What holiday is November 11th of the year. November what is the church holiday according to the Orthodox calendar for believers, a day off or not

world shopping day
One Chinese e-commerce company held the first "World Shopping Day" in 2009. The main "chip" of the holiday was a sale with discounts reaching up to 50% of the cost of goods.

In fact, it is not a holiday, since no festive events are held, but, on the other hand, millions of Internet users on this day can make bargains due to the total price reduction.

Energy Saving Day
Since 2008, on the initiative of SPARE, one of the international environmental organizations, the Day of Energy Saving has been celebrated in different countries of the world.

The rational use of energy sources is an extremely important issue for the world community. Events and campaigns are being held, the purpose of which is to show the need to save electricity with concrete examples. Thematic exhibitions, seminars, lectures, lessons are organized.

Russian holidays November 11, 2019

Recovery Train Worker's Day
Many of the inhabitants of Russia are not even aware of the existence of such a profession, meanwhile, the workers of recovery trains have a very responsible and important mission - the elimination of the consequences of man-made disasters and natural disasters on the railway.

The date of the professional holiday was chosen symbolically, in 1936, on this day, L. Kaganovich, People's Commissar of Railways, signed a decree regulating the activities of specialists working on recovery trains.

Holidays in the world

National Independence Day (Poland)
It recalls the events that took place in 1918, it was on this day that the independence of the Polish state from Russia, Austria and Germany was proclaimed.

This is the day of the end of the First World War, and the day of the appearance on the map of Europe of a new state (or rather, restoration). Marshal Jozef Pilsudski became the head of Poland, and a democratically oriented government was formed in Warsaw.

Unfortunately, with the beginning of the invasion of the country by Nazi Germany, the holiday was no longer celebrated, it was returned only in 1989, after the first democratic elections were held.

This is the main holiday for Poland, the flag day, when rallies and parades, speeches by officials and folk groups, fairs and festivities are held.

Lachplesis Day (Latvia)
On this important day for the country, Latvians remember all those who gave their lives in the fight against the Germans in 1919, first of all, the heroes who defended the capital. The main events are held at the Freedom Monument, according to tradition, candles are lit in the Riga Castle, in the homes of ordinary Rigans.

Singles Day (China)
The holiday today is not official, but is widely celebrated especially by young guys who have fun in restaurants and cafes with friends. Sometimes this day is used to say goodbye to a free life, to organize a bachelor party.

Holidays according to the national calendar November 11, 2019

Anastasia Ovechnitsa, Avramy Ovchar
Two names are present in the name of the holiday, but they are not related to each other. Christians commemorate Anastasia, who lived in Rome in the III century, who, left an orphan, was brought up in a women's community.

The girl preached the Christian doctrine, was tortured, then she was executed. Avramy lived in the XV century, in Rus', on Lake Nero, received the nickname of Rostov. He converted many pagans to the Christian faith, founded a temple.

It is interesting that Anastasia and Avramius, who lived in different countries and in different centuries, are united by a folk holiday, the girl is considered the patroness of sheep, and the saint is sheepdogs. In Rus', on this day, shepherds were treated to special pies.

The Orthodox have Avramius, Anastasia, Anna, Eugene, Ivan, Maria, Philip, Pavel, Cyril, Kuzma.

Events in the history of this number

1480 - the end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, since the famous Standing on the Ugra ended.

1837 - the first passengers left St. Petersburg for Tsarskoye Selo.

1843 - the appearance in print of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling", the author of which is the great Andersen.

1936 - the first weather forecast was shown on TV by English weather forecasters.

1975 - Angola gains independence from Portugal.

Celebrities born on this day

1820 - the inventor of the cannon, Russian metallurgist Pavel Obukhov.

1821 - the genius of Russian literature, the philosopher Fyodor Dostoevsky.

1934 - Russian emigrant singer Willy Tokarev.

1962 - actress, ex-wife of Bruce Willis Demi Moore.

We present the holidays on November 11 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, festive events and memorable dates on the eleventh day of November of the last month of autumn of the current year. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on November 11, what they are connected with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this autumn day.

