Ultrasound and screenings are not a guarantee. He was destined to be born with us. What is your child like? Astrological characteristics of children according to zodiac signs

It is sometimes very difficult to understand a small child: each baby is an individual, one sits calmly in the sandbox and makes Easter cakes, while the other certainly needs to escape from the watchful gaze of their parents.

Why? - because the baby has his own character and temperament. It manifests itself in early childhood and determines the manner of communication, interests, characteristics of the child’s life and behavior.

Let's move away from the stereotypes compiled by psychologists (sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric) and turn to living nature. Perhaps she will be the one who will tell you the answer to what kind of child you have?

Kangaroo. These children are very attached to their mother, often because of this they may be called “mama’s boys.” However, you also always look after them and try not to refuse help. Kangaroo children are distinguished by their thoughtful and balanced character, they study well, and are often ahead of their peers in development, but they are lonely. More and more often, you notice that your child has no friends at all, and he spends time at the computer, console, or with his parents. However, the kangaroo is not short of diligence: he is a talented researcher and a reliable assistant. Your task is to help him socialize, teach him how to make acquaintances, because you don’t want your only friends to be your whole life, do you? - by doing this you will deprive him of the charm of communication with peers, knowledge of the world.

Lion cub. Already from early childhood, the lion cub has a complex character: he is the main merry fellow and the ringleader, he can safely be called the “head of the pride.” From scratch, he comes up with entertainment, sometimes too risky, for which the lion cub often gets punished by educators and teachers.

Your child is very emotional: he does not hide his joy or anger, is able to stand up for himself, and is always surrounded by friends. This is a born leader and winner, but parents need to watch carefully so that the child’s self-esteem does not skyrocket: attention from friends is, of course, wonderful, but at home parents should dominate. This is sometimes difficult for a lion cub to come to terms with, so conflicts can arise out of nowhere. However, these children are quite easy-going; once you switch their attention to something more interesting, they forget about grievances and completely immerse themselves in a new activity.

Teen Wolf. This type of temperament is easily recognizable from the cradle. A wolf child tries to achieve what he wants by shouting and scandal, and often because of little things (they didn’t give him a toy or didn’t buy a kinder) he gets really hysterical. These are very energetic children, their emotions are clearly and strongly expressed. You may have noticed that your child strives to do everything as quickly as possible, including homework or help around the house, not paying attention to mistakes and inaccuracies. Your child is overly independent and often makes rash actions that lead to trouble. He is not inclined to tell lies, he often takes the blame upon himself and is gloomily silent, offended when he is punished. In a team, such children are not leaders, but they are respected because they are able to stand up for themselves. Pay more attention to your child, be patient. Make sure that he brings what he started to the end, encourage him for success, but do not yell at the child - the baby is very sensitive to criticism, speak sternly, but calmly. Screaming, physical punishment or excessive pressure on your child can ruin your relationship.

Teddy Bear. This baby really does not look like a bear cub: calm, does not like noise and running around, and is sometimes a little clumsy. He listens carefully to his parents and teachers, but he is also prone to mischief. If he started a business, he tries to bring it to the end, and gets very angry if something doesn’t work out. If your child is a bear cub, he may often have problems in kindergarten or school, where he needs to quickly complete tasks. Your child likes to think; he does not like to be rushed or urged on. It can be difficult for a bear cub to get along in a children's group, so try to socialize it from childhood: go to playgrounds more often, teach it to meet people. Immediately accustom him to the daily routine, support him, provide help if he asks. Often such kids are independent and try to cope with everything themselves, although this does not always work out. Try to avoid conflict situations and quarrels, otherwise the child will withdraw into himself and your relationship will cool down significantly.

Fawn. The baby deer is quiet, modest and disciplined; teachers have nothing special to say about such children: except that they study well and have excellent behavior. A timid and sympathetic child has a difficult time in a children's group: he often plays either alone or with good friends. Your child may outwardly seem calm and impenetrable, but inside he hides a huge sea of ​​​​feelings. Even the slightest failure can make a fawn angry; such children tend to cry even over trifles. Fawns have a well-developed imagination and creativity. They often live in a fantasy world and are therefore lonely, so try to help your child make friends. Remember - fawns have a developed sense of guilt, so harsh criticism is not the best method; a calm explanation works better. Such children especially need your praise and encouragement; they have low self-esteem. Try not to speak edifyingly to him, it is better to explain everything to the child using vivid examples, praise for a small success - and your child is ready to move mountains.

little fox. They say about such kids “there are still devils in the water,” and in fact, from early childhood, the child intuitively understands what levers can be used to influence parents, friends, and teachers. Fox cubs are often caught lying, but over time they tell lies so masterfully that adults themselves begin to believe the child. As a rule, a baby fox grows up in families where they say one thing and show another by example. A child may be kind, not devoid of talent and has an excellent imagination, but the ability to be cunning and dodge is an integral part of his temperament. The little fox cannot be called a loner, but he has very few or no real friends, more like buddies. We can advise parents: show the child the right example, do not force him to tell lies even in small things, reprimand him for deception, teach him to take responsibility for his words and actions. It would seem a trivial situation: the phone rings and you ask the child to say that you are not at home - this is the first step towards making the child realize that it turns out that lies can also be beneficial.

