Activities of the military unit for military patriotic education. Military-patriotic education at school. Military - patriotic education

High patriotism is considered the most important source of morale stamina. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, fixed for centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands. This definition points to the historical development of the social content of patriotism, refutes the idealistic explanation of its essence as a racial or biological phenomenon.

At the same time, the need for new approaches to military-patriotic education is objectively conditioned, taking into account the situation, the increased interests and demands of Russians, as well as the situation in the international arena, and the features of current relations between states.

A deep understanding of the need to strengthen the country's defense capability, a correct assessment of the social significance of this is the most important quality of a person.

If we approach the elucidation of the essence of military-patriotic education in a functional way, then it, being an integral part of ideological and educational work, is a systematic, purposeful activity to form in Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological-political, moral-psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is a process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual.

Based on the above definition of the essence of military-patriotic education, it should be noted that it has its own more or less delineated boundaries, qualitative certainty. This allows you to highlight its specific features, goals, objectives, directions and means.

Military-patriotic education, in its orientation towards society, fulfills its main social function - the function of the active, purposeful influence of the human factor on strengthening the country's defense capability. In relation to an individual, class or social group, the educational system under study plays the role of a planned influence on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and, mainly, its defensive consciousness, a sense of historical responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, constant readiness for its armed defense.

From a sociological point of view, as can be seen, one can speak of the actual educational functions of the system under consideration. These include, firstly, the function of military-political orientation and the formation of defense consciousness, in the process of which the younger generation develops feelings of patriotism, political vigilance, a deep understanding by each person of his social role in strengthening the defense capability of the country and the Armed Forces, awareness of this role as a civil and military duty. Secondly, it is a function of forming the readiness of workers, especially young people, for the military work of defending their Fatherland, a deep awareness of the growing social significance of military service, love for the Armed Forces, the profession of an officer, instilling moral and psychological immunity to difficulties, stability of individual behavior in extreme conditions of military activity. Thirdly, it should be noted the communicative function, which consists in ensuring the continuity of the social experience of the older generation in the field of armed defense of the Fatherland. And, finally, fourthly, the function of the formation of moral qualities necessary for the defense of the Motherland, through which heroic-moral spiritual ideals are created.

It seems that all of the above functions reflect the main constituent components of the upbringing process (political, labor, moral), their refraction in such an important area of ​​human activity as the armed defense of the Fatherland. Of course, all functions are dialectically interconnected, interpenetrate and complement each other. At the same time, each of them has its own qualitative certainty.

These functions also determine the main directions of military-patriotic education. These include: broad propaganda of the need to protect the Fatherland, the policy of the Russian state aimed at ensuring the country's high defense capability, exposing the aggressive plans of the most reactionary circles; the formation of youth love for the Armed Forces and military service, informing the general population about new qualitative changes taking place in military affairs, Russian military doctrine, the officer profession, and so on; education of the young generation of the country on the fighting traditions of the Russian people, army and navy; formation in all; people of high moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland; mastering military knowledge, skills and habits; physical improvement of the individual, preparing him to endure the increased difficulties of military service.

Thus, the system of military-patriotic education is distinguished by complex, organizational ties that are in close interaction.

Based on the actual educational functions of the system we are considering, the following subsystems can be distinguished:

Military-patriotic education in the process of teaching social disciplines in general education schools, vocational schools, technical schools and higher educational institutions;

Mass military-patriotic and military patronage work;

Basic military training in general education schools, lyceums and vocational colleges, labor collectives; activities of military departments of higher educational institutions; retraining of reserve soldiers;

The activities of the media and creative unions aimed at the military-patriotic education of the population.

Even a closer examination of these subsystems indicates their functional difference from each other. In the teaching of social sciences, for example, the ideological function prevails; in primary military training, the function of instilling military knowledge and skills necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland is more pronounced than in others; the activities of the media are primarily associated with military-political information; the efforts of creative unions are focused on shaping people's social orientation towards a heroic moral and aesthetic ideal.

It is known that the formation of defense consciousness, constant readiness for the defense of the Motherland takes place most actively during the period of service of young people in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Here the process of military-patriotic education reaches its highest intensification, because not only all the links of educational work, but also military activity itself, the conditions in which it takes place, and the military collective affect the personality.

Military-patriotic education as an integral system actively interacts with the external (in relation to it) social environment. The mechanism of this interaction is complex, because many subtle processes, such as spontaneously emerging public opinion, can have no less impact than a purposeful, well-functioning educational system. Perceiving various facts of the inconsistency of the international situation, people give them a special social assessment. The growing or, conversely, decreasing danger of war is assessed by them in an enhanced, hypertrophied form. In the first case, this is fraught with the generation of uncertainty, anxiety, even panic, in the second, pacifist sentiments. That is why the system of military-patriotic education must be constantly aimed at removing this destabilizing influence.

At the same time, well-known events may cause an increase in military-patriotic activity. For example, the events connected with the liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake in Armenia were accompanied by the activation of the patriotic and international feelings of the Soviet people of that time. During these periods, the flow of applications from workers, young soldiers of the army and navy to military commissariats, state and public bodies with a request to send them to the regions increased. What is important for educational practice? Interacting with the environment, in this case, the educational system should focus not on nearby goals, but on promising ones, to solve not private, but universal, main tasks. In practice, this is not always done. Often emerging positive processes fade away without interacting with the education system. In other cases, this relationship breaks off at the level of only "mobilization" efforts on the part of the latter.

Thus, when organizing the process of military-patriotic education, it is very important to take into account such processes in order to timely correct the forms and methods of influencing the formation of people's defense consciousness.


CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations for studying the problem of military-patriotic education

1 Military-patriotic education: concept, purpose, tasks, content

2 The essence of military-patriotic education

3 Forms of implementation of military-patriotic education

CHAPTER II. Implementation of military-patriotic education in the conditions of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "SIBIRYAK"

1 Conditions for the organization of the military field camp "Sibiryak"

2 The program of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"

3 Analysis of the results of the organization of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"





Relevance. In modern conditions, fundamental changes are taking place in the society in the socio-economic, political and spiritual spheres of our life. The sharp stratification of society, the devaluation of fundamental spiritual values ​​had a negative impact on the public consciousness of the majority of social and age groups of the country's population. As a result, there was a change in attitudes and value orientations of public consciousness, which increased the alienation of young people from the institution of the family, the state. A significant part of the youth formed an indifferent attitude to the concepts of human dignity, honor, civic duty, personal responsibility, which in turn had a negative impact on the spiritual, moral, mental and physical health of the younger generation. The latest history of the Russian Federation was marked at the end of the last century by a radical deterioration in the military-patriotic education of the country's population and, above all, the younger generation.

At the same time, any country needs an effective system of patriotic education, as this forms a stable civic position of the individual and acts as a necessary condition for the successful functioning of state institutions in the interests of strengthening the economic and military power of the country. Historical experience shows that the basis for the formation of high morale among people has always been a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and a readiness to fight for it until complete victory.

The degree of scientific development of the topic. Questions of the spiritual and moral formation of a person as a patriot were studied by A. A. Aronov, V. V. Artamchuk, V. G. Birkovsky, D. M. Vodzinsky, A. M. Vetokhov, O. I. Volzhina, A. N. Vyrshchikov, N. P. Dunaev and other scientists. The social aspect of military-patriotic education was studied by I.M. Andromonova, T.S. Bazarova, A.L. Barchuk, I.A. Butenko, V.V. Goneeva, R.G. Gurova, I.M. Durnov, P.P. Petrishchev, V. S. Solovyov, S. S. Tolkacheva. The problems of humanization of personality were considered from different angles by O. V. Lishin, N. V. Dyachenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, G. K. Korolevich, V. D. Serykh, O. S. Grebenyuk, T. B. Grebenyuk, R. Sh. Ganelin, E. D. Dneprov, Yu. A. Ivanov. A number of scientists also analyze other meaningful aspects of military-patriotic education.

The object of the research is military-patriotic education.

The subject of the study is the system of military-patriotic education in the conditions of a military field sports and recreation summer camp.

The purpose of this course work is to study the features of the organization of the military-patriotic camp.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) To study the content of the concepts of patriotism and military-patriotic education, to determine their purpose, tasks and content;

) To reveal the essence of military-patriotic education;

) To identify the forms of implementation of military-patriotic education;

) In practice, to test the effectiveness of existing programs for military-patriotic education in the conditions of work of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak".

Research structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and references, and an appendix.

CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations for studying the problem of military-patriotic education

1 Military-patriotic education: concept, purpose, tasks, content

Issues of military-patriotic education of the younger generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland and devotion to the Fatherland, as law-abiding citizens of the state, have always been at the center of attention of domestic scientists for several centuries.

Outstanding teachers considered patriotism, a person's desire for the prosperity of the Motherland, to be the basis of his spiritual life. So, A.N. Radishchev noted that “a true man and a son of the fatherland are one and the same”, he “if he is sure that his death will bring strength and glory to the fatherland, then he is not afraid to sacrifice his life.” Revealing the important qualities that, in his opinion, should be inherent in every person, he wrote: “He is directly noble, whose heart cannot but tremble with tender joy at the single name of the fatherland.”

A.P. Kunitsyn in his “Instruction to Pupils” emphasized that the main tasks of educating the younger generation should be: “to instill in the heart of the son the ancestral virtues that made an entire generation immortal; grant fellow citizens a true competitor in public good.

He considered an important task of the educational work of the educational institution: "to strengthen the range of teaching such subjects that would contribute to the suggestion ... of love for faith and virtue, love for the Fatherland."

The philosopher and teacher of the 19th century I. Yu. Yastrebtsov in his work “On the system of sciences decent for children in our time ...” emphasized that each person has his own duties, which consist in being useful to humanity, the Fatherland and himself, moreover, the duty to the Fatherland requires “to share your abilities with him ...”.

K. D. Ushinsky, developing the principle of nationality in education, especially emphasized the importance of educating children in love for the Motherland, humanity, diligence, and responsibility.

At the same time, he noted the enormous influence of labor on the formation of personality: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for fighting his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.”

V. G. Belinsky also considered the main task of moral education to be the development in children of a sense of human dignity, patriotism, humanism, love of work: “Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland ... To love one’s homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of mankind and to the best of one’s ability to contribute to this.”

After 1917 in Russia, the issues of military-patriotic education of the youth acquired particular relevance and new content. The change in ideology and the definition of the goals of communist education were reflected in the works of teachers of that time.

So, A. S. Makarenko, considering the goals of education in the Soviet school, noted that each pupil "should be a brave, courageous, honest, hardworking patriot." At the same time, he emphasized that patriotism is manifested not only in heroic deeds, a real patriot is required not only a “heroic outburst”, but also long, painful, hard work, often even very hard, uninteresting, dirty work. The school should educate, he believed, educated people, skilled workers, people with organizational skills, disciplined, vigorous and cheerful.

Research on this issue did not stop during the Great Patriotic War. So, in the work of I. A. Kairov, the possibilities of extra-curricular activities of patriotic content, essays on patriotic themes, forms and methods of educating students' patriotic feelings are revealed.

In the period after the Great Patriotic War, the problem of military-patriotic education of the younger generation acquires special significance. This is due to the fact that patriotic feelings are manifested especially clearly in difficult periods of the country's development, the difficulties of the war and the post-war restoration period led to mass manifestations of heroism and labor patriotism of the Soviet people. These issues were considered in the studies of teachers of that time, in which various aspects of the patriotic education of students in a general education school were revealed and substantiated. It should be noted, however, that all problems were solved on the basis of the decisions of the party and the government, taking into account the ideas of socialism and communism.

