Congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in verse and prose. Congratulations to veterans on Victory Day

Every year, that victorious ringing May goes further and further away from us! But for our veterans, everything seems to have happened yesterday ... It would seem that recently they were hugging with their front-line friends, celebrating the long-awaited, such a hard-won Victory! They promised to meet and not lose sight of each other.

More than 70 years have passed since that memorable day for our entire Motherland. There are fewer and fewer front-line friends every year. And we, their families and friends, so want to give our heroes real holiday, to thank for heroism, so that they, our dear veterans, know that we appreciate them, we are proud of their feat and we will never forget what they did for us!

Congratulations to veterans. Where to begin?

Many organizations are engaged in congratulating veterans on Victory Day. These are kindergartens, schools, and regional structures. But how you want to congratulate the heroes not with a standard speech, but sincerely and in an original way. So that the event does not turn out to be official, but becomes a real holiday, you need to prepare for it in advance. And what to choose - congratulations to veterans in prose or poetry?

In advance, you need to determine in what format the event is planned and what congratulations will be for veterans on Victory Day. A literary evening, a mini-performance, an evening of memory ... There are a lot of options, and which one to choose is up to the organizers. It would be nice to know exactly which veterans will come, to prepare separate congratulations for soldiers, pilots and intelligence officers, women and veterans, children who went through the war. After all, paying attention to each of them is only a small fraction of the gratitude that we can express.

Congratulations in prose

For some reason, it is generally accepted that congratulations to veterans in prose are not as touching and sincere as in poetry. In fact, it all depends on how much emotion is invested in speech. Sometimes short text much stronger than a long poem. It all depends on the talent and skill of the author.

You can write congratulations to veterans in prose yourself, find them on the Internet, or correct existing ones. For example, on Victory Day, you can congratulate veterans like this:

  • Dear Veterans, our grandparents! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to congratulate you on Victory Day! This date entered our hearts as a symbol of the infinite courage and unparalleled heroism of the people who defended our Motherland and gave peace to the whole earth! There is no family that was not touched by the war. We remember our compatriots who did not return from the battlefields. We will not forget the feat of the workers who brought Victory closer in the rear! We are grateful to you, who spared no life for us, your descendants!

Happy Victory Day, dear veterans! We wish you health, prosperity and a peaceful sky!

Congratulations in verse

Poetic congratulations to veterans are the most popular. They subtly convey the horror of war, touching and melodic.

The lines fit well with the music, thanks to this you can make non-standard congratulations- a song. If it is not possible to write a poem on your own, you can find a sample on the Internet and rewrite it to your taste. We must not forget that the main thing in congratulations is sincerity and warmth.

We remember the living and the fallen soldiers,

Those young and fearless guys

Those who go to war without sparing themselves,

They fought for peace and the Fatherland then.

Melts every year

Witnesses of terrible events,

And let whatever they say around

For us you are liberators!

Though time is fleeting,

And the years fly by

Your feat is endless for us.

And we always appreciate it.

Everything for the front!

No less than the soldiers brought the day of victory closer and the workers of the rear. Days and nights spent at the machines, terrible fatigue, sleep right at the workplace, so as not to waste time and effort ... All this had to be endured by our rear servicemen, who were striving to help those who at that moment were dying from bullets and mines at the front. But mostly women and children worked in the rear ... Congratulations to veterans in verse or prose are an important part of any event dedicated to May 9th.

Dear home front workers! In cold and heat, sparing no effort, you worked for the front, for the Victory. With your back-breaking work in factories, factories, collective farm fields, you brought this bright, joyful day closer. Falling asleep behind the machine and falling from fatigue behind the plow in the field, you, in spite of everything, continued to work for the good of the Motherland! You are the ones thanks to whom our soldiers were provided with equipment and bread! Thank you for your selfless work!

War has no feminine face...

Women for the Victory did not fewer men. They fought, pulled the wounded from the battlefield, did not sleep for days near the factory machines. Their fortitude and will are an example for many even in peacetime. After all, in this horror of war, in the midst of devastation, pain and horror, they raised children, continued to love and believe, no matter what!

Therefore, congratulations to women veterans should be special and tender:

  • Our dear, gentle women-veterans! You, on your fragile shoulders, carried the wounded from the battlefield, dragged heavy bombs to the planes, stood for days at the machines in the factories! You pulled your children and orphans who lost their relatives. For 4 long years you have forgotten what dresses, flowers, dates are... But even in the trenches, after night flights, endless days near the machines, you still remained the sweetest, most tender and dearest! Even in the war, you did not forget about love and continued to support it in men - with your letters, loyalty and tenderness. Your feat will always live in our hearts and the hearts of our descendants as a monument to courage and endless femininity!

Children at war

Childhood is the brightest and most cloudless period in a person's life. And how scary it is when war breaks into your yard, into your family! Father and older brother go to the front. Mom, beloved, tender, kind - she grows old in a few months and cries, cries, cries ... Instead of Cossack robbers and bastards, there is only a bomb shelter and hunger. And how many children lost their parents during the evacuation! Some of them got into Orphanage, and someone nailed to the detachment and became the "son of the regiment." And how many children helped the partisans in the occupied territories?

