Facial cleansing mask with gelatin. Face mask with gelatin for acne and pimples. Gelatin mask with butter for aging skin


Dear readers, every woman, without exception, wants to stay young longer and look good. Many of us rush to use industrial means for this. But good quality creams simply cannot be cheap, and very often you come across fakes. But this cosmetics takes most of its miraculous properties from nature. Therefore, without spending large sums on personal care, we have the opportunity to get an amazing effect using natural ingredients. One of these miracle remedies is a gelatin face mask. This is what we will talk about today.

Every housewife has gelatin in our kitchen. We are used to using it in cooking. It makes delicious jellied dishes and bright jellies. Have you tried making gelatin face masks? If not, then I advise you to pay attention to them. These masks are now being actively discussed on beauty forums. Masks have proven themselves to be an excellent means of self-care at home. Why are they wonderful?

Collagen powder for our facial skin

Collagen plays an important role in preserving the youth of the skin, the amount of which decreases catastrophically with age. The older we get, the less it is produced. Gelatin is a source of natural animal collagen. It contains calcium with phosphorus, iron with sodium, potassium with magnesium. This is a mixture of protein tissues. Essentially split collagen.

Does it penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help increase the amount of its own collagen? This is a controversial issue, there are different opinions on this matter. But the fact that it has a rejuvenating, healing and restorative effect on the skin is an indisputable fact, confirmed in practice by many women.

The benefits of gelatin for facial skin

Gelatin has a versatile effect on the skin, aimed primarily at restoration and rejuvenation. He:

  • nourishes the skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • activates metabolic processes, including protein;
  • increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • has an effective tightening effect (lifting effect);
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • is an effective remedy for removing blackheads, cleanses and tightens pores;
  • cleanses the surface layer of the skin;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands: oily and dry skin becomes normal;
  • eliminates age spots, including age spots and freckles;
  • has a slight brightening effect and evens out the complexion.

We solve problems

It is recommended to make gelatin masks if fine wrinkles have appeared, the skin is oily, the pores are enlarged, there are blackheads, the complexion looks dull and unhealthy, you need to whiten your face, there is peeling in some areas of the skin, the skin needs additional nutrition, you want to do an effective lifting -procedure at home.

Result of application

Thanks to face masks with gelatin, the skin becomes smooth, smooth, tightened, elastic, and sagging disappears. It becomes velvety, soft and very gentle to the touch, improves complexion. The oval of the face is tightened, acquiring clear outlines. The face looks fresh and young.

How to prepare and apply a gelatin face mask

There is nothing complicated in using a face mask with gelatin, but in order to achieve the desired effect, you must adhere to certain rules for the procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

First you need to prepare your facial skin for the procedure. To do this, wash off your makeup and cleanse your face. For best results, treat your face with a scrub or steam it over a container of hot water.

Preparing the gelatin base

Dilute gelatin with warm (never hot! water) in a ratio of 1:3, 1:4. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Wait 15-20 minutes until the crystals are completely swollen. You can add juice, herbal decoctions, milk. The main thing is that the gelatin completely “absorbs” the water. Then the swollen gelatin is heated in a water bath until liquid. After this, you need to cool everything to a temperature that will be comfortable for applying the mask to your face.

How to apply the mask

We tuck our hair under a cap or scarf. Using a brush, apply a warm gelatin mask to the face along the massage lines on the nose and neck - from bottom to top. You can also apply the mask to the décolleté and neck area. But this mask is not suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes, as it is very delicate in these places. Special care is required.

The exposure time of the mask, which course is better to take

The exposure time is until the gelatin hardens, which is usually 20-25 minutes. Face masks with gelatin are performed twice a week. Course – from 1 to 5 months.

After applying the mask, you need to lie down, be quiet, listen to pleasant, calm music. Also, to achieve the desired effect, you do not need to talk or laugh during the procedure. The skin and muscles of the face should remain motionless.

Don't expect a lightning-fast effect. It usually occurs after several procedures. But even after the first procedure, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

How to wash off the mask

An important point is to wash off the gelatin mask. If the purpose of the procedure was to cleanse the skin of blackheads or excess oil, then in such areas the gelatin film is VERY CAREFULLY removed, trying not to damage the skin. It must be removed in a frozen form, pulling it from the chin to the forehead.

In all other cases, the gelatin mask should first be soaked. To do this, you can use a towel soaked in warm water and apply it to your face. You can also use damp cotton pads (moisten a cotton pad in warm milk for dry skin, or in kefir for oily skin). You can also pour hot water into a container and sit over the steam. Another option is to plunge into a container of warm liquid until the mask melts.