Of particular importance in the study of issues of patriotic education of this period are the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, who believed that the school should instill in young people the desire for selfless service to the Motherland, for active labor and social activities. Defining Soviet patriotism as “the noble love of the Soviet people for their socialist fatherland”, V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that one of the main educational tasks of the school is to prepare students for simple, everyday, everyday work for society, as a patriotic activity, and the activity of children, organized by the teacher for this purpose, is the driving force behind the formation of the personality of a growing citizen.

Among the pedagogical studies devoted to this problem in the 50-60s, the works of I. S. Maryenko, M. A. Terenty, F. I. Khvalov stand out. I. S. Maryenko gave a deep theoretical analysis of the problem of patriotic education, practical recommendations on the formation of patriotic consciousness of students in extracurricular activities, substantiated the unity of patriotic consciousness, feelings and behavior of students. His conclusions and recommendations made a significant contribution to the development of the main directions of patriotic education of that time.

The authors of numerous studies consider the problems of the relationship of patriotic education with other areas of educational work, determining the effectiveness of patriotic education for students of different ages, the possibility of various types of student activities in patriotic education, preparing students of a teacher training university for patriotic education of students in a general education school, etc.

In this work, military-patriotic education (VPV) is understood as a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of state bodies, public associations and organizations to form young people with a high patriotic consciousness, an exalted sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to defend it as the most important constitutional duty in defending the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensuring its military security in the face of external and internal threats.

The main object of the ERW is minors of preschool and especially school age (from the age of 7), in which the most active work with future defenders of the Fatherland is carried out in adolescence and youth, reaching a maximum intensity 2-3 years before military service.

The second task is related to the purposeful education of young people of pre-conscription age of readiness for the successful performance of specific functions to ensure the military security of the Russian Federation in the conditions of military activity.

The content of activities related to the implementation of the first task is determined by the state of the international, primarily military-political, situation in the world, the nature of global contradictions, the characteristics, dynamics and level of development of our society, the state of its economic, spiritual, socio-political, information and other spheres of life, the tasks of educating the younger generation, the main trends in the development of this process.

Taking into account these factors, the content of education, determined in the framework of the implementation of the first task, appears in a broader socio-pedagogical plan. This realization, associated with the formation of the personality of a patriotic citizen, is based on such elements as high intelligence, the ability to assimilate the most important values, positive worldviews and positions on the main social, historical, cultural, moral, political, military and other problems, the most important spiritual, moral, business and other qualities and the ability to implement them in the most important activities, especially patriotic orientation, the ability to manifest such high feelings as love for the Motherland, respect for the rule of law, diligence, responsibility for personal participation in solving problems of public life, experience in socially significant activities and necessary for the worthy fulfillment of the basic duties of a citizen of Russia, including the defense of the Fatherland.

The solution of the second task is determined by a number of factors related to ensuring the protection of the Russian Federation by its military organization, the most important trends in its development, the nature of military development, especially in the field of manning the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, the draft contingent, the degree of its readiness to perform tasks in the conditions of military and public service; objective requirements for the level of efficiency and effectiveness of education, the purpose of which is the formation and development of qualities and properties in each young person that allow him to successfully fulfill the function of protecting the Fatherland.

Education, one of the tasks of which is to prepare young people to perform the function of defending the Fatherland, mainly in the conditions of military activity, is characterized by much more specificity, a more specific focus and provides a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to perform the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful performance of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

Despite the relationship, the specificity of each of these two tasks of education implies a significant differentiation of its content (structure).

This is manifested, firstly, in the fact that the ideological, socio-pedagogical component of the content of education is dominant and forms its core. Only by forming the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, orientations, interests, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior, one can count on the successful solution of more specific tasks in preparing for the implementation of the function of protecting the Fatherland, for military and other related types of public service.

Secondly, in connection with the reduction of the term of military service on conscription to 1 year and the need to significantly increase the level of advance preparation for it, the role and importance of the specific component of the content of education is significantly increasing. This implies its deeper and more consistent differentiation, more thorough and comprehensive development in accordance with those specific tasks (and, above all, of a practical nature) that are assigned to the defenders of the Fatherland in the process of military and other related types of public service.

The structure of the content of education, determined by its purpose and objectives, actualizing the activities of educational structures, its focus on solving the most important and pressing problems, is based on a system of values ​​that have been formed over many centuries. These values, such as devotion to the Fatherland, fidelity to civil and military duty, military honor, courage, steadfastness, mutual assistance, etc., were the most important motive for the actions of Russian, Russian and Soviet troops, distinguished on the battlefields by selflessness, valor and courage.

At present, Russian society does not have a generally recognized ideal, and its spiritual and moral guidelines are relegated to the background by the priorities of the market economy. Only based on the enormous spiritual and moral potential of the peoples of Russia, it is possible to solve the most important tasks in various spheres of our life. The state strategy of the Russian Federation must constantly rely on the historical and spiritual heritage of its people. The whole heroic and dramatic history of Rus', Russia, its greatest culture, traditions, the best moral forces of our people are the centuries-old roots of spiritual values ​​exalted and defended by the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional confessions, which are the core of social life, military activity and fighting spirit of the army and navy.

The updated value system of patriotic education can conditionally be divided into the main areas: spiritual and patriotic (recognition and preservation of the great spiritual heritage of Russia, the Russian language, religion and culture as the highest shrines of the people, national self-consciousness, pride and dignity, spiritual maturity); moral and patriotic (love for the Motherland, one's people, following one's own conscience, religious beliefs and moral principles, conscientiousness, honesty, collectivism, respect for elders, love for family and loved ones, etiquette); historical and patriotic (loyalty to the heroic past and the best traditions of the history of the Fatherland, adherence to historical truth and intolerance to the falsification of history, the preservation of historical memory and the continuity of generations); state-patriotic (the priority of Russia's national values ​​and interests, its sovereignty, independence and integrity, civic maturity, fidelity to civic and military duty, readiness to defend the Fatherland, active participation in solving problems and overcoming difficulties in society and the state).

The introduction of these and other values ​​into the content of the ERW is a reflection of the objective aspects of the social mentality and Russian statehood. Without such values ​​and appropriate scientific and methodological support, the ERW system will continue to be a fragile structure, almost unrelated to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, and the problems of ensuring the country's military security.

Thus, the content of the youth ERW can be considered as the basis for the formation of the most important spiritual, moral, social and patriotic values ​​that have officially received a national status and are supported by society. Under the influence of a system of ideas, these values ​​are refracted and modified in the course of social development. They act as the initial beginning of integration and ensuring the integrity of Russia, the Russian state, as the main guidelines for the formation of a citizen-patriot-defender of the Fatherland.

Conclusion: military-patriotic education (VPV) is a systematic and purposeful activity to form in minors a high sense of patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland. Thanks to the ERW, such important socially significant qualities as high morality, civic maturity, love for the Fatherland, responsibility, a sense of duty, loyalty to traditions are formed and developed in children and youth, and the opportunities for their active participation in solving the most important problems of society in various spheres of its activity will increase significantly. Including in the military and others related to ensuring the national security of the state.

Improving the quality characteristics of children and youth will have a beneficial effect on society as a whole. High spirituality, morality, active citizenship, civic-patriotic and spiritual-moral consciousness of children and youth will greatly contribute to the successful solution of tasks related to the revival of the greatness and power of Russia. Modern Russian society will acquire the most valuable component of creative potential, which will be determined, first of all, by the willingness to take responsibility for the future of Russia.

1.2 The essence of military-patriotic education

High patriotism is considered the most important source of morale stamina. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings fixed for centuries and millennia in the minds of every individual. This definition points to the historical development of the social content of patriotism, refutes the idealistic explanation of its essence as a racial or biological phenomenon.

At the same time, the need for new approaches to military-patriotic education is objectively conditioned, taking into account the situation, the increased interests and demands of Russians, as well as the situation in the international arena, and the features of current relations between states.

A deep understanding of the need to strengthen the country's defense capability, a correct assessment of the social significance of this is the most important quality of a person.

If we approach the elucidation of the essence of military-patriotic education in a functional way, then it, being an integral part of ideological and educational work, is a systematic, purposeful activity to form in Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological-political, moral-psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is a process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual.

Based on the above definition of the essence of military-patriotic education, it should be noted that it has its own more or less delineated boundaries, qualitative certainty. This allows you to highlight its specific features, goals, objectives, directions and means.

Military-patriotic education, in its orientation towards society, fulfills its main social function - the function of the active, purposeful influence of the human factor on strengthening the country's defense capability. In relation to an individual, class or social group, the educational system under study plays the role of a planned influence on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and, mainly, its defense consciousness, a sense of historical responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, constant readiness for its armed defense.

From a sociological point of view, as can be seen, one can speak of the actual educational functions of the system under consideration.

These include, firstly, the function of military-political orientation and the formation of defense consciousness, in the process of which the younger generation develops feelings of patriotism, political vigilance, a deep understanding by each person of his social role in strengthening the defense capability of the country and the Armed Forces, awareness of this role as a civil and military duty. Secondly, it is a function of forming the readiness of workers, especially young people, for military labor in protecting their Fatherland, a deep awareness of the growing social significance of military service, love for the Armed Forces, the profession of an officer, instilling moral and psychological immunity to difficulties, stability of individual behavior in extreme conditions of military activity. Thirdly, it should be noted the communicative function, which consists in ensuring the continuity of the social experience of the older generation in the field of armed defense of the Fatherland. And, finally, fourthly, the function of the formation of moral qualities necessary for the defense of the Motherland, through which heroic-moral spiritual ideals are created.

These functions also determine the main directions of military-patriotic education. These include: broad propaganda of the need to protect the Fatherland, the policy of the Russian state aimed at ensuring the country's high defense capability, exposing the aggressive plans of the most reactionary circles; the formation of youth love for the Armed Forces and military service, informing the general population about the new qualitative changes taking place in military affairs, Russian military doctrine, the profession of an officer, and so on; education of the young generation of the country on the fighting traditions of the Russian people, army and navy; the formation in all people of high moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland; mastering military knowledge, skills and habits; physical improvement of the individual, preparing him to endure the increased difficulties of military service.

Thus, the system of military-patriotic education is distinguished by complex, organizational ties that are in close interaction.

Based on the actual educational functions of the system we are considering, the following subsystems can be distinguished:

Military-patriotic education in the process of teaching social disciplines in general education schools, vocational schools, technical schools and higher educational institutions;

Mass military-patriotic and military patronage work;

Basic military training in secondary schools, vocational schools and technical schools, labor collectives; activities of military departments of higher educational institutions; retraining of reserve soldiers;

The activities of the media and creative unions aimed at the military-patriotic education of the population.

Even a closer examination of these subsystems indicates their functional difference from each other. In the teaching of the social sciences, for example, the ideological function prevails; in primary military training, the function of instilling in young people the military knowledge and skills necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland is more pronounced than in others;

It is known that the formation of defense consciousness, constant readiness for the defense of the Motherland takes place most actively during the period of service of young people in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Here the process of military-patriotic education reaches its highest intensification, because not only all the links of educational work, but also military activity itself, the conditions in which it takes place, and the military collective affect the personality.

