Farewell to winter in elementary school. Scenario. Scenario for the regional holiday “Farewell to Russian Winter”

Maslenitsa for children primary classes. Scenario

Scenario extracurricular activity for the initial link “Maslenitsa has come to us!”

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: The scenario of an extracurricular event for the elementary level “Maslenitsa has come to us” will be useful for teachers and educators at the elementary level when conducting events related to farewell to winter. Introduces primary school students to the traditions and customs of the Russian people - Maslenitsa.
Target: organizing a farewell to winter in a festive atmosphere for primary school students.
Educational– introduce junior students to Russians folk traditions and customs, expand your horizons about Russian culture, consolidate your vocabulary on the topic “Maslenitsa - farewell to winter.”
Educational- instill interest in cultural traditions Russian people.
Correctional and developmental– develop agility, speed, mutual assistance, develop logical thinking and memory, develop students’ speech during the holiday.
Equipment: stereo system, multimedia installation, pancakes, attributes for games, soundtracks of songs
Decor: multimedia presentation, table with traditional Russian dishes, stuffed animal.
Preliminary work: preparing a holiday script, making a presentation, selecting musical accompaniment, preparing amateur performance numbers, preparing game attributes, getting to know the traditions and customs of Maslenitsa on extracurricular activities, learning poetry.

Celebration progress:
Presenter 1: Hello, dear guys! We are pleased to welcome you to our wonderful holiday“Maslenitsa has come to us!”
Presenter 2: Guys, how many of you know what Maslenitsa is?
Children's answers.
Presenter 2: Maslenitsa or Maslenka is the most cheerful and favorite holiday among the Russian people, a holiday of farewell to winter. And today we are having a friendly and fun time cold winter according to all the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Presenter 1:
This holiday is coming to us
Early spring,
How much joy it brings
He is always with him!
Presenter 2:
Ice mountains await
And the snow sparkles
The sleds are running down the hills,
The laughter doesn't stop.

Presenter 1:
At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends for pancakes,
Let's eat them together.
Presenter 1: And for you, dear guys, the modern folk dance group “Pulse” performs and gives you this wonderful artistic number.
Russian folk dance“Maslenitsa” (group “Ivan Kupala”)
Presenter 1: Each day of Maslenitsa week has its own meaning. Monday – Maslenitsa meeting, Tuesday – “flirt”. Wednesday – “gourmet”. Thursday – a big “walk” - everyone is sledding, having fun and walking! Friday is “mother-in-law’s evening.” Saturday is “sister-in-law’s get-together.” A completes Maslenitsa week « Forgiveness Sunday" We need to ask each other for forgiveness and forgive our offenders.
Presenter 2: But most of all on Maslenitsa people love to have fun and play. On Maslenitsa, children and youth sled down the hills and play various Russian folk games. And now we want to invite you to play Russian folk games.
Outdoor game "Cockerels"

A circle is drawn on the floor with chalk. Two players stand in a circle on one leg and hold the other leg with their hand. The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. You need to push each other with your shoulder.
Kids are playing.

Outdoor game "Stilts"

Two teams line up. The first players wear large felt boots. You need to run to the landmark and back and pass the felt boots to the next player. The team that runs this relay first will be the winner.
Kids are playing.

Outdoor game "Three legs"
The game involves two teams in pairs. Each couple's legs are tied (the right leg of one to the left leg of the other). It is necessary to run on “three legs” to the landmark and back to the team. The team that runs the relay faster will win.
Kids are playing.

Outdoor game “Russian Bath”

The game involves two people. You need to “steam” your opponent with a dry bath broom. Whoever beats his broom faster wins.
Kids are playing.

Presenter 1:
Maslenitsa - old Holy holiday,
Beloved in Rus' from time immemorial.
Winter away! Spring is knocking on the door,
Bring her a loaf of salt!
Presenter 2:
Tired of the severe frosts,
Tired of the furious winter.
The light is brighter than the sun, the icicles are longer from the roofs.
The sound of drops. Is spring coming soon?
Gesture song “Maslenitsa has come to us”
(“How I got up early”)

Presenter 1:
Maslenitsa is a joy for a week.
Games, fun, towns,
Girlish cheerful swing,
Kids with choruses, pancakes!!!
Presenter 1: Guys, do you like to solve riddles? (Yes!)
We know this holiday -
Time to see off winter.
People these days have to
Have fun, bake pancakes.
Presenter 2:
And with caviar and sour cream -
They are all delicious!
Nostrils and blush -
Our suns are...
Presenter 1:
IN Pancake Sunday
Old Titus tried everything
Ask everyone for forgiveness
And answer:...
("God will forgive!")
Presenter 2: Well, what is Maslenitsa without a friendly and cheerful round dance? And we invite all the guys to our big round dance.

Round dance "Pancakes".
We bake pancakes in the morning
May there be a MOUNTAIN of them!
Enough for all friends and acquaintances!
The first pancake, of course, is lumpy.
We will have a great feast!
The second one was slightly burnt.
Then dad got down to business -
The third pancake rolled onto the floor.
Brother decided to bake one -
I tore the fourth pancake.
Grandmother took up the fifth -
It turned out crumpled!
And the sixth one was baked by my sister -
It's time for dinner!
Grandfather baked the seventh -
Immediately the puppy stole the damn thing!
I did the rest -
The dough is over, friends!
Well, mom shouted:
“Tomorrow we’ll start all over again!”

Presenter 1:
Like on Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Presenter 2:
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

Presenter 1: And our holiday has come to an end, but we do not say goodbye. Dear guys, we invite you all to our festive table taste delicious pancakes and spend the winter together over a cup of aromatic tea.

(Mass scenario folk festival)

1. Buffoons
2. Heralds
3. Domnushka
4. Emelya
5. Santa Claus
6. Winter
7. Spring
8. Baba Yaga
9. Stoneflies

Text of Skomorokhs and heralds driving through the streets of the village

Hey, hurry up everyone to the square,
Look at our product!
Poems and jokes are waiting for you there!
Don't waste a minute!
Come, don't be shy!
Spend the Mischievous Winter!
And welcome the beautiful Spring!
Come join us for the holiday!
Have fun! Have fun!
To be at the holiday
Don't forget about pancakes
Welcome, dear guests!
We are celebrating today
Celebration of Farewell to Winter!
We should start the party now!
We call everyone, everyone, everyone
Farewell to the Russian winter!
Get busy! Get busy!
We call to us all those
Who loves fun and laughter!
The Russian winter must be spent
Fun, dignified, friendly!
Begin! Begin!
We are starting the holiday!
In honor of the ruddy, eminent,
Not forgotten in sonorous songs,
Russian Mother Winter!

(Before the holiday begins, buffoons and heralds ride through the streets of the village on sleighs, calling everyone to the square (text attached). The central square of the village is festively decorated with posters and balloons. There is a fair on the square: trays, stalls, tents, tables - there is a brisk sale of goods, souvenirs, kebabs. There is also a sale here soft toy and souvenirs by children from the House of Creativity.
In the center of the square there is a platform, festively decorated: there is a Russian stove, a trestle bed, and microphones. A place for games is fenced off from the platform: a play area, a heroic area, a place for burning a scarecrow, a pillar...
Music sounds: folk songs and melodies.
Under musical arrangement 2 buffoons run out onto the platform)

1 Buffoon: Listen, good people, the buffoon’s speech!!!
Come join us for a holiday,
Have fun, have fun!!!

2 Buffoon: We should start the party now,
We shout to everyone, everyone, everyone!!!
Farewell to the Russian Winter!!!

1 Buffoon: Hurry up! Hurry up!
We invite everyone to join us!
Who loves fun and laughter!
We need to spend the Russian Winter!
Funny! Worthy! Together!

