Shrovetide scenario for children 2-4 years old. Shrovetide scenario for children indoors. Wide Maslenitsa - Cheese Week

- Shrovetide script for children 8-14 years old

For whom: children 8-14 years old.

Location: Big hall.

Duration: 1.5-2 hours.

What you need: pancakes, songs of the meeting and seeing off of Shrovetide, Shrovetide festivities and round dances, props for competitions, souvenir prizes, posters "Pancake does not spoil the belly", "Shrovetide is not everything for a cat, there will be a great post", "Without pancakes

- no carnival, no pies

- not a name day", "Not life, but Shrovetide".

Characters: Host, Shrovetide (teenagers), Shrovetide's "retinue": Bear, Hare, Wolf, Fox, Rooster.

The music of P. Tchaikovsky "Maslenitsa" sounds. There is a slide in the hall. Children "pour" it with "water".

Children: Come to visit us,

Maslenitsa, on a wide yard:

ride on the mountains,

Roll in pancakes

Have fun with your heart!

Leading: So they prepared for Maslenitsa in the villages: for a whole week they poured ice slides, on Sunday evening they went out to ride them, "meet Maslenitsa" with songs, games. (Children perform a round dance with a staging of the Russian folk song "Like thin ice ...")

Children (sliding down the hill): He called, called an honest semik wide Maslenitsa to visit his yard. (Everyone sings.)

Maslenitsa annual,

Our dear guest!

She does not walk to us,

Everything comes on horseback.

She has black horses

The servants are young.

Leading: On Monday, everyone met Maslenitsa, called her, invited her to visit, to the yard.

1st reader: Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,

Your sugary lips

Sweet speech!

Come to visit me

To a wide yard.

ride on the mountains,

Roll in pancakes.

2nd reader: You are my Maslenitsa,

Red beauty, blond braid,

Thirty brothers sister,

Three mothers daughter

Come to me in the tesovy house

Mind to have fun

Enjoy speech.

3rd reader: Come, honest Maslenitsa,

Wide noblewoman.

On seventy-seven sledges

On a wide boat

To feast in the city.

Leading: No, something is not going Shrovetide. How will we celebrate without her? Apparently, everyone will have to call her together. Let's do this: I will start calling Maslenitsa, and you repeat every phrase after me.

And at the end we will all say in unison: "Come, Maslenitsa, visit the wide courtyard!" Well, let's try. (Together with the children, he rehearses the repetition of phrases.) And now I will call Maslenitsa, I will praise her, and you pick it up.

Our dear guest, Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotievna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The scythe is long, triarshiny,

Scarlet ribbon, two-fifty,

A white scarf, new-fashioned,

Eyebrows are black, pointed,

The fur coat is blue, the swallows are red,

Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,

Come, Maslenitsa, visit the wide yard!

The bells are ringing. Maslenitsa enters

- A well-dressed girl. With her retinue: forest animals and birds bearing the symbol of the sun

- Ribbon-decorated circles on sticks.

Leading: Hello, dear Maslenitsa! Hello dear guests! With you, we are always happy to have fun at the holiday of seeing off the cold winter, meeting the clear spring.

How long have you, Maslenitsa, come to us?

Maslenitsa: Hello, good people! I came to you for only 7 days. I will tell you about each of these days.

Monday is called "meeting", on this day the children ran out into the street, sculpted a snowman from the last snow, built snow slides and arranged snowball fights. So they said goodbye to winter, prepared to welcome spring. Let's play snowballs with you.

Snowball game. Children, divided into two teams, pick up "snowballs"

- round foam balls or cotton balls sewn into gauze,

- and try to hit each other. The task of the attackers

- hit the "snowball" in the enemy, defenders

- Dodge and don't let yourself get hit. The team with the most hits wins.

Maslenitsa: Tuesday was called "tricks". On this day, children and youth seated a scarecrow depicting Shrovetide in a sleigh, put on a fur coat with wool up, a hat, girded it with a sash, put on shoes in bast shoes and drove it around the villages. In addition, they drove down from the mountains on sleighs, sledges, icy mats, and rode horses. When it got dark, the youth arranged general parties. At parties they sang, had fun, played, danced round dances.

Let's play one of these games.

"Zhmurki with a bell". To play, you will need a small bell, two masks (eye patches) and several bundles (or towels) twisted from straw and tied with twine. Teams select one participant each.

Both are put on masks (or blindfolds), one is tied with a bell to his leg, the other is given a tourniquet in his hands.

At the signal of the leader, the player with the bell runs away from the opponent, who is trying to "sting" him with a tourniquet. Fans of the player with the bell enjoy the right to hint. When a player with a tourniquet comes close to their opponent, they yell "Fire!"

- and thereby warn their player. The game does not last long, then the next pair comes out, the roles of the players change. The team whose player with the tourniquet has stained the enemy more times wins.

Maslenitsa: Wednesday is considered a "gourmet". On this day, mothers-in-law treated their sons-in-law with pancakes. There are a lot of secrets you need to know about baking pancakes. The dough was placed on snowy water, in the yard, when the moon rose, and they also said:

Month you, month

Look out the window!

Blow on steam!

And at the festivities everyone sang songs.

Let's sing them together:

Like Shrove Week

Pancakes flew from the table

Both cheese and cottage cheese

Everything flew under the threshold!

Like Shrove Week

Pancakes flew out of the oven.

We had fun

We had fun!

Presenter: Why do you think pancakes are round? What are pancakes? What are they eaten with?

Maslenitsa: Thursday was called "wide", or "walk around-fours". The fun intensified. During the day, young people had fun on the street, walking around with songs and harmonicas or arranging round dances.

Guys and girls also went to the ice slides, where they sat down in a crowd on large sleighs, famously rolling down from them. It was believed that the further you slide, the longer the flax will be born. In the evening they met at parties, festivities, which were accompanied by songs, ditties, dances.

The mummers came.


Leading: Let's show Maslenitsa our round dance.

Round dance "I walk with the loach". The girls go out into a circle and sing the Russian folk dance song "I walk with the loach". The song is performed at a calm pace, softly.

The girls move in a smooth motion in a circle, one goes into a circle, walks with a scarf (or with a flower) in a circle in the opposite direction, slowly waving the scarf, puts it on the right, then on the left shoulder. Then he approaches any girl from the round dance, puts a handkerchief on her shoulder, bows, and they change roles. The song starts from the beginning, in the center

— another girl. So they could walk for a very long time. At the festival, it is enough to perform the song twice so that the audience understands the pattern of changing girls in a round dance game.

Maslenitsa: On Friday and Saturday, gatherings were arranged, which is why these days were called that. These days we went to visit relatives for pancakes. Balls, masquerades were held in the cities, and daytime performances were given in theaters. Riding through the streets in smart sledges with bells under the arc was especially popular.

Everywhere the fires of booths shone, the Raeshniks performed, they sold tea, pancakes, sweets.

Girls perform a dance using the movements of Russian folk dance (to the music of the song "Under the arc, the bell rings").

Maslenitsa: And my retinue will tell you about the last day.

Bear: On Sunday, the people said goodbye to Maslenitsa. And this day was called farewell, forgiveness day. Snow towns were built: a rather high snow fence, around it, below the main fence, several rows of snow embankments. All these structures were poured with water so that they would freeze in the cold and become stronger. On Sunday, such towns were taken.

