Solemn event "Serving the Fatherland", dedicated to the "Draftee's Day". All-Russian Day of the Conscript.docx - Scenario of an educational hour dedicated to the All-Russian Day of the Conscript "It's hard to learn - it's easy to fight!"

Scenario of the event dedicated to the day of the draftee.

On November 15, our state celebrates the All-Russian Day of the Conscript. By this date in our lyceum the competitive program "Day of the draftee" has been timed. The script was based on materials from the Internet resources, which were finalized and revised. And here is the scenario... Organizers competitive program during the event, an electronic presentation was used, video recordings from the zonal sports day for pre-conscription youth "Serving in the army is an honor!" and the film "Dedicated to the Warriors" ...

Scenario "Conscript's Day"


To expand and deepen the knowledge of the younger generation about the army;

Development of the ability to implement the acquired knowledge in practical activities;

The development of students' self-organization, creativity, sociability;

Bring up moral qualities, the interest of young people in the history of the country.

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Our today's meeting is dedicated to the Day of the Conscript.

Today we are escorting our guys to the ranks of the Russian Army. This is Anton Logunov 33 group,

Sergey Efremov Group 14 Maybe someone else, I just heard these names.

In a few days they will put on a soldier's uniform and become Defenders of the Fatherland. It has become a tradition in our hostel to celebrate this holiday - the Day of the Conscript.

The world is so arranged - it needs protection.

He is fragile without manly, reliable shoulders.

The soldier is the great and holy guardian

Dawns of peaceful, new bright meetings.

The world is so arranged. It was like this before:

Yesterday's boys are squeezed into the ranks by duty.

Your land looks at you with hope.

He breaks up with you for a while...

One way or another, many of you will become conscripts, soldiers: some out of a great desire, and some out of necessity, to fulfill, so to speak, civic duty. And what is important even in the army? Studies! That's what!

I invite 2 teams to the hall:

Host: Let's have a little competition! We will teach a lot, and we will reward the best!

Presenter: The performances of the guys will be evaluated by a respected jury.

(Represented by the jury).

1 contest

The task "Battle formation" is next in line! When you hear the command "Line up!", you must line up in alphabetical order.

Well done boys!


2 contest

2. A real defender - what is he? ... (guys' answers). Jury records

Each participant calls, and other team members should not repeat

The facilitator at the end reads the answers of the teamThe real defender-…………………………)

3 contest

"In touch". A soldier must have a very good memory. Each unit needs to memorize as many words as possible from those that the signalmen will give you. Two girls take turns reading words to the teams. The sheets are transferred to the headquarters (jury), and the teams, in turn, jointly recall and name the words that were read. The jury notes whether all the words were named?

1 team: tank, sea, intruder, volley, encirclement, medal, captain, pistol, mine, victory.

2 team: ship, ravine, defender, shot, attack, reward, commander, machine gun, bomb, salute.

4 competition

"Politeness". Let's see how polite you are. I say a line and you have to finish it with one of polite words. We pronounce the words together.

Ice block melts

From the word warm ... (Thank you)

Even the stump turns green

When he hears ... (Good afternoon)

When scolded for pranks,

We say, I'm sorry ... (Please)

Both France and Denmark

They say goodbye ... (Goodbye)

If it was delicious

Tell your mom you ... (Thank you).

The boy is polite and developed

He says when meeting ... (Hello)

5 competition (Assistants bring footcloths onto the stage and put them in front of each participant)


Moderator: Participants need to take off their shoes on command, wrap footcloths on only one leg Extend their arm and sit and wait for the jury, and the jury evaluate the quality and speed of the team.

6 competition

Leading. (assistants take out 2 racks, 2 bags of 6 potatoes, 2 plates of water, 2 knives, 2 caps, 2 aprons)

6 test "Military field kitchen". On a signal, the players run in turn to the kitchen, put on a cap and an apron, take knives and start peeling potatoes one at a time. After cleaning the potato, they put it in the water, undress the apron and cap, then run back to the team and pass the baton to the next player. Fully peeled potatoes are taken into account. The speed of the team, the quality of the tasks.

So let's get started!

7 competition

Leading. A soldier in the army has free time: for rest, letters home, reading. In the 7th test, called "Soldier's Suffering", you need to recite military-themed verses "with feeling, with sense, with arrangement." And here they are:

Oh you, mother, my mother,

Hear me you.

Don't come with me, mom.

To the military office.

And do not stand, do not stand in sorrow,

Leaning against the tynu,

And don't cry, don't cry at night

By his own son.

