New Year's scene for children 12 13 years old. New Year's contests for children and adults: interesting, funny and fun, moving. Music plays on the ship

Funny, moving, funny and funny New Year's contests for children will make the holiday unforgettable. They give a good mood, a lot of positive emotions, bring together those who happened to be in the same circle that night. They reveal a variety of children's talents: someone sings great, someone draws masterfully, and someone eventually turns out to be faster and smarter than everyone else.

It is always interesting for a child to compare himself with others and learn to lose deservedly. This educational moment also applies to New Year's games, which can be arranged with both kids and teenagers. They will be useful for a school-wide Christmas tree, an event in a kindergarten and a family holiday.

To come up with New Year's competitions for children on their own, so that they start any age category, is the skill of aerobatics. Firstly, today's children are not surprising, their requests for entertainment are quite high, and they can react to many competitions and games with a sour expression on their faces and refusal to participate in them. Secondly, the New Year theme involves the use of appropriate paraphernalia and heroes, which must be taken into account when selecting certain contests. Our useful tips will help you choose the best and most fun options from the variety offered on the network.

  1. Age

Decide on the age category of children who will take part in the New Year's competitions. If outdoor games are important for kids, then intellectual battles can be arranged for schoolchildren, and elements of jokes and jokes can be included for teenagers.

  1. Place

The location of the competition for the New Year will also matter. For example, in kindergarten, children can line up in a round dance and arrange fun outdoor games around the Christmas tree. But at school, more serious joke games with jokes and intellectual tasks will be needed. And it is much easier to arrange such events at home, in the family circle, when no one will be embarrassed by anyone.

  1. Plot

Carefully read the texts for children's competitions for the New Year, offered on various sites. Make sure that there was not a hint of adult vulgarity in them, which is so much on the Internet today. Imagine the whole game from beginning to end: isn't it too difficult for children? Do you understand everything in the script? Can you get all the attributes for the competition? Think over all these moments in advance so that the holiday is a success.

  1. Leading

Do not forget to decide who will be the host of the New Year's children's competitions. Can you organize them so that the kids do not get bored on a festive evening and get a lot of positive emotions? Maybe it makes sense to offer this to a professional or invite actors in the guise of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

When choosing New Year's contests and games for children, consider the smallest details. These are not just competitions that help pass the weekday evening in the yard or at home. They should be truly incendiary, funny, memorable. They need to be held in such a way that even the losers are happy and choke with delight and emotions that overwhelm them. This is the essence of the New Year: only joy, laughter and no negative emotions - this is the main rule. Start the selection with the age groups of children.

preschool age

Finding interesting contests for the New Year for preschool children is the most difficult thing, since their circle is limited to mobile and extremely simple games. On the one hand, children aged 3-6 are very responsive, always willingly participating in such events. However, they cannot always understand the conditions and rules of the competition, and even if they fail, resentment can end in tears. Therefore, the selection of New Year's games for kids should be taken as responsibly as possible.

  • Nesmeyana

A game situation for the New Year's competition: on the eve of the New Year, the Snow Maiden was stolen, and only Nesmeyana knows who is hiding her and where. One of the adults pretends to be a sad, whiny princess, whom the children must make laugh so that she reveals her secret to them.

  • "I'll freeze!"

The Snow Maiden asks Santa Claus:

“Grandpa, can you freeze everything?”
- Yes! - he answers.
— But try to freeze our guys! Kids, quickly hide what Grandpa wants to freeze!

To the cheerful, energetic music, the guys around Grandfather lead a round dance. When he says:

I'll freeze my ears! Everyone covers their ears with their hands.

  • funny questions

The leader in the round dance asks the children comic questions about Santa Claus, which you need to be able to answer correctly. Not all kids get it. Sometimes, by consonance, they give the wrong answers, which amuse all the presenters.

- Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? - Yes
- Likes jokes and jokes? - Yes
Does he know songs and riddles? - Yes
Will he eat our chocolates? - No
Will he light a Christmas tree for all the children? - Yes
- Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? - No
Doesn't he age in spirit? - Yes
Does he keep us warm outside? - No
Is Santa Claus the brother of Frost? - Yes
- Is our birch good? - No
- New Year is closer to us, closer? - Yes
Is there a Snow Maiden there in Paris? - No
Does Santa Claus bring gifts? - Yes
- Does Grandpa drive a foreign car? - No
Does he wear a coat and a hat? - No
Doesn't he look like dad? - Yes

Such New Year's contests for young children will allow you to avoid pitfalls and have a fun holiday without unpleasant surprises in the form of resentment and tears. Just for this age category, it would be better if the presenters represent Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden or some other fairy-tale characters characteristic of the New Year. This will give the holiday an appropriate flavor and will be remembered for a long time by the kids.

7-9 years old

For children 7-8 years old, you need to look for something more serious. Of course, mobile New Year's games and competitions for this age category do not go anywhere, but they can already be diluted with creative and intellectual elements. This will make the holiday more exciting, help the guys open up and show their talents.

  • New Year's cap

In advance, you need to prepare a paper cap and color it in New Year's fun. Children are divided into two teams. Each of them has 1 representative. One of them is wearing a cap. The second opponent is given a long stick (see that its tip is not very sharp), with which he must carefully remove the magic headdress from his opponent and put it on himself. After that they change. This should be done by all team members. The task of the New Year's competition is considered unfulfilled if the cap fell to the floor or the opponent was hurt by a stick.

