Activities for the day of laughter for children. Scenario of an extra-curricular event using health-saving technologies "sport is a guarantee of health!"

April Fool's Evening at School "April Day"

The hall is prepared for the evening, decorated with colorful posters: “Sow a smile - reap laughter”, “Who knows how to have fun, fears grief”, “Laughter is an uncontrollable smile”, balloons and smiles.

Purpose of the holiday: create an emotional positive attitude of students, develop ingenuity and ingenuity, intellectual abilities; educate human values.

Equipment: microphone, music center, album, felt-tip pens, toy cars, threads, rope, balls, plates of flour, sweets, prizes.

Lead 1.

We got here today

For a holiday of fun, and songs, and jokes

I want all your hopes to come true

So that you are not bored for a minute.

Lead 2. Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to the evening dedicated to a kind, cheerful, unpredictable day - April 1 - April Fool's Day.

Lead 1. What kind of holiday is this - April Fool's Day?

Lead 2. Europeans and Americans call April 1 the April Fools' Day, in most CIS countries it is April Fool's Day, and in Australia April 1 is the Day of Cheerful Deception. There are also exception countries. For example, in Spain April Fool's Day is celebrated on December 28, while in India it is April Fool's Day on March 31. In Scotland, April Fool's Day lasts not one day, but two (April 1 and 2).

Lead 1. The brownie woke up. Our distant Slavic ancestors considered April 1 the day of awakening from hibernation ... brownie! And he slept exactly until the time when spring had already fully come into its own. Ancient people believed that it was on April 1 that spring finally came, and the keeper of the hearth had to wake up in order to put things in order in the house. Obviously, the brownie woke up in a bad mood and began to play pranks, and sometimes even hooligans. And our ancestor tried to appease the disgruntled brownie with festivities, jokes, and laughter. And it was customary to deceive each other in order to confuse the brownie. Over time, they forgot about the meeting of spring and the cajoling of the brownie on April 1, but the tradition of joking, playing and deceiving on this day remained.

Lead 2. Despite some differences in the celebration of April Fool's Day, all the peoples of the world on this day adhere to two main principles: it is customary to joke and play each other kindly and it is not customary to be offended by jokes. After all, according to legend, those who are offended on this day, the coming year promises failure! And finally, I would like to bring one of the most famous poetic creations about ... fools! This is a classic translation from English of a poem by Robert Burns, made by the children's poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

I shake hands with fools with both hands!

How much, in fact, we owe them:

After all, if there were no other fools,

Would we ourselves have to be fools?

So, our teams are opening today's fun holiday.

Command presentation. Presentation of the members of the jury.

Lead 1. And now we will perform the April Fool's anthem "The Island of Bad Luck", all teams participate.

Teams sing a song.

Lead 1. Well done! You conquered me with your singing so that I wanted to sing. This is a Russian, folk, simple, round dance "Lady". This part of the hall sings: “The spindles are not turned”, this part of the hall: “In the bath, the brooms are soaked,” and the jury: “But the bast is not dried.”

Lead 2. And now I want to invite you teams to the school of funny sciences (Call).

Presenter 1. Mathematics lesson. Each team is given an album sheet and felt-tip pens. Exercise. Using numbers from 1 to 10 draw a human.

Lead 2. Singing lesson. The task for the teams is to sing funny ditties.

The results of the performances of the teams by the jury members are summed up.

Lead 1. Well, the points are counted, you can move on. We are waiting for a not quite ordinary warm-up - a reading lesson - a test of our horizons. The teams will take turns guessing a kind of joke problem, and the team that first gives the correct answer earns one point. The results of this competition will be announced later by our jury.

    Why do lions eat raw meat? (can't cook).

    Why did the boy make a hole in the umbrella? (to see when the rain stops).

    Why do you comb your hair before bed? (to make a good impression on the pillow).

    What doesn't exist but has a name? (nothing).

    What do you become at 20? (20 year old man).

    Where does it all end? (e).

    Why is the mummy not talking on the phone? (tied hand and foot).

    What does a bee say when meeting a flower? (hello my sweet).

    Why do skeletons like milk? (it strengthens the bones).

Lead 2. Driving lesson. Now you will all see that the members of our teams are “cool drivers” of cars. As you can see, threads of exactly the same length are tied to the machines, you need to wind the thread around the pencil. The winner is the one who quickly winds the entire thread, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - the line.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Lead 1. The next competition "Get an Apple"
A bowl of water is placed in front of each contestant. The condition of the competition is to get a floating apple without the help of hands.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Lead 2. Competition "Relay"
(pot, spoon, glass of water)
Each team member uses a spoon to transfer water from the pot to the glass. Who is faster and who will have more water in the glass.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Lead 1. And in conclusion, let's work out the laws of the funny school.

Team performance.

For example,

Laugh often!
Doing homework for the kids or not doing it at all!

Have fun holidays!

Let the kids go for a walk!

Extend school holidays!

Play sports together with children to be healthy and beautiful!

Lead 1. Unfortunately, our evening has come to an end, but before thanking the teams and our wonderful spectators, I give the floor to the most objective and impartial jury in the world.

Summing up, awarding prizes.

Lead 2. Thanks to everyone who took part in our holiday, to our respected parents who found time and came to support the guys. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us and we will have a great many such events. Smiles, laughter and good mood! See you!

Contests with spectators.

    Walk the tightrope blindfolded without turning to the side - take the prize.

    Carry the ball between the backs of 2 participants.

    Make a proverb with 2 words:

fun hour


Crane Tit


ford water



    Competition "Get the candy"
    (bowl, flour, sweets)
    Flour is piled in a bowl. A candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out. If the nose, cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Not representatives of teams can take part in this competition, but everyone who wants to test their dexterity.


