Nevruz bayramy or Navruz holiday in Turkey. Navruz: the history and traditions of the most ancient holiday of spring When is Navruz Bayram in a year

Nowruz- celebration of the beginning of spring and the arrival of the new year, also called the Persian New Year. Navruz is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox (March 21, 22 or 23) as a public holiday in Turkey, Iran, India, Pakistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and other countries and autonomies of the Russian Federation.

This holiday has a very long history, for the first time its name is mentioned in Persian sources of the 2nd century AD. e. , however, it is known that it was celebrated during the reign of the Achaemenid dynasty, and this is 648-330. BC e.

The traditions of Navruz, which came to us from antiquity, are simple and understandable. Before its onset, you need to pay off debts, tidy up the house and around, prepare dishes from seven products on the table. One of the traditional rituals of the holiday is the compilation of haft-sin and haft-shin-a.

This holiday became an international day on the initiative of UNESCO - on September 30, 2009, UNESCO included Navruz in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The celebration and dissemination of information about Nowruz was supported by the UN General Assembly in 2010, by adopting a resolution called "International Day of Nowruz".

Navruz - spring New Year,
He brings miracles to all people.
And everyone knows him, waiting
Spring will come along with it.

Congratulations on Navruz!
I wish you good and joy
Always great weather.
Don't worry about adversity.

Let there be understanding in the house
Love, care and attention.
Neighbor support always
May it be with you forever!

Happy Navruz, friends!
Let the whole family gather.
Health to all, love, warmth,
May the sun always shine!

I wish happiness in every home,
Wealth, joy in everything,
Soul to be generous,
And there would be no evil in the heart!

Congratulations on Navruz! May this holiday bring you a lot of warmth, sunny days and pleasant moments. I wish that all undertakings come true, and dreams come true. Joy, positive, happiness and prosperity!

Let Navruz come to your house
With a smile, with joy, with luck,
With prosperity, with a full wallet,
So that you become richer!

I wish you happiness, fun,
Health, vigor and strength,
So that every moment, without exception,
You only gave positive!

With Navruz, with the holiday of spring,
With the beginning of warm days!
May all wishes and dreams
Fulfilled soon.

Wake up from sleep
Both heart and soul
A ray of spring warmth
Keeping you warm forever.

Let Navruz bring you
Rich table and refreshments
Care and warmth of friends,
Family recognition, respect.

Let sadness not look out the window to you,
May happiness settle down firmly
May loyalty, devotion, love
Into one fate will intertwine.

Navruz has come, welcome spring
Live without knowing the troubles.
Let prosperity in the house for a whole year,
It goes non-stop.

Generous gifts from fate
Health and wealth
Live the joy of spring
Swim in the sea of ​​happiness!

Let Navruz bring you
Good luck and health,
Stable and high income
Fill your life with love!

I wish you peace, comfort,
In the soul - only light and heat,
So that in life every minute
Bringing you great happiness!

Navruz Bayram has come,
I wish you happiness,
Prosperity year after year
huge income,
And support from friends
And love under the roof of the house,
understanding, abundance,
Happy and sweet life!

Door time to open
And let Navruz in soon!
After all, he is the light, spring brings,
Life is a joyful sunrise.

May he give good
And family warmth
To live without any troubles
Many, many long years!

Let the warmth not pass by
We really need it.
Hello, our beloved holiday!
The day we call Navruz
We are glad to see you again.
Oh, how we want to sing
Treat everyone with strong tea.
To warm everyone from the cold
Spring is upon us...
... this is a special guest,
Sharply pulled the snowdrifts
In the morning. It's a holiday, after all!

On the day of the spring equinox, Navruz is celebrated - the holiday of spring or the Eastern (Persian) New Year. In Farsi, its name means "new day". With the advent of spring, warm days come, nature wakes up and begins to change its decorations. Navruz symbolizes the revival of nature, the triumph of life, hopes for a generous harvest year.

One of the main symbols of Navruz is now considered sprouted wheat sprouts, which are tied with a red ribbon. Beautiful vases with such sprouts traditionally decorate holiday tables, houses and gardens of those who celebrate. Of course, some nuances of rituals and preparations may differ from people to people, but everyone who celebrates it does not work these days, congratulate each other on the beginning of the New Year, eat festive treats and have fun. Festive dishes for the table include seven elements, whose names begin with the letter "C" of the Persian alphabet. Traditionally, it is customary to put painted eggs, candles and a mirror on the table. The egg and the mirror are symbols of the end of the old and the beginning of the new year. Candles symbolize fire, protecting a person from evil forces.