Baby elephant. The baby elephant is named so not because of its size, but because of its impressionability and emotionality. This is a born explorer; the child loves meeting new people and visiting new places. Often you catch yourself thinking that you can read both his mood and attitude towards your friends by the expression of the baby’s face. As a rule, parents do not experience any particular difficulties with such a child, except that they constantly wonder what to do with him? Baby elephants are inquisitive and friendly, but at the same time they easily fall under the influence of others and can often give up halfway through a task. From an early age, parents need to persistently but gently teach their child responsibility. Don’t follow his lead, praise only when the baby deserves it, but never refuse support. These children often have high self-esteem, because they easily get along with people and receive a lot of compliments, which, by the way, they love very much.

Write in the comments if anything coincided with your child. And if you liked these humorous descriptions, share the article with your friends on your social network!

Will her daughter get her father's rare hair? To get answers to these questions, you can go to the soothsayer Baba Inga or peer into the coffee grounds. However, instead of engaging in shamanism, it’s better to remember your school biology course.

While you exchanged notes with your best friend or counted crows while looking out the window, the teacher patiently explained to you and your classmates what happens when the female and male reproductive cells unite. In the process of merging, a new life is born, which receives part of the paternal and maternal genes, which carry a huge amount of information: they are responsible for the appearance, health, and mental abilities of the unborn child. Despite the fact that the baby receives all the signs from his mother and father, he is born as a completely unique personality, whose exact portrait cannot be drawn by any scientist in the world: no one knows for sure exactly how the genes are intertwined in a bizarre way. However, there are a number of features that can be predicted with a certain degree of probability: for example, what the child’s eye color, hair shade, height, etc. will be.

Exact copy?

You've probably heard the popular belief more than once that girls are born like their dads, and boys, on the contrary, become copies of their mothers. This theory is only partly true: it is believed that the genes responsible for the shape of the face, the shape of the cheekbones and eyebrows, the smile, etc., mostly live on the X chromosome. At the same time, boys receive it from their mother, and from their father they get the Y sex chromosome, which is quite poor in external characteristics. Therefore, toddlers actually more often turn out to be “mama’s boys.” As for girls, they inherit two X chromosomes from both parents at the same time. So it’s impossible to say who the little princess will look like: she has an equal chance of getting both her mother’s and father’s faces.


In moments of greatest tenderness, your husband enthusiastically whispers in your ear: “Our daughter will have your eyes as blue as the spring sky.” If at the same time your spouse has brown eyes, you will have to upset him: the likelihood of having a light-eyed baby is negligible. The fact is that genes can be recessive or dominant. In this case, the dark color of the iris is strong, and blue, like gray and green, is weak, which gives in under the powerful pressure of the former. Your chances of producing a blue-eyed girl are 25%, and a black-eyed beauty is 75%. But if your husband, like you, has a blue iris, you will never have a child with dark eyes. But two brown-eyed parents can expect a surprise: there is a 25% chance that the baby will surprise mom and dad with an unexpected blue eye color.

Curly Sue

Blonde hair color, like blue eyes, is considered a recessive trait. That is why some publications periodically publish articles on the topic that someday there will not be a single blonde left on planet Earth: they will be swallowed up by stronger brunettes. However, the World Health Organization never tires of refuting this dubious information: recessive genes do not disappear without a trace, but are passed on from generation to generation in order to someday appear again. However, this does not mean at all that your children will get your wheat hair color; it is quite possible that it will appear in your grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Here, as in the case of eyes: a pair of “blonde plus brunette” has only one chance in four of giving birth to Goldilocks. The same applies to saffron milk caps: chestnut curls, alas, are recessive. But if you are the happy owner of a lush, curly head of hair, with a high degree of probability you will get a baby whose head will be decorated with charming curls. Because curly hair is dominant, and straight hair is recessive.

Dimples and humps

On your first date with your husband, you were immediately smitten by his noble Roman profile - his hooked nose - and the sexy dimple on his chin. Keep in mind, your future son has every chance of becoming a sultry heartthrob: some scientists are confident that the genes responsible for these traits are dominant. Unfortunately, these same experts also consider protruding ears to be a very strong trait that is inherited. So, if someone in your family boasts funny ears, the child will receive them as a dowry.

