Treatment of the throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. How to treat a cold during pregnancy (3rd trimester)? Treatment at home with folk remedies. Sore throat: main diseases

A pregnant woman is more susceptible to illness than anyone else. After all, her immunity is lowered, and any respiratory disease can more than once complicate bearing a child. An expectant mother cannot be treated in the same way as all healthy people are treated, since first of all the effect of medications on the health of the unborn child should be taken into account. Including when treating the throat.

Rules for treating a throat during pregnancy

Inflammation of the tonsils is usually caused by streptococci or staphylococci. Their impact on the health of the fetus is extremely negative, so it is necessary to take timely measures to protect and treat the first symptoms of the disease using only safe means.

It is advisable at the first pain in the throat to gargle it frequently with a solution of soda or salt (1 tablespoon per 500 g of warm water). This treatment method creates an alkaline environment in the mouth and thus prevents pathogens from multiplying. It is recommended to alternate rinsing with salt and soda with rinsing with herbal decoctions. Eucalyptus and strawberry leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect. These gargles also reduce sore throat. It will be good if on the first day of illness you gargle every hour, on the second day - every 2 hours.

For complex treatment of a pregnant woman, and are suitable. They can be made with the same folk remedies: chamomile, eucalyptus.

In addition to using local treatment methods, you need to wash the entire body of the virus or infection with plenty of fluids. Tea with herbs and honey, fruit drinks, citrus juices, and chamomile decoction are perfect for this purpose. A double dose of vitamin C every day will also help speed up recovery, because it is a protector of the body of a pregnant woman. During the treatment period, physical and mental stress should be avoided in order to allow the body to “throw all its strength” into fighting the disease.

Tablets and gargles for the treatment of throat in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman can treat her throat with tablets and other pharmaceutical medications. These are drugs that are recommended for pregnant women. Among them are Lizobakt, Ingalipt, Faringosept, Givalex, Cameton. But you don’t need to prescribe them yourself. Your doctor should do this!

The best option for treating a throat is the old and well-known Faringosept. It is absolutely safe for the fetus. The drug is available in the form of lozenges, has a local effect and is not absorbed in the stomach.

Many expectant mothers try not to take any pills at all during pregnancy. Well, this is their right and choice. Then rinses are suitable for them. In addition to the above soda-salt solution, you can do other rinses.

For example, sea salt. You can also use folk remedies. So, gargling with garlic will perfectly heal your throat. Take 3 cloves, grind them and pour one glass of boiling water. Let it brew and strain. Gargle four times a day.

You can also prepare a solution with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of peroxide to 1 glass of warm water.

During pregnancy, you can treat your throat absolutely without fear with Furacilin solution. It has an antimicrobial effect and prevents the proliferation of bacteria and viruses. This action is similar to antibiotics. Take 5 Furacilin tablets, crush them and pour 1 liter of boiled water.

What pregnant women should not do if they have a sore throat

A pregnant woman should know that thermal procedures - mustard plasters, hot foot baths - are contraindicated for her. You should not steam your legs because the flow of a large dose of blood to the legs can reduce the blood supply to the placenta. The result of this will be a lack of oxygen in the fetal body.

So, treatment of a pregnant woman’s throat should begin as early as possible. The main emphasis in treatment should be on rinsing. Do not forget that self-medication in your situation is fraught with complications!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Against the background of weakened immunity, it happens that a pregnant woman has a sore throat in the 3rd trimester, and the expectant mother does not know how to treat it. Depending on the type of infection, therapy is carried out according to different protocols using medications approved during the gestation period.

Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor. After the examination, he will indicate how to treat your throat during pregnancy.

First steps for a sore throat in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman's defenses weaken. The throat becomes vulnerable to adverse conditions, especially during the cold season. Therefore, you need to take precautions against contracting infections that are dangerous for the mother and unborn child.

If you do happen to catch ARVI during pregnancy, you cannot begin any treatment measures. Self-medication can lead to fetal freezing, polyhydramnios and unpredictable consequences for pregnancy. You must immediately contact the clinic.

