What to do if a cat is missing. How to get a runaway house cat to come back home

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the cat to return for the spiritual life of a believer.

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals for the return of lost animals

Children and the elderly suffer greatly from the loss of a friend. Yes, we put up ads, run around the street and ask neighbors and local shopkeepers if they have seen our missing pets.

Not everyone believes in this, but even inveterate skeptics at such moments still try to try, what if.

Our ancestors knew many different conspiracies and rituals for the return of our pets.

Let's try to remember them and systematize, maybe someone will come in handy, and even better help in trouble.

“Get ready, my dear beast (nickname),

every night to your home,

how the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing.

As Ant's children serve their ant king and obey him,

and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them.

And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (nickname and name who is a cat, dog, another kind of animal),

Try to turn to this saint, he should definitely help.

Hear now and every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory.

You, the servant of Christ, promised yourself that before your departure from this perishable life, pray for us to the Lord and ask Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow of his call starts your holy name, let him be delivered from every pretense of evil.

And as if you were sometimes the daughter of the tsar in Rome, the city of the devil, healed the tormented one, save us from his fierce machinations all the days of our belly, especially on the terrible day of our last breath, intercede for us, when the dark eyes of the evil demons surround and frighten we will be started.

Then be our helper and speedy exorcist of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, even if you now stand with the face of saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, may he grant us partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

Here is what priest Alexander Ilyashenko says about this:

Pets are human helpers. Some of them directly affect our well-being.

That is why in the tradition of the Orthodox Church there is an appeal to the saints with a prayer for the health of animals. From ancient times in the villages they prayed to the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus, Vlasius for the health of cows, horses and other animals.

Prayer for animals

A conspiracy for the animal to return to the house

Then leave the stuck knife in the circle overnight until the cattle returns home.

And if the conspiracy helped the animal return, in no case should you tell anyone about it.

You, goat, go, you, bull, delirious, you, cow, come, you, sheep, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are days in the year that are unfavorable for such things. It is believed that animals purchased on these days will be in poor health or may be lost.

JANUARY - 5, 15, 20.

FEBRUARY - 1, 4, 18, 22, 27.

MARCH - 7, 8, 24, 28.

APRIL - 4, 14, 24.

JUNE - 2, 14, 18, 27.

JULY - 3, 7, 9, 21, 28.

SEPTEMBER - 12, 17.

OCTOBER - 4, 5, 18, 28.

For those who try themselves in the search for animals, I suggest listening to an audio lecture by M. Sugrobova. How it works.

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An effective plot to bring the cat home?

Do you know effective conspiracies (magic rites, runic formulas, prayers) to return the animal home? In our house (in the basement) the cat lived alone, affectionate, not wild, lame. We wanted to take him home with us, but while everything was being prepared, the cat went on a spree and has not come for more than a month.

Are there strong magical rites to bring the cat back home?

Personally, I have never done this. But I know that there are such ways. I really don't know how effective they are.

Here they are

(Well, we don’t pay attention to the bot. It’s harmless. But in general, to be honest, they enrage me))

I hope that some way will help, return the cat

Well, it’s still possible, but it doesn’t work for everyone. How would try to enter into a telepathic connection and ask to return

To do this, you need to relax. Turn off the light, light a candle. Sit back comfortably. Look into the flame of a burning candle and clearly (as in real life) imagine the image of the one you want to return. , we present everything as clearly as possible. We present it as in real life. As you see, how they hear you and how they really want to do what you said. This desire, you need to feel it very well. So, as if the one you ask to return is you yourself. That is, you need to, as it were, with this request, try to convey your desire. I don’t know how else to explain it. But it’s like visualization. In order for it to work well, you need to train, of course. sometimes it really worked out. Once I managed in this way to get my young man to come, with whom we had not communicated for a long time. And the most amazing thing is that he really came after that. He said that he really wanted to see me. I was very surprised by this .So sometimes it works. But here you need a strong desire, will and ability to imagine the situation

In short, we clearly imagine the cat as alive in front of us and mentally ask him to return. We call him. And at the same time we imagine how he hears you and how he wants to return to you. Something like this. If everything works out, then the cat will return .

I don’t know, I’ve never had to deal with animals, only with people. I don’t even know what else can be done here. There are special conspiracies and rituals on this topic, for example, those that she gave. But I don’t know whether they will work or not. theoretically read conspiracies to fulfill what you want, to achieve your plan (take a cat to yourself), but this is usually used in more serious situations and for more compelling reasons

Here is another interesting article about which saints need to pray for animals and in what cases. And there are spells there. And at the end of the page, there is another spell to return the animal. If it doesn’t help, then at least just read it, for general development can

The term is not so short, in my opinion. But I hope that the cat will return and everything will be fine

In general, it is possible just pray.(Only from the heart) and God to ask those saints who patronize animals. They may be able to help.

Yes, there are such good conspiracies, she herself was personally convinced of their effectiveness. One is done on tarot cards, the other is simply read at the window. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the text, but for some reason I can’t find it on the Internet. You can look here, albeit a slightly different text, but the meaning is the same. The main thing here is faith and a sincere desire for the animal to return.


a conspiracy to return an animal or person.

381 messages

Ideally, slander three of us - at the same time. Duration about 15 - 20 minutes.

Light a candle and stand in front of an open window or window. Looking at the candle and imagining your pet, say: “Smoke uphill, (pet's name) to the house. The power of fire. Aoum!"

This can be done, even for someone - sometimes the owners do not believe in magic, and then you can do it for them. Sometimes you have to wait a few days.

It is possible for one person, but if three people slander at the same time, it works much stronger.

Put a glass of water at the threshold. Say to the water: "Your way to my house, to my doorstep."

And of course the church. Jesus - Nikolai to the saint. - Nicholas the Wonderworker and Gergius the Victorious.

Put candles and ask the saints for return and forgiveness and a miracle to find a lost pet.

I read at night, at 12 o'clock

Hear our humble prayer, Lord!

We pray for all our animal friends

Especially for those who suffer

For all who are hunted, who are lost,

Who has been abandoned, who is scared or hungry;

For all those who should be put to sleep.

Have pity on them, be merciful!

And those who should take care of them,

Give hearts full of compassion

Give them kind hands, tell them kind words.

May we be true friends for animals!

May we share your mercy and grace with them!

How to find a missing animal using a conspiracy

If a pet is missing, then this causes anxiety, pity, anxiety. Particularly affected if a cat or dog is lost, children and the elderly. You can post ads, ask neighbors and people on the street in the place where exactly it disappeared. But often this does not give the desired result.

It is known that our ancestors knew many conspiracies on how to find a missing animal. You can believe it or not, but you can try. After all, this will not make anyone worse, and if you manage to find pets, then everyone in the family will only be happy about it.

For the cat to come home

If you lost your beloved cat, which never came home, and the search did not yield results, then you can try such a conspiracy. It is better to read it where the animal disappeared.

The cat that walks by itself

“Oh, mother of the damp earth, there is a path along that path, a thousand ants follow that path, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So is the cat so that it does not stray, but goes to its yard, to my good. You are a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You can also use this method to return a lost pet. When the full moon comes, if so far all measures have been taken, and the cat or dog has not come home, then you need to take the bedding of your beloved cat or dog, light it in the courtyard of the house and read these words three times:

“As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, blood of the thief burn, let fear and forty diseases attack him, pinch him and break, gnaw and throw, shake and press, knit on the knots of the vein. As this fire goes out, so will the thief feel bad. Amen".