Gulliver and Thumbelina

Some men are crazy about girls of model size with a height of at least 175 cm, others prefer miniature Thumbelina. Ladies, unfortunately, are more categorical: in modern society, tall macho men are valued (short Tom Cruise is an exception to the rule; after all, his too pretty face compensates for his short stature). Therefore, most likely, you dream of a giant son, before whose charms not a single beauty can resist. Alas, predicting the growth of a future baby is a very difficult task. After all, it is influenced not only by the parameters of the parents, but also by lifestyle, nutrition, and past illnesses. However, there is a huge chance that a tall mom and dad will have children to match them. However, parents with modest dimensions and the presence of tall grandparents can count on the fact that the child will outgrow them.

By the way, if you have free time and are ready to do simple calculations, you can try to calculate the height of your future child using special formulas. A certain Czech researcher V. Karkus is confident that a girl’s height should be calculated according to the following scheme: multiply the father’s parameters by 0.923, add the mother’s height and divide by 2. For the boy’s dimensions, you will need a different formula: add up the heights of mom and dad, multiply by 1.08 , divide by 2. For example, if your partner is 185 cm and you are 170 cm, then, according to the Karkus formulas, your son will reach approximately 192 cm, and your daughter will be your height.

Mind for mind

You graduated from school with a gold medal, from college with honors, and your husband was saved from the army solely by his family’s personal acquaintance with the rector of the university. Fortunately, your children most likely will not follow the path of their slob father. According to recent studies, intellectual abilities are inherited to a greater extent from mom, rather than from dad. However, a brilliant man can also reward his offspring with a remarkable mind, but only if he gives birth to a girl and provides her with his X chromosome. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the game that the boy will receive.

Children to order

Who will be born to you, a boy or a girl, depends on which cell of the father's merged with the mother's to give rise to a new life. One half of the father's gametes contains the X chromosome, the other - the Y chromosome. The fusion of the first with the mother's egg leads to the birth of a little princess, the second - a tomboy. However, this information became known to people relatively recently. Our ancestors were sure that other factors influence the gender of the child.

China: head north. The ancient Chinese believed that in order for an heir to be born, a woman had to lay her head to the north while making love, and to conceive a girl, to the south.

Germany: rain is for girls. German great-great-grandmothers were sure that if you make love during the rain, a girl will certainly be born, and dry weather contributes to the appearance of male representatives.

Greece: love in the heat. The ancient Greek philosopher and physician Empedocles believed that in hot weather there is a much greater chance of conceiving a male baby, and in the cold season, respectively, a female baby.

Tibet: even-odd. In Tibet there was a belief: if parents dream of an heir, they must conceive him on an even day. Those who dream of a girl should postpone their lovemaking to an odd day.

People of the future

Ever since people discovered the science called “genetics,” they have been haunted by the thought of what a person of the future will look like. Researchers are divided into two camps: adherents of the first are sure that we will be reborn into gigantic beauties, representatives of the second are predicting an ugly future for us.

Dark handsome men. Medicine will become more and more improved, which means that human life expectancy will increase to 120 years. At the same time, there will be no early aging: and at 80 we will look forty. Compared to previous centuries, we have already grown significantly; this trend will continue, and the person of the future will eventually begin to look at the world from a two-meter height. Races will disappear: all earthlings will become dark-skinned and very beautiful. Facial features will be more symmetrical, bodies will be more athletic, eyes will be larger and clearer.

Three-fingered goblins. The habit of chewing increasingly lighter foods will make a person’s face childishly round, and his teeth – sparse and small. During the process of mutations (over several thousand years, people have already lost three-quarters of their sense of smell), our nose will fall off, leaving two small holes. To make it more convenient to press the keys, your fingers will become long and thin. Over time, there will be three of them on each hand. The need to accommodate a huge amount of information will cause the brain to grow to incredible sizes, causing a person's head to become large and round. Under the influence of environmental factors, height will decrease by almost half a meter, muscle mass will decrease, hair will disappear from our bodies, and the skin will become rough. The abundance of dirt and dust floating in the air will make a person’s eyes slanted and provide them with a protective dark film.

Stars about genes

Olga Budina:

– There are children who become copies of their parents. I can’t say the same about my son: he’s as different from me as two peas in a pod. However, one cannot help but notice some of my traits, which were repeated in Nahum with amazing accuracy.

Firstly, he has my facial expressions: he smiles, speaks, frowns, laughs absolutely like my mother. Secondly, my son is amazingly musical. Thirdly, at only five years old he is already a perfectionist and very ambitious.


– Everyone in my family is musicians. Grandparents, although they were not professional artists, played the piano. My children have inherited this trait: they have an inclination for music, but I don’t see any desire for it in them. Although the eldest son studied piano and clarinet, the daughter plays the piano, the youngest went to music school at the age of four. The teachers called him gifted and said that he was “their” child and needed to be developed.

What is your child like?

Astrological characteristics of children according to zodiac signs


Aries children are endowed with a rich imagination. They are dreamers, but their dreams are always specific. Aries sincerely believes in fairy godparents with a magic wand and in giants capable of destroying a city with one wave of their hand.

