Consultation (middle group) on the topic: Raising children's love for their native nature. Raising love for native nature in the family

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Extremely great opportunities for the education of preschoolers are opened up by nature. K.D. Ushinsky called her an excellent educator of the younger generation, having a profound influence on the development of aesthetic feelings. Excursions, hikes, walks, the study of works of art dedicated to nature are traditional activities in this area. However, just being in nature is not enough. One must be able to see the beauty of nature, to experience it emotionally. This ability is gradually developed. During walks, hikes, work in the garden, we recommend that the educator draw the attention of pupils to the richness of nature, the perfection and harmony of its forms, to educate the need not only to admire nature, but also to treat it with care.

The danger of an impending ecological catastrophe, which can only be averted by immediate and radically improved environmental protection, is well known. Life requires not to be limited to individual cases, but to combine them into a chain of constant environmental actions, to merge with labor education. Part of the time in such educational affairs is devoted to environmental education - the formation of the necessary knowledge, judgments, concepts, and beliefs. Supplemented with local material and properly presented, environmental information develops a conviction in the need for urgent assistance to nature, the desire to at least partially compensate for what we have taken from it for so long. If a child understands that his well-being, tomorrow, the happiness of himself, his relatives and friends depend on the purity of air and water, concrete help to the stream and birch, he will join the ranks of the defenders and friends of nature.

1. The essence of environmental education

Ecological education is an integral part of aesthetic and moral education. Therefore, ecological education is understood as the unity of ecological consciousness and behavior that is ethical with nature. The formation of ecological consciousness is influenced by ecological knowledge and beliefs. Ecological ideas are formed among preschoolers primarily on the material of fiction. Knowledge translated into beliefs form ecological consciousness.

Ecological behavior consists of individual actions (a set of states, specific actions, skills and abilities) and a person’s attitude to actions that are influenced by the goals and motives of the individual (motives in development go through the following stages: emergence, saturation with content, satisfaction).

There are two sides to the essence of ecological education: the first is ecological consciousness, the second is ecological behavior. Thus, defining the essence of environmental education, they distinguish, firstly, the features of this process:

1) step character:

a) the formation of ecological ideas;

b) development of ecological consciousness and feelings;

c) the formation of beliefs in the need for environmental activities;

d) development of skills and habits of behavior in nature;

e) overcoming the consumer attitude to nature in the nature of preschoolers;

2) duration;

3) complexity;

4) spasmodicity;

5) activity;

secondly, the great importance of the psychological aspect, which includes:

1) development of ecological consciousness;

2) the formation of appropriate (nature-conforming) needs, motives and attitudes of the individual;

3) development of moral, aesthetic feelings, skills and habits;

4) education of a stable will;

5) formation of significant goals of environmental activities.

Therefore, the formation of ecological consciousness and behavior in unity must begin from the early preschool age.

2. Raising a love for nature in preschoolers

ecological preschooler education nature

The amazing world of nature. He meets the child with a sea of ​​​​sounds and smells, thousands of different mysteries and secrets, makes him stop, listen, look, think.

There are secrets in the field, and in the meadow, and in the quiet forest stream, and in the tiny puddle left on the clay road in the copse after a heavy rain. Acquaintance with nature awakens the curiosity of the child. It helps to understand many phenomena, teaches you to see the interesting where yesterday, but for another person and until the very end of life there was and will not be anything worthy of attention.

Building his “school of joy” for preschoolers on the basis of direct communication with nature, Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky rightly considered it necessary to introduce kids into the world around them so that they would discover something new in it every day, so that every step of the children was “a journey to the origins of thinking and speech - to the wonderful beauty of nature”, so that every child grows up “a wise thinker and researcher, so that every step of knowledge ennobles the heart and tempers the will.

Together with the children, it is necessary to take a closer look at what surrounds the child in the forest, in the field, on the river, to select those objects, phenomena that can not only interest a preschooler, but make his acquaintance with the natural world a source of joy.

3. Features of educating love for nature in preschoolers at different times of the year

In summer. Is it possible to go far in the summer with a baby? Hygienists believe that at six years old a child can walk "in a straight line" up to two and a half kilometers. These rules are, of course, exemplary. After all, much depends on the physical condition, on the fitness of the child. Norms are very changeable. The distance, which a month ago seemed to be the limit, today the baby easily passes “in one swing”. And after a short halt, skipping ahead of the elders, he returns home, not feeling tired at all.

July is the pinnacle of summer. Frequent thunderstorms, heavy rains, dews, fogs, rainbows. All this gives great scope for the development of the preschooler's observation skills.

Thunderstorms often cause fear in a child. It is necessary to explain to children the essence of this phenomenon of nature, to draw their attention to the bright flashes of lightning, to listen with them to the thunder. But even before the storm starts, you can see it coming. You can draw the child's attention to how suddenly and very quickly the sky darkens, how the wind drives away the clouds, carries dust, leaves, twisting them in a column, lifting them from the ground.

The multi-colored meadow is fraught with a lot of interesting things. Herbaceous plants are the main object of summer observations in the meadow. Already at 4-5 years old, most children know the names of several colors: chamomile, cornflower, bell. Of the signs of these plants, the guys usually name only the color: white, blue, purple. It is necessary to draw the attention of the child to the fact that chamomile has only white petals, and the “eye” is yellow. And cornflowers are not only blue, but also blue, pinkish and even completely white.

A baby can learn to distinguish one plant from another not only by flowers, but also by leaves and stem. In other words, he gradually remembers an increasing number of features of the same object.