There is also such a ritual to find your cat. To carry it out you will need:

How to return a pet?

You need to put some food in the bowl, light a candle and put it near the bowl of the animal and say clearly and in full voice:

“I ask the forces of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!”.

Do not extinguish the candle, but leave it to burn out.

If the animal ran away

This plot is read twice daily for a week. It must be read at the place where the animal disappeared or where you last saw it. This plot is suitable for all pets:

“Get ready, my dear beast (name, coat color of the animal, breed, who is the cat, dog, another type of animal), every night to your home, as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. As the children of Ants serve and obey their ant king, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flowed to my voice from all sides: because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, to age forever. Amen".

If you read the plot for a week, and the animal never came home, then you need to take a break for a week and read it again.

Conspiracy to return the animal

When the cow goes missing

If your cow disappeared, did not return home with the herd, and the search did not yield results, then you can do the following. Early in the morning they flood the stove, and as soon as the first smoke comes out of the chimney, they immediately call their cow, clearly naming her nickname, then you need to read the plot and spit over your left shoulder three times. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How to return cow cow?

"Forest Tsar-father, Bring me and pretend to be my little cow-cow."

How to call a cat or dog home?

There is also such an old conspiracy to call pets home if they get lost. To perform this ritual, you need to have a candle. You need to stand in front of the open window at the window, you can even open the window itself. You should light a candle, peering intently and very carefully into the flame and mentally imagining your pet, say out loud:

“Smoke uphill (pet's name) to the house. The power of fire. Aum!

The last word is pronounced as long as possible. In the East, this is a very powerful mantra that brings home the lost. Here you are referring directly to the fire element, and therefore the flame of the candle does not need to be blown out with your breath, but you can put the candle on and wait until it goes out on its own or extinguish it with your fingers.

You can repeat this conspiracy for several days in a row. The animal may not come right away, you have to be patient and wait ...

Ritual for the return of lost animals

You can tie the legs of the table at which your family members dine with a string. Every day you need to mentally address your dog or cat and call him home. Some still "appease" the brownie, who loves cats and dogs. To do this, they prepare a treat for him, which they put in a clean bowl.

You can treat the brownie with porridge, pour milk for him, put sweets for him. Only all this must be put in a secluded place so that this treat does not stand in front of everyone. Ask your Brownie Owner to return your pet to you. And do not forget to change his treat.

Almost fabulous way

If you lost some cattle, a goat or a cow did not return home from the pasture, and the shepherds cannot explain this in any way. Then you can try the old way, which is very similar to a fairy tale. It is necessary to write a letter to the King of the Forest, or, as the old people say, to turn to the devil. After all, all forest possessions are subject to him and he is the master there.

It was previously believed that only he would help return the missing pets. The main thing is to observe an important condition: no more than three days should pass from the day the cattle disappeared. It's better to do it right away. With a pen with red ink or paste, write the following on a clean piece of paper:

“King of the forest, I turn to you with a bow, I ask you with a bow: if you walk around the possessions, take care of forest animals, if you accidentally stumble upon (the name and name of the animal), then return to me my dear cattle, fed by me, well-groomed by me, return the nurse mine. And I will thank you."

The text could be like this:

Forest owner's reward

“I am writing to the king of the forest and the queen of the forest, the king of the water and the queen of the water, I am a man ... (further indicate your name). I notify you that my animal has disappeared (indicate the name of the animal, species, color). If you have it, then send it to me without delaying an hour, a minute, or a second. And if you don’t do it in my opinion, I will complain about you to the Holy Great Martyr Yegoriy and Tsaritsa Alexandra.”

The letter must be taken to the forest, read aloud, left on a tree (hung on a branch) or put on a stump. Nearby it is necessary to put a "reward" to the owner of the forest. It can be a crust of bread sprinkled with salt and a small mug of milk. Sometimes a glass of beer or wine is also left.

If the goblin does not return the cattle, then he will definitely let you know in some way where your stray animal is. This is exactly what our ancestors did before, you can try now. Ask the saints for the return of animals

Return the animal with the help of a conspiracy prayer

Some grandmothers recommend that in order to return a pet, contact Nikolai Ugodnik, George the Victorious, who fulfill requests for missing animals. Go to church, light a candle, and ask the Saints to bring your furry pet home to you. Just ask sincerely and in faith. And then the Higher Powers will help you or let you know about your pet in some way.

Listen and be attentive to all the signs that the Universe can send after turning to it for help. This may be a conversation overheard on the street, a television program about missing animals, about nurseries for the homeless, an advertisement in the newspaper about found dogs or cats. Yes, you never know.

And there is also such a prayer-conspiracy about animals. It is not only to bring the animal home, but in general about animals, so that they always feel good. Here are the words of that prayer:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who suffer, For all who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are scared or hungry; For all those who should be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them good hands, tell them kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

How to pronounce a conspiracy?

The plot that you are reading for the return of the animal is best pronounced so that other family members or neighbors do not hear you. If the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the street, then you must wait so that no one bothers you.

Still, conspiracies, conducting various rituals are magical actions that should not be taken out on people. They should be performed alone with oneself, in nature, in the forest, as is the case with a letter to the King of the Forest.

This is a sacrament that is aimed at appealing to the Higher Forces of Nature, to the Cosmos, as they say now. But any such action does not tolerate noise, fuss, a large number of people. And then other people who do not believe in such actions can simply laugh and “dispel”, “neglect” all the work that will be done by you.

As with any conspiracy or uttering a whisper - an imminent conspiracy, you must believe in what you are doing. Only in this case, the Higher Forces will be able to come to your aid.

If a pet is missing, then this causes anxiety, pity, anxiety. Particularly affected if a cat or dog is lost, children and the elderly. You can post ads, ask neighbors and people on the street in the place where exactly it disappeared. But often this does not give the desired result.

It is known that our ancestors knew many conspiracies on how to find a missing animal. You can believe it or not, but you can try. After all, this will not make anyone worse, and if you manage to find pets, then everyone in the family will only be happy about it.

For the cat to come home

If you lost your beloved cat, which never came home, and the search did not yield results, then you can try such a conspiracy. It is better to read it where the animal disappeared.

“Oh, mother of the damp earth, there is a path along that path, a thousand ants follow that path, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So is the cat so that it does not stray, but goes to its yard, to my good. You are a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You can also use this method to return a lost pet. When the full moon comes, if so far all measures have been taken, and the cat or dog has not come home, then you need to take the bedding of your beloved cat or dog, light it in the courtyard of the house and read these words three times:

“As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, blood of the thief burn, let fear and forty diseases attack him, pinch him and break, gnaw and throw, shake and press, knit on the knots of the vein. As this fire goes out, so will the thief feel bad. Amen".

There is also such a ritual to find your cat. To carry it out you will need:

  • cat bowl;
  • white candle;
  • animal's favorite food.

You need to put some food in the bowl, light a candle and put it near the bowl of the animal and say clearly and in full voice:

“I ask the forces of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!”.

Do not extinguish the candle, but leave it to burn out.