Also, at the end of the page you can learn (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of the month of November, customs, traditions, folk signs and more. But first, find out what a holiday is, its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone that has a sacred mythical, non-domestic) meaning and is directly related to the cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other meanings that are close in meaning, such as:

A holiday is the opposite of weekdays - is an official day of rest, established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun pastime of free time, entertainment events (mass), a day of some personal or social joyful event;

The general state of spiritual uplift (high spirits), (sometimes in phrases: "holiday of life" and so on).

Holidays November 11 - dates and events

Day of Nastasya and Abraham

World Mini Ski Day

Day of the ophthalmologist

End of World War I

International Day of Energy Saving

Independence Day - Poland

Letter writing day

Feast of the Fermented

If a person was born on November 11, then he will have the talent to understand pets.
- If a person was born on November 11, then, according to signs, he will be a long-liver.
- You can’t leave a child alone on this day - this is a nuisance

Holidays November 11 church (Orthodox) - Nastasya and Avram

Anastasia Ovechnitsa, Ovcharnitsa and Abraham Ovchar, Nastasya Strigalnitsa, Avramy Ovchar. Anastasia is the protector of sheep. The Monk Martyr Anastasia of Rome lost her parents early and was brought up in a convent under the auspices of the abbess Sophia.

Persecution of Christians began, Anastasia was tortured, but she did not refuse the Lord and she was executed. The body was thrown to be eaten by animals, but, informed by the Lord, Sophia betrayed him to the ground.

Anastasia is considered the protector of sheep, and Abraham is the patron saint of shepherds who celebrate a holiday on this day. They treated the shepherds with honey and pies in gratitude for saving the flock.

They began to shear the sheep (the last time of the year). The heat is over - it's time to shear the sheep. So it's time to roll felt boots from sheep's wool. By this time, it was time to sew mittens. On this day, they were treated to homemade cheese and cottage cheese.

Many of the peasants were sure that only one pleaser Anastasia could save defenseless lambs from wolves and save them from various diseases.

Rural shepherds, shepherds very often resorted to praying to this saint and placed on the trees in the field where the sheep are grazing, the icon of this saint in full confidence that this is the most reliable protection from any danger, especially from wild animals, for animals.

From that day on, animals were sheared. According to popular beliefs, the goblin, the owner of animals, has the ability to destroy livestock, set bears and wolves on it and protect the herd by agreement with the shepherd. Goblin could take the animal away from the herd, and, if you turn to him correctly, help find the cattle.

Holidays November 11 - Father's Day in Estonia

Every year on the second Sunday of November, Estonia celebrates Father's Day. The family holiday was first held in 1992, although the history of the holiday is much older. In 1909, Mrs. Dodd lived in the United States of America, brought up in a large family by a caring father.

As a sign of respect for the head of the family, who raised six children alone after the death of his wife, a holiday began to be celebrated. In Estonia, on the second Sunday, interesting events are held in which parents and children take part.

Police officers and rescuers come to orphanages to support the kids and introduce them to male professions. In addition to Estonia, Father's Day is also celebrated in Sweden and Finland.

Holidays November 11 - Lachplesis Day in Latvia

On November 11, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in Latvia, in the Baltics this holiday is usually called Lachplesis, in honor of the Latvian national hero, who is a symbol of courage and courage. On November 11, 1919, the Order of Lachplesis was established, which is awarded to people who have shown heroism in battle.

Every year on Lachplesis Day, Latvians lay flowers and wreaths at the Common Grave, the parade of the Riga garrison troops takes place at the Freedom Monument. Local residents light candles in their homes, lamps are lit in cathedrals.

Holidays November 11- Memorial Day - the end of the First World War

On November 11, 1918, the First World War ended, the signing of the Compiègne truce led to a complete redistribution of the world, such world empires as the Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian ceased to exist, a similar fate befell the Ottoman Empire.

During the First World War, about 10 million people died, on November 11, a memorable date is celebrated in different countries of the world (Russia - Memorial Day, Belgium - Armistice Day, USA - Veterans Day, etc.).

Holidays November 11 - Saint Martin's Day

St. Martin's Day is celebrated annually on November 11, the holiday symbolizes mercy and kindness. On this day, residents of cities and towns lit large bonfires, threw baskets into them, into which a new crop was harvested a little earlier (the baskets were already empty by that time), jumped over the fire, which cleansed from all evil.