The guys participating in the fun were divided into two parties: some defended the town with snowballs, others attacked. Everyone was going to watch this fun.

Hare: Catania, songs, harmonica sounds, noise and uproar on the last day continued until the evening, when, at the end of all the undertakings, they saw off Maslenitsa, that is, they burned an effigy depicting it, outside the village, on the nearest hill, exactly where they met Maslenitsa.

Wolf: For this, they arranged a huge fire outside the village from dry branches, tar barrels, bonfires from flax, straw. An effigy was either brought to the fire directly from the skating, or they were impaled on a high pole and solemnly brought to the place of burning. They burned an effigy under the singing of suitable songs, under loud cries.

Residents of several villages participated. Boys and girls formed a circle and sang. (The wolf invites the children to sing along with the leader.)

You are goodbye, goodbye

Our Carnival.

You are goodbye, goodbye

Our Maslenitsa is wide.

You didn't come on Wednesday

And not on Friday

You came on Sunday

Fun all week long.

You came with good

With hoppy beer and wine,

With pancakes, pies

Yes, with pancakes.

Pancakes oil,

Shangi smeared.

We're rolling down the mountain

From dawn to dawn.

And today, Sunday.

Our fun is over.

Bye Bye,

Our Carnival!

Fox: The boys snatched bundles of straw from the burning fire, circled with them and sang: "We were the first to meet Maslenitsa, we were the first to burn the wide one!" Throwing straw into the fire, the children zealously repeated: "Shrovetide, goodbye! And come again that year!" When Shrovetide was burning, they noticed how the smoke was going: if it rises in a column, then this promises a harvest this year, and if smoke spreads along the ground, then this is a sign of crop failure.

Rooster: All the undertakings and fun lasted only until the evening of Forgiveness Sunday. As soon as they started ringing for vespers, the fun ended. After the evening service, everyone forgave each other's offenses, asked for forgiveness from relatives and neighbors.

Leading: Shrovetide see off

- welcome spring.

The guest made a guest, said goodbye to the winter.

Drops from the roof, rooks flew in,

Sparrows chirp, they call spring.

- the beginning of agricultural work. Recall how people cultivated the land for planting seeds. At first they dug it up with shovels

- show how (guys show). How are seeds scattered? How to water from a watering can? How are weeds pulled out? (Children show.) And now let's play.

Game "Hello, grandfather Mazay." First, the children must count who will be Mazay:

Bai, swing, swing, swing!

Look, pancakes and kalachi,

Look, pancakes and kalachi

From the heat, the heat from the oven!

— Where are you from, kalachi?

- How from where? From the oven!

"And where are you going?"

- To those who are in the field at work!

Let them eat well

And the lazy ones will look!

Children crowd approach Mazay. There is a dialogue:

- Hello, grandfather Mazay, get out into the sun!

— Hello, children, where were you, what were you doing?

- Where we were, we won’t tell, but what we did

- we'll show you!

After consulting, the guys, together with the presenter, pantomimically depict one of the spring labor processes. Mazai guesses. The game is played several times.

Maslenitsa: Do you know proverbs about work? Let's check. I will start saying a proverb, and you finish:

Boring day until evening, if ... (nothing to do)

To live without work

- only ... (smoke the sky)

Be too lazy

- and ... (you will lose bread)

To lie on the floor, so ... (you can’t see a chunk)

Work until you sweat, so ... (eat on the hunt)

To eat a fish, you need to ... (climb into the water)

Whoever gets up early, to that ... (God gives), etc.

Well done! You have prepared a good meeting and good farewell for me.

I walked with you, now I got into the sleigh,

I sang and danced, I was painfully tired.

The fun is over

- take care of the little thing

Direct the soshenka to go to the arable land,

And say goodbye to me, treat yourself to pancakes.

Maslenitsa and the retinue leave, saying goodbye to the guys. The host invites everyone to treat themselves to pancakes. The holiday ends with cheerful dance music.

Animations, templatesProgramsClassroom Aphorisms and quotesGames and competitionsQuizias ScenariosSongsSongs - alterations Facts, storiesToasts scripts of Christian holidays - script for Christmas - script for Christmas - script of winter's farewell - script of winter's farewell Shrovetide Christian scripts Christian scripts

Miltseva Larisa Anatolievna

MOU DOD "DSHI" of the Soviet district, Altai Territory, village of Sovietskoye.

Leisure scenario for children WIDE SHROVE PARTY»

Leisure is spent in the music room. It should be arranged in such a way that children can plunge into the atmosphere of the traditions of the Russian people and the meeting of Maslenitsa (Russian costumes, games, songs, the old interior of the hut and dishes). The scenario can be divided into several events, or it can be reduced or varied (at the discretion of teachers, changing songs, games, musical numbers and leisure content depending on the age of the children), which helps to preserve the good customs and traditions of the Russian people.

Preparatory work is also needed: the study of songs, poems, games, round dances, familiarity with traditions and the design of the hall.

Event goals:

Educational: acquaintance with the old - good traditions of the Russian people, in particular the spring cycle of holidays, with samples of Russian folklore.

Developing: to develop the ability to perform folk songs in their own manner, participation in ritual actions. Development of children's creative abilities. Activation of artistic fantasy and imagination.

Educational: awakening interest in Russian folklore and rituals, respect for folk customs, familiarization with ancient calendar traditions.

Leisure progress:

1.Attention! Attention!

Merry party!

Get ready, people!

Something interesting is waiting for you!

Carnival, carnival!

Wide carnival!

2. Oil week

Arrived for a visit!

She sat on the stumps

Ate the pancake

Took a bite to others

I jogged home.

3. We invite you to Shrovetide

And quiet and pranksters

We will all be at the party

We will have hot tea

There will be a pancake yes kalach

There will be games and laughter

There will be dancing for everyone!

4. We do not offend winter,

We accompany her with songs,

cheerful ditty,

Funny talker!

Presenter: I'll tell you a fairy tale. They say that before there was no winter at all, the peasants work without straightening their backs for a whole year, only they will harvest the crops and plow the land again. But now it began to get colder, then in one region, then in another - it was winter that the sorceress was born, and our people are hospitable and glad to welcome her, but they themselves think, at least we’ll have a rest, we still have to work, lie on the stove, but eat kalachi.

And winter came with gifts with big snows, with frosts, and blizzards, and for the kids expanse and skates, and sleds, and skis, and you can play snowballs and make a snowman. Winter sees that everyone is happy for her - she is happy to stay for 1 month, 2 months and 3 passes, but Winter is not going to leave.

Maslenitsa: People started spinning, winter is good - the country rested, and it amused the children, but when it's empty in the barrel, it's sad and not fun at all. Man lives by labor and feeds on the earth.

Presenter: People decided to outwit Winter, they began to oil it, and bake pancakes ruddy and hot, like the red sun. They began to sing songs, not to drive away Winter, but to persuade them to leave and give in to Spring - redder!

Maslenitsa: Everyone from young to old had fun, ate pancakes, rode in troikas, the week was drawing to a close, and Winter was not going to leave, then they made a doll out of straw, decorated it with ribbons, put on a sundress and gave her the name Maslenitsa, and it was Sunday, the fire blazed and Shrovetide was rushing about in the fire - it is she who gives the sign to Winter “go away, they say, back home.”