If the animal ran away

This plot is read twice daily for a week. It must be read at the place where the animal disappeared or where you last saw it. This plot is suitable for all pets:

“Get ready, my dear beast (name, coat color of the animal, breed, who is the cat, dog, another type of animal), every night to your home, as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. As the children of Ants serve and obey their ant king, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flowed to my voice from all sides: because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, to age forever. Amen".

If you read the plot for a week, and the animal never came home, then you need to take a break for a week and read it again.

When the cow goes missing

If your cow disappeared, did not return home with the herd, and the search did not yield results, then you can do the following. Early in the morning they flood the stove, and as soon as the first smoke comes out of the chimney, they immediately call their cow, clearly naming her nickname, then you need to read the plot and spit over your left shoulder three times. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

"Forest Tsar-father, Bring me and pretend to be my little cow-cow."

How to call a cat or dog home?

There is also such an old conspiracy to call pets home if they get lost. To perform this ritual, you need to have a candle. You need to stand in front of the open window at the window, you can even open the window itself. You should light a candle, peering intently and very carefully into the flame and mentally imagining your pet, say out loud:

“Smoke uphill (pet's name) to the house. The power of fire. Aum!

The last word is pronounced as long as possible. In the East, this is a very powerful mantra that brings home the lost. Here you are referring directly to the fire element, and therefore the flame of the candle does not need to be blown out with your breath, but you can put the candle on and wait until it goes out on its own or extinguish it with your fingers.

You can repeat this conspiracy for several days in a row. The animal may not come right away, you have to be patient and wait ...

Ritual for the return of lost animals

You can tie the legs of the table at which your family members dine with a string. Every day you need to mentally address your dog or cat and call him home. Some still "appease" the brownie, who loves cats and dogs. To do this, they prepare a treat for him, which they put in a clean bowl.

You can treat the brownie with porridge, pour milk for him, put sweets for him. Only all this must be put in a secluded place so that this treat does not stand in front of everyone. Ask your Brownie Owner to return your pet to you. And do not forget to change his treat.

Almost fabulous way

If you lost some cattle, a goat or a cow did not return home from the pasture, and the shepherds cannot explain this in any way. Then you can try the old way, which is very similar to a fairy tale. It is necessary to write a letter to the King of the Forest, or, as the old people say, to turn to the devil. After all, all forest possessions are subject to him and he is the master there.

It was previously believed that only he would help return the missing pets. The main thing is to observe an important condition: no more than three days should pass from the day the cattle disappeared. It's better to do it right away. With a pen with red ink or paste, write the following on a clean piece of paper:

“King of the forest, I turn to you with a bow, I ask you with a bow: if you walk around the possessions, take care of forest animals, if you accidentally stumble upon (the name and name of the animal), then return to me my dear cattle, fed by me, well-groomed by me, return the nurse mine. And I will thank you."

The text could be like this:

“I am writing to the king of the forest and the queen of the forest, the king of the water and the queen of the water, I am a man ... (further indicate your name). I notify you that my animal has disappeared (indicate the name of the animal, species, color). If you have it, then send it to me without delaying an hour, a minute, or a second. And if you don’t do it in my opinion, I will complain about you to the Holy Great Martyr Yegoriy and Tsaritsa Alexandra.”

The letter must be taken to the forest, read aloud, left on a tree (hung on a branch) or put on a stump. Nearby it is necessary to put a "reward" to the owner of the forest. It can be a crust of bread sprinkled with salt and a small mug of milk. Sometimes a glass of beer or wine is also left.

If the goblin does not return the cattle, then he will definitely let you know in some way where your stray animal is. This is exactly what our ancestors did before, you can try now. Ask the saints for the return of animals

Some grandmothers recommend that in order to return a pet, contact Nikolai Ugodnik, George the Victorious, who fulfill requests for missing animals. Go to church, light a candle, and ask the Saints to bring your furry pet home to you. Just ask sincerely and in faith. And then the Higher Powers will help you or let you know about your pet in some way.

Listen and be attentive to all the signs that the Universe can send after turning to it for help. This may be a conversation overheard on the street, a television program about missing animals, about nurseries for the homeless, an advertisement in the newspaper about found dogs or cats. Yes, you never know.

And there is also such a prayer-conspiracy about animals. It is not only to bring the animal home, but in general about animals, so that they always feel good. Here are the words of that prayer:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who suffer, For all who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are scared or hungry; For all those who should be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them good hands, tell them kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

How to pronounce a conspiracy?

The plot that you are reading for the return of the animal is best pronounced so that other family members or neighbors do not hear you. If the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the street, then you must wait so that no one bothers you.

Still, conspiracies, conducting various rituals are magical actions that should not be taken out on people. They should be performed alone with oneself, in nature, in the forest, as is the case with a letter to the King of the Forest.

This is a sacrament that is aimed at appealing to the Higher Forces of Nature, to the Cosmos, as they say now. But any such action does not tolerate noise, fuss, a large number of people. And then other people who do not believe in such actions can simply laugh and “dispel”, “neglect” all the work that will be done by you.

As with any conspiracy or uttering a whisper - an imminent conspiracy, you must believe in what you are doing. Only in this case, the Higher Forces will be able to come to your aid.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the return of a lost animal for the spiritual life of a believer.

If a pet is missing, then this causes anxiety, pity, anxiety. Particularly affected if a cat or dog is lost, children and the elderly. You can post ads, ask neighbors and people on the street in the place where exactly it disappeared. But often this does not give the desired result.

It is known that our ancestors knew many conspiracies on how to find a missing animal. You can believe it or not, but you can try. After all, this will not make anyone worse, and if you manage to find pets, then everyone in the family will only be happy about it.

For the cat to come home

If you lost your beloved cat, which never came home, and the search did not yield results, then you can try such a conspiracy. It is better to read it where the animal disappeared.

The cat that walks by itself

“Oh, mother of the damp earth, there is a path along that path, a thousand ants follow that path, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So is the cat so that it does not stray, but goes to its yard, to my good. You are a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You can also use this method to return a lost pet. When the full moon comes, if so far all measures have been taken, and the cat or dog has not come home, then you need to take the bedding of your beloved cat or dog, light it in the courtyard of the house and read these words three times:

“As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, blood of the thief burn, let fear and forty diseases attack him, pinch him and break, gnaw and throw, shake and press, knit on the knots of the vein. As this fire goes out, so will the thief feel bad. Amen".

There is also such a ritual to find your cat. To carry it out you will need:

How to return a pet?

You need to put some food in the bowl, light a candle and put it near the bowl of the animal and say clearly and in full voice:

“I ask the forces of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!”.

Do not extinguish the candle, but leave it to burn out.

If the animal ran away

This plot is read twice daily for a week. It must be read at the place where the animal disappeared or where you last saw it. This plot is suitable for all pets:

“Get ready, my dear beast (name, coat color of the animal, breed, who is the cat, dog, another type of animal), every night to your home, as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. As the children of Ants serve and obey their ant king, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flowed to my voice from all sides: because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, to age forever. Amen".

If you read the plot for a week, and the animal never came home, then you need to take a break for a week and read it again.

