The script of the solemn event is the day of the draftee. Solemn event "Serving the Fatherland", dedicated to the "Draftee's Day"

Shkarpetina Tatiana
Holiday script for students of children's and youth sports school"Conscript's Day"

Education and Science Committee

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education

« Children's and youth sports school №5»

(MAU DO "DYuSSh No. 5")

654032, Novokuznetsk, st. Narodnaya, 31A. Tel. / Fax: 37-86-12.E-mail: [email protected]/ru

OGRN 1024201822589, TIN/KPP 4221006840/422101001


regional military sports festival« Conscript Day» dedicated to the Victory Day and in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Novokuznetsk.


the formation of basic military training skills, the inculcation of a sense of patriotism, comradeship, and responsibility;

Tasks: attracting teenagers to healthy lifestyle life, military-applied activities sports;

preparing students for service in the Armed Forces Russian Federation

Location: stadium "Rugby"

12.30 gathering of teams at the stadium "Rugby"

13.00 musical beat sounds


Russian warrior saves

Native country peace and glory,

He is on duty, and our people

Proud of the army by right.

Calm down, let the children grow

In my beloved sunny homeland.

He guards peace and labor,

Great work for life!

Leading: The chief judge to enter the parade.

A march sounds, the teams enter the stadium and line up in a certain order.

The chief judge submits a report to the head of the department for social development district territory

"Comrade Head of the Department for Social Development of the Territory of the District, Team educational institutions Kuznetsk district to the district holiday« Conscript Day» ready. Chief referee of the competition.

Leading: Kind day, Dear friends! Hello dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the regional military sports festival« Conscript Day» dedicated to the Victory Day and in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Novokuznetsk.

Leading: Attention! Alignment with the flag of the Russian Federation! We welcome the Anthems of the Russian Federation and the Kemerovo region.

Anthems of the Russian Federation and KO sound

Leading: District military sports holiday« Conscript Day» , dedicated to the Victory Day and in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Novokuznetsk, is declared open.

Leading: The event is attended by the administration of the Kuznetsk district of the city of Novokuznetsk

Leading: We all know very well that the peaceful sky above our heads, the peace of the citizens of the country, its honor and dignity are protected by the soldiers of the Russian Army. People for whom the words Motherland, army, oath are not just words. On the eve of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we remember 64 thousand residents of the city of Novokuznetsk who voluntarily went to the front, more than 14 thousand of them died a heroic death. The city fought not only at the front. He fought with both coal and metal. From the Kuznetsk armor, 50 thousand tanks, 45 thousand aircraft, 100 million shells were made - this is almost half of the country's entire military production! How can we not be proud that the feat of the Kuznetsk metallurgists in the rear is equated to combat. great gratitude veterans for their immense feat in the name of their country!

The younger generation adopts the glorious traditions of their people and rises into the military system, like fathers and grandfathers. conscript- it sounds reliable, proud, responsible. The country is proud of him.

Moderator The floor is given to the Head of the Department for Social Development of the District Territory


Leading: Service in the Armed Forces - milestone in the biography of every man. Here you will pass not only a good school of life, but also make real friends, get stronger physically and spiritually, you will be entrusted with military weapons. Duty, honor, service to the Fatherland - these are the main components of the motivation for military service. Our Kuzbass conscripts they adequately fulfill their civic duty and serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, proving in practice that they are the heirs of the great warriors of Russia.

Welcome to the head of the training department and call citizens for military service of the military registration and enlistment office of Zavodskoy, Kuznetsk, Novoilinsky and Ordzhonikidzevsky districts, reserve major


Leading: We know that no matter where the service takes place, it will not be easy. But after all, real men join the ranks of the Armed Forces not for an easy life, but to learn how to defend themselves, their families, their country with weapons in their hands. Just like our ancestors did.

The floor is given to a retired major, a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Leading: Dear participants, future wars, I know that today you will show yourself selflessly, competently, having passed all the physical tests, test your strength. And I think that after today's competitions you will not be ashamed to appear even in the most elite troops of our vast Motherland, because you live in an avant-garde city that will soon celebrate its 400th anniversary, in a city of workers, in which the factory horn sets the rhythm, and in people appreciate sincerity and directness. So let's prove that Siberians are strong in spirit and stubborn in character.

The word is given to the chief referee of the competition

Leading: We offer the teams to disperse in stages, according to the draw. Now we will see which team is more physically prepared for military service.

Teams disperse in stages, music sounds


Leading: So the most exciting and solemn moment of our holiday.

To sum up the results in the individual championship, the Chief Judge of the competition is invited.

Let me remind you that the individual championship was determined in the following types:

Disassembly and assembly of the machine for time and correct execution

Hanging pull-ups on the bar.

(Speech by the jury, determination of the winners).

For delivery


Leading: Let's move on to the awards in the team championship.