Presenter: Zama was offended, but there was nothing to do, she would have to leave, and people sang songs after her: “Farewell, madam Shrovetide, it’s time for you to know the honor.” Come back when we invite you!

Maslenitsa: Winter cried and dripped from the roofs, and the sun began to warm up and streams ran - this Spring is red came !! This is a fairy tale, and the saying is ahead.

Presenter: Shrovetide is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people, the most cheerful and it is no coincidence that it is called Madam Shrovetide.

Child 1: Maslenitsa annual

She is a dear lady

She does not walk to us

She rides on horseback

What would black horses

What would the servants of the young!

Child 2: Maslenitsa! Wide carnival!

Well, let's all have some fun!

Let's spin in a fast dance!

Let's dance merrily

Glorify Shrovetide!

Maslenitsa: So Shrovetide came to us (every year it comes differently, when at the end of February, this year with the beginning of March), and they celebrate it for a whole week and each day has its own name.

Details of the Maslenitsa celebration

1 day of carnival (Monday) - "MEETING"

We celebrate Shrove Tuesday with pancakes, and if the guests come, then the first treat, of course, is pancakes! Guys, do you like pancakes and what do you eat them with? (sour cream, honey, condensed milk, caviar and various fillings: cottage cheese, meat, etc.)

Do you know what kind of food you can make pancakes with? (reference: pancakes are a truly Russian dish and now there are more than 150 recipes - these are sweet, sour with yeast, mushrooms and onions with salt, etc.)

And how many proverbs and sayings have survived to this day about pancakes:

1) The first pancake is lumpy, the second with butter, and the third with kvass.

2) No pancakes and no carnival.

The song "Pancakes" recording and processing by A. Abramsky

2nd day of Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday) - "ZAGRYSH"

The fun began: they built snow fortresses, rode a sleigh, played snowballs.

Child 1 On a fun walk

Skating begins

Wide carnival

We are proud of you

We overeat with pancakes

Many poets, writers, composers and artists have written works, they are dedicated to Shrovetide. Can't say enough about the great artist B. Kustodiev, who himself was born on Shrove Tuesday and wrote many paintings on this topic:

"Winter. Maslenitsa festivities”, “Wide Maslenitsa”(slides 1 or illustrations)

3rd day of Shrovetide (Wednesday) - "Gourmet"

This is a family holiday, the whole family gathers, and the hostess prepares a rich table where all sorts of goodies (baked fish, cheesecakes, pie, pancakes, pies, etc.), children prepared entertainment (games, dances, songs in which everyone participated without exception) . This is where the saying came from: “Though lay everything from yourself, but spend Shrovetide!”

And of course, what a party without ditties.

The folklore group "Merry Fellows" will perform ditties "Like on Shrovetide Week".

4th day of Maslenitsa (Thursday) - "WIDE"

Presenter: On Shrovetide, mummers with a stuffed Maslenitsa went from house to house, glorified the hosts (wishing health and goodness so that the animal would live and the dishes would not beat), and for this the guests were generously treated to pancakes, “Tryntsy-bryntsy, bake pancakes !!”

It is no coincidence that this day got such a name, everyone from young to old found entertainment for himself - a walk with an accordion, where the song smoothly turned into a dance; men organized horse races, fisticuffs (the main condition was no blood and bruises, the one who was covered in snow lost in battle), the capture of a snow fortress.

Guys, are you ready to play?

Games "Golden Gate", "Burners", "Brook".

5th day of Shrovetide (Friday) - "TESHCHIN EVENING"

The mothers-in-law had not had time to feed the son-in-law with pancakes on Wednesday, how now the sons-in-law invite them to visit them! The invitations were different: honorary - when the mother-in-law and her relatives were invited to a festive dinner, or simple ones for dinner. And the more "called" turned out to be, the more honors the mother-in-law turned out to be. Therefore, they said that “my mother-in-law has a beloved son”

6th day of Maslenitsa (Saturday) - "ZOLOVK'S SITTINGS"

The sister-in-law is the husband's sister, the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her. And if she was not yet married, then she invited her unmarried friends to visit her. And again there were pancakes and various treats and of course fun until the morning!

7th day of Maslenitsa (Sunday) - "FORGIVENESS DAY"

The last day of Shrovetide - the most important, everyone asked for forgiveness in order to free themselves from old grievances and meet spring with a pure heart and a light soul.

On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa is burned, the ashes are blown across the fields - for a good harvest and farewell songs are sung:

Folklore group "Merry Fellows" perform: "Farewell Shrovetide"

Round dances.

Oil can, oil can, wide oil can!

Rich in pancakes - beer torsota,

The guest stayed, and said goodbye to the winter.

Rooks flew from the roof of the drop,

Oh, okay, fret, the rooks have arrived,

Sparrows are chirping spring is calling!

So they saw off the Madam - the lady Zimushka!

And now it's time for Spring - red call

Folklore group "Merry Fellows" perform spring calls "Oh, waders, larks"

Child 1 The larks have arrived

They brought Red Spring.

Child 2 Spring, Spring is red

Come Spring with joy.

With tall flax,

Yes, plenty of bread!

Presenter: Thanks guys for the fun

Let there be food now!

Happy Maslenitsa, you!


    "People's Holidays in Rus'". Moscow Tsentrpoligraf 2004

    M. Lobanov "Ethnosolfeggio" Composer Publishing St. Petersburg 2007

    Berdnikova N.V. Merry fair. Folk and calendar holidays for children

    3-10 years. Yaroslavl. 2005.

    A. Korinfsky "People's Rus'".

    Mikhailova M.A. And at our gates there is a cheerful round dance. Folk holidays, games and entertainment. Yaroslavl. 2005.

    Nekrylova A.F. All year round. Russian agricultural calendar. M., 1991. S. 118 - 211, 459-464

    Pashnina V.M. And we have a dance! Folklore holidays for grades 1-4. Yaroslavl 2005

    Tsareva N.A. Lessons of Mrs. Melody. Grade 3 M., 2003.

Music material:

    Anthology of Russian folk songs. Publishing house "Music" 1991

    "Larks" Russian songs, jokes, fairy tales, games. Moscow "Soviet composer" 1986. pp.59-64

    Songs for performance: “Vesnyanka”, “Oh, larks-eyes” (textbook by N. Tsareva, grade 3, p. 23, 24).

    Phonochrestomathy grade 3, 1 cassette No. 12-15: “Spring, where it was far away”, “Clean field” (swing), “And we sowed millet” (songs of the spring cycle), chorus “And we sowed millet” from N. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Snow Maiden".

    Round dances: “Ay on the mountain we brewed beer”, “And we sowed millet”, Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” - March - for the game “Starlings and the Cat”.

    It is possible to use classical music:

    P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. March. Maslenitsa".

    A. Vivaldi “Seasons. Spring"

Illustrative material:

    A. Korinfsky "People's Rus'".

    Starling hats and cats.

    Multicolored ribbons for the carousel.

    Gallery of geniuses "Boris Kustodiev" Moscow "OLMA Media Group" 2010 or can be replaced by files, presentation.

Equipment. Tape recorder, recordings of songs (audio chrestomathy for the textbook by N.A. Tsareva “Lessons of Madam Melody”, Grade 3, 1 cassette).