You should know what you can gargle with in the third trimester before visiting a doctor. It is safe to irrigate the oral cavity with soda or saline solution. All other remedies must be discussed with your doctor.

Drinking plenty of fluids in combination with sweating produces an antipyretic effect and reduces sore throat. Drinking fluid stimulates urination.

Frequent consumption of Narzan, Essentuki mineral water in 17 small portions over an hour relieves headaches and helps reduce fever. It is recommended to drink warm diaphoretic teas with lemon, linden, raspberries, and black currants several times a day.

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy 3rd trimester

For respiratory diseases, bed rest should be observed to conserve energy. During pregnancy, it is important to replenish the body with vitamins to increase the defenses necessary to fight infection.

During an acute respiratory viral infection, a therapist or otolaryngologist determines how to treat the throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. Specialists prescribe medications that are effective for the mother and safe for the child. The cause of the disease and contraindications for women are taken into account.

Treatment of respiratory diseases during pregnancy is mainly carried out using local methods. But in some cases, doctors resort to the use of systemic drugs, including antibiotics.

Antipyretic medications during pregnancy

It is necessary to reduce the temperature during ARVI if it rises above 38.5 °C. In this case, it is better to use physical methods. You can take a cool shower or wipe your skin with a damp towel.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, acetylsalicylic acid is prohibited from those tablets used to treat the throat. The drug thins the blood and can cause bleeding in the mother or pathology of the circulatory system in the fetus.

Attention! According to the Vidal pharmacological reference book, Aspirin is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Tablets that act in the mouth for colds

Pain and sore throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are eliminated by tablets in dosage form that act by resorption. Sucker drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Antiseptic for topical use Lyzobakt is a protein enzyme that has a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Vitamin B6, which is part of it, restores the epithelium even with ulcers and erosions in the throat. For a sore throat, it is recommended to dissolve 2 lozenges 3 times a day for a week. The product is safe during pregnancy and lactation in the absence of allergies to its components.
  • Faringosept tablets, produced in India, are often prescribed by otolaryngologists and dentists for diseases of the throat and mouth. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect on the main causative agents of nasopharyngeal infections - streptococci, pneumococci and viruses. Lollipops relieve local inflammation without causing harm to the unborn child.
  • The modern drug Neo-Angin is absorbed to a small extent from the oral cavity into the blood, and therefore does not have a systemic effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. As prescribed by the attending physician, for inflammation of the tonsils, tablets are used in late pregnancy. Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect, thereby making breathing easier.

The incoming active substances have a detrimental effect on infectious agents, moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, preventing drying of the epithelium. Thanks to these properties, throat inflammation is reduced and coughing stops.


The sooner you start rinsing your throat, the faster you will get rid of the disease and prevent complications. Doctors recommend what to gargle with during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester:

  • Calendula tincture washes away bacteria, eliminates inflammation, and reduces swelling of the epithelium. To prepare the solution, just pour in 1 tbsp. l. pharmacy tincture in a glass of warm water. You should rinse 3 times a day for a week.
  • A similar drug, Rotocan, is used in the same way. The tincture contains marigolds, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Miramistin solution, Chlorhexidine - mild antiseptics for pregnant women with sore throat.
  • The prepared solution of Chlorophyllipt contains extract from eucalyptus leaves. Aqueous and alcoholic dosage forms are used as an antimicrobial agent. Essential oils destroy fungi and viruses. Chlorophyllipt is especially effective against staphylococci, common pathogens of respiratory infections.
  • Safe solutions include Aqualor and Aquamaris - natural products based on sea water.

All of the above products wash away pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their proliferation. At the same time, the drugs eliminate inflammation and sore throat if used according to instructions.

Furacilin for colds

The most effective and safe medicine for mother and child is Furacilin. The mechanism of its action has a feature that distinguishes it from all other antiseptic drugs.

Under the influence of the active component nitrofuran, amino derivatives are released in the blood that can deform the protein structure of bacteria, viruses and fungi, leading to their death.