  • Christmas decorations

The guys are divided into two teams. The first is Christmas toys. The second should decorate the Christmas tree with them. The members of the first team must, without words, depict some well-known Christmas tree toy (ball, star, gnome, etc.), and the rivals must guess what they are showing them.

  • Snowballs

For this New Year's competition, you will have to make a cardboard Christmas tree by cutting holes in it with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Prepare paper balls with which children from a distance should fall into holes on an artificial Christmas tree. The prize will be given to the most accurate sniper!

Undoubtedly, the most popular are the fun New Year's contests, when it is simply impossible not to laugh while watching those who take part in the announced competition. Parents should pay attention to them. There should not be so many serious, creative competitions: the New Year was invented in order to have fun, and children should be given such an opportunity!

10-12 years old

At 10-11 years old, despite the proximity of adolescence, schoolchildren still love to have fun, so pick up funny contests for children that will not let them get bored either at school or at home. However, here we will allow for more subtle humor, it is worth considering the participation in the games of girls and boys, who begin to show their first sympathies at this age.

  • New Year's popcorn

Children are divided into two teams. Paper cups filled with popcorn are attached to the feet of the players with adhesive tape. So you need to run a certain distance, dropping as little precious burden as possible along the way. Popcorn is poured into the team's bowl. Whose at the end of the New Year's competition will be fuller, he won.

  • Liberator of the Snow Maiden

In the New Year's competition, a fabulous situation is created: on New Year's Eve, the Snow Maiden was stolen and locked up. Two opponents are offered two locked locks and a bunch of keys. The one who quickly picks up the key and unlocks his lock is considered the winner and the noble liberator of the Snow Maiden.

  • Creative contests

In this age group, be sure to hold New Year's creative competitions for children: who better draws the New Year tree of the future or the modern Snow Maiden. Here they will show their talents in all their glory.

For this age, New Year's contests for children and adults are quite useful, since their interaction will certainly be productive and will give many pleasant and fun minutes. Children 10-12 years old like to feel on a par with adults and even be better than them in some ways. If you give them such an opportunity on New Year's Eve, their delight will know no bounds.

13-15 years old

The most interesting age is 13-14 years old, when teenagers should be called children with caution, because they, in essence, are no longer such. However, they will also have fun in the New Year, especially if the company is of different sexes: boys and girls of this age love to flirt with each other, and where else, if not in games, can this be done in front of everyone? If you are gathering young people, look for New Year's contests for children and parents, in which absolutely everyone will participate: in this case, this is the best option.

  • Geese and ducks

Participants of the New Year's competition line up one after another so that their hands are on the shoulders of the person in front. Well, if the boys will alternate with the girls. The leader approaches each of them and whispers in his ear either “duck” or “goose” (there should be more such people) so that the rest do not hear it. After that, the host explains that if he now says the word "duck", all the players to whom he said it, together press both legs. If "goose" - one leg. It seems that there is nothing special in this New Year's contest, but as soon as you say the cherished word out loud, you will understand how fun it is.

  • New Year's makeup

Divide the teens into boy-girl pairs. It is better to warn the participants of this New Year's competition in advance and select only those who really will not mind such an “extreme”. Young people are blindfolded, given shadows, blush and lipstick. And they start putting makeup on their partner's face. Usually the competition goes with a bang, because the results are very inspiring and amusing to all those present.

  • Sausage for the New Year

A very funny contest that will amuse everyone at the festive New Year's table. The host asks the guys various questions about the New Year, and they, in turn, must always answer with one word, moreover, it must be formed from the word “sausage”. For example:

How did you celebrate this New Year? - Sausage!
What will you do on January 1st? — Suck!
- What do you want to receive as a gift for the New Year? — Sausage!

The main condition of this funny New Year's contest is not to laugh at all and always answer with a serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game.

  • Attentive Ensemble

All the children present are invited to sing together the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The conductor of this New Year's competition is selected (an adult, the host can take on his role). He warns the teenagers to take a closer look at his hands. As soon as he clenched one hand into a fist, everyone should abruptly shut up. As a rule, not everyone succeeds, and someone continues to sing a New Year's song alone.

In fact, you can find a variety of, funny and very interesting children's contests for the New Year, which will cheer you up and amuse you so much that everyone will remember the holiday for a long time. Parents should take care of the selection of games in advance in order to have a large number of competitions in their arsenal that will not let them get bored. The child will be delighted if he spends New Year's days with friends in a fun and exciting way. Well, do not forget to choose a gift, and if you don’t know what to give, read on.

But finding New Year's children's books, the plot of which would not be connected with Santa Claus or Santa Claus, is not easy. Many people cannot imagine the New Year without Santa Claus, however, more and more parents around the world, and even more parents who choose the Montessori path, tell their children the truth that this character does not actually exist and mom and dad put gifts under the tree . Santa Claus is such a tradition. And you can follow it, or you can agree that the expectation of the New Year and its celebration is a wonderful time that we spend with our family and give each other love and warmth.

We hope that our selection will help create a magical atmosphere of this special time, which adults can plunge into with their children, without focusing on Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters.

New Year's books for kids from birth to three years

At this age, we need to give the child the most accurate reflection of reality. The main questions that interest the baby are: “What is around me and what is it for?” Therefore, pay special attention to the illustrations: they must be believable - let's leave Santa flying through the sky on reindeer for later. The texts are small and clear, giving an idea of ​​winter, the holiday and its attributes.