Humorous scene on a school theme.

(If desired, real school teachers can also be actors in it)

The bell rings. Teachers are seated in the classroom at their desks, like students. A student enters, pretending to be the teacher.

Student. Well, who's ready to answer?

Can! Can!

Student (surprised). Gym teacher?

Physical education teacher. No, I'll get out.

Student. Sit! So, as always, there are no volunteers. Then we will be answered... Geography teacher.

Geography teacher. And why immediately I!

Student. Well, Miklukha-Maclay, tell us where the Black Sea flows into. Don't suggest! Do not know? Ashamed! Third double in a row! Very bad.

Physical education teacher (holds out his hand). I want to go out!

Student. For what?

Physical education teacher. And I'm in your ear. (Whispers.)

Student. Are you skipping classes again? Gathered for fun starts? It won't work, Alexander Petrovich! We have math now. Mathematics is the queen of the fields.

Mathematic teacher. Not fields, but sciences.

Student. I know better! Answer, Lyudmila Pavlovna, what is the sum of the square legs?

Mathematic teacher. What kind of skates?

Student. Do not know? Maybe you have never heard of the square hypotenuse? Two, Lyudmila Pavlovna, two! Come tomorrow with your parents! And you, Valentin Nikolaevich, why are you shining, is everything in order with chemistry? Answer, at what temperature does a right angle boil? Do not know? Your trio ordered to live long! And you blew off the control one, and you feel bad with alkalis. So your card is beaten. For the second year!

Student. What are those extraneous sounds? Literature teacher chatting. But Irina Valentinovna will tell us in what year Pushkin wrote his bestseller Mumu.

Literature teacher. I forgot... I taught...

Student. And with what score did the Canadians defeat the Swedes near Poltava?

The assistant for educational work leafs through a fashion magazine.

STUDENT (grabs a magazine). Pushkin, probably reads. No, not Pushkin, “Burdu” is flipping through! Get up, Svetlana Yurievna! Dressed up like a disco! And she painted her lips! You have to be more modest! Diary!!!

Head teacher I forgot…

Student. Have you left your head at home? If you don't bring the diary tomorrow, I'll send it home right away!

Englishwoman. May I enter?

Student. Hello, Nina Alexandrovna, where have you been? Did you drink coffee again? To the blackboard. Reply.

Speaks English.

Student. Two, Nina Alexandrovna.

Englishwoman. Why? I learned everything.

Student. We now do not have English, but the MHC.

Student. No, my dears, that will not work. The end of the year is on the way. And you, slobs, lazybones, picked up deuces! So you never leave school!

April Fool's Day in elementary school. Scenario

Extracurricular event on the theme "April Fool's Day", grades 1-2

Entertainment program "Around laughter"

Litvinenko Olga Anatolyevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Tashlinskaya secondary school", Orenburg region, Tulgansky district, s. Tashla
Material Description: I offer you a summary of the event, which was held on April 1 with students in grades 1 and 2. This material can also be used with students in grades 3-6, and some games and competitions with preschool children. The material provided will be useful to primary school teachers, preschool teachers, counselors.
Subject. Around laughter.
Target: expand the range of emotions in children through understanding and experiencing a sense of joy; form positive feelings and emotions through a smile; learn to emotionally perceive the cheerful mood of people.
1. Reveal the creative and artistic abilities of students;
2. Develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.
3. Create a festive atmosphere.
4. Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.
5. Cultivate a sense of humor, the ability to have fun.
Conduct form: game entertainment program

Lesson progress

Please clap your hands together
We don't need loners
Laugh where you need to
And not just one either.
Don't cough, don't sneeze, don't sleep
Be good in everything!
Do not you mind? Great!
Our holiday can begin!

Greeting without words.

Let's greet everyone around without words with the help of facial expressions and gestures, while clearly following my commands:
- say hello with your eyes;
- say hello with little fingers;
- say hello with heels;
- greet with ears;
- greet with noses;
- greet cheeks;
- greet shoulders.
- Our holiday is called "Around Laughter".

April Fool's Day or "April 1 - I don't trust anyone"! Where did the custom of joking on this particular day come from? There are several versions about the history of the origin of April 1st, many attribute this tradition to Ancient Rome or Ancient India. According to the most common version, April Fool's Day originated in France in 1564 in connection with the transfer of the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1. Having not received traditional gifts that day, disappointed subjects began to consider April 1 a day of deceit.

In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. Everyone jokes on April Fools' Day. So be on your guard, and, of course, stock up on a set of fresh jokes and surprises yourself! In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as good for health as a kilogram of carrots.

But smiles and laughter have their own rules.
Rules for smiles and laughter:
1. Smiling will help you communicate.
2. Try to smile more often at friends, parents, teacher.
3. Laugh contagiously, but know where and how to laugh.
4. Learn to laugh at yourself.
5. Don't laugh at someone else's grief or handicap.
- I wish you a good mood!

And to warm up, we will play the game “Birds Have Arrived”. I will say the phrase "The birds have arrived", and then call them, And when I call the birds, you will have to flap your arms like wings. And when I call non-birds, you don't raise your hands. And we will try to deceive you and will raise our hands when necessary and when not necessary. Be careful! Shall we try?
Birds flew in: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, crows, gulls, pasta ... Yeah, someone's pasta has already flown!
Let's try again, be careful!
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, crows, swifts, magpies, hedgehogs ... Now the hedgehogs have flown!

We play again.
Crows, jackdaws, swallows, sticks.