On a sunny day, you can show children how the “flower clock” works: dandelions wake up at six in the morning, field sow thistle in an hour, bindweed at eight, and field carnation at nine. Sow thistle "falls asleep" at ten in the morning, and carnation - at one in the afternoon. At the same time, dandelions squeeze yellow flowers into a green “cam”. Another hour will pass - poppies close, about five o'clock in the evening - forget-me-nots, at six closed white water lilies fall under the water. IN cloudy weather the course of the "flower clock" is broken. When it rains, they stop completely. It is necessary to think with the kids about the reasons for this phenomenon. Help observe the plants, check and complete the flower clock. Try to connect it with observing the life of butterflies, bees, wasps, bumblebees.

Observing insects will bring a lot of joy to children. Which flowers most often sit on butterflies, and on which - bumblebees? How do grasshoppers hunt? How to distinguish a bee from a wasp? The answers to these and dozens of other questions can be found on a summer day in a meadow. You just need to stop and take a look.

Grasshoppers chirp loudest in July - August. But not always. The weather is dry - the concert is in full swing. Calmed down - the weather will soon deteriorate: wait for the rain. But is this popular belief always justified? It is necessary to help the kids notice what other changes are taking place in the life of animals and plants shortly before the onset of bad weather.

The road turns into the forest. With enthusiasm, the guys watch the ants. When do ants wake up? When do the “windows” and “doors” of the anthill close at night? How does the weather affect the life of these insects? Are there many paths around the anthill? Where do the ants go? What are they carrying?

Going into the forest, you need to grab a piece of sugar with you. After wetting it in a forest puddle, put it near the anthill. Soon a living stream will stretch here. Babies are happy, ants are tasty food.

Hiking for mushrooms brings a lot of joy to the children. The first harvest in June: multi-colored russula, orange chanterelles, boletus, boletus, mushrooms.

It is only necessary to immediately tell the kids: we take those mushrooms that suit us. After all, the "toadstools" are beautiful in their own way, the main thing is that they do not interfere with anyone. And about fly agarics, experienced people say that moose are treated with them. Old mushrooms also do not have to be knocked down with your feet.

In autumn. The first signs of the coming autumn are “gold coins” in thin birch strands, yellow leaves appear in August. Next, the crowns of other trees begin to turn yellow: linden, elm, ash.

Leaf fall is a bright, unforgettable sight. The children enjoy collecting fallen leaves. Some, fastening them with cuttings, make belts, garlands, “sew” hats, others make bouquets from fallen leaves. The collected leaves can be slightly dried through paper with a warm iron, laid out on a dark background with a beautiful pattern and covered with cellophane on top.

While the autumn weather has not crumpled and discolored the deciduous carpet, it is necessary to help the kids prepare for the future both carved maple, birch triangles, and round linden leaves. They will come in handy in the winter for crafts, they will help to have an interesting time indoors when it becomes cold, damp, and uncomfortable outside.

You can invite children to compare the shape, size, color of leaves from one tree, from different trees. Try with them to find at least two completely identical in color, size, and shape. Offer to find the smallest and largest leaf from one tree, find the most beautiful, with the longest stalk. Draw their attention to the amazing combination and variety of colors and shades.

The seeds of most plants also ripen in autumn. And how different they are! Heavy golden acorns in oak, light lionfish spouts in maple, dense grains inside rowan berries and round peas in acacia pods. It's time to try to collect a collection of seeds of familiar trees and shrubs. In winter it will be possible to use this material for different games. Preschoolers are happy to guess the names of plants by seeds, leaves, willingly tell where they saw a tree or shrub with such leaves, seeds. They especially like the game of confusion.

Spread the leaves and seeds on the table: next to the oak leaf - a maple lionfish, next to the spruce branch - an acorn, on a hazel leaf - a linden boat with a nut ... The more diverse the material, the more exciting the task: to unravel the confusion, spread out the seeds and leaves in pairs. When such a task is solved quickly and easily, select the material so that the confusion is not completely unraveled: all the leaves "found" their seeds, and the maple and hazelnut leaves remained - they have no pair. The confusion can be not only double, as described above, but also triple. Then cards with silhouettes of trees, pieces of bark from different plants are included in the game (they can be removed from stumps, from sawn or dead trunks).

It should be noted that many birds that could be seen in summer and at the very beginning of autumn have already disappeared. But winter guests appeared - tits: Muscovites, blue tit, Gadgets. They move for the winter closer to housing (here it is easier to get food and pass the harsh time).

The kids enjoy feeding the birds. However, many of them will be disappointed: there is a feeder, and there is every kind of food, but no one arrives. What's the matter? Often only that the feeder appeared late, after the snow fell. And the feeding of birds had to be started much earlier, even when there seemed to be no need for it.

In winter. Toddlers who go to bed before dark in the summer and wake up when the sun is high, go to bed in the winter and get up with electric light, rarely notice the change in the length of daylight themselves. But this is important. In fact: the days became shorter, it got colder, the leaves fell from the trees, the forests became bare, frost hit, snow fell, many birds flew away.

You can try to draw the children's attention to the fact that it's already eight o'clock, it's time to leave the house, and it's night outside the window. And in the evening, the light in the room has to be turned on right from the threshold. And how long ago, after returning from kindergarten, did they manage to undress and only then flip the switch?

Well, what about frost? It is possible, starting from the age of three, to regularly observe the weather with the kids, teach them to notice and name phenomena: cold, wind, the sun is shining, it is snowing. The older the child, the more weather-related phenomena are available to his perception.

Preschoolers can be introduced to the thermometer and the principle of its operation (a change in temperature affects the volume of liquid inside the tube, the height of this column shows the temperature). It is necessary to show the children first the zero mark on the scale, to acquaint them with the movement of the column “above zero”, “below zero”. Following this, you can teach kids to count degrees on a scale: each division is one degree. The most common room thermometer makes it possible to set a dozen tasks. Their goal is to teach how to determine the temperature of the air. For example, in a room 22° above zero. Opened a porthole. The thermometer dropped to 18°. After some time, the column moves upward again: the air temperature in the room rises again.