For delivery award winners are invited___

I remind you that the team championship was played in the combined relay 8 stages:

Stage I - Run 100 m:

Stage II - Push-ups from an emphasis lying down

Stage III - Transfer of the victim

Stage IV - Shooting from an air rifle at a target

Stage V - 100 m hurdle race

VI - running 100 m;

VII stage - transportation box with "ammunition" at 100 m (2 persons)

Stage VIII - running 200 m

The team that takes the 1st place is awarded a cup and a certificate, II - III places - a certificate.

Winners in the individual championship (in each type of program) are awarded prizes and diplomas, II - III places - diploma.

presenter: Thank you! Once again, congratulations to the winning team!

Here are our heroes! And even if today you fought only in this stadium, and not on the battlefield, but now we can be calm for our country.

presenter: And we say goodbye to you. See you soon!

Date - November 15, 2016
Written by:
teacher Antonova Anna Dmitrievna
Krasnodar, 2016

expand and deepen the knowledge of the younger generation about the Russian army;
bring up moral qualities, the interest of young people in the history of the country;
development of the ability to implement the acquired knowledge in practical activities;
development of students' self-organization, creativity,
foster a sense of patriotism and respect for the older generation.

Presenter 1.: Good afternoon, dear friends! Our meeting today is dedicated to
Conscript's Day, which is celebrated annually on November 15 and traditionally coincides with
autumn conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces.
Presenter 2.: The All-Russian Day of the Conscript is established by the Order of the President
Russian Federation Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin in 1992 "... in order to increase the nationwide
the importance and prestige of military service, the improvement of military-patriotic education
The world is so arranged - it needs protection.
He is fragile without manly, reliable shoulders.
The soldier is the great and holy guardian
Dawns of peaceful, new bright meetings.
The world is so arranged. It was like this before:
Yesterday's boys are squeezed into the ranks by duty.
Your land looks at you with hope.
He breaks up with you for a while...
Presenter 2.: Despite the seeming simplicity of the holiday, it contains a deep
meaning it personifies the connection of generations, which throughout history
countries defended its freedom and independence.
Presenter 1.: The protection of the state and the protection of its interests have always been for citizens
sacred duty and honorable duty. Every year, thousands of Russians put on military
uniforms and are sent to carry out combat watch in various parts of our Motherland.
In addition to duty, military service is also good school life for conscripts.
Presenter 2.: The draft of recruits to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation takes place 2 times a year: from 1
April to July 15 and from October 1 to December 31. According to paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the Federal Law “On
military service and military service", the call for military service of conscripts
includes: - Appearance for a medical examination; - attendance at the draft meeting
commissions; - Appearance at the military commissariat for sending to the place of passage of the military

services; - being in the military commissariat before being sent to the place of passage of the military
Presenter 1.: Until 2008, the term of service for conscripts was 2 years, but from January 1
2008, conscripted military personnel serve 1 year.
Presenter 2.: Despite the fact that the “All-Russian Conscript Day” is relatively
a young holiday, traditions of its celebration have already begun to take shape in Russia. In that
day in some cities, military registration and enlistment offices arrange festive patriotic events,
organize excursions to military units for conscripts, conduct explanatory
work among the parents of conscripts.
Presenter 1.: Often, conscripts meet with veterans of the Great Patriotic War
war, as well as participants in counter-terrorist operations, visit monuments
warriors to heroes, museums, exhibitions of weapons, places of the most famous battles.

Presenter 2.: Before starting the second part of our event, I suggest you
watch a short video about the Russian army. Look and Feel
pride in the armed forces of our country. In this video you will see all types of troops, and
maybe you will prefer one of them! Look!
/ A movie is projected on the screen /
1. Promo video of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
2. It's... the first day of your NEW life.

Presenter 1.: Today we have gathered with you to find out which of our guys is the most
the most! The most resourceful, the most powerful, the most witty, the most
intelligent, in short, the most very! And to know who is the most, I
I open today's competition, which will be called "It's hard to learn, it's easy to
Presenter 1.: It was a little joke, but seriously, until we determine
the winner of our competition, we will not leave here. I am telling you this with full
Presenter 1 .: One way or another, many of you will become conscripts, soldiers: who
great desire, and who, out of necessity, to fulfill, so to speak, a civic duty. A
what is important even in the army? Studies! That's what!
The main role will be played by future recruits - our boys. Before
start our peculiar exercises, let's select a team of recruits.
Music sounds. In its rhythm, the contestants enter the stage, the host
announces them, a lottery is held, the numbers of participants are announced.
1. What will happen to the demobilization tunic if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes?
Questions of the qualifying round for ingenuity
2. What will a soldier do after serving six months? (Will continue to serve.)
3. In what year do soldiers serve longer than usual? (in leap year)
4. How female name called a soldier who sleeps for a long time? (sleepy.)
5. From what kind of fabric can footcloths be made? (From the railway.)
6. How many eggs can a soldier eat on an empty stomach? (One thing. The next ones are no longer on an empty stomach.)
7. What does the sentry do when a sparrow sits on his cap? (Asleep)
8. What can a sentry see with eyes closed? (Dream.)
Line up in a row 8 young men who correctly answered the questions. Helpers
handkerchiefs of two colors are taken out: blue (4) and green (4).
Presenter 1 .: So we have determined the type of troops in which you will pass
service. Those who have a handkerchief of blue color, will be sailors, and the owners of green scarves -
border guards. Break into departments! Sailors in this direction, border guards in
another. Now, having consulted, you will choose your squad commanders, and we will conduct
you exercises, which will be evaluated by the general staff.
(The presenter calls the titles, surnames, first names and patronymics of the jury members.)