Military-patriotic education as an integral system actively interacts with the external (in relation to it) social environment. The mechanism of this interaction is complex, because many subtle processes, such as spontaneously emerging public opinion, can have no less impact than a purposeful, well-functioning educational system. Perceiving various facts of the inconsistency of the international situation, people give them a special social assessment. The growing or, conversely, decreasing danger of war is assessed by them in an enhanced, hypertrophied form. In the first case, this is fraught with the generation of uncertainty, anxiety, even panic, in the second, pacifist moods. That is why the system of military-patriotic education must be constantly aimed at removing this destabilizing influence.

Conclusion: the essence of the ERW is to carry out systematic, purposeful activities to form among Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological, political, moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is the process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual. The ERW is designed to provide: a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to perform the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful performance of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The basis of the content of the specific component is love for the Fatherland, fidelity to civic and military duty, military honor, courage, fortitude, selflessness, valor, courage and mutual assistance.

1.3 Forms of implementation of military-patriotic education

military patriotic education summer

The main institution that ensures the organization of the entire system of this area of ​​education, its functioning and control over its effectiveness and final results is the state. It organizes the process of educating the younger generation at the level of preschool and, above all, family education, at school, while receiving vocational education, at the level of local self-government bodies, in ministries, departments, etc. The military-patriotic education of youth is one of the directions of the state youth policy of Russia at the stage of the transition period and in the long term.

The system of military-patriotic education includes:

Formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of education and training in preschool institutions, in general education and higher education, in other types of educational institutions.

Mass military-patriotic work organized and carried out by state and public bodies and organizations, local authorities and administrations, bodies and organizations of the Armed Forces, military registration and enlistment offices, organizations and associations of reserve soldiers, veterans, law enforcement agencies and organizations, relevant structures of other troops, military formations and bodies, ROSTO, the State Committee for Sports, the Ministry of Health, some public movements and youth organizations, etc. (patriotic and military-patriotic, cultural-historical and military-historical military-technical, military-sports and other clubs and associations, special schools, courses, various circles, sports sections; clubs, training centers for the future soldier, officer; days of patriotic work, memory watches, search activities, military sports games, campaigns, etc.).

The activities of the media, creative unions, especially workers of culture and art, relevant scientific, youth associations, organizations, to one degree or another aimed at considering, highlighting and finding solutions to the problems of patriotic education, at the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and defender of the Fatherland.

The organization and conduct of military-patriotic work involves the use of a whole range of appropriate forms, which can be differentiated into three main groups.

The first group, determined by the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes very extensive and diverse forms of a general patriotic nature. They are used mainly in the conditions of the process carried out in the system of educational institutions (at all main levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a wide variety of academic disciplines, especially the humanities, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc .; conversations, morning performances, evenings of questions and answers, round tables, meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and servicemen; improvement of the educational and material base of initial military training, etc.

The second group, determined by the specifics of the content of military-patriotic education, is less diverse and is characterized by a greater military and military-applied orientation. These forms, carried out mainly in the form of practical exercises, work, various games, etc., include, in particular, familiarization of adolescents and young men with the life and activities of the troops, with the features of the service and life of military personnel (military technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical drill exercises, military sports games, sections on military applied sports, etc.).

The most promising in terms of highly effective fulfillment of the tasks of military-patriotic education is the use of complex combined integrated forms that optimally combine both the general and the specific in its content, forming the third group. It includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various orientations, universities of the future warrior, officer, school for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically based organizational conditions. Thus, to a large extent, the gap between the theoretical and practical-applied components of military-patriotic education, between its general developmental orientation and specific tasks, is bridged.

The implementation of patriotic education involves the use of a system of means, which includes three main components: material and technical, educational and organizational.

Material and technical means include classrooms, classrooms and classrooms for primary military training, museums, battlefields, monuments, burial sites, specialized schools, patriotic and military-patriotic clubs, equipment, special equipment, weapons, models, training fields, sports towns, shooting galleries, simulators, as well as relevant media, works of literature and art.

Educational tools include basic theoretical and scientific-practical recommendations on the organization and conduct of military-patriotic education, on the formation of views, beliefs, needs and interests, the education of love for the Motherland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence, on the development of public opinion on the problem of ensuring and strengthening the stability and security of society, on state and social institutions involved in the implementation of the function of protecting the Fatherland, on military and alternative service, etc.

Organizational means of patriotic education - this is the whole range of activities carried out using material, technical and educational means, carried out in appropriate forms, maximally realizing the general and specific tasks for the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and patriot.

All three groups of means of patriotic education are closely interconnected, complement each other, and only their complex use in the process of interaction between subjects and objects of this activity contributes to the achievement of its main goal.

Conclusion: SVC forms can be differentiated into three main groups. The first group, determined by the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes a system of educational institutions (at all main levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a wide variety of academic disciplines, especially the humanities, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc.; conversations, morning performances, evenings of questions and answers, round tables, meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and servicemen; improvement of the educational and material base of initial military training, etc.

The third group includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various kinds, universities of the future warrior, officer, school for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers, and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically based organizational conditions.

CHAPTER II. Implementation of military-patriotic education in the conditions of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "SIBIRYAK"

2.1 Conditions for the organization of the military field camp "Sibiryak"

The military-patriotic sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak", in essence, largely continues the practice of the school - the same tasks of education, forms of work in the military-patriotic direction, holidays, competitions, games. A game, especially a military role-playing game, is a form of work filled with new content. Outdoor games, competitions, physical exercises, good nutrition, health hours will help the children to get stronger and recuperate for the new school year. The activities of the camp help the child to live in the space of the modern world. The idea of ​​the camp involves radically different, compared to traditional, approaches to the selection of content, structuring and organizational forms of pastime, allowing you to realize your goals. The most important difference is the shift in emphasis from education to development.

The humanistic ideas of the project are connected with the desire to introduce children to the highest spiritual and moral values ​​and culture, to develop the creative abilities of children, to constantly feed their cognitive interests, and most importantly, to promote full-fledged personal development within the framework of military-patriotic education.

The real implementation of these goals is possible only on the way of creating adequate conditions for rest in the camp. An indispensable assistant in creating a developing, comfortable environment for the child can be a game, the inclusion of its elements in all areas of camp life. We give children the opportunity to try themselves in various social roles, to gain experience in communication.

Conducting a shift in the conditions of a tent camp ensures the satisfaction of one of the most important needs of the child - the need for emotional support, friendly participation: detachments are platoons, participants are soldiers who are assigned "service ranks".

The organization of the military-patriotic camp "Sibiryak" pursues the following goals:

) Improving the system of military-patriotic education, consolidating the practical and theoretical skills of students and pupils obtained in the classes on general military education, circles and sections in the military-patriotic direction;

) Creation of favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the child, his self-knowledge and self-realization, conditions that combine the development of the child, strengthening his health and organizing leisure activities during the summer holidays;

) Improvement of adolescents and pupils through active physical culture and health-improving activities in a military sports camp.

Based on the goals set, the following tasks will be solved:

) Spiritual and physical recovery and psychological relief of the shift participants;

) Prevention among teenagers and pupils of offenses and crimes;

) Familiarization with the traditions of national culture and universal values, instilling healthy lifestyle skills;

) Creation of a warm, comfortable emotional atmosphere that helps children create the value and integrity of their own personality, realize their role in the team, develop communication skills and empathy;

) The creative growth of each child through the satisfaction of personal needs in the field of artistic creativity, the knowledge of various areas of aesthetic activity, the expansion of the creative space of the shift, the inclusion of participants in various activities;

) Revival of the best traditions of moral and patriotic education.

The camp of military-patriotic education "Sibiryak" will involve children who could not get on permits to country health camps.

In accordance with the calendar plan for organizing a camp for military-patriotic education, an organizing committee (working group) was created to develop an event and a methodology for conducting a field sports event for children. At its meetings, the organizing committee considered and approved the name of this summer sports camp - "Sibiryak", chose the emblem of the camp, determined the time of its holding, as well as the quantitative composition of the group of children (25-30 people), the venue, involved forces and means. A copy of the emblem is attached (See Appendix 1).

Conclusion of an agreement with a pedagogical university or a military school for the preparation, provision and conduct of a field trip for children.

With FSBEI HPE "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" the organizing committee for the development of the event concluded an agreement on conducting professional practice for students of this university during the field trip of children. A copy of this agreement is attached. Four student trainees have been identified, with whom interviews have already been conducted and they have been instructed on the procedure and terms of practice.

The Executive Committee of the Board of the IEO RSVA LLC provided the organizing committee with a part of the office as a methodical corner where the meeting of the participants of the event takes place, processing and systematization of the materials necessary for the summer sports field exit.

Members of the organizing committee, who will conduct classes with children, monitor their daily routine during the field trip of "Sibiryak", passed a 40-hour test of knowledge and labor protection requirements at the FGBOU VPO NSPU according to the program for managers and specialists, passed exams, received special certificates on testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. A copy of one such certificate is attached. In addition, members of the organizing committee at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Novosibirsk Region of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare received personal medical books. Such books are issued to employees of industries and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, the upbringing and education of children, public utilities and consumer services.

A letter has been written to the new acting head of the Branch of the Military Training and Research Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of Novosibirsk" with a request to allow up to 30 children to conduct a field trip at their base. Permission has been granted. The signing of an agreement with the company "Kollektiv-Service" LLC, which is located in St. Petersburg, but provides food for cadets of the branch of the military educational and scientific center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy" in the city of Novosibirsk, is being prepared, and which will provide food for children from the "Sibiryak" camp during their field trip. Conclusion of an agreement with a company for the supply of consumables (sports equipment and prizes). Transportation of children to the base and back will be carried out by road.

2.2 The program of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"

All activities of the camp program are divided into 4 main blocks, closely interconnected:

) The educational block or activities of the camp are training sessions with students and pupils of the camp according to the program "Fundamentals of military service" with practical and control classes according to the above program.

The purpose of the classes: 1) consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired by schoolchildren, pupils during the academic year on the "Fundamentals of military service"; 2) meetings with employees of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, courts, commissions on juvenile affairs, medical specialists, veterans of the Second World War, participants in local wars; 3) tours of military units in order to familiarize themselves with the life of military personnel, military equipment, weapons, visit museums of military glory, etc.

) The physical culture and health-improving activities of the camp consist of daily competitions and health-improving events in the camp with students and pupils of the camp and the passing of control standards for physical training by them. Conducting intra-camp sports days in various sports, as well as military-applied sports.

) Cultural and leisure activities of the camp: for students and pupils during the camp, various events of military-patriotic and spiritual and moral education are held, as well as watching videos of the above topics.

) Economic and labor activity is based on the principles of maintaining the territory of the camp, residential premises, sports facilities, and household premises in an exemplary manner.

Program participants: schoolchildren aged 12 to 16, teenagers of military age.

Duration of the program: the program of the military-patriotic, sports and recreation camp "Sibiryak" is being implemented from July 8 to July 14, 2013.

Conditions for achieving the goals and objectives of the program:

interaction and cooperation of pedagogical and administrative and managerial personnel on the organization of the life of the camp;

availability of specialists for each declared area of ​​work;

providing funding for the program.

The main directions of the program:

health improvement of children;

military-patriotic education of the younger generation;

development of creative abilities of children;

labor education.

The main activities of the camp:


sports and recreation;

psychological and pedagogical;

artistic and aesthetic;



development of children's self-government.

Expected results:

strengthening the physical and psychological health of children, the acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills by children;

an increase in the number of teenagers who want to engage in military-applied sports, the education of patriots of their Fatherland;

expanding the horizons of children in the field of the history of their native land, its traditions and customs;

development of independence, ability and desire to work in a team.