That's when we build tomorrow

Let's go on the road

You wave your hand to me

From our doorstep.

I will be a brave fighter

Maybe even a pilot.

No one will tell me now

"Mama's boy".

Oh you, mother, my mother,

Hear me you.

Today you are just a mother.

Tomorrow is the mother of a soldier!

(N. Starshinov)

And at the age of 17

I became a soldier.

All overcoats are gray,

All have one coat.

All fellow soldiers

Both in the company and in the regiment -

Gas mask yes automatic,

Yes, a flask on the side.

I thought I couldn't resist

What I can't bear

What will I get lost in the ranks,

Like a tree in the forest.

I'm going into the heat, I'm going into the blizzard.

Well - not on the shoulder?

There is no "can't" here.

And more - "I do not want."

And I walk and I sing

And I carry a machine gun

And I feel in line

Like a tree in the forest.

(N. Starshinov)

While preparing, you can play a game with the audience

8 competition

Let's move on to the harsh army everyday life. The real test lies ahead of you. Namely, the competition called "Fell-wrung out." One member from each squad is required. On my command, you have to do push-ups from the floor under the account. The team and the audience applaud and cheer for the participants. Started!

(To the song of O. Gazmanov "Soldiers" the guys perform the task)

9 competition ( Assistants take out the basket and newspapers)

Push-ups are easy, but shooting is much more difficult. This will be our penultimate test - "Target Shooting". The target will be an ordinary trash basket, and the weapon will be paper "snowballs". Each is given 3 attempts. The target is at a distance of 4 steps or 3 m. Everyone must make snowballs from a newspaper and get into the basket, three attempts are given.

The jury evaluates the number of hits in the team.

10 competition (assistants take out the rope and gas masks)

At the gas command, all participants must wear gas masks and pull the rope in gas masks. Whose team will outweigh that and a point.

The floor is given to the jury …………………………………….

They are awarded with diplomas on passing KMB and a disco as a gift

And we say goodbye to you. See you soon!

10. "Questions to fill." Game with spectators

1. 5*5= 25

2. 6*8=48

3. 7*7=49

4. First month summer holidays? (June)

6. What is the name of your desk mate?

7. Name the masculine animal:

o chicken - rooster

o horse - horse

o camel - camel

o goat - goat

o dragonfly -

o bear - bear

o rabbit - rabbit

o butterfly -

8. Name the product, in the name of which there are 3 letters U. (corn)

9. What milk product starts with Y? (yogurt)

10. What the alarm clock needs to ring; a place where ore is smelted, cars are made, bread is baked. (factory)

11. On which day do you receive the most congratulations and gifts? (Birthday).

11. Black box: There is a card in the black box. There is a word on the card. Players from each team take turns asking questions, the facilitator answers them “yes” or “no”. Whose team guesses ahead - won (medal).

12. Disguise: Good fighters are good at disguise. It is proposed that two team members disguise themselves as old women, that is, put on a skirt and a scarf, looking in the mirror, walk around and say: “Oh, how beautiful I am!” So ​​that everyone believes.


solemn event "Day of recruit"

Presenter - Hello, dear friends! We all know very well that the peaceful sky above our heads, the peace of the citizens of the country, its honor and dignity are protected by the soldiers of the Russian Army. People for whom the words Motherland, army, oath are not just words.

And today we have gathered in this hall to say warm parting words those who will soon have to stand up in the ranks of the defenders Russian army.

Demobel will still be. In the meantime

Makes the heart beat faster.

All-Russian Conscript Day.

Snow-covered thickets ahead.

Forced marches, throwing grenades,

Patrols, alarms in the middle of the night,

withered autumn leaves,

Fallen on a warm machine ...

Don't be shy! The man must be

Everything is ready in advance;

Do not find a more worthy calling -

Selflessly serve the motherland!

(number) Belov Vyacheslav - song "Hello, youth in boots"

Host - Service in the Armed Forces is an important stage in the biography of every man. Here you will not only go through a good school of life, but also make real friends, get stronger physically and spiritually, you will be entrusted with military weapons. Duty, honor, service to the Fatherland - these are the main components of the motivation for military service. The autumn draft into the army continues ... So let's ask all the recruits in the hall who will soon go through a harsh school of courage to rise. And we will give the future defenders of the Fatherland a storm of applause.