Resistance in pathogenic microorganisms develops very slowly. Therefore, the drug is always ready in the fight against streptococcus, staphylococcus, salmonella, and E. coli. When applied topically, the solution is not absorbed and is absolutely safe for pregnant women and children of any age.

Important! Furacilin can cure a throat without the use of antibiotics.

To make your life easier, prepare a homemade solution for the whole day at once. To do this, crushed 10 Furacilin tablets are placed in a container with 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, remove from heat.

Each rinse requires 100 ml of warm amber liquid. The procedure must be done every 2 hours (10 times a day) for 5 days. During manipulation, the medicine is kept in the mouth for 3–5 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tsp to the solution. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.

Throat sprays

An effective and convenient method of treatment is medications in pharmacy-prepared aerosols. How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the third trimester:

  • Antiseptic spray Angal C is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Also destroys fungi. But for pregnant women there is a limited course of treatment.
  • Miramistin is also available in the form of a spray. Aerosols act directly on the area of ​​inflamed membranes, relieving pain and burning.
  • Hexoral in the form of aerosols is safe for inflammation of the respiratory tract of pregnant women and children. The available product destroys influenza viruses, reduces redness and swelling of the epithelium.
  • Chlorophyllipt is produced by Russian companies in the form of a solution, spray and topical tablets. This wonderful product is safe to use and effectively relieves inflammation, sore throat and itching in the throat.

When using the spray, you must follow the instructions for use contained in the pharmacy package.

Important! To avoid bronchospasm, the injection is done not at the right time, but at the end of inspiration. If itching or burning occurs due to individual intolerance, immediately rinse your mouth with water.

Antibiotics for the throat during pregnancy

In the third trimester, the baby has already formed. During this period, in case of a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe approved antibacterial agents:

  • In most cases, penicillins are used - Ampiox, Oxacillin. Amoxicillin. Although they penetrate the placenta, they harm the baby.
  • Pregnant women are allowed to use drugs from the macrolide group - Erythromycin, Sumamed, Oleandomycin - under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Cephalosporins are prescribed - Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone. They also pass through the placenta, but do not have a damaging effect on the fetus.
  • In case of severe infection, women are prescribed aminoglycosides such as Gentamicin. However, these antibiotics cause hearing loss in children and adults.

Most often, treatment for a sore throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester involves the use of topical antibiotics.

In recent years, Bioparox has been successfully used for respiratory diseases in the convenient form of a spray for the throat and nose. The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream from the oral cavity, therefore it is allowed during pregnancy.

It is important to know! For sinusitis and rhinitis, the aerosol is injected through the nose, and for bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis - through the mouth nozzle.

After use, the aerosol remains on the surface of the throat walls and tonsils. Bioparox effectively relieves inflammation and swelling of the respiratory tract with 4 injections per day. Helps with sinusitis.

Although the cough and runny nose disappear after 2–3 days, the weekly course of treatment cannot be interrupted. Otherwise the symptoms will return.

If a pregnant woman shows signs of a cold later in life, she should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication carries risks for mother and child. Before the consultation, gargling with a soda solution and drinking plenty of liquids are allowed.

During pregnancy? This is a common question. Let's find out in this article. A pregnant woman is thinking about how to cure her throat during pregnancy, since the chemicals that are part of standard medications can be dangerous to the fetus.

A sore throat and cough are not always a symptom of a cold; this can also happen in a room with too dry air. In addition to such problems, these symptoms can cause more serious diseases.

When your throat hurts during pregnancy, how to treat it? It is worth seriously considering what to do if conventional treatment is not suitable, and the cough causes a high temperature.

It doesn’t matter at what stage the unpleasant symptoms appeared, the expectant mother needs to consult a therapist and a gynecologist. You should also visit an otolaryngologist; such a specialist will be able to prescribe treatment that can suppress inflammation in the initial stages. Otherwise, the inflammatory process can spread to other respiratory organs, which can be very dangerous for the development of the fetus.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive:

  • drink plenty of warm water or dried fruit compotes;
  • it is advisable to observe bed rest or gentle rest;
  • frequent wet cleaning and ventilation of the room;
  • exclude difficult-to-digest foods from the diet;
  • local treatment - medications, sprays, rinses.