The program is built on the following principles:

The priority of self-realization of children and adolescents in the life of a temporary team of different ages;

Involvement in real socially significant relationships;

Openness to interpersonal communication;

The opportunity to know yourself, to realize your abilities and inclinations;

Orientation of children to the development of creativity and imagination.

The program is implemented under the motto:

It all starts with something interesting!

Everything is creative - otherwise why?

Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only together!

Most importantly - YOURSELF!

The following events are held during the camp:

. “The power of the army is strong” - checking the interest of children in military service is carried out in the form of an oral journal;

. “We will serve in the army” a conversation with children about the importance of the army for the state;

. “Thanks to our grandmothers and grandfathers for peace and Victory” - a literary reading and discussion involving the memories of children about stories told to them, about the war of their grandparents and about relatives who died in the war. Raising a citizen and patriot of the Fatherland educating in children a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in their people, for their fellow countrymen through the lesson of courage “War. There is no sadder word ... ". "A long time ago there was a war..." conversation, "A year of war was knocking at the door of my country." Literary evening discussion of the results of the war and drawing parallels with ongoing wars;

. "Our City Survived the War: Lessons from Memory" - a story about the area where the camp is located and about its role in the war;

. "Letters as a chronicle of the battle" - a discussion with the guys of the course of hostilities through the preserved or found letters of veterans;

. "On the Roads of the Great Patriotic War" - education in children of a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in their people, for their fellow countrymen through a lesson in courage;

. "I love you, Fatherland" - a quiz, the purpose of which is to study the great and glorious history of our Fatherland by young people;

. "Victory was not easy" - an interactive intellectual game, "Alive with eternal memory" - a game-competition, "Poetry of Courage" - a literary and musical composition. Zarnitsa is a military sports game.

. “Ways of fathers - roads of sons” - an evening dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day (guests are veterans), “We are proud of the glory of our ancestors” - a military-patriotic game, “Flag to the heights” - an army game, “Nameless skyscraper”, “From a blade and a bayonet to mighty missiles” - KVN on the history of military equipment. “Who said that you need to leave the song in the war ...” - biographies of songs about the Second World War.

2.3 Analysis of the results of the organization of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"

The purpose of organizing a military-patriotic education camp was to conduct field military-sports camps to familiarize children with army life, improve the health of the younger generation, employment of children in the summer, create favorable conditions for their versatile development as individuals, education in a team.

With the help of this project, the level of physical skills and sports potential of 25 selected children has significantly increased, the complexity and attractiveness of military service, especially the training of officers, have been organized for their active recreation and health promotion, and education in children of a sense of community.

In accordance with the calendar plan for the implementation of a socially significant project, the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of a field military sports event for children called "Sibiryak" did a great job during the preparatory period. By the beginning of the training camp on the basis of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces in the city of Novosibirsk, the organizing committee was fully prepared for the opening of the planned training camp.

During the preparatory period, S. Sobolev and V. Nerestyuk held a meeting with the parents of the children participating in the training camp on June 30 at the office of the NOO "RSVA" LLC. At this meeting, the organizers of the training camp told how the military training camps would be held, made an agreement with the parents, in which the parents agreed to the participation of their child in this event, agreed with the listed obligations of the parties (organizers and parents), their rights. Each parent personally signed the contract.

Successfully trained and well-chosen interns and members of the organizing committee, conducting the training camp, managed to create a favorable climate among the children. At the end of the camp, the children were asked to write anonymously on separate sheets of paper their comments about these camps. All of them, as one, wrote that they really liked the training camp, and they are ready to continue it. Separate words of gratitude were expressed by the children to our veteran organizers.

In the midst of training, on July 11, 2013, Shibaeva S.S., a member of the Government of the NSO, the head of the Department of Social and Political Relations of the Administration of the Governor of the NSO and the Government of the NSO, came to the children in the VUNTS NE "OVA RF Armed Forces". In a casual conversation, the children spoke with admiration and quite positively about the work of the organizing committee of veterans, about the barracks in which they were placed, about classes, about life and food, about training camps in general. They excitedly invited the guest to look at the photographs that had already been taken by that time.

On the first day, the children got acquainted with the school, its traditions and memorable and solemn places (the museum, the Walk of Fame, the beds of the Heroes forever listed in the school, etc.). Then they were presented with the material base of the department of special intelligence (Colonel Shustov M.S.), small arms and communications equipment of the department of military and technical equipment (lieutenant colonel Farmagey V.V.), a fleet of military vehicles (Colonel Potyanikhin A.P.). During the training camp, the Sibiryak went to the Shilovsky training ground, where children fired small arms, rode battle tanks and vehicles, and armored personnel carriers.

During the training camp, the guys learned the basics of drill training, studied the main provisions of some Statutes of the RF Armed Forces, mastered the disassembly and assembly of automatic weapons (one girl dismantled an AKM in 18 seconds), issued several combat leaflets, and for health, every day they did physical exercises and participated in evening classes in the hall on sports equipment. The attached photos show these moments.

Members of the organizing committee, invited student interns, teaching officers and even heads of departments constantly monitored the children's daily routine during the field trip of "Sibiryak", their behavior, so the training camp was held at a high level, without failures and any kind of emergency.

Catering for the participants of the training camp was organized by OOO "Kolektiv-Service" from St. Petersburg. Given the remoteness of this city from Novosibirsk, a contract for the provision of catering services was drawn up and signed in advance.

The Executive Committee of the Board of the NOO LLC "RSVA" sent a letter to Shibaeva S. S. with a request to present the head of the VUNTS SV "OVA RF Armed Forces" in the city of Novosibirsk, Colonel Murog I. A. for a sensitive and careful attitude towards children, for close cooperation with the NOO LLC "RSVA", for providing practical assistance in organizing and conducting a field military-sports camp for children on the territory of the branch to be awarded with a Letter of Appreciation from the Governor of the NSO.

On the occasion of the 81st anniversary of the formation of the Airborne Forces on August 2, 2013, the organizers of the training camp, V.V. Perestyuk and V.K. Khavaev, were awarded Letters of Appreciation from the mayor of Novosibirsk for the skillful patriotic education of children during the training camp of "Sibiryak".

During the preparation for the training camp, the organizing committee ordered and sewed individual lightweight special uniforms for the children for a total of 16,720 rubles. At the end of the training camp, the guys kept the uniform.

Also, the organizing committee, through the secretary of the NOO RSVA LLC Hamburg N.N., for the needs of the training camp and the executive committee of the Board, purchased 100 pcs. badges of the organization with the symbols of "RSVA" in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Of this number of purchased badges, 30 pcs. were distributed to the participants of the training camp, and they remained with them as a keepsake, and the rest were transferred to the executive committee.

CJSC "GRAF" ordered special "demobilization" albums (diplomas in A5 format). At the end of the training camp, each participant received such an album, in which his personal and general photographs were enclosed. The photographs were taken by the organizing committee.

The transportation of the training camp participants was organized in accordance with the agreement concluded with RIC LLC.

Thanks to all the events held, relationships between teenagers of different ages and interests have been strengthened. Conditions were created for a positive stable emotional mood of the team.

Based on the above, we can conclude that this project received a positive assessment from the guys and the organizers and will continue its implementation next year.


As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

) Military-patriotic education (VPV) is a systematic and purposeful activity to form in minors a high sense of patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland. Thanks to the ERW, such important socially significant qualities as high morality, civic maturity, love for the Fatherland, responsibility, a sense of duty, loyalty to traditions are formed and developed in children and youth, and the opportunities for their active participation in solving the most important problems of society in various spheres of its activity will increase significantly. Including in the military and others related to ensuring the national security of the state.

Improving the quality characteristics of children and youth will have a beneficial effect on society as a whole. High spirituality, morality, active citizenship, civic-patriotic and spiritual-moral consciousness of children and youth will greatly contribute to the successful solution of tasks related to the revival of the greatness and power of Russia. Modern Russian society will acquire the most valuable component of the creative potential, which will be determined, first of all, by the willingness to take responsibility for the future of Russia;

) The essence of the ERW is to carry out systematic, purposeful activities to form among Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological, political, moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is the process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual. The ERW is designed to provide: a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to perform the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful performance of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The basis of the content of the specific component is love for the Fatherland, fidelity to civic and military duty, military honor, courage, fortitude, selflessness, valor, courage and mutual assistance;

) Forms of ERW can be differentiated into three main groups. The first group, determined by the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes a system of educational institutions (at all main levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a wide variety of academic disciplines, especially the humanities, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc.; conversations, morning performances, evenings of questions and answers, round tables, meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and servicemen; improvement of the educational and material base of initial military training, etc.

The second group includes, in particular, familiarization of adolescents and young men with the life and activities of the troops, with the features of the service and life of military personnel (military technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical drills, military sports games, sections on military applied sports, etc.).

The third group includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various kinds, universities of the future warrior, officer, school for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers, and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically based organizational conditions;

4) During the shift in the military-patriotic sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak", there was a significant increase in the level of physical skills and sports potential of 25 selected children, the complexity and attractiveness of military service, especially the training of officers, was organized for their active recreation and health promotion, education in children of a sense of collectivity. During the training camp, the guys learned the basics of drill training, studied the main provisions of some Statutes of the RF Armed Forces, mastered the analysis and assembly of automatic weapons, issued several combat sheets, and for health, they did physical exercises every day and participated in evening classes in the hall on sports equipment.



1.State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2010

.Final report on the implementation of the socially significant project to the contract No. 310 dated February 25, 2011 "Through sport to excellence" Reporting period: from May to August 2011.

.The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation // Krasnaya Zvezda. - 2003. - July 5.

.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.10.2010 No. 795 “On the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” // “Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation”, 11.10.2010, No. 41 (2 hours), art. 5250.

.Current (interim) report on the implementation of a socially significant project to the contract No. 310 dated February 25, 2011 "Through sport to excellence." Reporting period: from March to May 2011.


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Annex 1

Schedule of classes with participants of the military field training in July 2013.

Day 1. Arrival and accommodation of the camp participants. Excursion (acquaintance with the military unit).

Extra-curricular forms of work on the military-patriotic education of students:

conversations, class hours, reader conferences;

themed matinees, holding joint holidays;

ceremonial lines, lessons of Courage, Memory Watch;

excursions, targeted walks, games of civil and patriotic content, trips to historical places;

reviews of formation and song, military sports games "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet";

competitions, quizzes, holidays, exhibitions of children's creativity;

role-playing games, playing situations;

meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, famous countrymen;

measures to perpetuate the memory of the fallen in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland;

celebrating anniversaries, holding exhibitions, quizzes, contests, watching videos;

holding military-patriotic song contests;

visiting a military unit;

appeal to state symbols;

local history activities;

search work of the "Memory" group; collection of material about the fate of their ancestors, relatives - participants in the Second World War, local wars;

acquaintance with family heirlooms that keep the memory of the Great Patriotic War;

social actions "Veteran lives nearby", "Mercy", "Dawns", operation "Care".

The heroic and tragic events of the Great Patriotic War go further into the depths of history. Unfortunately, with each passing day there are fewer and fewer of those who defended our country, our land, our Motherland. And the most we can do is remember the defenders of the Fatherland and pass on to our descendants the memory of them and their great feat. Until the end of our lives, we and our descendants will have great respect for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, which they deserved by what they did for future generations. The memory of compatriots who fell on the battlefields, defending their people from enemies, has been revered in Rus' since ancient times. This tradition is old and passed down from generation to generation.