The holiday is celebrated on March 21 in Iran, the republics of Central Asia and the Caucasus, March 22 in Kazakhstan. Since 2010, this Day has become an official international event - International Day of Nowruz and entered the calendar holidays of the UN. By the decision of the General Assembly, on the initiative of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Iran and Albania, India and Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, Navruz holiday was assigned to March 21 (UN General Assembly resolution No. A / RES / 64/253) .

The spring New Year's holiday of the equinox - Navruz, having arisen in Khorasan more than 3000 years ago, almost simultaneously with the emergence of agriculture, spread to all neighboring countries.

The roots of Navruz go back to Zoroastrianism. Navruz is the oldest agricultural holiday, its origin is associated with the emergence of the agricultural calendar. Firdousi and Omar Khayyam, who served at the court of the Turkmen king Melik Shah, connected the emergence of Navruz with the names of the legendary kings Jemshid, Kayumurs and others. For the first time the holiday was mentioned in the book of fire-worshippers "Avesta". It says that this is a celebration of the birth of life on earth and its victory over death. All living things, according to that book, appeared on this day in 6 forms: fire, water, earth, plants, animals and people. According to an ancient custom, before the onset of Navruz, people must clean up their houses and around, pay off their debts.

Round cakes made from wheat, barley, millet, corn, beans, peas, lentils, rice, sesame and beans are placed on the festive table. In Navruz, dishes are prepared, mainly vegetable products, the most famous holiday dish is sumalak - a dish of germinated wheat germ.

How do we celebrate Nauryz in 2016? This holiday is celebrated on March 21 - the day of the spring equinox. Its date has remained unchanged for several millennia. It is known that it was celebrated in the countries of Central Asia even before the 7th century BC. e.

Now it is considered a public holiday in Azerbaijan, Albania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey and other countries. In Iran, it is celebrated for 13 whole days.

For the Kazakhs, this holiday is a symbol of spring renewal, fertility and the triumph of love.

Nauryz has been banned since 1926. However, later the traditions were renewed, and in 1991, by the Decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR, this day was again recognized as a holiday.

Since 2001, Nauryz has become a public holiday in Kazakhstan, and since 2009 it has been celebrated for three days, with the celebration starting on March 21.

Nauryz holiday - how do we relax in 2016?

Usually the celebration of Nauryz among the Kazakhs lasts from five days to a week. This year, Nauryz falls on a Monday, which means that after the weekend we will rest for three more days in a row - until March 23 (Wednesday).

How is it customary to celebrate Nauryz? For the Iranian and Turkic peoples, this is a New Year's holiday according to the astronomical solar calendar. Translated from Persian "Nauryz" means "new day".

In Kazakhstan, it is also called "Ulys kyni" ("First Day of the New Year") and "Ulystyn uly kyni" ("Great Day of the People").

It is believed that the richer and more generously the table is set on this day, the more prosperous the next year will be.

Housewives prepare nauryz-kozhe soup for this holiday, which should include seven ingredients symbolizing the seven elements: water, meat, salt, fat, flour, cereals (it can be rice, corn or wheat) and milk.

These ingredients, respectively, are symbols of joy, good luck, wisdom, health, prosperity, speed, growth and protection of higher powers.

These days people go to visit each other, street festivities are organized in cities and villages. The youth sing songs, dance and play national games.

Verbal competitions of akyns are held accompanied by dombra (aitys), competitions in national sports are organized - Kazakhsha kures, toguz kumalak, horse races (Kyz-Kuu and baiga).

Whoever misses the New Year holidays may not despair - literally one of these days another New Year will come, this time Persian, which is called Nowruz. This is the holiday of the new year according to the astronomical solar calendar among the Iranian and Turkic peoples.

When is Nowruz celebrated?

Nowruz celebrated on the spring equinox 21 March. Other names of the holiday are Novruz (such an option is offered, for example, by Wikipedia), Nauroz, Nauryz, Navrez. It means "new day" in Persian. March 21 is also celebrated International Day of Navruz because this holiday, one of the oldest, is recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind.

Who celebrates Navruz, and in which countries is it banned

It's not all that simple. The fact is that this holiday has nothing to do with Islam - it is much older and is a national tradition of the Iranian and Turkic peoples. Officially, Navruz began to be celebrated from the 4th century BC. followers of Zoroastrianism in the Achaemenid Empire, founded by this Persian dynasty in Asia and parts of Europe, and which stretched from the Indus River in the east to the Aegean Sea in the west, and from the first threshold of the Nile in the south to Transcaucasia in the north. After the Islamization of the Middle East, they did not stop celebrating Navruz, but they celebrate it only by representatives of the peoples who lived here before the arrival of the Arabs, before the spread of Islam and the emergence of the Arab Caliphate.

