What you can wish for your birthday: unconventional ideas. Beautiful original happy birthday greetings

Let the holiday be a carnival

There are times when banal congratulations Happy Birthday, I want to replace it with something original. Of course, you can buy a very expensive gift and, after reading the congratulations from the postcard, go for festive table. But you can play everything differently! It’s very easy to make the birthday of a loved one unforgettable. Approach with imagination and congratulate him in an original way.

Script to choose from - original ideas on how to congratulate

Organize a flash mob

Fashionable fun now

Flash mobs are a popular trend among young people when they take part in the action a large number of Human. This great way congratulate the birthday boy. Preparation will be required. A person will be pleasantly surprised if at work, line by line, everyone suddenly starts singing his favorite song. You can stop the birthday boy on the way home with a cool dance, which will attract more and more people.

Forget about birthday

That same feeling

Not for long, but forget it. Convince your friends and acquaintances not to congratulate the birthday boy on his celebration. Let him be taken aback and upset, and then throw a surprise party with balloons and cake.

Photos of loved ones

Everyone congratulates

It is necessary to write a congratulation on A4 sheets, placing one or several words on each of them. Next, give a sheet to your acquaintances and friends and take pictures. By making a photo collage, you get an original Happy Birthday greeting. You can issue it in the form of a wall newspaper or post it electronically on social networks. In this case, other people will be added to the congratulations.


For those who love surprises

An interesting option for congratulations, although we recommend entrusting its preparation to professionals. The idea behind most pranks is that the birthday boy finds himself in a terrible, stalemate situation from which he cannot get out. This may be related to crime, health, his work, but in any case it is unpleasant to be in this situation on your birthday. When the nerves are running low, a congratulatory person will appear and say that it was just a joke.

Congratulations on stage

Expensive and cool

Invite the birthday boy to a concert, and get away for a while in the process. When he sees you with a microphone on stage, he will be stunned and pleasantly surprised. Of course, you will need to prepare in advance and agree with the concert organizers. If a person is congratulated by his favorite performer, it will be doubly pleasant.

Gifts are everywhere

A lot of gifts is good

You will have to try hard here too. Hide in different places small cards with congratulations or small souvenirs. You don't have to sign to keep the suspense. May the birthday boy's whole day be filled with such moments. For your beloved girl, you can play with this version of congratulations with roses, which will greet her throughout her birthday.

Unusual gift giving

Ascetic packaging

Give an ordinary thing in an unusual way. For example, wrap the gift in a giant candy or put it in a garbage bag, filling it with additional streamer for volume. A person must certainly have a healthy sense of humor. You can put a new one mobile phone in a frying pan box, and socks, on the contrary, in an iPhone package. Interesting options you can find it in the gift shop.

Congratulations in another language

Learn a congratulatory verse in the language, stranger. He will surely appreciate your efforts.

As you can see, preparing for an original congratulation will bring pleasure even to the giver, let alone the birthday boy.

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Often reading congratulations on the holiday, we understand that it is compiled on a quick fix, hastily and consists entirely of banal hackneyed phrases and was sent simply out of politeness. This is easy to understand by the style or by seeing the phrases “happiness in personal life“,” “everything you want,” “health, love and good luck in everything.”

After such a congratulation, you are left with the feeling that you have read and heard it a thousand times. To avoid such disappointment, you need to pay more attention to the composition of the text. Show your imagination so that your congratulation stands out from the crowd and is remembered by the birthday person. Most the best option– think carefully and compose original birthday greetings.

After all, it is the unusual shape that can distinguish your congratulations from dozens of others. Unlike ordinary, inconspicuous and unmemorable messages. If the birthday person receives original birthday greetings, this will mean that the author of the message appreciates him and treats him with respect. All the effort you put into writing your text will pay off in spades.

And the attention shown these days is highly valued, no less than a valuable gift. It’s good if original birthday greetings are original not only in content, but also in form: you can give a card to your beloved woman along with a basket of flowers, or to a colleague with a memorable souvenir, and give the child a letter from the wizard.