The floor is given to the military inspector of the Ministry of Defense, Vice Admiral Yury Nikolayevich Boyarkin

Readers: (against the background of the music "Where the Motherland Begins")

The concept of "Motherland" has several meanings for us:

It is also a great country with a great history;

This is also the place on earth where a person was born and grew up;

Where are the graves of his ancestors, where he knew his first joys and failures.

It is no coincidence that in difficult moments people remember the place where they were born, where they spent their childhood.

That is, their small homeland as part of a large Fatherland.

What do we call motherland?

The house where we live

And birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?

Everything that we keep in our hearts

And under blue sky

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Homeland, harsh and sweet,

Remembers all the fierce battles ...

Groves grow over the graves,

Nightingales glorify life in the groves.

That thunderstorms are an iron melody,

Joy or bitter need?!

Everything passes.

The motherland remains

Something that will never change.

They live with her

Loving, suffering, rejoicing,

Falling and rising up.

Over the storm

The rainbow is celebrating

And life triumphs over death!

Slowly the story is turning

Chronicle becomes heavier syllable.

Everything is getting old.

Motherland does not age

We have passed centuries with Russia

From the plow to the star wing.

And look -

Still the same sky is blue

And over the Volga the same shadow of an eagle.

The same herbs rise to the sun,

Just as pink, the unfaded garden,

They love just the same, and toil with love,

And they suffer like centuries ago.

And there's still a lot to go

Kohl is called to the future path.

But brighter and purer than the feelings of the Motherland

People will never get.


History is scrolling...

All will pass,

But the Motherland will remain.

Song - Zhenya Emelyanova "Birches"

We are not afraid of any bad weather.

Have home country reliable shield.

On guard of peace, happiness and freedom

A soldier of the Russian Army is standing!

Russian soldier. Most people say these words with pride and deep gratitude.

The floor is given to the head of the department of the military commissariat of the Murmansk region for the Kandalaksha district and the city of Polyarnye Zori Besheiko Vladimir Vikentyevich.

Film demonstration. (Song presentation)

Moderator - Being at the beginning of the third millennium, it should be noted that in the twentieth century humanity has achieved amazing success in the field of scientific, technical and even social progress aimed at improving the life of citizens and society. But it is very sad to realize that it was in this century that the most terrible wars in the entire history of the same humanity took place and continue. It is difficult, of course, to judge which war is more terrible, which death is more terrible. From a sword, a saber, an axe, a bullet, or from the energy of a split atomic nucleus ... Or maybe from hunger and illness? From the grief of losing loved ones? However, it is unlikely that anyone will deny that the wars of the twentieth century are unprecedented in scale and inhuman cruelty, and the great Napoleonic wars, in comparison with them, seem like childish pranks and a model of nobility. Therefore, the defense of the Motherland is the duty and obligation of every citizen of our country. And that is why young people must do military service in order to be able to defend their homeland.

The floor is given to the director of the college Ekaterina Efimovna Chala. (Awarding the participants of the military sports game "Hope of the Fatherland")

Frolov Alena's song "I'm that girl"

Presenter - Russia - a country of military glory. Our hero cities Moscow, Leningrad, Volgograd, Murmansk, Smolensk, Tula, Novorossiysk and many others are forever inscribed in gold on the map of the Russian Federation, in its history, in the memory of all subsequent generations.

Song of Meanings Lev "When we were at war"

The war is long over. The trenches were leveled with the ground, the front roads were overgrown with grass, dugouts were covered with flowers. But the earth will always remember the war. And we will remember.

At our holiday there is the chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans Vasilyeva Rimma Petrovna.

Participants on stage dance group"Sphere"

Leading - And in the years of the Great Patriotic War and in the Afghan, first and second Chechen wars, our soldiers and officers showed the best human qualities: courage, steadfastness, nobility. In the incredibly difficult conditions of combat life, far from home, exposed to hourly danger, and sometimes mortal, they remained faithful to the military oath, military and human duty.

The floor is given to the chairman of the public organization "Combat Brotherhood" Kamil Davidovich Alikberov.

Song Belov Vyacheslav

Moderator - For the majority of conscripts, the service becomes, though difficult, but a very useful period of life. It is in the military unit that you can learn a useful profession, improve your physical form, and just become more disciplined, collected and attentive

The floor is given to the chief of staff of military unit 71216, Lieutenant Colonel Bronnikov Alexei Nikolaevich.

Host - One way or another, many of you will become conscripts, soldiers: some out of a great desire, and some out of necessity, to fulfill, so to speak, civic duty. And what is important even in the army? Studies! That's what! Please come up to me on stage 5 recruits. Each of you, in turn, I will be asked military questions.