After washing off the mask, rinse your face with cool water. And after the procedure, if desired and necessary, you can apply cream to the skin.

For the procedure, you should use the simplest food gelatin without any additives. Look at the expiration date of the gelatin. Use only high-quality and unexpired gelatin.

Gelatin is usually well tolerated, and individual intolerance to this product is extremely rare. But face masks with gelatin often contain other components that can cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, before using the selected recipe, conduct a tolerance test.

If the composition for the mask turns out to be runny and spreads over the face during application, then next time you should use a smaller amount of liquid to dilute the gelatin. You can use another option: wait a little until the gelatin begins to harden and thicken.

Although there is an opinion that the remains of a gelatin mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and heated in a water bath before use, it is still best to prepare a fresh composition each time.

Recipes for gelatin face masks

Gelatin for masks is used both on its own and in combination with other components, which can significantly enhance its effect and expand the range of influence. Therefore, gelatin masks are suitable for any skin type, you just need to choose the right recipe for your problem.

Mask for young skin

1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. water, cool to a pleasant temperature. Peel a small orange, chop and combine with gelatin.

The mask nourishes and refreshes the skin, has a slight lifting effect. Recommended primarily for women under 30.

Gelatin mask for oily skin

1 tbsp. combine gelatin with 5 tbsp. water. When the mixture has cooled to a warm state, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream.

Lifting mask with aloe and vitamins

1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. water. Wait until the mixture cools to a warm state and add 1 tsp to it. aloe juice, 1 tsp. olive oil and half a ampule of vitamins A and E.

The mask has a moisturizing, nourishing, restorative effect, has a lifting effect, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Gelatin face mask against wrinkles

Prepare gelatin base from 2 tsp. gelatin and 4 tbsp. water. When the composition has cooled to a warm state, add 2 tsp to it. glycerin and 2 tsp. honey

The mask has a moisturizing, tightening and rejuvenating effect. Indicated for aging skin.

I suggest watching a video recipe for another gelatin face mask against wrinkles with a lifting effect.

Gelatin mask for aging and dry skin

Prepare a solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. gelatin and 5 tbsp. water. 1 tsp Melt natural butter. Lightly beat the yolk. Mix everything well with the warm gelatin mass, add half a ampule of vitamin A and E. The mask is designed to nourish, soften and moisturize the skin. Has a rejuvenating effect.

Gelatin face mask for blackheads

We will need 25 grams of gelatin and a glass of water. Prepare the gelatin base. Next, apply the mask in several layers. Dry each layer slightly. Ideally, you should get 7-10 layers, and the mask should be thick and dense enough. While it is drying, avoid moving your facial muscles. After half an hour, the mask should be carefully removed. To do this, pick up the edge of the mask and begin to gently pull it off, starting from the forehead. After the mask is completely removed, rinse your face with cool water and wipe with toner.

Mask for problem skin

Gelatin and banana. Pour 25 grams of gelatin with a glass of cold water and let it swell. Grind 1 banana until you get a paste. Place the swollen gelatin in a water bath and bring to a homogeneous liquid state. Now add a tablespoon of banana pulp and stir well.

Acne mask

1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. milk (preferably homemade). Cool and add 10 ml. vodka. The mask effectively fights skin rashes and restores purity to the skin.

And another gelatin mask for acne. 1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. milk (preferably homemade). Cool and add 10 ml. vodka. The mask effectively fights skin rashes and restores purity to the skin.

Gelatin is a substance of natural origin that is produced during the processing of animal connective tissue. The basis of this tissue is the protein collagen. For cosmetic purposes, the highest grade food gelatin is used.

The benefits of this substance for the skin

This product is a split collagen - a protein that makes the skin firm and elastic. It is the split collagen molecules that penetrate the epidermis to a high degree.

Therefore, gelatin for the face is especially useful if there are skin changes due to age:

  • wrinkles
  • flabbiness,
  • lethargy,
  • loss of elasticity and firmness.


  • vitamins,
  • fats,
  • carbohydrates,
  • amino acids,
  • calcium,
  • potassium,
  • sodium,
  • magnesium,
  • iron and phosphorus

All this provides great value to the drug in terms of the fight for youth and skin health.

What effect

This additive softens and whitens the skin.

Regular use of this product in masks helps:

  • smooth out shallow wrinkles,
  • make age-related pigmentation less noticeable,
  • and also noticeably tighten the swollen oval of the face.

The skin gains radiance. In addition, the product provides a tightening effect (lifting), cleansing, removes excess subcutaneous fat, and successfully fights acne and blackheads.

The effect of a gelatin face mask against wrinkles is especially noticeable after 40 years, when age-related changes begin, including hormonal ones.