Snow - it attracts the attention of children very early. The children are happy to look at the snowflakes: each of them is like a tiny star, only it has not five, but six rays. The shape of snowflakes is especially clearly visible under electric light against a dark background. Sometimes they fall not one at a time, but several at once, holding each other with sharp rays. Then suddenly their appearance changes, and on the mitten is no longer a light star, but a lump. Some lumps are compact. It is worth breathing on a fragile star, and, turning into a droplet, in the cold in one or two minutes it will become a translucent round ice floe. And if you try to catch a snowflake by removing your mittens? A cold star, touching a warm palm, will instantly turn into a drop of water. Does the child understand why this is happening? Try to explain to him clearly.

Pay attention to children: depending on the weather, the properties of snow change. At temperatures slightly above zero, the snow is sticky. Rolling up a huge ball for a snowman is a couple of trifles. And the snowballs are smooth and heavy. In severe frost, the snow is loose, free-flowing, and after a thaw, it is dense and well cut with a spatula into small pieces.

A lot of joy and amazing discoveries are given to kids by winter observations of bird life. Hunger and cold drive some of them out of the forests, closer to human habitation. Others fly to our region for the winter to “warm up”. Tits, bullfinches, waxwings. Some peck rowan, others pluck birch buds (in winter this is a delicacy!).

It is necessary to explain to children how important it is to help the birds to winter safely. It is better to start feeding wintering birds, as we have already said, even before the snow. The feeder can be any: a board with sides, a table with a roof, a milk bag with a loophole on the side. It is only important that the food is constantly here. And you won't find a better object for birdwatching than a bird feeder.

Sometimes they say: in order to teach a child to observe the life of animals and plants, it is necessary to visit the city with him without fail. No doubt, in the conditions of a big city it is sometimes quite difficult to choose objects for permanent observations. In the field, in the forest, there are much more interesting things. But the trees that peep through the windows of many city apartments all year round, the bushes on both sides of the paved path, the sparrows and pigeons ruffled by the icy wind are always there. And if we teach children to look closely at their lives and, with their help, arouse interest in the vast world of nature, it will be possible to consider the very first part of our task completed.

Spring. Natural events now replace each other daily. You just need not to miss these small, but not similar holidays of nature.

Sharp temperature drops are especially frequent in early spring. Due to thaws, an ice crust appears on the snow - present. Icicles on the roofs. You can draw the attention of children to the fact that at the very beginning of spring, icicles are at first only on one side of the buildings, and some time later, on the other too. Even when the roof is already decorated with icicles on all sides, some are longer and thicker than others. And this means that the melting of snow, even in a small area, is uneven.

Why is this happening? Let the child try to find an explanation for this phenomenon by paying attention to the uneven illumination of the earth's surface during the day. During the day, water accumulates on the sharp end of the ice and falls loudly down, gradually washing out a hole in the snow. The higher the air temperature, the more droplets knock. By the evening it will get colder, and the “music” turns out to be different. Drops fall less often. At night, as a rule, the drops stop, but the icicle grows both in length and in thickness.

And here the thawed holes appeared near the tree trunks. Under the maple, the hole is deep, almost to the ground. Birch grows a few steps from the maple. Here the moon is barely visible. What's the matter? Warmer, perhaps, under the maple? Certainly warmer. But why? It seems that the sun equally illuminates both the smooth trunk of a birch and the rough bark of a maple. Illuminates something equally, but heats differently. And it’s very easy to make sure of this, it’s worth standing in the oven for five minutes. Invite the kids to put their hand on a light jacket, and the other side by side, on dark trousers. Now it’s clear: objects are heated differently. Dark ones are stronger, light ones are smaller. That is why the white birch bark is colder than the dark maple bark. And if the maple trunk is heated more strongly, and the snow around its trunk melts more strongly.


The education of love for nature in preschoolers should be carried out in a system, using the very impressions of communicating with wildlife and involving various forms of art: fiction, music, painting. The best examples of Russian classics teach children to love nature and the world around them.

In order for this education not to be groundless, it is necessary to form an ecological consciousness. An ecologically educated person, knowing what harm certain actions bring to nature, forms his attitude towards these actions and decides for himself the question of their legitimacy. If a person is ecologically educated, then the norms and rules of ecological behavior will have a solid foundation and become the beliefs of this person. These ideas can be developed in preschoolers on the material of fiction.

The constant attention of the educator to the disclosure of environmental ties significantly increases the interest of preschoolers in the literary texts of Russian classics, enriches their understanding. With a simple memorization of poems, interest among preschoolers gradually decreases, this happens inevitably, even if the educator draws on entertaining facts, riddles, proverbs, etc. If, however, when memorizing poems, various and rather complex connections that exist in nature are revealed, theoretical the level of the material rises, the cognitive tasks assigned to the preschooler become more complicated, and this contributes to the development of interest.

The study of environmental ties contributes to the improvement of the ecological culture of preschoolers, the upbringing of a responsible attitude towards nature.

Without knowledge of ecological relationships, it is difficult to imagine the possible consequences of human intervention in natural processes. Without this, a full-fledged ecological education of preschool children is impossible.

There are no unambiguous recipes as to what kind of ecological connections, on what text of fiction and how exactly to consider. This can only be decided by an educator working in a specific group in a specific natural environment. It is important to take into account the need for a differentiated approach to children, the selection of tasks for them of varying degrees of complexity.

Our experiment showed the need to involve fiction texts in ecological education. With the correct aesthetic development of children, they are able to perceive the best examples of Russian classic writers, which reflect thoughts about the need for careful attitude to their native nature, and show its beauty.