Last time for the most inattentive.
Birds flew in: pigeons, tits, nightingales, rooks, starlings, bricks.
- Well, well done! Let's slap ourselves.
The game "Yasha and Masha" or "Blind Blind Man's Buff".
The players form a large circle in which two blindfolded students stand. They take turns looking for each other. First, one of them turns around several times and says: “Masha, where are you?” and looking for Masha. Another student responds: "I'm here, Yasha" and quickly runs away. After one child catches the other, they switch roles. Then, without removing the bandages from their eyes, they choose other players, identifying them by touch. If the children are unfamiliar, then you can ask leading questions.
The game "Who is the most attentive?"
Students form a large circle inside which is the prize. It will go to the one who will be the most attentive.
I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Get your prize now!
Dreaming boy declared
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: "One, two, march!"
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, two, but better ... five.
Newly train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you did not take the prize,
When it was possible to take.

Game: "CHUR, NOT ME!"
I invite you to play
Pass the ball around.
You, buddy, don't yawn
Give the ball back quickly!
Children stand in a circle, passing a balloon to each other to the music. When the music stops, the child who has the ball at that moment is out. The one who stays in the game the longest wins. The transmission rules change - turn around, crouch, jump, bend over, etc.
- Well done! I see you are a little tired. Now we will do a little warm-up.
- Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your left hand up, wave, shake it. Then raise your right hand up without lowering your left. Wave with both hands, make a noise like birch trees: “Shhh!” Spread your arms to the sides, buzz like airplanes: “Whhhh!” Wave your hands like birds and shout: “ Kshi-kshi-kshi!“ I congratulate you! You all graduated from scarecrow school!”
Game "Me too"
- I will read a poem. When I pause, you will say "me too" in unison. Just so that the sentence makes sense.

I wake up on a call (and I)
I've been lying on my side for a long time...
Falling down, I get up...
I'll make my bed...
I put the kettle on the stove...
I'll quickly sweep the floor...
Cheerfully doing exercises ...
Under the table I dance squatting ...
I hear the tea is already boiling...
The lid jumps, rumbles ...
I turn off the gas...
I pour a cup of tea...
I sprinkle sugar, two or three spoons ...
I add two potatoes...
I want it to be delicious...
I'll smear the sandwich with soap...
I'll get my notebooks...
I'll play with the cat in strands ...
I repeat the poem...
I'll smear the shoes with jam ...
I run fast to school...
I take a moment...
I saw a fight along the way...
The black cat bit the dog...
The cat barked and then
Wagged his tail...
I was walking past the store...
I see the elephant is in the basket...
Walked past the garden...
Look, there's a crocodile on the tree...
I run to my class
An hour late...

Guys, now I invite everyone to stand up. We all stand in a circle, put our hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Imagine that we are at a carnival in Brazil. Now we will go to the music, dancing in a circle, without giving up. I say: “My elbows are good, but my neighbor is better” - and you immediately take your neighbor by the elbows and continue dancing like that. Shall we try? Hands on shoulders! Music!
- My elbows are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My ears are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My waist is good, but my neighbor is better!
- My knees are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My shoulders are good, but my neighbor is better!

The game "What is suitable at school?"
Do we take dolls with us in the morning to school day after day? (No)
At the lesson, as if of old, does the primer teach all children? (Yes)
The desk is a wonderful bed! Don't forget to sleep on it! (No)
In the lesson - do not rush, write even letters! (Yes)
At school, you should not study, but have fun all the time! (No)
Mom will only praise you if she suddenly sees a “deuce” (no)
Scold you again if he suddenly sees "five" (no)
At the lesson, you need to listen and secretly eat candy. (No)
Open your ears wide, and don't talk to your girlfriend. (Yes)
If you know, don't yawn, raise your hand quickly. (Yes)

Joking questions.
1. How many wings does a flea have? (No)
2. Three ostriches flew, the hunter killed one, how many are left? (Ostriches don't fly).
3.What is it? You take from it, and it becomes more? (Pit).
4. Which hand is better to mix sugar in a glass of tea? (Spoon).
5. My grandmother lived with her grandson Fedor, the dog Sharik, the cat Vaska. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (one).
6. Running up to one of the guys to ask: “Winnie the Pooh is a pig or a boar?” And quickly demand an answer so that he does not have time to figure out that this is just a harmless bear cub.
7. It is recommended to repeat the following questions 3 times, and then you will get the desired result:
- What comes from the sky in winter? (3 p.)
- What color is the snow? (3 p.)
- What does the cow drink? (3 p.)
If you did everything correctly and did not take long pauses, then all the guests, regardless of their scientific degrees and titles, will answer in unison: “Milk”.
- Pronounce the well-known phrase from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “An old man lived with his old woman near the blue sea” in different ways:
- in a whisper;
- like a robot;
- Like a little child;
- very loud;
- in a singsong voice;
- So slow;
- very fast;
- as if you were terribly cold;
How would an alien pronounce it?
- as if your mouth is full of porridge;
- as if you are suffocating from stuffiness.