Birthday is a fun holiday,
Birthdays are a reason for meetings.
On this day you wish for mountains,
And the guests’ speech is sweet, like honey.

I wish you only bitterness,
Only tears and only trouble.
The bitterness of vodka, and the tears of happiness,
And the trouble is that there is no place in Hell!

Happy birthday to you,
May the angels glorify your path!

Let happiness please you with stability,
Let the rainbow creep under your feet,
May you always be beautiful
And the rest will be crushed!

Believe me, bad weather leads to warmth,
To success - all overcomings,
To love heartache
And fortunately - every birthday!

Dear, sweet, beloved,
Accept all these congratulations
And be sincere, happy
Always, always – without exception!

Today is a special day - Birthday,
Wonderful moments await you today,
A sea of ​​wonderful congratulations, kind, warm words,
Every friend, acquaintance, and relative is ready to congratulate you.
Today I wish you three things -
Firstly, the love and attention of women,
And secondly, good health and a lot of strength,
So that, thirdly, to conquer the whole world!

I wish you a whole heap of happiness,
A bouquet of joyful smiles,
Reliable and cheerful friends,
Happy life a whole century!

Birthday is like a beacon in life!
A year has passed, it seemed like nothing,
But to sum it up, be sad and have fun,
And don’t be sorry, but fall in love with existence again!

Set goals for yourself to grow, move forward,
Doubts away, wherever the soul calls!
Luck is already on its way with you,
Victory has also sworn to be with you!

An old legend says:
When a person is born -
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him forever.

So let it shine for you
At least until a hundred years old
And happiness guards your home,
And joy will always be in him.

Let everything be wonderful in life,
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Be happy - even though it will be difficult sometimes,
Be loved - love always saves us,
Be young - hold on in any conditions,
After all, no matter what, this life is wonderful.

I wish that WOW!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can WOW!
To take your breath away.
Of course, to have a WOW!

I wish you happiness and goodness,
So that life is as bright as day,
So that only joy, without worries,
I crossed your threshold.

Love - until I drop,
Happiness - without barriers.
Lives - without loss.
And the most devoted friends!

Dear (NAME)!
Happy Birthday!
I wish you happiness, health in all organs,
And money - in all pockets!

I wish you happiness and goodness,
I wish you a full life,
I wish you cheerfulness in the morning,
until late at night.
I wish to have everything in the house,
I wish to succeed in everything in life
Maintain health and vigor
And live for many many years.

It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining,
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of their hearts,
And you are the happiest in the world,
Where there is a birthday, there are dreams,
And I will congratulate you now,
I wish you great joy,
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday,
I wish you a colorful smile,
And the cake is higher than the ceiling,
So that all postcards shine,
May everything be as never before!

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And you bloom day by day!
Much - much happiness for you,
Joy, love, goodness!
Walk through life more cheerfully,
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

Let what has not yet come true come true,
To live a long, easy and beautiful life,
May your life be beautiful, bright,
And we will never stop loving you!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Keep the youth of your heart for people.
Illuminating with your gentle gaze,
Warm the soul with the atmosphere!
What you give to people will respond,
And it won’t sink into distant distances,
Will return seven times with love,
And any sorrows will pass!

"Happy birthday!" -
I'll shout loudly
And I hasten to congratulate you,
Happiness, joy, health
I want to wish you.
May your wishes come true
And your dreams are always
So that all friends
My family never betrayed me.

What can I wish for you, Princess, Queen?
Love, kindness, a million smiles.
So that your heart burns fieryly
And the letters of happiness would be delivered by the postman.

Live, burn and illuminate everyone with light,
Be beautiful and joyful forever.
To see chalk on the asphalt from the window:
"You are the most excellent person."

And your beauty is outside and inside,
Like a warm river flowing around the world.
As the sun rises again for dawn,
May your kindness return to you a hundredfold.