Thus, in the course of the experiment, we confirmed our hypothesis about the need to involve literary texts in the education of respect for nature and love for it.

List of used literature

1. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M., 2011.

2. Wenger L.A. Perception and learning. (Preschool age). - M., 2012.

3. Volkov I.P. One goal - many roads. - M., 2013.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Selected psychological studies. - M., 2013.

5. Vygotsky L.S. Development of higher mental functions. - M., 2012.

6. Galperin P.Ya. Development of research on the formation of mental actions // Psychological science in the USSR. T. 1. - M., 2014.

7. Garbuzov V.I. From infancy to adolescence. - L., 2013.

8. Activities and relationships of preschoolers / Ed. T.A. Repina. - M., 2013.

9. Dolto F. On the child's side. - St. Petersburg, 2012.

10. Zenkovsky V.V. Psychology of childhood. - Yekaterinburg, 2013.

11. Study of the development and behavior of children / Ed. L.P. Lippsitt, Ch.K. Spiker. - M., 2013.

12. Kotyrlo V.K. The development of volitional behavior in preschoolers. - Kyiv, 2012.

13. Lola V.L. We teach to perceive the aesthetic properties of nature // Elementary school. - No. 1. - 2011.

14. Mateychik Z. Parents and children. - M., 2013.

15. Nepomnyashchaya N.I. The formation of the personality of a child 6 - 7 years old. - M., 2012.

16. Piaget J. Psychology of intelligence // Jean Piaget. Selected psychological works. - M., 2013.

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Raising students' love for nature.

Nature likes, attracts

and inspires just because

that she is natural.

Wilhelm Humboldt

The problem of nature conservation is currently very relevant and inThe upbringing of a caring attitude, love for nature has become one of the most important tasks of the moral education of modern man. It implies the formation of ecological consciousness, the formation of new relationships with the only habitat possible for a person. The condition for such education is the organization of interconnected scientific, moral, legal, aesthetic and practical activities of students.
The content of school environmental education corresponds to the possibilities of the school. One of the ways of creative perception of modern sciences is systematic research work on topical issues of environmental education.
Careful attitude, respect for nature must be brought up through the study of the history of their state, the traditions of the Russian people, through the study of local environmental problems. At school, environmental education is carried out taking into account the regional characteristics of the territory. The main areas of environmental activities in the school are:

Despite the abundance, sufficient coverage in the literature of the problems of environmental education of middle school students, the use of circle work opportunities is not well developed. Therefore, we set as our goal the development of an environmental circle work program for schoolchildren.

Our problem was to find out the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the ecological culture of schoolchildren in the course of the work of the circle "Young Ecologist".

I consider environmental education to be one of the main directions in the upbringing of children.

My work is carried out in three directions:

Obtaining theoretical knowledge about nature, about its values;

Propaganda of the ideas of nature protection;

Practical work related to nature protection. Research is at the center of this.

Purpose of research activity : the formation of a creative, diversified personality with environmentally oriented thinking, the desire to actively and effectively participate in environmental protection activities.

Tasks: familiarizing the younger generation with understanding the environmental problems of our time and participating in their solution at the local level;

Development of creative abilities in students;

Awakening interest in research work.

Ecological education is carried out from the first lessons of biology.

The environmental knowledge acquired by students in the classroom is consolidated and developed in the course of extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

At the beginning of the year, the guys and I plan work, hikes, excursions. Excursions into nature are important for the ecological, aesthetic education of students, the formation of a humane attitude towards all living beings. They also help to generalize knowledge on the subject. And where to educate children in love for their native nature, show all its diversity, beauty, if not on excursions?

On the one hand, this is an acquaintance with a variety of objects and phenomena of wildlife, on the other hand, it is just relaxation. Winter excursions deserve special attention. Their main goal is to show the children that in the harsh winter period the struggle for life becomes extremely acute and in order to successfully withstand it, animals need to have a wide variety of adaptations. Many of these adaptations can be seen on a guided tour. An important task of the teacher is to help students find out during the observation process the ecological role of the snow cover. Students draw traces of animal life. The children are involved in independent, exciting, but complex activities. They are often forced to make environmentally sound decisions.

The research work is aimed at studying water protection activities, the impact of household waste on the environment.

The guys collect fairy tales, legends, folk signs related to the nature of their small homeland. Then they relate it to their observations.

Environmental practical work is carried out in different areas:

Protection of the natural environment (feeding birds, fighting garbage, making feeders and bird houses);

Improvement of the natural environment (planting plants, landscaping the school area);

Preservation and use of the aesthetic values ​​of nature (collection of natural material, production of herbariums, collections, panels, handicrafts).

Study of the natural environment. The conducted research is used in biology lessons, extracurricular activities. With the results of their research, the guys constantly speak at regional scientific and practical conferences.

Research topics are as follows:

Flora of the Sholsky Forest Reserve

Medicinal plants of our region.

Floristic composition of the Shola River.

Composition and quality of water in the Shola river.

Legends and tales about medicinal plants p. Zubovo.

Mosses and lichens of the Sholsky forest reserve.

Rare and endangered plants of the Sholsky region.

Ornithological researches of the reserve "Sholsky forest"

and etc.

In order to assess the effectiveness of environmental education, I conducted several diagnostic studies (questionnaires). It turned out that the children love their small homeland very much, study it with interest, try to protect this small, beautiful corner.

I consider the most important aspect of my work to be the formation of an ecological culture among schoolchildren as a system of knowledge, beliefs, I see my task in ensuring that my students, regardless of who they become after graduation, preserve and carry through their whole lives a careful attitude to nature. This cannot be done without equipping the children with special knowledge, skills, without showing them nature as a single integral system, the environment of human life, the source of its existence. And wherever they work, I hope that their environmental culture, their civic position will be visibly manifested in all their deeds and actions.