Great cook.
The volunteer is given two spoons (or forks) and is blindfolded. The host offers to "identify" different objects by touch with the help of spoons. You can offer products (potatoes, carrots, onions, pears, etc.), or you can give a more difficult task - to identify such inedible items as a cassette, book, coin, soft toy, etc.
Mrs Mable.
Teenagers especially like this game, because it brings a lot of laughter and fun.
10-15 people sit in a circle. One begins the game with the following question addressed to the neighbor on the right: "Is Mrs. Mable at home?" He should answer: "I don't know, I'll ask my neighbor." And he asks his neighbor the same question, to which he receives the same answer. Participants get all the pleasure from how the words are pronounced. They must be spoken without showing teeth, i.e. biting his lips.
Game "Questions and Answers"
Questions and answers are written each on a separate card. All of them are turned over and folded into 2 piles. In one - questions, in the other - answers. Next, each participant is given the opportunity to choose one card with a question and one with an answer. When everyone pulled out 2 cards, each in turn begins to read out his question first, and then the answer to it. It turns out funny.
Do you often have to crow?
Do you often pick your nose?
Does your pen break when you write for a long time?
Do you comb your hair every day?
Do you have to wash dishes?
Do you break plates every day?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you cheat from your neighbor's desk?
How often do you climb a neighbor's raspberries?
Do you make your bed every day?
Do you like to eat sweets?
Do you lick your plate after eating?
Do you stumble on your way to school?
How often do you wash?
Do you trim your toenails in public?
Do you sometimes sleep in class?
Do you often dream of hippos?
Do you like to sleep after dinner?
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Do you like cracking seeds?
Do you wear holey socks?
How often do you skip classes?
Would you go through the forest at night?
Do you step on your shoelaces?
Yes, and my dog ​​too!
You don't get it, I love it so much.
Of course, this is the most fun thing to do.
I don't know, but others say yes.
No, it still doesn't make sense.
Yes, but our cat has tantrums from it.
Just not here.
Why not? With great pleasure!
Yes, the neighbors will not stand it soon.
If I'm strongly asked to.
Yes, when you need to look smart.
I can for hours, especially in the dark.
Yes, not to wash the dishes.
Only when the weather is bad.
Hardly on an empty stomach.
Only on holidays.
Only at night.
Yes, if there is something to eat.
Only if no one sees.
Yes, it causes a brutal appetite.
Yes, they even wrote about it in the newspaper.
On Saturdays, this is a must for me.
Yes, my doctor prescribed it.
Not always, but often.

Summing up the game.
- What is the meaning of laughter, smile?
-Do you know that laughter and smiling also affect human health?
-How do you think, how? (A person becomes cheerful, energetic, there is even such an expression: “Laughter prolongs life”)
Some facts about laughter.
1. Relieves depression.
2. Rejuvenates the skin.
3. Heals the cardiovascular system.
4. Reduces pain.
5. Trains the respiratory system.
6. Improves the figure.
Laughter is both aerobics for muscles and a good massage for internal organs. While you are laughing with pleasure, 80 muscle groups are included in the work!
7. Settling relationships.
From the point of view of psychologists, laughter is a group psychotherapy: it unites people, helps to quickly engage in a conversation, and relieves negative emotions.
8. Characterizes people.

Be cheerful to be happier
The one you make friends with.
So that everyone in life has enough
Great human kindness.

Happy holiday! Happy April, 1!
Let's laugh
Good luck smile
We carry out failures
No sadness and no tears.
Happy April holiday.
Let the world get bogged down in laughter
And the world will become kinder
For a long time and seriously.

Laughter prolongs our lives.
If you want to live long
More often "die" of laughter!

In conclusion, let's sing the song "Smile"

Used materials and literature:
1. Mishchenkova L. V. 25 developmental lessons with third-graders. A popular guide for parents and teachers. / Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.
2. Pashnina V. M. Rest on the "excellent"! Holidays and entertainment in the summer camp. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development; Vladimir: VKT, 2008. - 176 p.: ill. - (After lessons).
3. Exercises for the program for the formation of tolerant relationships among junior schoolchildren "/ Journal" Open Lesson. Methods. Scenarios. Examples". - 2010. - No. 10. - With. 66.
4. Hours of fun activities // Ed. - comp. L. I. Zhuk. - Mn.: Ed. OOO "Krasiko-Print", 2000. - 128 p. - (Holiday at school.)

Extra-curricular activities take place in the form of a game.

Goals: to develop creative abilities; cultivate a sense of humor, the ability to have fun; help children in the organization of leisure.

Progress of an extracurricular activity

I. Holding contests.

1st presenter. About what laughter is and what it does to a person, it was known back in the days of King Solomon. “A merry heart is beneficial, like a medicine, but a despondent spirit dries up the bones,” the great ruler of antiquity wrote in his Book of Wisdom.

2nd host. Modern doctors say that smiling increases hemoglobin in the blood, lowers blood pressure. One smile prolongs life by five minutes. Smiled! Amazing! After all, even Princess Nesmeyana, as you remember, eventually smiled.

3rd host. In order for a kind, friendly smile, as well as a cheerful, cheerful laugh, to accompany us always and everywhere, we must learn to enjoy life. And it turns out that you can see the funny even in what seemed sad. How good life is for someone who knows how to laugh at himself! Such a person is an unsuitable target for jokes.

1st presenter. The one who is deprived of a sense of humor is touchy and vulnerable. He may take a harmless joke as an insult. But I'm sure there are none among us!


Two years in each class

Sitting reluctantly

And almost from under the stick

We received knowledge.

But they accumulated a lot

All sorts of wisdom:

How to write off everything on the control

Without much difficulty.

We reject cheat sheets:

They do need to be written.

Much easier with a neighbor

Write everything down to the letter!

We would have a good life

But there is one goryushko.

The guys tell us:

"Uncle, get the sparrow!"

Until the morning we are ready to sing to you -

To not learn lessons.

How lazy are we!

How to kill time?

2nd host. The guys from our class returned from England. They communicated there only with gentlemen and so breathed in the air of foggy Albion that a slight dizziness does not leave them. I hope today we learn something about the manners of high society.

