Folk festivities at Maslenitsa. The Moscow Maslenitsa festival will begin in the capital. The symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes

One of the most exciting, eventful and eventful weeks begins - the week of Maslenitsa festivities. Despite the fact that from February 20 and will last until February 26, events for Maslenitsa in Moscow 2017 will begin on February 17. This early start to seeing off winter and welcoming spring is due to the fact that in 2017 Maslenitsa week coincides with the holiday weekend in Russia on February 23rd. In order not to miss the opportunity to have a good walk and become part of the national holiday, you should know where to go in the capital to catch the most interesting things.

What is included in the festival program for Maslenitsa

Various events will take place not only in the center of the capital, but also in many other places in the big city. Basically, the largest events will take place in squares and parks. The Maslenitsa festival program includes performances and performances from street theaters, performances by musical folk groups, a carnival parade, historical reconstructions, culinary master classes, and, of course, a pancake fair.
Considering the scale of the event, it is no wonder that Maslenitsa week begins on February 17, because so many interesting things will happen that you want to see everything!

Program of the festival “Moscow Maslenitsa 2017”

The festival starts on February 17 and will last until the very end of Maslenitsa, that is, until February 26. We will tell you about the most important and grandiose events of the holiday and where you can see and visit them.

Manezhnaya Square

During Maslenitsa in 2017, Manezhnaya Square will turn into the Kingdom of Spring. If you come here for the holiday, you will be able to see historical reconstructions, as well as hear performances by folk groups. In addition, culinary master classes will be held on Manezhnaya Square with prizes being distributed afterwards.

In addition to all of the above, in the Kingdom of Spring you will be able to see a bright and colorful show with ribbons and flags, tales of the Joker Grandfather, an eight-meter-high ice figure of “Tsar Maslenitsa” and the opportunity to take a photo with it.

Also, there will be many stalls and tents where you can buy souvenirs and exclusive things from all over Russia. The organizers did not forget about the trays with hot tea and pancakes with a wide variety of fillings.

Revolution square

Revolution Square, as opposed to Manezhnaya Square, will turn into the Kingdom of Winter. In the huge ice fortress, you will be able to take pictures with the suffering of Winter, and also sit on the ice throne. For children and adults there are large ice slides, games in the old style, performances by buffoons and street theaters, performances by dancers and musicians.

And on Forgiveness Sunday, February 26, the fortress will be stormed here, the final battle against winter!

Novopushkinsky Square

It is here that on Maslenitsa there will be a pancake school and a cheese factory, an exhibition of clay toys, performances with actors, a fire show, as well as a carnival parade “Tales of the Mistress of Winter”, after which everyone will enjoy a dance flash mob.

Tverskoy Boulevard

Three festival venues with different amusements will fit here. The sites will be located near the “Armenia” store, near the monument to Sergei Yesenin, and near the monument to Timiryazev. What can you do at these sites? Take part in sports competitions, in the cheese relay race.
Also for lovers of active recreation there will be courts for playing kolobok-ball, croquet and basketball.

In addition, master classes will not be possible. During the lesson they will show you how to paint a clay Dymkovo toy; in the dollhouse they will tell you and show you how to make your own ten-handed doll, spring doll, and even an eco-doll.

Every day on Tverskoy Boulevard there will be processions “Tales of the Mistress of Spring”, as well as a children's entertainment program with animators.

And for those who like to take pictures, the organizers have prepared a hundred-meter luminous tunnel!

New Arbat

The festival grounds here will be the embodiment of modern art. On Novy Arbat there will be an exhibition of exclusive stuffed animals, many interactive art objects (for example, “Feed the Horse”) and an exhibition “Russian Avant-garde”. For fun, you can attend master classes on creating costumes for the carnival, as well as watch street theaters.
It’s easy to find festival sites: they are located in the area of ​​houses No. 13, No. 15, No. 19 and No. 21.

Klimentovsky Lane

An exhibition of photographs by Ivan Khafizov entitled “Carved Platbands” will be held on the side street. In addition, the author himself will be present at the event and will give a lecture on the history of Russian platbands. And everyone who wants will have a chance to learn how to paint platbands, grind flour and decorate gingerbread cookies.

