Costumed game moment for the anniversary from Little Red Riding Hood. Methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic: New Year's adventures of the little red riding hood (script for children)

Music sounds, children run into the hall, dance is performed.

DANCE - ENTRY "White snow"

Child: Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas Tree and Winter Holiday!
All my friends today
We have invited you!

Child: Bright light sparkles again
Our beautiful bright room,
The Christmas tree invites you to dance
The carnival is coming!

Child: It will be great today
And we won't be bored
Christmas tree holiday,
Again we came to meet!

(children sit down)

Host: U Christmas tree miracles always happen. And in order not to miss them, open your eyes wider and get ready to see a fairy tale ..

The Snow Maiden (child) enters to the music. Dancing.

Snow Maiden: Hello, my friends!
I'm glad to see you all!

Did you give me an outfit?

Snegur: Gave me a dress
White snow!

Leading: Who is for you, Snow Maiden,
Did you sing songs in winter?

Snow Maiden: I sang snow songs
Forest breeze!

Leading: Why, Snow Maiden,
Rose cheeks?

Snow Maiden: I blushed my cheeks
Santa Claus!

Leading: What are you, Snow Maiden,
Would you like us?

Snow Maiden: I wish you joy
To all my friends!

Leading: Snow Maiden, let us congratulate you on the New Year. And now look at our Christmas tree - it stands and does not shine with lights. At night it was snowing heavily and the Christmas tree was covered. Help us, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Well, of course, I will help,
I'll light the tree now.
Magic snow rise, (turns to the tree and conjures)
Spin with a white whirlwind.
All the snowflakes on the tree
Get up off the needles
You fly and circle
Light up the Christmas tree!


At the end of the dance, the Snowflakes turn to the tree and say:
Snowflakes: One, two, three, our Christmas tree is on fire!


Snowflake: We lit the Christmas tree with lights,
Now get up with us
Sing and dance!

Children get up in a round dance.

(children sit down)

Leading: There is one custom - to make a wish under the tree.
They say that a wish made in magical night surely come true. And now, I want to make a wish that everyone always lives in friendship and in peace, and those who have no friends at all, in the New Year, they will definitely find them!

Snow Maiden: Very good wish. And it will certainly come true, but for this I need one magic item.
(takes out a CHEST)..
The magic chest opens, (opens)
A wonderful wish comes true...!

The lights go out, the heroes of the fairy tale hide behind the scenes.
The light comes on, Little Red Riding Hood and her mother come out.

Mom: Little Red Riding Hood, my daughter,
You look over here! ( Looking out the window)
The postman knocked on our window.
Here, he left a letter for you.
(gives envelope)

Little Red Riding Hood: Who sent this letter?
I'll open the envelope now.
My grandmother's handwriting
Maybe what happened to her?
I'll read it soon
I know everything now.
(Reads the letter) Little Red Riding Hood, my granddaughter,
I sewed a costume for the Christmas tree for you:
Apron new and new vest,
red, bright, beautiful beret,
So that you, granddaughter, are smart.
Come, I'll be waiting for you."

Host: Here are caring hands!
All grandchildren love grandmothers!
I need to congratulate my grandmother
And deliver a present to her.

Mom takes out a big box from behind the Christmas tree.

Mom: I got up early today,
I baked a New Year's cake.
Daughter, go to your grandmother,
Take our gift.
Look, don't go for a walk
Come back soon!
And be careful walking through the forest! ( leaving, screaming).
Little Red Riding Hood runs behind the Christmas tree from the other side.

Host: How beautiful winter forest,
Full of mysteries and miracles!
Christmas trees are standing around
In the snow removed outfit.

After the dance, the girls stop in formation in front of the Christmas tree.

1st Christmas Tree: Whole armfuls of snow
Winter gives us hats
And on fur coats, on scarves
Throws stars and ice!

2nd Christmas Tree: Look here, girlfriend:
Became fabulous edge!
Us toys painted
Give forest dwellers!

3rd Christmas Tree: We are glad for the cold winter,
Thank you for the outfits

4th Christmas Tree: And snowstorms came -
We are dressed in silver!
(don't leave)

Little Red Riding Hood appears to the music.

Performs SONG and dances.

(music by M.A. Fofonova, lyrics by M.A. Fofonova and S.V. Suvorova. Song "Snow Maiden". Musical material in the magazine "Bell" No. 49, 2012, p. 6)

Verse 1: I go and sing
Along the forest path
And they fly to the ground
Light snowflakes.
New Year at the gate
It's already knocking
Well, me at this hour
Do not sit at home - 2 times.

Loss: any dance moves.

Verse 2: I'm not afraid of winter,
I am warmly dressed
I hurry to my grandmother
With mother's greetings,
Delicious cake I bring
Not afraid of a blizzard
How beautiful it is in the forest
Everyone ate in frost. - 2 times.

Leading: Little Red Riding Hood saw what fluffy Christmas trees are! And under them it’s so cozy, I decided to sit on the stumps and relax.

Little Red Riding Hood sits under the tree on a stump and “falls asleep”. Christmas trees go to the chairs.

Snowmen appear.