For this holiday, a large school gym, dining room, assembly hall or library is suitable. The room can be decorated with a stuffed Maslenitsa, holiday newspapers, balls, ribbons.

On the stage there is a set table with refreshments and a samovar, musical instruments are visible.

HOST: Hello, dear guests, we invite you, according to the old Russian custom, to celebrate Maslenitsa, spend Winter-Winter and meet Spring-Red.

The buffoons are running.

Buffoon 1: Oho-ho, a-ha-ha! Look how many onlookers have gathered around!

Buffoon 2: And why don't people sit at home, why did they come?

Buffoon 1: Probably, there’s nothing to do at home, I’m tired of beating the buckets, the sides lay on the stove, so they ran to us on pancakes. There, our presenter cooked some pancakes - round, ruddy, piping hot, they ask for it in your mouth. Do you know on what occasion such a feast by the mountain?

Buffoon 2: I have no idea, but they smell great and look like the sun.

HOST: I'll tell you that the people gathered here not just like that, but to spend the winter and meet the spring. Funny Russian songs to sing and play games.

Buffoon 1: Look who's coming towards us! So it's Zimushka-Winter herself marching towards us.

WINTER: Hello people! Am I tired of you? Maybe add some more frost to you, sprinkle some snow?

Buffoons (together) -. We don’t need such joy, we are frozen to the bone, we don’t get a tooth on a tooth, we can’t wait for warm days. Maybe you will give way to Spring?

WINTER: I'll look, I'll think, if you make me laugh, amuse me, maybe I'll give way to Spring.

Buffoon 1: Hey kids, let's make Zimushka amused. Come out, daredevils, show bravery, measure your strength.

HOST: In the old days, one of the funs on Maslenitsa was tug of war, let's follow the tradition.

Buffoon 2: Who is the stronger of the guys, don't be shy! We quickly take up the rope, the one who pulls it will be happy. He will become the strongest and get a gift.

tug of war

The rope can be pulled both in the individual competition and in teams. The main thing is that the strengths of the participants are approximately the same. This should be followed by adult assistants to the presenter. Buffoons are obliged to help the participants of the competition, and they can fool around, pretending to help.

LEADING: Do you, children, know why Maslenitsa was called Maslenitsa? The holiday came to us from distant pagan times, then on this day they made a special effigy of straw, which was dressed up in women's clothing. All week they called Maslenitsa, gave pancakes, drove in a sleigh, entertained.

Buffoon 1: We magnify Shrovetide, we promise a lot of things: rivers of sour cream, mountains of pancakes.

Buffoon 2: Only she would come sooner, cheerful, perky, reckless, and not meek.

Buffoons (together): Farewell, people, with anguish, hello, worldly holiday.

HOST: Indeed, Maslenitsa was the most fun and satisfying holiday in Rus'. The people tried their best to roll down the mountains, play snowballs, participate in the construction and storming of snow fortresses, in fisticuffs. I propose to test your dexterity and skill!

Balloon fight

Buffoons take out balloons, put paper hats on the participants' heads and blindfold them. The task is to knock the hat off the opponent's head with a ball. The winner is the one who can fulfill the conditions of the competition first.

WINTER: You have amused me, now let's check your accuracy. How did you learn to throw snowballs during these winter months.

snow fights

Buffoons choose 2 participants in the competition and line up with them on the “fire” line, put 4 buckets (boxes or hats) at a short distance from the line. Participants are given 3 tennis balls, the task is to get into the bucket. Buffoons show "miracles" of accuracy.

Only invited players are evaluated, the winner is the one who threw the most balls in the tank.

WINTER: I see that the buffoons spent the winter in vain, they didn’t play snowballs, they didn’t leave the mountains. I’ll probably treat you with snow and frost, I won’t let spring go.

HOST: Wait, Winter, let's ask the guys how they spent the winter. Children, was there always enough snow for skiing?

CHILDREN (in chorus): Yes!

HOST: Have you always moved down the hills quickly?

CHILDREN (in chorus): Yes!

HOST: Zimushka-Winter! Thank you for the snow, for the snow slides, for the skating rink and for the fast ski track.

Buffoon 1: And now give way to Spring-Red. She's not far off.

Buffoon 2: Maslenitsa will help us with this.

WINTER: And where is your assistant?

LEADING: Now we will make Maslenitsa. I invite daredevils-craftsmen to help me.

The presenter, in front of the children, together with her assistants, makes a straw doll. You can make a small doll, and then take out a large stuffed animal made in advance.

Buffoon 1: Are you our soul, Maslenitsa, sugar lips!

Buffoon 2: White body, silk shirt, morocco boots, beautiful princess, royal daughter.

Buffoon 1: Long braid, scarlet ribbon, white scarf, black eyebrows.

Buffoon 2: Come to visit us, in a wide courtyard, we will ride in the mountains, feast on pancakes.

Buffoon 1: We meet Maslenitsa - We see off Winter.

LEADING: Let's help Spring, let's stand in a circle - a round dance-sun - and sing a Russian folk song.

Children get up in a round dance and, together with buffoons, sing any Russian folk song, for example, “Like on thin ice.”

Buffoon 1: Let's hold a competition on buttered proverbs knowledge.

Buffoon 2: "The pancake will not split the stomach." I'm the first, I get the main prize.

Buffoon 1: No, brother, wait, have a bite to eat. We will listen to the guys, and then we will eat kalachi.

Auction of proverbs

Everyone calls his proverb in turn. The participant who names the last proverb wins. To make the competition more fun and fruitful, you can invite children to prepare for it in advance.

If the children find it difficult, the presenter can call the 1st part of the proverb, and let the children finish the 2nd, for example: “Without a pancake ... not Maslen”; “Ride on the mountains ... wallow in pancakes”; "Not life ... but Maslenitsa"; “Shrovetide has come around ... keep the money away”; “Even if you lay down everything from yourself ... and celebrate Maslenitsa”; "Not all Maslenitsa cat ... there will be Great Lent."

HOST: Maslenitsa lasted 7 days.

Buffoon 1: The first day is a meeting, we have already met Maslenitsa. Let's move on to day 2.

Buffoon 2: The second day is a game. Guys with girls from the hill ride, trying to get to know each other. Well, go out into the circle, ditties backwaters.

HOST: In the old days, the best way to show yourself, to see others was to perform ditties. Who is the bravest and most talented? A competition for performers of ditties is announced.

The ditty competition can be thematic: on a school theme, on the theme of winter and Maslenitsa, or any other. For example:

Don't look at me -

Break your eyes.

I'm not from your village

You do not know me.

There are 2 flowers on the window:

Blue and scarlet.

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

The presenter sums up the results of the competition.

Buffoon 1: Winter lasts a long, long time, and Maslenitsa runs quickly. The third day is announced - gourmet.

Buffoon 2: And what do they eat on Maslenitsa?

CHILDREN (in chorus): Pancakes!

HOST: Right. Let's sing the Russian folk song "Pancakes":

Like Shrovetide Week

Pancakes flew off the table.

And cheese, and cottage cheese -

Everything flew under the threshold!

Like Shrovetide Week

Pancakes flew out of the oven.

We had fun

We had fun!

And now let's play the Russian folk game Skovoroda, they just played it on Maslenitsa.