In gastronomic stalls you will be able to find pancakes with a variety of fillings: from sweet to savory. And also pies, sbiten, mead and, of course, hot tea!

And something else interesting for Maslenitsa in Moscow

On February 25, from 12 noon to 8 pm in Muzeon Park, 16 chefs will try to set a new Guinness record in the category “Most massive pancake meal”; don’t miss the chance to witness a historical moment!

And from February 23 to February 26 in Ice Moscow at the entrance of Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill there will be an exhibition of ice sculptures, as well as an entertaining family program with carousels, buffoons, and puppet theater performances. Entrance to the event is paid: an adult ticket is 350 rubles, 250 rubles for children, and for children under 5 years old - free. The exhibition is open from 11.30 to 22.00.

Maslenitsa in Russia is a truly grand national holiday! Therefore, there is no need to sit at home in front of the TV, because there are so many opportunities to learn something new, to see the capital bright, festive, from a completely different perspective. Most events will be held free of charge, and given the diversity of the program. Everyone can find something to suit their interests.

Happy Maslenitsa!

On Friday, February 17, folk festivities dedicated to Maslenitsa begin in the capital. Those who follow the holiday calendar were puzzled by the choice of date, because Maslenitsa itself starts only on Monday, the 20th... However, as MK found out, this is not a mistake. The fact is that February 17 is International Pancake Day - and Moscow has decided to keep pace with the whole world.

In honor of two pancake holidays at once, we have compiled a guide for the townspeople: where to go to have fun, what traditions to remember and what to cook at home.

Nothing could knock the custom of celebrating Maslenitsa out of our people - neither the adoption of Christianity and the fight against pagan customs (what else could you call the ritual of burning an effigy?), nor the famine of the times of the world wars (when there was not enough flour for bread, not just for pancakes! ), nor the modern course on advanced lifestyle (according to which all grandma’s customs are crap and mold). In 2017, the Moscow Maslenitsa festival, organized by the city, will begin on February 17 and end on the 26th. You can take a walk and have fun in the city center and in 18 parks.

And eat the fish, and ride like cheese in butter

Do you dream of learning how to bake pancakes? Head to Manezhnaya and Tverskaya squares, New Arbat and Novopushkinsky Square, where culinary schools will operate.

On Manezhnaya Square you can try pancakes with pike caviar, game, cottage cheese and condensed milk. Pancakes made with cedar flour will also be presented here. Among the baked goods, it is worth noting the Old Russian Kurnik, mushroom kulebyaka and pear pie. We recommend treating yourself to hot pretzels, which will be baked in front of you. Starting from February 17, every weekday from 15.00 to 19.00, and on weekends from 12.00 to 19.00, Muscovites will have lessons at the culinary school. You can learn to cook and then try pancakes from different nations of the world: Asian spring rolls, French crepes, Abkhazian achachkva pancakes and many others. At the same time, folklore ensembles will perform on stage. The main attraction of the festival - the eight-meter ice sculpture "Tsar Maslenitsa" - has already been placed in the very center of the city, on Manezhnaya Square. The main character of the holiday will be solemnly burned on the last day of the festivities.

On Revolution Square, townspeople will be immersed in the atmosphere of a real old-Moscow festivities: guests will be invited to play Russian folk games, dance in a circle, watch the performance of buffoons and make the very scarecrow that will be burned on the last day. Muscovites will be able to taste 120 types of pancakes. Both famous restaurateurs and novice attorneys will be treated to them. Revolution Square is worth a look for pancake rolls, pancakes prepared according to old recipes, and pancake cake. Here you can also try blue pancakes with strawberries and basil and black pancakes with vanilla sour cream and chocolate chips. Every day from 15.00 to 20.00 on weekdays and from 12.00 to 20.00 on weekends you can take a photo with the Winter and Spring mummers and take part in winter fun with them: tug of war, games of knucklebones, ruffles, skittles, serso, funny swords, hockey with turnips, hats, kubar and others.