Snowman 1: There is a snowman in front of you
Got used to the cold
I'm not a simple snowman
And cheerful and funny!

Snowman2: My smile is so bright!
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.
But the sun will bake a little -
Alas! And no snowman!

Snowman3: I am without a fur coat in the cold
I'm not afraid to catch a cold
I stand in beautiful pose
And I indulge in dreams.

Snowman4: I really like to dream,
Songs to sing and dance!


Little Red Riding Hood: How much snow has fallen, ( wakes up)
And all around white and white.
I just lost my way
How to find the way to the house?

Snowman 4: Little Red Riding Hood, we will help you,
We will lead out of the snowdrifts, we will pave the way in the forest.

They take Little Red Riding Hood by the hand and go behind the Christmas tree.
(Then the snowmen sit on the chairs)
Music sounds. Robbers with the ataman appear from behind the Christmas tree.

Robbers CHOIR: Wow, wow, ah, ah, we smell, we smell!
Someone is coming to us here and will fall into a trap!


Appears to the music of Little Red Riding Hood.
The robbers (except Ataman) surround her, gallop around her and repeat: “Give me coins, give me coins.”

Little Red Riding Hood: I have no coins with me,
And there are no values.
I'm going to my grandmother
And I bring her a cake as a gift.
I just lost my way
How to find the way to the house?

Ataman: Poor baby. (sighs, takes Little Red Riding Hood by the hand)
But I don't have a grandmother.
I would very much like to sometimes come to visit granny too and drink tea with her. Take us with you, we will help you find your way.

Rogue 1: Okay, okay, don't tremble, referring to Cr. W)
Together with us you are friends.

Kr.Sh: Well then, for starters, I invite everyone to dance!

(all children participate BEFORE the Christmas tree, after the game everyone sits down, except for Little Red Riding Hood and the robbers)
Robber 2 It was great for us,
The game made us happy.
Well, then we'll help you
And we will pave the way to grandma.
They go behind the tree.

Leading: Here you can see the tubercle,
And on it stands a forest,
There is also a small house
Under a tall pine!

To the music of "Dance of the Little Ducklings", a WOLF appears from behind the Christmas tree.


Wolf: I am the Gray Wolf - the owner of the forest,
Everyone should be afraid of me!
Me after a hearty meal (strokes belly)
I want peace, silence!
I'm sorry I don't have friends (sighs sadly and throws up his hands)
After all, it's more fun with a friend!
Some kind of house, and then a stump. ( looking into the distance)
Great place to relax! ( sit down)

Comes out to the music of Little Red Riding Hood with the Robbers

Wolf: Who walks here, who tramples here?
Spoils my mood and digestion?

Robber 3: We're going to visit Grandma Riding Hood,
We carry New Year's cake as a gift,
We won’t let Grandma be offended, ( threatens the wolf with his fist)
That's exactly what we're talking about!

Wolf: I will not touch my grandmother, believe me
I'd rather be on a diet!
'Cause I don't have any friends
More fun with a friend!

Little Red Riding Hood: If you live peacefully,
We will be friends with you!

Wolf: Hurrah, hurray, hurray, hurray! How happy I am today!
I won't offend anyone
I can tell you for sure! ( stomping foot)

To the music, a grandmother comes out in a cap and apron, with a tray on which there is a cup and bagels. Little Red Riding Hood gives the cake.

Grandmother Here is my granddaughter,
She brought me presents
Not alone, I look, I came,
She brought friends with her.
I'll put the samovar on the table,
I invite everyone to tea!

Vedas: Oh amazing holiday Today,

He is kind, fabulous, he is New Year's.

Anything happens on New Year's Eve.

And even this happens.
The most important thing to remember is:
Friendship is very important in life!

Grandmother: Happy New Year,

I invite everyone to the New Year's table

May the miracles continue in the New Year

And the cups are not filled with tea, but with gifts.
The characters bow and sit down.

Snow Maiden: Guys, who brings gifts?
Children: Santa Claus!

Leading: Well, it's time for us to invite him to our holiday! Let's say all together together: "Santa Claus"!

The children are called Santa Claus.

Santa Claus appears to the music.

Santa Claus: Hello children! Hello, Snow Maiden! Hello guests!
Happy New Year! Today you are all beautiful, cheerful, and I will be very happy to dance with you now!
Get it together guys
Hurry to the round dance,
Laughter, song and dance
Let's meet the New Year with you!


Host: Santa Claus, play with us.
GAMES ARE HELD WITH FATHER FROST (at the choice of the teacher)

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, is it true that you are a wizard?
Santa Claus: Of course! And now I will make children poets before your eyes!

Children recite poems.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, can you conjure gifts for the guys?
Santa Claus: Of course! Bring me a big cauldron!
(take out the table, large saucepan put a couple of gifts in it)
Put it right here on the table!
Salt, sugar and a bucket of water
A little ice and tinsel
I will add snowflakes,
One minute, friends!
(Pretends to pour a little of everything, “interferes”)
Now it's time to mix
magic words say:
"Snow, snow, snow,
Ice, ice, ice
Miracles for the New Year!
Ladle help
Turn everything into gifts!
(Strikes three times with the staff and opens the lid of the cauldron.
Gets gifts.)