A scene plays out.

Sir Henry, your tongue says one thing, but your eyes say another!

It may very well be: I have my father's eyes, and my mother's tongue.

How do you run, sir?

With obstacles.

Do you take them, sir?

I don't take them. Why are they to me? I rest on them.

What's the difference between stage and life, sir?

In the theater, the action begins after the curtain is opened. In life, it's the other way around. It all starts right after it's closed.

Destiny makes relatives, sir. We choose our friends. Where do enemies come from?

Everything is simple! These are our former relatives and friends.

II. Game program.

3rd leader. And now let's play a very interesting, and most importantly, very fun topsy-turvy game. To do this, we first need to split into two teams.

Today we will do everything with you the other way around, or just topsy-turvy. We will joke, fantasize, add up fables and clumsy things, compose absurdities.

Two representatives from the teams take part in the first competition. They are invited to choose one of the pre-suspended letters, for example "P" ("trick"). Participants are offered a drawing, the image on it is not the same as usual. It can be a shadow from a drawing, an image from above, half of a drawing, etc. The task of the contestants is to find out what is drawn here.

The letter "3" - "zigzag". The task change is to read the tongue twister not only as it is written, but vice versa.

Tasia and the dachshund were looking for a taxi.

Praise halva, praise halva.

Praise praise, praise praise.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

The letter "I" - "game". One player per team participates. The facilitator asks questions to the players. They respond, but they follow two rules. The question must be answered with the words "yes" or "no", accompanying the answer with a movement of the head, but in the way that the Bulgarians do: on the contrary.

Questions for participants:

Do you often read while eating?

Do you like looking at people?

Do you love to dance?

Do you keep a diary?

Do you love to sleep?

Do you love silence?

Have you had breakfast today?

How much time do you spend on your appearance?

Do you like to scare?

Game with the audience: "On the contrary."

The guys must throw the ball and at the same time say the word; the one who catches the ball must answer the antonym. For example:

thick - thin;

small big;

young - old;

start - end;

wide narrow;

slow - fast;

empty - full;

left - right;

blue; green;

true False;

soft - hard;


bold - cowardly;

early late.

The winners are awarded incentive prizes (you can sweets). After playing with the audience, the host invites the teams to continue the game and invites one player to the stage.

It is proposed to choose the following letter: "X" - "Hochma". The children are given the task: to introduce a person who ...

1) tight shoes;

2) who has back pain;

3) who had a hearty lunch;

4) who is chastised by the authorities.

A song contest is held with the fans: one part is offered the song “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass” - it needs to be croaked; the other is to mumble.

The letter "B" - "blitz". The whole team participates in this competition. Each is asked several questions; The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Questions for the first team:

This person rode without a ticket on the bus (hare).

Repeated other people's words (parrot).

Constantly grimaces (monkey).

Stepped on the foot (bear).

Questions for the second team:

Slept a lot (sleepy).

Ate a lot of food (glutton).

Hit the ball past the goal (muff).

Eats a lot of sweets (sweet tooth).

The next competition is associated with the letter "F" - "fantasy". It involves two people from the team. This competition is called "Figli-migli" - these are tricks, jokes, antics.

The participants of one team are given the task: to act as conductors and show how they will conduct the orchestra when performing:

An old slow waltz;

military march;

Russian folk song.

The competition is performed using a musical phonogram.

Task for the participants of the second team: if you can learn so much about a person from handwriting, what can we say about gait? It is proposed to depict a gait: businesslike, flying, bearish, beautiful, sweeping; the audience must guess what kind of gait the participant is depicting.

The letter "H" - "on the contrary." The whole team participates in this competition. The host takes out a poster on which the word "hut" is written. It is easy to read both left to right and right to left. The task of the teams is to come up with other words that read "back and forth": order, stomp, flood, madam, argument, Cossack ...

While the teams are thinking, the leader plays with the audience: he shows some kind of movement, and the guys do it the other way around.

The last competition is associated with the letter "G" - "puzzle". 2 people per team participate. Each team is given a task. For example:

What word is encrypted in this table?

Task for the other team: 5 nesting dolls are given, on which letters are written. You need to find out which word is encrypted (for example, if you put nesting dolls in height, you get the word "spring").

All competitions are accompanied by music.

After each competition, the results are summed up, and the teams are awarded points.

III. Final part.

The jury sums up the overall result of the game and awards the winners.

End class with a song.

If you frown and leave the house,

If you are not happy with a sunny day, -

Let him smile at you like his friend,

You are not at all familiar with the oncoming boy.

And a smile, no doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes;

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore!

Scenario of the competitive program for April Fool's Day in elementary school.

Day of laughter in 2nd grade. Scenario

Goals: talk about the holiday on April 1, develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, form the ethics of behavior, a sense of tact and the appropriateness of jokes and laughter.

Equipment: envelopes with words, G. Oster's book "Bad Advice".

Progress of an extracurricular activity

Introductory speech of the teacher

Where does this custom come from?

(Children's guesses are heard.)

This tradition came from the ancient folk festival of the meeting of spring. On this day, people buried an effigy depicting the evil spirit of winter. And so that he did not know who was to blame for his death, all the participants put on masks, deceived the spirit. Since then, the custom has gone to deceive April 1. This day has become a day of humor, laughter, fun. On this day they say: "The first of April - I do not trust anyone." April Fools' jokes have been known in Russia since the time of Peter the Great, when peasants and boyars made fun of each other.

This day is celebrated not only in Russia. In England, it is customary on this day to send each other comic parcels, for example: a net to catch, and a rope to tie the wind. In France, it is customary to discreetly attach a paper fish to someone's clothes, which means to be fooled on this day.