Presenter 1.: Your task is to evaluate our teachings, after each stage raising
flag of the color that corresponds to the best, in your opinion, department. So,
the general staff is already at work. But you, dear viewers, will not have to sit back
hands. I propose to the left half of the hall to cheer for the sailors, the right - for the border guards.
Presenter 2.: To begin with, let's greet the commander with applause
seamen's squad and the commander of the border guards' squad.
1 competition is called "AH, YOU IS MINE!" 1 point
Presenter 1 .: What do you think, how does the morning start in the army? That's right, up.
(Helpers bring out two baskets for each team. They contain different clothes:
tights, trousers, sweaters and other things, incl. and soldier's trousers, tunic, belt.
All things are connected to each other by knots.)
Presenter 2. Comrade soldiers! As you know, the task of a soldier when lifting is to dress,
while the match is burning, i.e. for 45s. Now we are offering you to dress at least during this time
department commander. Is the mission clear? As soon as the music starts, you can start, and
The audience will support you with applause. Attention, start.
Music sounds, teams perform the task.
Presenter 1. Well done! Not just because you chose your commanders. Now they will
take the rap for everyone. The squad whose commander will be the first to take off everything will win.
uniforms. Is the mission clear? Started!
Music sounds, commanders carry out the task.
Presenter 2. Dear General Staff! I would like to ask you to assess the implementation of the first phase of the exercises.
Who did the job better?
The General Staff sums up the results of the first stage.
Lead 2. Having heard the command “Line up!”, You must line up according to
alphabetical order.
"Build up!" Well done boys!

Presenter 1. A soldier must have a very good memory. Each division
you need to remember as many words as possible from those that the signalmen will give you.
Presenter 1. I will take turns reading words to the teams. Sheets are transferred to the headquarters
(jury), and the teams, in turn, jointly recall and name the words that were
read. The jury notes whether all the words were named?
1 team:

mine, victory.
tank, sea, intruder, volley, environment, medal, captain, pistol,
2 team:

bomb, fireworks
ship, ravine, defender, shot, attack, reward, commander, machine gun,
Presenter 1. Thinking is easy, but shooting is much more difficult. This will be our
penultimate test - "Target Shooting". The target will be an ordinary
trash basket, and weapons - paper "snowballs". Each is given 3 attempts. Target
is at a distance of 4 steps or 3 m. Everyone should make snowballs from the newspaper and
You have three attempts to enter the basket. The jury evaluates the number of hits in the team.
Presenter 1. Reports were delivered to our unit, 2 secret packages,
now the commanders will choose a package for their team, and IN 5 MINUTES together you
try to answer the questions. Remember that you need to keep
secrecy and respond only in writing, conferring with the help of facial expressions, gestures or
1. What is the name of the wooden part of the rifle? (butt)
2. Who obtains information about the enemy, and his location, numbers,
armed? (scout).
3. What do officers wear their weapons in? (holster)
4. What is the name of the sailor's summer headdress? (capless
5.Winter outerwear soldier? (overcoat)
6. With the help of what does the tank move on the ground? (with the help of a caterpillar)
7. Weapons for defensive purposes. When fighting, does a warrior cover his body with it?
8. What is the name of the festive passage of all groups and branches of the armed forces along Red Square?
9. What is the name of the hero's headdress? (helmet)
10. Heavy shell woven from metal rings? (mail)
11. What flies out of the gun? (bullet)
12. Where is the soldier hiding from bullets? (in a trench)
13. Who serves in the Navy? (sailor)
14. Sea cook? (cook)

15. Military tunic or dish "potatoes are boiled in ......" (uniform)
16. Ancient Russian weapons? (sword)
Leader 1. Any commander is the face of his team.
What is the commander and the team. What should be the commander, we will not be able to check,
but we will check which of them is stronger.
Team leaders are involved. Your task is to keep as long as possible
sit on a chair with arms and legs stretched forward. (Fans can lead

Presenter 1. Here our competitions are over. We hope you like them and
Most importantly, we learned a lot about ourselves.
Service in the Russian army is an honorable duty of a Russian citizen. Every
of you must prepare yourself for its fulfillment, love your Motherland and be able to defend it.
At military service have their own motives.
Hardening, experience, to make life easier ...
Since you are subject to the call,
You have to decide for yourself;
So defend your homeland with shock
And honestly serve her, but for now
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, guys,
THE JURY SUMMARIZES (rewards the winners)

Scenario of the solemn event "Serving the Fatherland",

dedicated to the "Day of the Conscript"

Target: Cultivate a sense of patriotism.