2 Buffoon: Let's begin! Begin! We are starting the holiday!
In honor of the ruddy, eminent,
Not forgotten in sonorous songs...

TOGETHER: Russian Mother Winter!

(Suddenly the buffoons listen.)

1 Buffoon: Hey, go for a walk! And here and there, hear them singing?!
2 Buffoon: Where do they sing? (looks at everyone)
1 Buffoon: Yes, here, they’re coming on stage!

(Performance by the folk choir of the district House of Culture. Song: “Oh, imushka!”)

2 Buffoon: They sang well, indeed! The talents are our own, not someone else’s, the voices are golden!
1 Buffoon: Hurry up quickly! Hurry up!
There is no more joyful holiday for us!

2 Buffoon: Let's celebrate to the fullest, with diligence!
Today in our village spring is very early!

(The buffoons leave different sides platform. Sounds solemn music. Heralds come out onto the platform from both sides and stand in the center of the platform. The trumpets are raised and fanfares are heard along with the soundtrack. The pipes are lowered).

1 SPEAKER: Attention! Attention! Attention!
2 SPEAKER: Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
1 SPEAKER: People! I have been ordered to bring to you now the decree prepared by our Mother Winter herself!

(The heralds unroll the scrolls).

2 CRIER: Every year, on this date, as the sign says,
Whether it’s a city or a village – come out for the holiday!
1 CRIER: You need to carry it out:
Fun and friendly!
2 CHEER: At our holiday there is an iron law:
gloomy, gloomy - entry is prohibited!
1 SPEAKER: Everyone without exception! In order to have fun! Regardless of age and official position! Everything important and sad can be forgotten tomorrow, have fun yourself and make others laugh!
2 CRIER: The holiday program includes songs and dances, a carousel, snowballs, ditties, skating and fun festivities!
1 CRIER: Gather together, old and young, for the meeting: “Welcome, Winter!”
2 CRIER: Winter will say goodbye to you today -
Spring is coming to us!

(The heralds roll up scrolls-decrees, raise the trumpets, a fanfare soundtrack sounds, the heralds leave, buffoons are on the platform).

1 Buffoon (peers into left side squares into the distance):
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Now Mother Winter will arrive here!

2 Buffoon (peers into right side squares into the distance):
And there is drowning snow and ice!
Spring beauty is coming!

(The buffoons run up to each other.)

1 Buffoon: We need to get everything done now,
and dance and sing songs!
2 Buffoon: Eat a basket of pies,
Yes, about three boxes of pancakes!
1 Buffoon: What's the matter? Here's the oven - let's bake some pancakes!
2 Buffoon: First, we will sweep the hut,
and then we’ll bake pancakes!
Together: For you, dear guests,
for you, dear fellow countrymen!

(The buffoons take brooms and musical accompaniment imitate cleaning the hut. After the end of the song they go to the stove.)

1 Buffoon: Oh you, Domnushka - the red sun,
get up from the stove and look into the stove1
TOGETHER: Isn't it time to bake pancakes?

(Domnushka comes out from behind the stove, stretching.)

DOMNA: And for what?!
Buffoons: What for?!
1 Buffoon: Have we swept the hut?
DOMNA: Sweep it! (looks around the floor)
2 Buffoon: They brought honest people?! (shows)
DOMNASHKA: They brought it!
Buffoons: Greet them cheerfully and treat them to pancakes!
DOMNASHKA: I’m glad to treat you all,
I just need to get some firewood!
1 Buffoon: What to do here? How can we be here?
TOGETHER: How can we light the stove?!

(Suddenly there is a whistle and noise. The phonogram of a balalaika tune sounds, a blizzard rides into the square, Emelya, in the hands of a balalaika, drives up to the platform, gets off the blizzard and climbs onto the platform, playing the balalaika).

1 Buffoon: Bah! Yes, it’s not like Emelya came to us for a holiday!
2 Buffoon: He is Emelya!

(Emelya walks importantly on the platform.)

Buffoons: Hello, Emelyushka! Welcome guest!
Buffoons: You are welcome to join us for a fun holiday!
EMELYA: Thank you for your kind words! (Notices the stove)
Hey! There's no way my oven has been found?!
According to Pike's command, according to my desire,
Come, bake, to me!

(The housewife and the buffoons run up to the stove and pretend that they are trying to stop the stove, holding it with their hands and feet).

DOMNASHKA: Why did you think of this, Emelyushka?!
Don't touch the stove! Leave it to us!
EMELYA: And for what?
DOMNASHKA: What for? We are all good people
We'll bake pancakes and treat you!
EMELYA: Ah, pancakes are a good thing!
According to the pike's command, according to my desire,
Stay baked in place!

(The housewife and the buffoons leave the stove and approach Emelya.)

DOMNUSHKA: Thank you, Emelushka! Stay
And let's celebrate the holiday with us!
EMELYA: What kind of holiday is it today?
Buffoons: Farewell to the Russian Winter!
EMELYA: Well! I'll stay with you
I'm ready to have fun
Only you make me pancakes

ALL: No firewood!!!
EMELYA: Well, this matter can be fixed!
Hey hey! People! Step aside! Look to the right!
Show your participation, people! We need to prepare firewood!
Which one of you is ready to help? Cut the log into pieces?
Well, come out and help prepare firewood!!!

(Emelya, together with the buffoons, invite those interested and hold a competition: “Sawed a log”, “Chopped firewood”. The winners are awarded prizes.)

DOMNASHKA: Well, an excellent log! It will definitely go into the oven!
1 Buffoon: Our Domnushka is right - first-class firewood!
2 Buffoon: There are enough of them for a week! Hey, bring the wood, Emelya!
EMELYA: It’s still hard to do it alone!
Become a chain of people,
Help more fun,
Quickly pass it to the stove!
(To the music, firewood is transferred to the stove; the buffoons stack it near the stove. Active helpers are rewarded with bagels.)

1 Buffoon: Heat our oven, so that we can bake pancakes,
There will be a great treat!
2 Buffoon: So that the pancakes are certainly delicious -
get into the oven, dry log!
EMELYA: According to the pike's command, according to my desire,
Bake, and bake! Start baking pancakes!

(Under cheerful music all participants dance near the stove).
(Performance by the RDK folk choir: Russian folk song “Pancakes”. After the song, Domnushka takes out a dish of pancakes from behind the stove.)

EMELYA: Ay, mistress! Oh yes Domna!
Look - the mountain of pancakes is huge!
All blushes are beautiful!
Well, hostess, thank you!

DOMNASHKA: This is for you, Emelya, thank you!
1 Buffoon: And for the stove!
2 Buffoon: And for the firewood!
DOMNASHKA: For your kind words! Take it, Emelya, damn it!
EMELYA: I can’t eat alone!
DOMNASHKA: Wait! Let's treat the honest people!
1 Buffoon: Hey, people! Shaved, mustachioed! Red-haired, bearded!
2 Buffoon: Little girls! Busy old ladies!
EMELYA: We invite everyone to a competition: “Who can eat our pancake the fastest!”

A competition is being held, buffoons help Emela in holding the competition, Domna, handing out pancakes to the participants in the competition, says:
Dear guests, for you
I baked pancakes now
Eat, don't be shy
Smile more often!

