DIY star wars stormtrooper belt. DIY Star Wars: masks, accessories, crafts. Princess Leia Outfit

The first episode of the Star Wars saga was released 40 years ago, and since then, each new film has increased the army of its fans. It is no coincidence that the characters from these films are so popular at carnivals among adults and at children's matinees. The characters from the Star Wars saga are recognizable and unusual. It’s easy to make a costume for one or another movie hero with your own hands.

Darth Vader

This is one of the central characters of the saga - the father of Luke Skywalker, who went over to the side of darkness and took the name Darth Vader. The distinctive features of his costume are black Jedi armor, a terrifying mask, a black cloak and, of course, a blue lightsaber - this is one of the hallmarks of the Star Wars saga.

Black trousers and a long-sleeve shirt, as well as black motorcycle gloves and boots will help complete the suit. Sew the cloak from a rectangular piece of black satin fabric. Using colored tape or fabric paints, paint a control panel using silver, red and blue rectangles on the chest.

However, the most difficult thing about making such a “Star Wars” costume with your own hands is building a helmet. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can spend a little time and make it from papier-mâché. The base can be an inflated ball placed in a bucket for stability. The balloon must be inflated the size of your head so that the helmet fits well on it.

Using thin paper and glue, make a round base at the top of the head, and model the wings of the helmet, expanding downwards, using cardboard. Dry the finished helmet and paint it with black spray paint.

Kylo Ren

This Jedi, the son of General Han Solo and Princess Leia, is one of the negative characters in the saga. And he has his own special suit and helmet, like other Jedi in the Star Wars saga. Kylo Ren's costume consists of a black jumpsuit and a hooded robe, belted with a wide belt. They are not difficult to make, since you can take a black long sleeve and tights as a basis, and sew a mantle from any dense black material. Don't forget about the hood - the character hides his head under it all the time. For the belt, use leather-like fabric, sew a rectangle and fasten it with Velcro to make the suit easier to put on.

The mask will be more difficult; it is a black helmet, similar to the one worn by the Darth Vader character, but the difference is in the silver stripes around the eyes and mouth. Therefore, as a basis, you can take the shape and technique of creating Darth Vader’s headdress from papier-mâché, and create a similarity with the character of Kylo Ren using silver paint. You need to draw similar stripes on the finished and painted black helmet.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker's outfit is quite simple to create, which is why it is implemented more often than others. Plus, this Star Wars costume is just as good for kids as it is for adults. First, you will need a white or beige long shirt, cut like a kimono. You can sew it using any pattern for a kimono or even a robe, or take a ready-made suit for martial arts. Secondly, you will need a wide brown belt. It can be sewn from a piece of faux leather, secured with Velcro at the back.

Under the shirt you can wear any white trousers, which need to be tucked into long white socks or leg warmers. On top of the suit, cut a long cloak with a hood from a piece of brown material.

How to make a lightsaber

Most of the male characters in the saga are Jedi, and their main weapon is a lightsaber. And it is definitely needed for the costumes of Darth Vader, Kylo Ren or Luke Skywalker.

The easiest way, suitable if you are making a children's Star Wars costume, is a sword made of paper, plastic or wood. You can take a well and tightly rolled long roll of paper or a handle from a plastic mop. Paint one end black and the other blue or red. Between them, make a three-dimensional element that will look like the handle of a sword. It can be made from foil, wound in several layers on the workpiece.

It's another matter if you make adult carnival costumes. Star Wars is a serious fantasy, and to immerse yourself in its world, you will have to master the basics of electronics and physics. Then, using a transparent tube and LED lights, you can make a sword that lights up at the press of a button.

Princess Leia

Leia is the main and, perhaps, the only, apart from Queen Amidala, recognizable female character in the Star Wars saga. Her costume is perfect for both girls and adults. It is very simple and consists only of a white long dress. You can sew it using any pattern for a floor-length dress with sleeves. The collar is also important - it should have a small stand-up, so you can use a white turtleneck for the base of the suit, to which a long white skirt is simply sewn.

Leia wore a silver belt around her waist. You can look for a similar one in accessory stores or take any existing one, paint it with silver paint or wrap it in foil.