In Australia, this day begins with loud laughter. Early in the morning, a tape with a call of a kukumarra bird is played on the radio. This is very similar to unbridled laughter.

Today we will laugh and joke.

The history of the origin of the holiday

Some of the origins of the holiday are attributed to Ancient Rome, where on February 17, and not at all on April 1, they celebrated the feast of the stupid (Festum Stultarum). Other origins of the holiday are associated with Ancient India, where on March 31 they celebrated the Day of jokes and undertakings. There is a version according to which the origin of the tradition is attributed to the ancient Irish. They made fun of each other on April 1, thus marking the beginning of the New Year. Some people blame the origin of this tradition on the Neapolitan king of Monterey. On the occasion of the termination of the earthquake, he was presented with a fish. A year later, the ruler demanded exactly the same. But the fish was not found, and the cook prepared another one, very reminiscent of the previous one. Despite the fact that the king recognized the substitution, he was not angry and even amused. Since then, April Fools' pranks have become a custom.

The following version is generally accepted in the West. Its author is Ezeri Andrews, Professor of Medieval History at George Washington University. He argues that the tradition of celebrating the Day of Fools originated in France and its emergence was preceded by the following events. In 1582, Pope Gregory XII ordered that the old Julian calendar be replaced with the new Gregorian. According to the new calendar, the New Year is celebrated on January 1 instead of April 1. Some European countries resisted this change and only a century later switched to a new calendar. But in France, King Charles XI, obeying the Pope, by his decree moved the celebration of the New Year from April 1 to January 1. Some of the French did not like this, and they stubbornly refused to carry out the will of the king. Others, and they were in the majority, began to call these "traditionalists" April Fools and play pranks on them, deceiving them or sending them on "stupid" errands. And so April Fools' Day was born.

Europe has picked up this custom. Later, together with immigrants from England, Scotland and France, he migrated to America. At the same time, the settlers from Scotland liked this day of fun so much that they “stretched” it for 48 hours. Their most popular joke was pinning a piece of paper on someone's back with the inscription: "Kick me!"

World Laughter Day, or humor, has become relatively recent. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, most countries did not have a tradition to celebrate April 1st. Although this day did not become a red day of the calendar, it is now celebrated annually around the world. Moreover, the traditions of holding the Day of Humor have not changed much since those times.

So, for example, in England from midnight to noon, everyone had the right to deceive or play a trick on their friends. Anyone who fell for the bait was nicknamed the April Fool. The most famous hoax took place in London in 1860. Several hundred English gentlemen, with their prim English ladies, received invitations "to the annual solemn ceremony of washing the white lions, which will be held in the Tower at 11 o'clock in the morning on April 1st." At the appointed hour, crowds of invitees, their acquaintances and simply curious people laid siege to the gates of the Tower, and only after a long time, having not seen the promise, everyone realized that they had been played. Since then, April has been known in London as All Fools' Day.

In Germany and Austria, April 1 was considered an unlucky day. A person born on this day, as if unlucky in life. According to legend, Judas, the traitor, was born on this day, and it was on April 1 that Satan was overthrown from heaven. In the villages on April 1, they did not work, did not start new businesses, did not let the cattle out of the stalls. Adults and children deceived each other, sending them to perform impossible tasks.

Similar traditions exist in Finland. Despite the fact that this holiday came from other countries and was mainly celebrated by city dwellers, it was strongly influenced by village traditions. According to old customs, during the harvest, threshing or slaughter of livestock, so that children do not interfere with adults, it was customary to give them comic instructions, for example, go to neighbors for the necessary tools: glass scissors, a chaff plow or a goniometer for a dunghill. Neighbors, in turn, “remembered” that they had already given this instrument to others, and the child went to the next yard, etc.

When and by whom the holiday was brought to Russia, it is not known exactly. It was believed that on this day the brownie wakes up, and therefore everyone can be deceived. They say that Peter I was very fond of April Fools' jokes. He himself made fun of others and did not take offense when they made fun of him.

In the works of many writers and poets of the late 17th century, lines appeared about April Fools' jokes. For example, Pushkin wrote:

“Eyebrows king frown.

Said yesterday:

"The storm came down

Monument to Peter.

He got scared:

"I did not know. Really?

The king laughed.

"First, brother, April..."

And now in Russia they love this holiday very much. On the first of April, funny jokes and deceptions are appropriate. When you manage to play a trick on a person so that he does not understand that this is a joke, then April Fool's Day was a success. Odessa is considered to be the capital of humor and laughter. There, since the times of the Soviet Union, Humorina has been celebrated annually on April 1.

Without laughter, there is simply no life for us.

We need it everywhere and always.

And from jokes - it's not a secret at all -

Your performance will also increase.

How could you understand from this

A joke will brighten up every conversation.

And to lift your spirits.

Calling for help-

Joking folklore.

Children say

(Comic dialogues are performed by a group of guys of two people

in every dialogue.)

Olga, how old are you?

A little four...

Why a little?

Three years was a long time for me, but four was only a little.

To end.

Well, count these cubes...

One, one, one, one. All!

Seryozha, why is there a bump on your forehead?

It's not a bump! There are cones on the Christmas tree! It's a bicycle callus! I fell off my bike yesterday.

Nadezhda Ivanovna, please read us a Russian folk tale.

And what, for example?

Well, about Little Red Riding Hood.

This fairy tale was written by the French writer Charles Perrault.

And if this is a French fairy tale, then why is there a Russian folk wolf in it?

