Why is it customary to bake pancakes for Maslenitsa? Why are pancakes baked on Maslenitsa? Delicious pancake recipes for Shrovetide Why pancakes are a symbol of Shrovetide

12.02.2018 10:27:00

In 2018 Maslenitsa is celebrated from 12 to 18 February. It is customary to celebrate the holiday all week on the eve of Lent. Eating pancakes for Maslenitsa is an important ritual. Our ancestors believed that with each piece they receive the energy of the sun. Perhaps, among many peoples one can meet the custom of seeing off the winter and meeting the spring. Our ancestors are no exception - Maslenitsa has always been one of the favorite Slavic holidays. After the baptism of Rus', the church ranked Maslenitsa as part of the Cheese Week, or Cheese Week.
What is the pancake a symbol of?
The most important dish that is customary to cook on Maslenitsa is pancakes. Round, golden and very hot. In addition, festive pancakes and flatbread are the ancient embodiment of leavened bread. It was a round pancake that was once considered sacrificial bread. It was brought as a gift to the pagan gods. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, a symbol of warmth and life.
Recipes for pancakes and their preparation were considered a sacrament. Mistresses took care of them not only from strangers, but also from relatives:
- If at least one man learns the secret of making pancakes, the woman from whom he learned this will face a terrible misfortune.
- The entrance to the kitchen, where they were preparing for Maslenitsa, was strictly prohibited.
- If someone else came in when pancakes were being baked, the dough was immediately thrown out.
- It was strictly forbidden to bake pancakes on the 13th or on Monday. Yes, these days they did not work out.
Where does Shrovetide begin?
The holiday began with "butter grandfathers", or commemoration of the dead. Our ancestors believed that the souls of the ancestors returned to Earth to help the living. Therefore, it was customary to give the first baked pancake to the ancestors - they put it on the "wind" window. Also, sometimes the Slavs gave the first pancake to the poor, so that they would remember their relatives. It is customary to leave pancakes on the graves on the last day of Shrovetide week - Forgiveness Sunday.
Where did the word damn come from?
This word comes from the ancient "mlyn", meaning "grind". To prepare this dish, the main ingredient is ground flour. Draniki, pita bread, pancakes, tortillas - all these delicacies are a kind of Russian treat. And they have one common feature - a round shape.
The ritual of burning an effigy of Maslenitsa
The burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa marked the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The ashes were scattered in the field so that the harvest turned out to be rich, and all troubles and hardships burned to the ground. - If it burns quickly and brightly - be in early spring and have a good year, and if slowly - wait for a long winter and a difficult year;
- Things are burning - misfortunes and diseases are burning;
- The scarecrow does not fall - the harvest is going well;
- A burnt thing - the owner will double the cost.
Prepared by Elena Svetlova.

The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa dates back to prehistoric times. And this holiday, in fact, is pagan. But after the Baptism of Rus', the Christian church agreed to include it in the list of church festivals. Therefore, to this day we honor the “Pancake-Eater Pancake Week”, indulging ourselves for a whole week with a variety of dishes and entertainment, as if preparing for Great Lent, which prepares trials for the soul and body.

Undoubtedly, pancakes are the main dish: ruddy, fried, well oiled, fragrant, with fillings or simply with sour cream. They rightfully became the main treat of the festive table. Pancakes are eaten a lot for a whole week, they eat plenty, they eat for future use, washing them down with various drinks. At this time, real gluttony, fun, farce reigns.

Many people wonder why pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa. It is not difficult to guess that they are a symbol in which a deep meaning is hidden. The word "pancake" comes from the ancient "mlyn", meaning "grind". And indeed, for the preparation of this dish, the main ingredient is ground flour. Draniki, pita bread, burrito, matzo - all these delicacies are a kind of Russian treat. Moreover, they have one common feature - a round shape.

And here we can answer the most important question. Pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa, as they are a symbol of the sun, happy days, good harvests and successful marriages. Agree, they really look like him: the same round, ruddy and hot. Real generous sunshine. In addition, it is customary to pour pancakes with melted butter. It, in turn, symbolizes the sacrifices that were previously made to mighty stone idols.

Eating pancakes also had its significance. People believed that in this way they bring spring and warm days closer. With each piece, they seemed to receive the energy of the bright sun. This dish really was of great importance for the ancients, and eating it is a real ritual that has become a good tradition for us.

What did our ancestors bake pancakes from?