At preschool age, visual-figurative thinking and imagination develop most intensively, moral criteria begin to form. All this creates favorable conditions in order to maximize the prerequisites for cultivating love for nature.



Chumachenko Evgenia Andreevna


Professional retraining courses

in the direction of "Preschool education"


Raising a love for nature in preschoolers.


"The Essence of Ecological Education"


"Education of love for nature in preschoolers"


"On the education of love for nature through the understanding of the motherland"




Relevance. At preschool age, visual-figurative thinking and imagination develop most intensively, moral criteria begin to form. All this creates favorable conditions in order to maximize the prerequisites for cultivating love for nature.

Education of love for nature in preschoolers, based on the principles of unity of influence on feelings, experience, consciousness, behavior - the basis of the harmonious and holistic development of the child's personality, is achieved through environmental education - the formation of a conscious perception of the natural environment, the conviction of the need for careful attitude to nature, reasonable use of its wealth, natural resources. Any pedagogical influence should cause a positive emotional response, form awareness, expand ideas about the structure and phenomena of the world.

The goal of environmental education- formation of a responsible attitude to environment which is built on the basis of ecological consciousness. This implies the observance of the moral and legal principles of nature management and the promotion of ideas for its optimization, active work to study and protect the nature of one's own area. Nature itself is understood not only as an external environment in relation to a person - it includes a person.

The goal of environmental education is achieved as the following tasks are solved in unity:

Educational - the formation of a system of knowledge about the environmental problems of our time and ways to resolve them;

Educational - the formation of motives, needs and habits of environmentally appropriate behavior and activities, a healthy lifestyle;

Developing - development of a system of intellectual and practical skills for studying, assessing the state and improving the environment of their area; development of the desire for active work in environmental protection: intellectual (ability to analyze environmental situations), emotional (relation to nature as a universal value), moral (will and perseverance, responsibility).

CHAPTER ONE "The Essence of Ecological Education"

Communication with nature and artistic work are the right tools to solve this problem. It is necessary to develop the ability to see beauty, to form a careful attitude towards nature from childhood, while it is important to take into account the principle of sequence, the level of development and the individual characteristics of the child. The moral experience and skill of the teacher, combining kindness and exactingness, allows instilling in children a respectful attitude towards the world around them.

Environmental education is an integral part of aesthetic and moral education. Therefore, ecological education is understood as the unity of ecological consciousness and behavior that is ethical with nature. The formation of ecological consciousness is influenced by ecological knowledge and beliefs. Ecological ideas are formed among preschoolers primarily on the material of fiction. Knowledge translated into beliefs form ecological consciousness.

Ecological behavior consists of individual actions (a set of states, specific actions, skills and abilities) and a person’s attitude to actions that are influenced by the goals and motives of the individual (motives in development go through the following stages: emergence, saturation with content, satisfaction).

In the essence of environmental education, the formation of which must begin from the early preschool age, there are two sides: the first is environmental consciousness, the second is environmental behavior. Thus, defining the essence of environmental education, the features of this process are distinguished:

  • formation of ecological ideas;
  • b) development of ecological consciousness and feelings;
  • formation of beliefs in the need for environmental activities;
  • development of skills and habits of behavior in nature;
  • overcoming in the nature of preschoolers consumer attitude to nature;





Also of great importance is the psychological aspect, which includes: the development of environmental consciousness, the formation of the corresponding needs, motives and attitudes of the individual, the development of moral, aesthetic feelings, skills and habits, the education of a stable will, the formation of significant goals of environmental activity.

The creation of a new relationship between man and nature is not only a socio-economic and technical task, but also a moral one. It stems from the need to cultivate an ecological culture, to form a new attitude towards nature, based on the inseparable connection between man and nature. One of the means of solving this problem is ecological education, where education in the broad sense of the word is understood as education, development, upbringing (in the narrow sense of the word).

CHAPTER TWO "Educating love for nature in preschoolers"

The amazing world of nature. He meets the child with a sea of ​​​​sounds and smells, thousands of different mysteries and secrets, makes him stop, listen, look, think.

There are secrets in the field, and in the meadow, and in the quiet forest stream, and in the tiny puddle left on the clay road in the copse after a heavy rain. Acquaintance with nature awakens the curiosity of the child. It helps to understand many phenomena, teaches you to see the interesting where yesterday, but for another person and until the very end of life there was and will not be anything worthy of attention.

Building his “school of joy” for preschoolers on the basis of direct communication with nature, Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky rightly considered it necessary to introduce kids into the world around them so that they would discover something new in it every day, so that every step of the children was “a journey to the origins of thinking and speech - to the wonderful beauty of nature ", so that every child grows up" a wise thinker and researcher, so that every step of knowledge ennobles the heart and tempers the will " .

Together with the children, it is necessary to take a closer look at what surrounds the child in the forest, in the field, on the river, to select those objects, phenomena that can not only interest a preschooler, but make his acquaintance with the natural world a source of joy.

For example, preschoolers can be introduced to a thermometer and how it works (a change in temperature affects the volume of liquid inside the tube, the height of this column shows the temperature). It is necessary to show the children first the zero mark on the scale, to acquaint them with the movement of the column “above zero”, “below zero”. Following this, you can teach kids to count degrees on a scale: each division is one degree. The most common room thermometer makes it possible to set a dozen tasks. Their goal is to teach how to determine the temperature of the air. For example, in a room 22° above zero. Opened a porthole. The thermometer dropped to 18°. After some time, the column moves upward again: the air temperature in the room rises again.