For each correct answer, the recruit receives 5 points.

So let's start:

1. What weapon is associated with the name of Damocles?

2. What weapon is returned to its owner if it misses?




3. How is the crossbow charged?


with an ax;


4. What is the name of the knightly military competition in medieval Europe?


Wall to wall.

5. What is the name of the body armor from the time of Alexander Nevsky?



Sheepskin coat.

6. What is the name of the element of small arms that allows you to aim accurately?


7. What is the name of a bag or belt with sockets for rifle cartridges?




8. What is the name of a soldier's overcoat, rolled up into a tube and tied into a ring, to be worn over the shoulder?




9. Where do the military wear epaulettes?

On the head;

On shoulders;

On pants.

10. Which of the following does the tank have?

11. What command does the observer give when an enemy aircraft appears?



12. What do military personnel want when they respond to the greeting of a senior in rank?



13. What word does a soldier confirm his readiness to execute the order of the commander?

- "Eat!";

- "OK!";

- "Swept up!".

14. What form is not in the Armed Forces?

front door;



15. Which of the following positions does not apply to the command staff of the Armed Forces?



Divisional commander

Host - Our guys did an excellent job with the task.

The deputy of the mobilization sector of the municipal formation Kandalaksha district, the chairman of the draft commission of the municipal formation Kandalaksha district Natynchik Andrey Olegovich is invited to the stage.

In memory of today's event, we are giving you small souvenirs.

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia

Take care of her peace and quiet,

It's the sky and the sun

It's bread on the table

And a native window in a forgotten village ...

Take care of Russia

We cannot live without her.

Take care of her to be forever.

With our truth and strength

All our destiny.

Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.

Mironovskaya Svetlana song "Russia"

Dance to the song "Cuckoo"

Host - Dear guys, wherever your service takes place, it will not be easy. But after all, real men go to the ranks of the Armed Forces not for an easy life, but then to pay back their debt to the Motherland - to learn, with weapons in their hands, to defend themselves, their families, their country. Dear recruits! May the changes that await you ahead temper you, make your character strong and unbending will, We sincerely wish you good service! Carry worthily the title of Defender of the Fatherland! And we are waiting for you in our native land!

Date - November 15, 2016
Written by:
teacher Antonova Anna Dmitrievna
Krasnodar, 2016

expand and deepen the knowledge of the younger generation about the Russian army;
to educate moral qualities, the interest of young people in the history of the country;
development of the ability to implement the acquired knowledge in practical activities;
development of students' self-organization, creativity,
foster a sense of patriotism and respect for the older generation.

Presenter 1.: Good afternoon, dear friends! Our meeting today is dedicated to
Conscript's Day, which is celebrated annually on November 15 and traditionally coincides with
autumn conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces.
Presenter 2.: The All-Russian Day of the Conscript is established by the Order of the President
Russian Federation Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin in 1992 "... in order to increase the nationwide
the importance and prestige of military service, the improvement of military-patriotic education
The world is so arranged - it needs protection.
He is fragile without manly, reliable shoulders.
The soldier is the great and holy guardian
Dawns of peaceful, new bright meetings.
The world is so arranged. It was like this before:
Yesterday's boys are squeezed into the ranks by duty.
Your land looks at you with hope.
He breaks up with you for a while...
Presenter 2.: Despite the seeming simplicity of the holiday, it contains a deep
meaning it personifies the connection of generations, which throughout history
countries defended its freedom and independence.
Presenter 1.: The protection of the state and the protection of its interests have always been for citizens
sacred duty and honorable duty. Every year, thousands of Russians put on military
uniforms and are sent to carry out combat watch in various parts of our Motherland.
In addition to duty, military service is also good school life for conscripts.
Presenter 2.: The draft of recruits to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation takes place 2 times a year: from 1
April to July 15 and from October 1 to December 31. According to paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the Federal Law “On
military service and military service", the call for military service of conscripts
includes: - Appearance for a medical examination; - attendance at the draft meeting
commissions; - Appearance at the military commissariat for sending to the place of passage of the military

services; - being in the military commissariat before being sent to the place of passage of the military
Presenter 1.: Until 2008, the term of service for conscripts was 2 years, but from January 1
2008, conscripted military personnel serve 1 year.
Presenter 2.: Despite the fact that the “All-Russian Conscript Day” is relatively
a young holiday, traditions of its celebration have already begun to take shape in Russia. In that
day in some cities, military registration and enlistment offices arrange festive patriotic events,
organize excursions to military units for conscripts, conduct explanatory
work among the parents of conscripts.
Presenter 1.: Often, conscripts meet with veterans of the Great Patriotic War
war, as well as participants in counter-terrorist operations, visit monuments
warriors to heroes, museums, exhibitions of weapons, places of the most famous battles.