Thick pages, bright photos, short texts - what a one-year-old baby needs. View pictures and study objects together:

  • "The world around me. New Year. Photobook" (Tatiana Koval)
  • "The world around me. Multicolored New Year. Photobook" (Tatiana Koval)

Older children, 2-3 years old (and after three too), love to look at Wimmelbuch books and books with a lot of details that need to be found, shown and named, and at an older age, write stories about characters.

  • "Once Upon a Winter" (Elena Zapesochnaya)
  • picture book "Once Upon a Time in the City" (ROSMEN publishing house)
  • "Winter Adventures. Stories from pictures with stickers” (Elena Zapesochnaya). To some extent, this is a version of the well-known "Winter Book" by Rotraut Berner adapted to Russian realities. It contains stickers of Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, which the parent can remove.
  • "Winter. Forward-looking finders” (Bianca Minte-Koenig, Hans-Günther Dering). We draw the attention of parents: since this is a translation, on one of the pages there is a mention of a mistletoe potion. This is typical of German culture and unusual for us. You can tell your child about it.

Poems to create a special winter mood:

  • "Snow Bunny" (Olga Vysotskaya)
  • "Winter Fun" (Evgeny Migunov)
  • “It was in January” (Agniya Barto)
  • "Soon, soon the New Year!" (NosyCrow)

A list of useful books for children under 3 years old from Montessori teachers will help you choose books according to the age and interests of the child

New Year's books for children from 3 to 6 years old

At this age, children are already more interested in the plot. They are interested in answers to the questions "why" and "where". They still enjoy exploring the world around them. And if parents support them in this, children will discover a lot of new things for themselves.

Therefore, I wanted to start the list with books that reveal the secrets of familiar things. For example, how does a snowflake form and how is it that snowflakes always have six faces? Where does snow come from and why does it crunch underfoot? Why is ice slippery?

  • "Snow. Winter Wonder" (Mark Cassino, Jln Nelson)
  • "A Book about Snowflakes" (Olga Dvornyakova) Will interest both 5-6-year-old children and those who are older. Everyone will take something from her.

Winter stories can be truly mesmerizing, whether it's about the life of animals or two little brothers Chuk and Gek.

  • "Who winters like" (Yulia Smirnova)
  • "Chuk and Gek" (Arkady Gaidar)

Around the age of 5, the child begins to clearly distinguish between reality and fiction. During this period, you can start reading fairy tales. On December days, fairy tales will help create a New Year's mood:

  • Moroz Ivanovich (Vladimir Odoevsky)
  • "The Tale of the Little Christmas Tree" (Marina Aromshtam)
  • "Snow globe" (Olga Fadeeva)
  • "Christmas tree, cat and New Year" (artist Maria Pavlova)
  • "One Winter Night" (Nick Butterworth)

  • "Winter poems and fairy tales" (artists Lidia Gladneva, M. Afanasyeva, V. Pertsev)
  • "Winter poems" (artist V. Belousov)
  • "Frost and sun. Poems of Russian poets about winter" (artist Vladimir Kanivets)
  • Winter Sorceress (artist Elena Drobotova)
  • “Very fun in winter. Snow stories for kids "(Mikhail Yasnov)

Closer to 5-7 years old, children begin to be interested in the origin of the New Year, the traditions of celebration in different countries. This is a good opportunity to talk about the fact that "Santa Clauses" in different cultures have their own distinctive features.

  • “How children around the world celebrate New Year and Christmas” (Pavla Khanachkova)
  • Santa Claus and his brothers. Winter Wizards of Russia (Olga Kolpakova)

You can learn about the history and traditions of the holiday in an unusual way - through the detective story “New Year. A terribly complicated case” (Yakov Akim, Viktor Dragunsky, Anton Zolotov).

And of course, December is a wonderful time to create that magical holiday atmosphere with your children that will be remembered for a lifetime.

  • "Simple Snowflakes"
  • “Christmas tree flags. A set of flags for the Christmas tree "(artist Maria Pavlova)
  • "Christmas decorations" (Tatiana Kozhevnikova).

Creative tasks, indoor and outdoor games, useful ideas for preparing for the New Year for 5-6 years and older:

  • “Entertainers. Winter. Fascinating activities for children and parents” (Nina Surova, Philip Surov)
  • "Great time. Winter "(Ksenia Dryzlova)

New Year's books for children from 6 to 12 years old

At this age, children ask questions: “What is the reason?”, “What will happen if? ..”, “What would I do?”. Young researchers are increasingly interested in the world of relationships between people. Any story will become an occasion for discussion of good and evil, justice and mercy, love and friendship. Along with this, children continue to enthusiastically study how the world works.

How did our ancestors celebrate the winter holiday? Which traditions have survived to this day, and which ones are being revived or have appeared only now? Why do we celebrate both Christmas and New Year? Answers to these questions:

  • "Christmas tree. One hundred years ago"
  • "Christmas tree. The latest edition for a gift in verse and prose "
  • "Christmas tree. Ancient fun "(A. Smirnov)
  • "History of the New Year tree" (Alexander Tkachenko)

The world of people and relationships is much more complex than the world of nature and technology. How to find your place in it, how to distinguish good from bad, how to understand your experiences, what friendship, love and justice are - all this can become a topic for discussion while reading New Year's stories and fairy tales:

  • Bengal Lights (Nikolai Nosov)
  • "How to arrange a holiday" (Anna Remez)
  • "Christmas in the Northern Ice" (Marina Aleshina)
  • "Visiting a polar bear" (Oleg Bundur)
  • "The key to the Christmas tree chest" (Ekaterina Medvedeva)