These cosmetic data are especially relevant for the following skin problems:

  1. sagging facial skin, wrinkles;
  2. pigmentation;
  3. enlarged pores, loose skin;
  4. decreased tone of the dermis.

Rules for using masks

  1. gelatin must be poured with water or milk (this recipe is well suited for dry skin), herbal infusion or juice - to care for oily skin prone to acne. In this case, cucumber juice is universal - suitable for all skin types. Add 6 to 8 tablespoons of liquid per serving of gelatin.
  2. after the liquid is poured into the gelatin powder, it should be left to swell for about 30 minutes, then heated in a steam bath, but under no circumstances bring to a boil. The resulting liquid is called a gelatin base: various components for masks are added to it.

The simplest recipe:

  • apply the gelatin base itself without additives to the face,
  • let dry,
  • Rinse off with warm water.

It must be done at complete rest, preferably lying down. Then the effect of lifting and rejuvenating the skin will be maximum.

The mask is removed very carefully: it is necessary to literally steam it with warm water, that is, the gelatin must return to a liquid state.

A towel steamed in hot water and placed on your face is best suited for these purposes. You should not tear off the dried film “for profit”, this will cause injury and irritate the skin.

Gelatin masks should be made no more than 1-2 times a week. It is necessary to take a break after several months of using masks.

Popular recipes for gelatin face masks against wrinkles

  1. for sagging facial skin, it is prepared as follows: add a tablespoon of banana pulp to the gelatin base, hold on the face for 20 - 25 minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask will tighten, moisturize, and nourish the dermis with useful substances.

It is preferable to add melon, gooseberries, persimmons, apricots, avocados, and tangerines to the gelatin base for dry skin. But oily dermis will love raspberries, pears, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, and grapefruit more. For normal skin, use kiwi, grapes, peach, orange;

  1. unique and very effective recipe: add vitamins A and E (5 drops each) to the gelatin base, a teaspoon of aloe juice and peach oil;
  2. Mix a tablespoon of glycerin and the white (beaten) of one egg with the gelatin base. Apply the mixture to your face and neck for about half an hour, rinse with warm water and lubricate your face with your regular cream;
  3. Melt a teaspoon of high-quality butter in the gelatin base. Rub and apply on face for 20 minutes;
  4. leave a mixture of a tablespoon of gelatin and 2 tablespoons of milk to swell (about 15 minutes), then dissolve in a water bath. Add a tablespoon of cottage cheese into the mixture, mix thoroughly, apply to the face for 30 minutes;
  5. mix a tablespoon of base with the same amount of kefir, add a teaspoon of flour, beat, apply to face for 15 minutes;
  6. The following cream is effective for fighting wrinkles: mix a teaspoon of gelatin, half a glass of water, 3 tablespoons of honey, half a glass of glycerin and 1 gram of salicylic acid. The container with this substance should be placed in hot water and stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then cooled, whisking, until a jelly-like cream is obtained. Apply this homemade but effective cream every night 2 hours before bedtime, keep it on your face for 20 minutes, and blot off the remainder. Store the cream only in the refrigerator. From the total mass, take the amount of the drug for one application, apply to the face after the cream has warmed up;
  7. gelatin and spirulina mask: add 4 spirulina tablets and a few drops of lemon juice diluted in two glasses of water to the base, mix, apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. It should be borne in mind that spirulina quickly loses its beneficial properties, so the mixture cannot be prepared in advance.

Video: Cooking rules

Features of use at home

When using a gelatin face mask against wrinkles at home, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Before using the mask, the skin must be steamed - this way the beneficial substances will be absorbed faster;
  2. do not dilute with hot water - only warm or cold, otherwise all the beneficial properties of this product will disappear;
  3. if you use gelatin in plates, then 3 - 4 plates need to be soaked in cold water for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze and dissolve completely in a water bath (without adding water). Add the required ingredients to the cooled mixture;
  4. does not apply to the area around the eyes;
  5. the mask must be applied carefully, using a brush or fingertips;
  6. After you have carefully steamed the mask, it is advisable to wash your face with warm and then cold water to close the pores.
  7. Such masks cannot be used constantly - they can dry out the skin greatly. You need to take breaks: we use the mask for two months - a month break.

Adverse reactions

This cosmetic procedure is a very active and effective remedy, but there are a number of contraindications for which this remedy is not necessary:

  1. for dry skin that may begin to peel after using gelatin;
  2. in the presence of significant inflammation on the face in the form of acne, pimples;
  3. in case of injuries, open wounds, microcracks, postoperative sutures: the active substances in this case will penetrate too deeply and cause irritation of the epidermis.

Do you need to consult a doctor?