Conspiracy to return the animal

When the cow goes missing

If your cow disappeared, did not return home with the herd, and the search did not yield results, then you can do the following. Early in the morning they flood the stove, and as soon as the first smoke comes out of the chimney, they immediately call their cow, clearly naming her nickname, then you need to read the plot and spit over your left shoulder three times. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How to return cow cow?

"Forest Tsar-father, Bring me and pretend to be my little cow-cow."

How to call a cat or dog home?

There is also such an old conspiracy to call pets home if they get lost. To perform this ritual, you need to have a candle. You need to stand in front of the open window at the window, you can even open the window itself. You should light a candle, peering intently and very carefully into the flame and mentally imagining your pet, say out loud:

“Smoke uphill (pet's name) to the house. The power of fire. Aum!

The last word is pronounced as long as possible. In the East, this is a very powerful mantra that brings home the lost. Here you are referring directly to the fire element, and therefore the flame of the candle does not need to be blown out with your breath, but you can put the candle on and wait until it goes out on its own or extinguish it with your fingers.

You can repeat this conspiracy for several days in a row. The animal may not come right away, you have to be patient and wait ...

Ritual for the return of lost animals

You can tie the legs of the table at which your family members dine with a string. Every day you need to mentally address your dog or cat and call him home. Some still "appease" the brownie, who loves cats and dogs. To do this, they prepare a treat for him, which they put in a clean bowl.

You can treat the brownie with porridge, pour milk for him, put sweets for him. Only all this must be put in a secluded place so that this treat does not stand in front of everyone. Ask your Brownie Owner to return your pet to you. And do not forget to change his treat.

Almost fabulous way

If you lost some cattle, a goat or a cow did not return home from the pasture, and the shepherds cannot explain this in any way. Then you can try the old way, which is very similar to a fairy tale. It is necessary to write a letter to the King of the Forest, or, as the old people say, to turn to the devil. After all, all forest possessions are subject to him and he is the master there.

It was previously believed that only he would help return the missing pets. The main thing is to observe an important condition: no more than three days should pass from the day the cattle disappeared. It's better to do it right away. With a pen with red ink or paste, write the following on a clean piece of paper:

“King of the forest, I turn to you with a bow, I ask you with a bow: if you walk around the possessions, take care of forest animals, if you accidentally stumble upon (the name and name of the animal), then return to me my dear cattle, fed by me, well-groomed by me, return the nurse mine. And I will thank you."

The text could be like this:

Forest owner's reward

“I am writing to the king of the forest and the queen of the forest, the king of the water and the queen of the water, I am a man ... (further indicate your name). I notify you that my animal has disappeared (indicate the name of the animal, species, color). If you have it, then send it to me without delaying an hour, a minute, or a second. And if you don’t do it in my opinion, I will complain about you to the Holy Great Martyr Yegoriy and Tsaritsa Alexandra.”

The letter must be taken to the forest, read aloud, left on a tree (hung on a branch) or put on a stump. Nearby it is necessary to put a "reward" to the owner of the forest. It can be a crust of bread sprinkled with salt and a small mug of milk. Sometimes a glass of beer or wine is also left.

If the goblin does not return the cattle, then he will definitely let you know in some way where your stray animal is. This is exactly what our ancestors did before, you can try now. Ask the saints for the return of animals

Return the animal with the help of a conspiracy prayer

Some grandmothers recommend that in order to return a pet, contact Nikolai Ugodnik, George the Victorious, who fulfill requests for missing animals. Go to church, light a candle, and ask the Saints to bring your furry pet home to you. Just ask sincerely and in faith. And then the Higher Powers will help you or let you know about your pet in some way.

Listen and be attentive to all the signs that the Universe can send after turning to it for help. This may be a conversation overheard on the street, a television program about missing animals, about nurseries for the homeless, an advertisement in the newspaper about found dogs or cats. Yes, you never know.

And there is also such a prayer-conspiracy about animals. It is not only to bring the animal home, but in general about animals, so that they always feel good. Here are the words of that prayer:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who suffer, For all who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are scared or hungry; For all those who should be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them good hands, tell them kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

How to pronounce a conspiracy?

The plot that you are reading for the return of the animal is best pronounced so that other family members or neighbors do not hear you. If the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the street, then you must wait so that no one bothers you.

Still, conspiracies, conducting various rituals are magical actions that should not be taken out on people. They should be performed alone with oneself, in nature, in the forest, as is the case with a letter to the King of the Forest.

This is a sacrament that is aimed at appealing to the Higher Forces of Nature, to the Cosmos, as they say now. But any such action does not tolerate noise, fuss, a large number of people. And then other people who do not believe in such actions can simply laugh and “dispel”, “neglect” all the work that will be done by you.

As with any conspiracy or uttering a whisper - an imminent conspiracy, you must believe in what you are doing. Only in this case, the Higher Forces will be able to come to your aid.

Visitor reviews


my friend picked up my kitten Shurik on the roadway in the city. he was then 15 days old, my British cat replaced his mother, shura sucked his paw, and I fed him with a mixture, got up at night, put him on a tray. now shura is about 9 months old. about a month ago, my shura disappeared and he was gone for a week. on the day he was found, I read a prayer, and just a miracle happened, on the same day he made himself felt. , this time there are no signs. Or maybe the dogs have already bitten him, I'm afraid of this most of all

and my pet went missing almost a month ago. At first, I did not attach any importance to his absence, since he likes to take a walk, we live in the village. Sometimes he was gone for three days, a week has passed_ I think he will return soon (not a small one, and he knows all the surrounding courtyards). and then time passes, but it is not. I cried all my eyes ... I will read conspiracies and hope ..

If the cat leaves, they say he takes away the trouble. Wait for the trouble to pass by and the cat will return

My Cat Tisha passed away 9 days ago, I'm very worried. And I really want to believe that he is alive!

Everything is working! Thank you very much for your advice! .

lost a dog, read all the conspiracies they found, and the dog was found, after three months they no longer hoped. and now the kitten is lost

I will help prayers -zagavora but have not yet done 0 points

I really want to find my missing cat.

Thank you for the article.

Our cat ran away from the car into the woods far from home. Searched day and night, glued ads.

We read conspiracies (I wrote below), and on the third day we found on your website about a note to the Forest Tsar, and the most surprising thing is that the next morning we went to the place where we left the gifts for the goblin and our cat yelled there. This is just a miracle. It turns out that our cat has been sitting in the forest all this time in the rain, a thunderstorm, and we were looking for him within a radius of 5 km.




Oh, mother of the damp earth, there is a path along that path, a thousand ants follow that path, everyone goes to their holes, they do not go astray, they meet in an anthill. So is the cat so that it does not stray, but goes to its yard, to my good. You are a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen

“I ask the forces of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!”

I made a conspiracy, but at the end it says that the candle should burn out and it went out, I'm afraid that it won't work

I ask the powers of the universe to protect my animal and help me get it back today.

I got a call that the dog was found the next day after reading!

My toychkik Filya disappeared three days ago, can kind people help me to return it? Four years as a son.