They say love doesn't have many words,
Suffer, think, figure it out.
This is all, in my opinion, conditional,
We are people, we are not crucians.
And if you really want it,
To make your head spin with happiness,
Talk, talk, talk
The best words!

May all your achievements and hopes
Reached unprecedented heights
May there be peace in the family, prosperity in the home,
And let unrealizable dreams come true!

We wish to be richer than the earth,
We wish you to be more beautiful than the dawn
And happiness and joy for many, many years.
We wish blue stars in your palm,

We wish you love as bright as fire,
We wish you roads in life that are not steep
And live not for yourself, but for others!

Lots of love and happiness for you,
Festive bouquet of smiles,
Friends, good and perky,
Good luck in life, many years to come,
And to spite all enemies,
You have always been lucky in everything!

Happy birthday to you,
Read my congratulations
With all my heart I wish you
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness,
Let them not pass without a trace,
Let your beauty, your tenderness
The years will never change!

How beautiful you are today!
The soul glows with happiness!
The hands are ticking on the clock,
Laughter rings in your eyes.
We drink to you today!
You are our joy and destiny!
On the road you're walking
Through the beautiful wine rain.
Candles, stars and moon.
Never be alone
Always be in your circle
To catch you on the run
The falling ray of the sun,
The night that came out from behind the clouds
The verse that I read to you
Laughter that brought us happiness.
Wisdom, youth itself!
Unapproachable like winter
More tender than spring itself.
Summer colors are destined
And autumn fruits!
Here's to the beauty princess!

Don't be sad that you're no longer 17,
Every age has its own charm.
It is important in life to be able to smile,
So that friends surround you.
Let only warm words await you in life,
And my heart will never cry in pain,
And let your head spin
From happiness, from love and from luck.

I love you so much, you know
And happy birthday
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
And may luck accompany you
Don't ever be upset
I love your smile
Let's not separate
Because I miss you so much!

When getting ready for an anniversary, each of us thinks about the question: what to give, how to congratulate in such a way as to please the hero of the day? And, it’s worth thinking about this even more carefully if a woman’s anniversary is coming up. We must remember that congratulations and gifts to ladies should be targeted, taking into account the age, profession and tastes of the hero of the day. After all, most often (contrary to general opinion) ladies value not so much expensive gifts, as much as those who convince them of an attentive and sincere attitude towards them.

When choosing original entertainment, surprises and congratulations for the hero of the day should be guided by individual characteristics for each: for one, touching and sincere ones are more suitable, for another, cheerful and perky, for the third, solemn and meaningful. In anniversary congratulatory numbers, loved ones can indulge in sentimental confessions or, conversely, piquant jokes that ordinary life rarely allow themselves to be served, most often, in musical form or on behalf of some person.

We offer 11 of our own and other people’s ideas, how to congratulate a woman on her anniversary in an original and beautiful way, choose those that will please your birthday girl.

1. Original congratulation “Starfall wishes”

(you need stars cut out of paper for all guests and pens or markers, or cut them on the spot then colored paper and scissors)

Presenter: (at the table) Now each of the guests will sign Galina (or other name) your star with your wish (everyone receives a pre-cut paper star and a felt-tip pen and writes their wish on it).

Then everyone, led by the birthday girl, is invited into the hall: the birthday girl in the center - everyone around her.

This is your starfall of wishes,

Confessions about love and friendship,

Which of these stars will you catch?

Perhaps you will find out your destiny!

(To music, for example, “Star Country” “Happy birthday” or “We wish you happiness” - everyone takes turns throwing up their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The caught stars with wishes are read out loud to the hero of the day. Fallen stars - the presenter with the help guests are collected and used in the following game moment- “Star Necklace”).

Game moment "Star Necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, each is given a star and a relay race is organized: which team, using their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips, will quickly collect and present their star necklace to the hero of the day.

2. Congratulations on a woman’s anniversary “Portrait of a birthday girl.”

(For this original congratulations which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with blank slate paper and colored markers or felt-tip pens)

Presenter: I suggest not just saying a congratulation, but drawing it, because each of us is an artist at heart.