They dug trenches and stood at the machines for days, many of them were awarded medals. Therefore, congratulations to hero children should be piercing and tender:

Grandma, my dear
And you were touched by the war.
She was a barefoot girl
When she started.
Buried grandfather and father
Damn the war.

You always play with me
But not in the game
That pain still bears, -
You can't play war.

And only on May 9th
I understand why
You are always so sad
After all, you remember the war.

I'm sorry that I couldn't
Understand early pain yours!
I didn’t grow up with my heart then,
Asking to play war with you.

Now Happy Victory Day every year
I want to congratulate all veterans
All the old people I know
And always - my grandmother!

Short congratulations

Short congratulations to veterans are suitable when preparing postcards at school or kindergarten. A small but sincere message, written in children's handwriting, will a good sign attention and respect.

Children can write such texts themselves or with the help of elders. As an example, you can take the following congratulations to veterans:

We can not forget their feat

The soldier who won in the 45th.

I promise you to always honor Victory

And remember those who fought once.

For a peaceful sky, a free land,

For pride and joy in our hearts.

May God bless you long years,

And the memory does not go out about the main spring.

Don't forget the veterans!

Congratulations to a war veteran is just a small sign of attention with which we can thank them.

But even this show of respect is very necessary for them. For them, who looked the war in the eye, it is important to understand that the descendants remember, the dead comrades are not forgotten, but their feat lives on.

Thank you for your courage and bravery
For the sky is peaceful overhead.
Without you, we would not have made a single step,
Today every veteran is a hero.

You fought so selflessly
They completely forgot about rest and sleep.
We have always needed such heroes.
Thank you! And low bow to you!

How few of you are left with us,
Heroes of that terrible war.
You fought until the very end
For peace and happiness for the country.

Bowing our heads before you
"Thank you" we say quietly.
Never put into words
How much we appreciate you.

Live a hundred years at least
We are very glad to see you.
Happy Victory Day accept now
You congratulations from us!

Thank you, dear ones, for your incredible feat. Thank you for the world, with a huge blue sky. Thank you for preserving the expanses of our Motherland for us. Thank you for the life that you won with your own hands for us from the enemy. Live for many more years, share your wisdom and teach young people to always be honest, patriotic, brave and fair. Health to you and bright, good days.

We know, we remember! We are immensely proud.
Your feat will never be forgotten.
Thank you so much for your strength and faith
For our freedom on your shoulders.

For a clear sky, native expanses,
For joy and pride in hearts and souls.
Live long, may God bless you.
Let the memory live on the victorious spring.

May the aged earth become peaceful,
Scars will disappear, all wounds will heal,
Forget the war. But you can't forget
Great feat of our veterans,

And life will not be given away in vain,
And a tear will not touch your eyes,
Let never a cruel war
Fate does not take away from anyone,

May the memory be eternal and holy,
And sorrow will never come again
Shielding the world with an unbroken back,
You have given so many a chance to be born!

We thank you for freedom
For giving us peace.
For work in the rear and exploits at the front,
For the fact that such a peaceful life has become.

We wish you health, longevity
And let troubles pass you forever.
For your courage, I will sing songs -
Veteran heroes, Happy Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day veterans!
You are the pride and honor of the country.
We were given freedom
We say thank you!

We will never forget
What have you done for us.
We will honor and remember
The whole country is together with you!

Dear our veterans,
On this day, we congratulate you.
And we thank you for everything
From the heart today and now.

Peace, health and good luck to you,
And our low bow to the ground,
For your feat and for our happiness -
For victory for home country.

Victory! ... no matter how painful it was,
Victory!... no matter how scary it was.
Bow to the ground, veterans,
Happy holiday to you!

Thank you for standing with your chest
Protecting your native country
Thanks for the peace veterans
For your reliable hands!

May your hopes come true
Caring for children and grandchildren
Live, folks, live
Calm, safe and peaceful!

Take a bow to the ground today
And the warmest lines
You have saved a peaceful sky for us,
Going through this brutal chaos.

We remember your feat and keep it in our hearts
And on this day we wish you -
Health and happiness for long days.
Happy sunny May!

Many years have passed
We live under peaceful skies.
Thank you again we say
We are in May to our grandfathers.

For courage, patriotism,
Great strength of mind.
Your feat will be for centuries
To all great-grandchildren of science.

Health to you and be in the ranks,
Just don't dare to mope.
You are the strength of the nation, our treasure,
Children are proud of you.

There is no merit more valuable, there is no covenant wiser,
Than the one you gave to posterity forever.
Let your courage be an example to us.
May our victory be eternal fire.
You were a distant pioneer,
We will carry your courage like a flag.
We would like to wish you good health,
And cheerfulness in our difficult age of change.
Let the grandchildren give what they can give to you,
And the wisdom of life will receive in return.
May this holiday be wonderful for you
Day of youth, peace, kindness, beauty.
Let the mind shine in your clear eyes,
May your May dreams come true!

Not everything is in vain in this world,
Sometimes there is no price for him,
When they fly in our sky
Such are the eagles!