I lost my cat for 3 days. how to find a cat? please tell me

The cat has disappeared for almost 2 months please help, I will be glad even if I find out if he is alive

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(c) 2017 Divination, love spells, conspiracies

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Any materials obtained by you using Nagadali, you can use at your own peril and risk

Prayer for the return of a missing animal

“Get ready, my cute beast (name, coat color of the animal, breed, who is a cat, dog, other kind of animal), which

every night to your home, how the Orthodox world is going to ring

bell and church singing. Like Ant's children to their king

the ant is served and obeyed, and like honey bees flock to

their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And How

fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so it would

you, my beast (name, coat color of the animal, breed, name who is a cat,

dog, another kind of animal), flowed into my voice from all sides: because of

lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, from rivers, from streams, from

forests, flowed into my house overnight to spend the night, age to age. Amen."

home, or bring news of him. Take your favorite toy

animal or a piece of paper with its name. Sitting in the middle of a magical

circle, repeat three times, holding a toy or piece of paper in your hands (Name of the animal), go home. Now securely attach the thread to the toy or piece of paper. After the circle is closed, hang the toy or leaf out of the window and

pull in slowly. Keep it in the pet's favorite sleeping spot,

until you find him or find out what happened to him.

Diagnostics is paid. Rites of love magic. Road opening. Until full moon (inclusive).

stray, meet in an anthill. So is the cat so that it does not stray, but

went to her yard, to my good. You are a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue.

Diagnostics is paid. Rites of love magic. Road opening. Until full moon (inclusive).

black cloth on the floor and stand on it with bare feet, put under your heels

trifle. Doors and vents in your home should be open. Mentally

imagine a missing animal and read such a plot: “In a green field, a grove stands, in a grove of a snake Skoropeya lies. Let Skoropeya sting the heart (the cat's nickname), take out the soul,

The chest dries up, sends to me from this day, this hour, this minute. TO

your door is dear to me, there are no other roads. Amen." A trifle the next day must be thrown away or distributed.

Diagnostics is paid. Rites of love magic. Road opening. Until full moon (inclusive).

case, your excitement will prevent you from concentrating on messages that

You are getting. A couple of drops of Bach Flower Essences (from

mimulus or chestnut) and "rescue remedy".

  • Imagine that you look just like your animal. Say the pet's name

(mentally or aloud) and send him love. This will help set

  • Ask your pet if he's okay. Wait for an answer. It may come in the form of a feeling

    (for example, relief and calmness), verbal communication or

    mental image. If an image of a closed

    space, like in your workshop or garage, maybe you accidentally

    locked the animal there - check. If an image of a neighboring

    park, look for your pet in it.

  • Trust your intuition and the messages the animal is giving you. If you can not

    see where it is but feel it, ask it to come back

    home. Say that you are worried and would like to make sure that everything is in order with him.

    okay. If your pet ran away from you, ask why.

  • Whether or not you feel a telepathic connection with your pet, visualize that he is in

    returned home safe and sound. Imagine your

    meeting, the joy you will experience. Hold this mental

    image, because it will become the magnet that will help the animal to

    you return if it is able to do so.

  • Don't be discouraged if the exercise doesn't work at first. Perhaps your

    excitement blocks telepathic communication with the animal. pay attention

    You can turn over the glass or cup that is at hand. Experts assure that the lost will be found instantly.

    call her by her “name”, affectionately convince: “Where are you? Show yourself!"

    They say it works too ... Imagine the missing thing. Imagine that

    you are connected with it by a silver thread. Wind up mentally a ball of

    this thread and imagine that the thing is moving closer and closer to

    you ... If a spider caught your eye, then ask him to find your

    loss. Lightly blow on the spider, and let it crawl further along its own

    affairs. It is possible that the thing will soon be found ...

    Diagnostics is paid. Rites of love magic. Road opening. Until full moon (inclusive).

    One sees, the other hears, the third says:

    Buy, find, lose

    Diagnostics is paid. Rites of love magic. Road opening. Until full moon (inclusive).

  • If you have experienced fear, horror and helplessness when losing a pet, if you have tried all possible and impossible search methods - posting ads, polling neighbors, but the result was unsuccessful, do not give up. Your last hope is a conspiracy for a missing animal. This search option was used by our ancestors, in the era of the absence of telephones and mobile communications. You can deny the effectiveness of magical rituals or not believe in witchcraft at all, but there are situations in which prejudices are inappropriate and you need to grab every opportunity, for example, to find a lost animal.

    We quite often lose some everyday things, such as a phone, a pen, keys, and so on. It's hard to believe that it's just as easy to lose a pet until grief comes to your home. It is worth saying that such domestic animals are most often lost: cats, dogs, hamsters, turtles, chinchillas, lizards, etc. But even in rural areas, you can also miss the grazing animals, you can lose chickens, geese, ducks, cows, goats , horses, bulls, sheep, turkeys. Consider the most popular magical recipes for finding a missing animal.

    Pet-only search method

    There is one universal search method that is used to search only for animals living in an apartment or in a private house, and it does not matter who exactly was lost - a cat, dog, hamster or turtle. Early in the morning at dawn, stand in front of an open window, open the curtains and, imagining the image of your pet, thoughtfully read the following plot three times:

    The last word you said is not just a sound, it is the strongest Far Eastern mantra, which is used to return home not only animals, but also lost people. Repeat reading the plot as often as possible until the first news about the animal appears, or better, until the moment when you yourself can pat your pet by the ears and stroke its head.

    For the cat to come back

    If your pet went for a walk, as usual, but never returned home, of course, you need to take all measures for search activities - carefully look at the places where the cat liked to walk, look into cellars and other hidden places, for the reason that the cat something could frighten and she instinctively hid as far as possible, also inspect the trees. If after searching there is no result, resort to magic. It is important not to delay using the search spell, since already on the second day after the loss, the conspiracy will not act so strongly.

    As for the conspiracy to find the cat itself, it is recommended to read it, being as close as possible to the alleged place of its loss. Standing in a pre-selected area, find the highest point (it can be a bench or a curb) and read the following words, all the while thinking about the missing animal:

    “The cat went home, but did not reach. Wind blow towards the house, bring her to me. Water, direct your streams home, bring her to me. Fire, kindle heat near the house, bring her to me. Earth, become a hill, bring her to me."

    Thus, you call on the four elements to help in the search for the missing cat. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to read the plot at midnight, all alone, so that no one sees you and does not know what you are doing.

    There is another version of the ritual, in which a connection with the missing animal is created with the help of personal items. To carry out the rite of search, use the following items:

    • container from which the cat ate
    • animal drinker
    • animal's favorite food
    • church candle


    How to find a lost item? How to find the loss with the help of magic? Search. CONSPIRACY. Ritual.

    Traditional magic when looking for cattle in the forest (letter to the devil or "bondage")

    While at home, as usual, fill the cat with food in her bowl and call her by calling her name and saying "ks-ks-ks." Then light a candle and, holding it in your hand, say a conspiracy:

    "Let my animal, (nickname) return home safe and sound."

    This method differs from the first one in that you do not need to select a specific place and time for reading, the plot can and should be read as often as possible so that the effect is maximum.

    If the dog ran away

    Unfortunately, it is the dogs that most often run away from their owners or, even worse, they can be stolen. Very often, four-legged friends can jump over a fence or even dig to leave the territory of a private house, or a male can break off the leash when he senses a female in estrus. What can I do to help find a pet as soon as possible? In this matter, a certain conspiracy will help to bring home the missing animal. You need to read it twice a day at the same time, that is, if the first time you uttered the text at 10.00, then you should read it the second time exactly at 22.00. As in the case of the loss of a cat, it is recommended to perform the ceremony at the place where you last saw the dog. Write the following text on paper in advance, substituting information about your animal into it:

    “Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, color, breed). You walked with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. May the road to the house ring like a bell, may you be safe and sound.