The main hero of the holiday is Saint Martin - a boy whose body and arms are wrapped in straw. Martin was a patron of the military and a great military leader, his mercy can be judged by the following story:

once Martin and his troops were approaching the French city of Amis, about to enter the gate, the commander noticed a poor old man, chilled from the cold and had not eaten anything for a long time. Martin stopped, cut off part of his red cape with his sword and gave it to the beggar, the commander treated the old man with bread.

November holidays - folk omens, sayings, superstitions...

November 1 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Revolution Day. Algerian People's Democratic Republic
- Independence Day. Antigua and Barbuda
- Day of national awakeners. Bulgaria
- Freedom Day. Virgin Islands.
- Revolution Day. Vietnam.
- Print Day. DPRK.
- Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Lithuania.
- Day of creation of the Self-Defense Forces. Japan.
- Fox Day (beginning of the fox hunting season in Western Europe).
- All Saints' Day (Catholic). The feast of All Saints was introduced at the beginning of VII by Pope Boniface IV in honor of those saints who do not have their own feast. On this day, all the saints are commemorated, both officially canonized and those who remained unknown to many. All Saints' Day smoothly passes into the day of all the dead, celebrated on the second of November and established at the beginning of the 11th century. These holidays eventually merged into one - "Saints and the Departed."

November 2 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of international recognition of St. Petersburg.
- Day of Recognition of North and South Dakota (1889).
- Day of Remembrance. Brazil, Ecuador.
- Memorial Day Venezuela, Mexico, Portugal.
- Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Since ancient times, death has been an occasion not only for sadness, but also for joy, for laughter and tears, for reflection and celebration. Representatives of pre-Hispanic cultures treated death with respect and irony, which caused surprise and interest among the Spanish conquerors.
- Balfour Declaration Day. Israel
- Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Estonia.

November 3 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Independence Day (1978) - Dominica
- Panama Independence Day (1903)
- Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - Ukraine
- Day of Engineering Troops - Ukraine.
- Japan National Culture Day. On this day, the Emperor honors the citizens who have made the most significant contribution to the development of Japanese culture over the past year.
- Japan Meiji Imperial Shrine Festival.
- Eid al-Fitr - the holiday of breaking the fast (Islam). The Islamic world ends the holy month of Ramadan fasting with Eid al-Fitr.

November 4 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of the Republic of Mari El (1920).
- Day of the Republic of Udmurtia (1920).
- National Unity Day. On November 4, 1612, militia soldiers led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-Gorod, freeing Moscow from Polish invaders and demonstrating a model of heroism and solidarity of the entire people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society.
- Day of the border guard. Ukraine. On this day, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the corresponding law.
- November 4 - Day of the railwayman of Ukraine
- National Guard Day - Ukraine
- Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. On November 4, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates a holiday in honor of one of the most revered shrines among the people - the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

November 5 - holidays, memorable days and events
- England - Guy Fawkes Night. This is one of the unique holidays in England, which arose from a completely non-holiday event.
- Green Movement Day. Morocco.
- Day of military intelligence. Russia. Celebrated since 1918. Although the first military scouts appeared in 1812.
- Day of the social worker - Ukraine.

November 6 - holidays, memorable days and events
- International Day of Science.
- Boxing Day. Hong Kong
- Day of the Constitution of Tatarstan (adopted in 1994).
- Finland - Swedish Day (Swedish Culture Day). Despite the fact that the Swedish population in Finland is only about 6 percent (their main place of residence is the Åland Islands), Swedish, along with Finnish, is the official language. Established and celebrated everywhere since 1908.
- Day of the bailiff. On November 6, the bailiff service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation celebrates the anniversary of its formation. On this day in 1997, two federal laws came into force - "On Bailiffs" and "On Enforcement Proceedings".

November 7 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of the October Revolution Belarus. (not observed in other CIS countries).
- Day of Consent and Reconciliation. Russia. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 7, 1996 N 1537 "On the Day of Accord and Reconciliation".
- Russia - Day of military glory - Day of liberation of Moscow by the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish invaders (1612).
- Africa - Information Day.
- Buddhist holiday Lhabab Duisen (Descent of the Buddha from the sky of Tushita).