  • "Christmas Girl Doll" (Yulia Nasvetova, Lidia Avilova)
  • "Journey of the smallest snowflake" (Elena Pervushina)
  • "Wonderful Doctor" (Alexander Kuprin)
  • The Little Match Girl (Hans Christian Andersen)
  • "The Snow Queen. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Hans Christian Andersen)
  • “Santa Claus is calling us, or the Story of Droplet, her friends and how important it is to find your talent” (Irina Danilova)

For children who want to decorate the house for the holiday with their own hands, suggest:

  • “A miracle with your own hands. Christmas toys for 7–9 years old (artist McLelland Kate)
  • “A miracle with your own hands. Magic Birds for 7-9 years old (artist Ingram Zoe)
  • Paper snowflakes "Winter". Cutting set "for 10–12 years old (A. Zaitseva)

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be made interesting and unforgettable if everyone takes part in the preparation of games, riddles and tricks with a set of 50 brochures "New Year with the Family" (Natalya Krupenskaya). It will be interesting for children from 6-9 years old.

We hope the review of children's New Year's books will be useful. Share in the comments your favorite books that you are especially happy to read with your children on New Year's Eve.

Illustrations: Montessori.Children


Swamp kikimora (a hunched old woman in a long brown dress, with a stick, shaggy hair, in a headscarf, subsequently

Snow Maiden in a blue fur coat and hat, with a white braid), boy Vasya, New Year's card (dressed in tights, looks like a dragonfly, in both hands

On the bag, on the back

Small backpack), New Year (a stately fellow in a jacket, felt boots, with a backpack over his shoulders and a large bag).

Kikimora (pacing, leaning on a stick).

Hello guys! Hello dears! Recognized me? No? Well, of course, where can you find me! (proudly) Because I

Swamp kikimora! What, scared, little ones? And I'm not at all scary and not at all dangerous. It’s just that you don’t know me very well yet: I have lived all my life in a swamp with frogs-girlfriends and mushrooms-waves. Have you ever been in a swamp? Well, something. And there I have a big business.

I get a lot of income from it. What is a big deal with big profits, you know? This business is called. I sell leeches. Do you know Duremar? What, Duremar do not know? That's it kids!

They live in the city, but they don’t know the famous Duremar! Ah, they still remembered! Great person! Yes! Every day I used to buy such a bucket of leeches from me. But now my swamp froze over, all the leeches, the villains, dug deep at the bottom.

No income from them. So I decided to move to the city for the winter. Well, are you happy? I will now do business with you. A? Yes, I know that there are no leeches in the city. I have another plan. Grandiose and New Year's! (looks around warily) Secret plan!

I decided to catch the New Year! Do you think

For what? After all, the New Year

What is he doing? A? He brings gifts. Sachet

Typewriter, Dasha

Doll, Sveta

Mosaic, and Petya

Constructor. And if I catch him, I will get all the New Year's gifts! And with those gifts I will open a toy store! Everyone will come to me for toys, but I will get big money! (with pride) What business! High class! I just need a helper for this. Well, who will go with me to catch the New Year?

Who is brave, who is not a coward? Well, who wants? Yes, you are no good. You are too frail. You are too conspicuous. Is it possible to go to business with such a bow! Here you go boy!

Boy Vasya rises to the stage

Vasya. I wouldn't mind. Only... What will you give me for this?

Kikimora. ABOUT! You can immediately see a business man! Do not be afraid, I will honestly share toys. I will give a couple of cars and a designer for free. Agree?

Vasya. No, I want five cars (bends fingers). And two constructors. And the railroad. And the jeep is radio-controlled. And... and...

Kikimora. (very gently) What's your name, baby?

Vasya. ...and a real robot. And my name is Vasya.

Kikimora. Hey Vasya, well done! It is immediately clear that this will not disappear. You will have everything, Vasily, when we catch the New Year. Well, what, on the hands?

Vasya. Deal!

Kikimora. Then let's go ambush! The New Year is here!

Kikimora and Vasya, marching, recite and leave.

Kikimora and Vasya.

We'll catch the New Year!

Let it bring us income!

Let it bring us income

Splendid New Year!

Kikimora and Vasya leave. On the other hand, a New Year's card runs in, dancing.

New Year card.

I am a Christmas card!

I bring congratulations

(shows the bag, it says "congratulations")

I carry wishes

(shows the bag in the other hand, on it is the inscription "wishes")

and just messages

(turns his back so that the backpack with the inscription "messages" is visible).

So that aunts rejoice and uncles smile,

Ha ha ha ha!

The New Year's card runs away, Kikimora and Vasya appear. They crawl in like a plastuna, pushing a barrier in front of them, disguised by snow-covered branches.

Kikimora (peeping out from behind the barrier). Well, Vasya? Do you see him?

Vasya (looking from the other side). Something not to be seen.

Kikimora. You, most importantly, Vasya, do not get confused. When you see the New Year, immediately grab the rope and run to the left. And I'll run to the right! Then we'll wrap it around, my dear! He-he-he!

Let's rehearse for now.

Well, from my stick a good New Year will turn out.

(And if one of the spectators comes out, then he must be put in the center, otherwise

Stick or chair.)

Kikimora (walks around the stick). Well, look, Vasya: (sings to the motive "here

New turn") here

The New Year is coming. What does he bring us? Tea or compote?.. Let's hide!

Hiding with Vasya behind the barrier.

Kikimora. In short, Vasek, you

Left, I

On right! Three four! Started!