The Arabs themselves do not celebrate Navruz. In Turkey, the official celebration of Nowruz was banned from 1925 to 1991. In Syria, this holiday is still banned.

Now Navruz is a public holiday in Turkey, Iran, India, Pakistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, some other countries and certain regions of the Russian Federation.

Meaning of Navruz holiday

Navruz appeared more than three thousand years ago as a holiday of agriculture, its origin is associated with the emergence of the agricultural calendar, which depended on the spring equinox. The history of the origin of the holiday is not exactly known. According to Persian mythology, a hero was buried on this day. Siyavush, killed by a turan Afrasiyab. Also, the holiday is associated with the worship of the spirits of the deceased ancestors, which was later reflected in Zoroastrianism, which in ancient times was the official religion of Iran. Navruz became one of the seven main holidays of the Zoroastrians, it coincided with the end of winter and the threshold of spring and passed into the feast of commemoration of the souls of ancestors. Also, this holiday was associated with the cult of fire, which the ancient Zoroastrians considered the life force and worshiped.

Navruz traditions

The traditions of Navruz also came to us from antiquity, they symbolize renewal and entry into a “new” life. Before the holiday, you need to pay off all debts, clean the house and around it, and also prepare special holiday dishes.

This happens according to a special ritual, which includes the compilation of haft-sin and haft-shin-a. Haft-sin consists of seven elements, whose names begin with the letter "C" in the Persian alphabet. Haft-shin also consists of seven elements, whose names begin with the letter "SH" in the Persian alphabet. This is the famous sumalak (a dish of sprouted wheat), sipand, sirke (vinegar), semeni, sabzi (greens) and some other products, mainly of plant origin.

It is also customary to put a mirror, candles and colored eggs on the table. These items have a symbolic meaning: a candle is a fire that protects a person from evil spirits. The egg and the mirror symbolize the end of the old year and the beginning of the new.

How sumalak is prepared

The most famous dish of Navruz sumalak made from sprouted grains of wheat, which are ground and then boiled in a large cauldron in cottonseed oil with the addition of flour for almost a day. Sumalak should be prepared with songs, dances and cheerful choruses. Small stones are added to the cauldron during cooking so that the dish does not burn. Anyone who gets such a pebble on a plate can make the most secret wish, it is believed that it will come true. Sumalak is eaten chilled. It is believed that this ritual dish gives people physical and spiritual strength.

Congratulations on Navruz

Here are several options for poetic congratulations on Navruz, which can be sent to those who celebrate this holiday.

Navruz Bayram we celebrate

Navruz comes to every home,

Today we celebrate spring

With her drop and warmth!

May this holiday be merry

Happiness, joy will bring you,

And sumalak is in every house

Waiting for his beloved guests!

I send you friends

Congratulations on Navruz.

Let Navruz come to you

With a very valuable, good cargo!

That load is rich with joy,

And love and patience

And great friends

And good mood!

Wealth and skill

Let put in this load

The kindest, most glorious,

Our good holiday - Navruz!

Navruz - Eastern New Year,

It is celebrated in March.

On this day year after year

Winter meets spring!

And on this day, winter, sighing,

Gives up the road.

Spring, laughing in her back,

Comes into his own!

I congratulate you, friends,

Happy Nowruz, Happy New Year.

I wish you health

And a barrel of happiness with honey!

Federal News Agency joins in the congratulations.

Navruz Bayram is an ancient holiday celebrated by residents of many Asian countries and a number of regions of Russia. Its date is the twenty-first of March. This is the spring equinox. In addition, according to the astronomical solar calendar, which is officially used in Afghanistan and Iran, Nowruz Bayram is the first day of the new year.

The holiday is celebrated in the spring. It symbolizes the renewal of man and nature. Navruz is translated from Farsi as "new day".

History of occurrence

Navruz Bayram is one of the oldest holidays that existed in the history of mankind. In Persia (modern Iran), as well as in Central Asia, it began to be celebrated a very long time ago, even before the seventh century BC. Due to the deep historical roots of the holiday, its exact origin is unknown.

The traditions of Navruz are associated with the name of the founder of the prophet Zarathustra, as well as with the cult of fire and the Sun. The most ancient source where this holiday is mentioned is the holy scripture of Zoroastrianism Avesta. It is in it that it is said that in the spring it is necessary to celebrate the appearance of life.