Children's stories

Well, did you laugh? What funny stories do you know? (Children tell their funny stories.)


Dirty Pasha looks proudly

On the guys by right:

Simply Pasha is a master of sports

By jumping into a ditch.

Nikita forgets everything.

Even put on shoes.

Nikita's mouth opens -

Forgets to close.

Cool humor in the poem by I. Shevchuk "Who collected the portfolio."

(The scene "Teacher and student" is played.)

Sinitsyn, did you prepare a lesson?

And how, everything is in order.

Then show me the notebook.

Am I getting a ball?

Sinitsyn, what are these things?

You're on to something, my friend.

Excuse me, one minute.

Am I getting a sock?!

Diary on the desk, Sinitsyn.

And stop pulling the rope!

I'm getting the needles!

Well, who collected my briefcase?

Bad advice

Now listen to "Bad Advice" by Grigory Oster. (Some humorous advice from the book is read.)

Cheerful physical education

The teacher asks the children to do some physical exercises and at the end of the physical education session asks them to raise their hands up.

How long can you keep them up? Well, let's say until I walk around the classroom 3 times back and forth. Can you? (Of course we can.)

The teacher walks through the classroom once, then a second time, and then stops and says:

And the third time I will go tomorrow, today I don’t feel like walking anymore. And you hold, hold hands, since you promised.

creative group work

Now let's try to compose funny fairy tales ourselves. Each group is given an envelope containing the words. Your task is to use these words to compose a fun fairy tale story.

(Examples of words for envelopes: 1) grandmother, grandfather, cabbage, cat, dog, goat.

2) Ryaba chicken, mouse, fox-sister, grandmother, grandfather, bun.)


"Morning in the chicken coop"

On the floor in one place are several small items, children's toys and boiled eggs. Blindfolded children collect eggs in a basket. The one who collects the most wins.


Name the correct saying, proverb, replacing each word with the opposite in meaning.

Ivan is terrible, short bangs.

Clever legs cause anxiety to the head.

The miserable see time.

You can resist one wolf, you will catch them all.

Idleness loves a loafer.

Idleness hour, sad time.

"Know the number"

Two people are invited to the competition. They will have numbers on their backs. The task is to see as quickly as possible what is written on the opponent's back.

(A game is being played. You can offer another version of the game. Several participants play, each has a number attached to their backs (the participants do not know their numbers), the sum of all numbers is ten. The task is to look at the numbers on the opponents' backs and calculate your number as soon as possible: who first?)

If you want to live longer, "die" of laughter more often!

Comic competition for ingenuity. funny quiz

So, I invite everyone to participate in a comic competition for quick wits. Ready?

♦ Why does a hen lay eggs? (If she threw them, they would break.)

♦ Why do lions eat raw meat? (They don't know how to cook.)

♦ Without which bread can not be baked? (Without crust.)

♦ What will a crow do after living for three years? (A fourth will live.)

♦ In what year do people eat more than usual? (In a leap year.)

♦ What is warmer than a fur coat? (Two coats.)

♦ How can water be carried in a sieve? (Freeze.)

♦ When is a person a fish and when a river? (Karp and Nil.)

♦ When does anything happen in an empty pocket? (When there is a hole in it.)

♦ When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)

♦ When is the forest a snack? (When it's cheese.)

♦ When is a boy called by a woman's name? (When he sleeps for a long time - Sonya.)

♦ Whose head is expensive? (At a cow: head and horns.)

♦ How to pluck a branch without frightening a bird? (Wait for the bird to fly away.)

♦ What does half an orange most look like? (On the other half.)

♦ What tree does a crow land on during heavy rain?

(To wet.)

♦ In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat.)

♦ How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One thing. After the first one, it’s no longer on an empty stomach.)

♦ What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin.)

♦ What does a duck swim on? (On water.)

♦ What does the watchman do when he has a sparrow on his hat? (Asleep)

♦ What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry.)

♦ There are teeth, but no mouth. What it is? (Saw.)

♦ What shoes are made in the fire and are not removed from the feet? (Horseshoe.)

♦ What freezes in the room in winter, but not on the street? (Window glass.)

♦ When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)

♦ There are two sheep - one head to the north, the other to the south. Can they see each other without turning their heads? (They stand head to head.)

♦ What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)

♦ My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (I myself.)

♦ Who speaks all languages? (Echo.)

♦ What is between the mountain and the valley? (Letter "and".)

♦ From which bird do you need to pluck feathers to get morning, afternoon, evening and night at once? (Day.)

♦ Who wore the biggest hat in the Middle Ages? (The one with the biggest head.)

♦ How many letters are there in the alphabet? (In the word "alphabet" - b letters.)

♦ Arithmetic mean between bicycle and motorcycle? (Moped.)

♦ What is under a person's feet when he walks across the bridge? (Shoe sole.)

♦ What is the first thing you do in the morning? (Wake up.)

♦ What kind of belt can not be girdled? (Earthly.)

♦ In what cage can birds and animals not be kept? (In the chest.)

♦ What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor.)

♦ What has no width, depth, height, length, but can be measured? (Temperature.)

♦ What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (Get older.)

♦ What could be bigger than an elephant and weightless at the same time? (Shadow of an elephant.)

♦ What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far? (Fluff.)

♦ What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons.)

♦ What happens once a second, once a month, once a century, once a day, Twice a week, but not once a year? (Letter "e".)

♦ A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. This? (Letter "o".)

♦ A woman went to Moscow, three old men met her, each old man had a sack, and in each sack a cat. How many of them went to Moscow? (One woman.)

(You can prepare comic medals for the most savvy.)