- to expand and deepen the knowledge of the younger generation about the Russian army;
- to educate moral qualities, the interest of young people in the history of the country;
- foster a sense of patriotism and respect for the older generation.


Representatives of the Military Commissariat, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, parents of conscripts, ministers of the church, conscripts, guests, students of grades 10-11.

Before the start of the holiday, songs about the Motherland and the Army are heard in the hall.

Fanfare. Exit Leading .

Lead 1: Good afternoon, dear guests. Hello, our dear conscripts!

Lead 2: We are very glad to see you all at the celebration dedicated to All-Russian day conscript, which traditionally coincides with the autumn conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the country.

Lead 1: The All-Russian Day of the Conscript was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1992 "in order to increase the national significance and prestige of military service, to improve the military-patriotic education of young people."

Vedas 2: I ask you to consider our holiday open.

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

Veda 1: Today we have gathered in this hall to escort to the ranks of the Armed Forces………. (number ) children of the Soviet district of the city of Novosibirsk and we want this day to become memorable for each of you!

Lead 2: Today we are escorting our young guys to the ranks of the Russian Army:(surnames, first names )

Veda 1: dear guys, you have to fulfill your holy, civic and human duty to the Motherland.

2 Vedas: But in addition to duty, military service is also a good school of life for recruits. For many of you, military service is probably the first serious test of maturity, character, and courage.

Lead 1: Dear conscripts, today you will put on a soldier's uniform and join the ranks of the Defenders of the Fatherland. You have to protect the peace in our common house. And according to a good tradition, our entire Sovetsky District sees you off in a solemn atmosphere.

Vedas 2: A word for congratulations is provided(representative from the military registration and enlistment office)


Veda 1: Today young guys will leave to defend our Fatherland, their Motherland. Each of us has our own small homeland - this is the place where you were born. Where you took your first steps. This is your house, your street, your country, but together it is our great Russia.

Vedas 2: Please accept our musical congratulations.Number.

Veda 1: In the life of every young man, there comes a time when the Fatherland calls him to military service, and he acquires the proud title of a soldier. From generation to generation, the concept of duty and military service for the Glory of the Russian Fatherland was passed on in the Russian army. And we have the right to be proud of the military prowess of our fathers and grandfathers, who faced severe military trials.

2 Vedas: The memory of the people has sacredly kept the battle pages of the history of our country for centuries. The years of the Great Patriotic War became a severe test for our Motherland. Glorious is the feat of those who stood up to defend our state in those harsh years.

Lead 1:At our today's event there is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
Word to you dear ____________________________


Vedas 2: Thank you very much dear …………………………………………………………………………………

For the peaceful sky under which we live, for our happy childhood.

Veda 1: Dear friends! Future Warriors! Yesterday you worked and rested, and tomorrow new things await you, new friends - your comrades in arms, with whom you will protect the peace of our Motherland. To you with words of good parting words and warm wishes your younger sister and brothers.


1 . With the call, we congratulate you,
And the whole area will see you off here.

We wish you all good luck

It is worthy of you to solve military tasks -

2. Soon you will become adults and strong,

Healthy and strong men.
Soon you will serve Russia, YOU

Well, of course we will wait for you here.

3. You have to do exercises there in the morning,
Live according to a soldier's schedule.

but even if it's hard for you,

we really believe, none of you will bend there!

4. Show your masculine character there,
and be cheerful, brave and bold!

Serve you there in combat excitement!
without forgetting the dear, kind mothers.

5. Year after yearYougrew imperceptibly,
and the years of service in the army have come,

you will know the price of that soldier's life

Serving allegiance to our valiant Fatherland

1 Vedas: With a prayer on their lips, with faith in a just cause, soldiers went into battle. Faith supports willpower, spirit, it opens and inspires, it helps to overcome difficulties and not break under the weight of great trials. And no matter what the prayers are on different languages are pronounced differently. People have only one faith - faith in peace, kindness, love and justice.

2 led. : Today we are visiting with words of parting words and a holy blessing, ____________ is addressing you


1 Vedas: a musical gift for everyone.


2 Vedas: No matter how hard the soldier's service, no matter where the Motherland sends you, remember that there is a place on earth where every day, every moment, you are expected, remembered and loved. This is the parental home.

Lead 1: Mom is the closest and native person. She gave life, she taught to speak, think, decide. Taught everything. She protected from all troubles and misfortunes. Dear children, know that prayers maternal heart will support you for the entire period of service.