During pregnancy, self-medication is prohibited. Any medications should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Traditional methods can be effective and should be included in general therapy.

Not everyone knows how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy.

Treatment in the first trimester

If your throat starts to hurt in the early stages, the doctor will select more gentle treatment methods. The formation of the baby’s organs and main systems takes place until the second trimester, so taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs is prohibited. One of the main methods of treating the throat in the first trimester is gargling, which is allowed with both folk and pharmaceutical solutions. The doctor will recommend safe remedies that will effectively cope with inflammatory processes.

The variety of lollipops sold in pharmacies are not a very good choice for expectant mothers. They contain a full range of components, and some of them can increase the tone of muscle tissue, thereby causing a miscarriage. When your throat begins to sore, it is better to suck on regular lollipops - with lemon, eucalyptus, mint. Also, various thermal procedures are not indicated in the first trimester. You'll have to forget about heating jars, baths, and mustard plasters. Such sudden temperature conditions can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Treatment in the second and third trimesters

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters? Dangerous risks to fetal life are reduced. Similar symptoms in the throat can appear with pharyngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat. During the second trimester, local therapy methods are used, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are prescribed by the doctor. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate dosage for these periods, and he will also prescribe a treatment regimen.

During the third trimester, you can already take antipyretic and antiseptic drugs, as well as those containing paracetamol. But still, the main treatment is based on rinsing procedures in a more gentle manner. Just as in the early stages, you should not take warm baths or do various warm-ups - all this can lead to premature birth.

You should only use those pharmaceuticals recommended by your doctor to treat your throat, because some gargles and herbal sprays may contain immunostimulant substances that are prohibited for pregnant women.

When your throat hurts during pregnancy, what else can you treat?


When primary unpleasant symptoms appear, such as pain when swallowing, irritation of the mucous membrane, local therapy must be started. Most pregnant women have a question: what can be used to gargle during pregnancy? The frequency and regular use affects the effectiveness of treatment; the symptoms of a cold will go away faster. The main advantage of rinsing is that there is no effect on the fetus, so this method can be used at all stages of pregnancy.

What happens during rinsing:

  • the infectious process stops;
  • the affected mucous membrane softens;
  • swelling is eliminated;
  • breathing is normalized;
  • contacts directly with the source of inflammation.

Only freshly prepared solutions should be used. It is forbidden to gargle with hot solutions; its temperature must be suitable for the mucous membrane. After rinsing, you should not eat, drink, or talk much for an hour.

It is better to check with your doctor about how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy.

Rinse compositions

Pregnant women can gargle with Furacilin. This drug has pronounced antiseptic and antimicrobial effects, is used for sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils, is used only in the form of tablets to prepare a solution: dissolve 5 tablets in hot water (1 l). The procedure must be repeated about 10 times a day.

They also gargle with Chlorhexidine; this is a very safe drug that is widely used to treat diseases of the respiratory system. The drug has an effect on pathogenic pathogens and destroys the cellular structure of microbes. Its use does not affect the development of the fetus, so it can be used to gargle in the early stages of pregnancy.

Expectant mothers can use Rotokan. This product contains plant extracts that are known for their antiseptic effect (chamomile, calendula, yarrow). Mix 5 ml of solution in a glass of warm water; gargle four times a day. Contraindications: allergic reactions. How else to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester?

Other methods of local therapy

In addition to rinsing, special heating and inhalations can be safe and effective during pregnancy. You need to use compresses several times a day; to prepare it, use salt or pharmaceutical chamomile. Soak a towel in a decoction of medicinal herbs, apply it to your throat and wrap it up.