Fun game "Confusion"

Do you like to play? Then now I will play Confusion with you. I will confuse you, and you must answer correctly. Agreed?

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Weaving, of course, only ...

Bolts, screws, gears

Find it in your pocket...

Skates on ice drew arrows -

Played hockey this morning...

Chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

In front of everyone, measure strength.

Of course they just love...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

All as one, they...

Silk, lace and fingers in rings -

Going out for a walk...


What is the name of this holiday?

Additional material for the teacher

A. Shibaev's story “What did the letters come up with?”

Letters are such inventions; what they came up with: they become so that the word is read the same way from left to right and from right to left! So they get shifters: bean, tramp, hut. Further - more: now the letters wanted to make whole sentences. They saw that Olesya’s grandmother was baking a pie, and joked: “Burn, pie!” Olesya read (at first - as expected, then vice versa) and laughed, the letters were just waiting for that: “Olesya is having fun!”


1st. Proshka, let's play?

2nd. Let's play. But as?

1st. I report something, and you say: "Me too." I will go to the forest.

1st. I'll pick herbs.

1st. I'll take it to the goat.

1st. She will eat.

The teacher reads a poem by the English poet Spine Milligan and invites the children to finish the words that are suitable in rhyme and meaning.

Egg rhymes with... (face)

And this is no accident:

They have a lot in common

For example... (roundness).

And if the chicken is proud

shining egg,

She takes off on the porch

With a beaming face.

Compote and ... (cat) rhyme.

And this is no coincidence:

Hidden in compote dried fruit,

Secrets are hidden in cats.

Hee hee hee and ha ha ha -

These are laughter sounds.

Eliminates nonsense

From depression and boredom.

Let the fun go!

Let the laughter roar!

He laughs well

Who always laughs.

If you just laugh

Then miracles will come -

From smiles will clear up

Both eyes and heaven.

Come on, adults and children,

Smile quickly

To become on the planet

Lighter and warmer.


Smile, smile, smile from ear to ear

Such a smile, even if the ties are sewn on,

Smile from ear to ear, smile from ear to ear

At least sew on the ties.

Laughter is with us!

We live the best

Because with us - laughter!

We will never part with him.

Wherever we are, we laugh!

Let's look out the window in the morning

The rain is pouring, but we are laughing.

If the path to school lies -

Laughter runs around us.

If we go on a hike -

Laughter is not far behind us!

With us he is in any game,

At home, at school, in the yard,

On the river, in the forest and in the field,

At the rink and at football.

Everywhere with us our friend

Laughter is a joke! Laughter is a laugh!

Young, perky laughter!

Is it not a sin to laugh?


27.03.2017 | We looked at the script 2309 Human

We live the best
Because with us - Laughter!
We never part with him.
Wherever we are, we laugh!
If the path to school lies -
Laughter runs next to us.
Our friend is with us everywhere.
Laughter-Smesinka! Laughter-Laughter!
Young, perky...

April 1-Day of laughter and fun!

27.03.2017 | We looked at the script 3489 Human

Hello dear girls and boys! Today you will not be bored. April is the month of jokes, humor, laughter and good mood! Today April 1st is April Fool's Day! We will joke, laugh and play unusual funny games!

We are a holiday...

Holiday April Fool's Day in the classroom. Scenario

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 5405 Human

Who knows what holiday April 1st is? (This is a celebration of laughter.)
Where does this custom come from?
(Children's guesses are heard.)
- This tradition came from the ancient folk festival of the meeting of spring. On this day, people buried an effigy depicting an evil...

Day of laughter at school. Scenario

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 5003 human

Preparation for the holiday. To decorate the premises, absolutely everything that is used for this on other holidays is used. A prerequisite for all paraphernalia is one thing: humor, a joke, a prank.
“If you like to make fun, then you are ...

Scenario of an extracurricular event for April Fool's Day "Cool jokes about school tricks"

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 5490 Human

It is assumed that all classes of the parallel (three teams) will participate in this humor. The main difficulty in such competitions is the search for humorous miniatures to perform on stage. It is in these miniatures that children can express themselves in familiar...

Scenario for April Fool's Day on April 1 for grades 10-11

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 3401 Human

Leading. Welcome, friends, to our festive humor!
Leading. Today, the best comedians of our school from the eleventh grade will perform in front of you.
Leading. You could call it a showcase.
Leading. There's no jury in the hall, we don't...

Concert and game program "No jokes - nowhere!", dedicated to April 1

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 5659 Human

Cheerful music sounds, balloons are hung on the stage, funny faces of children painted, flowers. Leaders come out.
1st leader.
Hello kids:
Girls and boys!
Everyone without exception
We invite you to the show!
2nd leader.
Today is an unusual...

The script for April 1 at the school "Smile to everyone"

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 2850 Human

Funny 1. Without laughter, there is simply no life for us. We need it everywhere and always.
Joker 2. To cheer up, we call for help ...
Together. Funny folklore!
Joker 1. So he came ... Day of jokes and fun - the first of April.
Joker 2. Smiling...

A game for schoolchildren dedicated to April 1 - April Fool's Day. Theme: Topsy-turvy

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 3377 Human

1st leader. About what laughter is and what it does to a person, it was known back in the days of King Solomon. “A merry heart is beneficial, like a medicine, but a despondent spirit dries up the bones,” the great ruler of antiquity wrote in his Book of Wisdom.

A fun quiz for schoolchildren with answers for April Fool's Day on April 1

10.03.2015 | We looked at the script 2522 human

Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway)
Which river is the most predatory? (River Tigris)
Which month is the shortest? (May (three letters))
Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins)
Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
What do...