November 8 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Queen's Day - Nepal
- International KVN Day
- Journalist's Day in China
- X-ray Discovery Day

November 9 - holidays, memorable days and events
- International Day Against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism
- Cambodian Independence Restoration Day (1953)
- Ukraine - Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language

November 10 - holidays, memorable days and events
- World Youth Day. On this day, November 10, 1945, the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) was founded.
- World Quality Day. World Quality Day has been held annually since 1989 on the second Thursday of November at the initiative of the largest international organizations for standardization and quality with the support of the UN.
- Police Day - Georgia.
- Day of militia (police) - Russia.

November 11 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of Remembrance of those killed in the First World War.
- Independence Day - Angola (1975).
- St. Martin's Day (patron saint of gourmets in southern Sweden).
- Canada Memorial Day or Remembrance Day.
- USA - Veterans Day
- Poland - Independence Day (anniversary of the restoration of Poland's independence in 1918).
- Armistice Day - Guadeloupe.
- Armistice Day - French Guiana.
- Armistice Day - Martinique.
- Armistice Day - Saint Pierre and Miquelon.
- Armistice Day (France and Belgium). It is celebrated on the anniversary of the signing of the armistice between the Entente and Germany in 1918 and is considered the day of remembrance for all French and Belgian soldiers.

November 12 - holidays, memorable days and events
- The Constitution Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan (adopted in 1995, the decision to establish the Constitution Day was made on February 6, 1996).
- Day of the employee of Sberbank of Russia
- USA Day of Elizabeth Cady Stanton (anniversary of the birthday (1815) of the American pioneer in the struggle for women's equality).
- Sun Yat Sen Day - Taiwan.

November 13 - holidays, memorable days and events
- International Day of the Blind. It is held on the birthday of the French teacher Valentin Gayuy (1745-1822), the first teacher who undertook to teach blind children.
- Saint Homobonus Day (patron saint of businessmen and weavers). Holy Homobonus (Omobono).

November 14 - holidays, memorable days and events
- World Diabetes Day. World Diabetes Day has been celebrated every year since 1991 on the birthday of F. Banting, a Canadian physiologist who discovered (together with J. J. McLeod) the hormone insulin.
- Birthday of King Al-Hussein Ben Talal (1935). Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

November 15 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of the royal dynasty of Belgium (1866). The national holiday - Royal Dynasty Day has been celebrated on November 15 since 1866.
- National currency day. Kazakhstan. Established in 1997, the national currency - tenge - was put into circulation in 1993.
- Palestine Independence Day (1988).
- Conscript Day Russia (since 11/15/1992 - by decision of Russian President Boris Yeltsin).
- Festival of seven, - five - and three-year-old children (Japan).

November 16 - holidays, memorable days and events
- International Day of Tolerance (Tolerance).
- Vatican Day of the election of Pope John Paul II (1978).
- Marine Corps Day - Russia. On this day, by decree of Peter I in 1705, a naval regiment was created, which marked the beginning of the organization of the marines of the Russian fleet.
- Day of Radio, Television and Communications Workers. Ukraine.
- Resurrection Day - Estonia.

November 17 - holidays, memorable days and events
- International Students Day.
- Day of struggle for democracy in the Czech Republic.
- Suez Canal Day.
- Army Day - Zaire.
- National Revival Day - Azerbaijan.

November 18 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia (1918).
- National Flag Day (Uzbekistan).
- Birthday of Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur. Sultanate of Oman. Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur - Head of State, Prime Minister, Supreme Commander, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Defense and Finance.

November 19 - holidays, memorable days and events

- Prince's Day - Monaco.
- Opening day (Puerto Rico). On November 19, 1493, during his 2nd expedition, H. Columbus discovered Boriken, calling it San Juan Bautista. The modern name (Spanish Puerto Rico - a rich port) was given to the island later, during its colonization by the Spanish conquistador J. Ponce de Leon.
- Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery.
- CIS - Day of Agricultural Workers.

November 20 - holidays, memorable days and events
- World Children's Day. In 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the celebration of World Children's Day as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.
- Africa Industrialization Day.
- Revolution Day - Mexico.