    This plot is read until the animal is found, but not less than 28 days.

    If the animal is stolen

    If your pet was lost due to the fact that it was stolen, use a conspiracy that will not only help return the loss, but also punish the perpetrators by depriving them of their vital energy. For the ritual you will need:

    • rope about 3 meters
    • milk and sweets
    • Bowl

    During the performance of this ritual, you will turn to a magical creature that lives in every house or apartment - a brownie. With a rope, tie up a place where your animal likes to rest, it can be a bedding, a chair, or even your pillow if a cat likes to sleep on it. Approach this place every day, sit near it for a short time, as if imagining your pet on it. At the same time, you can resort to the help of a brownie by treating him with pre-prepared sweets with milk. Pour milk into a bowl, put it in a corner so that it does not attract too much attention, and put sweets next to it. Then ask the brownie to help find your animal and bring it home. Also, do not forget about the punishment for those who stole your pet.

    If an animal is lost in the countryside

    Unfortunately, it also happens that the animal disappears in the village, this happens especially often if the cattle is in free grazing conditions far from home. Consider the most popular conspiracies designed to help find a lost animal.

    If an artiodactyl animal is missing

    If you didn’t count the cows or goats after the walk, you can immediately start reading the plot without delay:

    "Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn."

    And in the morning of the next day, melt the stove or, if the house does not have a stove heating system, light a fire in your area. As soon as the first smoke is seen, read the spell that you read the day before three times, supplementing it with the name of the cattle, if any.

    If the cattle was stolen

    If ill-wishers have laid eyes on your household and deprived you of one or more individuals, you should use a stronger conspiracy compared to the previous one. To perform the ritual, you will need a sharp knife, with which you need to draw a large circle in place of the animal's usual grazing. Then stand in the middle of the circle just drawn and read the text, infected with magical meaning:

    “I ask you, heaven, see what happened, calm the offenders, do not let them take away (name of the animal), make him return it to the owner, me.”

    After reading with force, stick the knife in the middle of the drawn circle and return home.

    General rule - how to pronounce a conspiracy

    Conspiracies read for the speedy return of the animal are read in an environment so that none of the outsiders, including even family members, knows about it. If, according to the conditions of the ceremony, it must take place on the street, it is better to choose the dark time of the day in order to avoid the presence of random witnesses.

    One of the most important requirements of reading a conspiracy is your faith in the result. You must understand that the result will be obviously unsuccessful if you do not believe in magic and do not put the necessary feelings and emotions into the conspiracy.

    The best protection is prevention

    In order to prevent the loss of a pet, it is better to prevent such a situation in principle by reading a conspiracy aimed at ensuring that the animal does not run away and returns home after grazing or walking. Consider the most effective, judging by the reviews.

    Protective spell for an animal

    This conspiracy is popular for the reason that it protects not only from the loss of a pet, but also from diseases characteristic of this animal. To perform the ritual, you will need one church candle. Wait for your pet to fall asleep, then light a candle and use it to draw a circle in the air above the animal, saying:

    “God, protect your creation, do not let it go to others and lose the way home. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

    To prevent the animal from running away

    If the animal is prone to frequent escapes, you can use the following plot option: hug the animal and stroking it, say in his ear:

    “With love and affection, I warmed you, do not dare to betray this and run away. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Of course, first of all, you need to take your animal seriously in order to prevent its loss. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote, "we are responsible for those we have tamed." But if grief has come to your home, use magical return spells in order to find the lost animal.

    If a pet is missing, then this causes anxiety, pity, anxiety. Particularly affected if a cat or dog is lost, children and the elderly. You can post ads, ask neighbors and people on the street in the place where exactly it disappeared. But often this does not give the desired result.


    It is known that our ancestors knew many conspiracies on how to find a missing animal. You can believe it or not, but you can try. After all, this will not make anyone worse, and if you manage to find pets, then everyone in the family will only be happy about it.

    For the cat to come home

    If you lost your beloved cat, which never came home, and the search did not yield results, then you can try such a conspiracy. It is better to read it where the animal disappeared.

    The cat that walks by itself

    “Oh, mother of the damp earth, there is a path along that path, a thousand ants follow that path, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So is the cat so that it does not stray, but goes to its yard, to my good. You are a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

    You can also use this method to return a lost pet. When the full moon comes, if so far all measures have been taken, and the cat or dog has not come home, then you need to take the bedding of your beloved cat or dog, light it in the courtyard of the house and read these words three times:

    “As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, blood of the thief burn, let fear and forty diseases attack him, pinch him and break, gnaw and throw, shake and press, knit on the knots of the vein. As this fire goes out, so will the thief feel bad. Amen".

    There is also such a ritual to find your cat. To carry it out you will need:

    • cat bowl;
    • white candle;
    • animal's favorite food.

    How to return a pet?

    You need to put some food in the bowl, light a candle and put it near the bowl of the animal and say clearly and in full voice:

    “I ask the forces of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!”.

    Do not extinguish the candle, but leave it to burn out.

    If the animal ran away

    This plot is read twice daily for a week. It must be read at the place where the animal disappeared or where you last saw it. This plot is suitable for all pets:

    “Get ready, my dear beast (name, coat color of the animal, breed, who is the cat, dog, another type of animal), every night to your home, as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. As the children of Ants serve and obey their ant king, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flowed to my voice from all sides: because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, to age forever. Amen".

    If you read the plot for a week, and the animal never came home, then you need to take a break for a week and read it again.

    Conspiracy to return the animal

    When the cow goes missing

    If your cow disappeared, did not return home with the herd, and the search did not yield results, then you can do the following. Early in the morning they flood the stove, and as soon as the first smoke comes out of the chimney, they immediately call their cow, clearly naming her nickname, then you need to read the plot and spit over your left shoulder three times. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

    How to return cow cow?

    "Forest Tsar-father, Bring me and pretend to be my little cow-cow."

    How to call a cat or dog home?

    There is also such an old conspiracy to call pets home if they get lost. To perform this ritual, you need to have a candle. You need to stand in front of the open window at the window, you can even open the window itself. You should light a candle, peering intently and very carefully into the flame and mentally imagining your pet, say out loud:

    “Smoke uphill (pet's name) to the house. The power of fire. Aum!

    The last word is pronounced as long as possible. In the East, this is a very powerful mantra that brings home the lost. Here you are referring directly to the fire element, and therefore the flame of the candle does not need to be blown out with your breath, but you can put the candle on and wait until it goes out on its own or extinguish it with your fingers.

    You can repeat this conspiracy for several days in a row. The animal may not come right away, you have to be patient and wait ...

    Ritual for the return of lost animals

    You can tie the legs of the table at which your family members dine with a string. Every day you need to mentally address your dog or cat and call him home. Some still "appease" the brownie, who loves cats and dogs. To do this, they prepare a treat for him, which they put in a clean bowl.