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On Saturday and Sunday from 12.00 a workshop will open where Muscovites will be taught how to use clay: make toys, whistles, and masquerade Maslenitsa masks from natural materials. On Tuesday, clay will be replaced by wood - from 16.00 it will be possible to paint wooden toys and kitchen utensils (those same Russian spoons!), and on Thursday from 16.00 Muscovites will be taught how to burn pictures on wood. On the last day of the festivities, February 26, at 14.00 there will be a master class on making birdhouses.

On Tverskoy Boulevard you can taste a lot of hearty pancakes - with red caviar, wild Far Eastern salmon, mincemeat filling, tomato, Parmesan and basil and other unusual but tasty additions. Children will be shown a real theatrical puppet show “Tales of the Mistress of Winter” - starting at 16.00 daily. In addition, on Tverskoy Boulevard you can master a new type of sports competition - the Maslenitsa cheese relay race: you need to compete in the speed of rolling giant one and a half meter cheese heads. They take place every day from 12.00 to 20.00.

February 23, Thursday, is the time to remember the defenders of the Fatherland. All day on Tverskoy Boulevard for the strongest, bravest and most courageous - a CrossFit challenge, open training and a lot of steaks as part of a real meat feast.

Wake up the bear and take his place

In Klimentovsky Lane, between Pyatnitskaya and Bolshaya Ordynka, those who are interested in the history of architecture will linger for a long time: the neo-Russian style, which shook up society a hundred years ago, is presented there in all its glory. The main design element is carved window frames, made especially for the festival and the real ones that decorated Russian huts. The originals, however, will only be shown in photographs, but you will be able to listen to thematic lectures. They take place every day from 12.00 to 21.00. Here, on the site, Breton galettes are prepared from buckwheat flour with various fillings.

On Tverskaya Square, guests will be treated to colorful puff tea pancakes, as well as black pancake roll on bamboo charcoal, kaymak pancake, lingonberry pancake, pancake dog and even crispy pancake cookies. Every day from 11.00 to 21.00 you can play the traditional Russian game “Wake up the Bear”. Every day at 11.00 a master class on handicrafts begins: Maslenitsa decoration of home textiles, making Russian thread horses and even gift bow ties. At 15.00 classes begin for those who are interested in floristry - you can make a Maslenitsa doll from natural materials.

New Arbat is becoming an “intellectual” platform. Two-meter tall figures of cultural and artistic figures will walk along the avenue - anyone will have the chance to take a photo with Kandinsky or Malevich. There, the book fair will turn into a center for contemporary art, where Muscovites will be able to learn more about 20th-century painting. Every day from 11.00 to 21.00 there is a costume workshop on Novy Arbat: under the guidance of professional artists, prop makers and costume designers, guests of the site will create costumes for the Maslenitsa carnival.

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February 25 and 26 on the territory of the Muzeon art park, where it is planned to set a Guinness record for the largest pancake meal. The organizers plan to bake more than 10 thousand pancakes and treat everyone. And it’s free – so those with a sweet tooth should hurry!

No empanadas!

It is pointless to argue about which pancake recipe is considered “correct” - there are as many housewives as there are recipes. However, as Russian cuisine historian Maxim Syrnikov told MK, some traditions are still worth taking into account.

— The first mention of pancakes as a mandatory delicacy for Maslenitsa can be found no earlier than the middle of the 18th century. So it has not been proven whether they were adopted in Rus' earlier - maybe yes, maybe not. However, we can definitely say that the traditional Russian pancake is not wheat. They were baked from buckwheat, rye or oat flour. Wheat pancakes were called “German” - wheat was less accessible, and it did not take root everywhere, especially in the north of the country. In addition, the question of fillings is open - those that are offered today in the “Maslenitsa menu” do not always correspond to the original. Caviar, salmon fish are healthy, as are sour cream and sweets... But you can’t serve pancakes with meat: after all, Maslenitsa is the beginning of Lent, a meat-free week. So they don’t eat meat on Maslenitsa,” explained Syrnikov.

Buckwheat pancakes are considered traditional for serving at mother-in-law parties. By the way, the second name of Maslenitsa is Cheese Week, however, in the Russian tradition, cottage cheese was called “cheese”. Nevertheless, you can safely put on the table the popular today “cheese platter” and any dishes made from dairy or fermented milk products. You shouldn’t neglect pies either - unless, of course, such an abundance of pastry dishes on the table scares away modern Muscovites who are accustomed to watching their figure.

