Maslenitsa Sunday. Maslenitsa: history of the holiday, traditions and customs

What date does Maslenitsa begin in 2018, what are the names of the days of Maslenitsa week, what are the traditions, customs and essence of the holiday, read on this page.

Maslenitsa: the history of the holiday

For most residents of our country, Maslenitsa is the most fun party, which marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Celebrating Maslenitsa in Rus' began long before the adoption of Christianity. Then it was pagan holiday, in which the main role was given to the worship of the Sun. In the past, the holiday was dedicated to the day spring equinox, and was celebrated seven days before and seven after. Two weeks of Maslenitsa festivities were dedicated to saying goodbye to winter and awakening spring.

Today Maslenitsa celebration date tied to Orthodox Easter and changes every year. In 2018, Maslenitsa begins on February 12, A days of Maslenitsa week, respectively, falls on February 12–18.

Maslenitsa and Cheese Week 2018: what not to do and what to do

Church tradition does not consider the Maslenitsa holiday “ours”, in Orthodox calendar There is no position with this name. But there is Cheese Week and Cheese Week (Sunday). Days of Orthodox Cheese Week and folk Maslenitsa coincide, but they have completely different meanings.

Cheese week (Maslenitsa) for the Orthodox- this is the week of preparation for Lent, when you can no longer eat meat and have weddings, but you can still have fun and experience the joy of communication. This week in the Christian sense is dedicated to one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for the repentant path to God.

Maslenitsa 2018: traditions and customs of celebration

According to tradition, an integral part of Maslenitsa festivities are fun on fresh air, in which people of all ages participate.

The final event of the celebration is traditionally the burning of the Maslenitsa figure. The stuffed animal is assembled from straw, dry branches, on which they put old clothes. The remaining ashes must be scattered to the wind. According to beliefs, this brings prosperity and good luck for the entire next year.

According to tradition, on Maslenitsa they eat not only everyone’s favorite pancakes, but also milk, cottage cheese, and cheeses.

  • See also:

Maslenitsa days with their names and meaning: calendar

Traditionally, the Maslenitsa week is divided into Narrow Maslenitsa (from Monday to Wednesday): on these days, household work is allowed, and into Broad Maslenitsa (from Thursday to Sunday): any work is undesirable. Every day of Maslenitsa has special traditions and names. We'll tell you the meaning of each day of Maslenitsa.

1st day of Maslenitsa. Monday – “meeting”

On this day they began to bake pancakes, and the first one was always given to the poor. Girls and boys sang songs and walked around the village with a straw effigy. Usually, by the first day of Maslenitsa, swings and slides were built, and tables were set with sweets.

2nd day of Maslenitsa. Tuesday - “flirts”

In the morning on the second day Oil week girls were invited to go sledding and eat pancakes. Whole groups of kids rode on ice skates on old calf skins. According to tradition, this day was a bride viewing party.

3rd day of Maslenitsa. Wednesday - "gourmet"

On the third day of Maslenitsa week, everyone ate pancakes and other delicious dishes. They needed to be eaten heartily. On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invite their sons-in-law for pancakes.

4th day of Maslenitsa. Thursday - "revelry"

On this day the celebration was in full force. People rode down icy mountains, swung on carousels and swings, and rode in painted horse-drawn sleighs. The newlyweds were put on a sleigh and lowered down the mountain, and they had to kiss in front of everyone. On the same day of Maslenitsa, men went out to fist fights. Young people stormed snow fortresses, lit fires and jumped over fire. The mummers went from house to house, congratulating the owners on the holiday, and the owners fed the guests pancakes.

5th day of Maslenitsa. Friday - mother-in-law's evening - guest day

On the fifth day of Maslenitsa week, sons-in-law should treat their beloved mothers-in-law with pancakes. Other relatives are also invited to dinner on this day.