Presenter 2.: Before starting the second part of our event, I suggest you
watch a short video about the Russian army. Look and Feel
pride in the armed forces of our country. In this video you will see all types of troops, and
maybe you will prefer one of them! Look!
/ A movie is projected on the screen /
1. Promo video of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
2. It's... the first day of your NEW life.

Presenter 1.: Today we have gathered with you to find out which of our guys is the most
the most! The most resourceful, the most powerful, the most witty, the most
intelligent, in short, the most very! And to know who is the most, I
I open today's competition, which will be called "It's hard to learn, it's easy to
Presenter 1.: It was a little joke, but seriously, until we determine
the winner of our competition, we will not leave here. I am telling you this with full
Presenter 1 .: One way or another, many of you will become conscripts, soldiers: who
great desire, and who, out of necessity, to fulfill, so to speak, a civic duty. A
what is important even in the army? Studies! That's what!
The main role will be played by future recruits - our boys. Before
start our peculiar exercises, let's select a team of recruits.
Music sounds. In its rhythm, the contestants enter the stage, the host
announces them, a lottery is held, the numbers of participants are announced.
1. What will happen to the demobilization tunic if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes?
Questions of the qualifying round for ingenuity
2. What will a soldier do after serving six months? (Will continue to serve.)
3. In what year do soldiers serve longer than usual? (in leap year)
4. How female name called a soldier who sleeps for a long time? (sleepy.)
5. From what kind of fabric can footcloths be made? (From the railway.)
6. How many eggs can a soldier eat on an empty stomach? (One thing. The next ones are no longer on an empty stomach.)
7. What does the sentry do when a sparrow sits on his cap? (Asleep)
8. What can a sentry see with eyes closed? (Dream.)
Line up in a row 8 young men who correctly answered the questions. Helpers
handkerchiefs of two colors are taken out: blue (4) and green (4).
Presenter 1 .: So we have determined the type of troops in which you will pass
service. Those who have a handkerchief of blue color, will be sailors, and the owners of green scarves -
border guards. Break into departments! Sailors in this direction, border guards in
another. Now, having consulted, you will choose your squad commanders, and we will conduct
you exercises, which will be evaluated by the general staff.
(The presenter calls the titles, surnames, first names and patronymics of the jury members.)

Presenter 1.: Your task is to evaluate our teachings, after each stage raising
flag of the color that corresponds to the best, in your opinion, department. So,
the general staff is already at work. But you, dear viewers, will not have to sit back
hands. I propose to the left half of the hall to cheer for the sailors, the right - for the border guards.
Presenter 2.: To begin with, let's greet the commander with applause
seamen's squad and the commander of the border guards' squad.
1 competition is called "AH, YOU IS MINE!" 1 point
Presenter 1 .: What do you think, how does the morning start in the army? That's right, up.
(Helpers bring out two baskets for each team. They contain different clothes:
tights, trousers, sweaters and other things, incl. and soldier's trousers, tunic, belt.
All things are connected to each other by knots.)
Presenter 2. Comrade soldiers! As you know, the task of a soldier when lifting is to dress,
while the match is burning, i.e. for 45s. Now we are offering you to dress at least during this time
department commander. Is the mission clear? As soon as the music starts, you can start, and
The audience will support you with applause. Attention, start.
Music sounds, teams perform the task.
Presenter 1. Well done! Not just because you chose your commanders. Now they will
take the rap for everyone. The squad whose commander will be the first to take off everything will win.
uniforms. Is the mission clear? Started!
Music sounds, commanders carry out the task.
Presenter 2. Dear General Staff! I would like to ask you to assess the implementation of the first phase of the exercise.
Who did the job better?
The General Staff sums up the results of the first stage.
Lead 2. Having heard the command “Line up!”, You must line up according to
alphabetical order.
"Build up!" Well done boys!