    You can treat the brownie with porridge, pour milk for him, put sweets for him. Only all this must be put in a secluded place so that this treat does not stand in front of everyone. Ask your Brownie Owner to return your pet to you. And do not forget to change his treat.

    Almost fabulous way

    If you lost some cattle, a goat or a cow did not return home from the pasture, and the shepherds cannot explain this in any way. Then you can try the old way, which is very similar to a fairy tale. It is necessary to write a letter to the King of the Forest, or, as the old people say, to turn to the devil. After all, all forest possessions are subject to him and he is the master there.

    It was previously believed that only he would help return the missing pets. The main thing is to observe an important condition: no more than three days should pass from the day the cattle disappeared. It's better to do it right away. With a pen with red ink or paste, write the following on a clean piece of paper:

    “King of the forest, I turn to you with a bow, I ask you with a bow: if you walk around the possessions, take care of forest animals, if you accidentally stumble upon (the name and name of the animal), then return to me my dear cattle, fed by me, well-groomed by me, return the nurse mine. And I will thank you."

    The text could be like this:

    Forest owner's reward

    “I am writing to the king of the forest and the queen of the forest, the king of the water and the queen of the water, I am a man ... (further indicate your name). I notify you that my animal has disappeared (indicate the name of the animal, species, color). If you have it, then send it to me without delaying an hour, a minute, or a second. And if you don’t do it in my opinion, I will complain about you to the Holy Great Martyr Yegoriy and Tsaritsa Alexandra.”

    The letter must be taken to the forest, read aloud, left on a tree (hung on a branch) or put on a stump. Nearby it is necessary to put a "reward" to the owner of the forest. It can be a crust of bread sprinkled with salt and a small mug of milk. Sometimes a glass of beer or wine is also left.

    If the goblin does not return the cattle, then he will definitely let you know in some way where your stray animal is. This is exactly what our ancestors did before, you can try now. Ask the saints for the return of animals

    Return the animal with the help of a conspiracy prayer

    Some grandmothers recommend that in order to return a pet, contact Nikolai Ugodnik, George the Victorious, who fulfill requests for missing animals. Go to church, light a candle, and ask the Saints to bring your furry pet home to you. Just ask sincerely and in faith. And then the Higher Powers will help you or let you know about your pet in some way.

    Listen and be attentive to all the signs that the Universe can send after turning to it for help. This may be a conversation overheard on the street, a television program about missing animals, about nurseries for the homeless, an advertisement in the newspaper about found dogs or cats. Yes, you never know.

    And there is also such a prayer-conspiracy about animals. It is not only to bring the animal home, but in general about animals, so that they always feel good. Here are the words of that prayer:

    “Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who suffer, For all who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are scared or hungry; For all those who should be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them good hands, tell them kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

    The dog got lost

    How to pronounce a conspiracy?

    The plot that you are reading for the return of the animal is best pronounced so that other family members or neighbors do not hear you. If the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the street, then you must wait so that no one bothers you.

    Still, conspiracies, conducting various rituals are magical actions that should not be taken out on people. They should be performed alone with oneself, in nature, in the forest, as is the case with a letter to the King of the Forest.

    This is a sacrament that is aimed at appealing to the Higher Forces of Nature, to the Cosmos, as they say now. But any such action does not tolerate noise, fuss, a large number of people. And then other people who do not believe in such actions can simply laugh and “dispel”, “neglect” all the work that will be done by you.

    As with any conspiracy or uttering a whisper - an imminent conspiracy, you must believe in what you are doing. Only in this case, the Higher Forces will be able to come to your aid.


    Conspiracy for a missing animal: how to find

    Magic in finding an animal is effective

    If you have experienced fear, horror and helplessness when losing a pet, if you have tried all possible and impossible search methods - posting ads, polling neighbors, but the result was unsuccessful, do not give up. Your last hope is a conspiracy for a missing animal. This search option was used by our ancestors, in the era of the absence of telephones and mobile communications. You can deny the effectiveness of magical rituals or not believe in witchcraft at all, but there are situations in which prejudices are inappropriate and you need to grab every opportunity, for example, to find a lost animal.

    We quite often lose some everyday things, such as a phone, a pen, keys, and so on. It's hard to believe that it's just as easy to lose a pet until grief comes to your home. It is worth saying that such domestic animals are most often lost: cats, dogs, hamsters, turtles, chinchillas, lizards, etc. But even in rural areas, you can also miss the grazing animals, you can lose chickens, geese, ducks, cows, goats , horses, bulls, sheep, turkeys. Consider the most popular magical recipes for finding a missing animal.

    Pet-only search method

    For each animal a certain conspiracy

    There is one universal search method that is used to search only for animals living in an apartment or in a private house, and it does not matter who exactly was lost - a cat, dog, hamster or turtle. Early in the morning at dawn, stand in front of an open window, open the curtains and, imagining the image of your pet, thoughtfully read the following plot three times:

    The last word you said is not just a sound, it is the strongest Far Eastern mantra, which is used to return home not only animals, but also lost people. Repeat reading the plot as often as possible until the first news about the animal appears, or better, until the moment when you yourself can pat your pet by the ears and stroke its head.

    For the cat to come back

    If your pet went for a walk, as usual, but never returned home, of course, you need to take all measures for search activities - carefully look at the places where the cat liked to walk, look into cellars and other hidden places, for the reason that the cat something could frighten and she instinctively hid as far as possible, also inspect the trees. If after searching there is no result, resort to magic. It is important not to delay using the search spell, since already on the second day after the loss, the conspiracy will not act so strongly.

    As for the conspiracy to find the cat itself, it is recommended to read it, being as close as possible to the alleged place of its loss. Standing in a pre-selected area, find the highest point (it can be a bench or a curb) and read the following words, all the while thinking about the missing animal:

    “The cat went home, but did not reach. Wind blow towards the house, bring her to me. Water, direct your streams home, bring her to me. Fire, kindle heat near the house, bring her to me. Earth, become a hill, bring her to me."

    Thus, you call on the four elements to help in the search for the missing cat. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to read the plot at midnight, all alone, so that no one sees you and does not know what you are doing.

    There is another version of the ritual, in which a connection with the missing animal is created with the help of personal items. To carry out the rite of search, use the following items:

    • container from which the cat ate
    • animal drinker
    • animal's favorite food
    • church candle

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    While at home, as usual, fill the cat with food in her bowl and call her by calling her name and saying "ks-ks-ks." Then light a candle and, holding it in your hand, say a conspiracy:

    "Let my animal, (nickname) return home safe and sound."

    This method differs from the first one in that you do not need to select a specific place and time for reading, the plot can and should be read as often as possible so that the effect is maximum.

    If the dog ran away

    Unfortunately, it is the dogs that most often run away from their owners or, even worse, they can be stolen. Very often, four-legged friends can jump over a fence or even dig to leave the territory of a private house, or a male can break off the leash when he senses a female in estrus. What can I do to help find a pet as soon as possible? In this matter, a certain conspiracy will help to bring home the missing animal. You need to read it twice a day at the same time, that is, if the first time you uttered the text at 10.00, then you should read it the second time exactly at 22.00. As in the case of the loss of a cat, it is recommended to perform the ceremony at the place where you last saw the dog. Write the following text on paper in advance, substituting information about your animal into it:

    “Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, color, breed). You walked with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. May the road to the house ring like a bell, may you be safe and sound.