Up to 10 children participate in the game. Players stand in a circle, hold hands, forming a round dance. At their very feet, a circle-pan is drawn with chalk. Everyone goes along the line of the pan. The host gives a signal, everyone stops and begins to pull the neighbors on the right and left to the line. The task is to force the neighbors to cross the line. The one who crossed the line gets into the pan and “bakes”. After that, everyone again quickly walks along the line in a circle. The winner is the one who has not "baked" the longest.

Buffoon 1: Thursday is the most, most oily day - revelry.

Buffoon 2: Disperse, honest people, no dust, path! Make way, people, unwind, shoulder, we will measure strength. Want to see an outlandish 3-legged colt? Now you will see.

Who is the smartest?

Among the children, several pairs are chosen and the right leg of one partner is tied to the left leg of the other. A pair on "3 legs" must run to the turning flag and return to the start line. The pair that runs 1st wins.

HOST: Aren't you tired of having fun? Maybe let's give our head some work? I will read riddles to you, and you prepare riddles for me.

The presenter announces riddles on winter and spring themes.

HOST: Since Shrovetide is a pagan, ancient Slavic holiday, let's see what you know about the customs and rituals of our ancestors. Divide into teams, and I will ask you questions; Whoever gives the correct answer first will earn a point for their team. So:

1. Where did the expression "What is written in the family, that cannot be avoided" come from? (Rod is a creator god. According to ancient Slavic ideas, at the birth of a person, his future fate is recorded in the book of the Family. Hence the expression “What is written in the family”);

2. Where did the expressions “Chur me!”, “Chur mine!”, “Church your tongue!” Come from? (Chur is a deity that protected a person and his goodness from evil spirits. Therefore, in case of danger, they still remember this god and ask: “Chur, take care of me!”, That is, “Chur me!” Whoever finds something and does not wants to share with anyone, asks: “Stay away from me!” If they say something bad to someone, in response you can hear: “Stay away from your tongue,” and the evil wish will not come true);

3. The expression "After the rain on Thursday" is associated with the name of which Slavic god? (Perun is the god of thunder, the lord of heavenly waters, he was often prayed for rain. He had his own day of the week - Thursday. If you pray to Perun on this day, then prayers were considered especially effective);

4. What spirits did the ancient Slavs believe in? (The swamp is the spirit of the swamp, lives in a big house with his wife and children. Leads people into a quagmire. The swamp is a drowned maiden, lives in a swamp and is very beautiful. She seduces people and drowns them in a quagmire. Kudiyar (Chur) is a special spirit, guarding treasures and treasures hidden in the ground. Yard - the patron of the courtyard, male. Clerk - a spirit that lives in the pantry, arranges a review of things at night, shifts them from place to place. Lugovoi - the spirit of the meadows, helps to mow the grass. Moss - a tiny spirit green or brown in color, lives in moss and punishes those who pick berries after school hours Barn is a spirit that lives in a barn If someone dries bread during strong winds, the barn punishes him with a fire Polevoi - the spirit of the fields, to whom they brought sacrifice in the form of eggs and young roosters. He appeared in the guise of an old man in white robes, helped the diligent and punished the lazy. Rzhanitsa is a spirit that lived on strips of rye. Out of harm, it can weave several ears of rye, and then the field is considered cursed. who lives in a barn, who looks after the cattle and maintains order. Goblin - the spirit of the forest);

5. How to appease Leshy? (Thank you for the mushrooms, berries, leave a pie, pancake on the stump);

6. Why did the ancient Slavs consider it unacceptable to say hello or pass something over the threshold? (The ancient Slavs believed that the threshold is the border of the hut between the worlds of their own and others, inhabited and uninhabited);

7. Where does the brownie live in the house? (Behind the stove);

8. Name the ancient Slavic gods. (Perun is the god of thunder in Ancient Russia, he was also considered the patron saint of warriors. Belbog is a god who lives in heaven and controls them; an old man with a long gray beard, in white clothes, with a staff in his hand. Whiter is the god of cattle breeding and wealth. Zembog - the god of the earth Didiliya is the goddess of childbearing Makosh is the goddess, the patroness of women's work, spinning and weaving Fire or Svarozhich is the god of fire Frost is the god of winter and cold Dazhdbog (Khore) is the god of the sun).

Note: The one who names the god last wins. Additional points can be given for describing the appearance, some features of the deity;

9. The ancient Slavs had ritual dances performed at a certain time. One of these dances has survived to this day. This ritual dance was dedicated to the Sun and was its symbol. What is this dance? (Round dance. The dancers form a circle - a symbol of the Sun - and repeat its path across the sky. Thus, a magical ritual of worshiping the Sun is performed).

Note: the quiz can be completed with a joint round dance.

Buffoon 1: It's time to announce Friday.

Buffoon 2: Day five - mother-in-law's evening. On a visit to the sons-in-law, mother-in-law complained about pancakes.

HOST: Children, do you know who a mother-in-law is, who is a son-in-law? Let's try to figure out who belongs to whom. Who are father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, godfather?

Children answer the questions of the presenter. HOST: Well done, you are well versed in the degree of kinship. Let's move on to the next day of Maslenitsa.

Buffoon 1: The sixth day - sister-in-law gatherings.

Buffoon 2: On this day, family tea parties were held with gifts.

Buffoon 1: We can also give gifts to those who took an active part in our holiday.

During all competitions and tasks, the winners were given small cardboard pancakes-tokens, at the end of the holiday the number of tokens is counted and the winner is announced.

HOST: Maslenitsa ended with Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone asked each other for forgiveness, and then they burned the effigy of Maslenitsa and finally said goodbye to Winter.

WINTER (who has been watching the events all this time): Or maybe you’ll change your mind again, why do you need this Spring, it’s fun, snowy, frosty, fresh with me.

Buffoon 1: No, Zimushka-Winter, your time has passed.

Buffoon 2: Empress Shrovetide, we boasted of you, ate pancakes, had fun!

Your time has come, leave us!!!

HOST: Well, children, it's time to say goodbye to Winter - to burn Shrovetide! Let's say to her in chorus the words that the Slavs uttered a long time ago.

CHILDREN (in chorus): Shrove Tuesday is a deceiver, she brought it to Lent - she fled herself! Maslenitsa, come back, show yourself in the new year! Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out !!!

Buffoons carry away the effigy of Maslenitsa from the hall, Winter comes out behind them.

HOST: Thank you for your attention, for your active efforts, for the fun, jokes, and laughter. And the reward will be for everyone! We invite you to pancakes, to the samovar.

Traditions make life predictable and stable. It's nice to realize that in the crazy rhythm of modern people there is something unshakable that allows you to feel a connection with the past and reach out to the future. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Keep traditions, and traditions will keep you.”

An approximate script for the celebration of Maslenitsa for children

The script below can be used as:

Shrovetide script in kindergarten
Shrovetide script at school (for children of primary school age).

Acquaintance with Maslenitsa should begin with a fairy tale. After all, a fairy tale for a child is a vital necessity that allows you to create a model of the world around you.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived two sisters. One people called Winter, the second - Maslenitsa. The sisters lived in a magical chamber.

Tale of Maslenitsa for children

The winter was very beautiful and very cold. Ice was in her eyes, and there was frost on her lips, so Winter could not smile. Winter dressed in snow-white outfits. The servants of Winter were the North Wind and the Blizzard.