Before using gelatin masks, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist. He will professionally assess the condition of your facial skin and recommend which additives are best to add to the mask, taking into account your skin type.

At any age, it would be a good idea for representatives of the fairer sex to sometimes make gelatin masks. But masks with gelatin are especially effective against wrinkles when a woman shows the first signs of skin aging.

The main advantage of a gelatin-based mask is its hardening effect (this results in a lifting procedure). In addition, the gelatin mask perfectly cleanses the face, removing acne and blackheads.

Edible gelatin contains animal collagen, which is used in most masks and creams. The collagen contained in gelatin is not as effective as plant or marine collagen, but it does not cost much and is available at any grocery store. You can even make a gelatin mask at home using a regular store-bought bag.

The main reason for the sagging oval of the face, the appearance of wrinkles and aging of the skin is that over the years our skin can no longer actively produce elastin and collagen in the required quantities. Edible gelatin, from which the anti-wrinkle gelatin face mask is made, consists of animal bone tissue. These substances contain collagen, which restores our “tired” skin, moisturizing and regenerating it. Masks based on edible gelatin improve complexion and also perform the function of superficial peeling (remove dead areas of the skin).

In addition, gelatin has plasticizing properties, creating a lifting effect: a rejuvenating mask with gelatin tightens the skin, forming a clear oval face for the fair sex.

The main properties of masks prepared on the basis of gelatin:

  • give the skin softness, tenderness and elasticity;
  • stimulate the blood circulation process;
  • cleanses the skin of acne, tightens pores;
  • have the effect of a lifting procedure (shape the facial contour);
  • stop skin aging;
  • restore a healthy complexion (freckles and age spots gradually disappear).

Indications and benefits of anti-aging masks with gelatin

As already mentioned, gelatin contains collagen, which, easily penetrating the skin, restores its structure and functions lost over the years.

Here are the benefits of masks with gelatin:

  • facial skin pores are cleansed;
  • acne and black spots on the skin disappear;
  • normal functioning of the sebaceous glands is restored;
  • The first wrinkles disappear, the skin rejuvenates;
  • the complexion takes on a blooming appearance;
  • the skin gains elasticity and firmness.

Indications for the use of gelatin-based masks:

  • the appearance of the first wrinkles;
  • loss of skin elasticity and firmness;
  • appearance of a double chin;
  • gray, yellowish or sallow complexion;
  • too oily skin;
  • black dots and very pronounced enlarged pores.

How to use and wash off a gelatin-based mask

Of course, making a gelatin-based mask is not so easy. But the end result is worth the effort. The most important thing is to learn to follow the “non-tricky” recommendations for preparing, applying and removing the mixture.

  • Preparing a gelatin mask.

It is not possible to mix gelatin powder with other components of the mask right away. Gelatin must be steamed and infused. To do this, take a bag of powder, pour it into a deep saucer and fill it with water. Instead of water, juice, milk, herbal decoction or cream are suitable.

The most important thing: there should be 6–7 times more liquid than powder.

Gelatin is infused for about 30 minutes, it should completely “absorb” the liquid. If the diluted gelatin has frozen, then you can bring it to a liquid state in a water bath.
  • Method of application.

Before making the mask, tuck your curls under a scarf or cap, as the resulting mass can easily stick to your hair. Then the mask should be applied to the skin of the face, distributing it around the eyes and throughout the face. To ensure that the mask is applied evenly, it is advisable to do it while lying down. It would be great if an assistant does this for you, thereby simplifying the task for you. Try not to get the mask on your eyelashes and eyebrows.

The gelatin mask for acne and blackheads is removed in a frozen form, and the film is removed from the chin to the forehead. In all other cases, it is recommended to “melt” the mixture on the face. To wash off the Velcro, you will need a heated herbal decoction or boiled water. Remains of the mask can be easily removed with a warm, wet towel or soft washcloth.

Recipes for gelatin-based masks

Gelatin face mask with milk

Mask made of gelatin and milk

Thanks to the components included in the mask, it is very nourishing and soft. This mask recipe is suitable for the fair sex with dry skin. To prepare the mask, fill the gelatin bag with cream or milk. Apply the resulting mask to clean facial skin for twenty to thirty minutes. To enhance the nutritional properties of the mask, add melted butter or a spoonful of honey to it.

The recipe for a tonic gelatin mask is suitable for ladies with mature, sagging skin. To prepare the mask, we need to finely grate a fresh cucumber and squeeze the juice from the pulp through cheesecloth. Then 2 tbsp. l. Pour 3 tablespoons of milk over the powder and let the mixture swell well. After cooling the gelatin to a warm state, add fresh cucumber juice to it, mix well and apply to the skin of the face for thirty to forty minutes. Rinse off the mixture with lukewarm boiled water.