The Aries child is full of strength, courageous, inventive, bright. Help him realize this and use the qualities given to him by nature for good. Teach him to achieve his goal and not quit what he started because of difficulties. Aries is self-centered. Teach him to care about others. Try to give him a good education. Raise your Aries with patience and love and... who knows, maybe he will be able to fulfill his secret dreams, and you will be proud of him.


Even in early childhood, Taurus children are more independent than other children. You can get everything from them with affection and love. And shouts and orders will only cause a backlash. Both boys and girls are very affectionate and love to be affectionate. One of the main lessons to teach your child as a child is to teach him to share. His possessive instincts are too developed. He, like no one else, must be sure that his home is his fortress. Give him the opportunity to express himself through art. He has a rare gift - to combine beauty and usefulness in the right proportion.


Children under the protection of Mercury are always surrounded by a lot of friends; Thanks to their oratorical abilities, they often become the center of attention. They have skillful hands, they usually draw, play some instrument or do something else. Geminis are originals and like to do everything their own way, inventing their own methods to achieve their goals. Gemini must be sure that you love him. He has wit, a sense of humor, and dexterity, but is completely devoid of patience and perseverance. Help him develop these qualities.


Cancer children are unusually emotional and need affection more than others. They are very attached to family and home, and this to some extent determines their behavior. Give them the opportunity to take part in the development of family plans - they will be happy. Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable; they don't like to be offended or laughed at. These children have an overly developed sense of self-esteem - do not criticize the baby in the presence of other people and children. Try to be aware of all his experiences. Arrange surprises and holidays for him, this child really loves miracles.


Leo children are leaders and ringleaders from a very young age. There will be nothing wrong with their leadership if they are not indulged too much in it. In order to raise a Lion Cub, you will need patience, love and affection, as well as severity. Having spent a lot of energy on your child, you will be doubly happy when he grows into a wise and brave Leo or a proud and beautiful Lioness. Your Lion Cub will always be optimistic about the future. This is an active, creative mind, a devoted nature, generous in thoughts and means. Help your child realize his strength and he will succeed. Always act with conviction, not force.


Virgo children are energetic and quick-witted, but at the same time quiet and silent. Listen to the words of your child more often - he is not childishly wise. Virgos are true little realists who do not believe in fairy tales. They really need a big goal in life, which they will try with all their might to achieve. The best upbringing for your child is personal example. Virgos find it difficult to express their feelings and are not very sociable. Therefore, these kids are in dire need of love, confidence in someone’s feelings and understanding. Try to show your child that communication brings joy and pleasure. You will have to teach your Virgo to become more open. Do not reprimand your child for mistakes, because Virgo rarely does anything inappropriate. These children do not like noisy and crowded parties, so let him choose the guests for his birthday himself. Let there be few friends, but the closest ones.


Your child is naturally very sociable. He loves to bring numerous friends to his house and enjoys visiting. Don't limit him, this is a necessity for him. Such a child needs a calm, peaceful, homely environment, a beautiful appearance, and art classes. These children are generous and tolerant, have a broad outlook. Teach your child to make choices and decisions (there may be problems with this). Enjoy every day - your baby will help you! These are incredibly sweet children, they will grow up and create their own happy and harmonious families.


These children are very emotional and feel life very keenly; like scorpions, they are always ready to defend. It is useless to try to deceive them, mislead them, or use them for your own purposes. If he feels an ally in you, then his strength will be your protection, and his devotion will be your support. These children love everything secret. Therefore, the more surprises you prepare for the holiday, the better. But don't try to penetrate its secrets. Teach him tolerance towards others. Pluto endowed him with courage, strength and developed intelligence, but only by their own example can his parents teach him the main thing: how to love others and be loved.


From birth, your child is an extremely active, inquisitive and sociable creature. He has truly inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. These are brave children; they are afraid of little. Danger can only boost their pride. Such a child needs a friendly disposition, honesty and justice towards him. Fill all his days with interesting things to do - and you won’t have any troubles. The Sagittarius child craves approval for his abilities. Praise him, love him, let him feel what happiness it is to be himself. These children are ready to give you their hearts. Answer their call.


Capricorn children are like little adults. In fact, that's what they are - they take life too seriously. Never compare him with other children or demonstrate to him the successes of his peers. Teach him to relax, have fun, approach life with humor - your child is too serious. Praise your child for his achievements, and he will strive to achieve even more. These children love their parents, relatives, and their home very much. Parents don't need to worry. Who will take care of them in old age. They will surround you with the same attention and care that you surrounded them with as a child.


These children have very active minds that need constant intellectual nourishment. Aquarians are quite persistent in achieving their goals. They usually don't have problems with friends; children are drawn to them because they are interesting. Quarrels and conflicts are simply contraindicated for your child. He should have a separate space where he can find the solitude that he loves so much. They are true humanists, and this is much more important than whether they will invent something unusual in the future or not.