The holiday of Navruz Bayram is also associated with the reign of Shah Jamshid. The poets sang this legendary ruler in the Shahnameh poem. It is also believed that it was on this day that the hero Siyavush, who was killed by the Turanian Afrasiyab, was buried.

Turkic legends also talk about the holiday. They mention this day as the date of the appearance of the Turkic people from the mythical place of Altai - Ergenekon.

Where is Navruz celebrated?

The peoples of Afghanistan and Iran celebrate this day most brightly and widely. According to the official calendars of these countries, with his advent, a new year begins.

At the same time Navruz is a holiday of spring. It is the length of the day that equalizes with the night, and then gradually overtakes it. Spring is finally coming into its own. This holiday marks the beginning of the field harvest, which is the care and hope of farmers. That is why Navruz Bayram is a celebration not only of the beginning of the new year, but also of agricultural work.

This day is celebrated in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, Turkey and India, Macedonia and Albania, Kyrgyzstan and in certain regions of the Russian Federation (Bashkiria and the North Caucasus, Tatarstan and Crimea). In Arab countries, the spring equinox is not celebrated.


Spring rituals are celebrated according to the solar calendar, which is called the ancient Iranian (shamsi). In it, the first days of each month coincide with the new moons. At the same time, these dates are shifted by ten to eleven days every year. The holiday begins when the solar disk enters. Previously, this moment was determined by astrologers - munadgizhims - people of a very revered profession in the East. At present, this event is calculated by astronomers and indicated on the calendar with an accuracy of up to a minute. In addition, this moment is announced on television and radio.

In Afghanistan and Iran, Navruz Bayram is an official holiday. At the same time, the first five days of the new year, as well as the thirteenth, are non-working. In other countries Navruz is a folk festival. However, in essence, it is the same everywhere. This is the day of the solemn and joyful meeting of spring.


Celebration traditions vary only slightly from one country to another, as well as from region to region. The inhabitants of different states pronounce its names a little differently. So, in Iran it is Nouruz, in Afghanistan - Novruz, in Iran and Turkey - Nevruz.

This holiday has a significant difference from our New Year. It is celebrated not at night, but in the light of day. However, like ours, this is a family event. When the solemn moment comes, everyone should be at home at the festive table. The whole family certainly gathers together to celebrate Navruz. Traditions provide for the presence on the festive table, in addition to dishes, of seven items. At the same time, their names must necessarily begin with the letter "s". Their list includes rue (sepand), herbs (saben), garlic (syr), apples (sib), vinegar (serke), thyme (satar), wild olives (sinjid). In the middle of the table there is always a large loaf called sangak, there is also a vessel with water in which a green leaf floats, as well as plates on which colored eggs lie.

All dishes must certainly emphasize the agricultural orientation of the spring holiday. For example, an egg, greens and bread symbolize fertility.

The celebration of Navruz in the countryside begins with the laying of a furrow. At the same time, the most respected resident is behind the plow. He throws some grain into the first furrow. Only after this can all field work begin - harrowing, plowing, sowing, etc.

thirteenth day celebration

For Tajiks, Persians and Hazaras (the peoples of Afghanistan), this day is called "Sizdeh Bedar". In translation, this means "Thirteen at the gate." On this day, the townspeople visit gardens and parks, go out of the city in cheerful companies. Peasants go out into the groves and meadows. Sweets are brought to these picnics to make the year happy.

The main traditions of Navruz

Before the start of the new year, it is customary to arrange a general cleaning in the house, as well as update the wardrobe of all family members. Those who celebrate the holiday of Navruz Bayram, before the day of the spring equinox, must pay off all debts, forgive insults and make peace with ill-wishers.

According to the existing tradition, a fiery festival is arranged before the New Year. It goes on in a rather unusual way. On the last Tuesday of the outgoing year, bonfires are kindled in the streets. This happens already after Through the fire, according to tradition, everyone jumps - children and adults.

During the celebration, there should be vases of flowers and candles, mirrors and fruits, as well as a variety of dishes, such as pilaf, on the table. According to the traditions of the Afghan people, a special compote called haftmeva is prepared for Navruz. It contains fruits of almonds and pistachios, light and dark raisins, walnuts and senjed. Kazakhs put a special dish on the festive table - nauryz kozhe. It also contains seven components: water and flour, meat and butter, milk and cereals, and salt. There are several recipes for this dish. In this regard, each hostess prepares it differently.

According to the existing tradition, during the celebration of the New Year, the dead are commemorated, and on the first days of Navruz, friends and parents are visited.