Concert program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. The script for the concert "Defender of the Fatherland Day" material An interesting script for the concert is dedicated to the sons of the fatherland

State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities general education school Type VIII
village of Temirgoevskaya, Krasnodar Territory

Holiday concert script
to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Compiled by:

teacher Shcherbakova V. Yu.

Kurganinsky district

year 2013

The song "About the heroes of bygone times" sounds. The kids go out to the music. Presenter 1:Today, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we have gathered here to talk about Russian military prowess. The very name of this day - "Defender of the Fatherland Day" contains a noble vocation and duty to defend the Motherland and its people. Soldier of the Fatherland, warrior of Russia. Fatherland -The only homeland, unique for each person, given to him by fate, bequeathed by his ancestors. After all, it is no coincidence that in difficult, critical moments of their lives, people recalled the place where they were born, where their childhood passed, that is, their small homeland, as part of a large fatherland.
Presenter 2: The boundless expanse of fields, Spreading white-trunked birches Spills of rivers, steppes, an immense expanse. It's Russia. You look up at the clear blue sky Walking along forest paths You sit by the cool river. It's Russia. Ancient walls of the Kremlin. Shine of domes over temples. Life's past. It's Russia. Mother's hands, all the songs at your cradle. Fragrant bread at the festive table. This is also Russia.
Presenter 1: Native land can do everything! It can feed with warm and tasty bread, drink spring water, delight with its beauty. And only she cannot defend herself... For many centuries, she had to defend the freedom and independence of her Motherland more than once.
Reader 1. Enemies threatened you more than once. Reader 2. They swept you away - they didn’t dare. Reader 3. My love, the land of Russia, They couldn't break you. Reader 4. They trampled you - they didn’t trample you. Reader 5. They burned you - they didn’t burn you. Reader 6. We have experienced everything with you And even more than they could.
Song: My Holy Rus'. We sang a lot of songs about Russia About the beauty of its forests, fields and rivers. Love for the native land comes from the cradle And it never ends now and forever. Chorus: Rus' is my holy generous soul Without you, my dear, I can not breathe I believe in you so much. I love you. Rus' is my holy Motherland.
Your arms are tenderly open For everyone who dreamed of calling you Motherland. Your prayers are fervent for all nations, You care about everyone and love everyone like a mother.
Not a little pain of disaster and suffering A harsh fate brought you But your people in moments of severe trials I got up with hope and faith for you. God works in mysterious ways We do not know what lies ahead for Russia But I firmly believe that my beloved Motherland, We will give our heart without a trace. Presenter 1:The people remember their legendary heroes - guardians: Ilya Muromets, Vasily Buslaev, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. The pages of formidable battles in the name of defending the Fatherland, peaceful labor on the land of fathers and great-grandfathers have been preserved for us by the literary heritage, the majestic Russian epic "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", which tells about the courage of the warriors of the squad of the Russian prince Igor Svyatoslavich.
Host 2:1240, another Russian prince, Alexander Yaroslavich, later named Nevsky, dealt a crushing blow on the Neva River to the army of German knights, who many times tried to capture Russian lands.
Presenter 1: 1380 the army of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Tatar-Mongolian hordes on the Kulikovo field. About the Kulikovo field - the groan of Rus'! About the Kulikovo field - the blood of the sword! You are in the face of gloomy Russia Forever burning candle!
Host 2:The Patriotic War of 1812 about the feat of ordinary soldiers and the Russian nobility was told by the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace". A new ordeal awaited the Russian people during the Crimean Company. Military operations were concentrated in the Crimea and on the Caucasian-Turkish border.
Presenter 1:The day has remained for centuries, and the good memory of the Russian warrior lives on, as the most courageous, fearless, devoted to the Fatherland. Russian soldiers did not rest long from military affairs.