But Leia's look would be incomplete without her famous hairstyle - two shells of twisted hair on the sides. If you or your child has long hair, you can braid it on the sides or twist it into tight strands and lay each braid like a shell over the ear, securing the hair with hairpins. If the hair length is not enough, you will have to make an element of the costume. For him take:

  • Headband in hair color.
  • A skein of thick brown yarn.
  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • Brown felt.

Cut out two circles from cardboard and glue the same piece of felt to one side of each. Twist several pieces of yarn into a rope and glue it onto felt, laying the threads in a spiral. Make enough turns so that the shells imitating hair are voluminous. Glue the finished hairstyle elements to the headband with a glue gun.

Master Yoda

The wisest of the Jedi is undoubtedly Master Yoda. This is a funny character in a long cloak and with big ears, who constructed his wise phrases in a very unusual way. Undoubtedly, this costume (“Star Wars”) is for children - kids look very cute and funny in the image of an old wise Jedi.

Making a baggy brown robe, belted with rope, will be quite easy, but making long pointed ears is a little more difficult. They will need:

  • Green felt.
  • Holofiber.
  • Thin bezel.

Cut out 4 ear pieces from hard, well-holding felt, sew them in pairs and stuff them with holofiber so that the ears hold their shape. Stick them on the headband, and you can put the master's ears on your head.

You can also make ears from papier-mâché and attach them not to the headband, but to a semicircular blank made of the same material. This will create a one-piece headdress that is simply put on top of the head.

Star Wars Stormtrooper costume

These soldiers, dressed in snow-white armor, are a wonderful image for creating a carnival costume. To create the image of a space warrior, you will first need to make a helmet and armor. Take two white canisters. Glue the lids from the canisters on the sides of the neck of one of them. Next, cut out the front and back parts of this canister so that the sides and neck with glued lids remain - this is the future front part of the helmet.

You need to cut off the bottom of the second canister and glue both parts perpendicularly. Also cut off the top and neck of the second canister and use the remaining pieces of plastic to make a circle that will cover the top of the helmet. Try the mask on your head and, if necessary, trim the bottom canister to make it comfortable for your neck. Make slits for the eyes in the appropriate places and add details to the mask using silver tape and a black marker.

Otherwise, the Star Wars Stormtrooper costume is easy to put together with a white long-sleeve T-shirt and white pants or leggings. Black stripes on the legs and arms can be made using fabric paint or black tape.

The fever called "Star Wars" has found its fans all over the world. This is confirmed by the high popularity of the new animated series on the topic, currently airing on TV. If you have a real and true Jedi Knight growing up in your home, follow the tips below to make a Padawan costume that is eager to increase its rank. According to the original source, a padawan can also be a fairly mature person (for example, 18 years old) - see the example of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Jedi costumes from the two trilogies are also slightly different from each other: see the classic version below.
Adult fans of the epic will not be left without attention: below are the details that will help create an adult costume for an accomplished Jedi Knight.

The Jedi Knights are an elite and noble clan of spiritual warriors trained in the art of mastering the Force. They are the galactic guardians of peace, maintaining good relations between planets and keeping the evil dark side of the Force in check.

Difficulty: moderately easy.

To you will be needed:
- wide belts;
- an analogue of a lightsaber (easily created from a stick wrapped in foil, and an analogue of a handle made of adhesive foam rubber and paper);
- t-shirt;
- jacket from a karate suit;
- scarf;
- suitable boots;
- robe.

Modern example of a suit:

1. Get a white (or off-white) karate jacket or appropriately warm pajamas that fit fairly loosely around your shoulders. The jacket should be comfortable enough not to restrict movement - the person will probably be constantly swinging his “light saber”. Wear the jacket over a completely similar shade of white or off-white T-shirt. You will also need - for an older Padawan - something like a light but opaque scarf, which is worn under the jacket by simply crossing the loose ends of the scarf - without tying them. To prevent the scarf from getting in the way and sticking out from under your clothes, it is better to secure the very ends of the scarf (with safety pins, for example) to the belt of your trousers.

2. Choose a wide belt made of leather or faux leather, brown or black. It is possible with small decorations, but not excessive and suitable in style. Fasten the belt at the waist, over the jacket.

3. Find a pair of fairly wide straight trousers - you can even use a pajama bottom (or from the same karate suit), if the fabric is suitable - a color either similar to the jacket, or a little darker (for very young Padawans; although in calmer times, older ones wore the same) or brown (for older Padawans). Pants should also be comfortable enough for active movements. We tuck the T-shirt into the trousers, and put the jacket on top, on the contrary.