6th day of Maslenitsa. Saturday – “sister-in-law’s get-togethers”

On Saturday we celebrate the farewell of the old Maslenitsa. On this day, the young daughter-in-law should call her relatives. In the evening, an effigy of Maslenitsa is burned. Everyone is walking and having refreshments.

  • See also:

7th day of Maslenitsa. Sunday - farewell, kiss - Forgiveness Sunday

From morning until lunch, godfathers visit each other with gifts. The Maslenitsa effigy was burned and the ashes were scattered across the field. On the seventh and last day of Oil Week, which is called Forgiveness Sunday everyone asks each other for forgiveness: “Forgive me, a sinner, Lent! In response they said: “God will forgive, and I forgive.” The farewell ends with a low bow and a kiss. Children should ask their parents for forgiveness for all upsets. On this day in the old days, after lunch, everyone gathers in church for the service that opened Great Lent.

Maslenitsa is one of the most favorite national holidays, which has been celebrated in Rus' since time immemorial. Maslenitsa festivities last for a whole week.

What are the names of the days of the Maslenitsa week? In 2019, this holiday will be celebrated from March 4 to March 10, and each of these days has its own name.

Day names Maslenitsa week(“Gourmet”, “Sister-in-law’s gatherings”, etc.) speak for themselves. Let's talk about them in order.

What are the names of the days of the Maslenitsa week in 2019?

Monday(March 4) is called “ Meeting" On this day it is customary to meet with relatives. In the old days, on this day housewives began baking pancakes, and the first pancake was always given to poor people. An effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw, which, mounted on a pole, was carried around the village.

In Tuesday(5th of March) - " Flirting“The newlyweds go to visit their relatives. Begin funny Games and fun. On this day, folk festivals, sleigh rides, carousels and ice slides are held.

Let's talk about other names of the days of Maslenitsa week 2019. IN WednesdayGourmand"(March 6) sons-in-law go to their mothers-in-law for pancakes. On this day pancakes are baked and others are prepared. holiday dishes. In the old days, horse racing was held on Maslenitsa Wednesday.

When talking about how Maslenitsa is celebrated by day of the week, of course we must mention Thursday. It begins with him (March 7) Wide Maslenitsa. It is accompanied by performances by buffoons, cheerful songs and round dances.

The mummers go from house to house, singing carols. IN " Wide Thursday“In the old days, fist fights were held, the participants of which fought “wall to wall” or “one on one.”

When talking about the meaning of each day of Maslenitsa week, they most often mention Friday(March 8), when " Mother-in-law's evenings».

And in Saturday(March 9) are arranged " Sister-in-law's get-togethers" Women communicate with each other, tell fortunes, treat themselves, and give each other small gifts.

The week ends Forgiveness Sunday(March 10), when the straw effigy of Maslenitsa is burned - a symbol of winter, and people ask each other for forgiveness for previous grievances.

A request for forgiveness cannot be answered with a refusal. If the offense is great, then when asking for forgiveness it is customary to say: “God will forgive.” Also on Forgiveness Sunday, you should visit the graves of relatives, bring treats (pancakes) and thus also apologize to them.

Now you know what they do on Maslenitsa by day of the week. However, they say goodbye to her only on Clean Monday (March 11), when Lent 2019 begins.

This day is considered a day of cleansing from sins and light food. According to tradition, on Clean Monday we took a bath and washed the dishes, clearing them of grease.

Maslenitsa, in pagan times, was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox, simultaneously with the onset of the new year, but after the adoption of Christianity, the date of celebration was tied to Orthodox Easter, which changes from year to year.

Maslenitsa begins to be celebrated a week before Lent - the festivities last for a whole week and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. In 2019, Maslenitsa week falls on March 4-10.

Since ancient times, Maslenitsa has been famous for its delicious and plentiful food. People, before the strictest and longest fast, try to enjoy a wide variety of dishes, without denying themselves anything.