Vasya runs out from behind the barrier on the right and runs to the left, Kikimora runs out on the left and runs to the right. Naturally, they face ringing.

Vasya (falls) Oh!

Kikimora. Vasya, what are you doing! I told you

Run to the left!

Vasya (rubs his forehead). I ran on the left!

Kikimora. Well, Vasyok, don't you know right from left? And what only noneshnyh children are taught! Come on, show me your left hand!

Vasya. Here. (He stretches out his left hand, Kikimora takes it with his right hand and lifts Vasya from the floor.)

Kikimora. Hee hee! What is the left one! This is the real right one! It's as simple as an orange: if the hand is on the right, then it means that it

Right-va-ya! It's clear?

Vasya (pulls out his hand). It's right for you, but for me

The real left! I have this side of my heart! (presses hand to heart).

Kikimora. Hey, Vasya! What a heart! Real businessmen should not have a heart at all

Neither right nor left! You still have to try. Let's do it the other way around: you

right and I

Hiding behind a barrier again.

Kikimora. Three four! Started!

Now Vasya runs out from behind the barrier to the left and runs to the right, Kikimora runs out to the right and runs to the left. Naturally, they again encounter ringing. Vasya falls down again.

Kikimora. Vasya! So we can't catch anyone. What is it you

Can't run to the right or left? What are we to do? Trouble! Oho-ho! Looks like we can't do anything! And why did I just leave my swamp!

Vasya (getting up from the floor and rubbing his forehead). Yes, you are confusing me with your right-left! Need not!

Kikimora. And how, Vasenka?

Vasya. Need this: I

On the one hand (shows), and you

With another.

Kikimora. Yep, one side and the other. Will we try?

Vasya. And what time is it? A lot of?

Kikimora. On the contrary, Vasenka. We don't have much time, very little!

Vasya. Then we won’t try, otherwise only bumps will remain on my head instead of my forehead.

Kikimora. Don't worry, Vasenka: I have medicinal leeches with me! (pulls out a paper-wrapped jar from his pocket)

Vasya. I don't need your leeches! Better remember that I

From this side and you

With another.

Kikimora. Okay, Vasenka. Oh! Looks like someone is coming!

They clean up the "training" New Year, hide behind a barrier. Dancing, a New Year's card appears, continuing to hum.

New Year card. ... So that aunts rejoice and uncles smile,

Let the girls laugh, the boys laugh!

site site

A New Year's card swirls around the stage.

Kikimora (peeping out from behind the barrier). Vasya, Vasya! Looks like the New Year has already arrived!

Vasya (looks out). It doesn't look very similar...

Kikimora. Have you seen him before?

Vasya. No, I haven't seen it, but...

Kikimora. Look how many gifts she carries: in both hands and on her back!

Vasya. Not in both, but in both.

Kikimora. You, Vasya, are picking on me. The main thing is that a lot! And in both or in both

This is not important for us, real businessmen! Come on rope!

Vasya. Just remember: I

On the one hand, and you

With another!

Kikimora. But how! Three four! Started!

Vasya runs out from behind the barrier to the left and runs to the right, Kikimora runs out to the right and runs to the left. Naturally, they again encounter a ringing, Vasya falls.

Vasya. Oh!

New Year card. Oh! (freezes in place)

Kikimora. Get up, Vaska! Hurry and knit him before he runs away! (Running with a rope to Postcard, but Vasya holds the other end of the rope and Kikimora also falls.)

Postcard (puts down his bags). Let me help you, grandma! (helps Kikimore to get up)

Kikimora. Thank you honey! Oh! (holds on to the waist) Entot Vaska will drive me to the grave! No income from it! Basil! Get over here you idiot!

And then you will be left without a robot!

Vasya gets up, he and Kikimora begin to entangle the Postcard with a rope, running around it.

Postcard. Oh! What are you doing?

Kikimora. And we got you!

Postcard. For what? After all, I'm in a hurry! I'm so expected! Boys and girls, aunts and uncles!

Kikimora. Let them wait! Now you

Our! You will bring your gifts only to us. And forget about all sorts of boys and girls and various aunts and uncles! (tie knot in rope)

Postcard (weeping). Release me please! Without me, the holiday is not a holiday!

Kikimora. I know I know. But we are not interested in this. We are interested in receiving a large income from you. What's in the bags? Basil, look!

Vasya opens a bag on which "congratulations" is written, pours multi-colored postcards out of it.

Vasya. Oh, it's just postcards.

Kikimora (brings her fist to Postcard's nose). You must bring us expensive gifts. Postcards are too cheap!

Vasya (opening the second bag). And here the same thing.

Kikimora. Yes, he laughs at us! But nothing, nothing! You will sit longer connected, you will bring real gifts!

Postcard. Yes, I can't...

Kikimora. You can, you can! But not that! (swings a stick at her, then turns to Vasya) What kind of postcards are there? Is there one with glitter? With sequins, it will be more expensive!

Vasya. Congratulations and best wishes here.

Kikimora. Come on, come on, very interesting.

Vasya rummages through a pile of postcards, then picks up 4 cardboard boxes. They are written in large letters “I wish”, “never”, “not”, “obey your mother”.

Kikimora (reads in warehouses). Wish you never listen to your mother! (thoughtfully) I wish you never to obey your mother? Hehe! A nice wish, but no one will buy it! Vasya, so a businessman will never come out of you!

Get rid of that "never"!

Vasya throws the sheets, picks up new ones: “I wish”, “good”, “not”, “study!”.