Previously, the ingredients of this simple, but beloved by everyone dish were only ground flour, milk and water. Nothing more was required to prepare it. It was then that the hostesses began to experiment by adding eggs and sugar to the dough. In addition, if you carefully look at the components of this dish, you can say with all confidence that our ancestors had proper nutrition in high esteem. Because there was nothing bad in this dish.

In our time, women have mastered the art of baking pancakes, using a variety of products for dough and fillings. Of course, there is a classic recipe for baking pancakes. However, it all depends on the breadth of imagination and the availability of products in stock. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, since it is in this way that all kinds of culinary masterpieces are born.

And we invite you to look at our proven ones that will make your Shrovetide week unforgettable.

The date of the celebration of the ancient Slavic holiday Shrovetide, symbolizing the farewell to winter and the joyful expectation of spring, after the adoption of Christianity, is tied to Orthodox Easter and changes every year.

They start celebrating Shrovetide a week before Lent - a massive folk festival lasts a week and ends with Forgiveness Sunday - Shrovetide week in 2018 begins on February 12 and will last until February 18 inclusive.

Sputnik Georgia asked why pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa, what this custom is connected with, and also prepared delicious recipes for making pancakes for you.

Why are pancakes baked on Maslenitsa?

Pancakes are a symbol of Maslenitsa, which are baked every day during Shrovetide week - from Monday to Sunday, but especially since Thursday.

Despite the fact that absolutely everyone follows this tradition, few people wondered why pancakes began to symbolize the Maslenitsa holiday itself?

According to one version, the origin of the word "Maslenitsa" is based on the Slavic custom of baking pancakes. The word pancake itself is believed to be of Slavic origin and came from the word "mlyn" (grind).

© photo: Sputnik / Valeriy Titiyevski


Pancake in its shape and ruddy resembles the sun. And the tradition of baking pancakes for Maslenitsa is associated with the desire of people to win over the luminary and persuade him with the help of delicious pastries to warm the earth frozen over a fierce winter.

Slavic peoples, according to tradition, baked pancakes from yeast dough - sourdough on Maslenitsa. The dough was prepared, accompanied by many rituals and conspiracies, to make pancakes tasty, and those who eat them healthy and happy.

In Rus', pancakes were baked all year round. Pancakes were baked from wheat, corn, buckwheat and oat flour and eaten with butter, sour cream, honey, jam, caviar, fish and vegetable stuffing, washed down with tea, hot milk or sbiten.

In the old days, Maslenitsa was considered a feast of abundance before the longest fast of the year.

Pancakes are a tasty and satisfying dish that can feed not only the whole family, but also guests. By the way, each housewife had her own recipe for making delicious pancakes.

An interesting custom associated with pancakes existed in Rus' - the first pancake baked on Maslenitsa was dedicated to ancestors and laid out on a window, roof or grave, or given to the poor.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgenya Novozhenina

Pancakes in modern Russian cuisine are considered a delicacy for a special occasion. But Maslenitsa is a holiday of pancakes, when you can enjoy them to your heart’s content – ​​from morning to evening, alternating them with various goodies.

To date, there are many recipes for making delicious pancakes. Sputnik Georgia has selected several recipes that will delight your loved ones with delicious pancakes for Maslenitsa and at the same time are easy to cook.

Pancakes classic

For this recipe you will need: 400 grams of milk, 150 grams of water, 2 eggs, 3 s / l of sugar, a quarter of a tsp of salt, 200 grams of flour, 2 s / l of vegetable oil and 50 grams of butter.

How to cook: Pour milk and water into a bowl, add sugar, salt and mix well. Add eggs, beat thoroughly with a whisk. Gradually add the sifted flour, constantly whisking until smooth, so that no lumps remain.

At the end, pour in vegetable oil, mix. The dough will turn out like very liquid sour cream.

Heat a frying pan, preferably with a thick bottom. We collect the dough with a small ladle, pour it into the pan and distribute the dough evenly in a circular motion. Fry until golden on the edges, about 15 seconds.

Pry off the edge of the pancake with a silicone spatula or fork (you can use your hand), turn over and fry on the other side. Grease hot pancake with butter. We stack the finished pancakes in a pile. You can serve with any syrup, condensed milk, melted chocolate and so on.

Recipe for pancakes with milk

The most common recipe for making pancake dough with milk. You will need: milk - 500 ml; 2 eggs, 200 grams of flour, 1 s / l of sugar, a pinch of salt, 2 s / l of vegetable oil.