(A frame with a place for a future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest. It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number)

Presenter: Please draw in turn what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

(under number 1 - detail of the portrait for the first guest, under number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs)

1. Draw beautiful eyes for Irina:

Brown, crafty and funny (passed to neighbor)

2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,

The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (passed to neighbor)

3. We draw a nose with a crooked comma....
Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to neighbor)

4. And there is a place for a smile in the portrait,
The most pleasant smile in the world (passed to neighbor)

5. Let’s add a little rosy color to the cheeks. (passed to neighbor)

6. We’ll decorate our ears with diamonds, of course. (passed to neighbor)

7. We will cover our head with a fashionable hairstyle,
So that Irina becomes like a queen... (passed to neighbor)

8. Then we draw beautiful body (passed to neighbor)

9. And hands that are skilled in any task (passed to neighbor)

10. Let’s draw Irina’s legs quickly,

Not just any, but slimmer ones (passed to neighbor)

11. B fashionable shoes we'll put shoes on the legs (passed to neighbor)

12. Kind heart we'll draw her (passed to neighbor)

13. Also, let’s depict a riddle inside her

Feminine zest - the sweetest! (passed to neighbor)

15. We draw a dress, very glamorous,

Ruffled on top and openwork on bottom (passed to neighbor)

16. Still holding a crocodile handbag (passed to neighbor)

17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone. (passed to neighbor)

18. Another card with a bank account,

In which there are zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (passed to neighbor)

19. Draw a cool car next to Ira (passed to neighbor)

20. And a dacha by the sea, well, very big (passed to neighbor)

21. There is also a convenient garage next to the house (passed to neighbor)

22. And luggage ready for travel! (passed to neighbor)

23. At the top we’ll write: “Happy Birthday!” (passed to neighbor)

24. And we will not regret good wishes! (passed to neighbor)

25. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor)

26. Let’s hand over the portrait and Irina with a kiss!

(They present a portrait as a gift, offer to take a photograph with the portrait)

3. An unusual congratulation to a Soap Opera woman.

(Author Gerasimova M. A.)

6. Comic “heartfelt” congratulations from male guests

(To congratulate two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who follows whom and give each a souvenir heart to present to the birthday girl, which they will give to the culprit at the end)

1. Amazing thing

How the hostess managed everything:

I put together a beautiful table,

I brought beauty!

2. Hairstyle, like in a parade.

And mystery in the look!

And look at the outfit:

This outfit is completely trash!

3. She is beautiful to everyone

And it becomes clear to us

That we all have problems!

Diverting from the topic,

I'll tell you a secret:

We fell in love, no doubt!

4. But reciprocity is impossible,

Our fate is hopeless!

5. So we’ll just congratulate

And practically without toast:

Happy birthday, dear,

You are always like family to us!

Sun: We give you our hearts

We give you sadness, shaking it off your face!

(each of the participants in the skit gives the birthday girl a heart-souvenir)

(Source: newholidays.ru)

7. Cheerful congratulations Happy anniversary "A happy song for the birthday girl."

Before singing a cheerful song, think about what musical composition fits better Total. We can offer the following options: “We wish you happiness”, “Everything that I have in life”, I. Allegrova’s song “Happy Birthday!”, as well as works in which personal female names, for example, “Anastasia” by Yu. Antonov, “Julia” by the group “A-Studio” and so on. Great option songs of the White Day group - “Galina” or “Birthday Girl”, which are easy to play in the Russian folk style.

Volunteer artists from among the guests will be needed to perform the selected composition. They, of course, will perform the song with a soundtrack. The main thing is to dress up the volunteers correctly, because everyone has heard the song intended for congratulations more than once, but you rarely see colleagues, for example, accountants, dressed in the style of singers of the 70s. Therefore, prepare in advance wigs, different ties of the most unimaginable colors, skirts, shirts and - be sure to! - various noisy and blowing sounds musical instruments(similar sets are sold in children's toy stores). So let the guests crackle and play for the glory and amusement of the birthday girl.