You have a quiet, peaceful and friendly child. Those born under the sign of Pisces show abilities for everything in the world. It is very useful for them to engage in art; it improves their mood. Your child benefits from having pets - he needs a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Teach him to make decisions and insist on his own, and also to distinguish dreams from reality. Try to do something with your baby and make it a tradition for you. Always surround your child with warmth and love. Who knows, maybe one day your child will surprise the world with his insight?

It doesn't matter what sign your child was born under. The main thing is that you love him and strive to make his life interesting, bright and unforgettable. Children, like sponges, absorb everything equally: both good and bad. Make sure that only positive emotions surround your baby.

It is sometimes very difficult to understand a small child: each baby is an individual, one sits calmly in the sandbox and makes Easter cakes, while the other certainly needs to escape from the watchful gaze of their parents.

Why? – because the baby has his own character and temperament. It manifests itself in early childhood and determines the manner of communication, interests, characteristics of the child’s life and behavior. Let's move away from the stereotypes compiled by psychologists (sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric) and turn to living nature. Perhaps she will be the one who will tell you the answer to what kind of child you have?

Little kangaroo.

These children are very attached to their mother, often because of this they may be called “mama’s boys.” However, you also always look after them and try not to refuse help. Kangaroo children are distinguished by their thoughtful and balanced character, they study well, and are often ahead of their peers in development, but they are lonely. More and more often, you notice that your child has no friends at all, and he spends time at the computer, console, or with his parents. However, the kangaroo is not short of diligence: he is a talented researcher and a reliable assistant. Your task is to help him socialize, teach him how to make acquaintances, because you don’t want your only friends to be your whole life, do you? - by doing this you will deprive him of the charm of communication with peers, knowledge of the world.

Lion cub.

Already from early childhood, the lion cub has a complex character: he is the main merry fellow and the ringleader, he can safely be called the “head of the pride.” From scratch, he comes up with entertainment, sometimes too risky, for which the lion cub often gets punished by educators and teachers. Your child is very emotional: he does not hide his joy or anger, is able to stand up for himself, and is always surrounded by friends. This is a born leader and winner, but parents need to watch carefully so that the child’s self-esteem does not skyrocket: attention from friends is, of course, wonderful, but at home parents should dominate. This is sometimes difficult for a lion cub to come to terms with, so conflicts can arise out of nowhere. However, these children are quite easy-going; once you switch their attention to something more interesting, they forget about grievances and completely immerse themselves in a new activity.

Teen Wolf.

This type of temperament is easily recognizable from the cradle. A wolf child tries to achieve what he wants by shouting and scandal, and often because of little things (they didn’t give him a toy or didn’t buy a kinder) he gets really hysterical. These are very energetic children, their emotions are clearly and strongly expressed. You may have noticed that your child strives to do everything as quickly as possible, including homework or help around the house, not paying attention to mistakes and inaccuracies. Your child is overly independent and often makes rash actions that lead to trouble. He is not inclined to tell lies, he often takes the blame upon himself and is gloomily silent, offended when he is punished. In a team, such children are not leaders, but they are respected because they are able to stand up for themselves. Pay more attention to your child, be patient. Make sure that he brings what he started to the end, encourage him for success, but do not yell at the child - the baby takes criticism very sensitively, speak sternly, but calmly. Screaming, physical punishment or excessive pressure on your child can ruin your relationship.

Little bear.

This baby really does not look like a bear cub: calm, does not like noise and running around, and is sometimes a little clumsy. He listens carefully to his parents and teachers, but he is also prone to mischief. If he started a business, he tries to bring it to the end, and gets very angry if something doesn’t work out. If your child is a bear cub, he may often have problems in kindergarten or school, where he needs to quickly complete tasks. Your child likes to think; he does not like to be rushed or urged on. It can be difficult for a bear cub to get along in a children's group, so try to socialize it from childhood: go to playgrounds more often, teach it to meet people. Immediately accustom him to the daily routine, support him, provide help if he asks. Often such kids are independent and try to cope with everything themselves, although this does not always work out. Try to avoid conflict situations and quarrels, otherwise the child will withdraw into himself and your relationship will cool down significantly.


The baby deer is quiet, modest and disciplined; teachers have nothing special to say about such children: except that they study well and have excellent behavior. A timid and sympathetic child has a difficult time in a children's group: he often plays either alone or with good friends. Your child may outwardly seem calm and impenetrable, but inside he hides a huge sea of ​​​​feelings. Even the slightest failure can make a fawn angry; such children tend to cry even over trifles. Fawns have a well-developed imagination and creativity. They often live in a fantasy world and are therefore lonely, so try to help your child make friends. Remember - fawns have a developed sense of guilt, so harsh criticism is not the best method; a calm explanation works better. Such children especially need your praise and encouragement; they have low self-esteem. Try not to speak edifyingly to him, it is better to explain everything to the child using vivid examples, praise for a small success - and your child is ready to move mountains.