Whisk eggs in a bowl, mix with sugar and salt. Pour milk into a bowl and mix well. Place a sieve on the bowl and slowly pour in the flour, constantly stirring with a whisk to get rid of lumps and get an airy, delicate structure.

The finished mass should resemble liquid sour cream - the dough will be easily distributed over the pan and will not hesitate when turning, and it will be easier to bake from pancakes. Add vegetable oil and stir.

Heat a cast iron skillet, grease with vegetable oil and fry the pancakes on both sides. Spread them in a pile, greasing with a small piece of butter.

Pancakes in milk can be prepared using the video advice:

Pancakes in boiling water and milk

You can try the recipe for pancakes in boiling water and milk - pancakes are thin and airy.

You will need: 1 glass of wheat flour, 2 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of boiling water, 2 s / l of vegetable oil, salt to taste.

How to cook: Whisk eggs with salt until foamy. While stirring, pour a glass of boiling water into the mass. Add a glass of cold milk, whisking constantly. Flour, stirring, fall asleep gradually. Pour the oil into the resulting mass, beat and proceed to baking pancakes.

Pancakes need to be baked in a pre-heated skillet, greased with olive or melted butter.

Pancakes in boiling water and milk can be prepared using the video advice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI2O1YD1JzM

Dough for pancakes on kefir

Pancakes can be baked on kefir and used as a base for various fillings, both sweet - jam, cottage cheese, berries, and unsweetened - meat, fish, vegetables.

You will need: 500 grams of kefir (3% fat), 2 eggs, 200 grams of flour, sugar, soda and half a teaspoon of salt, 4 s/l of vegetable oil and 50 grams of butter to grease a hot pancake.

How to cook: beat the eggs in a deep bowl, add kefir, mix.

Heat the mixture slightly over low heat to dissolve the salt and sugar well. Then remove the pan from the heat, add salt and sugar and mix well.

Sift the flour, gradually add to the mass and mix well with a whisk so that no lumps remain. Dissolve baking soda in boiling water (1 tsp boiling water per half tsp baking soda) and quickly add to the bowl.

Pour in vegetable oil and leave the dough in heat for about an hour.

Heat a cast iron skillet, grease with vegetable oil and fry the pancakes on both sides. Spread them in a pile, lubricating with a small piece of butter.

Pancakes on the water

The dough for pancakes on the water is all prepared in different ways, depending on preferences and tastes. The recipe for pancakes on the water with eggs cannot be called lean or vegetarian, but it is ideal for people with lactase deficiency (milk intolerance). According to this recipe, they are elastic, which makes it easy to wrap any filling in them.

You will need: 500 grams of water, 3 eggs, 2 s / l of sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp of baking powder, 1.5 cups of flour, 3 s / l of vegetable oil.

How to cook: Beat the eggs with salt and sugar with a mixer until fluffy foam. Add a third of the water, flour, baking powder to the bowl and beat with a mixer until smooth so that no lumps remain. Add the remaining water to the mass, mix and pour vegetable oil into the dough. The dough will turn out to be quite watery, respectively, the pancakes come out thin and delicate.

Heat the frying pan, for the first pancake, grease with oil and bake on both sides.

How to cook pancakes with different fillings and decorate the finished dish, see the video Sputnik Georgia:

Merry Maslenitsa and bon appetit!!!

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Every family knows about the traditional Shrovetide week dish. From an early age, everyone associates the holiday with folk festivals, burning an effigy, but few people know why pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa. The answer to this question should be sought at the origins of Slavic culture.

Shrovetide is a primordially pagan Old Slavonic holiday that appeared long before the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. And only in the 20th century the Orthodox Church accepted it and allowed wide celebrations, but the true meaning of this holiday was forgotten, since it contradicted the canons of the Orthodox Church.

Why pancakes are a symbol of Maslenitsa

In order to understand why pancakes have become a symbol of Maslenitsa, you need to familiarize yourself with the history of the origin of the holiday and the belief system of the Slavs.

In ancient times, our ancestors celebrated Maslenitsa on the day of the vernal equinox, when the sun god Yarilo began to conquer the night and won light and warmth day after day. Thus, the main character of the holiday is the sun, hence the round shape of most of the attributes of Maslenitsa. These include pancakes baked in every house for a week, wheels that were set on fire and lowered down the mountain, as if driving away winter, it was customary in a circle to drink a festive drink, passing from hand to hand, to forgive all insults to each other. The circle symbolized the sun and was the personification of the god Yarilo.