(Buffoons and Emelya reward the winners of the competition).
(The soundtrack sounds - the whistle of the wind with the text of Santa Claus and Winter superimposed:

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, you are my fast horses, oh, you are my fast horses!
I will build a bridge out of ice across the melted streams!
I’ll be amused until I cry with the blizzard!
Soon, soon Santa Claus will come to you!

WINTER: Where there is Frost, there I am, Winter! With him as a friend!
I’ll complete it, drive you crazy with a white blizzard!

Only now I’m kind - who will be offended?
Apparently, the time has come to meet you again!

TOGETHER: Gay, vagrants...!!!

(The song “Three White Horses” plays; Santa Claus and Winter ride into the central square on a trio of horses.)

1 Buffoon: Hey, hey! Hurry up people! Grandfather Frost is coming!
2 Buffoon: Winter Beauty is coming to us to the call of the ringing trumpets!
EMELYA: Well, let’s spend it today as it deserves, like an old friend

(Santa Claus and Winter climb onto the platform).

SANTA CLAUS: Hello, all honest people!
WINTER: Hello, glorious fellow countrymen!
SANTA CLAUS: I have traveled many places - dozens of miles around,
Winter and I were instantly carried to this square by miracle horses!
I'll tell you a secret: there is no platform better than this!

WINTER: It was wonderfully clean, crowded, cheerful!
Beautiful in spring and light in winter!
Soon, from behind the winter clouds, through the cheerful window,
A warm ray will break through to you and the sun will shine into the village!
Sister Spring is already hurrying through the chilled forests and fields,
Before she comes to you, we should say goodbye to you!

SANTA CLAUS: Well, it's time! Now, brothers, I have to part with you!
WINTER: Santa Claus! Wait to say goodbye! We are still held in high esteem!
First you need to report on the work done!
I have been keeping records for a long time...
SANTA CLAUS: Correct! Let's start the report!
WINTER: Here it is, Santa Claus! Compiled in full form - with two seals, and with your signature!

(Winter hands Santa Claus a report, Santa Claus unfolds it).

Buffoons: Attention! Attention!
Listen to Santa Claus's report!
SANTA CLAUS: For the reporting period from December ____. year to February ___ year
I've done a lot of work!
I froze all the rivers and lakes, drove all the bears into dens and put them to sleep until spring!
This year I was not fierce, I spared you, glorious people!
I smiled into my mustache at adults and children and none of you hid their noses from me!
There were nice days, a warm wind was blowing, skis, sleds and skates - these were my ideas!
And when the turn came, I celebrated the New Year with you!
I walked around the square, streets and parks, and gave you gifts at the decorated Christmas tree!
I know: I will receive glory and honor for this!
That's the whole report! Sign, people!

EMELYA: Wait, Santa Claus! It won't be a matter of signature!
Winter needs to report to everyone here too!
1 Buffoon: That's right! (addresses winter)
In a crown of snow and with the sovereign power of ice,
Are you ready to give your answer to the people?
WINTER: Ready!
2 SKOMOROKH: Have all your snowstorms walked across the earth?
Did the winds and blizzards all do what they wanted?
1 Buffoon: Did you spend enough snow on the blanket, at the hour when the earth wakes up, so that you have enough to drink?
WINTER: A lot!
2 Buffoon: Were you kind, or did you not let everyone down?
Are there a lot of rubble around?
WINTER: It happened!
EMELYA: Well, now we’ll ask all honest people:
Snow for skiing was it always enough?
Was the water on the rivers tightly bound?
Is everyone happy with winter or not everyone?
So, shall we sign the report then?
Buffoons: Glory to Winter! Honor Santa Claus!
EMELYA: Feel free to sign the report now!

(Buffoons, Emelya, Domnushka sign the report).
Children's performance dance group District House of Culture. Dance: “Snowflakes-sparks”. (The blast furnace comes out from behind the stove with pancakes).

DOMNASHKA: Help yourself, Santa Claus, and you, Winter!
Here are a couple of pancakes, eat them piping hot!
WINTER: Oh, I don’t know what to do! I’ll eat it and suddenly I’ll melt?!
SANTA CLAUS: It’s a trifle, not a question! Am I Frost or not Frost?!
I’ll throw them on my palm and they’ll cool down!

(Santa Claus and Winter try pancakes).

EMELYA: Well, people! What are you worth? Are you looking in all directions?
There are mysteries in our region that are so complex,
Whoever guesses the riddles will get... into scientists!
Come on, Mother Winter, ask riddles!

(A competition is being held “Guess the riddle!”, Winter makes a riddle, Emelya and the buffoons help Santa Claus distribute prizes to the winners.)

1 Buffoon: Let ringing laughter sparkle at the farewell to Winter!
2 Buffoon: Father Frost will make your faces flush with snow!
1 Buffoon: Skating begins at the fun party!
2 Buffoon: Bears, Grishkas, Yurki, Vanka! Get your sled ready!
EMELYA: Attention! Attention! Santa Claus is calling you to a competition!

(Games are held on the playing field: “Self-propelled sleigh”, “Sled relay”, “Sleigh train”. Santa Claus and Winter reward the winners.)

SANTA CLAUS: We had a lot of fun, and they made me laugh!
Accordionist, dancing pool, whoever is with me, come out!
Oh, I love to dance, to knead old bones!
WINTER: I want the music to ring! Well, let's all get down to business!
Come out into the circle, friend, don’t spare your legs today,
Bring a friend with you to help you dance!
EMELYA: Hey, people! We'll have to show diligence, we challenge the dancers to a competition! Come out and dance if you're not too lazy!

(A dancing competition is held on the playing field; all participants also dance. Santa Claus and Winter reward the winners of the dance marathon).

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired! And it used to be like dancing!
SANTA CLAUS: No urine, my back hurts, I have overcome sciatica!
My legs are aching, it’s really bad!
Buffoons: Hey, let's get a chair here!

(Participants climb onto the platform, seat Santa Claus on the trestle bed, Emelya notices Santa Claus’s bag on the platform).

EMELYA: Santa Claus! Tell me, what did you bring us in the bag?
SANTA CLAUS: I brought various treats in honor of the holiday: Gingerbread cookies, sweets, bagels for the handsome audience!
EMELYA: For me, there is no better joy than sweets! (whispers to the side). At the command of a pike, at my will, come, little sack, to me!

(The bag begins to move towards Emelya. Santa Claus jumps up from his seat in surprise).

SANTA CLAUS: What a miracle! Jump and jump!
Look, the bag has moved!

WINTER: Hey, buffoons! Grab him! Catch it!
Stop the bag quickly!

(The buffoons rush to catch the bag.)

EMELYA: According to the pike’s command, according to my desire, stay the bag in place!
Father Frost! Come on, untie the bag and treat the honest people!

(Santa Claus unties the bag, and Baba Yaga appears from there, with a Spring wreath on her head, a bitten gingerbread in her hands, scattering candy wrappers.)

SANTA CLAUS: And who will you be? And tell me, how did you get here?
BABA YAGA: Are you blind, you old bastard? Ali didn’t recognize Spring-Red? (gets out of the bag and stands on the center of the platform) Great, guys! Greetings from Leshy! Ugh...!
From summer! I met him in the swamp! Ugh...!
In flight! When, then, was I in a hurry to get here to you!
It's time for me to start my duties!
Drive the report, Grandfather, and you can be free with your property!