Today, in the public life of our country, the task of patriotic education of youth comes to the fore. And this is due to the fact that in the 90s there was a devaluation of value orientations, including patriotism, as a result of which too many young people did not receive the moral attitudes that their fathers and grandfathers had. Realizing the situation, the legislature, the government, public organizations launched a great work to correct the situation in this area. Its goals, forms, methods, set of measures are defined in the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015". It is aimed at ensuring that young people have clear moral and patriotic guidelines.

In this regard, it seems to me that the topic of military-patriotic work to perpetuate the memory of those who died in defense of the Fatherland and its interests, including those who performed their duty outside of it, seems to me to be especially relevant. As well as questions of fidelity to military and combat traditions, their propaganda and multiplication, organization and conduct of search work. A search group "Memory" works in our school, the main goal of the work is to collect materials, perpetuate the memory of fallen compatriots in the Great Patriotic War, in Afghanistan, local wars and military conflicts. The program "Patriot" was compiled.

In the patriotic education of the younger generation, the role of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel, and law enforcement officials is great. Traditional is the connection with the school of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, living in the microdistrict of the school. All veterans are assigned to cool teams that patronize them, congratulating them on all holidays, helping. Their invitation to a festive concert dedicated to the Victory Day, with a tea party on May 8, has become an annual event, meetings with participants of the Great Patriotic War are traditionally held. The New Timurovtsy movement is being revived at the school, aimed at helping veterans of war and labor, the disabled, the elderly, and everyone who needs it.

The support base, platform for the formation of real defenders of the Fatherland, patriots of the Motherland are the following events: parades of formation and songs, military sports games "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet", competitions "Come on, boys!", "Forward, boys!", contests of pre-conscription youth "Learn to defend the Motherland!" (for students in grades 8-9).

Among the most common and effective forms of civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren, an important place is occupied by the Lessons of Courage. Work experience shows that the story of heroic traditions becomes more effective if it is based on local facts, refracted through the traditions of its people. Children meet veterans of the Great Patriotic War, people who forged the Victory. Their living word leaves the most indelible impression in the souls of children.

The meeting with veterans is preceded by a large search work of the Memory group. Students bring newspaper clippings, photographic documents, decorate a stand “They liberated the Motherland”, an exhibition of drawings “War through the eyes of children”, prepare material about their relatives who participated in the war. Such activities have a huge emotional impact on the children.

In the foyer of the school there are stands on civil and patriotic education dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War "They fought for the Motherland", in which information is periodically updated revealing new pages of the terrible war of 1941-1945, and a stand dedicated to the warrior - internationalist Marat Yuldashev, a graduate of the school, "I die, but do not give up", who died in Afghanistan. Members of the "Memory" group collected rich material about the hero - warrior M. Yuldashev.

Every year, on February 15, students in grades 1-9 take part in a rally dedicated to the anniversary of the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from the Republic of Afghanistan, which takes place near the stand of Marat Yuldashev. The children sing songs, read poems: 2009 is significant for the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Republic of Afghanistan, a solemn rally dedicated to the opening of a memorial plaque to M. Yuldashev was held at the school. The idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of those who died in Afghanistan, local wars and military conflicts, while protecting the constitutional order of Russia has been in the air for a long time, but it took time for it to mature. And it came. The beginning of the implementation of this idea was laid by the public in the face of veteran organizations uniting the soldiers-"Afghans". A memorial plaque “Marat Yuldashev, an internationalist warrior, studied here” was hung on the building of our school, these stands and memorials will become not only a reminder of the young guys who died in the line of military duty, but also an expression of continuity in the service of Russia: fathers and grandfathers fought for their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, their children and grandchildren fulfilled and fulfill their duty to ensure the interests of the country, including abroad, with dignity and honor.

A large number of extra-curricular activities at the class and school levels were timed and held to coincide with the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad (January 27, 1944). There were meetings with veterans, blockade survivors, home front workers. All this, of course, educates our children: it teaches kindness, mercy, compassion for others.

The effectiveness of military-patriotic education is determined, first of all, by the business cooperation of all adults, institutions and organizations involved in the educational process, that is, the interaction of school and out-of-school educational environments for the moral and civil formation of the individual. The general educational institution continues to interact with the Museum of Local Lore, the Exhibition Hall, the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth (the Undeclared Wars Museum), the Archives, and the newspaper Volzhskiye Vesti.

Students in grades 1-9 visit the museums of the city of Syzran, because it is the search and local history work that contributes to the appeal of today's schoolchild to the traditions of his people. Here there is an acquaintance with traditional crafts for our area, an attempt to master the secrets of making household items, utensils, clothing and its decorations, which not only fosters a love for work as the basis for the formation of personality, but also introduces them to the national way of life, people's labor experience of generations. In terms of civic-patriotic education of students, we actively cooperate with the branches of the central library system of the city, as well as the central library, which are for us a kind of bridge between the past and the present, the present and the future: Meetings are held in the libraries with veterans, Afghan soldiers, disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, Leningrad blockade. I would like to note that our educational institution is actively cooperating with the media, thereby covering the work in many areas of educational activities. Only love, a complete understanding of one's history, respect for one's ancestors, sincere and sincere empathy for the achievements and some shortcomings of all the reforms carried out by the state, can reveal in our children and adolescents those spiritual qualities that will define him as a person, and already as an accomplished person, and as a citizen with a capital letter.

In the context of increased attention to solving the problems of civil, patriotic education of young citizens, the formation of their pride in the achievements of their native country, interest and respect for the historical past of Russia, respect for the traditions of their people, the appeal to state symbols is especially important. The active educational influence of state symbols determines its special role in the system of symbols. The ability of state symbols to influence the consciousness of a person through an artistic image, to convey the generalized content contained in it in an accessible and bright, attractive form for students, creates special opportunities for using the coat of arms, flag and anthem of the country in the education of schoolchildren. Moral, political ideas, expressed in state symbols, make up the potential that, when actively included in the educational process, helps to arouse in students a sense of pride in their homeland.

Local history activities are the most important means of educating a student's citizenship and patriotism, which allows you to educate a patriot and a citizen not on abstract ideals, but on concrete examples, to introduce children to the cultural heritage of the country and the "small motherland". The purpose of local history work is to teach children to love and respect their people, land, region, Motherland. After all, local history draws to the past, so that schoolchildren, knowing their roots, can create a worthy future. In local history work, I use information and communication technologies. The children are happy to make computer presentations that illustrate their research work, help to transfer information from one sign system to another. "History of the Fatherland" like no other subject contains great opportunities for patriotic and civic education of schoolchildren. In her educational materials one can find many examples of true patriotism and honest service to the motherland. The history of the country is made up of the history of individual regions, so the involvement of local history material in history lessons is necessary and pedagogically justified. For example, the topics “Abolition of serfdom”, “Stolypin agrarian reform”, “Collectivization”, “Khrushchev’s agricultural policy”, agrarian reforms of 1965, 1987, 90s are supplemented with local history material. Students analyze documents and materials of the local history corner, conduct sociological research using interviews, questionnaires, and report the results in class.

When studying the topic "The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union", the guys make reports about the courageous soldiers - brothers who participated in all the battles of the war.

Of particular interest to students are messages prepared on the basis of the stories of relatives of the older generation with a selection of photographs from the family archive.

When studying topics on the history of Russian culture, I use local ethnographic material

In the lessons devoted to the problems of modern Russia, I actively use the materials of local media.

Knowledge of the history of one's region enriches spiritually, develops a sense of patriotism, pride in one's people. In this direction, various activities are carried out:

  • - excursions to the city museum of local lore, the school museum of GBOU secondary school No. 11;
  • - lessons-acquaintance with the historical and architectural monuments of the city and the region;
  • - design of wall newspapers "Pages of the history of the native land", "To the native land with love";
  • - contests of the best readers "Where does the Motherland begin?";
  • - excursions to the picturesque places of the region;
  • - a sightseeing bus tour of his native city, to "The Village of Shiryaevo - the pearl of the Zhiguli", in Samara "Kuibyshev - a spare capital".

But a patriotic citizen must not only love his homeland, but also know and be able to protect his rights, the following measures are being taken in this direction

  • - studying the rules of conduct in school and public places;
  • - School lecture hall "Law and Order" (meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies, psychological service, traffic police, medical workers);
  • - school events;
  • - work of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency;
  • - the work of the Parliament of the school;

school president election.

All these events increase students' interest in the history of the Fatherland, give an understanding of the importance of the role of the common man in historical events, contribute to the development of respect for the older generation, love for the Motherland, a sense of duty and patriotism.

I would very much like to propagate from the "big screen" not violence and blood, but the values ​​of life that our people comprehended in difficult wars, battles, battles, disasters, and so on. After all, Russia has always been and will be a strong and powerful state in which Patriots will live, capable of defending their Fatherland at any moment!

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2.3 Analysis of the results of the organization of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"





Relevance. In modern conditions, fundamental changes are taking place in the society in the socio-economic, political and spiritual spheres of our life. The sharp stratification of society, the devaluation of fundamental spiritual values ​​had a negative impact on the public consciousness of the majority of social and age groups of the country's population. As a result, there was a change in attitudes and value orientations of public consciousness, which increased the alienation of young people from the institution of the family, the state. A significant part of the youth formed an indifferent attitude to the concepts of human dignity, honor, civic duty, personal responsibility, which in turn had a negative impact on the spiritual, moral, mental and physical health of the younger generation. The latest history of the Russian Federation was marked at the end of the last century by a radical deterioration in the military-patriotic education of the country's population and, above all, the younger generation.

At the same time, any country needs an effective system of patriotic education, as this forms a stable civic position of the individual and acts as a necessary condition for the successful functioning of state institutions in the interests of strengthening the economic and military power of the country. Historical experience shows that the basis for the formation of high morale among people has always been a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and a readiness to fight for it until complete victory.

The degree of scientific development of the topic. Questions of the spiritual and moral formation of a person as a patriot were studied by A. A. Aronov, V. V. Artamchuk, V. G. Birkovsky, D. M. Vodzinsky, A. M. Vetokhov, O. I. Volzhina, A. N. Vyrshchikov, N. P. Dunaev and other scientists. The social aspect of military-patriotic education was studied by I.M. Andromonova, T.S. Bazarova, A.L. Barchuk, I.A. Butenko, V.V. Goneeva, R.G. Gurova, I.M. Durnov, P.P. Petrishchev, V. S. Solovyov, S. S. Tolkacheva. The problems of humanization of personality were considered from different angles by O. V. Lishin, N. V. Dyachenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, G. K. Korolevich, V. D. Serykh, O. S. Grebenyuk, T. B. Grebenyuk, R. Sh. Ganelin, E. D. Dneprov, Yu. A. Ivanov. A number of scientists also analyze other meaningful aspects of military-patriotic education.

The object of the research is military-patriotic education.

The subject of the study is the system of military-patriotic education in the conditions of a military field sports and recreation summer camp.

The purpose of this course work is to study the features of the organization of the military-patriotic camp.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) To study the content of the concepts of patriotism and military-patriotic education, to determine their purpose, tasks and content;

2) To reveal the essence of military-patriotic education;

3) To identify the forms of implementation of military-patriotic education;

4) In practice, check the effectiveness of existing programs for military-patriotic education in the conditions of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak".

Research structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and references, and an appendix.

CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations for studying the problem of military-patriotic education

1.1 Military-patriotic education: concept, purpose, tasks, content

Issues of military-patriotic education of the younger generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland and devotion to the Fatherland, as law-abiding citizens of the state, have always been at the center of attention of domestic scientists for several centuries.

Outstanding teachers considered patriotism, a person's desire for the prosperity of the Motherland, to be the basis of his spiritual life. So, A.N. Radishchev noted that “a true man and a son of the fatherland are one and the same”, he “if he is sure that his death will bring strength and glory to the fatherland, then he is not afraid to sacrifice his life.” Revealing the important qualities that, in his opinion, should be inherent in every person, he wrote: “He is directly noble, whose heart cannot but tremble with tender joy at the single name of the fatherland. Pedagogy of the school / Ed. S. E. Matushkina. - Chelyabinsk: ChGPI Publishing House, 1974. - S. 25. ".

A.P. Kunitsyn in his “Instruction to Pupils” emphasized that the main tasks of educating the younger generation should be: “to instill in the heart of the son the ancestral virtues that made an entire generation immortal; to grant fellow citizens a true competitor in the public good Kunitsyn, A.P. Instruction to pupils // Anthology of pedagogical thought in Russia in the first half of the 19th century / Comp. P. A. Lebedev. - M.: Pedagogy, 1987. - S. 141. ".

He considered an important task of the educational work of the educational institution: “to strengthen the range of teaching such subjects that would contribute to the suggestion ... love for faith and virtue, love for the Fatherland Kunitsyn, A.P. Decree. op. - S. 142. ".

The philosopher and educator of the 19th century I. Yu. Yastrebtsov in his work “On the system of sciences that are decent for children in our time ...” emphasized that each person has his own duties, which consist in being useful to humanity, the Fatherland and himself, moreover, the duty to the Fatherland requires “to share your abilities with him ... Mishchenko, L. I. Patriotic education of younger students / L. I. Mishchenko; Dis. for the competition scientist. step. cand. ped. Sciences. - M.: MGPI im. V. I. Lenin, 1982. - S. 130. ".

K. D. Ushinsky, developing the principle of nationality in education, especially emphasized the importance of educating children in love for the Motherland, humanity, diligence, and responsibility.

At the same time, he noted the enormous influence of labor on the formation of personality: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for combating his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations. Pedagogy of the school / Ed. S. E. Matushkina. - Chelyabinsk: ChGPI Publishing House, 1974. - S. 160. ".

V. G. Belinsky also considered the main task of moral education to be the development in children of a sense of human dignity, patriotism, humanism, love of work: “Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland ... To love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and to the best of your ability to contribute to this Belinsky, V. G. Full. coll. cit.: in 13 volumes / Ed. N. F. Belchikova and others - M .: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1954. - T. 4. - S. 488. ".

After 1917 in Russia, the issues of military-patriotic education of the youth acquired particular relevance and new content. The change in ideology and the definition of the goals of communist education were reflected in the works of teachers of that time.

So, A. S. Makarenko, considering the goals of education in the Soviet school, noted that each pupil “should be a brave, courageous, honest, hardworking patriot Makarenko, A. S. Problems of school Soviet education / A. S. Makarenko // Works: in 8 volumes - M .: Publishing House of the APN RSFSR, 1951. - T. 5. - P. 115. ". At the same time, he emphasized that patriotism is manifested not only in heroic deeds, a real patriot is required not only a “heroic outburst”, but also long, painful, pressure work, often even very hard, uninteresting, dirty Makarenko, A. S. Decree. op. - S. 116. ". The school should educate, he believed, educated people, skilled workers, people with organizational skills, disciplined, vigorous and cheerful.

Research on this issue did not stop during the Great Patriotic War. So, in the work of I. A. Kairov, ABC of moral education / Ed. I. A. Kairova, O. S. Bogdanova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1975. - 319 p. the possibilities of extra-curricular activities of patriotic content, compositions on patriotic themes, forms and methods of educating students' patriotic feelings are revealed.

In the period after the Great Patriotic War, the problem of military-patriotic education of the younger generation acquires special significance. This is due to the fact that patriotic feelings are manifested especially clearly in difficult periods of the country's development, the difficulties of the war and the post-war restoration period led to mass manifestations of heroism and labor patriotism of the Soviet people. These issues were considered in the studies of teachers of that time, in which various aspects of the patriotic education of students in a general education school were revealed and substantiated. It should be noted, however, that all problems were solved on the basis of the decisions of the party and the government, taking into account the ideas of socialism and communism.

Of particular importance in the study of issues of patriotic education of this period are the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, who believed that the school should instill in young people the desire for selfless service to the Motherland, for active labor and social activities. Defining Soviet patriotism as “the noble love of the Soviet people for their socialist fatherland, Great Soviet Encyclopedia: in 65 volumes / Ed. O. Yu. Schmidt. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1956. - T. 39. - S. 187. ”, V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that one of the main educational tasks of the school is to prepare students for simple, everyday, everyday work for society, as a patriotic activity, and the activity of children, organized by the teacher for this purpose, is the driving force behind the formation of the personality of a growing citizen.

Among the pedagogical studies devoted to this problem in the 50-60s, the works of I. S. Maryenko, M. A. Terenty, F. I. Khvalov stand out. I. S. Maryenko gave a deep theoretical analysis of the problem of patriotic education, practical recommendations on the formation of patriotic consciousness of students in extracurricular activities, substantiated the unity of patriotic consciousness, feelings and behavior of students. allowance for students ped. in-tov / I. S. Maryenko. - M.: Education, 1980. - 183 p. . His conclusions and recommendations made a significant contribution to the development of the main directions of patriotic education of that time.

The authors of numerous studies consider the problems of the relationship of patriotic education with other areas of educational work, determining the effectiveness of patriotic education for students of different ages, the possibility of various types of student activities in patriotic education, preparing students of a teacher training university for patriotic education of students in a general education school, etc.

In this work, military-patriotic education (VPV) is understood as a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of state bodies, public associations and organizations to form young people with a high patriotic consciousness, an exalted sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to defend it as the most important constitutional duty in defending the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensuring its military security in the face of external and internal threats Pedagogy and psychology: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. L. A. Grigorovich, T. D. Martsinkovskaya. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - S. 45. .

The main object of the ERW is minors of preschool and especially school age (from the age of 7), in which the most active work with future defenders of the Fatherland is carried out in adolescence and youth, reaching a maximum intensity 2-3 years before military service.

The second task is related to the purposeful education of young people of pre-conscription age of readiness for the successful performance of specific functions to ensure the military security of the Russian Federation in the conditions of military activity.

The content of activities related to the implementation of the first task is determined by the state of the international, primarily military-political, situation in the world, the nature of global contradictions, the characteristics, dynamics and level of development of our society, the state of its economic, spiritual, socio-political, information and other spheres of life, the tasks of educating the younger generation, the main trends in the development of this process.

Taking into account these factors, the content of education, determined in the framework of the implementation of the first task, appears in a broader socio-pedagogical plan. This realization, associated with the formation of the personality of a patriotic citizen, is based on such elements as high intelligence, the ability to assimilate the most important values, positive worldviews and positions on the main social, historical, cultural, moral, political, military and other problems, the most important spiritual, moral, business and other qualities and the ability to implement them in the most important activities, especially patriotic orientation, the ability to manifest such high feelings as love for the Motherland, respect for the rule of law, industriousness, responsibility for personal participation in solving problems of public life, experience in socially significant activities and necessary for worthy fulfillment of the basic duties of a citizen of Russia, including protection of the Fatherland Psychology and Pedagogy for Technical Universities / Ed. L. D. Stolyarenko, V. E. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2001. - S. 50. .

The solution of the second task is determined by a number of factors related to ensuring the protection of the Russian Federation by its military organization, the most important trends in its development, the nature of military development, especially in the field of manning the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, the draft contingent, the degree of its readiness to perform tasks in the conditions of military and public service; objective requirements for the level of efficiency and effectiveness of education, the purpose of which is the formation and development of qualities and properties in each young person that allow him to successfully fulfill the function of protecting the Fatherland.

Education, one of the tasks of which is to prepare young people to perform the function of defending the Fatherland, mainly in the conditions of military activity, is characterized by much more specificity, a more specific focus and provides a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to perform the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful performance of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

Despite the relationship, the specificity of each of these two tasks of education implies a significant differentiation of its content (structure).

This is manifested, firstly, in the fact that the ideological, socio-pedagogical component of the content of education is dominant and forms its core. Only having formed the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, orientations, interests, attitudes, motives of activity and behavior, one can count on the successful solution of more specific tasks in preparing for the implementation of the function of protecting the Fatherland, for military and other related types of public service. B. Z. Zeldovich. - M.: Exam, 2003. - S. 138. .

Secondly, in connection with the reduction of the term of military service on conscription to 1 year and the need to significantly increase the level of advance preparation for it, the role and importance of the specific component of the content of education is significantly increasing. This implies its deeper and more consistent differentiation, more thorough and comprehensive development in accordance with those specific tasks (and, above all, of a practical nature) that are assigned to the defenders of the Fatherland in the process of military and other related types of public service.

The structure of the content of education, determined by its purpose and objectives, actualizing the activities of educational structures, its focus on solving the most important and pressing problems, is based on a system of values ​​that have been formed over many centuries. These values, such as devotion to the Fatherland, fidelity to civic and military duty, military honor, courage, fortitude, mutual assistance, etc., were the most important motive for the actions of Russian, Russian and Soviet troops, distinguished on the battlefields by selflessness, valor and courage. Psychology of Personality. Psychology of health. Age-related psychology. Psychology and Pedagogy: reader: textbook / Comp. L. B. Sokolovskaya. - Krasnoyarsk: SibGTU, 2003. - S. 41. .

At present, Russian society does not have a generally recognized ideal, and its spiritual and moral guidelines are relegated to the background by the priorities of the market economy. Only based on the enormous spiritual and moral potential of the peoples of Russia, it is possible to solve the most important tasks in various spheres of our life. The state strategy of the Russian Federation must constantly rely on the historical and spiritual heritage of its people. The whole heroic and dramatic history of Rus', Russia, its greatest culture, traditions, the best moral forces of our people are the centuries-old roots of spiritual values ​​exalted and defended by the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional confessions, which are the core of social life, military activity and fighting spirit of the army and navy.

The updated value system of patriotic education can conditionally be divided into the main areas: spiritual and patriotic (recognition and preservation of the great spiritual heritage of Russia, the Russian language, religion and culture as the highest shrines of the people, national self-consciousness, pride and dignity, spiritual maturity); moral and patriotic (love for the Motherland, one's people, following one's own conscience, religious beliefs and moral principles, conscientiousness, honesty, collectivism, respect for elders, love for family and loved ones, etiquette); historical and patriotic (loyalty to the heroic past and the best traditions of the history of the Fatherland, adherence to historical truth and intolerance to the falsification of history, the preservation of historical memory and the continuity of generations); state-patriotic (priority of national values ​​and interests of Russia, its sovereignty, independence and integrity, civic maturity, fidelity to civic and military duty, readiness to defend the Fatherland, active participation in solving problems and overcoming difficulties in society and the state Psychology and Pedagogy / Edited by E. Yu. Cherkashina. - Krasnoyarsk: KSTU, 2003. - P. 108.).

The introduction of these and other values ​​into the content of the ERW is a reflection of the objective aspects of the social mentality and Russian statehood. Without such values ​​and appropriate scientific and methodological support, the ERW system will continue to be a fragile structure, almost unrelated to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, and the problems of ensuring the country's military security.