Modern Maslenitsa is often positioned as a farewell to winter. Our ancestors had many rituals to drive away winter. Maslenitsa was considered a holiday of rebirth and life, as the land, having rested during the winter, woke up and prepared for the birth of a new crop. Nature has been reborn and renewed.

It was believed that the sun was new, and therefore there was a tradition of baking pancakes for Maslenitsa, which were its symbol. For every day a new pancake - a new sun. From here the Maslenitsa week began with a simple custom that has come down to our days.

This holiday can be attributed to an attempt to uncover the mystery of life and death. After all, he was also a memorial. Pancake - originally a memorial dish, it is round in shape - a symbol of eternity, as a rule, warm - a symbol of joy, consists of water and flour - symbols of life and rebirth.

The Slavs believed that their ancestors, whose bodies are in the earth, and whose souls are in heaven, can directly influence the harvest and fertility of the land. That is why everyone eats pancakes on Maslenitsa. The first was eaten for the dead. Pancakes were fed to the poor and treated to all guests and relatives, in order to appease the souls of the deceased ancestors.

What were pancakes like many centuries ago

Each house had its own secret of making pancakes. The recipe was passed down from generation to generation and no outsider was told about it, only women from the same family.

Each hostess wanted her pancakes to turn out the best, lush and tender, and therefore she started the yeast base at night, when everyone was sleeping, and there were no prying eyes, in the light of the moon, with the words: “Month, you, month, your golden horns, look in the window, blow on the dough.

Buckwheat flour was preferred, yeast, water or milk were added. The pancakes were slightly sour, fluffy and fluffy. Since they could be baked all year round, and in winter milk was in short supply, Maslenitsa was a celebration of abundance. After all, by this time the first cows were calving and butter, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese appeared on the festive tables.

Modern housewives do a great job at the stove, and few people know that earlier pancakes were baked in the oven. Hence the name of the action "bake" and not fry, as they do now. The stove was thoroughly melted with birch logs, heating a cast-iron frying pan with salt. Lubricated with a piece of bacon and baked in turn.

There is a sign according to which, if the hostess kneaded the dough near a reservoir, even a well, then the pancakes turned out tasty, lush and were endowed with the power of nature.

The tradition of stuffing pancakes also came to us from Ancient Rus'. The favorite fillings were cottage cheese, mushrooms or meat, and even buckwheat, semolina or wheat porridge.

Thus, since ancient times, pancakes had a purely commemorative function. And only at the celebration of Shrovetide, our ancestors noticed a pattern in their round shape and singled out the pancake as a prototype of the sun and God, making it one of the symbols of Shrovetide and the arrival of spring. All meanings have long been forgotten and no one pays any attention to them. In the modern holiday, fun and a feast with a variety of pancakes are at the head.

Our ancestors gave pancakes an important role and were very serious about keeping the family recipe and cooking away from prying eyes. They endowed them with magical properties and believed that it was pancakes that would help in establishing contact with the world of the dead. And now, when choosing a recipe, you will definitely know why there are so many of them, but the essence and result is the same.

Indeed, in Rus', without exception, pagans and Christians, they baked pancakes and there should be an endless number of recipes. And yet, not all have reached the present day.

Useful video on how to wrap spring rolls



The idea of ​​the project.

Maslenitsa! This is the most fun and delicious holiday in Rus'. I love this holiday very much, it is simply filled with feelings of love and joy. Together with my parents, we always attend a large folk festival, which is held annually in our village.After all, it's so great for the whole family to look at people who want to compete with strength, show their prowess and sing songs.This holiday is not complete without pancakes, as the pancake is its symbol.I was wondering: why? What do I know about Shrovetide? How did this custom of baking pancakes for Maslenitsa come about? How were pancakes baked in the old days? Having become interested in these questions, I decided to find something interesting in books, magazines, the Internet about pancakes and write a research project.

Subject "Pancakes are a symbol of Maslenitsa."

    Relevance my work is that so many children love Maslenitsa, but know so little about its history. I triedrecreate the traditional Maslenitsa holiday, enrich both myself and my peersknowledge of folk culture

Target: study the technology of making pancakes andrecreate the traditional ancient ritual holiday Maslenitsa

Project objectives:

    get acquainted with the history of the celebration of Maslenitsa;

    to study the technology of making pancakes in Rus';

Object of study : folk holiday Maslenitsa

Subject of study : pancakes - a symbol of Maslenitsa

Research hypothesis:

I assumed that having studied the history of the Maslenitsa folk holiday, and the technology of making pancakes in Rus', I myself could learn how to bake pancakes, teach my friends, respect and preserve the traditions of our people.