(Baba Yaga begins to behave like a hostess, seeing that people are laughing and paying attention to them).

Fu-you, well-you! Dressed up!
Who are you laughing at? Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha!
Wait from me now! You will lead to sin!
Go home now!

EMELYA: Wait a minute, Santa Claus! There's something wrong here!

(Approaches Baba Yaga).

Somehow you don’t look too much like Spring?!
BABA YAGA: Who?! I don't look like that?! Yes, I’ll show you the certificate right away! In! Look!

(Baba Yaga pulls out a huge certificate, gives it to Santa Claus, everyone surrounds him).

SANTA CLAUS: Appointed in the long-awaited Spring for the whole year!

1 Buffoon: And there’s a seal, look!
2 Buffoon: And the tricky signature below!
WINTER: Come on, come on... What kind of signature is there? (reads aloud) KOSHCHEY IMMORTAL!
ALL: Ah-ah!

(They disperse to the sides, Baba Yaga stands in the center of the platform, on the sides are Santa Claus and Winter).

SANTA CLAUS: This certificate, citizen, is invalid!
WINTER: We cannot accept you for the position of Vesna!
BABA YAGA: Eta, how can you not do that? You could say I spent the whole winter preparing, didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t eat enough... I’ve put together such a work plan for you!
I’ll make this for you in the spring, rest assured!
1 Buffoon: Maybe really, let him try!
2 Buffoon: That's right! Let's see what she can do!
BABA YAGA: And now, people, attention! I want to arrange a competition for you! Well, for example: who will scream louder or open his mouth wider!
WINTER: You know, Baba Yaga, I’ll tell you in advance:
We don't need such competitions!
SANTA CLAUS: Go away, False Spring!
BABA YAGA: So which one do you need?!
ALL: Real! Real!

(Baba Yaga removes the wreath from her head).

BABA YAGA: Come on!! I was just joking! I want to stay at the holiday and sing you my favorite Winter song! Just sing along with me!

(Baba Yaga, together with the participant, sings the song: “The ceiling is icy...”, after the song, two stonefly girls run onto the platform).

1 Vesnyanka: Spring asked me to tell you that
I don’t agree to wait any longer!
Stonefly 2: Which looks great,
and it will be in person soon!
1 stonefly: The ice slides are already melting...
Stonefly 2: Already in the thawed clearings...
Buffoons: And who are you?
VESNYANKA: And we are her ambassadors - the stonefly!

(Performance by the children's dance group RDK. Dance: “Oh, they showed up”).

1 Buffoon: I hear the bell ringing!

2 Buffoon: Snow is flying from under the hooves!
EMELYA: Mother Spring is coming! Open the gate!

(To the accompaniment of music, an elegantly decorated sleigh enters the square, bells ring, and Spring sits in the sleigh. The buffoons give her their hands and help her get off the sleigh. They climb onto the platform.)

SANTA CLAUS: Make way, honest people, the public is welcome!
The beauty of Spring is coming to us, a long-awaited guest!

SPRING: Hey, calm down, blizzards and blizzards! The frosty days are numbered!
I shout to you through the chime of the drops:
Hello, friends and fellow countrymen!

(Santa Claus and Winter hand the loaf to Spring, she breaks it and treats all the people).

Winter spring! My dear sister! I was waiting for you for so long!
I feel like I’m already tired, it’s time for you to hand over your work!
You are young and majestic, your smile is a ray of sunshine!
I entrust to you rightfully from all native nature key!

(To the music, Winter hands Spring a colorfully decorated key).

SPRING: Winter! Thank you for your trust, I am ready to justify it!
SANTA CLAUS: If you have such honor: then create and be healthy!
Take the report, Spring, and rule by right!
WINTER: We knew that good people
they will come to see us off with honor!
The moment of farewell has come -
but we will not be sad!
SANTA CLAUS: But nevertheless, it’s time for us to get ready for the road!
SPRING: Wait, Winter! I want to say goodbye!
Have a nice journey in the snowy expanses!
You are on your way to distant lands through icy seas and rivers!
Don't forget us, dear! And know: since my hour has already struck -
From now on I will be a good housewife!
SANTA CLAUS AND WINTER: Goodbye! Goodbye! See you again!

(Santa Claus and Winter get into the sleigh to the music and leave).

SPRING: Let the spring dawn blush on your cheeks,
It’s not for nothing that they call me a beautiful girl!
I will melt the sultry snow with the rays of the sun,
I'll spread green carpets all around:
The earth will be decorated with forest spring growth!
Answer me, good people, how will you greet me?!

EMELYA: From all our people we have a request to you: command the honest people to sing, dance and have fun in your domain!
SPRING: My dear assistants! Let's start the fun games!
The time has come, it's time to start!
Let the people and all the children have fun!
EMELYA: Let's organize a show of ancient songs!
1 Buffoon: There will be songs you know, as well as new, interesting ones!

(Performance by the RDK folk choir. Song “Oh, gossips!”

2 Buffoon: Hey! Gather together people! Lots of fun awaits you today!
Strength and agility are demonstrated here, before time runs out!
EMELYA: Who is good at playing and dancing?! At the festive finale, Spring itself will present prizes to the best and most daring!
1 Buffoon: Just like that, fun begins for fun!
2 SKOMOROKH: Russian games, mass games, sports!
EMELYA: Hey, people! Why are you standing there, looking in all directions?!
DOMNASHKA: Put your ears on top of your head, listen carefully!
We'll sing ditties for you, it's very wonderful!

(The buffoons, Emelya, and Domna sing a ditty and bow, but then, unexpectedly for everyone, Baba Yaga jumps out into the center of the platform).

BABA YAGA: I also want to show my talent by participating!

(Baba Yaga sings ditties to the soundtrack of “The Flying Dutchman”).

2 Buffoon: You live, little ditty: to the accordion or the pipe,
You people, however, need to sing at least one yourself!
EMELYA: A competition for ditties is being announced!

(A competition of ditties is held, Spring with Domna is awarded with prizes).

VESNA: I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for greeting me so much,
The ditties are painfully good, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
Did you notice?!

(Performance by the children's dance group RDK. "Macarena".
(Spring, Emelya, buffoons, Domna, Baba Yaga invite everyone to the “heroic” clearing).

EMELYA: Strongmen, who is ready to inflate 5 balloons for me here?
Come if you want a prize! 5 – left, 5 – right,
Let's call you for simplicity: you are “Pancakes”, you are “Pies”!

(There is a competition “Who can inflate the balloon faster?”, prizes).

SPRING: Strong men, strong men! It was a warm-up
I'll give it to the one who shows his strength!

(A weight of 24 kg is brought to the center of the clearing.)

1 Buffoon: Hey, people! Hurry up! A strongman competition awaits you1
2 Buffoon: Which of you guys is in strength? Let him try to lift, and not just once, but 45!
SPRING: I’ll add a word from myself: I, Red Spring, am ready to present the prize to the hero! Get started! I look!

(A kettlebell lifting competition is held, Spring awards the winner).

EMELYA: Please don’t disperse! Let's keep having fun!

(At this time, Baba Yaga takes the rope out to the playing field and throws one end to the people).