4. Choose a pair of brown or black boots (matching the color of the belt), slightly below the knee, or mid-calf length (for those who are younger); tuck your trouser legs into your boots. High riding boots will work best here (rubber boots can also be used - but they should not be wide and should not squeak when walking). Buying the first option can be quite expensive, so it is better to rent or borrow them. It’s not difficult to find just regular high men’s or women’s (a girl can also be a Jedi) boots on sale, just make sure that they don’t have lacing or excessive decorations and details.

5. The lightsaber needs to be attached to something on the belt. A lace or something similar won’t work here - it’s not solid, and you’ll ruin the whole suit with it. You can make a belt hook from a thin metal hanger by cutting the desired length with the hook and wrapping the wire around the belt. But a child can get hurt on such a device, so the best option is to find an unnecessary leather belt that is similar in color to the belt, cut off the first one and make a fastener.

6. You can buy a lightsaber at a toy store, or make a similar one yourself (see above; since the foil has a color that is not quite characteristic of a lightsaber - i.e. silver or white - see shiny colored paper without a pattern in stationery stores). The color of the sword does not determine whether you belong to the dark or light side of the Force (if you doubt this, refer to the primary sources, and also remember the large-scale battle in the arena in the second part of the new trilogy and the latest animated series on the topic), but it can identify a specific character from Star Wars. Therefore, either just choose your favorite color or the color of the character's sword.

For older children, and those who are particularly careful when creating costumes, it is recommended to wear on top of all this a spacious and long, almost to the floor, thick and opaque brown robe (not just a cloak, but a robe with wide sleeves) with a large hood .

Classic suit pattern:

If you're a fan of the classic trilogy, these tips will help you make a costume inspired by Luke Skywalker and old Obi-Wan Kenobi.

1. You will need a light T-shirt with a stand-up collar - like a turtleneck or half neck. Acceptable colors: black (but this may be a shirt, not a T-shirt, and the collar must be rigid, with a slit in the middle in the front), sand, gray. Often Luke basically did without an undershirt, so one jacket on his naked body in this case would be enough. Obi-Wan's jersey should be chocolate brown or black.

2. The trousers in the first part were narrower, again select the color according to the principle described in the modern version. Try stretch pants or skinny chinos.

3. Jacket - everything is the same, but the color is either sand, or something close to white (not pure white), or brown. To turn a regular karate suit jacket brown, simply dye it with homemade dyes. It's the same with the belt.

4. Boots - height strictly just below the knee.

5. Cloak. Here it is not a robe that is used, but a cloak. Preferably black. But also with a hood. Obi-Wan wore a cape that was either white to contrast with his brown tank top and jacket, or brown and had sleeves.

6. On Luke’s belt - in the fifth and sixth scenes - hung not only a sword, but also a leather belt bag.

Otherwise, everything is the same.

If you have time and funds, you can create more serious youth combat suit, for example, a similar variation of it - similar to the one described above - but with a larger amount of leather (here you only need one more additional leather vest with long flaps):

Basically, classically costume of a hero already elevated to the rank of knight, usually not very different from the Padawan costume: the principle of creation is the same, but:
- choose a T-shirt and scarf of a different color from the jacket - some will prefer darker ones, others lighter ones (or you can put 2 jackets on a T-shirt - one with a narrower neck of the first color, the second with a wider neck of a different color) ;
- the jacket, as a rule, is chosen by an adult, different from pure white, and it should be longer - not to the middle of the thigh (or even shorter), like the Padawans, but to the knee or slightly higher (for girls, a purely stylistic decision is a length between “to the knee” and “to mid-thigh”, and the trousers are narrower);
- more free color variations of clothing are acceptable - blue, dark brown, gray, muted blue.

Otherwise, the scheme for creating the costume is the one described above in the “modern sample” section.


— For greater authenticity, choose fabrics/clothing made from natural materials and natural shades;

- Don't forget to choose an impressive Jedi-style name for yourself: check out the official Star Wars websites for ideas;

- The dark Anakin/Anakin/Anakin costume consists of a brown jacket and trousers, a black robe, black boots and a belt.

And may the Force be with you.