The song "Holy War"
Forty-first! June. Year and month of nationwide struggle. Even the dust of time This date cannot be delayed. The country was rising And went to the front as a porter, red stars Carrying away on the canvases of the banners.
Host 2:Trouble struck our country on June 22, 1941. Hordes of foreigners armed to the teeth crossed the border of the state, began to destroy people and turn the Slavic lands into a desert. A war unprecedented in terms of the scale of the extermination of all living things began, all the peoples of the Soviet Union rose up against the invaders, and therefore they called the war the Great. They called it Patriotic, because it was a war to save the Fatherland.
The song "Cranes" sounds. Presenter 1: The boys left - overcoats on their shoulders, The boys left - bravely sang songs. The boys retreated - dusty steppes, Boys were dying where they themselves did not know. The boys ended up in terrible barracks, Fierce dogs chased the boys. The boys did not sell conscience and honor. The boys did not want to succumb to fear, The boys rose on the whistle to attack. In the black smoke of battles on sloping armor The boys were leaving, squeezing their machine guns. The boys have seen - brave soldiers - Volga - in the forty-first, Spree - in the forty-fifth ... Showed boys for 4 years, What are the boys of our people. The voice of Levitan sounds. Host 2:Peacetime has come, but the scars of that war remain in every town and village. Memorial complexes have been created, the battlefields are marked with obelisks, and monuments with red stars keep the names of the dead soldiers. It is impossible to forget the great disasters that the war brought to our people. We will always remember those who gave their lives for their country.
Presenter 1:The Great Patriotic War is over, but again, mothers do not sleep, seeing off their sons to serve in the army. More and more hot spots are breaking out on the ground, Chechnya Afghanistan. Almost fifteen thousand killed, thirty thousand maimed, such is the sad result of the nine-year Afghan epic. Funerals flew to all corners of the Union. Such a funeral arrived in our village, in the Polegeshko family. Sergei studied at school 9. Killed in Afghanistan. A foreign war froze on Russian soil in obelisks and stars, captured in poetry and songs.
Song officers. Congratulation of veterans and men with souvenirs and flowers. The metronome sounds.
Presenter 1: Quiet ... hear: as if somewhere The heart of our planet is beating... This is the power approved by all, Time marches across the planet. Quiet. Do you hear? These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up the run. And along the rails, soaring up to the stars, Our new age rumbles! And suddenly: wait, don't rattle! You see - scarlet granite and flames. Hold on... Give me a moment. This I tell you, Memory. Well, wait, look, obelisk, Read the names and dates: It's here that the battles took place There used to be a war. Here once, behind the line, Years have passed - soldiers: forty-one, forty-two, Forty three, four, five... I know you're reaching for the stars I know - you make the Earth more beautiful. Just descend to this stone from a height, Stop, bow, put flowers... The most modest bouquet of daisies. And taking a moment from eternity, Here, by the stone, in the crushed grass, He took off his hat to Memory The deafening twentieth century. Omnipotent Time - with powerful hands Everything can destroy and build up. Time is powerless if Memory meets, Holy memory on your way.
Dance "Memory". Presenter 1: Congratulations to all veterans, all the men of our school, senior boys, younger children of the future defenders of our Motherland on the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The song "Salute of the native army." Above Red Square Under the sky of the Kremlin Flowers bloom like the dawn. Above Red Square colored lights They fly to the shoulder straps of the military. They fly to the shoulder straps of the military.
Chorus: Above Red Square The guns are hitting. In honor of our army fireworks today In honor of our army In honor of our army Today, today fireworks.
A blue flower descends from the sky For our pilots He is the most native. Green petals burn in the sky They shine to our border guards.
A blue flower descends from the clouds, Sea shoulder straps For all sailors. The yellow is coming down Crimson, A peaceful spring bouquet over the Motherland.

Holiday puzzles .

Concert program for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

The script of the festive concert for February 23: "We hasten to congratulate you"

Children come out to cheerful music with balloons.


The winds blow in February

Howling in the pipes loudly

Snake rushes along the ground

Light ground.


Rising, rushing into the distance

Aircraft links -

It celebrates February

Army is born!


At night the blizzard raged,

And a blizzard of chalk

And with the dawn we are quiet

This holiday brought.


Defender of the Fatherland Day -

The main holiday of all men!

Girl. And so today

We hasten to congratulate them.

Music sounds. Children descend from the stage into the hall, give greeting cards to veterans of the microdistrict. A cheerful dance is performed on the stage. The leaders come out - a boy and a girl.


Good afternoon, dear viewers!

We are happy to see you

In the hall of our school

Today and now.


To you, valiant defenders of the Fatherland,

Ready to save the world, all mankind,

We bring our congratulations

And we give this performance!

A concert number is being performed.


Men got to die

Either in a clean field, or in cramped dungeons

With inaudible words on your lips...

What was in them - the last, unknown:

Farewell to life, about native places

Remembrance?.. Greedy supplication

About a miracle?.. Wild crazy fear?..

A persistent contempt for your killers? ..

And fell on stones or sand

Face, tortured by death,

And a thin hair broke off

Holy word to betrothed and wives.

But so much lurked in the unsaid

Male love, care, kindness,

That all this, without perishing, was embodied

In imperishable sounds of bitter purity.

They are only when you are vigilant with your heart,

To the words of children and the crying of birds is not deaf,

Through the noise of rain and snow a vague rustle

Will catch your imperfect hearing.

From the darkness of the distant mournful copper

"Sorry for the pain brought by death...