Mask with added cottage cheese

If you want to enrich your skin with nutritional ingredients, add homemade cottage cheese to the gelatin mask recipe. Fill the gelatin bag with milk in a ratio of 1:2, then leave to swell. To ensure that the powder dissolves completely, you can warm it up a little (not on gas, but in a water bath). Add a tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese to the gelatin mixture, mix the gelatin-curd mass well and apply to your face for half an hour. Rinse off with lukewarm boiled water.

Masks for dry skin made from gelatin and avocado pulp have proven especially effective. To prepare the mixture, dissolve a packet of gelatin in water in a ratio of 1:2. Add a tablespoon of avocado pulp to the finished mixture, heated in a water bath. Rub everything thoroughly and apply to facial skin for half an hour. Remove the residue with a damp, warm towel.

Gelatin mask with lemon and honey

If you add lemon and honey to the mask recipe, you will achieve not only a tonic, but also a strengthening effect. Add a teaspoon of liquid honey to the pre-dissolved gelatin (if the honey is frozen, you must first melt it to a liquid state). In addition, add 1 tsp to the mixture. lemon juice. The finished mask is applied to the face for twenty to thirty minutes and then removed with warm water.

Gelatin mask for blackheads

Gelatin masks can not only rejuvenate the skin, but also actively fight blackheads. To cleanse the pores, drawing out all the dirt from them, it is recommended to add activated charcoal to the gelatin mask. The method of preparing the mask depends on your skin type: if your skin is combination or oily, then gelatin should be diluted with apple or orange juice; but for dry skin we prepare it using milk. Grind two tablets of activated carbon into a powder and add it to the swollen gelatin. Mix the ingredients to a uniform mass and apply it to the areas affected by blackheads on the skin of the face. Then you should wait for the mask to dry completely and remove the film from the chin to the forehead.

Composition of gelatin masks according to the table

Gelatin masks
Method one
Gelatin10 g
Glycerol40 gr
Water40 gr
Method two
Gelatin10 g
Honey10 g
Glycerol10 g
Water65 gr
Method three
Gelatin10 g
Kaolin5 g
Glycerol25 gr
Camphor alcohol20 gr
Water60 gr

Gelatin cream with glycerin against wrinkles

Most gelatin-based masks can be stored in the refrigerator. Gelatin cream with glycerin can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month. The cream recipe is not complicated. You will need a small glass jar with a lid, which should be poured with boiling water.

Then take the following ingredients:

  • honey – 3 tbsp;
  • dry gelatin – 1 tsp;
  • purified water and glycerin – 0.5 cups;
  • salicylic acid – 1/5 tsp.

Dissolve the ingredients in a water bath, mix well, transfer to a jar and put in the refrigerator to thicken. The finished cream is applied to the face for 30 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Unfortunately, signs of aging on the face appear after 30 years. To get rid of them and restore youth and elasticity to the skin, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons and undergo expensive procedures, which often have side effects. There are recipes for face masks that are easy to make at home using organic ingredients, such as gelatin.

Effect on the skin

Some consider Botox a panacea for wrinkles in the face and neck. Indeed, Botox injections can significantly smooth out wrinkles and make them less noticeable. But, in addition to the fact that such a procedure is not cheap, it can harm the body, since botulinum is poisonous. The injection of the drug into the small facial muscles reduces their motor activity, gradually turning the face into a frozen mask.

Thanks to its extraordinary lifting effect, noticeable after the first use, a rejuvenating gelatin mask is indispensable for women whose faces show signs of age-related changes (wrinkles, sagging, age-related pigmentation).

The main cause of aging and sagging skin is a lack of collagen, the deficiency of which occurs with age. Cosmetic products, even the most expensive ones, contain collagen in the form of large molecules that are not able to penetrate deep into the skin. Edible gelatin contains natural collagen of animal origin in a split form, which is completely absorbed by skin cells and has a complex effect on it:

  • Promotes natural production of elastin and collagen fibers. The skin becomes tightened and elastic, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, the facial contour acquires clear outlines.
  • Activates metabolic processes in the skin. Thanks to the saturation of skin cells with vitamins and oxygen, the complexion improves, minor rashes and inflammation disappear, and the epidermis layer is evened out.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A gelatin mask eliminates oily skin, tones, and gives a feeling of freshness.

Rules for preparing masks

To prepare the mask, ordinary food gelatin in powder or plates is used. Three gelatin sheets are equivalent to about 1 tsp. powder. Choose a product without color or odor, this indicates its quality.