Presenter 1. A soldier must have a very good memory. Each division
you need to remember as many words as possible from those that the signalmen will give you.
Presenter 1. I will take turns reading words to the teams. Sheets are transferred to the headquarters
(jury), and the teams, in turn, jointly recall and name the words that were
read. The jury notes whether all the words were named?
1 team:

mine, victory.
tank, sea, intruder, volley, environment, medal, captain, pistol,
2 team:

bomb, fireworks
ship, ravine, defender, shot, attack, reward, commander, machine gun,
Presenter 1. Thinking is easy, but shooting is much more difficult. This will be our
penultimate test - "Target Shooting". The target will be an ordinary
trash basket, and weapons - paper "snowballs". Each is given 3 attempts. Target
is at a distance of 4 steps or 3 m. Everyone should make snowballs from the newspaper and
You have three attempts to enter the basket. The jury evaluates the number of hits in the team.
Presenter 1. Reports were delivered to our unit, 2 secret packages,
now the commanders will choose a package for their team, and IN 5 MINUTES together you
try to answer the questions. Remember that you need to keep
secrecy and respond only in writing, conferring with the help of facial expressions, gestures or
1. What is the name of the wooden part of the rifle? (butt)
2. Who obtains information about the enemy, and his location, numbers,
armed? (scout).
3. What do officers wear their weapons in? (holster)
4. What is the name of the sailor's summer headdress? (capless
5.Winter outerwear soldier? (overcoat)
6. With the help of what does the tank move on the ground? (with the help of a caterpillar)
7. Weapons for defensive purposes. When fighting, does a warrior cover his body with it?
8. What is the name of the festive passage of all groups and branches of the armed forces along Red Square?
9. What is the name of the hero's headdress? (helmet)
10. Heavy shell woven from metal rings? (mail)
11. What flies out of the gun? (bullet)
12. Where is the soldier hiding from bullets? (in a trench)
13. Who serves in the Navy? (sailor)
14. Sea cook? (cook)

15. Military tunic or dish "potatoes are boiled in ......" (uniform)
16. Ancient Russian weapons? (sword)
Leader 1. Any commander is the face of his team.
What is the commander and the team. What should be the commander, we will not be able to check,
but we will check which of them is stronger.
Team leaders are involved. Your task is to keep as long as possible
sit on a chair with arms and legs stretched forward. (Fans can lead

Presenter 1. Here our competitions are over. We hope you like them and
Most importantly, we learned a lot about ourselves.
Service in the Russian army is an honorable duty of a Russian citizen. Every
of you must prepare yourself for its fulfillment, love your Motherland and be able to defend it.
At military service have their own motives.
Hardening, experience, to make life easier ...
Since you are subject to the call,
You have to decide for yourself;
So defend your homeland with shock
And honestly serve her, but for now
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, guys,
THE JURY SUMMARIZES (rewards the winners)

Scenario of the district holiday "Conscript's Day-2014"

( 24.04.2014)

Date: 04/24/2014

Time: 11.00 a.m.

Sound Engineer:

Assistance in carrying out:

The curtain is closed. Before the start of the event, patriotic songs, songs about the Motherland, about the army are heard.

11.00 am - fanfares sound - the call signs of the beginning of the holiday. After 10 sec. the fanfare stops. The song "Border" performed by L. Agutin is turned on. IMPORTANT! When you turn on the “Border” phonogram, it is necessary that the beginning of the song be heard clearly and LOUDLY: “ROTA, RISE” !!! During the soundtrack, the curtain opens exactly halfway. The leader appears.

VED: (against the background of the song "Border")

The boy grew imperceptibly,
The turn has come to serve in the army,
Know the value of life
In the service of the Motherland.

They do not congratulate with the call,
The whole world is escorted to the service.
Wish the guy good luck
It is worthy to solve all problems -

Than the light to get up for charging,
Live by schedule.
Even if it's hard,
We believe - it will not bend!


Good afternoon, good afternoon dear conscripts! Hello, dear parents of conscripts, close relatives and friends, employees of the military commissariat, invited guests!

We are pleased to welcome you to the celebration dedicated to the Day of the Conscript. Today there will be a lot kind words, wishes and parting words. After all, the Conscript Day marks the beginning of a new stage in the life of everyone. young man, which in a few days will join the ranks of the Russian army. The happiness of our region and our entire country will depend on how you serve.

Welcome to district holiday"Conscript's Day" - "I SERVE THE FATHERLAND"!!!

Ulbala Tulenbaeva opens our meeting - "100 days before the order"!


The world is so arranged - it needs protection.

He is fragile without manly, reliable shoulders.

The soldier is the great and holy guardian

Dawns of peaceful, new bright meetings.

The world is so arranged. It was like this before:

Yesterday's boys are squeezed into the ranks by duty.

Your land looks at you with hope.

He breaks up with you for a while...