Little fox.

They say about such kids “there are still devils in the water,” and in fact, from early childhood, the child intuitively understands what levers can be used to influence parents, friends, and teachers. Fox cubs are often caught lying, but over time they tell lies so masterfully that adults themselves begin to believe the child. As a rule, a baby fox grows up in families where they say one thing and show another by example. A child may be kind, not devoid of talent and has an excellent imagination, but the ability to be cunning and dodge is an integral part of his temperament. The little fox cannot be called a loner, but he has very few or no real friends, more like buddies. We can advise parents: show the child the right example, do not force him to tell lies even in small things, reprimand him for deception, teach him to take responsibility for his words and actions. It would seem a trivial situation: the phone rings and you ask the child to say that you are not at home - this is the first step towards making the child realize that it turns out that lies can also be beneficial.

Baby elephant.

The baby elephant is named so not because of its size, but because of its impressionability and emotionality. This is a born explorer; the child loves meeting new people and visiting new places. Often you catch yourself thinking that you can read both his mood and attitude towards your friends by the expression of the baby’s face. As a rule, parents do not experience any particular difficulties with such a child, except that they constantly wonder what to do with him? Baby elephants are inquisitive and friendly, but at the same time they easily fall under the influence of others and can often give up halfway through a task. From an early age, parents need to persistently but gently teach their child responsibility. Don’t follow his lead, praise only when the baby deserves it, but never refuse support. These children often have high self-esteem, because they easily get along with people and receive a lot of compliments, which, by the way, they love very much.

I want to tell you about my son Maximka. Maxim is our fourth son. To be honest, I would never have thought that I would have four children. But when the third child was again a boy, she no longer denied the possibility of having another baby. I, of course, dream of a daughter. And now I’m dreaming... But...

I found out about Maxim’s pregnancy at a time when my husband and I were going through very difficult times. There was a serious crisis in the relationship, they were talking about divorce. But when we realized that we didn’t want to lose each other, we decided to be together, our relationship became even more vibrant than before.

And after a short time I realize that I am pregnant. I was happy! For some reason, I was sure that we would finally have a daughter. Especially after all the tests passed! When I told my husband, he was happy too. He was even kind of confused and funny.

We started coming up with a name for the girl and scouring the Internet. They chose the name Polina. And until exactly 20 weeks, I was sure that my daughter Polina was growing in my tummy. Naturally, I registered with the housing complex at 6 weeks of pregnancy. I passed all the tests, screenings, ultrasounds, etc.

It was very easy for me to walk this pregnancy (with the exception of the first few weeks - toxicosis tormented me). Even in the last weeks I went to work (by my own free will and by agreement with the employer). I didn’t even walk - I flew. I was a very happy expectant mother.

At 20 weeks pregnant, I was told at an ultrasound that we were having a boy again. Boy. Son. I won't lie that I wasn't upset. Upset. It was even somehow offensive - why many people have daughters, but for the fourth (!!!) time I have a son... If I saw little girls on the street, sometimes I even cried...

This state continued for about a couple of weeks. Then it let go. I accepted my child, although I did not reject him, I simply accepted that we would have another son - beloved, desired. A dispute arose: what to name the boy? We could not agree; our eldest sons came to the rescue. They are quite old already - 13, 12 and 6 years old. And so they themselves decided that their brother’s name would be Maxim. My husband and I agreed.

And so I go shopping with anticipation, buy all sorts of things, smile every day and wait for the appearance of my fourth son. I was 40 weeks on July 1st. In the morning, as always, I went to work, completed the transaction and went home. In the evening, my husband asked to go to a friend’s house to watch football. He left the car for me “just in case.” What a case, I said, I have no warning signs, I feel good... The children watch cartoons, I lie down, read. And then it started...

My right side hurt sharply. So that I could not straighten up. It's like they hit him hard. I slowly rubbed it and waited for it to go away, because my stomach didn’t hurt. But the pain intensified, and I decided to go to the hospital, taking my eldest son with me to help. My husband said, call an ambulance, and I’ll come by taxi. But it would take a long time, because... we were at the dacha. I quickly went to the hospital, on the way my husband and a friend were captured, he replaced me at the wheel, because... I was already in a deranged state from pain, and they took me to the maternity hospital.

There the doctors admitted me, but said that the opening was only 2 fingers and I could even go home again. But when they saw me bending over in pain, they still put me down. I gave birth to my third son in 4.5 hours, and this time everything could have been quick, and I asked the doctor not to go anywhere, because... It was already one o'clock in the morning. The doctor did a CTG and said that the process was progressing, the dilation was already good.