Try heating the salt, placing it in a cloth bag and holding it on the inflamed area. You just can’t use too hot compounds; you need to maintain the thermal effect with a shawl or scarf wrapped around your neck.

Inhalations can have a quick effect on a sore throat. Warm steam has many valuable elements that have antimicrobial effects. This procedure will help remove swelling, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and eliminate painful sensations when swallowing. It is acceptable to use chamomile solutions and mineral water. Among pharmaceutical products, Miramistin is used.

If the mucous membrane turns red and plaque forms, it is recommended to smear the throat with Lugol. This is a local antiseptic, widely used in pediatrics. Its main composition is molecular iodine, which causes the death of pathogenic microbes. The treatment regimen and dosage are determined by the doctor.

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? What drugs are allowed?


It is important to remember that pregnant women should not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Most people with a sore throat go to the pharmacy and buy the usual cough drops, but they are contraindicated for pregnant women. If you don’t know what you can replace them with, buy Lizobact tablets. They do an excellent job of killing germs, eliminate pain when swallowing and are safe for pregnant women.

So, how can you treat a sore throat during pregnancy?

There are also products that can be used during pregnancy:

  • "Givalex";
  • "Faringosept";
  • Furacilin solution;
  • "Inhalipt";
  • "Kameton";
  • "Hexoral".

But even taking these medications should be discussed with your doctor, because the safest medications for pregnant women can be dangerous. Do not self-medicate.

Now you know how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

What is prohibited for pregnant women with a sore throat?

It is already known that pregnant women should not undergo thermal procedures, but it is necessary to once again recall some important rules. So, during throat treatment, pregnant women are prohibited from:

  • hover legs;
  • install mustard plasters;
  • take a hot bath.

If the disease is already advanced and your voice is lost, then you should not try to cope with it yourself. Immediately go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist, because you will no longer be able to overcome the disease on your own. How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?

Sore throats should not be eliminated using conventional methods during pregnancy; many medications are prohibited during this period. Therefore, it is necessary to update your first aid kit.

  • do not self-medicate; if you suspect the development of the disease, you should consult a doctor who will advise you on the necessary course of therapy;
  • Red throat cannot be treated with antibiotics, as there is a high chance of developing fetal pathology or giving birth to a child with genetic abnormalities;
  • do not bring down the temperature yourself by using Aspirin and Ibuprofen;
  • It is recommended to abstain from antipyretic drugs;
  • Before taking any medicine, you should carefully study the instructions and contraindications;
  • most cough syrups contain alcoholic substances that can increase the load on the circulatory system of both adults and children;
  • various dietary supplements and other dietary supplements that are not intended for pregnant women can cause damage to the body;
  • For throat diseases in the early stages, it is extremely undesirable to use tablet drugs, since during this period the fetus is developing very actively.

We described in detail how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy. But it's better to figure out how to prevent it.


In order to prevent disease, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • take frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • choose clothes according to the season and weather;
  • harden the body;
  • strengthen your immune system by taking prenatal vitamins;
  • in the midst of viral infections, before leaving the house, lubricate the sinuses with oxolinic ointment.

Timely prevention is better than treating a sore throat during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, a pregnant woman is not protected from viruses, and any respiratory disease throughout pregnancy can often manifest itself as a cough, runny nose or sore throat, especially if the interesting situation occurred in the autumn-winter period. However, in treatment it is important to take into account not only your health, but also the safety of the unborn baby.

Articles on the topic “How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy”


Most often, inflammation of the tonsils is caused by streptococci and staphylococci. And since their influence can also affect the health of the unborn baby, take timely measures to prevent further development of the disease and quickly eliminate existing symptoms. However, do not forget that treatment of the throat during pregnancy should be carried out using safe and at the same time effective methods.

At the first pain in the tonsils, start gargling every hour with a solution of soda or salt (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of warm water). Such rinses create an alkaline environment in the mouth and prevent further proliferation of pathogens. Alternate rinsing with alkaline solutions with anti-inflammatory herbal infusions - chamomile, eucalyptus and strawberry leaves. They relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Rinse on the first day of illness - every hour, on the second day - every two hours, on the third day - every three hours.