Be comforted... And be happy with another..."

And will ring out with a prolonged weak groan,

Like a fading string:

"And yet with him - both faithful and worthy -

Tearlessly, silently, remember me."

Y. Ryabinin. "Spell"


In memory of those who died

On the Great Patriotic

Afghan, Chechen wars,

We declare a moment of silence.

A moment of silence. A concert number is being performed.

(This could be playing a musical instrument or a patriotic song.)

Speakers are children of all ages.

2nd reader.(Catches up with the 1st reader - "dad", hides something behind his back.) Dad, and dad,

Were you, dad, a soldier?

1st reader. It happened. Served once.

2nd reader. And what kind of troops?

1st reader. Was a paratrooper for two years.

2nd reader. So he went skydiving?

1st reader. Right. Jumped, and a lot.

2nd reader. Tell me, was it cool?

1st reader.

Cool? Anything happened.

But the paratrooper knows the business

And I'm always confident...

2nd reader. So, were you, dad, brave?

1st reader.

Maybe to some extent.

I'm not used to being discouraged

Even if it fell from the sky...

2nd reader.

Well, then take a look at the diary,

Gives the 1st reader a diary, runs away.

1st reader(takes the diary, looks through it).

Stop, son, wait,

I'll blow your mind!

Y. Pogorelsky. "Landing passions"

Runs after the 2nd reader. A musical number is being played.

The presenters come out with the newspapers "From Hand to Hand". They start looking at them.


Announcements, announcements,

The announcements are endless.


Here are the ads

Found for our guys.


Let them take note.

We will read them here.

They begin to take turns reading comic announcements on behalf of boys and girls.

Leading.“I rent excellent hair for transplantation anywhere. Petya Lishaev.

Leading.“A pleasant girl in all respects is looking for a smart, handsome young man for mutual dreams in the classroom. Come to 6th grade. Ask Verochka Voronoschetova.

presenter. “Guys, an experienced boxer will create a unique manly image for you. Once and for all. 10th grade. The last part. Ask Vasya.

Leading.“Tired of messing around, swap with those tired of studying. Bureau of exchange "Let's wave without looking."

Leading. "Artistic snoring. An excellent student in singing, Kolya Kontrabasov, will teach those who wish the course "Masterpieces of classical music in a dream."

Leading. Let's go and we'll put up some ad.

Leading. And at this time, the next number will be shown to the audience.

A concert number is being performed. Leaders come out.

Leading(he has a thick notebook in his hands). My brother recently returned from the army. He was an excellent student in both combat and combat training. He always carefully took notes in class. Every question has an answer in his notebook. Ask me something, I'll find you an answer right away.

presenter. Fine. What is a soldier?

Leading. A person without a passport.

presenter. And the soldier in the gas mask?

Leading. Amphibian Man.

Leading. Running in a gas mask?

Leading. Earth in the porthole.

presenter. Hourly?

Leading. Living Dead.

presenter. An obstacle course?

Leading. Why can't I fly?!

presenter. Breakfast.

Leading. Eat yourself - help another.


Leading. The return of the prodigal son.

Leading. Yes, a highly artistic summary. Give me a few days, please.

Leading. For what?

Leading. You know I have a brother. He will soon go to the army. Let him get acquainted with the sciences in advance.

The leaders leave. A concert number is being performed.


To rush into the fray, a man

And the first is protection of the native country,

The second is the debt that the ancestors bequeathed,

He commands all men:

Risking yourself to protect women

As in the duels of Pushkin's time.


To sing a song, you know, a man

There are only two good reasons:

And the first is love for the native land,

Which entered both flesh and blood

And became an inextinguishable star,

The second is love for a woman.

R. Gamzatov

A concert number is being performed. The song sounds.

Leading(and all participants of the concert).

Among worries, among smiles,

Such as in the hall, kind eyes

I say "thank you" to life

For every moment, for every hour,

For a ray of sunshine

For the joy of the day.

If only you were immortal

The land that nourished me!

And the witchcraft of white birch,

And maternal eternal call

And the cry of a baby in the cradle

And laughter, and joy, and love,

And the sky is blue without edge

Above the golden field of rye...

We congratulate all of you people

With this great happiness - to live!

I. Rovnyagin


Thank you for your attention!

See you! Goodbye!

Fanfare sounds

Lead 1.

Good afternoon, dear viewers!

Lead 2:


Presenter 1:

We are glad to welcome you on the eve of a wonderful holiday - Defender's Day Fatherland.

Let's take a look at the calendar sheet

Today there is a special reason:

So - this is your holiday, men!

Lead 2.