A lot of joy and amazing discoveries are given to kids by winter observations of bird life. Hunger and cold drive some of them out of the forests, closer to human habitation. Others fly to our region for the winter to “warm up”. Tits, bullfinches, waxwings. Some peck rowan, others pluck birch buds (in winter this is a delicacy!). It is necessary to explain to children how important it is to help the birds to winter safely. It is better to start feeding wintering birds, as we have already said, even before the snow. The feeder can be any: a board with sides, a table with a roof, a milk bag with a loophole on the side. It is only important that the food is constantly here. And you won't find a better object for birdwatching than a bird feeder. As the saying goes, in order to teach a child to observe the life of animals and plants, one must certainly visit nature with him. .

CHAPTER THREE "On the education of love for nature through the understanding of the motherland"

The kindergarten education program includes the education of love for the motherland. So where does the Motherland begin? From the curly birch, rustling in the wind, from the iridescent trill of the nightingale, from the street, sprouted grass - from all that surrounds a person from the first days of life. By instilling in children a love for nature, we thereby instill in them a love for the Motherland, and this must be done from a very early age. To teach children to see the beauty of the surrounding native nature, to cultivate interest and respect for it, is one of the main tasks of the teacher.

Preschoolers, especially older ones, are very inquisitive. They look with interest at the surrounding reality, strive to penetrate into its secrets. A corner of nature provides great opportunities for observation. In raising children's interest in plants, classes aimed at getting to know indoor plants play an important role.

Also of great importance for educating preschoolers of interest in nature are observations of seasonal changes in the world around them. Spring is a time of exciting observations. Everything comes into motion, comes to life after a long winter sleep. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to changes in nature, to note that the spring sun is brighter than the winter one, that the color of the sky changes depending on the weather. On walks, you can listen to the singing of starlings, pay attention to their appearance: a long and thin beak, which is convenient to find and select insects.

In inclement weather, it is important to consolidate the knowledge gained on walks with the help of didactic games, for example, “Name and describe the birds” and “Who flies away, who stays”, make riddles about birds, sing songs, recite poems and listen to audio recordings with the voices of birds.

In working with preschoolers, it is useful to use various proverbs, sayings, riddles, folk signs about nature. They contain interesting cognitive material, teach children to observe, look closely at their surroundings. For example, if it rains in sunny weather, it means that soon it will stop or a rainbow will appear.

Poems describing Russian nature can be found in A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Nekrasov, A. Fet, I. Surikov, I. Bunin, F. Tyutchev, A. Blok. The beauty of native nature is revealed by the stories of M. Prishvin. Their works contribute to the awakening in children of love for their native nature, a conscious attitude to beauty, to all living things.


The education of love for nature in preschoolers should be carried out in a system, using the very impressions of communicating with wildlife and involving various forms of art: fiction, music, painting. The best examples of Russian classics teach children to love nature and the world around them.

In order for this education not to be groundless, it is necessary to form an ecological consciousness . An ecologically educated person, knowing what harm certain actions bring to nature, forms his attitude towards these actions and decides for himself the question of their legitimacy. If a person is ecologically educated, then the norms and rules of ecological behavior will have a solid foundation and become the beliefs of this person. These ideas can be developed in preschoolers on the material of fiction.

The constant attention of the educator to the disclosure of environmental ties significantly increases the interest of preschoolers in the literary texts of Russian classics, enriches their understanding. With a simple memorization of poems, interest among preschoolers gradually decreases, this happens inevitably, even if the educator draws on entertaining facts, riddles, proverbs, etc. If, however, when memorizing poems, various and rather complex connections that exist in nature are revealed, theoretical the level of the material rises, the cognitive tasks assigned to the preschooler become more complicated, and this contributes to the development of interest.

The study of environmental ties contributes to the improvement of the ecological culture of preschoolers, the upbringing of a responsible attitude towards nature.

Without knowledge of ecological relationships, it is difficult to imagine the possible consequences of human intervention in natural processes. Without this, a full-fledged ecological education of preschool children is impossible.

There are no unambiguous recipes as to what kind of ecological connections, on what text of fiction and how exactly to consider. This can only be decided by an educator working in a specific group in a specific natural environment. It is important to take into account the need for a differentiated approach to children, the selection of tasks for them of varying degrees of complexity.


  1. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M., 1968.
  2. Garbuzov V.I. From infancy to adolescence. - L., 1991.
  3. Activities and relationships of preschoolers / Ed. T.A. Repina. - M., 1987.
  4. Lola V.L. We teach to perceive the aesthetic properties of nature // Elementary school. - No. 1. - 1988
  5. Trusova T.M. Education of love for nature // Primary school. - No. 8. - 1986.
  6. Electronic dictionary "Akademik".

Observation of nature plays a huge role in the aesthetic education of the child and has a tremendous impact on the development of the child's personality. Observing the world around, the child uses all the senses. These are vision (colors, shapes, sizes), hearing (wind noise or splashing of water, murmuring of a stream, rustling of leaves, birdsong), taste sensations (salty sea water, sweet strawberries, tart honey), touch (scaly pine cone, soft rabbit hair, rough tree bark, fine sand), smell (the scent of flowers, the smell of sun-warmed earth, or the smell of tree leaves bathed in warm spring rain). All this excites, attracts, interests the child. Ushinsky noted that children think in "forms, colors, sounds." That is why it is so important to develop the child's observation, to acquaint him with nature. To instill a love for nature should be regularly and gradually, using a whole range of activities in proportion to the age of the child.