Also, to treat your throat, do inhalations. Use the same products for them as for rinsing - soda, chamomile, potato broth. Inhale steam only from the teapot spout. Do inhalations 5-8 times a day and reduce their number every day.

In addition to topical throat treatment, flush your body of the virus or infection. To do this, drink more liquid - tea with honey and lemon balm, sour fruit drinks, citrus juices, chamomile decoction. Take a double dose of vitamin C every day. It is very useful for pregnant women throughout pregnancy.

Avoid any physical activity. Give your body the opportunity to recover faster. Maintain bed rest for at least three days. Keep your legs, chest and neck warm, but do not get carried away with thermal procedures (mustard plasters, foot baths and general baths). They can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Just don't overheat.

The main intensive treatment of the throat during pregnancy is carried out in the first three days from the moment the first pain appears. Then continue eliminating residual effects until the disease completely stops.

Treatment of throat during pregnancy

By the most accessible means treatment,if you have a sore throat during pregnancy , are rinsing. Every home has salt and soda. To prepare a solution for gargling during pregnancy, you need to add 1 tsp. soda or salt in 1 tbsp. warm water. If you know for sure that you are not allergic to iodine, then you can add 2 drops of iodine to the soda solution. This solution will help fight the virus. Rinse 3 times a day after meals.

Treat a sore throat during pregnancy You can also use herbs, but you should remember that they should be used with caution. To eliminate sore throats, you can use a decoction of eucalyptus, chamomile, and sage.

During pregnancy, you can treat your throat with Lysobact tablets.

How to gargle during pregnancy

In addition to using saline and soda solutions for , as well as herbs eucalyptus, chamomile and sage, you can use other rinsing methods:

Sea salt 10 times a day;

Apple cider vinegar every hour. 1 tsp need to be added to 200 ml of warm boiled water;

Garlic tincture, for which you need to chop 3 cloves of garlic and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Let it brew for one hour. Rinse 4 times a day;

Red beets. Grate and squeeze out 200 ml of juice. Add 1 tbsp to juice. vinegar. Rinse 5 times a day until complete recovery;

Hydrogen peroxide. Add 1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide in a glass of boiled warm water. This is a very good remedy if you suffer from frequent sore throats.

In addition to the above remedies, you can gargle with the juices of lemon, carrot, horseradish, plantain, beak juice with honey and slightly warmed sea water. All of these rinsing solutions are to treatment with folk remedies during pregnancy. except them throat during pregnancy Can rinse with furatsilin. Furacilin is a popular drug. It has an antimicrobial effect and prevents viruses and bacteria from multiplying. The microbial population dies out in the human body 5-6 days after treatment with furatsilin. This drug is not an antiseptic because it is not able to immediately destroy microorganisms.

Furacilin has no effect on fungi and viruses, which means that it has no sterilization effect. But the antimicrobial property characteristic of the drug is similar in action to antibiotics. Gargling with furatsilin powder is a popular antimicrobial agent for the oral cavity. Of course, if possible, it is better to avoid treatment with any medications during pregnancy. But if necessary, the doctor prescribes the most gentle treatment. , as a rule, does not give any side effects. In very rare cases, temporary minor inflammation of the skin may occur. Therefore, if you are not allergic to this drug, after consulting a doctor, you can use it, for which you need to crush 5 tablets, pour in 1 liter of boiled warm water, and cool slightly. Each time you rinse, pour the liquid into a glass. For 1 tbsp. If you wish, you can add 1 tbsp of furatsilin liquid. 3% hydrogen peroxide. This remedy is very effective for sore throats.

Sore throat is the most common complaint of pregnant women in the autumn-winter period. This may include unpleasant sensations in the form of burning, scratching, or pain when swallowing solid food or water. Why does my throat hurt during pregnancy?