8. Cheerful congratulations to the hero of the day from her friends.

(Performed to the tune of ditties, in chorus or in turns wearing suits or shawls on their shoulders)

We are on Liza's anniversary

Give us some salad

Don’t feel sorry for the tramp!

Congratulations on your anniversary

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,

So that you always have health

And there were pennies!

Anniversary is a wonderful holiday

You can sing, make noise, dance,

And also a ringing ditty

Congratulations to the hero of the day!

At work Lisa first

And men like:

Busy, energetic

And, besides, she’s a beauty!

We also wish Lisa

That's how kind to be.

Fashionable, generous and cheerful,

To turn us all on!

And now the last piece of advice

To the beautiful Liza:

Love yourself more

So that men like it!

Lisa, dear friend,

And beautiful and slim,

Laughter, merry

And the kindest soul!

We wish the birthday girl -

Be healthy all year round

And love your husband more deeply!

Oh! This gives me strength!!!

The bear stepped on my ear -

We'll still eat.

If we don't wet our throats -

We'll cry and leave / 2 times

9. Touching and beautiful congratulatory moment “Garden of Love”.

To organize such a congratulation, you need to prepare one large flower from thick paper and many small ones - according to the number of guests. Wishes and congratulations are attached to each flower as a stamen. It’s better to make ready-made “stamens” with the most with different wishes and each guest chooses a wish that he would like to say to the birthday girl - it will look more stylish. But you can leave this at the discretion of the guests, then you need to prepare several pens and markers. A piece of double-sided tape is attached to the base of each flower - you can use it to glue your flower to a larger flower.

During one of the breaks, you can invite the guests to arrange a “Garden of Love” for the hero of the day (having previously explained what needs to be done). Turn on beautiful instrumental music and let the guests, slowly, make their choice and contribute to decorating the “Garden” for the birthday girl. Then, when all flower composition will be collected, hand it over to the hero of the occasion with wishes to pick a flower and read it in moments of sadness. An additional surprise can be that on big flower there will be an inscription: “We love you!”, which will open only when all the flowers are picked by the birthday girl.

(about funny congratulations with gifts for the hero of the day see)

10. Cheerful congratulations to the birthday girl “The stars are “resting!”

To make this entertainment for the hero of the day more effective and comical, you can prepare signs with the names (or photographs) of the stars about whom we're talking about in the congratulations and a sign with the inscription: “RESTING.” Call 12 guests - give each one a corresponding poster with a photo or name on back side whose text is congratulations. And every time, as soon as the guest says the name of “his” star, the presenter standing next to him raises a sign with the inscription: “resting.” Depending on the talents and data of a particular birthday girl, you can remove some or add your own composition in the same style.

1. Charm, beauty
It's worth admiring.
And model Naomi Campbell
Can't hold a candle.

2. Before your image
I'll get down on my knees.
And out of envy he tears his braid
Yulia Timoshenko.

3. Your bust is so strong
Until then I like it.
Anna Semenovich herself
They'll fit your size. (Option: Very admired)

4. You dance just great.
You're ready to dance.
He wants to wash you
Nastya Volochkova.

5. You use your hands just like that
Clear the clouds.
Requests a personal meeting
Monica Belluci.

6. You have such charms
Everyone notices.
Even Jennifer
That Lopez is salivating.

8. You are always dressed smartly.
I want to admire it.
And Seryozha Zverev is here for you
Asking to become an apprentice.

9. If the hero of the day sings,
Grab your guitar quickly.
Let him sing along
Piekha and Rotaru.

10. You are such a lady with us,
Everyone notices.
Queen Elizabeth
Just resting.

11. You are the height of charm,
They took it with simplicity.
You are Natasha Rostova
They easily would have.

12. We would reward you
The important ones were asked.
So that Putin and Medvedev
They carried it in their arms.

11. Congratulations on the “Minute of Fame” photo shoot

All words belong to the Presenter.