Child of primary preschool age (3-4 years)

plant care

The main task at this age for the baby will be the ability to distinguish from three types of plants, recognize and name their parts, pour water from a watering can, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. It is better to use attractive large indoor plants for these purposes, the organs of which (leaves, stem, flowers) are clearly visible. It can be: fuchsia, geranium, balsam, ever-flowering begonia, hibiscus, ficus, aucuba. It is also useful to grow green onions for feathers, dill and lettuce, tulips and hyacinths. Of course, a full-fledged plant care for a child at this age is not yet available, but adults can involve him in care and observation. It is necessary to explain to the baby why we water the plant, why we wipe its leaves, etc. Invite the child to stroke the leaves, admire the flowers, smell them.

We plant onions at the end of winter. First, ask the child to touch the ground, feel its friability and softness, examine the onion. Then let the baby make a hole, put an onion in it with a sprout up and press it into the ground (help the baby if necessary, the onion should sit tightly in the ground).

Caring for fish and birds

At this age, the child can begin to gradually attach to the care of fish and birds. An aquarium, especially a properly designed one, invariably attracts the attention of children. Watching the fish helps to cultivate artistic taste in the baby, teaches him to love and understand nature. Explain to the child how the fish swim, ask if they have a mouth, eyes, ask them to see how quickly they swim up to the food and grab it. After some time, invite the baby to feed the fish on their own. Remember that feeding the fish should only be done under the supervision of an adult. Also, do not forget that sometimes a child's interest in an object manifests itself in an unexpected way (for example, he can stick his hand into an aquarium and pull out a fish). Be careful, stop such actions, explain why it is impossible to do this. Taking care of birds is much more difficult. If you have a parrot or canary, involve your child in watching him, show how you care for the bird (feed regularly, clean the cage, change the water in the drinker twice a day, clean the perches).

Mammal care

If you have small mammals (hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits) or larger ones (cat, dog) in your house, introduce the baby to observation, tell and show how to care for the animal, how to interact with it. Tell them that you can’t grab an animal, make sudden movements, you can’t pester a cat or dog when she doesn’t want to play. At the age of three, a child begins to form as a person, concepts of good and evil are laid in his mind, about what can be done and what is absolutely impossible. Your task is to teach respect for the pet, taking care of it. A child of 3-4 years old can pour food or pour water into a drinking bowl, fix the litter. Be sure to teach your baby the basic rules of hygiene when dealing with a pet. In no case do not leave a child alone with a cat or dog until you are one hundred percent sure that they will not harm each other.

You will notice how the baby's interest gradually strengthens and grows, with what pleasure he watches animals. Your task at this stage is to activate the child's desire to care for plants and animals, as well as to give the baby the joy of communicating with them. Your own attitude is very important - attention, care, tenderness for a living being. This will be the best example to follow. Watching an animal can completely absorb a child. Do not forget to give the baby basic knowledge about the appearance, behavior of a fish or bird, about the need to take care of it. You can also systematically draw the child's attention to the birds during a walk, compare the birds, name them, note the features of their appearance, and feed them in the cold season. All this will strengthen the positive attitude of the baby to living beings and will certainly cause a desire to take care of them on their own. Properly selected literary material will be invaluable - fairy tales, poems, drawings, stories about animals, as well as good cartoons.

Middle preschool child (4-5 years old)

Start introducing your child to the conditions necessary for the life of plants, as well as form new care skills in the baby (for example, spraying). Show the relationship between the condition of the plant and the method of care (for example, thin leaves and fragile stems mean the need for frequent watering, and large, fleshy leaves - rare).

When observing animals, compare representatives of the same class and different species. Tell us that fish have a body covered with scales, there are fins on their back, tail and stomach, fish are large and small, of different colors. When observing birds, point out the differences in plumage, beak shape, body size and shape, draw the child's attention to the key features of the life behavior of birds (sing or chirp, peck food, bathe). Considering mammals, we pay attention to the length and color of the coat, the shape of the muzzle, body size, habits (washing, listening, holding food in their paws, turning their ears). We teach the child to select food for animals, wash feeders and drinkers. You can grow oats for birds and rabbits together in winter. Also in winter, be sure to make a bird feeder with your child.. It can be the simplest (for example, a used milk carton that can be beautifully painted with paints). Explain how hard it is for birds to get their own food in winter; in the harsh season, only a person can help them. Children willingly agree and take an active part. Hang a feeder outside the window, and the child will watch the birds fly in and peck at the grains or bread crumbs left for them. This will bring great joy to the baby.

Children are already more independent, and under supervision they can carry out feasible tasks every day - feed a bird or fish, water flowers, pick fresh grass for a rabbit, etc. Continue to teach your child to take care of the world around him, form a love for nature, interest in its study. Use every opportunity to draw the attention of the child to the behavior of animals in natural conditions. For example, in the summer this can be done while walking in the park, in the forest, or relaxing outside the city. Let the baby watch birds, squirrels jumping on tree branches, or fish in a pond. Also, do not forget that the main condition for cultivating love for nature is the example of adults, that is, your own personal example.

Child of senior preschool age (5-6 years old)

It is already possible to give the child a task that he will perform independently (for example, make him responsible for watering the plants). Teach you to fulfill this duty consciously - to check the moisture of the earth, and not to water for the sake of watering. Children of older preschool age may well prepare water for watering themselves (fill the container with water in the evening, and water the plants that were entrusted to him in the morning). Also, the child can already not only wipe and spray the leaves, but also loosen the earth in a pot, cut dry leaves with scissors.

Bring in the winter (in January-February) from the street the fallen branches of willow, poplar, in the spring (in March) - birch, put in the water. Let the child watch as the buds appear and then the leaves. You can arrange a winter garden at home - plant onions, parsley roots, sow peas, beans, plant carrots or beets. With great interest, the child will observe their development. At the beginning of spring, older preschoolers can already be involved in planting, and in summer, children can take part in caring for flowers on suburban area. This work develops curiosity, responsibility and attention, plays a big role in aesthetic and mental development. A child of 5-6 years old is able to independently loosen the ground with a rake, plant seeds, participate in the harvest, and, of course, water the garden. A child can work for 20-40 minutes (the duration depends on the individual characteristics and habits of the baby).