Darth Vader first appeared before audiences in 1977. He immediately won the title of the galaxy's number one villain and became an iconic figure in pop culture. The Darth Vader look is a great choice for many events, from a Halloween party to Saturday night get-togethers. We will tell you how to do without extra expenses and make a Darth Vader costume with your own hands. So, we bring to your attention detailed instructions.

Stage #1: Preparation

1. Find pictures of Vader on the Internet. Open Google, Yandex or another search engine and request images of the Dark Lord of the Sith. Choose one where Darth Vader is clearly visible: he is depicted close-up and in full growth. Carefully study all the attributes of the costume (mask, cloak, helmet). This will become your “cheat sheet” in searching for similar things.

2. Make a complete list of what you need. Not all items are available at home; some of what you need will have to be obtained. Divide the costume into six parts: clothes, helmet, gloves, cape, boots and accessories.

  • Prioritize: Your costume should first and foremost be realistic, comfortable, or quick and easy to make.
  • Determine what from the list of necessary items you can find at home and what you will have to buy.

3. Buy inexpensive black clothes. This is Vader's signature color and all your clothing should be black. To save money, go to a second-hand store and look for a sweater or shirt (always with long sleeves), trousers or pants and socks.

  • When choosing clothes, consider where your event will be held. If you have to walk down the street in a costume on Halloween, opt for warm clothes made of thick fabric. If the party is indoors, buy something light and comfortable that will keep you comfortable and cool.
  • Are you planning to make your image more intimidating and add extra muscles? Then choose clothes one or two sizes larger.

4. Gloves and boots. You need thick gloves and black boots. Due to the injury, the Dark Lord hid his skin, including his arms and legs. A great solution is to take motorcycle gloves and boots. They are large, dense and most often black. Gloves made of artificial leather or rough leather and inexpensive black high boots are also quite suitable. Alternatively, imitate the upper part of the boots using overlays, and then put the boots on top. This can be done as follows.

  • Sew them on a sewing machine using leatherette and rubber. Carefully wrap your leg with the pad up to the knee and secure it. Do the same with the second leg.
  • Attach the pattern to the fabric and trace along the length and width. Take more fabric if needed. Please note that on one side you need to leave a couple of centimeters for the seam spades. Apply the pattern to both sides of the fabric and cut out.
  • Sew the parts along the line marked on the side, do not sew the top and bottom.
  • Cut a piece of elastic to fit the width of the shoe. Pin one side to the right seam of the lining and the other to the left. Stitch. Wear the pad over your pants and boots.

Step #2: Making the Helmet

1. Prepare everything to make a papier-mâché helmet. This is the ideal method for creating a helmet that is voluminous and hollow inside, but is durable and comfortable. Of course, you can go to a toy store and buy a ready-made one there, but making your own from papier-mâché is much more interesting. Therefore, if you want to make a Darth Vader costume with your own hands, we recommend making the helmet this way. So, to make a helmet you need to prepare:

  • newspaper
  • saucepan
  • Deep plate
  • Mixture for creating a helmet (to do this, mix flour and water in a ratio of 1 to 5
  • Several empty porridge packets
  • Adhesive tape
  • Hot glue, glue gun
  • A plastic container you no longer need
  • Can of black paint
  • Spray with varnish

2. Prepare the papier-mâché mixture. Place a cup of flour in a saucepan and add five cups of water and turn on the heat. Let the mixture boil and cook for three minutes. The result should be a lump-free mass of homogeneous consistency.

  • You can also mix equal parts flour and water well in a bowl
  • The mass should not be salted, otherwise it will be more difficult to work with.

3. Prepare a base for work. For this you need an inflatable ball. Fill it with air, place it in a plastic bucket, the ball should remain motionless. Dip strips of newspaper into the prepared mixture and place them on the ball one at a time. When you lay the first layer, let it dry, only then apply the second.

  • When making papier-mâché, you risk making a mess, so prepare for the process and cover your work surface (table or kitchen floor) with newspapers.

4. Model Vader's face. Various cardboard figures cut from boxes will help you here: rectangles, circles, squares. Attach them to the base using hot glue or duct tape and cover with a layer of papier-mâché. Once completed, lay another layer and let the structure dry.

  • Be sure to make a visor protruding above the eyes.
  • Don't forget also the triangular breathing mask that covers the Dark Lord's nose and mouth.