November 21 - holidays, memorable days and events
- World Hello Day.
- World Television Day.
- Water Festival - Cambodia.
- Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other incorporeal Heavenly Forces. The celebration in honor of the angelic forces - incorporeal beings of the spiritual world, messengers and executors of the will of God, and their leader Archangel Michael - was established by the Church at the beginning of the 4th century.
- Day of employees of tax authorities.
- Day of prayer and repentance (Germany).
- In Buddhism, Katina Day.

November 22 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of the invasion - Guinea.
- Lebanese Independence Day. National holiday.
- Independence Day of Suriname. (1975).
- John F. Kennedy Memorial Day. USA.

November 23 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Georgoba - Georgia.
- Guru Nanak Day - India.
- Labor Thanksgiving Day - Japan. (celebration of the completion of the harvest).
- Ukraine - Day of Remembrance of Holodomor Victims. 70th Anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. During the 20th century, Ukraine experienced famine three times - in 1921-1923, 1932-1933 and 1946-1947. However, the famine of 1932-1933 was the most widespread and cruel.

November 24 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Zaire - Revolution Day (1965).
- Women's Day - Western Samoa.
- Coup Day Democratic Congo.
- A day to win friends and influence people. USA. (celebrated on the birthday of Dale Carnegie.
- Thanksgiving (USA) (last Thursday)
- Sikh holiday - Martyrdom of Guru Teg Bahadur, beheaded in Delhi by order of the Mughal Emperor.

November 25 - holidays, memorable days and events
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence. On this day in 1961 in the Dominican Republic, on the orders of the Dominican ruler Rafael Trujillo, three Mirabal sisters, who were political activists, were brutally murdered.
- National Day - Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Independence Day of Suriname (1975).

November 26 - holidays, memorable days and events
- World Information Day.
- Day of the proclamation of the state of Mongolia.
- Brotherhood Day in the USA.
- Commemoration of St. John Chrysostom (Orthodox).

November 27 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Weizmann Day - Israel.
- Marine Corps Day (Russia).
- Appraiser's Day. On November 27, members of the Russian Society of Appraisers (ROO) celebrate their holiday.
- Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Famine of 1932-33. Ukraine.

November 28 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Flag and Independence Day of Albania (Liberation Day). In 1912, after the defeat of Turkey in the first Balkan War, Albania was proclaimed an independent republic.
- Republic Day - Burundi.
- Independence Day (1960) - Mauritania.
- Day of separation from Spain - Panama.
- Republic Day - Chad.

November 29 - holidays, memorable days and events
- International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. On this day in 1947, the United Nations Assembly adopted a resolution partitioning Palestine. In 1977, the General Assembly decided to commemorate November 29 every year as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
- Day of liberation from fascism - Albania.
- Unity Day - Vanuatu.

November 30 - holidays, memorable days and events
- Day of St. Andrew the Apostle (patron saint of Scotland).
- Independence Day - Barbados.
- Independence Day - Yemen.
- Heroes Day - Philippines.
Judaism Hanukkah or sanctification. On this day, the Jews light the lamps of the joyful holiday of Hanukkah. This is a holiday of light, joy, fun, games, delicious food (among which are pancakes and donuts fried in oil). Work on Hanukkah, as on Purim, is permitted, it is considered a "small" or "lesser" holiday.

Published on 11/11/17 00:14

Today, November 11, 2017, we also celebrate International Energy Saving Day, Ophthalmologist Day, World War I End Day and other events.

On November 11, 2017, the national holiday of Avramy Ovchar and Anastasia Ovechnitsa is celebrated. Believers on this day remember the venerable martyr Anastasia the Roman and the venerable Avramius the hermit. In the common people, they were nicknamed the Sheepdog and the Sheepwoman, as it is believed that they protect the flocks of sheep and patronize the shepherds.

The parents of Anastasia the Romans died when she was 3 years old. She was brought up in a monastery, where she accepted monasticism. At the age of 21, Emperor Decius was in power. Glory about the beauty of Anastasia intkbbee spread throughout Rome. Many rich and noble Romans came to ask for her hands, but, being refused, they left with nothing.

Emperor Decius began the persecution of Christians, and the pagans, following his decree, brought Anastasia to trial before the governor of the city. Accused of serving the Lord God and philanthropy for the noble Romans, asking for her hand, she appeared before Provos.