Symbol of Maslenitsa

The symbol and main dish of the holiday are pancakes - golden, round, hot, symbolizing the sun, which turn out to be especially tasty on Maslenitsa.

It was the flatbread or round pancake that was dedicated to the pagan gods - it was sacrificial bread. Accordingly, they said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring with this symbol of the sun.

Everyone's favorite delicacy in Rus' appeared more than a thousand years ago - every housewife had her own recipe for making pancakes, which were eaten with butter, sour cream, fish, caviar, vegetable filling, honey or jam.

Pancakes were baked from different types flour - from corn, wheat, buckwheat and oatmeal- By old custom The first pancake was always placed on the window for repose or given to a beggar to remember all the departed.

To this day, pancakes, the recipes for which have undergone many changes over the past centuries, are considered Russian traditional dish and a favorite treat in every home.


Maslenitsa, in pre-Christian times, was celebrated by all the people cheerfully and riotously for two weeks; today the festivities have been reduced to seven days.

They prepared for the celebration of Maslenitsa in advance - people began preparations on Saturday of the previous week and celebrated the “Little Maslenka”. According to tradition, on the Sunday before Maslenitsa, people always visited relatives and neighbors, and also invited them to visit.

On the eve of Maslenitsa, games were also organized - young men, in small groups, went around the villages and collected bast shoes, and then on the road they waited for those returning with purchases from the market or city with the question: “Are you bringing Maslenitsa?” Those who answered: “No luck” received cuffs with bast shoes.

On Maslenitsa, in the old days, they prepared a rich treat - along with pancakes, pancakes and pies with various fillings were served on the table: curd, mushroom, vegetable, cabbage, and so on.

Maslenitsa was accompanied by cheerful folk festivities - mass slides, dancing and songs. Ice mountains were specially built, where many people gathered. We rode on sleds and sleds, on birch bark and on any available means.

In the villages, according to tradition, people always rode horses harnessed to decorated sleighs. In the front of the sleigh there was a shaft with a wheel attached to the top, symbolizing the sun. Entire sleigh trains were organized.

Mummers and buffoons took part in all the entertainment and fun. Fist fights were also widespread. But the main ritual was the burning of an effigy on Maslenitsa, symbolizing the departure of the boring winter and the welcome of the long-awaited spring.

After accepting Christianity, Orthodox Church I didn’t fight the ancient tradition and simply accepted the holiday, making some adjustments to it.

Despite the fact that Maslenitsa is tied to Bright Resurrection Christ's, in church calendar it is not mentioned, but there is Cheese Week (week), which is celebrated a week before Lent. Lent in 2019 begins on March 11, respectively, Cheese Week is celebrated on March 4-10.

During Cheese week, which prepares Orthodox Christians for Lent, believers who are going to fast can consume dairy products, but meat products are already prohibited.

Customs and rituals

On Maslenitsa, each day of the week has its own name. And although few people today observe all the rituals and customs of the holiday, everyone should know their traditions.

In the old days, Maslenitsa week was filled with solemn affairs - every day was filled with numerous fun, ritual and non-ritual actions, religious and traditional games.

According to established customs, on Monday of Maslenitsa week, which is called “meeting,” it is customary to roll out ice slides. According to popular belief, the further the sleigh rolls, the better the harvest.

On Tuesday, called “zaigrysh”, it is customary to start fun games and treat them to pancakes for the created fun.

Wednesday - "gourmet" - on this day all housewives prepare various delicacies in large quantities, primarily pancakes, decorating a rich table with them.

On Thursday, called "Walk", according to tradition, people help the sun drive away winter, which consists of riding around the village clockwise - that is, "in the direction of the sun" on horseback. In addition, on this day men are engaged in the defense or capture of a snowy town.

Friday is called "mother-in-law's evening" - on this day mothers-in-law treat their sons-in-law with delicious pancakes.

Saturday of Maslenitsa is known as “sister-in-law’s gatherings.” According to custom, on this day, people pay visits to all their relatives, friends and neighbors, who should treat their guests to pancakes.