Maslenitsa, unlike her sister, was kind and friendly. Went in a bright colorful sundress. Maslenitsa affectionately looked at the people with blue eyes like the spring sky and smiled with scarlet lips. Shrovetide was loved not only by people, but also by birds and animals. Maslenitsa came to visit people once a year, helping to prepare for the meeting of her friend Spring. For people, the arrival of Maslenitsa meant that Spring would soon become the mistress of the magical chamber, and Winter would go far to the North.

One day, Winter decided not to let Maslenitsa go to people. Winter did not want to give Spring the keys to the magical tower. And the wicked sister ordered her servants:
- North wind! Blizzard! make sure people can't go out. Cover everything around with white snow, swirl with snowstorms! May people never meet Maslenitsa! And Spring will never come to them!

The North Wind howled, whirled the Snow Storm in a wild dance, and they flew away. People sit at home, do not go out. There is no one to meet Maslenitsa, to invite Spring.

There is only one week left before the coming of Spring. And the good Maslenitsa came up with how to help people. She sent twittering birds and asked them to tell people that the hostesses would bake pancakes round like the sun all week.

Maslenitsa took hot pancakes and scattered them over the snowdrifts. Where a ruddy and hot pancake fell, a thawed patch appeared there. The servants of Winter did not have time to pour snow, because the housewives baked pancakes together and soon.

Shrovetide image for children
  • Maslenitsa told the children to collect snow in high hills and slide down
  • sled. And in order to annoy Zim, the children had to laugh loudly and cheerfully!
  • The young guys were asked to attack the magic tower with snowballs, which Winter turned into a snow fortress.
  • And in order not to freeze and not turn into ice, all people had to eat many, many pancakes.
  • But nothing helped. Winter became stronger and stronger, and the warmth in human hearts became less and less. And then Shrovetide asked to burn it on a big fire, so that the heat from the magic fire would melt the snow and allow Spring to come.
  • People got sad. They did not want to hurt Maslenitsa, but there was no other way out. People said goodbye to Maslenitsa, asked each other for forgiveness and already wanted to set fire to a fire, as one of the children shouted: “Let's make a straw effigy and burn it!”.

Straw effigy for Maslenitsa

Oh, how happy the people were. The whole world built a huge effigy and burned it on a high hill. The flame was so bright and hot that the snow melted. Now everyone was sure that Spring would definitely come.

That's the end of the tale, and who listened - well done!

Shrovetide games for children on the street

No one will be able to remember the authors of funny and outdoor games that were played not only by mothers and fathers, but also by the grandparents of modern children. These games are part of the cultural heritage of our people. They are as valuable as fairy tales, songs, ditties, jokes, nursery rhymes. Russian folk games develop resourcefulness, dexterity, perseverance, harden and strengthen.

The games are suitable for children of all ages, and even adults will not refuse to take part in fun games from childhood.

Russian folk game "Golden Gate"

Two players stand opposite each other, join hands, raise their closed hands up, forming a “gate”. The rest of the children join hands and form a long snake. The snake must go through the gate.
While the snake is moving, the “gate” players say the words:

Shrovetide game "Golden Gate"

Saying the last word "gate" sharply drop their hands. Children cut off from the main snake also become “gates”. The number of "gate" players during the game increases, and the snake decreases. The game ends when all participants move to the "gate" status.

Finger game "Sun-bucket"

There are a lot of games in Russian culture that can become the basis of any phonemic rhythm lesson.

The round dance has always been more than just a dance or a ritual. Round dance - the state of the Russian soul, where they were combined
X- eternal cycle
Or- disparate set, united into one whole,
ABOUT- energy enclosed in infinity,
waters- movement.

But even among serious traditions there will always be a place for a funny joke.

Comic round dance-game "At Melania, at the old woman"

VIDEO: "At Melania's, at the old woman's"

Shrovetide carousel

The host stands in the center of the circle and holds a hoop (wheel) in his hands, on which long bright ribbons are fixed. Children take the free edges of the ribbons and move in a circle, "riding" on the carousel. During the round dance, you can use the soundtrack of the Russian folk song "Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes ..."

Shrovetide carousel

VIDEO: “Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes…”

Mobile game "Burn, burn bright!"

VIDEO: "Burn, burn bright!"

Shrovetide Contests

Among the competitions that can be held on Maslenitsa can be
competition "The best poem about Maslenitsa"
puzzle guessing contest
proverb contest
funniest ditties competition
carnival scene competition

Poems about Maslenitsa for children

Poem about Maslenitsa

This holiday is coming to us
early spring,
How many joys
He is always with him!
Ice mountains are waiting
And the snow sparkles
Sledges run down the hills,
Laughter doesn't stop.
At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends to pancakes,
Let's eat them together.
Noisy, fun
cheese week,
And after it - Great Lent,
Time to pray.

Cat and Maslenitsa

The cat walked, sat, lay,
Long waited for the carnival.
He sang songs, hissed, sniffed:
"Not winter, but chaos!"
battery under the window
He warms the cat with warmth!
And hopes that: Here!
Spring will come soon!

A poem about Shrovetide for kids

We baked some pancakes
Cooled down on the window
We will eat them with sour cream,
Let's invite Mom to dinner.

Damn we ate with pleasure -
Soaked in jam.
To remove the jam from the lips,
The mouth needs to be licked.

Grandma's pancakes

Grandma baked pancakes
Round ruddy.
Carnival has come to us
A welcome guest.

The sun is round like a pancake
Smiling, shining.
We are glad to have a warm meeting with him
Adults and children.

I'm on Shrovetide mom
And hands and feet
Helped bake pancakes
Unprecedented width!

Wide Maslenitsa - Cheese Week!

Wide Maslenitsa
Raw week!
You came dressed
Meet Spring with us.
Bake pancakes and have fun
We'll be all week
So that the winter is icy
Get out of the house!

Morning… MONDAY
The "MEET" is coming.
Bright sleigh
They slide from the hills.
All day fun.
Evening is coming...
Having rolled all over,
All pancakes are eaten.

"ZAGRYSH" careless
Everyone walk, frolic
Come out as one!
Games and fun
And for them - a reward:
Sweet and ruddy
Shrovetide pancake!

WEDNESDAY fits here
"Gourmet" is called.
Every hostess
Conjuring at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes -
they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes -
All swords on the table!

And on THURSDAY - spacious
"RUN" is coming.
ice castles,
Snow fights...
Threes with bells
They go out into the fields.
Guys looking for girls
Their spouses.

Mother-in-law invites
Son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon,
Could be a little faster
With sour cream, honey,
We ate with butter.

SATURDAY is coming
All relatives meet
Leads a round dance.
The holiday continues
General fun.
gloriously sees off
Winter people!

SUNDAY bright
Comes fast.
Relieve the soul
Straw scarecrow -
Zimushka - burn,
Dressed up in a sheepskin coat,
boots, belt...

Lush festivities
The fair is crowning.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa,
Come again!
A year later Beauty
we'll meet again.
Let's celebrate again
Treat pancakes!

Songs about Maslenitsa for children

VIDEO: "Collection of children's songs for Maslenitsa"

VIDEO: Song "We meet spring with fragrant pancakes ..."

Ditties about Maslenitsa for children

VIDEO: "Chatushki for Maslenitsa"

Riddles about Maslenitsa with answers

We know this holiday
Time to see off winter.
People these days should
Have fun, bake pancakes.