5. Pop the balloon and make holes for the mouth and eyes. Carefully poke the ball with a needle through the bottom or back of the mask that needs to be removed. Line up the edges of the mask by covering it with another layer of papier-mâché. Make sure the mask is thoroughly dry before cutting out holes for the eyes and mouth.

  • Make breathing holes by cutting a few strips from a plastic container.

6. Paint the helmet and add finishing touches. Open cans of paint and varnish and apply them evenly to the helmet. Make two holes in the back of the helmet and thread the rope through. This is necessary to secure the helmet well on your face.

  • To finish the job, take some hot glue and attach the lenses of the unwanted sunglasses to cover the eye holes.

Step #3: Sewing the raincoat

1. Take your measurements. To sew a raincoat you need three measurements, you will need to determine them. Put on your boots and measure the length of the raincoat - from the base of your neck to the floor. Then extend your arms forward, keep them straight, and determine the distance between your fingers. Finally, measure the circumference of your neck at the base of your neck. Write down these numbers and go to the fabric store. The store staff will advise you on how much fabric you will need for sewing.

  • Please note that you will need to leave a few centimeters on each edge for seams.
  • In stores, the length of the fabric is indicated in meters.

2. Buy fabric and sewing supplies. Browse the store's assortment or visit the website to see your options. You can find ready-made patterns with the help of which even the average person can handle sewing a raincoat. Unlike the others, Vader's Cloak does not rustle. Also, the fabric you choose should not flutter. For sewing you need to prepare:

  • Thick, heavy black fabric. To sew a children's suit, one meter is enough, but for an adult, more fabric will be required.
  • At least one meter of fabric for the lining (however, you can do without it)
  • Paper pattern
  • Black thread for sewing
  • About 10 centimeters of Velcro
  • Chalk or Pencil for transferring the pattern onto the fabric
  • Sewing machine

3. Cut out the fabric. Take a paper pattern and attach it to the fabric, trace with chalk or pencil.

  • If necessary, adjust the pattern to your measurements (the length and width you measured). The measured neck circumference will correspond to the collar size, add a couple of centimeters for a comfortable fit. Cut out the pattern. If you are sewing a raincoat with a lining, do the same with it.
  • You can transfer the pattern, then cut out two semicircles and sew. Fold the fabric in half and secure with pins. Place a measurement on the fabric that corresponds to the circumference of the neck, add five centimeters from the base of the semicircle to the edge. Using a chalk attached to a knitting needle, draw an even curve. Cut it out. Make a hole for the neck by drawing and cutting out a semicircle of the desired size in the center. Using a sewing machine, sew the two pieces together.

4. Sew the edges and sew on Velcro. The bottom of the coat and the edge of the collar must be overcast. It is better to do this with a simple stitch on a sewing machine. Fold the fabric twice, one centimeter at a time, and pin it with a pin. Sew, leaving a few millimeters from the edge, and then press the seams thoroughly with an iron.

  • When cutting the raincoat, be sure to leave a couple of centimeters for seam allowances. A raincoat with hemmed edges will wear better and look neater.
  • The collar can be glued with Velcro; you will need 5-8 centimeters for each side. The heavier the fabric, the wider the Velcro should be.

Step #4: Put on a suit

1. It will take you 10-15 minutes to put on all the elements of the costume. Try on all the items individually in advance and make sure they are your size and match the image of Darth Vader. Iron the cloak and prepare all the elements. Make sure to collect all the parts: helmet, pants, jacket or shirt, raincoat, boots, gloves and muscle pads (optional).

2. If you decide to make your muscles more voluminous, first of all put on pads. However, this element of the costume is not required. But if you use it, get some hockey gear or American football gear. To make it more comfortable, wear a T-shirt and shorts under the pads. First, put on the belt, then fix the pads on the shoulders and attach them to the shins. After doing this, make sure that the pads do not pinch.

  • Wearing pads for the first time is unusual. If you have not had this experience, practice at home. In a couple of days you will get used to it and prepare for triumph in the suit.
  • To make the pads stick better, secure them with adhesive tape.
  • A hockey player's protective uniform is not a cheap pleasure. If you don’t have your own, borrow from friends, buy at a second-hand store, or rent.

3. Wear a long sleeve sweater and trousers. Choose clothes in your size that fit well but are not too tight. An alternative to overlays can be a voluminous sweater made of thick fabric or several T-shirts and turtlenecks. The situation with trousers is similar: you can wear another pair of trousers underneath them.