2 Vedas: It is the mother who worries and worries the most. And how insulting and bitter it is when we forget about our mothers. Drop her a couple of lines: “Alive. Healthy." And you will see how the wrinkles on the mother’s face will straighten out, how her eyes and native smile will shine.

1 led. : With parental wishes to you, future warriors, addresses__________________________________________________________ the word of the mother of the conscript


2 led. For all mothers sitting in this hall, our musical gift.

Number. .

Lead 1: It's time to say goodbye. The year of service will pass quickly. The time spent in the army, we hope, will be remembered by you as a strong soldier's friendship. Bring you life experience and hardening.

Veda 2: Dear conscripts, may the changes that await you ahead temper you, make your character strong and your will unbending

2 led.: We sincerely wish you excellent service. Carry with dignity the title of "Defender of the Fatherland", be honest and disciplined warriors. I wish you health, happiness and longevity. Good luck! Goodbye!

A farewell melody sounds in the hall.

Scenario holiday program"Conscript's Day"


expand and deepen the knowledge of the younger generation about the Russian army;

to educate moral qualities, the interest of young people in the history of the country;

foster a sense of patriotism and respect for the older generation.


Event scenario

(The noise of the station is heard, the horns of a locomotive are heard. Girls run out onto the stage, someone is holding a bouquet, someone is holding a guitar, a bag of groceries, peering into the auditorium. The soundtrack “Border” sounds)

Girls: - We did it! They haven't left yet...

Guys... Boys... Soldiers... Well, in general... I wanted to say... come back soon, it will be boring without you.

Kolya, I'll keep your guitar, don't worry. You will come - we will sing ... Do you remember our beloved?

Seryoga! I've got something for you here. I made it myself for the first time in my life.

I'll be waiting for you, don't think. I can't go dancing without you!

Hey! We will be waiting for you. Serve calmly, don't worry about us. We will be waiting.

And how long to wait? Year? Two?

And no matter how long it takes, we'll wait. Our share is so female. Grandmothers were waiting, mothers were waiting, and we will wait. Why are we worse?

That's right, girls! But imagine what the meeting will be like... We'll make up for everything!

(exit leading)

B1 Demobilization will still be. In the meantime

Makes the heart beat faster

All-Russian conscript day.

Ahead - snow-covered thickets,

B2 Forced marches, throwing grenades,

Patrols, alarms in the middle of the night,

withered autumn leaves,

Fallen on a warm machine ...

B1 Don't be shy! The man must be

Everything is ready in advance;

Do not find a more worthy calling -

Selflessly serve the motherland!

B2 Hello dear friends! We are glad to see young men in this hall today who will soon become real defenders of the Motherland and those who will soon have to fulfill their military duty.

B1 Allow today's holiday - the Day of the draftee to be considered open !!!

Russian anthem

B1 The floor for the speech is given to the head of the city of Dimitrovgrad

B2 The next conscription to the army is approaching... Every year, in autumn and spring, we see off recruits to the Russian army.

B1 A word of welcome is provided

B1 "Motherland" - we say excitedly,

We see endless distance before us,

This is our childhood, our youth,

That's all we call fate.

B2 It will hardly be forgotten -

And forever remain holy ...

The land that was called the Motherland,

If necessary, we will protect with our hearts.

(song “And the sunsets are scarlet, scarlet, scarlet ...”)

B1 Young guys are leaving to defend our Motherland. And no matter how difficult it is now, you need to know one thing - this is your homeland.

B2 Motherland... This is the place where you were born. Where you took your first steps. This is your home, and together - this is our Rus'. It has always been called a mighty power.

B1 The floor is given to the military commissar

B2 Undoubtedly, the parents of our children are worried and worried. In what cities will the service bring them, will they get along with other military personnel, will they not get into hot spots. Have they gained enough strength, courage, health and knowledge for a worthy entry into adult life.

Q2 Sooner or later, each of you will receive your agenda. For some, this will be a joyful event, but for someone - not so much ...

Q1 One way or another, many of you will become conscripts, soldiers.

B2 The floor is provided

Scene in the military registration and enlistment office

1-soldier. So the soldier's service began, the school of courage, the school of true male friendship.

2-soldier. School… Such familiar word, after all, many guys come here from school ...

1-soldier. The army school is a special school.

2-soldier. They even teach you how to dress.

1-soldier. "Climb!" You jump up and it seems that the buttons have grown overnight ... twice ...

2-soldier. That they have doubled...

1-soldier. And the boots are two sizes too small...

2-soldier. And the foreman's clock goes twice as fast.

1-soldier. And this means that you have learned the lesson on the "two"!

2-soldier. They say that learning is light, and not learning is darkness...

1-soldier. And there is darkness all around...

2-soldier. And we have teachings...