Then the doctor didn’t like the child’s heartbeat and started injecting him with medicine. But nothing helped. I was told that I needed to prepare for surgery. I, of course, agreed. I was immediately taken to the operating room and given an epidural. But I felt how they cut my stomach and screamed in pain, and I was given general anesthesia.

I woke up and didn’t understand where I was or what was wrong with me. I see a curtain and a conversation behind it. I'm shaking all over. I understand what and how. I thought I passed out for a second. Then they ask me: will you ask about the child? But I don’t understand - I don’t hear crying, I thought that they hadn’t gotten it yet (I gave birth to all the older ones myself and didn’t know how or what). I say: what, already? Boy? - Yes, boy, 3120, 50 cm. - Where is he? - We’ll take you to the intensive care unit and bring you in. Then I hear a voice: every time you get worse, don’t come again... I thought they said that because... I used to give birth myself, but now I had to cut it.

Intensive care... I’m lying there, thinking that everything, the torment is over, now I’ll see my son, and everything will be fine. They bring my son. I’m happy, I examine him, they put him to my chest... And then the doctor says: “Look at him carefully, do you see?” Everything went downhill for me. What? What's happened? For some reason I decided that some finger was missing. “We suspect your son has Down syndrome...” the words sounded like thunder.

How? How can this be? No! “But he’s still yours...” - of course, ours, whose else? “And then, perhaps nothing will be confirmed.” And leaves with him. And I am left alone, in the intensive care unit at night. A nurse came in and asked her to bring my phone number (it was left in the prenatal room) to tell my husband. She says: you go to sleep, you will call in the morning. And turns off the light. Sleep? How could I sleep after that?

I don't know how I survived until the morning. At about 6 in the morning they brought me a phone, I called my husband and told him. He says: calm down, I’ll go to the hospital now and find out everything, maybe you didn’t understand anything after the anesthesia. How I hoped for it then!

A miracle did not happen... We were confirmed that our son was suspected of having Down syndrome. How could this happen, considering that I underwent all the tests, ultrasounds, screenings on time, there was never even any doubt - everything was great! I was sure that I would give birth to a healthy baby!

They transferred me to a ward. They didn’t bring the child, they said that I had received a lot of medicine and would bring the child the next morning. Tears, hysterics, prayers. In the evening, the pediatrician came and reported that the child had no butt. How? What? It turned out that the baby had not pooped for almost a day after birth, and in the evening they decided to light a candle for him. And they discovered that the butt was underdeveloped, there was no anal opening. Later I learned that this is called anal atresia.

They called a children's ambulance from a neighboring city and started calling hospitals. Many thanks to the doctors of the Filatov Hospital in Moscow, who admitted and treated my son! In the morning, the pediatrician reported that the operation was successful. Later they told me that with another 2 hours of delay, Maxim might not have been saved...

“We examined your son again, checked all the organs, because children with the syndrome often have heart problems, so your child is fine. The butt will be cured and everything will be fine with you...” - they told me . Before I even had time to rejoice at this, my husband (who, naturally, was already in the hospital in Moscow in the morning) called and said that our Maksimka had been diagnosed with heart defects in Moscow. That doctors are perplexed as to how they didn’t find anything during pregnancy. That it was possible to correct his condition in the womb... This makes it even harder.

I won’t write about how I was in the hospital before being discharged. This is so scary. Hear children's screams and know that your child is now alone, in another city, in intensive care. Children are crying behind the wall, and they are being consoled by happy mothers, and I am going crazy from this... How I didn’t want to see or hear anyone except my husband and children. Many thanks to my husband, thanks to whose support I did not go crazy then.

And here we are at home. The fight began. For every breath, for every heartbeat, for life... Our local doctors, seeing an extract from the medical history, told us: “Get ready. The child is heavy.” We disagreed. We fought. A bunch of medications by the hour, a phonendoscope and heartbeat monitoring... And the most important fighter is our Maximka, he’s just smart!

Our life was divided into before and after. And, of course, we really hoped that this diagnosis, Down syndrome, would not be confirmed. Maxim began to smile early, recognize everyone, coo, turn on his side and stomach...

But the miracle did not happen again. How did we cope with this diagnosis? We accepted him. Not resigned, no. We have accepted our son for who he is and are learning to live taking into account his characteristics. Once I asked my husband: “Why? Why? Why did we have such a child?” To which the husband replied that since nothing was found during pregnancy, it means that he was simply destined to be born. Well, he was born to us because we will definitely never abandon him! Like this...

This summer Maksimka turned one year old. Behind 5 complex operations, on the butt and on the heart. Many thanks to Rusfond, who provided us with prompt assistance when my son urgently needed heart surgery, and there was no money or time to collect! Behind are the tears, the pain...