  • The benefit of layering clothing is warmth. Especially if you will be mostly outdoors.

4. Tuck your pants into your boots and put on gloves. Tuck your pants into your boots and lace them up, then put on your gloves. The pads should be worn over shoes, on boots. Have you put it on? Great! Now walk around the apartment and learn to act threatening.

5. Put on and secure the cape and helmet. The raincoat can be tied or secured with Velcro. It should not fit too tightly - so that you feel comfortable. Put on your helmet. It should fit you in size and be comfortable, allow you to breathe and turn your head in both directions. We advise you to walk around the house a little and get used to the suit, then you can go to the party in it.

6. Place your lightsaber in your belt. Don't worry if you don't have one, the sword can be made from a floating aqua stick. To do this, cut it in half and wrap one side with silver electrical tape. Glue 2 horizontal strips on top, make 2 vertical ones - between the horizontal rings and the edge of the electrical tape.

7. Create a control panel. There is a control panel on Vader's chest; it controls the functioning of the Dark Lord's body. The element can be made from a cardboard box, decorated with a brush or spray can. Draw colorful buttons or make them from used tube caps and construction set parts. Glue the panel to the suit with black electrical tape or secure the edges with rope and place it around your neck.

8. Learn to breathe like Darth Vader. After a duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi, as a result of which the Dark Lord almost died, his lungs were replaced with mechanical ones. Vader breathes deeply, his breathing accompanied by characteristic hoarse sounds. In the fourth, fifth and sixth episodes of Star Wars, the hero was voiced by James Earl Jones. He managed to convey the authority and depth of Darth Vader in his voice. To get into the character, watch the third, fourth, fifth and sixth episodes of the saga, which feature Darth Vader. Learn to pronounce words like him; in preparation, you can record your speech on a voice recorder. And after wearing the bone completely, practice moving in front of a mirror.

  • Start getting ready early: you may need to spend a lot of time putting on your suit.
  • If you can't find all the parts in the store, make your own Darth Vader costume. This interesting creativity will help make the image unique and impressive.
  • Keep all the elements of the costume nearby, so you will definitely not lose them.
  • Practice your intonation - your voice should be hoarse and rough. Does not work? Then be silent, because the Dark Lord speaks only on business.
  • Practice moving. Movements should be clear and confident, not fussy. Move smoothly, this makes it easier to control your body. Don't be active.
  • Take a friend to help. Vader's fully enclosed suit is uncomfortable and difficult to see. And if suddenly you don’t notice the curb on the street, your friend will be able to pull you back in time. Better yet, dress him up as a stormtrooper or an Imperial officer.
  • If you decide to make a Darth Vader costume with your own hands, be careful in the process.
  • You can find a voice converter and build it into your helmet or download such an application for your phone. If you sound exactly like Vader, the audience will be delighted.


  • Vader's helmet is hard to see. When you put it on, keep your eyes open and don’t even think about driving.
  • The costume may frighten children. When meeting small children, do not act too intimidating, but rather tell a joke or dance.
  • If you feel hot in your suit, drink water. There is no ventilation in the suit, so if you get dizzy, undress and take a break.
  • Do not hit people around you with your lightsaber. This is indecent and dangerous.

How to make a stormtrooper helmet with your own hands aslan wrote in April 8th, 2018

I live in a city with a long pedestrian street, where most of the retail outlets, cafes, etc. are located. This is the most pedestrian street in our city. I came up with an idea, why not make a First Order Stormtrooper costume from Star Wars to hand out flyers. And not only for distribution, you can do animation, etc. People will often approach a person in such a suit to take a photo, for example.

The first step is to install the Pepakura Designer program and download the patterns you need. The suit is for a height of 176 cm, but the stormtrooper suit is universal, because it is composite, it will suit people from 170 to 188, although you can always change the sizes in the program itself.

The scans need to be printed on paper with a density of 200-220, this is the density of whatman paper. I glued it with PVA glue. This is what almost the entire printed and glued suit looks like. Many parts do not yet have spacers.

I started with the helmet, unfortunately I didn’t immediately start taking photos, first I glued the helmet together, then reinforced it from the inside with polyester resin and glass mat. Under no circumstances should you work with this stinking rubbish at home, even on the balcony, the smell will take a long time to dissipate. I worked in a garage, I definitely needed a respirator and gloves. After I secured the helmet, I noticed that the front was very bad, so I had to cut it out, print it again and paste it in.