Let this day be a pleasant surprise

Gives great gifts

We wish you joy, love

And celebrate the holiday cheerfully and brightly!

Presenter 1:

Festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Defender Fatherland- declared open!

Lead 1.

23 February- An important day for our entire country! We proudly call this day Defender's Day Fatherland!

Lead 2.

This holiday is one of the most revered in our country. After all, defending the Motherland, home and family is the honorable duty of every man.

Lead 1.

On this day, we congratulate real men who will emerge from any, even the most difficult situation with their head held high as a winner!

Lead 2.

We sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and a peaceful sky above your head!

Presenter 1:


Lead 2:

And on this beautiful and joyful day

We wish you a thousand times not too lazy:

Let there be prosperity on your table!

May peace prevail in our land!

Presenter 1:

To all who have served and who will serve,

This we want to dedicate a concert!


Presenter 1:

Every mother of Russia instills in her children from an early age a deep respect for their native land, putting into young hearts endless pride and deep respect for the military exploits of their people, their country, their homeland.

Lead 2:

Defender's Day Fatherland is a popular holiday.

Did you know that this holiday was first called the Day of the Red Army, then - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and, finally, the Day of the Defender Fatherland.

Presenter 1: Yes, this is a holiday of male prowess, because if anything - for the Motherland, Fatherland and Russia will all stand up like a mountain.


"You live, my Russia"- vocal ensemble "Funny notes"

Lead 1.

February the harsh one rules our world,

And gives a truly masculine holiday,

We have the opportunity to congratulate men -

And we are glad for such an opportunity!

Lead 2.

A man is a knight, a master, a warrior,

And in deeds he is glad to prove himself,

Indeed, each of you is worthy

High ranks, all kinds of awards!


Presenter 1

Defender's Day Fatherland, perhaps, one of the most popular holidays in Russia, because on this holiday traditional concepts revered by the people were proclaimed; courage, military glory, nobility, service to the Motherland. Protect Fatherland has always been the sacred duty of every real man.

Lead 2.

Warrior, peace protector, soldier -

There is no better title for a man,

On your holiday, I want to wish

Happiness, peace, kindness and success!


Presenter 1:

Centuries pass, years go by.

We have always defended our native country!

And it's been like this since ancient times:

Forget about everything, since the enemy is approaching!

Peasant, worker abandoned business,

When Russia was waiting for their protection!

Lead 2:

About the exploits of the fallen, the victory of the living

Hear from older people

About how they fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya,

How to survive in this crazy war.

Presenter 1:

How worthy of the title of a fighter,

The young men will repeat to you until end.

Defenders of our beautiful country,

You are dear to us and desperately needed.


"Combat Orders" Grigoryan Yu. G. and Funny notes

Lead 2:

Russian warrior saves

home country peace and glory

He is on duty, and our people

Be proud of the army by right.

Presenter 1:

Army birthday today

There is no stronger in the world

Hello defenders of the people

Russian army… Hello!


Presenter 1:

Let there be new achievements

Victory, true friends,

And the course lies - on achievement!

Happy 23rd day February!

Lead 2:

Always be proud of your work

And surround your loved ones with care,

Strive to reach your goal

And be the first in your favorite business!

Presenter 1:

We always want to be on top

And to win in everything is easy, impromptu!

At every latitude and longitude -

Only new plans! New horizons!

Lead 2:

We wish you success, we wish you good luck,

It is easy to rest and work with dedication.

So that joy in fate

I met yours more often

So that everything comes out and everything works out.

Presenter 1: On this our festive the concert has come to an end. Thank you for your attention. Happy holiday!

Related publications:

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Scenario of the concert program for Mother's Day "With love in the heart" Scenario of the concert program for Mother's Day "With love in the heart". Leader exit. Vedas: - Good afternoon, our dear and beloved mothers. Vedas:.

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Good afternoon From all the beautiful half of humanity, congratulations to all men!

Together: Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

1 Presenter: -
Who do I want to congratulate? -
Men sitting in the hall
All those whose role is special -
We have always known this.

2 led. Who strong his shoulder
For the fragile substitutes,
All those who protect the Motherland,
And protects us.

1. Song "What does the Motherland begin with?" (Chorus)

1 led. Our dear boys, men! Congratulations on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! May your hearts be filled over the years not only with courage, but also with kindness, love for your neighbors, compassion for the offended. Let the fire of pride for your Motherland burn in your souls!

2 Vedas. Soldier of the Fatherland. Warrior of Russia. At all times, the attitude towards him and his military work was surrounded by a halo of patriotism and glory.

2. Song "When soldiers sing" (Chorus)

1.VED. Who is your dad? What is he? With such questions, our cameraman Alexei Efimov and journalist Avanskaya Natalia went to the junior high school students. And here's what they found out.