Problematic research questions:

    How did the Maslenitsa holiday come about?

    Why are pancakes baked on Maslenitsa?

    What recipes were used to bake pancakes in the old days??

    What are pancakes?

Research methods:

    study of special literature, collection of information;

    sociological survey;

    own observations, comparison and analysis of all information;

    summarizing the results of activities.

Planned end result :

Recreate the traditional Slavic holiday Shrovetide. Treat everyone with your pancakes.

Stages of project activity.

Stage 1 – choice of topic (preparatory stage),

Stage 2 – organization of activities (work planning),

Stage 3 - study,

Stage 4 – study of the collected material

Stage 5 pancakes

Stage 5 speaking in front of students in your class

stage 6 – project protection

Main part

1. Analysis of the questionnaire

In order to study the level of awarenesstheirpeers about the holidayMaslenitsa, about the traditional ritual dish - pancakes, I conducted a survey among my classmates, students of the 3rd grade. I have developed a questionnaire(Appendix No. 1).

As a result, the following data were obtained:(Appendix No. 2)

There are 20 students in the class, 18 of them know and love this holiday. Almost everyone wanted to know more about how our distant ancestors celebrated Maslenitsa in Rus'. I found out that all our classmates, just like me, are very fond of pancakes. So 12 guys always help their mothers in their preparation, and 3 of my peers know how to bake pancakes themselves. Of course, 20% know about the history of the celebration of Maslenitsa in Rus', but the guys really want to know. Almost all the guys expressed a desire to learn how to bake pancakes. This especially pleased and inspired me - it means that my project will be needed, and I will be able to help many friends.

2. Wide Maslenitsa - history and traditions

From literary sources, I learned that the origin of the Maslenitsa holiday has its roots in the depths of centuries. Shrovetide is an ancient Slavic holiday that we inherited from pagan culture, which has survived even after the adoption of Christianity. It is believed that initially it was associated with the day of the spring solstice, but with the adoption of Christianity, it began to precede Great Lent and depend on its timing.
For the Slavs, this holiday has long been associated with the New Year! Indeed, until the XIV century, the year in Rus' began in March. And according to old beliefs, it was believed: as a person meets the year, so he will be. That is why the Russians did not skimp on this holiday for a generous feast and unbridled fun. And the very name "Maslenitsa" arose only in the 16th century. It arose because this week, according to Orthodox custom, meat is already excluded from food, and dairy products can still be consumed - that's why butter pancakes are baked.
Maslenitsa falls on the week preceding Lent. Therefore, at this time, a person withdraws his soul on the eve of a difficult and long Great Lent. In traditional life, it has always been believed that a person who has had a bad and boring Shrovetide week will be unlucky throughout the year. Maslenitsa is a cheerful farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth, spring renewal of nature. Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Shrovetide, had a ritual meaning: round, ruddy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which flared up brighter, lengthening the days. Centuries passed, life changed, with the adoption of Christianity in Rus', new church holidays appeared, but the wide Maslenitsa continued to live. She was met and seen off with the same irrepressible prowess as in pagan times. Shrovetide week was literally overflowing with festive affairs; ritual and non-ritual actions, traditional games and undertakings, duties and deeds filled all days to capacity.
Monday meeting. On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw, they put on old women's clothes on it, put this effigy on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh through the village.Tuesday-game . From that day on, various kinds of entertainment began: sleigh rides, folk festivals, performances.Wednesday gourmet . She opened treats in all houses with pancakes and other dishes.Thursday - revelry . This day was the middle of games and fun.Friday - mother-in-law evenings . On Friday, the sons-in-law arranged “mother-in-law evenings” and invited their mother-in-laws to pancakes.Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings . The sister-in-law is the sister of the husband. So, on this Sabbath day, young daughters-in-law hosted relatives.Sunday - farewell, kisser, forgiveness day . The last day of Maslenitsa week was called "forgiveness Sunday": relatives and friends did not go to each other to celebrate, but asked for forgiveness for intentional and accidental insults and grief.
2. Pancakes - a symbol of Maslenitsa

Pancakes are not just a national dish. These are memories of the fun at Maslenitsa, of many Russian traditions, of the Russian village. Pancakes have always been a treat for guests, greeted with a pie, and seen off with pancakes. It can be said without a shadow of exaggeration that Russian pancakes are a reflection of the centuries-old history of an entire nation - the Russian people from the depths of centuries to the present day.