Before fasting - festivities,
Meat eater, fun and pancakes.
And with the fierce winter goodbye
According to the precepts of good antiquity.

The sun fell into the snow,
Milky river flowed
Float in a hot country
There to make the moon in the holes.

For my beloved grandmother
I'll bake pancakes.
So rosy and delicious
These lush…

Shrovetide is a meal!
Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
To them - sour cream and jam
And of course…!

And with caviar and sour cream
All of them are delicious!
Nozdrevati and blush -
Our suns are...

On Maslenitsa Sunday
All tried old Titus
Ask everyone for forgiveness
And answer: ...
("God will forgive!")

Proverbs about Maslenitsa

Not life, but Maslenitsa
Maslenitsa walks for seven days
Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip (i.e. fasting)
Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring
Oil is not given forever
Maslenitsa without pancakes, there are no name days without pies
Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away
We thought Shrove Tuesday was seven weeks, but it was only seven days.
So that you can be carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat
As in oil week pancakes flew to the ceiling
Maslyana is not without a pancake
At least lay everything from yourself, and spend Maslenitsa
Pancake is not a sheaf - you can’t prick on a pitchfork
Looking for forty years of carnival and three years of small holidays
Damn not a wedge, the belly will not split
And the coldest man loves hot pancakes
Pancakes and kisses do not like bills

Scenes for Maslenitsa

VIDEO: Comic scene "Gypsy with a Gypsy on Maslenitsa"

VIDEO: Comic scene "Matryona and Yerema"

Festive Shrovetide mood will help create folk items in the interior of the hall (group): embroidered towels, earthenware, wooden spoons, painted Russian scarves.
Among the obligatory accessories: the sun, pancakes, a Shrovetide doll.

Decoration of the children's holiday Maslenitsa

Decoration of the children's holiday Maslenitsa in kindergarten

VIDEO: "How to make a Shrovetide doll"

Maslenitsa costumes for children

For the room, it is better to use simple outfits in folk style.

Maslenitsa costumes for children

Obligatory guests of the holiday should be buffoons and a bear.

Festive tea party on Maslenitsa

Festive tea party with pancakes for Maslenitsa
DIY crafts for Maslenitsa

VIDEO: "Shrovetide in kindergarten"

VIDEO: "Children about Maslenitsa"

VIDEO: “Living Encyclopedia. Wide Maslenitsa »

Maslenitsa. Holiday script


Olga Igorevna Frolova, teacher-organizer of MKOU DOD Anninsky DDT
Description. Maslenitsa is a bright holiday that leaves no one indifferent. In our house of children's creativity, every year all the pupils take a direct part in the Maslenitsa festivities.
- introducing children to the historical past of our ancestors;
- preservation of the cultural heritage of their homeland;
- development of interest in folk holidays, customs;
- formation of creative abilities of students.

1st buffoon
2nd buffoon
1st girl
2nd girl
Voice-over: Attention! Attention! It was ordered to bring to you at this hour a decree dictated by our mother Winter herself: “Every year of this day, as the decree says, whether it be a city or a village, go out on a holiday! By all means, everyone should be on the wires of winter!

Music sounds, Buffoons run out. They are dressed in bright costumes: colorful shirts, bright trousers, multi-colored caps on their heads.

1st Buffoon.
Good afternoon, dear guests,
Waited, called and desired.
2nd Buffoon.
Hello youngsters!
Hello winches!
Guys, well done, funny daredevils!
1st Buffoon.
The venerable and the young.
2nd Buffoon.
Full and thin.
1st Buffoon.
We welcome guests as good news!
2nd Buffoon.
Welcome! We welcome everyone, sincerely welcome!
1st Buffoon.
We are buffoons! It is better to have fun with us, but without us the holiday is no good.
2nd Buffoon.
Come all without hesitation:
No tickets needed
Present a good mood!
1st Buffoon.
Come break the bones!
Today Shrovetide invites you to visit!
2nd Buffoon.
Today we celebrate Maslenitsa, see off the winter, conjure spring!
Maslena - honest, cheerful, wide - this was the name of the week before Lent in Rus'.
1st Buffoon
The celebration of Maslenitsa was accompanied by rituals in the name of the harvest, festivities, games, and various amusements. And today we invite you to go back to those distant times and take part in this fun holiday.
2nd Buffoon
So let's start Shrovetide.
1st day - Monday - Maslenitsa meeting.
Folk music sounds. Girls in sundresses take the stage. They finish the Maslenitsa doll and say:

1st girl.
Hello, Shrovetide annual,
Our dear guest!
Come on black horses
On painted sledges,
So that the servants were young,
Dear gifts were brought to us,
Both pancakes and rolls
To us in the window their swords!
2nd girl.
Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,
quail bones,
Your paper body
Your sugary lips
Sweet speech!
Come to visit me
To the wide yard
ride on the mountains,
Roll in pancakes
Cheer up your heart.

1st girl.
Our dear guest Maslenitsa,
Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy!
2nd girl.
The scythe is long, triarshiny,
Ribbon scarlet, two-fifty!
Ooh, beauty!
1st Buffoon.
Our Maslenitsa is silent, does not answer!
Only shakes straw sleeves!
2nd Buffoon.
Not otherwise, honest people ask you to answer her questions.

There is a quiz:
1. What does Maslenitsa meet? (Spring).
2. And what escorts? (Winter).
3. What is the symbol of Maslenitsa? (Pancakes)..
And now, friends, let's begin
Competition - running together.
Couples will deftly tie legs
Yes, let's go on the road!
The first one to come to hell
That gift will take!
The game "Running together"
1st Buffoon
Tuesday - "tricks".
2nd Buffoon.
We continue the program
For guests, for friends, for everyone!
1st Buffoon.
We begin the panorama of amazing fun
2nd Buffoon.
On Tuesday we will play
Meet the red sun!
1st Buffoon.
We have one idea for the most dexterous skilled.
2nd Buffoon.
Everything is ready here now for this fun.
1st Buffoon.
Try to run a relay race in a bag.
What a miracle - lope yes lope,
Look, the bag is off!
Hey, grab it, catch it
Grab the bag!

The game "Running in bags" begins.

1st Buffoon.
Our holiday goes forward, and the people do not decrease!
2nd Buffoon.
Another gift awaits those who will play with us.
1st Buffoon.
Strongmen, guys, guys call on the rope.
2nd Buffoon.
3 on the left, 3 on the right, only the muscles crackle!

Tug of war game.

1st girl. Oh, buffoons! You completely froze our guests.
2nd Buffoon. I see that the guys gathered here are strong, dexterous, skillful. It is difficult to compete with them, it is difficult to defeat them. Tired, tired, hungry.
2nd girl. Let's announce soon! Together: Wednesday - "Gourmet", "Sweet Tooth".
1st Buffoon.
We have not eaten pancakes for a long time, we wanted pancakes.
2nd Buffoon.
Yes, what a Maslenitsa without hot pancakes, without ruddy pancakes!

