Decoration of the group in the dhow by autumn. “Autumn leaves are spinning and spinning in the garden…” Decoration of the music hall and group rooms for the holidays. Autumn decoration of a group room

Educator MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo.

This work is intended for preschool teachers, this is the design of the group and the reception.

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment, games contributes to the development of creativity of educators.

This is my second year with my group. The group got unkempt. But I tried to do everything possible to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoyed every day they lived in our group.

Form "Our group". The squirrel and the umbrella are made of ceiling tiles, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also in the reception there was a stand for children and parents “You can’t bring it to kindergarten” (as practice shows, very useful information).

To congratulate children on their birthday, I made a cake with corrugated paper candles.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and putting clothes in a locker.

This design is "Funny Pencils" for the art corner.

I make a lot of benefits from waste material. Pencil in the corner of ISO (from toilet paper rolls).

These are attributes for the role-playing games “Shop”, “Daughters - mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The design of the play corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for the study and consolidation of traffic rules.

Corner "We are on duty" and "Learning to set the table."

Corner "Ryazhenye" ​​and "Barbershop".

This is our hospital.

Decoration of the corner of "Nature".

Cognitive zone and mini-museum "Burenushka".

Formation of the center of knowledge.

Thank you for your attention!

Natalya Chirkova

Educator, kindergarten, own group- it all becomes familiar to children during their stay in the kindergarten. Group What does this mean for the child? Maybe most adults look at this concept as simply group room and look them more often attracts: good repair, the presence of new furniture. What about children? Children see everything around them in completely different colors. Their attention is attracted by the colors in which the walls are painted, or the beautiful painting on them. And in order to please children, and sometimes attentive parents, we decorate the group according to the seasons.

If I try for children, then my main task is to make them the center of this event. As much as possible jewelry I make with my children with my own hands, they choose colors, shades, materials for their creativity! Choosing options for manufacturing autumn decorations, we discussed with the children the signs that characterize autumn season, observed the changes in nature, selected material, and at the end of September they were already rejoicing and admiring the result of our work. Maybe you will find some of our ideas useful. decorations, we will be glad! In any case, I will be very pleased if you appreciate our work, in which we have invested a good mood and love for our native group!

The first photo is a general view. groups. We put up a greeting phrase: "Welcome to group of dragonflies!" The base, letters, leaves - everything is made of felt!

In the next photo, you can see that we have selected symbols for each word, so "good" is a smiley, "welcome" is arms outstretched towards you, "in" is an arrow symbolizing the direction, " group"- the number of our groups(15, and, finally, "dragonflies" - the name of our groups!

In the center group naughty sun, made of rays-palms of children, the colors and shades of which are autumn leaves shimmer from yellow to orange, from orange to red! And behind the sun you can see the clouds that are so often accompanied autumn rains! And these clouds are also funny, because we are also happy with the rain. They are made in one style with sunshine, raindrops are the palms of children, also of different shades of blue.

window we decorated with a swirl of autumn leaves which were printed on a color printer! They look like the real thing, just great! Parents were involved, they carved with their children!

There is a stained-glass window on the glass of the window, of course with autumn theme! These kids just love it! If you haven't tried it, be sure to try it!

I also want to add that not only me and the children took part in this work, but also my Colleagues: my partner, educator - Karmolina Svetlana Evgenievna; junior teacher - Safronova Irina Anatolyevna! I love them, appreciate them, and respect their work! Thank you for your attention!

Autumn decoration preschool. "We decorate a kindergarten to please the children" - a phased production of vyttanki for windows

Molchanova Olga Ivanovna, teacher of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 24 p. Krutoy Log of the Belgorodsky district of the Belgorod region»
Description: this master class is intended for school children (from 7 years old), teachers of additional education, educators, creative people who like to create things that are easy to make with their own hands.
Purpose: interior decoration.
Target: making do-it-yourself vytytanki from colored paper.
Tasks: develop skills in working with colored paper; develop creative imagination and abilities; develop aesthetic sense.
Materials and tools:
1. double-sided colored paper (preferably for a printer, it is brighter),
2. scissors,
3. adhesive tape,
4. pencil.

So the wonderful time of the year has come - autumn, holiday matinees are approaching in kindergarten. And of course I want to decorate the interior of the group beautifully, brightly, festively. I offer a simple and affordable decoration option.

Step by step production:

1. If you need a large mushroom, then take a whole sheet of paper, fold it in half lengthwise and cut out the stem and cap of the mushroom. If the mushrooms are smaller. then cut the sheet in half, fold and cut out.

2. We connect the hat and leg with adhesive tape and cut out the grass, gluing it to the mushroom.

and in order to get beautiful autumn leaves, I bought a couple of pieces in the store, cut them out of colored paper along the contour and got a real leaf fall.

And of course, the decoration of the group was the joint crafts of children and their parents.

The group turned out to be bright and smart, and children love to change the interior and add something new, and we adults help them with this.

In kindergartens, the most interesting begins: the design of groups and the hall where the holiday will take place. Educators and parents, of course, want it to be beautiful, original and inexpensive. And garlands in such kindergarten decorations have always been, are and will be in the first place.

For autumn garlands, choose interesting materials and combinations, as well as colors that match autumn: yellow, orange, red, burgundy. So if you have to organize a children's autumn party very soon for the autumn holiday, or maybe you just want to, make any garland from our selection with your own hands. Better yet, get your child involved. The result will please everyone.

DIY autumn paper garlands

The simplest, but at the same time the most versatile option to decorate a kindergarten for the autumn holiday, New Year or any other event. Even children can make such garlands with their own hands by cutting out leaves from multi-colored cardboard or colored paper.

They require perseverance and patience, but if the child likes it, you can easily make an original garland with your own hands from multi-colored paper autumn leaves.

Do not forget about, because if you change the approach and be smart, you get a modern and very stylish decor on the walls.

And by the way, about the walls. They also require decorations. If you hang autumn ones vertically, you get a great photo zone where everyone can take a photo after the autumn holiday. And yes, it's just so beautiful!

Garlands for the autumn holiday from leaves and other natural materials

Cones, berries, acorns and even vegetables can be an excellent material for unusual garlands to decorate a festive hall with an autumn theme, because scenes and stories about the gifts of autumn are always present in the holiday scenario for preschoolers. And, of course, dried leaves or, which can be applied with paints, crayons or markers.

Elegant autumn garlands for kindergarten from felt

Do you want to make autumn garlands for more than one year? Then choose felt as the material for your crafts. Similar decorations made of felt for kindergarten will be stored for a long time and will serve more than one generation of kindergarteners.

Do-it-yourself festive garlands on the theme "Autumn" from threads, wool and fabric

If needlework is your forte, you know, and turning them into whimsical crafts, and you never run out of yarn and fabric, these holiday fall garland ideas for kindergarten are just for you. And yes, such garlands can also be used repeatedly.

We hope that our options for autumn garlands, which you can make with your children with your own hands, will inspire you to create an original and elegant design for the kindergarten for the autumn holiday, and give you the atmosphere of the most beautiful time of the year.