Kikimora (reads in warehouses). Zhe-la-yu ho-ro-sho not u-chi-t-xia. No, Vasily, it won't work like that! I told you that "not" should be thrown out!

Vasya. You didn't tell me anything. Try it yourself then!

Kikimora takes the sheets from him, some of them fall, she picks up “I wish” and “sick”.

Kikimora (shows the sheets). Look right!

Vasya (reads). I wish ... to hurt?

Kikimora. How

- “get sick”? (throws the sheets and tramples them) But what kind of wishes are these! With such wishes, you will receive not large incomes, but large beaters!

Postcard (sobbing). Yes, you just do not know how!

Kikimora (stepping on her). And we don't need to know anything! We want to do business! Your business is small.

Bring us gifts! What is that in your backpack? Vaska, take off his backpack!

Vasya (grabs his backpack). Now. Maybe there is just my radio-controlled robot!

Kikimora (also grabs her backpack). Why is this

Vasya (pushing Kikimora away). You promised me a job!

Kikimora. What kind of robot? I promised you a car! Small Chinese.

Vasya and Kikimora are pushing each other, trying to snatch the backpack from Postcard. Postcard tries to stop them.

Postcard. Yes wait, yes stop! No need to fight! Don't you know

As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it!

Kikimora (pushing Vasya away). And we welcomed you well.

Started a new business!

Postcard. Ah, here's the thing! Yes, I am

Not New Year!

Kikimora. Well, yes! Tell someone else! We will not turn away!

Vasya is already fumbling in his backpack. He gropes for something, smiles happily. Kikimora notices this.

Vasya. Hooray! Found!

Kikimora. Vasenka, remember, we wanted to open a shop, get income ...

Kikimora pushes Vasya away with force, he flies right into the hands of the New Year, which has just appeared on the stage.

New Year. Hello Young man! Are you hurt?

Vasya. No. (shoves New Year away and rushes at Kikimora).

New Year. That's how you meet me!

Kikimora (hitting Vasya with a stick, Vasya dodges). And we don't see you at all. Go, dear man, on your way and don't touch anyone, but see how you don't get touched.

Vasya runs to the New Year, Kikimora follows him, swings his stick, New Year intercepts the stick. Vasya is hiding for the New Year.

New Year. That doesn't happen. Everyone meets me, even those who do not think about it at all. After all, I

New Year!

Kikimora (trying to get Vasya with a stick). No matter how! You won't fool us! We have already caught the new year! (shows a postcard with a stick)

New Year (seriously). No, you didn't catch the New Year. Hello New Year's Card!

Postcard. Hello New Year! Look what they did with my congratulations and wishes!

Kikimora. How

Postcard? How

New Year? You're lying! What can you prove?

New Year (calmly). I

New Year. Bring to all children and adults

Gifts (shows a bag with the inscription "Gifts"). And the New Year's card carries congratulations and wishes. And more messages.

Kikimora. Ah, Vaska, ah, villain! You got it all wrong! Get the rope off her!

Vasya and Kikimora rush to Postcard and begin to free her from the ropes.

Vasya. I told you she doesn't look like her!

Kikimora (not listening to him). And I, the old hag, listened to you! But nothing, nothing! We'll fix it now! Look how big his gift bag is!

Kikimora and Vasya, unraveling the Postcard, get tangled in the rope themselves.

New Year. Let me help you!

Finally, the rope is in the hands of Vasya and Kikimora.

Kikimora. Well, now we'll catch you! Three four! Started!

New Year (waving his hand). Stop, stop! (Kikimora and Vasya freeze, as if hitting a wall) You can’t catch me!

Kikimora. How impossible! Everyone can be caught.

Kikimora and Vasya are trying to get closer to the New Year, but around it

Like an opaque wall. The card stands aside and smiles.

Postcard. It is forbidden! Because the new year

Not here!

Kikimora. Yes! Very smart! Where is he? (continues to try to break through to the New Year)

Postcard. New Year

All over the globe at once! He is now in Yaroslavl, and in Kostroma, and in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg! Everywhere! Even in space! After all, the New Year also comes to astronauts.

Vasya (stops). But for sure! I even saw on TV how astronauts celebrate the New Year.

Kikimora (also stops). Basil, you're just a water pig, an Amazonian capybara! Why didn't you tell me anything! I, an orphan, have lived all my life in a swamp with frogs and leeches! I don't have a TV!

Only I wanted to do a real business, like on you! Immediately, all sorts of Vaskas begin to adjust nasty things! Oh ho ho!

New Year. Not really. What you wanted to do is not called business, but the most ordinary robbery. You probably don't know anything about the real business.

Well, nothing. I, the New Year, bring with me not only gifts, but also changes! (half-turns, showing a backpack behind his back)

Kikimora. Change? I know I know. This is what kids love about school!

New Year. No no. My changes are not like that.

Kikimora. And what else?

New Year. I bring change for the better!

The New Year takes a thin handkerchief out of his backpack and waves it at Vasya.

Vasya. Oh! And I forgot to congratulate my grandmother on the New Year!

New Year. It's not a problem! With us is a New Year's card! She will help us!

Kikimora. How will it help! From her congratulations and wishes, the strongest grandmother will immediately faint.

Postcard. Nothing like this! Vasya, look!

Raises the cardboard boxes "I wish", "never", "not", "sick!"

Vasya. Wish! never! Not! get sick!

Vasya raises the cardboard boxes "I wish you happiness!"

Postcard. I wish you happiness!