1-soldier. At school, you go to the first grade and dream of growing up as soon as possible.

2-soldier. And in the army, you dream of growing up and getting first class as soon as possible.

1-soldier. Become a first-class radio operator, a first-class shooter, a first-class tanker.

2-soldier. School is my first love...

1-soldier. And love for the first, second and especially the third course.

2-soldier. School is the first ball ... And it's nice when your first ball ...

1-soldier. Five points for excellent jumping or marksmanship.

1-soldier. Do you remember what you loved at school?

2-soldier. big change!

1-soldier. Only in army school is it called dismissal.

2-soldier. Imagine the first layoff in an unfamiliar city. In an unfamiliar city, it is not surprising to get lost.

1-soldier. Here are three men, here are three more.

2-soldier. So the store.

1-soldier. Patrol.

2-soldier. A disciplined patrol soldier is not afraid - come up, ask for directions, and you will be taken away.

1-soldier. Look how well it sits on us military uniform!

2-soldier. There is something to spin girls' heads.

1-soldier. Everyone knows from the school bench that there is a unity of form and content.

2-soldier. We know that we serve the people...

1-soldier. And therefore always great shape!

2-soldier. Army school gives a lot to a soldier.

2-soldier. And, if you learn the lessons of the army school well ...

1-soldier. they will look up to you, even if you are on the left flank.

2-soldier. Because you have grown.

1-soldier. A year will pass you go home...


Standing bewildered on the sidelines

Glancing at the guys

Girlfriends nice girls,

Which in the world is not truer.

Boys, cut under the "hedgehog",

Walk towards all the winds.

On them, similar hairstyles

The veteran looks on with a smile.

Rowan trees glow in the sun

Nice morning time.

Men go to the army

Shoulder to shoulder in soldier formation!

B1 The word is given

B2 You swore allegiance home country,

And instead of a plow they took up a sword.

You did not spare your life in the war,

And our business is to protect the Motherland.

B1 A glorious epics of past years

They threw grains into young hearts.

And you won again!

And there was no end to your glory.

Theatrical performance "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..."

(excerpt from B. Vasiliev's story)

Vaskov -

Vaskov - Song. sing along! (from behind the scenes the girls sing the first verse of "Katyusha"), go on stage ahead of Vaskov, followed by five girls)

Vaskov - Stand still, one - two! (girls standing) Thank you for the song.

Girls - Serve the Soviet Union!

Vaskov - Today is a bath day.

Girls - Wow...

Vaskov - Rest

Girls - Thank you (Galya and Sonya remain on stage, the rest go backstage)

Galya (slowly unbuttoning)

Uncompressed rye sways

The fighters are walking on it

We are walking, girls,

Similar to guys.

Sonya No, it's not the huts that are on fire.

That my youth is on fire,

Girls go to war

Similar to guys.

(Jenya and Liza come out with towels, wiping their heads)

Zhenya - Enough, girls, that you are sad, but remember dancing (waltz sounds)

Rita - Pre-war? (dreamy) foxtrot, rio-rita

Sonya - And I loved the waltz (circling) How we danced!

Lisa - (pulls on her tunic) Zhenya, how beautiful you are, you are a mermaid.

Zhenya - Well, you say.

Liza - You can walk without a bra, you need to go to the museum, under glass on black velvet.

Galya - To pack such a figure in uniform! Breathe easier!

(Vaskov runs in, the girls scream)

Vaskov - Quiet! Combat Alert! Liza, take the radio and come to me. Osyanina, build people!

Rita - Yes! Squad, stand up! (the girls quickly tuck in their tunics and get in line) Comrade foreman, a platoon has been formed according to your order

Vaskov - Calculate!

Girls - Zhenya, Rita, Sonya

Vaskov (grimacing) Wait, Osyanina. We're going to beat the Germans, not the fish. So that at least they knew how to shoot, or something.

Lisa - We do!

Vaskov - Yes, here's another one. Maybe someone knows German?

Sonya - I know.

Vaskov - What am I?! What is me? Need to report!

Sonya - Fighter Gurvich.

Vaskov - Yes-ah-ah ... How do they say "hands up"?

Sonya - Hyundai, hoh.

Vaskov - Exactly! You know well! Listen to the situation. Two Germans were found in the forest.

Rita - Walk past me, towards the highway.

Vaskov - Who to the highway? What were you doing in the forest at 4 in the morning?

Rita - Night business.

Vaskov - Night? That's because they lie. For night affairs, I personally prepared a toilet for you, or don’t you fit in?

Lisa - You know, comrade foreman, there are questions that a woman is not obliged to answer.

Vaskov - There are no women here, no! There are fighters and there are commanders, understand? The war is going on and until it ends, we will all walk in the middle way.

Liza - That's why your bed is still open when I ran to you for a walkie-talkie, comrade foreman of a middle kind!