He tried to force her to renounce her faith and sacrifice to pagan idols, but was refused. Without breaking the will of the girl, Prov ordered her to be subjected to bodily torture: removing nails by pulling out, cutting off her arms and legs, knocking out her teeth. Despite the torment, Anastasia continued to pray. The military leader Prov ordered her tongue to be cut off so as not to hear prayers, but this did not break the spirit of the martyr. Then she was beheaded.

Abramius lived in the 4th century and from childhood he loved to read bible books. Having reached adolescence, he wanted to go to the monastery, but his parents insisted on his marriage. A week later, he secretly left his wife and settled in a deserted cell. The parents managed to find their son, but Abraham begged them to leave him in solitude and seclusion.

After some time, the bishop of the city found out about the saint and, having summoned him, decided to send him to one of the cities where not a single church person could convert the pagans to the Christian faith. The bishop was able to persuade Abramius, and he was able to understand the pagans in the faith of God.

Having fulfilled his duty, the saint again retired to his cell. Once he was brought up to raise a 7-year-old niece Maria. He taught her writing, reading, prayers and many other things. Having reached the age of majority, Mary succumbed to the seduction of a man who came to Abraham for advice. Ashamed of her act, she fled from her uncle, came to a distant city and, settling in a hotel, indulged in an impious life. Having learned about this and dressed in the clothes of a warrior, Avramius went in search of the lost soul. Finding her, he revealed himself to her during dinner and convinced her to repentance. Mary returned home with her uncle and spent her time in fasting, prayer, and labor. For her repentance, the Lord rewarded her with the gift of healing diseases. Having made another righteous deed, Avramius returned to a reclusive life and soon died.

On this day, the people organized a Sheep Festival: the shepherds sang and played the horns, congratulated their flocks on the last day of grazing. The owners pay off the shepherds, who are not only given money, but also give gifts, treat them with scrambled eggs.

On this day, the sheep are sheared for the last time.

According to popular beliefs, if it started raining today, then winter will come soon. Wolves in packs roam the fields - to be starvation, epidemic or other misfortune.

International Energy Saving Day is observed annually on November 11th. In 2017, the date is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. This event was established by the participants of the international SPARE project in 2008 in Kazakhstan at the international meeting of coordinators to attract the attention of the public and authorities to the rational use of natural resources and the development of renewable energy sources.

Day of the ophthalmologist

Ophthalmologist's Day is celebrated annually on November 11th. In 2017, the date is once again celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and a number of other countries. The event is unofficial.

End of World War I

The end of World War I is celebrated every year on November 11th. The large-scale confrontation between the Triple Alliance and the Entente began in 1914, when the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires united against Great Britain, Russia and France. It was possible to achieve the surrender of Germany thanks to a large number of countries that took the side of the Entente. The result was the signing of the Compiegne Reconciliation in the forest of the same name on November 11, 1918. A holiday was established to commemorate these events.

Poland Independence Day

Poland's Independence Day is celebrated every year on November 11th. World War I ended on November 11, 1918. Poland, on the other hand, was able to reappear on the map after 125 years of partition of the country between Prussia, Russia and Austria.

Lachplesis Day in Latvia

Lachplesis is the name of a Latvian folk hero who was the hero of Latvian folk tales. He personified the greatness of the people, their will in heroism and struggle. In Latvian folklore, Lachplesis symbolizes the heroism and courage of a person. Therefore, every year on November 11, Latvia celebrates such a public holiday.

Anastasia, Anna, Vasily, Alexei, Vasily, Andrey, Viktor, Evgeny, Kirill, Ivan, Kuzma, Leonid, Naum, Maria, Nikolai, Philip and Pavel.

  • 1837 - the first passenger railway in Russia - St. Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo was opened.
  • 1918 - The Compiègne truce is concluded - the First World War ends.
  • 1983 - the prototype of the first computer virus appeared.
  • 1987 - Van Gogh's painting "Irises" was sold for a large and record amount - 53.9 million dollars.
  • Carl Peter Thunberg 1743 - Swedish naturalist.
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky 1821 - Russian thinker and writer.
  • Vladimir Khokhryakov 1828 - Russian educator and local historian.
  • Zinovy ​​Rozhdestvensky 1848 - Russian naval commander and vice admiral.
  • Maurice Leblanc 1864 - French writer.
  • Ostap Vishnya 1889 - Ukrainian and Soviet writer, satirist and humorist.
  • Lilya Brik 1891 - Russian writer and beloved of Vladimir Mayakovsky.
  • Yefim Berezin 1919 - Soviet entertainer, director and actor.
  • Kurt Vonnegut 1922 - satirist and American writer.
  • Claudia Boyarskikh 1939 - Soviet skier and Olympic champion.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio 1974 - American actor and producer.