“Forgiveness Sunday” is the last day of Maslenitsa, on which, according to custom, it is customary to ask everyone for forgiveness for offenses. After this, Maslenitsa is celebrated with songs and dances.

In Russian villages, in addition to baking pancakes for Maslenitsa, which were a symbol of the sun, they also celebrated various actions associated with the circle. For example, a cart wheel was decorated and carried on a pole along the streets, they rode around the village on horseback several times, and, naturally, they performed round dances.

People believed that with such actions they begged, “cajoled” the sun, so to speak, and made it seem more lenient. Perhaps this is where the name of the festival came from - “Maslenitsa”.

In ancient times, Maslenitsa rituals were associated mainly with the beginning of a new cycle and stimulation of fertility. The main character of the holiday was Maslenitsa, embodied in a scarecrow.

For the peasant, the fertility of the land was extremely important, so the Maslenitsa effigy was perceived as the focus of fertility and fertility, and the rituals of its “funeral” were supposed to impart this fertility to the earth.


Maslenitsa, first of all, is a time of remembrance of the dead, and the first pancakes baked on the Monday of Maslenitsa week are dedicated to the ancestors. Therefore, they kneaded the dough and baked pancakes in silence, turning over the faces of their relatives in their memory, remembering their actions and words.

According to an ancient tradition, the first pancake should be crumbled outside for the birds. After pecking at the treat, they will fly into the heavens and ask the Lord for you and your loved ones.

To strengthen family ties, you need to gather the whole family at the table in the evening, on the first day of Maslenitsa.

According to another sign, in order to find out the name of her future betrothed, the girl took one of the first pancakes, went out into the street, treated the first person she met and asked his name.

Bad weather on Sunday before Maslenitsa means a mushroom harvest.

The material was prepared based on open sources

In our country, since ancient times, it has become a good tradition to celebrate the festival of Maslenitsa. Each day of the holiday week has its own meaning and its own rituals that people still observe today.

Before the beginning of Lent, followed by a holiday Happy Easter, Maslenitsa week is underway. All these events are interconnected. For Orthodox Christians, the days of Maslenitsa are special; each day has its own meaning. At this time, you can treat yourself to many delicious dishes Russian cuisine, the main one of which, of course, is pancakes.

Maslenitsa symbolizes the imminent arrival of spring. During this week, people organize large celebrations with songs, dances, jokes and, of course, treats to see off the winter. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that those who celebrate this holiday cheerfully will always have a full house.

And those who ignore, on the contrary, feel sadness and emptiness throughout the year. Did you know that each day of the holiday week has its own unique name? If not, then it's time to find out.

  1. Monday – Meeting. On this day, people should get together and make a large scarecrow, dress it in old unnecessary rags and attach it to a log and roll it on a sled throughout the village. Today they do things a little differently; a scarecrow is placed on main square, and then they burn it there. Housewives bake pancakes and treat each other to this delicacy. According to old beliefs, the first pancake should be given to a poor person so that he remembers relatives who are no longer alive. And on this day it is customary for matchmakers to visit each other.
  2. Tuesday – Flirting. On this day, the fun that started the day before continues, but on top of that, some traditions are added. For example, large fairs with folk festivals open on Tuesday. This day is also good for bride viewings and matchmaking.
  3. Wednesday – Gourmets. On this day, mothers-in-law invite their sons-in-law to their place as a sign of love and respect, and they, in turn, can bring all their relatives with them. In addition to pancakes, on this day you should treat people to pies with various fillings (cottage cheese, berries, cabbage, excluding meat) and other dishes. On Wednesday you could eat to your heart's content, hence the name Gourmet.
  4. Thursday - Take a walk. Wide Maslenitsa begins on this day. It is customary to have fun and have fun from the heart. Ride a sleigh, dance, sing songs and jump over a fire.
  5. Friday - Mother-in-law's evening. On this day, it was the son-in-law’s turn to invite the mother-in-law to visit him and treat her to pancakes. Thus, not only congratulating her on the holiday, but also showing his respect and affection for her.
  6. Interesting: By ancient tradition, the mother-in-law had to give her son-in-law in the evening all the ingredients for making pancakes, which he would treat her with the next day, that is, on Friday.
  7. Saturday – Sister-in-law’s gatherings. Each day of Maslenitsa has its own meaning. And this day is no exception. The name speaks for itself. The young housewife should set a rich table and invite her husband's sister to visit. And she, in turn, appreciates her efforts.
  8. Sunday - this day is called Forgiveness Sunday. It is customary to ask each other for forgiveness so that Lent can begin with a clear soul and conscience. It is also customary to go to the cemetery. On this last day of the holiday week, an effigy is burned.