One way or another, many of you will become conscripts, soldiers. In a few days you will put on a soldier's uniform and become Defenders of the Fatherland!!!

At last words host, the background music stops and the National Anthem is played Russian Federation.

During the performance of the Anthem, the curtain opens completely.

Dear recruits! Today many want to tell you nice words wishes.

And with welcome speech appeals to you, future soldiers, First Deputy Head of the Agapovsky municipal district.

The parents of our children are worried and worried. Where they will have to serve, whether they will end up in hot spots, what kind of relations will develop with other servicemen. Do they have enough strength, health, courage, knowledge to worthily enter into adult life. Some of these questions will be answered by our today's guest, head of the department of the military commissariat of the Chelyabinsk region for Kizilsky and Agapovsky districts Tagir Avrarovich Kharunov.

For a long time, according to the tradition of heroes, warriors were escorted to the army and long-distance campaigns by the whole world, clergymen blessed them for military work. And today our conscripts have come to admonish the minister of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God Father Oleg

Words of wishes and parting words Imam Khatib of the Agapovskaya mosque Abdrakhman Khazryad will say.


Please, don't be sad.

I beg you, just wait a year.

Spring will come, white snow will melt,

And I will return to you for a whole century.

Well, what are you standing and tears full of eyes,

Believe me, a year to wait - After all, this is nonsense.

Meet the spring once, spend ...

You just remember me more often.

I beg you - write at least a couple of lines.

After all, letters shorten the service life.

And the soldiers are escorting their mothers. Mom protected you from all troubles and misfortunes. She gave you the last piece of bread. She is the one who worries the most.

And how bitter and insulting it is when we forget about our mothers. What does she need? Just a little attention, and warmth, and, of course, native letters! Drop her at least a couple of lines: "Alive and well." And you will see how the wrinkles on the face of your mothers will straighten out, how they will shine with their native smile. Do not upset your parents, write letters more often. Dear mothers, your sons are leaving to serve. What would you like to wish the guys?

The floor is given to the mothers of our conscripts.

/Speech of mothers/

My country, my native country,
The beauty of the earth, its spring,
You are all from end to end
Aiming forward and upward
You have hoisted the Banner of Truth,
brought happiness to the people
And the people that you raised
Only you could grow!

And for you, dear conscripts, Alexander Belov sings! "AWOL"!


You and I are destined to serve Russia,
Serve Russia, an amazing country,
Where the new sun rises, in the blue sky.
Shoulder to shoulder, go Russian troops.

/During the performance of the poem, the screen is lowered. A projector and a laptop are being prepared. Movie is loading./

Dear friends! Before starting the second part of our celebration, I suggest you watch a short video about the Russian army. Look and feel the pride of our country's armed forces. In this video you will see all branches of the military, and maybe you will give preference to some of them! Look!

/A movie is projected on the screen/

And now, dear conscripts, I suggest you have some fun and relax. I want to hold several competitions with you, which will be useful to you in one way or another in army life! I call this competition "Training hard, fighting easy".

Competition 1. “AUTOMATIC IS MY FRIEND". In the army, your best friend will be a machine gun. With it, you will stand on the clock, run forced marches. you will have to learn how to take it apart and reassemble it. During.

But it will be in the army! We have only a semblance of automata.


I suggest you take the time to disassemble and assemble the meat grinder!

/Equipment: 2 tables, 6 meat grinders/

Competition 2. "ATTENTION - GAS". In the army, one of the frequently used commands of the authorities will be the “Attention - Gaza” command. We will work on this command today.

5 volunteers are required to participate.

Task: put on gas masks and get into the darts.

/Equipment: gas masks (5 pcs) and darts/

Competition 3. "Kitchen". Do you all watch the series "Kitchen" on STS? Now each of you will try to be a chef.

Time to peel the potatoes! Believe me, it will be very useful to you in the army!!! And God forbid you get into the kitchen!

/Equipment: tables (2 tables), knives (6 pcs), potatoes (6 pcs).

Competition 4. "Military ranks". 8 participants are invited to the stage. Each is given a sheet with the name of the ranks: private, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general, marshal.

/Equipment: plaques with titles/

Competition 5. "Forward, General." The running differences of the Russian Federation are projected on the screen. The task of the conscripts is to guess what rank I correspond to shoulder straps.

Competition 6.


Contest 7. “FALL-DROP.

Let's move on to the harsh army everyday life. Namely, the competition - "Fell-wrung out." One participant from each row is required. You have to do push-ups from the floor at my command to the count.

So all the tests are over! You have shown yourself well, and we can say with confidence - you are ready for the service to the drill!