Thus, the content of the youth ERW can be considered as the basis for the formation of the most important spiritual, moral, social and patriotic values ​​that have officially received a national status and are supported by society. Under the influence of a system of ideas, these values ​​are refracted and modified in the course of social development. They act as the initial principle of integration and ensuring the integrity of Russia, the Russian state, as the main guidelines for the formation of a citizen-patriot-defender of the Fatherland Psychology and Pedagogy. Military psychology: a textbook for cadets of higher military educational institutions / Ed. A. G. Maklakova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - S. 346. .

Conclusion: military-patriotic education (VPV) is a systematic and purposeful activity to form in minors a high sense of patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland. Thanks to the ERW, such important socially significant qualities as high morality, civic maturity, love for the Fatherland, responsibility, a sense of duty, loyalty to traditions are formed and developed in children and youth, and the opportunities for their active participation in solving the most important problems of society in various spheres of its activity will increase significantly. Including in the military and others related to ensuring the national security of the state.

Improving the quality characteristics of children and youth will have a beneficial effect on society as a whole. High spirituality, morality, active citizenship, civic-patriotic and spiritual-moral consciousness of children and youth will greatly contribute to the successful solution of tasks related to the revival of the greatness and power of Russia. Modern Russian society will acquire the most valuable component of creative potential, which will be determined, first of all, by the willingness to take responsibility for the future of Russia.

1.2 The essence of military-patriotic education

High patriotism is considered the most important source of morale stamina. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings fixed for centuries and millennia in the minds of every individual. This definition points to the historical development of the social content of patriotism, refutes the idealistic explanation of its essence as a racial or biological phenomenon.

At the same time, the need for new approaches to military-patriotic education is objectively conditioned, taking into account the situation, the increased interests and demands of Russians, as well as the situation in the international arena, and the features of current relations between states.

A deep understanding of the need to strengthen the country's defense capability, a correct assessment of the social significance of this is the most important quality of a person.

If we approach the elucidation of the essence of military-patriotic education in a functional way, then it, being an integral part of ideological and educational work, is a systematic, purposeful activity to form in Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological-political, moral-psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is a process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual.

Based on the above definition of the essence of military-patriotic education, it should be noted that it has its own more or less delineated boundaries, qualitative certainty. This allows us to highlight its specific features, goals, objectives, directions and means. Fundamentals of Military Psychology and Pedagogy / Ed. A. V. Barabanshchikova, V. P. Davydova, N. F. Fedenko. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - S. 62. .

Military-patriotic education, in its orientation towards society, fulfills its main social function - the function of the active, purposeful influence of the human factor on strengthening the country's defense capability. In relation to an individual, class or social group, the educational system under study plays the role of a planned influence on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and, mainly, its defense consciousness, a sense of historical responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, constant readiness for its armed defense.

From a sociological point of view, as can be seen, one can speak of the actual educational functions of the system under consideration.

These include, firstly, the function of military-political orientation and the formation of defense consciousness, in the process of which the younger generation develops feelings of patriotism, political vigilance, a deep understanding by each person of his social role in strengthening the defense capability of the country and the Armed Forces, awareness of this role as a civil and military duty. Secondly, it is a function of forming the readiness of workers, especially young people, for military labor in protecting their Fatherland, a deep awareness of the growing social significance of military service, love for the Armed Forces, the profession of an officer, instilling moral and psychological immunity to difficulties, stability of individual behavior in extreme conditions of military activity. Thirdly, it should be noted the communicative function, which consists in ensuring the continuity of the social experience of the older generation in the field of armed defense of the Fatherland. And, finally, fourthly, the function of the formation of moral qualities necessary for the defense of the Motherland, through which heroic and moral spiritual ideals are created. Fundamentals of military psychology and pedagogy: textbook / Ed. ed. A. V. Barabanshchikova, N. F. Fedenko. - M.: Military publishing house of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, 1981. - S. 65. .

It seems that all of the above functions reflect the main constituent components of the upbringing process (political, labor, moral), their refraction in such an important area of ​​human activity as the armed defense of the Fatherland. Of course, all functions are dialectically interconnected, interpenetrate and complement each other. At the same time, each of them has its own qualitative certainty.

These functions also determine the main directions of military-patriotic education. These include: broad propaganda of the need to protect the Fatherland, the policy of the Russian state aimed at ensuring the country's high defense capability, exposing the aggressive plans of the most reactionary circles; the formation of youth love for the Armed Forces and military service, informing the general population about the new qualitative changes taking place in military affairs, Russian military doctrine, the profession of an officer, and so on; education of the young generation of the country on the fighting traditions of the Russian people, army and navy; the formation in all people of high moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland; mastering military knowledge, skills and habits; physical improvement of the individual, preparing her to endure the increased difficulties of military service. Military psychology and pedagogy: Proc. allowance / Under the total. ed. V. F. Kulakov. - M.: Perfection, 1998. - S. 30. .

Thus, the system of military-patriotic education is distinguished by complex, organizational ties that are in close interaction.

Based on the actual educational functions of the system we are considering, the following subsystems can be distinguished:

1. military-patriotic education in the process of teaching social disciplines in general education schools, vocational schools, technical schools and higher educational institutions;

2. mass military-patriotic and military patronage work;

3. initial military training in secondary schools, vocational schools and technical schools, labor collectives; activities of military departments of higher educational institutions; retraining of reserve soldiers;

4. activities of the media and creative unions aimed at the military-patriotic education of the population Military-patriotic education of youth (problems and experience): Collection / Comp. Yu. I. Deryugin. - M.: Patriot, 1991. - S. 123. .

Even a closer examination of these subsystems indicates their functional difference from each other. In the teaching of the social sciences, for example, the ideological function prevails; in primary military training, the function of instilling in young people the military knowledge and skills necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland is more pronounced than in others;

It is known that the formation of defense consciousness, constant readiness for the defense of the Motherland takes place most actively during the period of service of young people in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Here the process of military-patriotic education reaches its highest intensification, because not only all parts of educational work affect the personality, but also military activity itself, the conditions in which it takes place, the military team Life safety: Proc. allowance / Ed. M. M. Dzybova. - M.: DiK, 1998. - S. 70. .

Military-patriotic education as an integral system actively interacts with the external (in relation to it) social environment. The mechanism of this interaction is complex, because many subtle processes, such as spontaneously emerging public opinion, can have no less impact than a purposeful, well-functioning educational system. Perceiving various facts of the inconsistency of the international situation, people give them a special social assessment. The growing or, conversely, decreasing danger of war is assessed by them in an enhanced, hypertrophied form. In the first case, this is fraught with the generation of uncertainty, anxiety, even panic, in the second, pacifist moods. That is why the system of military-patriotic education should be constantly aimed at removing this destabilizing influence Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.10.2010 No. 795 “On the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” // “Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation”, 11.10.2010, No. 41 (2 hours), art. 5250. .

Conclusion: the essence of the ERW is to carry out systematic, purposeful activities to form among Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological, political, moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is the process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual. The ERW is designed to provide: a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to perform the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful performance of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The basis of the content of the specific component is love for the Fatherland, fidelity to civic and military duty, military honor, courage, fortitude, selflessness, valor, courage and mutual assistance.

1.3 Forms of implementation of military-patriotic education

military patriotic education summer

The main institution that ensures the organization of the entire system of this area of ​​education, its functioning and control over its effectiveness and final results is the state. It organizes the process of educating the younger generation at the level of preschool and, above all, family education, at school, while receiving vocational education, at the level of local self-government bodies, in ministries, departments, etc. The military-patriotic education of youth is one of the directions of the state youth policy of Russia at the stage of the transition period and in the long term.

The system of military-patriotic education includes:

1. Formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of education and training in preschool institutions, in general education and higher education, in other types of educational institutions.

2. Mass military-patriotic work organized and carried out by state and public bodies and organizations, local authorities and administrations, bodies and organizations of the Armed Forces, military registration and enlistment offices, organizations and associations of reserve soldiers, veterans, law enforcement agencies and organizations, relevant structures of other troops, military formations and bodies, ROSTO, the State Committee for Sports, the Ministry of Health, some public movements and youth organizations, etc. (patriotic and military-patriotic, cultural-historical and military-historical, military-technical and military-sports and other clubs and associations, special schools, courses, various circles, sports sections, clubs, training centers for the future soldier, officer, days of patriotic work, memory watches, search activities, military sports games, campaigns, etc.).

3. The activities of the media, creative unions, especially workers of culture and art, relevant scientific, youth associations, organizations, to one degree or another aimed at considering, highlighting and finding solutions to the problems of patriotic education, at shaping and developing the personality of a citizen and defender of the Fatherland Military-patriotic education of youth (problems and experience): Collection / Comp. Yu. I. Deryugin. - M.: Patriot, 1991. - S. 166-167. .

The organization and conduct of military-patriotic work involves the use of a whole range of appropriate forms, which can be differentiated into three main groups.

The first group, determined by the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes very extensive and diverse forms of a general patriotic nature. They are used mainly in the conditions of the process carried out in the system of educational institutions (at all main levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a wide variety of academic disciplines, especially the humanities, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc .; conversations, morning performances, evenings of questions and answers, round tables, meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and servicemen; improving the educational and material base of primary military training, etc. Collection of events for Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day and other patriotic holidays: scripts, solemn lines, evenings, literary and musical compositions, military sports games / Comp. M. V. Vidyakin and others - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2006. - 280 p. .

The second group, determined by the specifics of the content of military-patriotic education, is less diverse and is characterized by a greater military and military-applied orientation. These forms, carried out mainly in the form of practical exercises, work, various games, etc., include, in particular, familiarization of adolescents and young men with the life and activities of the troops, with the features of the service and life of military personnel (military technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical drill exercises, military sports games, sections on military applied sports, etc.).

The most promising in terms of highly effective fulfillment of the tasks of military-patriotic education is the use of complex combined integrated forms that optimally combine both the general and the specific in its content, forming the third group. It includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various orientations, universities of the future warrior, officer, school for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically based organizational conditions. Thus, to a large extent, the gap between the theoretical and practical-applied components of military-patriotic education, between its general developmental orientation and specific tasks, is bridged.

The implementation of patriotic education involves the use of a system of means, which includes three main components: material and technical, educational and organizational.

Material and technical means include classrooms, classrooms and classrooms for primary military training, museums, battlefields, monuments, burial sites, specialized schools, patriotic and military-patriotic clubs, equipment, special equipment, weapons, models, training fields, sports towns, shooting galleries, simulators, as well as relevant media, works of literature and art.

Educational tools include basic theoretical and scientific-practical recommendations on the organization and conduct of military-patriotic education, on the formation of views, beliefs, needs and interests, the education of love for the homeland, the readiness to defend its freedom and independence, on the development of public opinion about the problem of ensuring and strengthening the stability and security of society, on state and social institutions participating in the implementation of the function of protecting the Fatherland, about military and alternatives service and DR MAZIKINA, N.V., Monakhov, A. L. Equal for victory. Methodical recommendations for the organizers of the work on the patriotic education of children and adolescents / N. V. Mazykina, A. L. Monakhov. - M.: Publishing house of GOU TsRSDOD, 2003. - S. 30-32. .

Organizational means of patriotic education - this is the whole range of activities carried out using material, technical and educational means, carried out in appropriate forms, maximally realizing the general and specific tasks for the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and patriot.

All three groups of means of patriotic education are closely interconnected, complement each other, and only their complex use in the process of interaction between subjects and objects of this activity contributes to the achievement of its main goal.