Yes, I believe that everything is behind us. And ahead of us is rehabilitation, joy and happiness, a sea of ​​smiles and laughter! And even though the skills are more difficult for us, and we still don’t walk and sit with support, even though the first tooth appeared only when we were one year old. We see how hard our son tries to make it work, and we are proud of him! He will succeed! Well, we, his family, will always be there!


Anastasia, God give you strength and health! Your story moved me to tears! Happiness and love to your family!

Comment on the article "Ultrasound and screenings are not a guarantee. He was destined to be born with us"

Girls, hello everyone! This morning my son was born. Height 54, weight 3900. As a result, he did not turn over from the pelvic position, so after assessing the weight, it was decided to do an ACL. Ultrasound and screenings are not a guarantee. He was destined to be born with us.

About screenings and tests. Analyzes, studies, tests, ultrasound. Pregnancy and childbirth. And after this screening, without thinking, I went. I suspect all doctors of collusion with these screenings, but no one gives any guarantees. Even during childbirth, doctors only observe and correct, but...

Analyzes, studies, tests, ultrasound. Pregnancy and childbirth. According to the second screening, my risk was also high. It’s probably very hard to say this, but you have to be prepared for anything during pregnancy, unfortunately; I mean that risk does not guarantee anything, you can take risks...

Voevodin missed a bunch of children with Down syndrome - read the forum of mothers with these children. Prenatal screening allows you to assess the risk of a child having a chromosomal pathology (Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome) and defects in the fusion of the neural tube.

It is necessary to do an ultrasound, but this is not a 100% guarantee that everything is in order. And about Down, apparently ultrasound is not always informative, and there is also a lot more, plus screenings are not informative when taking hormones, and in our country, consider half of pregnant women on them 03/31/2013 19:13:21, Styusha.

We are waiting for the second one, the ultrasound at 12 weeks is excellent, everything is according to the norm, but the screening that they foisted on me at the LCD Well, I talked on the forum with a fairly well-known geneticist in our city (I’m 36 years old) on the question of whether I should do it second biochemical screening...

The geneticist said that multiple defects of internal organs in this disease at such an early stage are not visible on ultrasound. This applies not only to the author’s situation, but in general. Even those who have excellent screenings and good ultrasounds have no guarantee that the baby will be born healthy.

Tell me about Down syndrome. Daunyata. Other children. My sister gave birth to a son with Down syndrome. Tell me where to go for information and where is the best place to get examined so as not to miss internal problems of the body?

If you are afraid of giving birth to a sick child, it may make sense to do an umbilical cord blood test (cordocentesis). It’s still on your due date. The result will be in a week. I had bad results from the first screening; I had this test done at the perinatal center at Maternity Hospital No. 27.

At 11 weeks I had an ultrasound and it showed that the baby was developing normally. the next day I donated blood for genetic screening. I’ll tell you my story: the first screening was bad, and there was a high risk not according to Down, but according to Edwards. The child was born healthy and is now one year old.

I received bad results from the first screening, at 1:50 p.m. Down, the ultrasound was normal. I decided to conduct a survey with experienced people, what risks did you have, plus I didn’t do any screenings either in the first B or in the second B - I was saving my nerves, especially since our genes are fine, those of the closest ones...

High risk of having a child with Down syndrome. Pregnancy and childbirth. I work with children with developmental disabilities, including those with diabetes. The “moped” is not mine - a colleague’s relatives gave birth to a baby with diabetes (Nikolaev region). How was your pregnancy?

My friend has a child with Down syndrome; he was operated on for a heart defect at about 6 months. I just found statistics on the internet that 80% of children born with heart defects die in the first week of life.

A friend gave birth to a child with Down syndrome. I’m going to visit her (she invited me). I have absolutely no idea what to say to her. Please advise how to support my mother. My friend from work gave birth to her long-awaited son in December. With my first child I went through...

Below there is a topic about a dad who had a baby with Down syndrome, so he clearly writes that the mother did ultrasounds throughout her pregnancy, three-dimensional and not only, everything was measured for her as expected and no one! I didn’t even suggest in any way that the child had this syndrome, on the contrary, the doctor...

The doctor studied all the data - 2 ultrasounds, the screening result (my hCG is normal, and the second parameter is underestimated), she was very surprised that the gap between the ultrasound and As a result, her opinion is that the result is incorrect, although it does not give a 100% guarantee no one, including a good screening result (where...

Our close friends had a son with Down syndrome. More precisely, they don’t tell anyone about it, but the boy has all the external signs, and we, their friends, talk about everything. This is when a child who has all the external signs of Down syndrome does not have a genetic analysis confirm this.

Unfortunately, in our time, a child with Down Syndrome can be born to young parents! I gave birth to such a child when I was not yet 18. And, of course, I had no idea that this could happen to me. But so The Lord decided. And my son...

ANYONE can have Down syndrome, even a person with equine health and no hereditary diseases at all. As the chromosomes want to separate in meiosis in your case, so it will be. This process (meiosis) is completely independent of any...