Feed your mother-in-law and burn the effigy. Don't get confused!

Maslenitsa cannot be imagined without special Maslenitsa rituals. Every day becomes a kind of holiday with its own customs. So, let's remember the whole week.

Monday. We make a scarecrow and ride down the slides. On the first day of Shrovetide Week, you need to make a stuffed animal of the main character of the holiday - Winter. They dressed her in old women's clothes and carried her around the village on a sled, singing. We don’t recommend repeating this in the Moscow metro, but you can drive a young lady around your area. Then they put it on a snow slide and began sledding. This also had a meaning: whoever rolls down more times, his flax will grow higher. Now you can make wishes, for example, about your salary, and compete with your boss.

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Tuesday. Down with work! In the old days this day was called “zaigrysh” - a time of unbridled fun. Offices are cancelled: we dress like mummers, wear masks, visit guests and organize home concerts. And don’t forget about the bear: not a single Shrovetide week was complete without the bear. A trained bear must amuse the audience by depicting how women bake pancakes. If we couldn’t get a live bear in the capital, then don’t get upset, we continue to ride on a sleigh or a harnessed troika.

Wednesday. The pancakes are starting.“Where are the pancakes? When can you eat them?” - we feel like a silent reproach from the reader. We've just arrived. On Gourmand Wednesday, various dishes began to be prepared. Each family set a generous table with pancakes and beer. At the fairs they sold hot sbitny, roasted nuts and honey gingerbread. And from the boiling samovar you could drink warming tea. In our century, nothing has changed in principle, except perhaps the price tag.

Thursday. Let's drive away winter. The most important thing on this day is to gather your courage and still drive away the winter. This is done with the help of simple manipulations: you need to ride a horse around the village clockwise. That is, “in the sun,” thereby helping him. Well, guys, let's surprise the Department of Transport? But oats are expensive these days, and gathering more than three is a bad omen. Therefore, the main men's activity on this day was considered to be the capture of a snowy town. You can just stay at home with your wife, the effect is the same.

Friday. Mother-in-law's pancakes. Well, guys, have you had a rest? It's time to get to work. On this day, the sons-in-law had to treat their wife’s beloved mother with pancakes all evening. And the mother-in-law should send her beloved son-in-law everything he needs: a frying pan, a ladle. The father-in-law sent a bag of buckwheat and butter. The draft dodgers faced mortal resentment from their mother-in-law and eternal enmity with her.

Celebrating Maslenitsa in 2017. Maslenitsa week.

It is considered one of the most fun holidays of the year. It lasts seven days, and during pancake week people have fun, have festivities, visit people's homes, and eat pancakes. In 2017, Maslenitsa will begin on February 20 and end on February 26.

Maslenitsa week is truly a national celebration of welcoming spring. Before entering Lent, people say goodbye to winter, enjoy the first fine days by baking traditional pancakes, and prepare to cleanse their souls and bodies.

Cheese Week (before the spelling reform, it was also often Maslenitsa) is a folk holiday cycle that has been preserved in Rus' since pagan (pre-Christian) times. The ritual is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring.

Other names for Maslenitsa: Shrovetide, Shrovetide, Shrovetide Week, World Holiday, Pancake Shop, Pancake Week, Pancake Week, Pancake Eater, Gluttonous Week, Obedukha, Wide Shrovetide, honest, cheerful, Kissing Girl, Krivoshina, Boyarynya Shrovetide, Milk Week, Usttsilem. Thrush, forest. Oiler, Masloed, Masny Tyzhden, Belorus. Kolyada Maslenaya, Karovina i horse holy, Ukrainian. Kolodiy, Slovak. Smrtni week"a, christ. Cheese week.

Traditions of Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa has several names: it is called meat-empty because there is abstinence from meat, cheese - because of the abundance of cheese this week, and directly, Maslenitsa - because of the consumption of large amounts of butter.