What if you take it and imagine:
Did we instantly find ourselves in a fairy tale?
And we will bring pleasure to the guests,
Trying it on... (name of the hero of the day) different masks.
What if ours... (name of the hero of the day) was
A dexterous rider? Here she is!

The rider's hat is put on. Music sounds, the hero of the day makes a small circle around the hall.

What if you take it and timidly imagine,
That our hero of the day is a queen?

The crown is put on. Fashion show to appropriate music. Further similar.

And if I had to live in Hawaii,
Then use all your talents

The hero of the day tries on a Hawaiian wreath.

What if in a Russian village it happened
be born?
Soul… (name of the hero of the day) sings, rejoices, has fun!

They put on a kichka, a Russian headdress.

It's already the 21st century outside, friends!
And our heroine is modern and fashionable.

Wear a baseball cap or bandana.

All the dresses and hats are good!
Everything suits you, everything is a holiday for the soul!
But I really wanted to offer some clothes
For the birthday girl it is the most expensive!

Guests are given fresh flowers with flexible stems, and they take turns weaving their flower into the wreath, saying warm regards. When all the guests have congratulated, the wreath is placed on the hero of the day.

We are all amazed by the beauty of this!
How does an outfit suit a woman?
made of love!
Only she is truly beautiful and sweet,
Who is dressed in happiness, who has
eyes glow!
Here in front of us is a woman like this -
Beloved, blooming and dear to the heart.

The guests applaud.

12. Gift - wish “Life is a full cup!”

“An abundant life is called a full cup
And in this phrase is the wisdom of our ancestors.
Filling the cup with gifts for you,
We strengthen your destiny in its good path!”

The birthday girl is given a bowl (vase, fruit bowl, salad bowl, etc.) and filled different fruits with words of wishes. The same person can speak and fill the cup on his own behalf, for example, congratulating. Or all the words belong to the host, and the guests fill the cup with gifts. Fruits, sweets and fruits - gifts of nature and civilization lie on a beautiful tray, guests come up, choose what they like and place it in the presented bowl. The presenter voices what the guest wants - how to fill the cup of life of the recipient. Of course, guests can approach congratulations creatively and come up with their own associations, and then the words belong to them, and the host can complement or leave without additions the wishes of the guests.


"We want your life to be abundant (and places a pineapple in the bowl) PINEAPPLE is a symbol of abundance.

We wish you peace. PEAR is a symbol of peacemaking.

We wish you to always remain so young on any anniversary or ten. And rejuvenating APPLES will help you maintain your youth . (Also, apples in Rus' were a symbol of a good marriage - goodwill, desirability for the groom, a symbol life potential- they were given to children)

We wish you grace in everything, a gracious path in life, so that grace will always be with you. GRAPES are a symbol of grace.

We wish you love and enjoyment of its fruits and therefore we give you TOMATOES, which translated from Italian “pome de amor” means the fruit of love.

We wish you pleasure and give you STRAWBERRY - a symbol of pleasure (voluptuousness).

We wish you to have vitality, and therefore we give GARNET - a symbol of vitality

We wish you the sweetness of life and the brightness of life events and therefore we give you these sweet tasty candy in bright packaging.

We wish you wisdom and therefore give you NUTS - a symbol of wisdom. And also the desire to get to the point in everything.

Almonds in France are a symbol of a happy marriage.

Olive is a symbol of peace, prosperity, fertility, and victory. There was a wreath of olive branches highest award. We sincerely wish you to achieve this and give you OLIVES.

We wish you health and therefore give you: LEMON - it brings health; or ORANGE - like a little sun brings health; or PEACH - in the East it is considered a symbol of health.

We want your thoughts to be pure, like spring water, and therefore we give you SPRING WATER (a container with spring water- jug, bottle, souvenir bucket).

We want your life to be fertile and fruitful, so that there are many different ones and that they are all good. Symbol of fertility - grains of WHEAT, OATS, RYE, RICE, etc.