Friends! Here they are our heroes! Let's applaud them! Let them fight today not on the battlefield, but only in the hall, we know that as long as there are such guys, we are calm for our country!

And let the battles take place only in such halls at such events or exercises!

Now accept these gifts as a keepsake!

VED: And I ask all our conscripts to come up to the stage!

Music sounds. The recruits take the stage. Employees of the RDK and the district administration present gifts to future soldiers.


Dear friends! Future Warriors! We address you with words of good parting words and warm wishes! Yesterday you worked and rested, tomorrow you will find new things, new friends, your comrades in arms, with whom you will protect the peace of our Motherland!

Dear recruits! Let the changes that await you ahead temper you, make you strong in character and inflexible will.

We sincerely wish you good service! Carry worthily the title of Defender of the Fatherland!

We are waiting for you in our native land!

Scenario thematic concert program within the framework of the "Day of the draftee".

The call signs of the melody of the march "Farewell of the Slav" sound. Two presenters come out onto the stage.

Lead 1. The summons is in the mailbox and the draft board is waiting.
Forward - boldly go to guard the Motherland, soldier.
Let mommy worry and father frowns,
But to serve faithfully is the lot of men's hearts.
Lead 2. You prove to the girls that you have gunpowder,
To defend, on occasion, both your blood and honor.
Let them wait for you, dear ones, you will return home
And you will live in a new way, the defender of the daring.

Concert number.

Lead 1. The soldier is the great and holy guardian
Dawns of peaceful, new bright meetings.
The world is so arranged. It was like this before:
Yesterday's boys are squeezed into the ranks by duty.
Your land looks at you with hope.
He breaks up with you for a while...
Lead 2. With parting words to the recruits, the military commissar of the district ______________________ speaks.

Concert number.

Lead 1. Every year on November 15, the All-Russian Day of the Conscript is celebrated, which traditionally coincides with the autumn conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the country.
The All-Russian Day of the Conscript was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1992 "in order to increase the national significance and prestige of military service, to improve the military-patriotic education of young people."
Lead 2. On this day, in all cities where there are military units, holidays are organized, military registration and enlistment offices hold special consultations for the parents of conscripts, organize visits military units. In addition, demonstrative performances of fighters and a parade review of troops have become traditional. Also on this day, conscripts meet with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other wars, visit military museums, places of famous battles of our soldiers and take an oath to serve the Fatherland just as worthily.
Lead 1. Veterans of the Great Patriotic and Afghan wars are present at our today's event.
The floor is given to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War ________________________.

Speech by a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Lead 1. The floor is given to the veteran of the Afghan war ________________________.

Speech by a veteran of the Afghan war.

Concert number.

Lead 2. Today we celebrate Recruitment Day.
Not those who seek to escape from the army,
Not those to whom the father's hand
From service in the army will help pay off.
Do not renounce fate, from duty, from scrip,
A hard retribution will come to the "refuseniks"!
Today is Recruitment Day.
And therefore we will sing for future soldiers!
Lead 1. The song “The boys are leaving ...” sounds (music by O. Yanchenko, lyrics by I. Andryushin) performed by _________________.
Lead 2. Young guys are leaving to defend our Motherland. And no matter how difficult it is now, you need to know one thing - this is your homeland. Motherland... This is the place where you were born. Where you took your first steps. This is your home, and together it is our Rus', a mighty state. Who are they, young soldiers?
Presenter 1 conducts a blitz survey of recruits, asks to introduce themselves, asks questions about what educational institution finished in which troops they would like to serve.

After the interview - a concert number.

Lead 2. Are you used to life with mom, dad?
Get used to military service, conscript!
In the Army you will be taught to live:
Treasure true friendship
To be brave, desperate in battle,
Proud and fit in the ranks.
Respect, love your country,
And keep the war away.
Lead 1. There is a tradition in the world like this:
To give orders from the elders to the young.
So that they, entering a new life,
Could use the experience of the past.
Traditions are worthy of respect,
And we will not retreat from them,
Therefore, we want without delay
Give the word to the parents of the draftee.
A parting word is given to the mother of the conscript (calls name and invites to the stage).

Demonstration performances of conscript soldiers of the military unit _____________.

Lead 2. It's time to say goodbye. The year of service will pass quickly. The time spent in the army, I hope, will be remembered by you as a strong soldier's friendship. Bring you life experience and hardening.
Lead 1. And for some, military service will become a profession. Good luck! Hold your head high and proud!

Concert number.