Many years have passed since the day of VICTORY,
This is a real, glorious holiday!
Remember, in the distant forty-fifth
He brought peace and joy to every home!

Let the country live under a watchful eye
Patriots devoted to the Motherland!
The silence of the expanses enlivens
Peaceful rumble of civil aircraft!

Again the gentle sun
Illuminates the earth!
On this May day with all my heart
Congratulations on VICTORY DAY!

We wish you health
Peaceful life and prosperity!
Optimism, happiness in the house,
From Smolensk to Kamchatka!

The severity of trials and hardships
I had a chance to drink you a full cup!
Remember happy minutes.
Accompaniment of military marches!

Our dear Veterans,
Congratulations on the Victory Day!
The whole country - health, peaceful life
And we wish you well!

Accept congratulations
May you continue to live joyfully.
Pleasant and safe!

May peace and prosperity
Reign in the country all the time!
And plowmen sow in the ground
Life Seed!

Congratulations to the whole family!
May the sun always shine
Over the native side!

There will be happiness, peace, health
And a big cozy house!
Let them gather for the holiday
Your guests at the table!

Day of the great, significant VICTORY -
National and sacred holiday!
Together with the world they returned to people
Happiness, prosperity and joy!

Let gardens grow, children laugh,
Our big Motherland is getting stronger!
May the sky be peaceful forever
And the land of the Fatherland flourishes!

Only on this holiday can you see
Veterans badges,
Warm eyes, smiles, joy
And bouquets of fiery tulips!

Congratulations on the Victory Day
And thank you for freedom!
Happiness to love and be loved,
Conscience, honor and devotion to the people!

Grandpa Happy Victory Day
Survived the battles and troubles
I drank and tested everything ...
Dear grandfather, Happy Victory Day! -
You are hardened like metal.
Defended his native country
She served for many years
And that's why I love you
The best grandfather in the world!
How would I live without you?
Congratulations, dear grandfather,
Wishing you peace and good
New life victories!!!

For your great deed
Bow to the ground to you.
For what you are to victory
They walked without fear.

You proudly didn't break
Before the onslaught of the enemy.
And to us your Victory
Thus the road.

For the sky to be peaceful
In azure blue.
For this you paid
High price.

We are proud, we remember, we appreciate,
You bled for us.
We will never forget
Fatherland of our pain.

We thank you for everything:
For your courage without barriers,
For protecting the world
Not for titles and awards.

We want to wish you health
To live long, not get sick.
We say thank you
For the fact that life is not spared!

Our dear, highly respected veterans, heroes of the world, brave winners, we congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! First of all, we want to say “thank you” to you for our happy present, for our life, for the opportunity to walk on native land and strive for important dreams. We wish you, brave guys, yes, yes, exactly brave guys, because you will always remain like that, we wish you strong strength and many, many good, glorious and happy days in your lifetime. And may the world for which you fought be eternal, may joyful children's voices ring in it, may adult smiles shine, may old people live with joy in their hearts.

I'll start the congratulations with the words "Thank you!",
Which lives in my heart.
Thank you for the peaceful sky of Russia,
Thank you for the land, meadows and fields.
Thank you for the homeland and for the fatherland,
Thank you for driving off the enemy.
You are our victory, hope and strength,
The country remembers courage and exploits.
For you veterans bow to the ground,
Happy glorious, victorious day, we congratulate you.

Congratulations on Victory Day
We are our veterans.
We wish you many years
You are the saviors of the country!

We will be forever grateful
For salvation and peace.
We will never forget you
We are so proud of our country!

Happy Victory Day! you accept
Thanks bow,
Be happy, live -
Your life holds the world together.

Let the years not be powerful
Over hearts of gold
From children, country, people -
To you thanks a lot!

Our dear veterans
We heartily congratulate you!
We have not forgotten your feat
Low bow to you from us!

Good health and happiness to you,
Friendly so that the family is
May your grandchildren please you
Peace be forever!

Thank you veterans
What did you give a rebuff to fascism
And not sparing their lives
Our homeland was defended.

Bow to you low from all of us
For your invaluable feat,
For a peaceful sky, for laughter,
For the holiday we love so much.

May they praise you for all ages
And your wounds will not be forgotten.
Since May 9 you! Hooray!
Thanks for peace, veterans!

Dear veterans! Accept congratulations,
And only one wish - long, long live!
We love you endlessly, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The life that you gave us will delight us forever!

Your grandchildren have matured, I will always remember,
That they live in the world that you created for them!
In gratitude, we wish you great health!
Be happy, calm, we promise to take care of you!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your pain, for your wounds,
For courage, courage in battle...
For everything, I thank you!

You are very devoted to the Fatherland,
We wish you a long life,
Love, from everyone who is close to you,
So that you are greeted with a kind look!

An example to take youth
So that the trembling was not terrible again,
So that there is no soul in tears ...
Only, only joy in the eyes!

Your feat is difficult to assess -
We didn't exist at that time.
But it is unlikely that we could live
Without you and that freedom
What could you give us?
For everything I will make in full.
We can believe, think, live,
We have been given silence.
But the fire of memory burns
And this light is eternal.
Thank you! May God keep
Health, long years.