The traditions of the celebration go deep into our history. But just as before, this holiday is usually celebrated on a grand scale, with songs, dances, and competitions. The most common pastimes that took place in the villages were fist fights, sleigh rides, eating pancakes for a while, climbing a pole for a prize, swimming in ice holes, playing with a bear, and finally, burning an effigy. The main treat is pancakes with various fillings. You need to cook them every day, and in large quantities.

The people argued that those people who do not have fun on Maslenitsa will live in poverty for a year and there will be no fun in their home.

  1. You should never eat meat on Maslenitsa. Dairy products and fish are allowed. The main dish that every housewife should have on the table is pancakes.
  2. On Maslenitsa you need to eat a lot, often and wherever possible. Gluttony is the main principle of this holiday. That is why it is customary to eat not only at home, but also at a party, where people are often invited this week.

Maslenitsa is celebrated from Monday to Sunday, and every day of this week is usually celebrated in a special way, observing the traditions of the holiday.

Monday (February 20) called “Meeting of Maslenitsa”. On this day, housewives began baking pancakes, and the first pancake was necessarily given to needy, poor people. Even on Monday, they prepared a scarecrow of Maslenitsa, which was exhibited on the main street. And it, dressed in rags, was supposed to stand until the resurrection.

Tuesday (February 21) popularly called "Zaigrysh". This day was completely dedicated to the newlyweds. On this day, folk festivities were held: sledding, carousel rides and ice slides.

Wednesday (February 22)- “Gourmand.” On this day, it was customary to invite guests (neighbors, friends, relatives) to the house and treat them to delicious pancakes, pies, and honey gingerbread. Also on Wednesday, mothers-in-law treated their sons-in-law to pancakes, hence the expression “The son-in-law has come, where can I get sour cream?” Fist fights and horse racing were popular on this day.

Thursday (February 23) People called it "Razgulay". It was from this day that Wide Maslenitsa began, which was accompanied by sledding, snowball fights, funny songs and round dances.

Friday (February 24). This day was designated as “Mother-in-law’s Evening,” because it was on Friday that the sons-in-law invited their mother-in-law to their house and treated them to pancakes. At the same time, the day before, their daughter’s husband should come to his mother-in-law’s house and invite her to visit.

Saturday (February 25) It’s popularly called “Sister-in-law’s get-togethers.” Young daughters-in-law invited their husband's sisters to their place, had conversations with them, treated them to various delicacies and gave gifts. If the sister-in-law had not yet gotten married, then the daughter-in-law invited her unmarried friends, and if the husband’s sister was married, then only married relatives were invited.

Sunday (February 26) is the apotheosis of Maslenitsa and is called “Forgiveness Sunday.” It was on this day that they celebrated Maslenitsa, said goodbye to winter and symbolically burned an effigy. Even on Sunday, it is customary to ask family and friends for forgiveness for the grievances that have accumulated throughout the year.

There are many signs associated with Maslenitsa, and people in the old days believed in these signs. It is believed that on Maslenitsa you need to bake as many pancakes as you want happiness and prosperity. Mountains of pancakes foreshadowed good luck, health, and prosperity in the families of relatives and friends. If the table is empty, then a financial collapse can be expected for the year. It’s not for nothing that Maslenitsa was also called “The Destroyer,” because a lot of money was spent in a week.

It was a bad omen if the pancakes were unsuccessful, burnt or tasteless. This meant that trouble, illness or trouble would come very soon.

Our ancestors also believed that cold weather on Maslenitsa predicted a good harvest year. Girls who intended to get married this year had to get all the men they met along the way drunk.

Interesting ancient traditions of Maslenitsa:

  • Young people should show special respect to elders in the family;
  • Newlyweds can kiss in public, showing their love;
  • It is imperative to remember deceased relatives. The best thing -
    go to the cemetery and bring pancakes there;
  • Be sure to treat the beggars near the church to the most delicious pancakes with rich fillings;

What to do for children

In the folk traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa, children did not bake pancakes, but they had their own special activities. You can sculpt whistles from clay or make whistles from wood, painting them with bright colors. These musical instruments produce a sound similar to trills. It was believed that this way one could summon spring faster by deceiving it that the birds were already singing.

