and inflammation,
    • improve heart function.

    As a talisman, the gem will help Scorpio to establish peace of mind and peace of mind, which is essential for him. Moonstone is a battery for a representative of the elements, because wanting to achieve his goal, Scorpio will give all his strength. The mineral inspires, energizes for new achievements.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Sagittarius

    A unique mineral for Sagittarius is extremely valuable not only for its aesthetic qualities, but also for the ability to keep calm, bringing joy and positive to the life of the sign.

    Moonstone gives a feeling of comfort in the house, emancipation in society, a romantic mood in relationships.

    And this is extremely important, because archers are extremely windy by nature, so wearing an amulet with a moonstone will make his life more permanent and solid. For Sagittarius men, the gem is valuable for its ability to treat depression and other nervous disorders.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Capricorn

    The most important component of the life of ambiguous and mundane Capricorns is the material component. Capricorns are prudent and, at best, will give up their own feelings, rather than profit and comfort.

    For a Capricorn man, a talisman with an adularia will help make a rational decision, while protecting his spiritual state. It is important for a woman of this element to have a mineral if there are problems with:

    • musculoskeletal system,
    • skeletal system,
    • digestion.

    It is important to note that women born under the tutelage of Saturn should not wear a stone under any circumstances.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Aquarius

    By nature, Aquarians are balanced and need constant communication. They are happy if they have a favorite thing, a loved one. And they acutely feel the lie and therefore cannot perceive the situation adequately.

    For Aquarius men, it is especially important to have an amulet with a gem. It normalizes the work:

    • liver,
    • kidney,
    • urinary system.

    These representatives of the zodiac sign are extremely scattered, which sometimes prevents them from achieving their desired goal. Wearing a mineral will help solve this problem. The stone will give confidence, relieve unnecessary nervousness, give healthy sleep and strength to start and accomplish victories.

    Adularia (moonstone) for Pisces

    Adularia has a special relationship with Pisces. It is most preferable for women who are deprived of the attention of the strong half. With it, they are more attractive and desirable, and the health of a woman improves by bringing jewelry with a moonstone.

    The mineral is valued for its healing properties, which are extremely beneficial for Pisces, namely:

    • improving the work of the nervous system,
    • treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia,
    • quick healing of fractures,
    • getting rid of insomnia.

    The stone is useful for fish who are unable to cope with depression on their own. The gem will improve interpersonal relationships, helping to get rid of the negative state.