EMELYA: Tell me what you are going to do: I understand!
Here is the rope: it is very strong!
We invite the strong, dexterous, and others to play:
tug of war!
BABA YAGA: The “Tug of War” competition is announced!
Seven to the left, seven to the right, you'll have fun now!
DOMNA: Come on, gather your teams quickly!
Only the one whose muscle is not cotton wool,
wins the tug of war!
2 Buffoon: Hey, Emelya and Grandma Ezhka, stand at the other end!
1 Buffoon: Kolya, Vasya, Misha, Fedya! You are going to the rope!
Everyone grab it together, skill is needed here!
SPRING: One! Two! Three! Pull!

(A tug-of-war competition is held. Spring judges.)

SPRING: Fun for the people, prizes for the winners!
1 Buffoon: Hey, people! Attention please! There is a long pole in front of you!
Competition for grooms: remove the bride's headscarf!
2 Buffoon: Whoever manages to take off his scarf will be a good fellow,
and in addition he will receive a gift from Spring-Red!

(Competition of pole-walkers on stilts. Awarding.)

EMELYA: Come on, who, to the general laughter, will walk the wrong way, show agility, overtake everyone, sealing his legs in a bag? (buffoons prepare bags)
SPRING: It is difficult to run without legs, the legs are hidden in a bag, the one who runs the fastest will receive a prize! Well, hurry up!

(The “Sack Run” competition is held. Spring gives prizes).

EMELYA: We invite everyone to the “stumps”, we announce a competition!
We call on two young men who will fight to the end!

(The “Fight on Stumps” competition is being held. Baba Yaga actively participates in this competition. Vesna and Domna award the winners.)

1 Buffoon: Attention! Attention! Attention!
Let's continue the competition!
2 Buffoon: Today the pillar stands here for a reason, let’s go to it, friends!
SPRING: The most dexterous, courageous - forward!
There's a reward waiting for you there!

(A competition is held on a pole).

EMELYA: We invite all people to our
Festive carousel!

(The buffoons bring a carousel to the center of the playing field, everyone takes hold of bright ribbons and everyone says to the accompaniment of music: Barely, barely, barely, the carousel is spinning, and then-later-later, everyone run-run-run! Hush, hush, stop the carousel! One, two, the game is over!)

(The buffoons take away the carousel and immediately take out the scarecrow.)

EMELYA: Spring has come, it has become warmer,
And so that everything around sings:
Let's light the effigy now!
1 Buffoon: Let's go! Let's go to! Let's light a fire!

(The participants, together with the scarecrow, go to the burning place, where the person responsible for safety is located).

2 Buffoon: Light the flames, people! Set fire to the scarecrow!
DOMNA: Problems will burn away with him so that we won’t be tormented!
EMELYA: Burn illness and need in the fire!
Burn in the fire of sorrow, need!

(Participants throw inscriptions into the fire: illness, need, misfortune, sadness).

ALL: Scatter with the ashes, never return!

(Burning the effigy. After this, all participants rise to the platform, take balls in their hands, quiet music sounds).

EMELYA: Today we, friends, are on our holiday
We spent the winter together and welcomed spring!
1 Buffoon: We congratulate the entire human tribe on Spring!
1 Buffoon: You are not visible everywhere yet!
BABA YAGA: Not everyone is warmed by you!
Domna: But your desired signs, Spring, are multiplying!
SPRING: The snow is already melting, streams are running, spring is blowing through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle and the forest will be covered with leaves!
Clean sky blue, warmer and the sun is brighter it became
It's time for evil blizzards and storms again...
TOGETHER: Long gone!
VESNA: Thank you people for everything! And we say goodbye to you, health, joy and strength...
TOGETHER: Let the celebration continue!

(The music intensifies, the participants release balloons into the sky. The holiday ends.)


holding the regional holiday “Farewell to Winter!”

Venue: Time and date:

public event area

Zavodskoy district 02.21.15, 11.00 a.m.

Russian folk music sounds. Announcer's voice:

“Hey hey! Come, honest people! Let's celebrate the passing of winter! At the end of the text on stage, the youth group of the theater-studio "Argo" performs the dance composition "Maslenitsa", after which the music continues to sound, and buffoons run out onto the stage.

1st: Hello Hello!

Together: Hello!

2nd: Provincial residents, near and far!

3rd: Meet the buffoons and don’t regret anything!

4th: Today is a holiday - look at life more cheerfully!

5th: Look, Petrusha, good people are smiling!

6th: They smile, the nobles wake up!

1st: Yes, and the people are good!

2nd: And don’t say, good people!

3rd: So people are waiting for gifts these days!

4th: There are gifts, but you just can’t count them!

5th: And they’re not talking about your honor!

6th: Enough of the idle chatter! It's time to get down to business and lift your spirits!

1st: To lift Have a good mood Please accept congratulations from our authorities!

2nd: At the microphone_________________________________________________________


(speech by a representative of the Zavodsky District Administration)

3rd: Thank you for your congratulations, and we begin the show!

(Russian folk music continues to sound as the buffoons come out)

4th: Hey, honest people! Open your mouth wider!

5th: Not for money, not for fame!

Together: And for the sake of laughter and fun!

6th: Listen carefully, listen! Important announcement! For the deaf, no repetition! Here on our large square the most beautiful mummers walk and roam!

1st: The bear is big and has club feet. Don’t be afraid, he’s kind, but he’s just a little deaf, and with him, well, as always, he’s a goat, in a word, a dereza!

2nd: They don't bark or bite, and they offer you lottery tickets.

3rd: If you buy our lottery ticket,

4th: Then you will receive an extraordinary prize!

5th: Hurry up, buy, have fun, relax!

Together: Today we celebrate a holiday - farewell to Winter!

(music sounds and Winter comes on stage. She performs a song surrounded by the dance group “Tray”)

Winter: Hello, hello good people! I see they are waiting for me here.

6th: As always, Winter is right. And yet we need to say goodbye!

Winter: (interrupts the buffoon) How? Are you leaving now? And you won’t even drink tea?

1st: No, your time has come to move out of this yard.

2nd: You see, both young and old are rushing to us, everyone will be happy to see you off!

Winter: Yes, I have very little left. Spring is already rushing along the roads...

3rd: And he will be here soon. We need to say goodbye, Winter!

4th: Oh, my head is spinning... And my legs are tired...

5th : Know Winter has come, it's time to take stock!

6th: (addresses Zima) Are prizes and souvenirs included for free? Or is something else expected?

Winter: Why are you working so hard! And you still stand and smile! In general, today I won’t even take a nickel from anyone. Everyone will receive gifts from me and just like that!

1st: Hey you, guests - gentlemen, everyone, please come here!

2nd : We hasten to please the world - we are announcing a sports tournament!

3rd: Fun awaits - the brave ones can't wait! We are calling for volunteers - well done!

(music plays, men come on stage)

Winter: If so, 20, 25 you need to lift the weight! Whoever raises the most, know that success awaits him!

4th: Don't spare your strength. Get started, don't be shy!

5th: One, two, three, four, five, you can safely lift!

(The competition “Lifting weights” takes place, then awards are given: 1st, 2nd, 3rd places)

6th: Oh, you, Zimushka-Winter, how good you are!

1st: Here I look at you: both body and soul sing!

2nd: What are you talking about? It was good fun! Everyone did a great job!

3rd: Winter, you are harsh, but everyone loves you!

4th: You are frosty, and everyone is waiting for you!

5th : And yet Winter needs to say goodbye: “Farewell!” - we will tell you together.

Winter: What's true is true! And I knew that kind people would come to see me off with honor! Thank you, low bow, honest people, for coming to say goodbye to me. And I’m moving out of the yard, and it’s time for you to welcome Spring - Red!