Soak the gelatin in warm boiled water, milk, juice or other liquid in a ratio of 1:5 (1 part gelatin to 5 parts liquid) for 30 minutes until it swells. Then heat the mixture over low heat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The slightly warm, cooled liquid will become the basis for preparing masks.

Gelatin plates are prepared slightly differently. Soak them in cold water for 10 minutes, then wring out and place in a water bath until dissolved without adding liquid.

Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin. This can be done with a scrub, steam bath or tonic.

The mask is applied to the face, with the exception of the area around the eyes, neck and décolleté. The mass should always be applied in one direction – from bottom to top.

Cosmetologists do not recommend making a gelatin mask more than once a week due to the rapid and pronounced effect. The course of anti-aging masks is 6-8 procedures, after which a 2-3 month break should be taken.

To achieve the desired effect, the face must be completely relaxed. Therefore, try not to talk or smile during the procedure.

The effect of the mask is limited to its complete drying. Usually this is 20-25 minutes.

Many people find it difficult to remove the mask, since if you wet it with running water, it will stick to the skin even more. To prevent this from happening, soak a cosmetic sponge in any dairy product and blot the mask with it. After 1-2 minutes, the gelatin will swell and the mask can be easily removed. Gently pick up the bottom edges and remove from bottom to top.

To quickly remove the mask, you need to first moisten it with any dairy product - the gelatin will swell and come off in a matter of seconds

Then you can rinse your face with cold water - contrasting washes are also good for the skin. Then apply your usual cream to the skin.


There are many options for preparing anti-aging face masks. After trying various recipes, everyone will choose the one that suits their skin type.

Classic with flour and sour milk

Add 1 teaspoon of wheat flour (for oily skin) or ground oatmeal (for dry skin) to the gelatin base and mix. Then add 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of sour milk or kefir. If you have dry skin, replace the fermented milk product with regular milk. The mask perfectly nourishes and softens mature skin, improves complexion.

Anti-aging with fruit puree

The mask has a pronounced rejuvenating effect: it tightens and improves skin elasticity, improves facial contours. Most recipes recommend using banana as it is suitable for all skin types. But it can be replaced with other fruits depending on your skin type:

  • for dry conditions – melon, apricot, persimmon, avocado;
  • for oily skin – pear, strawberry, raspberry, grapefruit, red currant;
  • for normal and combined - orange, grapes, peach, kiwi.

Make a puree from a medium-sized ripe banana or other fruit and add it to a warm gelatin base. The fruits must be thoroughly ground to ensure that the mask is free of lumps. First make sure that the fruit does not cause you an allergic reaction.

Lifting with glycerin

Glycerin absorbs moisture from the air and fills it with micro-wrinkles of the skin, which is very important for aging skin that loses natural moisture. Therefore, a gelatin mask with the addition of glycerin has an excellent tightening effect. To prepare it, while heating the gelatin in a steam bath, add 1 teaspoon each of glycerin and honey to better dissolve the components.

Whitening with cucumber juice

Cucumber juice has a tonic, whitening, softening and moisturizing effect. This mask is suitable for all skin types. Grind a fresh medium-sized cucumber using a grater or blender and squeeze out the juice. Dissolve the gelatin in the resulting cucumber juice; you can add 2 teaspoons of green tea to the mixture. When the cooled mass begins to thicken, apply it to your face with a brush in 2 layers.

Pore ​​tightening mask with activated carbon

Regular activated charcoal in combination with gelatin will help clear your face of blackheads and pimples. Grind the charcoal tablet and add it to the prepared gelatin mass. The mask is applied only to problem areas of the face. As a rule, this is the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin). Gelatin mask with charcoal is not recommended if you have rosacea.

The versatility of gelatin masks lies in the fact that, depending on the components, they can solve various cosmetic problems: fight wrinkles, blackheads, whiten and rejuvenate facial skin.

Milk anti-wrinkle mask

The rejuvenating effect of the gelatin mask will increase if gelatin is dissolved not in water, but in milk. Beat the egg white into the slightly cooled mixture and mix thoroughly. The consistency of the mask will be quite viscous, so it will be convenient to apply it to the face using a wooden or plastic cosmetic spatula.

Universal mask with cottage cheese

If you want to not only tighten your facial skin, but soften and moisturize it, prepare a gelatin mask with the addition of homemade cottage cheese. Thoroughly rub 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese and add it to the gelatin base prepared with milk. To enrich your skin with vitamins, add 1 tbsp to the mask. a spoonful of freshly squeezed juice (orange, apple, grape). If the mask turns out to be very thick, add a little warm milk.