Causes of sore throat

With the onset of cold weather, many expectant mothers feel a sore and sore throat. This sign may be one of the first manifestations of colds. Sudden temperature changes, decreased daylight hours, lack of vitamins - all this leads to a significant decrease in the body's defenses. Women's immunity during pregnancy is already weakened, and any exposure during this period can lead to a sore throat.

The immediate cause of pain, scratching and sore throat is viral or bacterial infection. This could be an acute respiratory infection (or the common cold), flu and other diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and rubella are much less common in pregnant women. Typically, such infections occur in childhood, and in adulthood, rarely do expectant mothers encounter similar diseases. People are vaccinated against diphtheria, measles and rubella, which virtually eliminates the possibility of contracting these infections.

The localization of the source of inflammation is also of great importance. Sore throat is a common symptom, and it can manifest itself in various diseases:

  • tonsillitis, or tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
  • pharyngitis (damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx);
  • laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx).

If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, any of these conditions can lead to the development of tracheitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Against the background of reduced immunity during pregnancy, the development of sepsis cannot be ruled out.

Sore throat: main diseases

Bacterial and viral infections begin acutely with an increase in body temperature to 38-40 degrees. Chills, dizziness, headache, weakness and other signs of intoxication appear. A viral infection is characterized by muscle pain that spreads throughout the body. With a bacterial infection, a sore throat is often preceded by watery eyes and nasal congestion.

Acute tonsillitis

Sore throat makes itself felt by severe pain in the throat, which gets worse when swallowing. Unpleasant sensations occur even when trying to drink water. The tonsils enlarge and swell, and a grayish-yellow coating or film appears on their surface. With angina, the regional lymph nodes located under the lower jaw are always enlarged.

In most cases, sore throat is caused by streptococci - dangerous microorganisms that can lead to damage to internal organs. Much less often, staphylococci and other pathogens become the cause of acute tonsillitis. If a sore throat is not treated, it inevitably ends in problems with the functioning of the kidneys, heart and large joints.


Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa is characterized by burning and sore throat. Painful sensations occur with severe inflammation on the second day of the disease. Pharyngitis is often accompanied by rhinitis (runny nose) and conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes). Very often, when the pharynx is inflamed, a wet cough occurs.


Inflammation of the larynx is manifested not only by a sore throat, but also by a strong barking cough. The pain intensifies when swallowing and while talking. A characteristic sign of laryngitis is hoarseness. With swelling of the larynx, difficulty breathing and even attacks of suffocation may occur.

Diagnosis of throat diseases during pregnancy

In most cases, the doctor makes the diagnosis after a routine examination. For any pain in the throat, be sure to listen to the bronchi and lungs using a phonendoscope. Often, tonsillitis and pharyngitis provoke the development of bronchitis, pneumonia and other serious complications. X-ray examination of the lungs during pregnancy is not performed.

In the case of a sore throat, doctors are most afraid of the spread of streptococcal infection throughout the body. For tonsillitis, a smear from the mucous membrane of the tonsils is taken from all pregnant women. The resulting material is sown on nutrient media, and within a few days it is possible to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease. To obtain a quick result, rapid tests are used that are configured to detect hemolytic streptococcus.

What are the dangers of a sore throat during pregnancy?

Throat infection suffered by a woman in early pregnancy, often causes miscarriage for up to 12 weeks. In addition, any infectious disease during this period can cause congenital malformations of the fetus. In the first trimester, the formation of the baby’s internal organs occurs, and exposure to viruses and bacteria during this period leads to the incorrect formation of all tissues.

After 16 weeks, viral and bacterial infections contribute to the development of placental insufficiency. During childbirth, severe intoxication can cause labor abnormalities, fetal hypoxia and bleeding.

Severe intoxication also has a very adverse effect on the course of pregnancy. When the body temperature is high, the uterus becomes toned. Pain appears in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum and lower back. Constant hypertonicity of the uterus can lead to spontaneous abortion at any stage.

For the expectant mother, throat diseases also do not go away without consequences. A sharp decrease in immunity during pregnancy can lead to the spread of infection to the lower respiratory tract. Tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia - these are the most dangerous consequences of throat diseases. In severe cases, meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain) and sepsis (blood poisoning) may develop.