6th: Goodbye Zimushka-Winter, goodbye!

Together: Come visit us again!

(music sounds, Winter, surrounded by his retinue - the group "Tri" leaves, and buffoons remain on stage)

1st: Fair, fair, fair is in full swing!

Together: And the people?

1st: And the people are on fire!

(music plays for the exit of the Goat and the Bear)

2nd: Look, look! The Bear and the Goat are chilling and having fun with their music!

(music continues)

Goat: Oh, my dear bear, show me how the grandmothers get ready for the bathhouse. (the bear shows). Well done! How do grandmothers steam in a bathhouse? (shows) One grandmother got crazy and flew out of the bathhouse (shows against the background of a Russian folk melody) Now start blowing the pipe, and I’ll go goat dance to the music and rattle the spoons! Come out honest people, you and I will dance together! Help the buffoons, repeat all the movements!

(music sounds, the band “Tray” is performing)

3rd: Listen, Goat-goat, oh, you goat is a fool! You sold the tickets, but didn’t give the prizes!

Goat: Stop making noise buffoons and stop your sighs! Let's start the show - handing out holiday gifts! And you, Misha, help and give gifts to everyone!

(music plays and those who purchased a lottery ticket come on stage. The Goat holds the lottery)

Goat: I ask you a question, and you answer me, and for the correct answer you receive a prize. Do you agree? (yes) So, listen carefully. Answer diligently!Go : 1. Don’t look for fried sausage in a dog’s kennel - “Look for the wind in the field”;

2. He who has a chatty mouth has a bruised body - “My tongue is my enemy”;

3. He who asks: “The language will bring you to Kyiv” will not get lost;

4. After lunch you have to pay - “If you like to ride, you also like to carry the sled”;

5. Being among the crows, you need to shout like them - “To live with wolves, howl like a wolf”;

6. You need to study throughout your life, every day brings its own knowledge, knowledge is endless... - “Live forever, learn forever”;

7. Trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile - “Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks”;

8. How you treat others is how they will treat you - “As it comes around, so it will respond”;

9. If you take on something, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do - “When you take up the tug, don’t say that it’s not strong”;

10. The gift is not discussed. They accept what they give - “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

(music plays, everyone receives gifts and leaves the stage)

Goat: Thanks everyone, good! You did a great job!

4th: Thank you for the presentation, gifts comic presentation!

Goat: We played, danced, and it’s time for us to go! And we are leaving the yard! (sees other artists) Well, don’t be bored here, and don’t close the gates! Guests are still in a hurry to see you, announce the plan - interception! Hey girls, run out! Your time has come, choose your grooms!

(music sounds and one girl, Proskovya, comes on stage with a basin and linen that she is going to wash “in the stream”)

Proskovya: (rinses the laundry and starts crying and screaming)

(at this time another girl runs out - Dunyasha, she is also with a basin in her hands and underwear)

Dunyasha: What's wrong with you, sister Proskovya? What are you crying about?

Proskovya: How can I not cry, Dunyasha, I’ll get married, give birth to a son, Ivanushka, and he’ll go for a walk on the shore and fall into the water! My dear Ivanushka will drown!

(Proskovya and Dunyasha burst into tears even more loudly in two voices. At this time, the third sister, Manyasha, runs out with a basin and linen)

Manyasha: What happened, sister? Why are you crying?

Dunyasha: Proskovya will get married, give birth to a son, and the son will go for a walk on the shore and fall into the water! Our Ivanushka will drown! A-A-A!

Manyasha: Oh, trouble!

(the sisters sit and shout in three voices, at this time the buffoons come on stage)

5th: Proskovya!

6th: Dunyasha!

1st: Manyasha!

2nd: Good people, have you heard? What unspeakable stupidity they speak!

3rd: The son had not yet been born, and she had not yet been married off!

4th: Soon the fairy tale will be told, but not soon the deed will be done!

5th: However, the time has come for a difficult time, the time for matchmaking has come!

6th: And girls like matchmaking!

(the girls jumped up, pulled up their skirts, straightened their hair, picked up basins of laundry and carried them away behind the arches. They jumped onto the stage again, stood preening, and smiled contentedly)

Proskovya: Look, the grooms are coming!

Dunyasha: Proskovya, open your eyes. Nothing to see!

Manyasha: Don’t say it, Dunyasha, one is worse than the other!

1st: Just look at them: their lips are pouting, their eyebrows are arched, their eyes are wide open!

2nd: What are they hoping for?

Proskovya: Eh, girls, it was not! If only my head didn't hurt!

Manyasha: So it’s not a bad thing to get married, so long as you don’t end up married!

Dunyasha: And the priest always said: “If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest!”

Proskovya: Well, shall we get married?

Together: Let's go to!

Dunyasha: Will we find grooms?

Together: Let's find it!

Manyasha : We will give birth to sons and we will all...

Together: Let's win!!!

Proskovya: I have one idea for the most dexterous and skillful.

Everything is ready here now for this fun.

Come out, grooms, and run this relay race in sacks!

(music sounds, three men come on stage. The sports relay race “Sack Run” takes place, then the award ceremony)

Dunyasha: NaturalWe continue the selection, we are announcing a tournament of the strongest!

(at this time, to the music, the buffoons bring out three “goats”, three saws, three logs. Three men enter the stage)

Manyasha: Dunyasha, what will happen here now?

Dunyasha: Yes, just enough suitors to arrive in the regiment! (addresses the competition participants)

You must cut the log now and, of course, surprise us at the same time!

(music plays, the relay race “Who cuts the log faster and smoother” takes place, then the award ceremony takes place)

Proskovya: Well, Manyasha, it's up to you! Challenge all the suitors to a fight! The smartest and funniest, the most daring and intelligent!

Manyasha: And again we invite grooms and offer you new fun! Don't be afraid, go out and take your friends!

(music sounds and competition participants come on stage)

Proskovya: Well done Manyasha, well done! Just look at them, everyone is just a daredevil!

Manyasha: Boys, we offer you this bench - “Pillow Fight” - there is no better fun! I will choose a groom from among you this minute, this very hour! Let's start! The battle!

(music plays, a “Pillow Fight” competition takes place, then awards are given. From each competition, the girls keep a groom)

Dunyasha: Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and loud laughter!

Proskovya: For the fire of competition that ensures success!

Manyasha: You managed to work and managed to earn money!

Proskovya: If you still have strength, then you need to drink and eat!

(music sounds, buffoons bring out three filled glasses and three pancakes. Participants must have a drink and a snack)

Dunyasha: We really need to leave the yard (the contestants are trying to leave), but I ask the grooms to stay!

Together: It's time for us to go to the registry office!

Buffoons: May you live happily ever after!!!

(Mendelssohn's March sounds, the brides and grooms leave the stage, but the buffoons remain)

3rd: The game is over, but it's time to continue the celebration!

4th: And so as not to offend anyone, now we want to see Spring!

5th: Spring is coming- Spring hurries in the distant thunder of the ice drift!

6th: Spring is red! That's who the desired one is...

Together: Bride of the Year!!!

(music sounds. Vesna enters the stage. She performs a song accompanied by a dance group)

Spring: Hello, good people!

Thank you for the kindness of the meeting; hearing your voices, I woke up from sleep!

Now with the rays of the sun we can melt all the snow.

Awaken dull nature from hibernation.

And decorate the trees with spring greenery!

1st: So, have fun, Spring, and raise your spirits!

Spring: I offer you some fun, I think it will be a success!