Using cold welding, I expanded parts that were not in the paper pattern. As a result, I redid these parts about 10 times. I also corrected the place above the bridge of the nose; in the development it is not protruding enough.

Halfway to the end of the work, I learned about such a wonderful tool as a template pattern, although it has many other names, I ordered it on Ali. And then the long and hard work began, because I set myself the task of making the helmet as symmetrical as possible.

I found the middle points on the helmet, drew circles with a compass, drew them, and started from them to level the helmet on both sides.

I noticed that many people who made such helmets simply drilled out the holes for them. And I wanted to make honeycombs, just like in the original helmet. I asked a friend who does laser cutting of metal, but nothing came of it, the distance between the holes was 0.7 mm, the metal was twisting and moving. An unexpected idea came to mind: why not cut self-adhesive tape on a plotter and stick it in several layers? I went to an advertising agency and found out that cutting several A4 sheets would cost me almost 500 euros, they charge me for the length of the cut, and it was at least 200 m. I remembered that at my last job I had a plotter and went there and asked my former boss for evening. The whole thing took 8 hours to cut.

10 glued layers gave the desired thickness of 1 mm.

Next came plastic casting; for this we needed to make a copy of the helmet. All this time I was making a master model. This is done using silicone. Let me get ahead of myself and say that I made several unsuccessful silicone castings, the final result is after the 3rd casting and it was not successful enough, I had to putty a little, the 4th casting will be the most ideal. Silicone over the helmet.

Glass mat and polyester shell

My mistake in 3 not very successful castings was in this glass mat shell, the fact is that if there is not a sufficient fit with the silicone by at least 1 mm, then the silicone will eventually bend and when filled with plastic there will be dents on the copy. Only after the 3rd casting did I find out that there is a paste, it is thick and is used just to create a shell, it perfectly covers the entire area and hardens. Looks like plastic.

The photo shows the result of the last casting. I had to putty a little. How is it filled with plastic? The mold is removed from the helmet, inserted into the shell, then two-component liquid plastic is poured into different cups in equal proportions, poured into one, mixed. Next, we pour this glass into the helmet and begin to rotate, the plastic hardens in 15 minutes. This helmet took 860 grams of plastic. Together with painting and interior foam finishing, the helmet weighs approximately 1-1.1 kg.

Next I had the task of making a visor (lens) for the helmet, many cosplayers take a thick transparent cover and glue car tint on top and glue it into the helmet, it looks good, but I wanted better. I wanted to make the glass convex, just like a real helmet. For this, the unsuccessful first casting came in handy; I cut out the part where the eyes are located and, using automotive putty, bolts, and nuts, strengthened the bottom so that the shape became solid. Then, using cold welding, I began to shape the top.

The 1.5 mm thick plexiglass is easily bent using a hair dryer. I made a lens from transparent plexiglass; black translucent one was impossible to find. I glued the tint, but there were folds in the bends, even a hair dryer didn’t help. Unexpectedly, I found black translucent plexiglass at the car market; a car deflector is perfect for the lens.

Next is painting with an airbrush. My total expenses for creating a suit and helmet today are about 500 dollars, this cost includes tools, materials, by the way, I often used cold welding, according to my calculations it took 1 kg. Silicone and plastic are not cheap. Almost the entire suit is reinforced with polyester and glass mat, but not puttied yet. A few final photos. More than 500 hours of work were spent on the helmet.

Next, my plans are to finish the entire costume, convert a helmet from one casting into Captain Phasma’s helmet and finish Kylo Ren’s helmet, I already found the original fabric like in the film for sewing the costume on a foreign website.

Why was so much time wasted? 500 hours is exactly that, maybe more, many times I reworked the same areas to achieve symmetry, down to 1 mm.

It will soon be 40 years since the first film in the Star Wars space saga was released. As in those now distant years, each new episode of this epic film contributes to the ranks of its fans. That is why many boys and girls, when going to a New Year's party, prefer to wear masquerade outfits of stormtroopers, Jedi, and robots. Other costumes are also in demand.