3. Video "Our dads"

1 Ved.

And now relatives and strong,

Kind, brave and beloved

Come to congratulate the kids

2 Ved.

Meet Tonight's Littlest Artists

4. Word to the kids (Short stay group number)


A long time ago, the holiday was established ...

What can I say, the tradition is strong.

We congratulate men again -

We wish you peace and good!

Congratulations to the dance group ""

5. Dance "Rhythm"

Vedas. (Olya)

There is a reason to congratulate you

On a February day, in the middle of winter.

Just because you're a man

We are proud to be a defender!

6. The song "Russian guy"

7. (Polina) Three girls were dreaming in the evening

Scene "Bad grandmothers about real men."

Ved.2 (Ivanova Nastya and Alya)

And today we congratulate those who wear shoulder straps, those who once wore them or will wear them in the future. And more of those. whose friends and relatives wear or wore epaulettes.

Graduates of our school also serve in the ranks of the Russian army.

9. Slideshow (names)

There is such a profession - to defend the homeland. This profession was chosen by: (names)

And it does not matter at what point the soldier is serving, it is important that each of them honestly fulfills his duty, serves his Fatherland.

Their relatives and friends sit in this hall. We congratulate them all and give a song

10. "Home" (Grade 9)

11. Ved.

Soldier on vacation

War Dance "Squadron"


And now let's make way for a joke -

We can't live without her.

It's better with her in difficult times,

Why don't we joke?

12. Joke "Army education"

Under sunny skies
Under the warm rain
Under the snowy blizzard ringing
You serve, guys, we will wait for you,
Just write us letters more often!
13. The song "One hundred days before the order" performed by girls


How many songs about the army are composed,

How many songs about the fleet are composed!

We are supposed to remember them on a holiday,

Yes, and we also do not mind singing them

14. The song "Boys-cadets" (7th grade girls)


Remember more often the parental home,

It is not easy, but the work of a soldier is honorable:

You serve, guys - we will wait for you,

Only do your military duty holy!

15. Scene "Military laws of nature"

16. And again on the stage the dance group "Constellation". Meet! Stage dance.

Ved (Olya)

Motherland is the land at the threshold,

Where you first learned your name

Motherland is a big road

The one you walk with others

17. Song "You are my Russia"

1 Ved. Everything can be native land! Feed with warm, delicious bread, drink spring water, surprise with its beauty.

And only she cannot protect herself... Therefore, the defense of their Motherland is the sacred duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water and admire its expanses.

1Ved. For many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom of their Motherland more than once. The people remember their legendary heroes-defenders.

1Ved. What a pity that all of them together and each individually cannot be said that we have not forgotten them, that we remember them. The graves do not hear. They don't see graves. But the living must hear, see and remember at what cost our freedom has been won.

18. ("Nabat" - loudly, then quieter) Vika and Dima Khmelev

Reader Quiet ... Hear: as if somewhere

The heart of our planet is beating...

This is the power claiming over all,

Time marches across the planet.

Reader Quiet ... Do you hear?

These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up the run

And along the rails, soaring up to the stars,

Our new age roars.

Reader And suddenly: wait, don't rattle!

You see - scarlet granite and flames.

Hold on... Give me a moment.

This I tell you, Memory.

Reader Well, wait, look, obelisk,

Read the names and dates:

It's here that the battles took place

Once upon a time there was a war.

Reader Here, once upon a time, behind the line,

Years have passed - soldiers:

forty-one, forty-two,

Forty-third, fourth, fifth...

Reader I know - you rush to the stars,

I know - you make the Earth more beautiful.

Just descend to this stone from a height,

Stop, bow, put flowers...

The most modest bouquet of daisies.

Reader And taking a moment from eternity,

Here, by the stone, in the crushed grass

He took off his hat to Memory

The deafening century of the 20th.

Reader 21st century - with powerful hands,

Everything can destroy and build up.

Time is powerless if Memory meets,

Holy memory on your way!

Vedas.We will honor the memory of all the soldiers who fell in the battles for their Motherland with a MINUTE OF SILENCE

19. Song "Lord Officers" (Chorus)


Our dear men, boys! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, let us say one more wish, the last and most important thing - may the sky above your head always be peaceful!


Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We sincerely wish you:

Be calm and patient

Protect the motherland and women.

May courage always sound in the hearts,

Let a bold gleam shine in your eyes,

Let the song help you in your soul,

You, men, we wish you the HONOR TO HAVE!

20. Song "Aty-Baty" (Chorus)

This concludes our concert.

Thank you for your attention!