Vaskov - Leave! I repeat. We've been tasked with intercepting them. We are going for two days, so we need to stock up on cartridges of 5 clips, take the option - dry rations. We are heading to Wol - the lake. If the Germans go by rail, they will not pass the lake. And they do not know the short way, which means we will be there before them. Ready? Is everyone ready?

Rita - No one could have known that having received the task to go and capture two German intelligence officers

Zhenya - a small detachment of six people will stumble upon sixteen fascist soldiers.

Lisa - The forces are incomparable, but neither the foreman nor the five girls even think of retreating.

Sonya - they don't choose.

Galya - All five young anti-aircraft gunners are destined to die in this forest. (girls freeze)

Vaskov - There were five of them! Only five girls and the Nazis did not pass!!!

B2 Both during the Great Patriotic War and in distant Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic, our soldiers showed the best human qualities: courage, steadfastness, nobility.

B1 In the incredibly difficult conditions of military life, far from home, exposed to hourly danger, and sometimes mortal, they remained faithful to the military oath, military and human duty.

(song "War")

B2 We have the right to be proud of those who have gone into immortality and won.

B2 Soldiers see off their mother. Mothers protect from all troubles and misfortunes, give the last piece of bread.

B1 And how bitter and insulting it is when we forget about our mothers. And what do they need? Just a little attention, and warmth, and, of course, native letters!

B2 Drop them at least a couple of lines: "Alive and well." And you will see how the wrinkles on the face of your mothers will straighten out, how they will shine with their native smile. Do not upset your parents, guys, write letters more often.

B1 The floor is given to the chairman of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers.

B2 Boys serve, remember the house, their girls.

They worry, think about them: “Are they waiting? Where are they? What's wrong with them?

B1 There is no need to be boring and sad.

Let the boys surround you

And even escorted home

When you are alone.

But if someone wants

Hug you along the way

Do you remember the one who in the middle of the night

I got up on a training alert,

Who is in the soldier's gray overcoat

Walking down the road wearily.

Who wants you at dawn

I got up with a happy smile.

His letters will warm you

The days will seem shorter.

You remember, girl, a soldier

And push that guy away.

(Dance is performed)

B1 Conscripts, Happy Holidays to you today!

Serve without soiling your uniform!

B2 Save the people from the bloody massacre,

And for the kids, take care of the world.


Scenario thematic concert program within the framework of the "Day of the draftee".

The call signs of the melody of the march "Farewell of the Slav" sound. Two presenters come out onto the stage.

Presenter 1. The subpoena is in the box and the military registration and enlistment office is waiting.

Forward - boldly go to guard the Motherland, soldier.

Let mommy worry and father frowns,

But to carry out the faithful service is the destiny male hearts.

Presenter 2. You prove to the girls that you have gunpowder,

To defend, on occasion, both your blood and honor.

Let them wait for you, dear ones, you will return home

And you will live in a new way, the defender of the daring.

concert number.

Presenter 1. The soldier is a great and holy guardian

Dawns of peaceful, new bright meetings.

The world is so arranged. It was like this before:

Yesterday's boys are squeezed into the ranks by duty.

Your land looks at you with hope.

He breaks up with you for a while...

Presenter 2. With parting words to the recruits, the military commissar of the district ______________________ speaks.

Concert number.

Presenter 1. Every year on November 15, the All-Russian Day of the Conscript is celebrated, which traditionally coincides with the autumn conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the country.

The All-Russian Day of the Conscript was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1992 "in order to increase the national significance and prestige of military service, to improve the military-patriotic education of young people."

Presenter 2. On this day, in all cities where there are military units, holidays are organized, military registration and enlistment offices hold special consultations for the parents of recruits, organize visits military units. In addition, demonstrative performances of fighters and a parade review of troops have become traditional. Also on this day, conscripts meet with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other wars, visit military museums, places of famous battles of our soldiers and take an oath to serve the Fatherland just as worthily.

Presenter 1. Veterans of the Great Patriotic and Afghan wars are present at our today's event.

The floor is given to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War ________________________.

Speech by a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 1. The floor is given to the veteran of the Afghan war ____________________________.

Speech by a veteran of the Afghan war.

Concert number.

Presenter 2. Today we celebrate the Day of the conscript.

Not those who seek to escape from the army,

Not those to whom the father's hand

From service in the army will help pay off.

Do not renounce fate, from duty, from scrip,

A hard retribution will come to the "refuseniks"!

Today is Recruitment Day.

And therefore we will sing for future soldiers!

Presenter 1. The song “The boys are leaving ...” sounds (music O. Yanchenko, lyrics I. Andryushin) performed by _________________.

Presenter 2. Young guys are leaving to defend our Motherland. And no matter how difficult it is now, you need to know one thing - this is your homeland. Motherland... This is the place where you were born. Where you took your first steps. This is your home, and together it is our Rus', a mighty state. Who are they, young soldiers?