New Year. I wish you a lot of joy!

Kikimora at this time sideways tries to hide from the stage.

New Year. Where are you, grandma?

Kikimora (freezing on one leg). Uh... Yes, I also forgot to congratulate someone. I'll run away to my swamp. Leeches there I have not yet congratulated ...

New Year. But I have big changes for you!

The New Year is approaching Kikimore, pulling out a huge scarf from his backpack.

Kikimora. I don't need your changes! Oh! I don't need any change! I immediately realized that this Vaska would not bring me to good! (waving to the New Year) Shh! Shh!

Better go to your ... astronauts!

New Year. No, It is Immpossible. I come to everyone, bring changes to everyone (covers Kikimora with a handkerchief).

The card collects wishes and congratulations in bags, Vasya helps her.

New Year (viewers). Well then, friends! I need to move on. In just one day, I have to go around the whole Earth. So hello guys!

Hello and goodbye! Until next New Year! And for the holiday, here's an assistant for you!

Pulls off the handkerchief from Kikimora, and there

Snow Maiden.

New Year. Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden. Hello New Year! Hello and goodbye!

New Year. Farewell, Snow Maiden! Farewell, Vasya! Farewell, Postcard! Happy New Year to you! Here are your gifts! (puts the bag in the center) And I have to go!

The New Year is leaving, Vasya, Postcard, Snegurochka wave after him, then turn to the audience.


He brought us gifts

And big pe-re-me-ns.

Let's sing songs

Let's laugh out loud

Round dance around the Christmas tree


Snow Maiden.

Happiness to everyone big bag!

We store joy for the future!

We continue the holiday



Good afternoon All set, you can start. Well, what should we do with you first? What do they do when they meet? (hello). That's right, now we'll say hello, but ... not usually. Everything will happen like this: boys, you will greet me, as in Germany: "Guten Tag", and all the girls will say hello in French: "Bonjour". So hello girls! Hello boys! Amazing!
Why are we all here? What holiday is coming? (New Year) Absolutely right. The most wonderful holiday, of course, after the birthday. What is the symbol of this holiday? Indeed, the most elegant is the Christmas tree. What is she dressed up with? I will name the items, if you agree, say "yes", if not, then "no".

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Colored beads?

Are the garlands bright?

Snow from white cotton wool?

Backpacks and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Candy shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the buds golden?

Are the stars shining?

But something we stagnated.
Let's warm up and do "Winter exercise".

Hands to heels and ears

On your knees and on your shoulders

To the sides, to the waist, up,

And now a funny laugh:

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee

How good are we.

Once - they clapped their hands,

Two - they stamped their feet,

Three, four - pulled up,

Together they took hands.

Five - we finish the counting

We start dancing.

(Rock and roll dance)

(Sounds of New Year's music. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear.)

Father Frost:
Here I am! Granddaughter, introduce me to the children.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, grandfather! Do you really think that the guys don't know you?

Father Frost:
Imagine! That's how it's supposed to be!

Snow Maiden:
OK then. Now I will make a riddle, and the guys will say the answer in unison. Hear guys? Who are we talking about?
Who comes to us in winter?
In a fur coat and with a beard,
Good look and red nose
Who is this? .....

You see, grandfather, everyone knows you.

Father Frost:
Yes indeed. In that case, hello kids! Here, meet my granddaughter...

Snow Maiden:
Hello children!

Father Frost:
Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, we have known each other for a long time. Remember, we came to them for a holiday last year.

Father Frost:
Is it true? That's what I look at - all the familiar faces. Although no! Those guys were a little smaller.

Snow Maiden:
A whole year has passed. The guys have grown up. Learned a lot, learned a lot.

Father Frost:
And that's right. Oh, I completely forgot everything. Old age is not fun! Remind me, granddaughter, what did we do at the holiday last year?

Snow Maiden:
We danced, sang, played games...

Father Frost:
Remembered! We played footbal.

Snow Maiden:
No! We played Christmas games.

Father Frost:
And what are these games?

Snow Maiden:
Well, come on, the guys and I will show you one game. It's called Santa's Mittens.

Father Frost:
My mittens?

Snow Maiden:
Of course, yours, whose else? Give them to me, please.

Father Frost:
But if I give them to you, I'll freeze.

Snow Maiden:
You can't freeze. Because you are Frost!

Father Frost:
Really! That's when I got really bad.

Snow Maiden:
Do you remember the rules of this game?

Father Frost:
What game?

Snow Maiden:
Oh! Guys, let's show grandpa how to play New Year's games! Do you agree?
Now I will give two of you Santa Claus mittens. As soon as I clap my hands and say "begin", you start playing, i.e. pass the mitten to a neighbor in a circle, and he will pass it on, and even further. You must pass the mittens all the time while I read the poem. And as soon as I say "stop", you have to stop. The one of you who has a gauntlet in his hands will be considered "frozen", i.e. it will turn into a snowdrift. To "unfreeze", he will have to complete a super-difficult task. Clear? Then get ready...
Hey buddy don't yawn
Pass the mitt.
Pass it around
Pass it on to each other!
You will not have time to convey - You will suffer for a century.
You will turn into a snowdrift
When you hear the word "Stop!"

Snow Maiden:
Here, Grandfather, we have "frozen" all these children. And now they need to be "unfrozen".

Father Frost:
Put it in the oven or something?

Snow Maiden:
Well, that's just what it says. They need to be given a task.

Father Frost:
Which task?

Snow Maiden:
What do you want. For example, you can ask them to dance or sing.