“Star Wars” for children is a kind of modern fairy tale, so there is no need to be indignant that your ten-year-old son does not want to portray Pinocchio or a pirate, like you did at his age. Better read how to make a costume for one of the characters in the space saga about Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, especially if you use unnecessary clothes and have sewing skills.

In addition, by making Star Wars costumes, you can organize fun outdoor play for children. For example, they would love to do “The Clone Wars” during a class trip out of town.

Clone costume from Star Wars: what you need

Today, many boys are simply crazy about the image of stormtroopers. As you know, most of them were clones, so both of them look the same. To create a costume for such a space soldier, you will need:

  • two small white canisters;
  • their lids.
  • black electrical tape;
  • white spray paint;
  • brush;
  • some black paint;
  • regular elastic band for clothing;
  • white leggings;
  • black turtleneck and leggings;
  • white chunky high boots with Velcro;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • sharp knife;
  • white sleeveless tank top;
  • any glue for plastic;
  • wide white corset.

How to dress up as a clone

The main element of this outfit is the mask. Its base can be made from two canisters with the bottom cut off. Then:

  • caps should be glued on both sides of the neck of one of them, and a large hole should be made in the upper part of the other;
  • cut off the bottom of the canisters and secure them perpendicular to each other, cutting out a notch for the neck;
  • paint with white paint;
  • decorate with black paint and electrical tape;
  • secure the elastic band.

When the mask is ready, all that remains is to glue together the parts of the “armor” from white cardboard. Then you need to wear black leggings over a turtleneck. The look is completed with white leg warmers, a wide corset belt and massive boots. The end result is something out of Star Wars (or a clone).

Princess Leia Outfit

Does your daughter love the Star Wars movie? Leis will be quite easy to make. To do this, you need to sew a white long dress with a high collar and wide sleeves. If you are not confident in your skills as a dressmaker, then you can dress the girl in a turtleneck and a white skirt, which can be easily made from an old sheet. Next you will need a belt with silver fragments. It can be made by wrapping a leather belt with pieces of foil, placing them at some distance from each other.

To go with the dress, you need to choose high white boots and do the appropriate hairstyle:

  • divide hair into a middle parting;
  • gather hair into two ponytails, one above each ear;
  • roll into tight ropes;
  • arrange in the form of pretzels;
  • secure with pins.

Darth Vader costume: what you need

To appear before your friends as this central character from the Star Wars film saga, you will need:

  • old newspaper;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • Bowl;
  • several empty cereal boxes;
  • pot;
  • glue gun;
  • Plastic container;
  • black spray paint;

Working on the headdress

For Halloween or playing Star Wars, the Darth Vader costume is just right! We will create the outfit by making the helmet:

  • Art. flour, stirring constantly, gradually add 5 times more water;
  • boil for 3 minutes and remove from heat;
  • an ordinary balloon is inflated so that it becomes slightly larger than the head of the person who is going to put on a helmet;
  • insert it into a bucket to ensure immobility;
  • strips of newspaper are moistened in the flour mixture and pasted over the ball;
  • after the first layer has dried, another one is applied on top of it;
  • circles, triangles and a visor are cut out of cardboard;
  • secure the figures to the ball with tape;
  • glue another layer of newspaper on top;
  • cut out the eye sockets and holes for the nose;
  • remove the bottom part and trimmings of the ball;
  • paint the helmet with spray paint and apply varnish after drying;
  • Lenses are glued into the eye sockets.

Space epic "Star Wars": Darth Vader costume

In addition to the helmet, you will need black clothing: pants, a blouse or long-sleeved shirt, trousers and socks. If you plan to put padding on the bottom to create a semblance of muscles, then the trousers should be a couple of sizes larger than necessary.

In addition, you can complement the look with a black wide raincoat.

Luke Skywalker costume

If your child likes this particular character, then making an outfit like his for a matinee is not as difficult as it might seem. For playing Star Wars, the Skywalker costume can be repurposed from unwanted clothes. It is enough to wear a judo kimono, light gray or white trousers and a leather belt. You need to wrap light brown strips of fabric around your calves to your knees and complete the look with a glowing sword.

You can also complement the outfit with an old coffee-colored hooded bathrobe or sew it yourself by cutting out wide sleeves.

Now you know what this or that “space” suit (Star Wars) should look like. It’s not that difficult to make outfits for your favorite characters with your own hands, so don’t deny your child or yourself the pleasure of surprising your friends during a fun New Year or Halloween party.