- We want your head to be drunk with happiness, fun and joy, and therefore we give you HOP.

We wish you rich life: We give chocolate or real COINS. You can add to them the words: “We give you silver so that there will be good in your house; We give copper so that there will always be food in your house.”

We give you the fruit of a beautiful evergreen tree - ORANGE. This tree can bloom and bear fruit at the same time. We wish you to always remain a lovely flower, at the same time, possessing two virtues of an orange tree, that is, to become a wonderful loving mother, a caring grandmother, a wise great-grandmother, and so on along the path of life. (The flowers of the orange tree are a symbol of purity and innocence. They are also the flowers of a tree that gives a large harvest - therefore they serve as a guarantee of the birth of large offspring from a woman. Brides decorated their heads with a wreath of orange tree flowers - fleur d orange, sincerely hoping that, having become a mother , they will remain a beautiful flower)

Of course, we give FLOWERS - a symbol of blossoming, beauty, fragrance.

We wish you joy and therefore we give you BANANAS. Science has proven that they contribute to the production of joy hormones in the human body. And also a banana is like a smile and we wish you to smile more often! (And we want to enjoy your smile more often!)"

You can also add sweets with symbolic names: “Inspiration”, “Dream”, etc. And, accordingly, wish inspiration, a dream come true or come true.

You can also come up with the symbolic meaning of certain fruits and vegetables yourself, for example, KIWI can be a joy full life, PEACH - charm, tenderness, BERRIES - a symbol of femininity, MANDARN - a symbol friendly family, banana is like a smile. (You can use the encyclopedia of symbols). An option is possible when they directly ask the birthday girl what she associates with: love, tenderness, wealth, wisdom, abundance, youth, femininity, beauty, etc. Associations can be with fruits, vegetables, sweets, gifts of nature, etc. And then the named association gifts are presented, strengthening one or another aspect of life. How pleasant it is to taste these gifts - nourishing not only the body, but also the soul.

Another variant. A box of chocolates, a bottle of good wine, a bowl of fruit, whatever is on hand - we pass it all from hand to hand, filling it with our wishes for everyone standing in a circle or sitting at the table, and then we treat ourselves. And all wishes materialize!

There are enough reasons to celebrate in our lives. Birthday is one of the main “days of the red calendar”. Some are looking forward to this day to throw a fiery party in the company of their best friends, while others prefer to remain silent about their new age. But in any situation sincere wishes for a birthday, spoken in your own words, brings joy to every birthday person.

Congratulations to the woman

“I wish that Venus always protects you! May she bestow tenderness on youyu, beauty and sexuality! I wish you to go through life with shining eyes and a joyful smile! Remain for men the same seductive, desirable and charming lady as always! Let yours be easy and amazingly successful!”

Heartfelt wishes in your own words for an anniversary from a beloved man are especially pleasant for a woman.

“My beloved, today is your anniversary. You radiate incredible beauty and purity that makes this world brighter. I want to Once again confess my love to you. My feelings for you will never dry up; I will always delight you with my attention and care. For me, you are the embodiment of the ideal of beauty. When you pass by mirrors, they fade in your beautiful image.My words are absolutely sincere. May this speech give you a happy smile and envelop you in a gentle veil of happiness! Happy birthday, darling!"

Congratulations to the man

Birthday wishes in your own words are equally pleasant for both women and men. Each congratulation should be not only beautiful, but also sincere.

"Today is a wonderful and joyful day - your birthday! We want to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday! We wish you to stay good friend, a faithful and caring husband and an attentive, affectionate father. We wish you a sea of ​​smiles, confessions and gifts on this day. May happiness never leave you, and may your health only increase over the years. Courage to you, patience and material well-being. May every new day in your life be better than the previous one!”

A woman can pick up original wishes to her beloved in her own words, which will express all her love and admiration.