After all, now I am the mistress of the situation! Therefore, I command you to have fun and play again!

2nd: Moreover, Zapsib already has such freedom!

Spring: I understand you. Let's have a family all-around event!

3rd: Mom, dad, children - Friendly family all over the planet!

(music sounds. Three families are invited to the stage: mother, father, child. The competition takes place in three stages: 1. “Flying on a broom”;

2. “Walk through the river”, at the end you need to go “Through

hoop" with the whole family;

3. “Braid your hair.”

Then the awards ceremony takes place against the backdrop of music)

Spring: I want to tell you from honest people! It was you who awakened nature!

I sow, I sow, I sow, I congratulate everyone on spring! Now let's ask children and adults: 1. Have you eaten pancakes today? (Yes)

2.Did you drink hot and fragrant tea? (Yes)

3. Do you miss spring? (Yes)

So what should burn in the fire?


Spring: And in order to establish your rights, you need to burn the last stronghold of winter - the effigy of Maslenitsa!

(Music sounds. All participants in the performance come on stage and, together with the dance group of the youth theater-studio "Argo", lead a round dance. The song "Farewell Maslenitsa!". At this time, the scarecrow lights up)

4 -yy: Maslenitsa has sunbathed, the whole world is tired of it!

5th: Let the cold weather go away and all troubles pass!

6th : May life be full of love, because... has come to our city...

Together: SPRING!!!

Spring: Zapsibovites! Everyone shout: “Hurray!!!” Spring has come into its own!!! Have a warm spring and a nice summer! So be healthy, live richly, and we are leaving for home, for the hut!!! Until new holidays friends! The baton of congratulations is accepted by the Komsomolets DC.

(Music sounds, the performance participants leave the stage)

The script was compiled : teacher - organizer of DDT No. 4, Novokuznetsk - Sanarova Lyubov Alekseevna

The celebration is held outside. Happy music sounds .

Skomorokh1 (calls out)

Come here to us! Gather together people!

Many wonderful things await you today.

Let's get acquainted! (comes up and shakes hands with the children)

Very nice! Boring and gloomy, go back.

Hurry up! Hurry up!

We invite everyone to join us. Everyone who loves fun and laughter!

Presenter: Today we celebrate the holiday

All in chorus: Farewell to Winter!

Presenter : I see, on the site, you guys have gathered here.

Children, it was ordered for you to bring such a decree:

Skomorokh2: (unfolds and reads)

“On this day, on this date, as the sign says,

Children, adults and guests, everyone should come to the party!

Everyone should definitely be there to see off Winter!

We will joke, play, jump, run, and not get bored.

We will see off Winter and welcome the red Spring!”

1 child - We are tired of the winter cold and cold

We are waiting for you, Spring is red

We don't need frost.

2 reb. - Sun, sun, show yourself

Warm up and smile

Melt the snow and ice

Let spring come soon.

(music plays. Winter appears)

Winter - Who is here calling Spring without my order? Who is self-willed?

Oh. It is you? Pranksters! Why are you shouting here? Now I'll freeze you!

Presenter: - And we, Winter, are not afraid of you!

Winter - I’ll check this now. Let's play my favorite game!

Game "I'll Freeze" (music)

(Children standing in a circle sing. Children stretch out their arms - Winter is trying to touch their hands. Children shout - We are not afraid! Who lost; Winter leads into the circle)

Winter: Hello, hello good people

I see they are waiting for me here

And I didn’t come alone -

My sons are with me.

December: I am the eldest son - December!

In December, winter lays down white canvases

And frost builds bridges across rivers

The branches of the birches are freezing

The frost crackles at night.

Well, the bear doesn’t care:

He has been sleeping in the den for a long time.

January: I am the middle son - January!

January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toes

On the windows frosty patterns shine

He amuses people with snow

The days are longer, the frost is stronger.

February: I younger son- February!

The formidable Vyugovei walks

IN snow cap up to the eyebrows

Even a wolf, a robber wolf

He got scared and fell silent.

Winter: We have very little left

Spring is already rushing along the roads

And he'll be here soon

We need to say goodbye, friends.

1st buffoon : Yes, there is little time left

But if you're not tired of Winter

Have fun, cheer up

Have fun walking around in circles.

Phonogram “Lady” (Winter is dancing and all the children are dancing )

Winter: Oh, my head is spinning and my legs are tired.

Presenter. : It's time to take stock.

We will ask all guests. Answer more cheerfully!

Was there always enough snow for skiing? All Yes!

Was the ice on lakes and rivers strong? All Yes!

Who is not happy with the winter? There are such? No!

Winter - The ice bell, it is always with me everywhere.

Ding-dong, ding-dong, he invites you to games.

Buffoons - We are not too lazy to play games

We could play all day! Really, guys?

And at the same time we’ll warm up!

Game "Let's Gather in a Circle"

There is a snowball on the ground

We'll gather in a circle.

We'll drown everything, we'll drown everything. ( stomp)

Let's play fun

Let's warm our hands

Let's all clap. Let's all clap. (clap)

If it's cold to stand

We'll clap again

On the shoulders, on the knees. (pat on shoulders, knees)

To make us warmer,

Let's jump more fun.

Let's all jump, let's all jump. (jumping)

Presenter: - Well, Winter, you won’t freeze us, because our children are dexterous and brave.

Winter - I don’t understand what’s wrong with the legs! They rush left and right,

They don’t stand still, they just ask to play!

Presenter:- Winter, what else have you come up with?

Winter - So there you go! I don’t tell you to stand, the children need to play.

I'll give you a difficult task. This will be a test!

Presenter: We invite you guys to compete in strength, accuracy, and courage at the station.

Game - competition

The children disperse to stations. (30-35 min.)

A magpie runs in and screams - Everyone, everyone, everyone!

Skomorokh 1 - Soroka, what happened?

Magpie - No winter, Spring has come!

Buffoon 2 - (mysterious)

Rumor spread through the forest that Spring had already arrived.

Look, it's Spring

She walks on the ground.

(Spring appears to the music. Walks in a circle, bows left and right, dances)

Spring - Who called me? - Called me? Are you guys?

Hello. kids, girls and boys!

I bring my warmth to you so that everything around you blooms!

Winter - Hello. sister Spring! You must replace me.

Spring - Hello. sister Winter. It's time for you to rest.

Winter - I don’t want to leave, I still have a lot of strength!

Presenter: - We'll check it now!

Game "Tug of War"

(the children get up for Winter and Spring helps them. The buffoon is the judge) Spring wins.

Winter - I know the red spring, I'm not angry with you

I know that the earth is waiting for warmth. I'll give way! (hands the key to Vesna)

Goodbye, kids!

(to the music. Winter leaves saying goodbye)

Buffoon 1: - Hooray! Hooray! Winter is gone!

Song “Vesnyanka” (girls group 4 “A” class)

Spring - Well done boys. you sing well.

Game "Mother - Spring" Music is playing

(Spring and Skomorokh make a gate, and teachers and their children walk through them in a chain and lead them into a circle)

Presenter: Mother has come - Spring, open the gates.

March came first - spent all the children

And behind him is April - open the window and the door,

and once May has arrived, go for as long as you want!

Spring - I’m sorry to part with you,

But it's time to say goodbye

I have a lot of worries, so that everything around me blossoms!

Presenter: - The sun is shining above the earth, dispersing the clouds.

Let's smile with you. We will all get better -

After all, all the beauty is in a smile - the buds swell,

The heavens will smile. Flowers will bloom!