As for places of public celebrations, it is necessary to hold fairs, organize booths, and ride sleighs on ice slides. In the old days, fist fights were still held on Sunday, but in modern society this custom has been forgotten. By the way, some dived into the ice hole to repeat their Epiphany feat.

The symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes

It is believed that modern pancakes are the “ancestors” of oatmeal jelly, which someone decided to bake over a fire. A little later, people began to bake pancakes not only from oatmeal, but also from rye, wheat, and buckwheat. Traditional cuisine knows many recipes for pancakes with various fillings.

Housewives prepared pancakes with fish, mushrooms, eggs, honey, buckwheat, onion sauce, and cottage cheese. The pancakes were served with sour cream, red or black caviar and butter. It is noteworthy that the pancakes had to be eaten only with their hands. It was believed that if they were pierced with a fork or cut with a knife, then trouble would not be long in coming.

Pancake as a symbol of satiety

If we consider pre-Christian traditions, then pancakes were a symbol of sacrificial bread, offered as a gift to the gods. Only since the 19th century have pancakes become a treat for Maslenitsa with the symbolic meaning with which we accept them now. It is believed that the predecessor of the pancake was ordinary oatmeal jelly. Someone decided to heat it on the fire and the first pancake will turn out. Then they began to bake pancakes from different types of flour, including buckwheat or rice flour.

The most important thing is that an ordinary pancake can be completely transformed in taste depending on the filling that is added to it. Pancakes with fish and caviar are an excellent main appetizer. Pancakes with vegetables and mushrooms are a cold appetizer, and, of course, sweet pancakes with honey, jam or just butter. Each recipe is special and has its own culinary symphony.

Days of Maslenitsa celebration in 2012-2030.

The start date of Maslenitsa changes every year depending on when Lent begins. The main traditional attributes of the folk celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia are pancakes and festivities.

Maslenitsa is the last week before Easter Lent. Every year Maslenitsa is celebrated on different dates, it all depends on the beginning of Lent and, accordingly, Easter. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week before Lent. This week prepares people for fasting and the beginning of spiritual and physical cleansing. Maslenitsa always begins on Monday and ends with Forgiveness Sunday.

Maslenitsa and Maslenitsa week are celebrated in certain years in February, and in certain years in March (while Maslenitsa week itself can take place from February to March).

Maslenitsa week, which began in the Russian capital on February 17, is coming to an end. But, even despite the last day of the holiday before the start of the strictest fast of the year, mass fun and eating pancakes continue. On the last day of Maslenitsa on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow in 2017, one of the brightest and most iconic traditions of festivities will take place - the burning of effigy. In addition, Maslenitsa on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow 2017 promises many more interesting events. The main thing is not to miss the chance and become part of the festivities!

Program of events on Manezhnaya Square

Going to Manezhnaya Square in Moscow, residents and guests of the capital will go straight to the “Kingdom of Spring”! Every day, the kingdom opens its gates to visitors from 11 am and continues to actively work until 8 pm. At the same time, entry there is free.

Of course, in addition to the decorations that turn Manezhnaya Square into that very spring kingdom, the organizers of Maslenitsa have prepared a rich program of events. It is in this place that you can see historical reconstructions, listen to performances by folk groups and start dancing. In addition, the lucky ones will get to see a bright and eventful show with ribbons and flags.
Grandfather Balagur will be cruising around Manezhnaya Square on his bike, there will be a Maslenitsa pole with prizes, only active participants of the event who are not afraid of quizzes, games, and relay races will be able to receive them.

In addition to all this, there will also be a fair on Manezhnaya Square, where you can buy Russian souvenirs brought by craftsmen from all over Russia. Of course, one cannot do without another traditional attribute of Maslenitsa - hot pancakes. It is here that guests have the opportunity to try more than a hundred types of pancakes with a wide variety of unusual fillings. These are filled with shrimp and even marshmallows! There's something for everyone here!

Ceremonial burning of the effigy on Manezhnaya Square

The main decoration of Manezhnaya Square in Moscow 2017 will be an ice sculpture called “Tsar Maslenitsa”. Its height reaches 8 meters, and throughout the entire holiday week, anyone will be able to take a photo with this main decoration of the holiday.