I offer you a game for attention.
I say "pancakes" - you bounce on the spot,
"With butter" - squat,
"With spicy" - clap hands,
"Delicious" - stomping feet.
The song “Pancakes” sounds. (In the hands of the girls - an imitation of pancakes)
1st girl. Thursday - "Wide Shrovetide".
1st Buffoon.
Walk around, Thursday will come, a joke, a song will bring.
2nd Buffoon.
I already walked around the world, there is no better Russian song!
1st Buffoon.
Where the song is sung, life is easier there!
2nd Buffoon.
Sing a Russian song, a sonorous, soulful song!
Friend, bring your girlfriend.
Anyone who wants to grow up
Do you know the Russian ditty -
Get out on the platform.
Russian folk ditties sing.
1st Buffoon.
Stop singing and playing! It's time to announce Friday!
2nd Buffoon.
Friday - Mother-in-law evening!
1st Buffoon.
The 5th day is already coming, but the people are not decreasing!
2nd Buffoon.
We go to mother-in-law for pancakes
And we bring friends with us!
Cheerful Maslenitsa,
We are proud of you!
1st girl.
On Friday, the mother-in-law was waiting for a visit.
The mother-in-law baked pies for her son-in-law.
2nd girl.
Son-in-law in the yard - pies on the table.
1st girl.
My mother-in-law thought that seven people couldn't eat a pie.
2nd girl.
And the son-in-law sat down - yes, he ate it from a sitting!
2nd Buffoon.
And also for the nerds
There is a special ring:
How do you get into it
You will grab a lot of sweets.
Maybe two, maybe three!
Well - wipe your eyes
And get started:
Throw the ball into the ring! Competition "The most accurate"
1st Buffoon.
And now the dance competition.
2nd Buffoon.
Come here, people, whoever dances, go ahead.
1st Buffoon.
We were warmed many times by a merry dance.
Dance melodies "Lady" sound. Those who wish to dance, the best - receive prizes.
1st girl.
And on Saturday, not knick-knacks -
"Zolovkina gatherings"!
2nd girl.
Red girls, get up, meet your dear guest.
1st Buffoon.
Look, folks, (points)
Spring is coming to us!
The girls (members of O. I. Frolova's circle) show the Spring doll in a bright dress.
2nd Buffoon.
Spring is red - a big, good, honorable guest,
1st Buffoon.
She's wearing a new, new, new dress
2nd Buffoon.
There is no price for that dress,
Hello spring red hat.

Girls with the Sun in their hands (call)
Hello you good people!
I have come to you with joy, with great mercy.
With grainy rye,
With golden wheat
With curly oats
With mustachioed oats
With black currant
With azure flowers
Yes, with grass-ant!

A girl appears with a folk rag doll In winter, to the sound of bells and the sound of a snowstorm.

What are you having fun here.
Made a noise, split up?
You worked hard, Winter-Zimushka, to your heart’s content,
I took care of it, it's time and honor to know.
Ah, there you are!
Yes, I am Winter - white, white,
Sowed snow in the field.
And I'm Spring - red, red,
Sunny, clear, clear.
I will wash you with snow, I will wash you,
I'll drive you out the gate, drive you out!
I will cover myself with snow, I will cover myself with greenery.
I will be even more beautiful in our open spaces!
Well, Spring is red, you are a master of arguing and talking. But without a fight, I will not give up my place.
1st Skomorokh. I propose to arrange a competition, and all the guys will take part in it!
2nd Buffoon. Guys, do you want spring to come? Then guess the riddles.
1st girl. The fiery eye wanders alone,
Wherever it happens, it warms with a look. (Sun).
2nd girl. No one sees him, but everyone hears him,
Without wings, it flies, without a tongue, but speaks. (Echo).
1st girl. An annual bush drops a leaf every day.
A year will pass - the whole sheet will fall off. (Calendar).
2nd girl. It's raining, I'm right here
Many are waiting for me here:
Frogs and guys
Pigeons and piglets.
I'm like a mirror
And on the lake - a little bit.
Well, you didn't want
Come visit me? (Puddle).
1st girl.
red maiden,
Lets out the weed
Dew spreads.
rides side
With plow, harrow,
With spring water. (Spring).
Girl with a Winter doll.
Yes, you are strong, Spring, I am retreating!
1st Buffoon.
So the last day of Shrovetide has come - Sunday - “Forgiveness Day”, “Seeing Shrovetide”.
2nd Buffoon.
With the words "Forgive me for Christ's sake," everyone asks each other for forgiveness, exchanging gifts, then kissing.
1st girl.
On Sunday we say goodbye to Maslenitsa, on Sunday we wash ourselves with tears.
2nd girl.
We rode down the mountain from dawn to dusk, And today on Sunday ours ended
1st girl.
And we rolled our Maslenitsa, we lost our dear one.
They thought she would be seven years old,
And she stayed for seven days.
Together. Farewell, farewell, Shrovetide!
The girls take the Shrovetide doll, go around and take it away.
2nd Buffoon. Make way, honest people! Shrovetide dance!
1st Buffoon.
Farewell, Shrovetide! Farewell, clear!
And we are not celebrating in vain!
The soul is waiting for change to warmth in the spring,
Happiness in any house and in any corner,
To live better for us!
2nd Buffoon.
To eat - to drink more tasty to us.
So that we live better with each other!
So that the work was by vocation,
So that children strive for knowledge!
1st girl. So that schools and houses grow,
So that theaters and pools open!
So that parks open and babies are born!
So that people are distinguished by the breadth of their souls!
2nd girl.
So that there are no diseases
To keep the air clean!
And now it's more useful -
Have fun with all your might!
And thank you for the holiday!

Work while your hands serve
Don't complain, don't be lazy, don't be cowardly.
For all your deeds and torments
Your grandchildren will thank you
Rus' will thank you!



Put your ears on top
listen carefully!
We will sing ditties to you,
Very good!
1. Oh, stomp, leg,
Topni is right.
I'm going to dance now
Even though it's small.
2. I didn't want to dance
She stood and hesitated.
And the harmonica played
I couldn't resist.
3. The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing,
The breeze is not to be appeased.
I'll put on new bast shoes,
I'm off to meet Spring!
4. Enough to forge rivers with ice!
Freeze the forest, scare the birds!
Come, spring, hurry -
The stream gurgles again.
5. If there was no water,
There would be no mug.
If there were no girls
Who would sing ditties.
6. I ate the fifth pancake,
The skirt hit me.
I'm going to sew up a skirt
To eat pancakes again.
7. I'm ready for Maslena
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them well
I'll try to lose weight.
8. Come, come in
For ruddy pancakes.
This Maslenya week -
Be happy like us!
SONG "Oh, pancakes"
We have not eaten pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes
Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!
Dissolved in a new pot.
Pancakes went for two hours.
Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!
My elder sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!
She baked food
There are probably five hundred.
Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!
On the tray she puts
And she brings it to the table!
Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!
Guests, be healthy
Here are my pancakes ready!
Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!


Like ours at the gate
The fly sings songs.
Ay, lyuli, here she sings,
Ay, lyuli, here she sings.

The mosquito leads the music
The dragonfly is dancing.
Ay, lyuli, here comes
Ay, lyuli, here comes.

The dragonfly went to dance
I took the ant with me.
Ay, lyuli, here I took it,
Ay, lyuli, here I took it.

"Ant, my dear,
Dance with me!"
Ay, lyuli, you are with me,
Ay, lyuli, you are with me.

"I would be glad to dance,
Yes, I'm very tired!"
Ay, lyuli, I'm tired,
Ay, lyuli, I'm tired.