Presenter 1 conducts a blitz survey of recruits, asks to introduce themselves, asks questions about what educational institution finished in which troops they would like to serve.

After the interview - a concert number.

Presenter 2. Are you used to life with mom, dad?

Get used to military service, conscript!

In the Army you will be taught to live:

Treasure true friendship

To be brave, desperate in battle,

Proud and fit in the ranks.

Presenter 1. There is a tradition in the world like this:

To give orders from the elders to the young.

So that they, entering a new life,

Could use the experience of the past.

Traditions are worthy of respect,

And we will not retreat from them,

Therefore, we want without delay

Give the word to the parents of the draftee.

parting word is given to the mother of the conscript (calls the name and invites to the stage).

Demonstration performances of conscript soldiers of the military unit _____________.

Host 2. It's time to say goodbye. The year of service will pass quickly. The time spent in the army, I hope, will be remembered by you as a strong soldier's friendship. Bring you life experience and hardening.

Presenter 1. And for some, military service will become a profession. Good luck! Hold your head high and proud!

Concert number.

Presenter 1. We wish all conscripts successful, conscientious service. And so that our meeting remains in your memory for a long time, for all of you - dance program V "______________".

Scenario of the thematic concert program within the framework of the "Day of the draftee".

The call signs of the melody of the march "Farewell of the Slav" sound. Two presenters come out onto the stage.

Lead 1. The summons is in the mailbox and the draft board is waiting.
Forward - boldly go to guard the Motherland, soldier.
Let mommy worry and father frowns,
But to serve faithfully is the lot of men's hearts.
Lead 2. You prove to the girls that you have gunpowder,
To defend, on occasion, both your blood and honor.
Let them wait for you, dear ones, you will return home
And you will live in a new way, the defender of the daring.

Concert number.

Lead 1. The soldier is the great and holy guardian
Dawns of peaceful, new bright meetings.
The world is so arranged. It was like this before:
Yesterday's boys are squeezed into the ranks by duty.
Your land looks at you with hope.
He breaks up with you for a while...
Lead 2. With parting words to the recruits, the military commissar of the district ______________________ speaks.

Concert number.

Lead 1. Every year on November 15, the All-Russian Day of the Conscript is celebrated, which traditionally coincides with the autumn conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the country.
The All-Russian Day of the Conscript was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1992 "in order to increase the national significance and prestige of military service, to improve the military-patriotic education of young people."
Lead 2. On this day, in all cities where there are military units, holidays are organized, military registration and enlistment offices hold special consultations for the parents of conscripts, and organize visits to military units. In addition, demonstrative performances of fighters and a parade review of troops have become traditional. Also on this day, conscripts meet with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other wars, visit military museums, places of famous battles of our soldiers and take an oath to serve the Fatherland just as worthily.
Lead 1. Veterans of the Great Patriotic and Afghan wars are present at our today's event.
The floor is given to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War ________________________.

Speech by a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Lead 1. The floor is given to the veteran of the Afghan war ________________________.

Speech by a veteran of the Afghan war.

Concert number.

Lead 2. Today we celebrate Recruitment Day.
Not those who seek to escape from the army,
Not those to whom the father's hand
From service in the army will help pay off.
Do not renounce fate, from duty, from scrip,
A hard retribution will come to the "refuseniks"!
Today is Recruitment Day.
And therefore we will sing for future soldiers!
Lead 1. The song “The boys are leaving ...” sounds (music by O. Yanchenko, lyrics by I. Andryushin) performed by _________________.
Lead 2. Young guys are leaving to defend our Motherland. And no matter how difficult it is now, you need to know one thing - this is your homeland. Motherland... This is the place where you were born. Where you took your first steps. This is your home, and together it is our Rus', a mighty state. Who are they, young soldiers?
Presenter 1 conducts a blitz survey of recruits, asks to introduce themselves, asks questions about which educational institution they graduated from, in which troops they would like to serve.

After the interview - a concert number.

Lead 2. Are you used to life with mom, dad?
Get used to military service, conscript!
In the Army you will be taught to live:
Treasure true friendship
To be brave, desperate in battle,
Proud and fit in the ranks.
Respect, love your country,
And keep the war away.
Lead 1. There is a tradition in the world like this:
To give orders from the elders to the young.
So that they, entering a new life,
Could use the experience of the past.
Traditions are worthy of respect,
And we will not retreat from them,
Therefore, we want without delay
Give the word to the parents of the draftee.
A parting word is given to the mother of the conscript (calls name and invites to the stage).

Demonstration performances of conscript soldiers of the military unit _____________.

Lead 2. It's time to say goodbye. The year of service will pass quickly. The time spent in the army, I hope, will be remembered by you as a strong soldier's friendship. Bring you life experience and hardening.
Lead 1. And for some, military service will become a profession. Good luck! Hold your head high and proud!

Concert number.