Father Frost:
I can sing myself.

Snow Maiden:
Then suggest another task.

Father Frost:
What do I want?

Snow Maiden:
What do you want.

Father Frost:
Then I want them to shout loudly and in unison: "Long live the greatest and most powerful magician!" That is, I.

Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, this is indiscreet!

Father Frost:
So what, but I will be pleased.

Snow Maiden:
And let's tell them riddles about forest dwellers.

Father Frost:
Let's. I guess a riddle, and everyone says the answer in unison.

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, red ... (squirrel)

In more often, head up,
Howling with hunger ... (wolf)

On a pine tree like a drum
Knocked in the forest ... (woodpecker)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... (bear)

On the fence in the morning
Crowed ... (rooster)

Daughters and sons
Teaches grunt ... (pig)

Above the forest, the ray of the sun went out ...
The king of animals is sneaking ... (lion)

Curled up in a ball, come on, touch it,
Prickly on all sides ... (hedgehog)

Snow Maiden:
They know how to solve riddles, but let's check if they can count ...

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:
Attention, guys, we are playing a new New Year's game "Snowflakes and Snowdrifts". You all become snowflakes and dance to the music. I announce to you: "All snowflakes are combined into snowdrifts in twos!" And then you should gather two by two and join hands, i.e. become a jerk. You can combine snowflakes in threes, fours, etc. Those who do not have time to find a mate will be punished - completing the tasks of Santa Claus.

Father Frost:
These are the ones who must complete my task. Can you do it like this:
- stroke the head with the right hand, clap the stomach with the left hand;
- with the right hand we turn to the left side, with the left foot - to the right side.

Guys, to thank Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, let's write them a greeting card. I already have the content, only there are not enough adjectives. Suggest a few adjectives, I will write them in, and then we will read the card to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Children offer different words without knowing the text.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka!
All ... children are looking forward to the arrival ... of the holiday - the New Year! We ... will sing for you ... songs, dance ... dances. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, open your ... bag as soon as possible and give us ... gifts.
Respectfully yours...
boys and... girls from school 48.

Father Frost:
You sang songs and danced.
Santa Claus is happy with you!
But, friends, it's time to leave.
But you don't have to be too upset.
I'll be back in a year anyway!

Snow Maiden:
You collect rain and crackers,
Poems and songs, sonorous laughter.
And we for the year - gifts and toys,
Recall that there are enough for everyone.

We wish you health and joy,
So that life is without grief and worries!

Father Frost:
We wish you all Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:
May the New Year be happy!

- a set of ready-made colorfully designed tasks with which you can play an exciting holiday game at home - a team search for a hidden surprise or an original way to beat the presentation of a New Year's gift.

Give the kids an unforgettable New Year's adventure!

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and arrange them right before the start of the game in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • Home New Year's quest for children 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old includes a set of tasks, each of which hides in a certain place. The solution to each riddle points to the location where the next clue is hidden. Thus, a chain of tasks is obtained, which must be completed step by step in order to find the hidden surprise.
  • The kit provides a variety of universal places in an apartment or a private house where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • You can make any number of stages, and hide the clues in any order, which is very convenient for the organizer of the quest.
  • Ability to divide players into 2 teams.
  • The quest contains 10 types of interesting tasks colorfully decorated in the New Year theme based on word games and various types of ciphers with several keyword options.
  • The set is designed for children 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old.

With this kit you can:

  • conduct a quest for one child
  • conduct a quest for one team of children
  • play the game as a competition between two teams
  • hold a festive game for two teams without competition, with prizes for all players

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards. It is stable and cooks in just a few minutes (details included), in the middle is the first hint; postcard format - A4. When finished, it looks like this:

assignment assignments

Description of tasks

(in brackets are key places where you can hide clues and a surprise)

  1. New Year's room. A very exciting task, the highlight of this set: players will have to be observant, run around the house and be smart. It consists of several stages: first, you need to find 6 differences in the pictures, then find 6 cards with encrypted letters, and then decipher the letters and make a keyword out of them. Places of difference 1st option: wardrobe, rug, lamp, clock, hat, houseplant. Places of differences 2nd option: box, picture, shelf, pillow, package, bedside table. Encrypted word options: armchair, kettle, fruit, your option is a template for self-editing).
  2. New Year's puzzles (envelope, plate). An excellent task for the speed of thinking, interesting puzzles on the New Year theme.
  3. New Year's cipher (computer, TV). Colorful New Year's cipher. First, using the key, you need to decipher the letters, and then make a word out of them.
  4. New Year's clock (diary, mailbox). With the help of the hour cipher, players need to solve the encrypted riddle.
  5. Christmas tree (newspaper, pocket). Bright colorful task for composing words.
  6. New Year's Differences (sofa, wall). An entertaining task for observation, you need to find differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  7. extra item (table, chair, iron). Original fillword. The task of concentration and composure
  8. New Year's drawing (mug / cup, kitchen drawer). Difficult task of mindfulness. To read the hint phrase, you need to restore the sequence of drawings.
  9. Encrypted hint (washing machine, refrigerator / freezer). Fascinating unusual cipher.
  10. New Year's puzzle (balcony, battery, window sill, your option). An easy but fun task. To find out the next search location, players need to put together a puzzle.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for preparing and conducting a quest (including a team one) + a sign of key places and corresponding tips that is convenient for compiling a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(postcard and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Kit format: tasks and answers - 46 pages, instructions - 6 pages (pdf files), postcard to start the quest (jpg file)

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