The article presents both memorable dates and every religious Orthodox Christian divine holiday that exists on this day.

November 11 is a church holiday according to the Orthodox calendar for believers, a day off or not

On this day, the holy martyr Anastasia and the Monk Abraham are remembered. What can not be done on this day? It is not recommended to leave pets unattended, as they can be taken away by the goblin. It is customary to shear the sheep and feed the shepherds with delicious dishes.

November 11 what holiday is today on this day in the world, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland, USA, America, Belgium, Germany, in India among Buddhists, Hindus, Europe, France

A kitesurfing festival is held in Spain, which is an international and one of the most colorful sports holidays, for which 3 days are allocated. This is a family day, because a large part of all events is related to teaching children this sport.

World Shopping Day is also celebrated, which quickly gained popularity in China, after which it began to be in demand in other countries, because this is the best solution for all stores to quickly increase their profits, since all goods are offered at significant discounts.

International Energy Saving Day has been held with the support of SPARE since 2008. Its main goal is to draw attention to existing industry problems and environmental pollution.

The Day of the Recovery Train Worker in Russia dates back to 1936, when Kaganovich signed order number 168 in the USSR, which marked the beginning of the improvement of trains and tracks.

Poland's Independence Day is associated with 1918, when it managed to gain independence from Germany, Russia and Austria. This day is a holiday.

Lachplesis Day in Latvia is held annually and is considered a public holiday, and it originates from 1919, when the German army advancing on Riga was overcome.

Saint Martin's Day is celebrated as a time of completion of work in the village. Traditionally, bonfires are scorched, feasts are held and people jump over the fire. It should be noted that St. Martin is considered to be the patron of the poor, soldiers, shepherds and animals, so it is not possible without the creation of thematic straw handicrafts.

Einheriar Day is associated with Norse mythology, in which Einherria is considered a place where only the best of the warriors who managed to get into Valhalla live after death. They honor Odin and arrange thematic meetings.

Day of the end of the First World War, a bachelor in China, an economist in Russia

Singles Day in China, although not official in China, is popular. It originates from 1990, when students of Nanjing University gathered only in a male company to have fun.

Remembrance Day (The end of the First World War, Memorial Day) recalls what happened between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 and what horrors everyone who was involved in one of the very first bloody wars in history experienced.

Economist's Day in the Russian Federation began to be celebrated recently, because it is considered new for Russians, so there are no special traditions yet.

Which celebrity has a holiday on November 11

On this day, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born, the author of stories about Arsene Lupin Emile Leblanc, Willy Tokarev, Demi Moore, Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio and many other stars and prominent personalities.

world shopping day
Or the discount day was first celebrated in 2009, when the Alibaba Group Internet site carried out a marketing move and held a sale on its resources.
World Mini Ski Day
Invented mini-ski engineer-physicist V.M. Efimov, having made a significant contribution to the development of children's skiing.
Letter writing day
Celebrated annually and dedicated to letters.
International Day of Energy Saving
The purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to the rational use of resources.
Recovery Train Worker's Day
A professional holiday for all employees of recovery trains.
End of World War I
On November 11, 1918, the Armistice of Compiègne was signed.
Day of the ophthalmologist
Professional holiday of medical workers specializing in vision problems.
Feast of the Fermented
Celebrated annually on November 11th.
Economist Day
Professional holiday of economists.
world origami day
Established by the Japan Origami Association in 1980.
independence Day– Poland
It is celebrated on November 11 to commemorate Poland's independence in 1918.
singles day— PRC
Modern Chinese holiday.
name day Anastasia, Maria, Anna, Alexei, Andrey, Athanasius, Vasily, Victor, Eugene, Ivan, Kirill, Kuzma, Naum, Pavel, Nikolai, Philip, Timofey, Mark.

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