Skomorokh 1 : Stand in a circle, honest people,
Start a round dance
Hold hands friends
I will stand with you.
Buffoon 2: We'll sing and dance,
We will see off the winter.

Presenter: Time's up, it's time
Winter served its time honestly,
The clock has struck, the calendar has been flipped through,
So it was forever, so it was in the old days,
And I complete the Winter flight,
And we will melt the ice around her.
Spring has come - go for a walk, people!

Children dance in a round dance “Burn, burn, clear!”

The effigy is set on fire.

January... The noise is over, the holidays are over. The lights on the Christmas trees went out. And the Christmas trees themselves somehow quietly disappeared from our apartments. Weekdays have arrived. Immediately, without warning or preparation, the problems of the coming New Year fell upon us. Unexpectedly, we suddenly did not find enough cash in our wallets. That same cash dissolved in our bellies during wild holiday feasts. After all, they swore not to spend everything, to leave a small fraction of their double December salaries for the poor month of January... They forgot, forgot, celebrated... And now spring is just around the corner... We'll see you soon.

Hey people, hurry here, let's have fun
No money? Nonsense! It wasn’t - so it will be.
Today we have a holiday here - we are celebrating spring!
Someone here will get punched in the eye - we promise you.
Someone will receive their own prize - a modest one for dexterity.
Someone will go home with a boring gait
After all, you can’t please everyone - anything can happen
Come, just stand around, and you’ll find out something.

How there was a prankster in the surrounding forests,
It evokes horror and fear on weekdays and on holidays.
He intimidated the entire area and blocked the roads.
He whistled at the robbers... Eh, don’t wait for help...
And then the Poltava Tsar from the roof of Zhigulenka
For the whole White light broadcast: “You have some work to do!”
Well done, don’t you want to compete with Miracle?!
Damn you, you daredevils, are you afraid of shit?
Whoever defeats him will become a hero!!!”
The men shouted: “We will kill him!!”
And they went on a hike with an ax and a shovel...
But they returned from the swamps all slightly dented.

The hero of the famous Russian fairy tale, Emelya, sleeps sweetly on the stove.

Hey, Emelya, are you still asleep? Do you want to have some fun?
Emelya: What, boy, are you being naughty? I'm dreaming about breakfast.
Buffoon: If we don’t beat Miracle, then there will be no spring!
Well, let's go, let's go! People are waiting for victory.
Are you, aren’t you our dear, people’s hero?
Emelya: What to fight with?
Even with a broom - whatever you want!
Well, Emelya, help me, you’re a sucker for fights.
Get ready, run on a long journey.
Oh, you got me - I didn’t get enough sleep, however...
And go, go, three days, that I’m a dog to you?
Okay, okay, you run - a reward awaits you!
And eat and sleep, just spank the bastard.
And then Spring will come. The sun will shine
The people will celebrate... Or don’t you want to?
Oh, I love holidays - kebabs, bagels.
I’ll even sing a song after drinking a jar of kvass.
Okay, I’ll go to battle, but I need a squad.
Although my muscle is steel, my enemy is strong.
Volunteers - a step forward - silence however...
Eh, intimidated people, afraid to get into a fight.
Okay, we have a reserve - the warriors we need
They can punch anyone in the eye, even without reward.
Come out, daredevils, show yourself to the world!
Now, archers, I will be your commander.
1 hero:
Yes, Emelya, we are glad to fight for spring.
We are ready, we are proud to fight Miracle Yuda.
2 hero:
And we are always ready to help you
So, friend, prepare some food and get on the road!
3 hero:
We, Emelya, follow you anywhere, even into the pool!
We will win, we will come home, let the women not moan.
And then Spring will come - a young beauty!
Her cheek is red - she has a royal gait.
Then everything in nature will certainly come to life,
And the people will sing about your feat.
Emelya: But where can I go without a stove? What will I drive?
1 hero: You, my friend, turn on your brains - there is no road there.
2 hero:
You have to walk there, through forests and swamps.
There's windfall everywhere...
What a concern! Anyway! This way and that...
I’m going to perform a feat of arms just like that...
Where is my cotton mattress?!
3 hero:
Why do you need a mattress? We're not going to visit tea.
In that distant side - we would like to save the bones.
Miracle to win! What a problem!
Hey warriors, stop whining – we’ll win instantly!
Stand, heroes, in the military formation according to your height!
Well, people, look - it’s so easy to fight.

At the lair of Miracle Yuda.

1 hero:
Miracle Yudo, come out of your den:
Just look, we'll break your legs in no time.
2 hero:
What, are you afraid of us, Shaitan, are you scared a little?
Where are you, where are you, giant? Are your legs shaking?
3 hero:
Stop hiding in the bushes - the twilight is getting thicker.
Or got tangled in your pants? Come out quickly!
Miracle Yudo:
Well, he left! So what? Oh, what a crowd!
Someone will be dead - I promise!
What kind of little thing is this? Are you going to fight me?
Again, just vanity, I have no one to fight with
1 hero:
Hey, wait, treacherous beast - I will fight with you!
Today, right now, now, I will bring about your death.
Miracle Yudo:
What I hear is oh-oh-oh!!! - terrible threats.
You guys should go home and wash your faces
2 hero:
What, the villain got a little scared, you disgusted snake.
They swore to the entire village to take you to the pitchfork.
Miracle Yudo:
Oh, leave me alone, I have no time for you, I’m wasting my time.
If I get angry now, I’ll chop everyone up in no time.
How dare you, you rogue and boor, snap back here?!
If you hit the back of your head right now, you’ll start stuttering.
Miracle Yudo:
Well, you got me tired of your jokes!
Let me introduce you, friends, to my jokes...
Approach one at a time or in a bunch at once!
Right now I’ll hit this mighty club with a club.

Emelya sneaks up behind Miracle Yuda. He hits him on the head with a club. The heroes pounce on Chuda, tie him up with a rope, and drag him onto the platform.

What should you and I do? You don't look scary.
Its character is simple, not at all dangerous.
1 hero:
Give it back to us, the bright sunshine!
Without the sun, let shame and shame shine upon us.
2 hero:
Where is the beauty - Spring? Speak quickly!
If she’s sad, I’ll hit her with a mace.
3 hero:
What's wrong with him, friends, give him a pumpkin...
Miracle Yudo:
What are you saying, you can’t beat prisoners... Or are you used to it?!
1 hero:
Stop the stupid talk, prisoner.
Otherwise, I’ll give it once! Answer quickly...
2 hero:
Where is Spring, that is, red, where is Yarilo?
Isn't she in prison? Or wasted on soap?
3 hero:
Eh, stop talking to him - to the fire and that's it!
Look, he pretended to be sick, a good boy.
Miracle Yudo:
Okay, okay, I'll give everything, both Spring and the stars
But let's hurry, otherwise it will be too late.
Hey, Spring, come here - I give you permission to come out!
Gentlemen, I don’t offend her.
I tied her hands so she wouldn't itch.
The dress was torn a little, otherwise it was still clinging.
Look, you are a drone and a villain, you have intimidated the maiden!
And aren’t people ashamed? Come here, queen.

Spring is coming out.

Emelya: How will we punish him, this impudent man?
Spring: Let the village have fun!
You said it well. Come on, Miracle, fuss, start some games
Well, I’m tired, I think my calves hurt
I'll climb onto the stove and stare at the little bits
Like kids frolicking, clapping their hands.