Spending the winter with dignity and welcoming spring with Maslenitsa must certainly be fun, since it was believed that the one who does not celebrate on these days and does not see off the winter is the whole next year they will “do poorly.” But for those celebrating, the year will be successful, all things will go smoothly, there will be a lot of food in the house, and illnesses will disappear from it. All Maslenitsa days have their own rules and names. About how to celebrate Maslenitsa in compliance with all Slavic ritual traditions we will tell our readers.

- a pagan holiday that has survived to this day. Today we celebrate it with pleasure with round dances, baking, making pancake pies from them, with songs, jokes, snow games, with the symbolic burning of such a ritual object at the holiday as the effigy of Maslenitsa at the end of Maslenitsa week. The celebration of Maslenitsa lasts not one day, but seven.

Maslenitsa week


And we will begin to talk about the days of Maslenitsa from the Monday of Maslenitsa week, which was called “meeting”. On Monday, a scarecrow of Maslenitsa was made, which symbolized the passing winter, and installed in the center of the square where the main festivities took place. The scarecrow will not have the most pleasant fate - to be burned at the end of Maslenitsa week. In addition to installing the effigy, it is expected that on this day the beginning folk festivals, sledding, snow slides.


Tuesday continues the celebration of Maslenitsa and it is called “flirt” for the continuation initial games, with which people were amused on Monday. In addition to the roller coaster rides, they also dressed up as mummers and in masks, staged clowning, theatrical performances at fairs and squares, and rode three horses. At home and on the streets creative people on such a day they organize concerts for those who want to listen to their art.


Wednesday continues the days of Maslenitsa - “gourmet”. On this day, as the name suggests, people feasted on dishes prepared for Maslenitsa, pancakes, pies, homemade beer, honey gingerbread, and hot tea. Of course, fun, games, and noisy pastime continued on this day, as well as throughout the entire Maslenitsa week.


Thursday of the celebration of Maslenitsa was called “revelry” or a turning point. Wall-to-wall games and famous Russian fist fights were held on such a day.

Mother-in-law's evening

Friday's Maslenitsa was called "mother-in-law's evening." On this day, present or future sons-in-law visited their mothers-in-law's houses, treated themselves to mother-in-law pancakes and other dishes that they had prepared for Maslenitsa.

Sister-in-law's get-togethers

On Saturday, the celebration of Maslenitsa was called “sister-in-law’s gatherings.” Again a meeting of relatives, again a pleasant feast, sincere conversations.

Seeing off

Well, the seven days of Maslenitsa end with Sunday - “farewell”, or “forgiveness day”. Such a day was also called a kissing day. On this important day of the holiday, it was customary not only to say goodbye to Winter and welcome Spring, to burn an effigy in the square and have fun, but also to do an important thing - to ask forgiveness from all loved ones who were offended for the harm caused, for some of their own misdeeds. And forgive yourself with with a pure heart them for the same actions that were caused accidentally or intentionally. A very bright, clean, beautiful day before the start of Lent. That's where paganism is in the right way collided with Christianity and the latter did not lose from this.