Video: gelatin masks


The use of a gelatin face mask has a number of contraindications, ignoring which can only harm the skin. You should not apply a mask in the following cases:

  • for excessively dry skin, since the tightening effect of the mask can cause peeling;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes (pimples, acne) requiring preliminary treatment;
  • in case of damage to the skin (microcracks, postoperative sutures, wounds), penetration of which by active substances can cause irritation;
  • to eliminate crow's feet around the eyes.

Dear readers, every woman, without exception, wants to stay young longer and look good. Many of us rush to use industrial means for this. But good quality creams simply cannot be cheap, and very often you come across fakes. But this cosmetics takes most of its miraculous properties from nature. Therefore, without spending large sums on personal care, we have the opportunity to get an amazing effect using natural ingredients. One of these miracle remedies is a gelatin face mask. This is what we will talk about today.

Every housewife has gelatin in our kitchen. We are used to using it in cooking. It makes delicious jellied dishes and bright jellies. Have you tried making gelatin face masks? If not, then I advise you to pay attention to them. These masks are now being actively discussed on beauty forums. Masks have proven themselves to be an excellent means of self-care at home. Why are they wonderful?

Collagen powder for our facial skin

Collagen plays an important role in preserving the youth of the skin, the amount of which decreases catastrophically with age. The older we get, the less it is produced. Gelatin is a source of natural animal collagen. It contains calcium with phosphorus, iron with sodium, potassium with magnesium. This is a mixture of protein tissues. Essentially split collagen.

Does it penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help increase the amount of its own collagen? This is a controversial issue, there are different opinions on this matter. But the fact that it has a rejuvenating, healing and restorative effect on the skin is an indisputable fact, confirmed in practice by many women.

The benefits of gelatin for facial skin

Gelatin has a versatile effect on the skin, aimed primarily at restoration and rejuvenation. He:

  • nourishes the skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • activates metabolic processes, including protein;
  • increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • has an effective tightening effect (lifting effect);
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • is an effective remedy for removing blackheads, cleanses and tightens pores;
  • cleanses the surface layer of the skin;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands: oily and dry skin becomes normal;
  • eliminates age spots, including age spots and freckles;
  • has a slight brightening effect and evens out the complexion.

We solve problems

It is recommended to make gelatin masks if fine wrinkles have appeared, the skin is oily, the pores are enlarged, there are blackheads, the complexion looks dull and unhealthy, you need to whiten your face, there is peeling in some areas of the skin, the skin needs additional nutrition, you want to do an effective lifting -procedure at home.

Result of application

Thanks to face masks with gelatin, the skin becomes smooth, smooth, tightened, elastic, and sagging disappears. It becomes velvety, soft and very gentle to the touch, improves complexion. The oval of the face is tightened, acquiring clear outlines. The face looks fresh and young.

How to prepare and apply a gelatin face mask

There is nothing complicated in using a face mask with gelatin, but in order to achieve the desired effect, you must adhere to certain rules for the procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

First you need to prepare your facial skin for the procedure. To do this, wash off your makeup and cleanse your face. For best results, treat your face with a scrub or steam it over a container of hot water.

Preparing the gelatin base

Dilute gelatin with warm (never hot! water) in a ratio of 1:3, 1:4. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Wait 15-20 minutes until the crystals are completely swollen. You can add juice, herbal decoctions, milk. The main thing is that the gelatin completely “absorbs” the water. Then the swollen gelatin is heated in a water bath until liquid. After this, you need to cool everything to a temperature that will be comfortable for applying the mask to your face.

How to apply the mask

We tuck our hair under a cap or scarf. Using a brush, apply a warm gelatin mask to the face along the massage lines on the nose and neck - from bottom to top. You can also apply the mask to the décolleté and neck area. But this mask is not suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes, as it is very delicate in these places. Special care is required.

The exposure time of the mask, which course is better to take

The exposure time is until the gelatin hardens, which is usually 20-25 minutes. Face masks with gelatin are performed twice a week. Course – from 1 to 5 months.

After applying the mask, you need to lie down, be quiet, listen to pleasant, calm music. Also, to achieve the desired effect, you do not need to talk or laugh during the procedure. The skin and muscles of the face should remain motionless.

Don't expect a lightning-fast effect. It usually occurs after several procedures. But even after the first procedure, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

How to wash off the mask

An important point is to wash off the gelatin mask. If the purpose of the procedure was to cleanse the skin of blackheads or excess oil, then in such areas the gelatin film is VERY CAREFULLY removed, trying not to damage the skin. It must be removed in a frozen form, pulling it from the chin to the forehead.