Now pancakes are a completely ordinary dish for us, but a long time ago the Slavs attached ritual significance to them, their preparation was done in secret, recipes were passed down from generation to generation. Pancakes among the Slavs are a favorite ritual dish. Many people think that the Slavic peoples considered pancakes a symbol of the sun. This is due to the fact that the pancake personified the Sun, the solar disk, and the Slavs in ancient times worshiped the Sun as the supreme god. Pancakes were baked on Maslenitsa, meeting the arrival of spring, the bright Sun.Pancakes onMaslenitsa- a ubiquitous treat, mainly among Russians. Pancakes are baked all week long.The process of making pancakes was a real sacrament. On the eve of Maslenitsa, the housewives prepared the dough, observing special rituals. After waiting for the stars to appear in the sky, they went out to a pond or a well and kneaded the dough there (sometimes adding snow to it). Flour for dough was taken very different (wheat, barley, rye), but in the old days buckwheat was the most popular. Pancakes themselves were also prepared secretly from prying eyes (even relatives were not allowed to observe the process). By the way, our language still retains the expression "bake pancakes", although we have not baked them for a long time, but fry them. At the same time, pancakes were cooked only in the oven and always on cast-iron pans (often these were several pans soldered together), greased with oil. A real Russian pancake was supposed to be plump, light and spongy.. Cooked in Rus' and pancakes with pripekom, that is, with filling. It was laid out in the middle of the pan and poured with dough. And although now pancakes are not at all a ritual dish, they are very popular in Russia and abroad.

Practical part

Technology for making Russian pancakes

As a result of the work performed, I was interestedand customsrelated to pancakes and holidayMaslenitsa. I decided that I needed to learn how to bake pancakes, and that the most traditional recipe for making pancakes in Rus' is yeast pancakes. In the cookbook I found different recipes for making pancakes. These are pancakes with raspberries, caviar, fruits. I learned that the largest Russian pancake was baked on the embankment of Blagoveshchensk. The diameter of the pancake is 2 meters. Prepared a technological - assistant card "Oh, my pancakes, pancakes". Let me tell you how I made pancakes.

I made them from yeast dough. These are the so-called minute pancakes. First, I made the brew. In warm water, diluted the yeast, and then gradually added sifted flour to the liquid (in a ratio of 1: 1), kneaded the dough. For dough, I took half of all flour, which will go to pancakes. Given this, the dough was kneaded on a mixture of water and milk. The consistency of the dough should be tender, like sour cream.

I kneaded the dough in an enamel bowl, taking into account that the volume of the dough increases by 2-3 times.

I put the pot with the dough in a warm place and covered it with a towel. In no case should you cover the dishes with the dough with a tight lid. The dough should "breathe". When it increased to the desired volume, the remaining flour, salt, sugar, vegetable oil were added to it and again put in a warm place. After the dough has risen a second time, it is ready for baking pancakes..

I myself baked pancakes according to an old recipe and I want to treat all the guests. I remind you that according to tradition, pancakes should only be eaten with your hands, if you pierce a pancake with a fork or cut it with a knife, you will call trouble, because. damn it's the sun. It is allowed to fold, twist, tear, but with your hands. Bon appetit! Help yourself!


As a result of the work done, I:

    learned the history of the celebration of Maslenitsa in Rus', prepared a message on this topic for my classmates;

    studied all the information about pancakes - found out that they were traditionally baked in Rus' from yeast dough;

    created a step-by-step map - an assistant for her peers:“Ah, my pancakes are pancakes”;

    Confirmed my hypothesis, and completed the tasks.Practicality - each of the students of my class, after listening to my speech, learned a lot about Maslenitsa, tasted real Russian pancakes, my preparation. I hope that the map I have compiled - an assistant - gives everyone the opportunity to learn how to bake pancakes themselves and delight their relatives with this ancient ritual dish.

List of information sources

    I know the world: Children's encyclopedia: Cuisines of the peoples of the world. Composer: A. Gergova; - M.: 1999.

    Russian people. Russian cuisine / O.V. Uzun. – M.: 2008.

    Disk: “A book about tasty and healthy food”.

    Disc “100 simple recipes of Russian cuisine”.

    Disc “Culinary Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2006”.