Conclusion: SVC forms can be differentiated into three main groups. The first group, determined by the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes a system of educational institutions (at all main levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a wide variety of academic disciplines, especially the humanities, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc.; conversations, morning performances, evenings of questions and answers, round tables, meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and servicemen; improvement of the educational and material base of initial military training, etc.

The second group includes, in particular, familiarization of adolescents and young men with the life and activities of the troops, with the features of the service and life of military personnel (military technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical drills, military sports games, sections on military applied sports, etc.).

The third group includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various kinds, universities of the future warrior, officer, school for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers, and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically based organizational conditions.

CHAPTER II. Implementation of military-patriotic education in the conditions of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "SIBIRYAK"

2.1 Conditions for the organization of the military field camp "Sibiryak"

The military-patriotic sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak", in essence, largely continues the practice of the school - the same tasks of education, forms of work in the military-patriotic direction, holidays, competitions, games. A game, especially a military role-playing game, is a form of work filled with new content. Outdoor games, competitions, physical exercises, good nutrition, health hours will help the children to get stronger and recuperate for the new school year. The activities of the camp help the child to live in the space of the modern world. The idea of ​​the camp involves radically different, compared to traditional, approaches to the selection of content, structuring and organizational forms of pastime, allowing you to realize your goals. The most important difference is the shift in emphasis from education to development.

The humanistic ideas of the project are connected with the desire to introduce children to the highest spiritual and moral values ​​and culture, to develop the creative abilities of children, to constantly feed their cognitive interests, and most importantly, to promote full-fledged personal development within the framework of military-patriotic education.

The real implementation of these goals is possible only on the way of creating adequate conditions for rest in the camp. An indispensable assistant in creating a developing, comfortable environment for the child can be a game, the inclusion of its elements in all areas of camp life. We give children the opportunity to try themselves in various social roles, to gain experience in communication.

Conducting a shift in the conditions of a tent camp ensures the satisfaction of one of the most important needs of the child - the need for emotional support, friendly participation: detachments are platoons, participants are soldiers who are assigned "service ranks".

The organization of the military-patriotic camp "Sibiryak" pursues the following goals:

1) Improving the system of military-patriotic education, consolidating the practical and theoretical skills of students and pupils obtained in the classes on general military education, circles and sections in the military-patriotic direction;

2) Creation of favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the child, his self-knowledge and self-realization, conditions that combine the development of the child, strengthening his health and organizing leisure activities during the summer holidays;

3) Improvement of adolescents and pupils through active physical culture and recreation activities in a military sports camp.

Based on the goals set, the following tasks will be solved:

1) Spiritual and physical recovery and psychological relief of the shift participants;

2) Prevention among adolescents and pupils of offenses and crimes;

3) Introduction to the traditions of national culture and universal values, instilling healthy lifestyle skills;

4) Creation of a warm, comfortable emotional atmosphere that helps children create the value and integrity of their own personality, realize their role in the team, develop communication skills and empathy;

5) The creative growth of each child through the satisfaction of personal needs in the field of artistic creativity, the knowledge of various areas of aesthetic activity, the expansion of the creative space of the shift, the inclusion of participants in various activities;

6) Revival of the best traditions of moral and patriotic education.

The camp of military-patriotic education "Sibiryak" will involve children who could not get on permits to country health camps.

In accordance with the calendar plan for organizing a camp for military-patriotic education, an organizing committee (working group) was created to develop an event and a methodology for conducting a field sports event for children. At its meetings, the organizing committee considered and approved the name of this summer sports camp - "Sibiryak", chose the emblem of the camp, determined the time of its holding, as well as the quantitative composition of the group of children (25-30 people), the venue, involved forces and means. A copy of the emblem is attached (See Appendix 1).

Conclusion of an agreement with a pedagogical university or a military school for the preparation, provision and conduct of a field trip for children.

With FSBEI HPE "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" the organizing committee for the development of the event concluded an agreement on conducting professional practice for students of this university during the field trip of children. A copy of this agreement is attached. Four student trainees have been identified, with whom interviews have already been conducted and they have been instructed on the procedure and terms of practice.

The Executive Committee of the Board of the IEO RSVA LLC provided the organizing committee with a part of the office as a methodical corner where the meeting of the participants of the event takes place, processing and systematization of the materials necessary for the summer sports field exit.

Members of the organizing committee, who will conduct classes with children, monitor their daily routine during the field trip of "Sibiryak", passed a 40-hour test of knowledge and labor protection requirements at the FGBOU VPO NSPU according to the program for managers and specialists, passed exams, received special certificates on testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. A copy of one such certificate is attached. In addition, members of the organizing committee at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Novosibirsk Region of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare received personal medical books. Such books are issued to employees of industries and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, the upbringing and education of children, public utilities and consumer services.

A letter has been written to the new acting head of the Branch of the Military Training and Research Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of Novosibirsk" with a request to allow up to 30 children to conduct a field trip at their base. Permission has been granted. The signing of an agreement with the company "Kollektiv-Service" LLC, which is located in St. Petersburg, but provides food for cadets of the branch of the military educational and scientific center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy" in the city of Novosibirsk, is being prepared, and which will provide food for children from the "Sibiryak" camp during their field trip. Conclusion of an agreement with a company for the supply of consumables (sports equipment and prizes). Transportation of children to and from the base will be carried out by road. Current (interim) report on the implementation of a socially significant project to the contract No. 310 dated February 25, 2011 "Through sport to excellence." Reporting period: from March to May 2011. .

2.2 The program of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"

All activities of the camp program are divided into 4 main blocks, closely interconnected:

1) The educational block or activities of the camp are training sessions with students and pupils of the camp according to the program "Fundamentals of military service" with practical and control classes according to the above program.

The purpose of the classes: 1) consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired by schoolchildren, pupils during the academic year on the "Fundamentals of military service"; 2) meetings with employees of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, courts, commissions on juvenile affairs, medical specialists, veterans of the Second World War, participants in local wars; 3) tours of military units in order to familiarize themselves with the life of military personnel, military equipment, weapons, visit museums of military glory, etc.

2) Physical culture and health-improving activity of the camp consists of daily competitions and sports and health-improving events with students and pupils of the camp in the camp and passing by them control standards for physical training. Conducting intra-camp sports days in various sports, as well as military-applied sports.

3) Cultural and leisure activities of the camp: for students and pupils during the camp, various events of military-patriotic and spiritual and moral education are held, as well as watching videos of the above topics.

4) Economic and labor activity is based on the principles of maintaining the territory of the camp, residential premises, sports facilities, and household premises in an exemplary manner.

Program participants: schoolchildren aged 12 to 16, teenagers of military age.

Duration of the program: the program of the military-patriotic, sports and recreation camp "Sibiryak" is being implemented from July 8 to July 14, 2013.

Conditions for achieving the goals and objectives of the program:

Interaction and cooperation of pedagogical and administrative and managerial personnel on the organization of the life of the camp;

Availability of specialists for each declared area of ​​work;

Providing funding for the program.

The main directions of the program:

Improvement of children;

Military-patriotic education of the younger generation;

Formation of spiritual, moral and aesthetic culture;

Development of children's creative abilities;

Labor education.

The main activities of the camp:


Sports and recreation;

Psychological and pedagogical;

Artistic and aesthetic;



Development of children's self-government.

Expected results:

Strengthening the physical and psychological health of children, the acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills by children;

An increase in the number of teenagers who want to engage in military-applied sports, the upbringing of patriots of their Fatherland;

Expanding the horizons of children in the field of the history of their native land, its traditions and customs;

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    Organization and management of military-patriotic education in the educational process, the formation of students' pride in the Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect its interests; public policy.

Patriotism as a quality of a person's personality is manifested in love for one's Fatherland, devotion, readiness to serve one's Motherland, a person's attachment to his native land, language, culture and the best traditions of his people. Patriotic education is a part of general civic culture and general civic education, based on universal values ​​(life, health, spiritual and moral education of a person, the rights and freedoms of the individual), It is aimed at educating Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in a civil society, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance, a more respectful attitude towards other peoples, languages, traditions m and the culture of the peoples living in the Russian Federation.

As a result of the reform of the Armed Forces of Russia, the destruction of patriotism, patriotic feelings and spiritual and moral culture among today's youth turned out to be in a huge deficit. The youth turned out to be unprepared to perceive the changes taking place in the socio-economic, political, cultural, spiritual and moral spheres of society. Today, a significant part of young people of military age, including high school students, have deformed patriotic feelings, moral principles and a culture of behavior. This category of youth is characterized by inhumane personality traits, such as cynicism, nihilism, cruelty, indifference, disrespect for the historical past, heroic and labor deeds of the people, irresponsibility, immorality and loss of spiritual and moral guidelines. All this has a negative impact on the patriotic and moral education of schoolchildren.

Military service, as a rule, requires great physical and neuro-emotional stress and physical effort. A person's readiness for these conditions and his ability to endure physical and mental stress are one of the decisive conditions for the success of military operations. Physical culture and sports should provide future servicemen with a high level of development of physical, moral and volitional qualities. The physical education of students of pre-conscription and military age should be directed to the solution of this problem.

There is no doubt that the skills of fast running, walking, skiing, throwing grenades, swimming, shooting, hand-to-hand combat, overcoming obstacles, carrying cargo, driving a motorcycle, tractor and car are of great military and applied importance. However, in the system of physical education of students of pre-conscription and military age, these sports are given insufficient attention. This negatively affects their physical and military-applied training.

Sports activity, raising patriotism and forming moral and volitional qualities (honesty, justice, responsibility, hard work, discipline, goodwill, determination, purposefulness, courage, willpower), develops in young men of military age a sense of love for the Motherland and high responsibility for their sports training. Athletes-schoolchildren strive to glorify their team with new sports achievements, which is one of the most important forms of manifestation of patriotism. In addition, in the process of playing sports, diverse national relations are manifested and formed between athletes and coaches from various regions, cities, republics and states. Sports and sports competitions unite and bring together various peoples, the spiritual and moral culture of various ethnic groups and nationalities, instill love and devotion to their homeland, act as a means of moral and patriotic education.

Currently, the search continues to improve the forms of physical and patriotic training of students during the educational process and outside of school hours, while it is constantly emphasized that military-patriotic education is designed to ensure the moral, political and practical readiness of students for the defense of the Fatherland and service in the Russian army and Navy. In accordance with this, one of the main orders of modern society can be characterized - the upbringing of a healthy, physically strong younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and preparing it for the defense of the Motherland.

In modern conditions, when the fundamental foundations of our society are changing, when the social situation in the state is heated to the limit, the main task is to do everything so that patriotism as a fundamental value becomes today the unifying force of Russian society, inspires the people to take actions to overcome the systemic crisis, restore the sustainable development of Russia, and, if necessary, protect it. Through active work with children, patriotic and moral education of young people, we are doing the main thing - laying the foundation for the future of Russia.

Physical culture and sports can be an effective means of not only improving the physical fitness of young men for service in the Armed Forces, but also their military-patriotic education.

In the physical, civil and military-patriotic education of young people, one of the first places can and should be occupied by sports. It is regular physical education, sports and tourism that allow you to develop the best character traits necessary for military service, as well as improve your health, both physical and mental. Military-patriotic education is characterized by a specific orientation of young people towards the formation of their readiness for military service, high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military regulations, the conviction of the need to develop military-applied skills, physical qualities and military professional skills for the successful performance of military duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.