In all other cases, the gelatin mask should first be soaked. To do this, you can use a towel soaked in warm water and apply it to your face. You can also use damp cotton pads (moisten a cotton pad in warm milk for dry skin, or in kefir for oily skin). You can also pour hot water into a container and sit over the steam. Another option is to plunge into a container of warm liquid until the mask melts.

After washing off the mask, rinse your face with cool water. And after the procedure, if desired and necessary, you can apply cream to the skin.

For the procedure, you should use the simplest food gelatin without any additives. Look at the expiration date of the gelatin. Use only high-quality and unexpired gelatin.

Gelatin is usually well tolerated, and individual intolerance to this product is extremely rare. But face masks with gelatin often contain other components that can cause allergic reactions.
Therefore, before using the selected recipe, conduct a tolerance test.

If the composition for the mask turns out to be runny and spreads over the face during application, then next time you should use a smaller amount of liquid to dilute the gelatin. You can use another option: wait a little until the gelatin begins to harden and thicken.

Although there is an opinion that the remains of a gelatin mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and heated in a water bath before use, it is still best to prepare a fresh composition each time.

Recipes for gelatin face masks

Gelatin for masks is used both on its own and in combination with other components, which can significantly enhance its effect and expand the range of influence. Therefore, gelatin masks are suitable for any skin type, you just need to choose the right recipe for your problem.

Mask for young skin

1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. water, cool to a pleasant temperature. Peel a small orange, chop and combine with gelatin.

The mask nourishes and refreshes the skin, has a slight lifting effect. Recommended primarily for women under 30.

Gelatin mask for oily skin

1 tbsp. combine gelatin with 5 tbsp. water. When the mixture has cooled to a warm state, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream.

Lifting mask with aloe and vitamins

1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. water. Wait until the mixture cools to a warm state and add 1 tsp to it. aloe juice, 1 tsp. olive oil and half a ampule of vitamins A and E.

The mask has a moisturizing, nourishing, restorative effect, has a lifting effect, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Gelatin face mask against wrinkles

Prepare gelatin base from 2 tsp. gelatin and 4 tbsp. water. When the composition has cooled to a warm state, add 2 tsp to it. glycerin and 2 tsp. honey

The mask has a moisturizing, tightening and rejuvenating effect. Indicated for aging skin.

I suggest watching a video recipe for another gelatin face mask against wrinkles with a lifting effect.

Gelatin mask for aging and dry skin

Prepare a solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. gelatin and 5 tbsp. water. 1 tsp Melt natural butter. Lightly beat the yolk. Mix everything well with the warm gelatin mass, add half a ampule of vitamin A and E. The mask is designed to nourish, soften and moisturize the skin. Has a rejuvenating effect.

Gelatin face mask for blackheads

We will need 25 grams of gelatin and a glass of water. Prepare the gelatin base. Next, apply the mask in several layers. Dry each layer slightly. Ideally, you should get 7-10 layers, and the mask should be thick and dense enough. While it is drying, avoid moving your facial muscles. After half an hour, the mask should be carefully removed. To do this, pick up the edge of the mask and begin to gently pull it off, starting from the forehead. After the mask is completely removed, rinse your face with cool water and wipe with toner.

Mask for problem skin

Gelatin and banana. Pour 25 grams of gelatin with a glass of cold water and let it swell. Grind 1 banana until you get a paste. Place the swollen gelatin in a water bath and bring to a homogeneous liquid state. Now add a tablespoon of banana pulp and stir well.

Acne mask

1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. milk (preferably homemade). Cool and add 10 ml. vodka. The mask effectively fights skin rashes and restores purity to the skin.

And another gelatin mask for acne. 1 tbsp. dissolve gelatin in 5 tbsp. milk (preferably homemade). Cool and add 10 ml. vodka. The mask effectively fights skin rashes and restores purity to the skin.

Nourishing gelatin mask

The mask contains gelatin, cucumber, green tea and chamomile. Brew green tea: 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water and leave to steep. Take 1 filter bag with chamomile and also pour a glass of boiling water. Chamomile should be infused for an hour. Peel 1 medium cucumber and grate it on a fine grater, squeeze the juice out of the pulp. After this, pour 25 grams of gelatin with two tablespoons of tea and two tablespoons of chamomile infusion. Let it swell, place in a water bath and after the gelatin becomes liquid, add a tablespoon of cucumber juice to the mixture. Apply the mask to your face using a cosmetic brush. It should be removed after half an hour with cool water.


Gelatin masks are generally well tolerated and in comparison with their amazing anti-aging effects, there are not so many contraindications to their use. This:

  • individual intolerance;
  • various skin lesions or irritations;
  • purulent acne;
  • neoplasms.

Dear readers, I will be glad to hear your feedback on the use of gelatin face masks. Be beautiful, love yourself!