    This plot is read until the animal is found, but not less than 28 days.

    If the animal is stolen

    Magic helps to find the animal and punish the guilty

    If your pet was lost due to the fact that it was stolen, use a conspiracy that will not only help return the loss, but also punish the perpetrators by depriving them of their vital energy. For the ritual you will need:

    • rope about 3 meters
    • milk and sweets
    • Bowl

    During the performance of this ritual, you will turn to a magical creature that lives in every house or apartment - a brownie. With a rope, tie up a place where your animal likes to rest, it can be a bedding, a chair, or even your pillow if a cat likes to sleep on it. Approach this place every day, sit near it for a short time, as if imagining your pet on it. At the same time, you can resort to the help of a brownie by treating him with pre-prepared sweets with milk. Pour milk into a bowl, put it in a corner so that it does not attract too much attention, and put sweets next to it. Then ask the brownie to help find your animal and bring it home. Also, do not forget about the punishment for those who stole your pet.

    If an animal is lost in the countryside

    There are conspiracies to return the animal on their own

    Unfortunately, it also happens that the animal disappears in the village, this happens especially often if the cattle is in free grazing conditions far from home. Consider the most popular conspiracies designed to help find a lost animal.

    If an artiodactyl animal is missing

    If you didn’t count the cows or goats after the walk, you can immediately start reading the plot without delay:

    "Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn."

    And in the morning of the next day, melt the stove or, if the house does not have a stove heating system, light a fire in your area. As soon as the first smoke is seen, read the spell that you read the day before three times, supplementing it with the name of the cattle, if any.

    If the cattle was stolen

    If ill-wishers have laid eyes on your household and deprived you of one or more individuals, you should use a stronger conspiracy compared to the previous one. To perform the ritual, you will need a sharp knife, with which you need to draw a large circle in place of the animal's usual grazing. Then stand in the middle of the circle just drawn and read the text, infected with magical meaning:

    “I ask you, heaven, see what happened, calm the offenders, do not let them take away (name of the animal), make him return it to the owner, me.”

    After reading with force, stick the knife in the middle of the drawn circle and return home.

    General rule - how to pronounce a conspiracy

    The effectiveness of the conspiracy depends on your faith

    Conspiracies read for the speedy return of the animal are read in an environment so that none of the outsiders, including even family members, knows about it. If, according to the conditions of the ceremony, it must take place on the street, it is better to choose the dark time of the day in order to avoid the presence of random witnesses.

    One of the most important requirements of reading a conspiracy is your faith in the result. You must understand that the result will be obviously unsuccessful if you do not believe in magic and do not put the necessary feelings and emotions into the conspiracy.

    The best protection is prevention

    Conspiracy words are also pronounced for prevention

    In order to prevent the loss of a pet, it is better to prevent such a situation in principle by reading a conspiracy aimed at ensuring that the animal does not run away and returns home after grazing or walking. Consider the most effective, judging by the reviews.

    Protective spell for an animal

    This conspiracy is popular for the reason that it protects not only from the loss of a pet, but also from diseases characteristic of this animal. To perform the ritual, you will need one church candle. Wait for your pet to fall asleep, then light a candle and use it to draw a circle in the air above the animal, saying:

    “God, protect your creation, do not let it go to others and lose the way home. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

    To prevent the animal from running away

    If the animal is prone to frequent escapes, you can use the following plot option: hug the animal and stroking it, say in his ear:

    “With love and affection, I warmed you, do not dare to betray this and run away. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Of course, first of all, you need to take your animal seriously in order to prevent its loss. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote, "we are responsible for those we have tamed." But if grief has come to your home, use magical return spells in order to find the lost animal.


    Prayer to return the cat if it is lost | Love spells, conspiracies, prayers: a collection of magical rituals

    It happens that the loss of a pet brings great suffering.

    After all, people are so strongly attached to their cats and dogs, considering them full members of the family.

    And for lonely people, the loss of, for example, a cat, is tantamount to a tragedy. After all, with whom you can now while away the long winter evenings?

    If such grief has befallen you, then turn to magic.

    Over the many millennia of its existence, magical science has learned to successfully look for cats, which, moreover, are also very ancient domestic animals.

    To search for a disappeared cat, its dishes and good food, or a piece of meat bought specifically for your pet, are used.

    The pet’s dishes are taken, food is put there, and the following prayer is read over the cup:

    “Oh, my cat (cat's name), I, your master (my name), have prepared your bowl of delicious food for you.

    Come, my wonderful cat!

    Don't leave your master!

    For my part, I, your host, promise you delicious food and clean water.

    Come back to me (cat's name), I'm waiting for you and I don't hold a grudge against you.

    We will live together again, as we used to live.

    You will delight me with your presence.

    And I will take care of you.

    Yes, it will be so!

    We will live together and make each other happy.

    There is no doubt about this.

    I ask you (cat's name), come to me (your name), your master.

    I'm waiting for you!"


    Strong conspiracies for a cat, 3 conspiracies

    I was unspeakably surprised to find charms on cats in the yellowed manuscripts. If your cat has run away or is pooping all over the place, perform a simple ritual.

    Pets are our favorites, which, while delighting, deliver a lot of trouble.

    Taking a kitten from the street, you have to tame it and teach it to go to the tray.

    And what to do if the cat entered through the open door of your cozy apartment, jumping out into the street?

    My dears, try to pull yourself together and fulfill special conspiracies that will work in the coming days.

    Conspiracy so that the cat does not crap

    Everything is simple.

    Sit at the table, put a handwritten piece of paper with a magical plot in front of you.

    Holding your beloved kitten in your arms, repeatedly whisper these occult lines:

    As a cat scratches with its paw, it will immediately fit to the tray. He won’t spoil anywhere, he won’t push him away. Amen.

    When reading a strong plot, gently stroke the cat's fur.

    Perform the ritual until the expected result comes.

    And do not forget about the folk methods of accustoming a kitten to sudoku.

    Spell to get the cat back

    Try to take the edge off.

    This is necessary for the ritual to work successfully.

    Sit down at table. Take it easy.

    Visualize the escaped cat clearly - and how it comes back - safe and sound.

    Mentally drive away dangers from her in the form of evil dogs and nasty people.

    Repeatedly whisper a special plot to return the kitten.

    Let the cat return from the street, and burst into my house unspeakably. Nothing will happen to her on the way, and she will return healthy. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Having fulfilled the magical conspiracy, make independent attempts to find the runaway cat.

    Do not worry: a magical conspiracy will help her find herself close to home.

    Conspiracy from the disease of cats

    Just like people, cats can get sick.

    The poor animal suffers, but can't say anything.

    The heart breaks in pain.

    If you suspect a feline disease or know the diagnosis for certain, treat the animal in a veterinary clinic while performing a simple ritual.

    Retire in a locked room.

    Sit down at table. Take away all mournful thoughts.

    Imagine a healthy kitten, banishing disease on an energetic level.

    Proceed to the repeated and confident hardening of a magical conspiracy from a cat's disease.

    Let my cat be healed, her pain will stop forever. He does not fall asleep, sleeps and wakes up, and the disease will be removed forever. May it be done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    If God wills, the disease will recede, and your cat will bring peace and joy for a very long time.