As for pet care, it is quite possible for an older preschooler to be instructed to regularly feed a cat or dog at a strictly defined time (not forgetting the rules of hygiene). Communication with animals, caring for them brings great joy to the child.

If it is not possible to keep a dog or a cat, buy an aquarium or get a songbird. The child can pour food, wash the feeder and drinker, even clean the cage with an adult. Gradually, you can introduce bird care into the responsibility of the child, insuring and helping him. For preschoolers, birds such as siskins, bullfinches, goldfinches, and finches are best suited. They quickly get used to the person, do not require complex care.

It is very good if the child has the opportunity to visit the village. There are endless possibilities for observing animals and birds. The child will see in practice that good care and proper nutrition allow the animal to grow quickly, get stronger, the animal benefits the person. Caring for animals and birds instills in the child a love for nature, a kind attitude towards it, and also teaches them to work, helps to overcome such qualities as selfishness and indifference.

Teach your child to love wildlife!

Communication with nature makes an indelible impression on the child, teaches to admire its beauty, brings up humanity and kindness in the baby. It is important to teach a child to love all living things, whether it be a flower or a bird, a kitten or a frog, to protect and protect nature. And above all, we must set the right example for the baby with our own behavior. It is also very important for a child to gain knowledge about wildlife. There are many sources for this - drawings, fiction, TV shows, films, as well as direct communication. You can tell your baby about animals in different ways - reliably, instructively, fun. Read the works of Skrebitsky, Bianchi, Tolstoy, Turgenev with your child, talk about what you read. Walking with your child, visit parks and squares, forests and fields. Learn to see the beauty of the world around you. Watch not only birds and animals, but also insects, summer is a great time for these purposes, especially if you manage to go to the country or the village.

On a walk, use all the opportunities so that the child learns about nature, shows interest in it, learns to love and understand it. Pay attention to dogs with owners. Show that when the owner calls the dog, she understands this and comes to the call, tell us how the dog serves the person. Be sure to warn that you should not approach other people's dogs in any case, avoid homeless and unattended dogs, because they can be dangerous. It is very good when there is a pet in the house, because love for animals is best instilled in the direct care of them. This is especially useful for shy and withdrawn children - they need a friend who loves and accepts them for who they are, does not evaluate or judge.

Lyubov Sinitsyna
Raising a love for nature in preschool children

« Raising a love for nature in preschool children».

K. D. Ushinsky was convinced that that child was unhappy, who grew up without seeing meadows, without admiring wild flowers .... Call me a barbarian in pedagogy,” he wrote, “but I have taken from the impressions of my life a deep conviction that a beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of the young soul, which is difficult to compete with the influence of the teacher.

Nature- an unlimited warehouse, and of course, its reserves are depleted, so human activity in nature must be reasonable: protective and creative. This attitude towards nature needs to be educated from an early age. It is from this age a person perceives beauty, diversity nature.

Instill love for nature from an early age needed for two reasons: first, for education caring attitude to the animal and plant world; secondly, for the development of more complex moral feelings and qualities: humanism, kindness, sympathy. The child's behavior in nature is sometimes contradictory: have a positive attitude towards nature, children often commit negative deeds (tear the flowers they like and immediately throw them, torment, - "caress" animals). Sometimes, mistakenly thought, the emotional impact nature is the natural basis for education positive attitude towards her.

An interesting example is given in the book by B. Ryabinin "ABOUT love for living» . "Child scares pigeons". At first glance, an innocent occupation, but he has fun, scaring, he likes that the pigeons flap their wings and fly away when he approaches, that they are afraid of him, and here is the root cause of evil. Adult guidance is necessary so that the external emotional attitude to nature developed into a moral and aesthetic feeling, offering an active, effective position of the child. After all, children insufficiently developed proactive attitude to objects nature. The child will not offend a lonely kitten seen on the street, but will not help him either; will not break tree branches, but will not tie up broken ones.

Solving problems such as education for the environment, the development of skills in caring for animals and plants, depends on the coordination of efforts and the unity of the requirements of the kindergarten and the family.

At preschooler often dominated by selfish and utilitarian motives for communicating with objects nature. For example: I like to play with the dog, “I will wrap my kitty in a blanket and tie bows”, nevertheless, good deeds, disinterested work are available to him. But the presence of knowledge does not indicate a conscious and stable, positive attitude of the child to nature. Therefore, it is so important to include the child in the daily care of plants and animals located Houses: "Prepare food for the parrot", "Feed the dog", "Pour water on the cat"

TV viewing is important "In the animal world", walking on nature. During walks, it is interesting to show children the plants that are listed in the Red Book, to acquaint them with medicinal herbs, their names. Children easily remember names, like mother - and stepmother, valerian, plantain, and others. After such conversations, they will carefully treat plants, even widespread ones. It is important to create emotional contact with the child nature: let him wander on his own, find something unusual, sit quietly on a hillock, listen to the birds singing or the murmur of a stream, just look at the beauty around him.

Of course, the emotional attitude of the child to nature is largely determined by the attitude of the adult himself, so it’s good when parents know a lot of poems, songs, riddles about nature and used during walks and observations. The relationship between aesthetic and ethical contributes to the formation of an effective love for nature.


1. Ryabinin. B.S.O love to the living [Text] / B. S. Ryabinin. - Moscow: Enlightenment, 1966. 2. Shipitsyna L. M. - ABC of communication. Development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers (2010) 3. magazine « preschool education» No. 7; 2003

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