And on February 26, which brings the festivities to a close, this sculpture will be solemnly burned, or rather melted. Why will this particular sculpture become the main symbol of Maslenitsa? Everything is very simple; such large-scale sculptures have not been made for a very long time. To bring “Tsar Maslenitsa” to life, the sculptors needed 30 tons of ice, which was delivered from Pervoulsk.

But the hearts of guests on Manezhnaya Square will be melted by delicious pancakes, hot tea, and performances by artists. In addition, on the last day of the festival a grandiose pyrotechnic show will take place on Manezhnaya Square.

Events near Manezhnaya Square 2017

Adventures await guests of the holiday on the transition from Revolution Square to Manezhnaya Square. Those who love active recreation will find joy here. It is in this place that a lot of sports entertainment will take place, as well as fun with buffoons. At the transition between squares, you will be able to ride on carousels or swings, and perform round dances with costumed animators.

In addition, the Svetlitsa chalet will be located here, where children will be told about the traditions of seeing off winter and welcoming spring, master classes on handicrafts, and training in playing Russian folk musical instruments.

Also, there will be seven unusual art stuffed animals from Moscow designers, with which you can also take many interesting photos.

We remind you that the Moscow Maslenitsa festival will last from February 17 to 26, mass events will be concentrated not only on Manezhnaya Square, but also on 13 other venues in the big city. Guests of the event will be treated to a costume procession, sports entertainment, master classes, street performances, historical reconstructions and many prizes. And in order not to get confused in the program of events and not to get lost among this fun, you can take the schedule of events from the Jolly Grandfather, who will cruise around Manezhnaya Square and other venues on a bike, and hand out a special newspaper with the schedule of events.

At 15 venues in the center and in the districts, guests will enjoy entertainment: performances by folk groups, games, songs, funny skits, culinary and craft schools.

Program of events for Maslenitsa

At all venues in the center of Moscow and in the surrounding areas you can try a variety of pancakes: classic with sour cream, with honey, with apples, multi-colored, bird cherry, buckwheat, with halva and others.

The following program has been prepared for children: tug of war, games with animators, street theater performances, swings and carousels, a large puzzle, strength meters.

Come see off the winter to Tverskaya Square– here the theme of the Maslenitsa festival will be Russian fairy tales. Visitors will see Finist - the clear falcon, Ivan the Tsarevich, Vasilisa the Wise, the magical Pike who grants wishes, and other characters. You will be able to dance in circles, sing carols, watch mini-performances, and bake fabulous pancakes. Little guests will enjoy puppet shows about Kolobok, Parsley, and Tsokotukha the Fly.

Manezhnaya Square will become a Maslenitsa town with a historical twist. Muscovites and guests of the city will learn how they had fun and what they cooked in Russia at the beginning of the last century. Dozens of reenactors in historical outfits will work on the site. Everyone will be taught how to bake pancakes and entertained with folk songs and games.

Culinary and craft schools

During the Maslenitsa in Moscow 2019 festival, a Pancake House will open on Revolution Square - children will be taught how to make lace pancakes and cheesecakes with cottage cheese.

Those who want to know how Siberian and Cossack pancakes are baked - come to the Pantry on Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard. There will also be classes on Khokhloma painting and making butter dolls.

On Glory Square you can see how pancake pie is prepared, learn about the traditions of Maslenitsa festivities, and take part in master classes on filigree and Gzhel painting.

On Profsoyuznaya Street they will show you how to make pancake cake and striped pancakes, and on Khachaturyan Street they will show you how to paint wooden products in the Palekh and Mezen style.

There will also be children's culinary and craft master classes on Orekhovoy Boulevard, Troitsk, Zelenograd, Mitino and Novokosino.

All events are free.

Where else to go for Maslenitsa in Moscow

Traditional folk festivities for Maslenitsa 2019 in Moscow will be held in ancient estates - in Izmailovo, Lyublino, cultural and recreation parks will prepare their holiday programs.

The royal farewell will be held in the winter in the Izmailovo Kremlin and at VDNKh.

About where you can celebrate Maslenitsa in the Moscow region -

Read more about the customs and traditions of Maslenitsa Week