Streptococcal sore throat deserves special attention. A sore throat with this pathology is only one of the symptoms of a dangerous disease. If not treated in a timely manner, the infection spreads throughout the body. Penetrating into the kidneys, streptococci cause glomerulonephritis, accompanied by sharp jumps in blood pressure. When the heart is damaged, the valves are damaged, which inevitably leads to the formation of heart failure. And finally, when it gets into the joints, streptococcal infection causes rheumatism. All these diseases occur in pregnant women if antibiotic therapy is refused or if medications are selected incorrectly.

Treatment of sore throat in the first trimester of pregnancy

Up to 12 weeks, local therapy is preferred. The following methods are recommended to relieve a sore throat:

  • irrigating the throat with antiseptic solutions (“Hexoral”, “Tantum Verde”);
  • plates for resorption (“Laripront”, “Lizobakt”, “Strepsils”, “Faringosept”);
  • solutions for gargling (Miramistin, furatsilin solution);
  • gargling with herbal infusions (chamomile, calendula, sage).

Antiseptic sprays are usually prescribed 1-2 injections 2 times a day. You can gargle with herbal decoctions and special solutions much more often – up to 4 times a day. Tablets and lozenges should be taken every 4 hours. After using local antiseptics, do not eat or drink water for 30 minutes.

Drinking plenty of warm drinks will help relieve a sore throat. You can prepare fruit drinks and compotes or brew tea (black or green). Drinks should be warm, but not hot, and moderately sweet. You can add honey, jam or a slice of lemon to your tea.

Systemic antibacterial agents are practically not used in the first trimester. The only exception is streptococcal tonsillitis. For a sore throat caused by this pathology, antibiotics cannot be avoided. In the early stages of pregnancy, the following groups of drugs are allowed for use:

  • macrolides (Sumamed and others);
  • penicillins (“Amoxiclav”);
  • cephalosporins (Cefepime, Ceftriaxone).

The dosage is selected by the attending physician after a complete examination of the patient. All antibacterial agents used during pregnancy undergo clinical trials. Research reveals that antibiotics from these groups do not have an adverse effect on the development of the fetus in the womb. Pregnant women should not be afraid of taking antibiotics, because the expected benefits are much higher than the doubtful harm associated with their use.

To reduce body temperature in the first trimester, you can use paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is recommended to take these drugs in their pure form, and not as part of other cold remedies. "Theraflu", "Fervex", "Rinza" and other similar medications contain substances prohibited for use in pregnant women.

Treatment of sore throat in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy

After 14-16 weeks, the following drugs can be added to local treatment:

  • "Stopangin";
  • "Bioparox";
  • "Inhalipt";
  • "Kameton."

These drugs have a wide spectrum of action, which allows them to cope with many bacterial infections. To increase the effectiveness of sprays, before applying them, you can gargle with a decoction of chamomile or sage. Sprays should be used 2 times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, in case of severe disease, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. This is the only way to avoid the development of bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory complications. For expectant mothers, penicillin antibiotics, the latest generation cephalosporins, and macrolides are used. The duration of therapy is from 5 to 10 days. For mild pharyngitis, antibiotics are not used.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers should be especially careful with antipyretic drugs. The use of paracetamol and ibuprofen after 24 weeks can cause increased uterine tone and premature birth. In late pregnancy, anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken only at temperatures above 38 degrees. If a fever lasts more than three days, you should consult a doctor.

When treating a throat at any stage of pregnancy, you should not steam your feet or take hot baths. These popular folk methods can cause uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage. To keep warm, it is better to use a woolen blanket, as well as warm tea with honey and lemon. At high temperatures, on the contrary, you should not wrap yourself up too much, so as not to cause another hot flash.

Sore throat during pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor. You should not self-medicate during such a crucial period! Trust your health to a specialist, and let the doctor select effective and safe remedies for you to eliminate a sore throat.