“There are many men, but true gentlemen are rare. I know one man who deserves a worthy title.” a real man" It's you, my beloved. I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! I wish you the strength of the sea, the freedom of the wind, the endurance of the mountains! You always courageously move towards your goals and boldly overcome any obstacle in life. You a real hero modernity. You are one of those men who always achieve what they want. May good luck continue to accompany you, and may bright colors and positivity decorate your life’s path! Happy birthday!"

Congratulations on the wedding

You can come up with something original so that it remains in their memory forever.

"Marriage is like a book in two parts. Honeymoon- this is poetry, and the rest family life- prose. The first part fits on several thin pages. A lot of sheets are reserved for prose. I suggest you share life prose into pieces, diluting it honeymoons. Sweet and long years to you life together, newlyweds!"

Beautiful short congratulations

It is not necessary to compose the perfect quatrain to congratulate loved ones on the holiday. It's better to come up with birthday wishes in your own words. My sincere congratulations will warm the soul and will definitely be remembered by the birthday boy.

  • "God created women in different ways. An Indian woman is hardworking, an African woman is passionate, a French woman is piquant, a German woman is economical, an American woman is businesslike. But I can confidently say that all these qualities are perfectly combined in you. Happy birthday! Stay so wonderful and unique!"
  • “May from this day - the day of your birth - life turn into a long journey, which will be filled with adventures and discoveries. May every day resemble a holiday, and the nights - a fairy tale!”
  • “On your birthday, may the jar bloom and golden rain begin in your house. And through life, may only a fair wind accompany you!”
  • “I wish your life to be full, happy and cloudless, like the sky above the desert. May the lights of hope always burn for you! Happy birthday!”

Congratulations to a friend

When choosing wishes in your own words for a friend, each person wants to make a speech that would reflect his attitude towards his friend and be remembered for many years.

"You and I have walked hand in hand for more than one year. You have never betrayed me or left me in Hard time. Our friendship was not broken by adversity and life's troubles. And all because you and I are real men and we are always moving towards our goal. Happy birthday my true friend! Be happy and remember that I will always be your faithful comrade!”

"Happy holiday to you, buddy! I wish you to remain forever young and damn attractive to the ladies! You have a broad and generous soul! You started a company! For this I especially respect you! Always remain “your guy”! Good luck and endurance in life! "

Congratulations to my friend

In the life of women, friends occupy important place. They support you in difficult times and lift your spirits. To my best friend you can always tell a secret and get useful advice. Therefore, ladies try to come up with original and warm birthday wishes in their own words.

"Dear friend! I wish you happiness and mutual love! You have never been reckless or extravagant. You understand that there is never too much happiness, but you always appreciate what you have. This is probably why people are so drawn to you. Always remain so open and bright, I really value my friendship with you! Happy birthday!"

"With all my heart I wish you bright and solar life! May your every day be as bright as colorful mosaic, filled unforgettable events. May your home be full of happiness and love! Happy birthday my friend!"

Congratulations to mom

Wishes for mom in your own words are an expression sincere feelings filled with warmth and love.

"Mommy, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! Your wonderful and tender eyes always helped me in life. I want to your face it was not darkened in vain, and tears adorned your beautiful eyes only in moments of happiness. I will always keep you, protect and protect you. You are my dearest person!"

“You are a good housewife, wife, friend, and most importantly, an excellent mother. You are sunny. We value you very much and always remember your selfless love and care for us. Happy birthday, mom! Happiness to you and for long years life!"

Congratulations to dad

A father is a mentor, friend and role model. The wish should express the child’s gratitude and respect for his dad.

“Dad, you are strong, kind, sweet! Thank you for having me and teaching me a lot in life. Your advice is so necessary for me in difficult times. And your image has always been and remains Happy birthday, my golden father. Sorry, if sometimes I allow you to be offended by an inappropriate word or deed!”

“Dad, I know that you have little free time. But you always generously shower me with your attention and care. I really appreciate it! I love you and wish you to always be healthy and happy! Let the years not become an obstacle on the way to your goals! Happy birthday!"