D / M: I wish you to grow and not be bored,
Mom and dad are not very upset,
And always ask for forgiveness
For any disappointment!
I wish you to be tempered, and to grow wiser,
And for whole year never get sick!
Never be arrogant
And get rid of laziness!
Well, next year
I will come to visit you!

Host: And now, let's take a goodbye photo!

music director,
MADOU No. 26 "Smile", city of Balashikha, md. Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region, Russia

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

For great solution script will be ready.

Target: involving children in the tradition of celebrating the New Year.


  • create festive mood;
  • create conditions for self-realization of children;
  • cultivate resilience.

Decor. A Christmas tree is decorated in the center of the hall. The wall is decorated with fabric, snowflakes, tinsel.

Equipment: grandmother's house, bag, hero costumes, broom, pie plate.


  • Leading
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Rogues
  • Grandmother
  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden

The course of the holiday


Hurry up here everyone
Gather in this room
If you want to see
New Year's carnival.

There will be dances, there will be fairy tales,
So let's hurry
Let's gather near the tree
To welcome guests.

Children enter the hall to the music, perform a New Year's dance composition, stand around the Christmas tree.

Children read poetry

Hello Christmas tree, our friend,
We all gathered around
Songs to sing and dance
Happy New Year's Eve.

At the Christmas tree
beautiful needles,
And from top to bottom
Beautiful toys.

Our tree is all in toys,
And the balls on it shine
Our Christmas tree
Congratulations to all the guys.

new year, new year,
Will knock on the door.
We will have a holiday
Let's have fun!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Bring gifts
The tree will burn
The lights are bright!

New Year! New Year!
Music calls to dance
Let it spin around the Christmas tree
New Year's round dance.

The song "If the whole earth is white ..."


Near the Christmas tree, the New Year's fairy tale does not end,
Near the Christmas tree today the fairy tale begins!
Over the mountains, over the valleys, over the fields, over the forests,
The girl lives in the forest and dances and sings.

To the music from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood" enters Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: What fluffy snow fell! How fabulous in the forest! On my grandmother's holiday, I bring pies.


And so she went on her way
All alone in the winter forest
And not a scary forest at all
There are many miracles in it.

Dance "Clappers".

The wolf enters to the music.

Wolf: Hello baby, hello baby. Where are you heading to? What are you carrying in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood: No way I'll say, miss it, I'm in a hurry.

Wolf: Skip? No matter how! I'm not that simple! Answer, please!

Little Red Riding Hood: I can't stand wolves!

Wolf: But for what? Among the wolves there are many fools,
Well, well done to me! ( affectionately)

Little Red Riding Hood: Okay, listen, I'm going to the reed pond,
From it the path leads to the house where the grandmother lives.

Wolf: Well, what's in the basket? Reeds, blades of grass?

Little Red Riding Hood: No, there is a pot of butter and a pie with potatoes.

Wolf: (to the side): And I want to eat, I'll run to the old woman,
The third day is empty in the belly.

(The wolf runs up to the children). True, for lunch and you will fit, there are some chubby, pretty, mouth-watering kids ( touches guys, strokes), but first to the grandmother ... Oh, I have to go!

The wolf leaves.

Little Red Riding Hood: Such beautiful Christmas trees, can take one with him and give it to his grandmother, this Christmas tree is very beautiful ( fits the herringbone).

A bunny comes out from behind the Christmas tree:

Don't cut this tree
And save for us
I love this tree
I have lived under it for a long time.

Little Red Riding Hood: Sorry bunny, I won't touch your Christmas tree. I'll take this beautiful Christmas tree for my grandmother.

Squirrel comes out from behind the Christmas tree:

And this Christmas tree has warm needles,
I keep jumping on it
Don't you dare touch her!

Little Red Riding Hood: Sorry squirrel, jump on your Christmas tree, and I'll take this Christmas tree.

Fox comes out from behind the tree:

Don't cut this tree
This tree is ugly
And here's the one, look
So fluffy, just amazing!

Little Red Riding Hood: And yes, so beautiful fluffy Christmas tree I will definitely take her to my grandmother.

A hedgehog comes out from behind the tree:

This tree is for me
Friends come running to me
Let's stand together in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Little Red Riding Hood: I didn’t get a Christmas tree, but it doesn’t matter, it’s time to go to my grandmother ( pretends to go) Oh, guys, while I was choosing a Christmas tree for my grandmother, I got lost in the forest, maybe I should go here? ( to the music tries to go in one direction, stops - in the other, spinning. sits down and cries).

Leading: Everything around suddenly spun, the girl suddenly got lost.
And the paths can not be found, how can she come to her grandmother? And suddenly the robbers appeared on the road.

Dance of the robbers.


  1. Ah, what a girl.
  2. Oh what a hat.
  3. Show me what's in the basket!

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, robbers, I must hurry, soon the wolf will come here. He misses all the children.

Rogues: Wolf? Run away quickly! Aaaaaaa….

A wolf runs into the hall, he is wearing a red cap, approaches the house.

Wolf: A! This is grandma's house (knocking).

Grandmother: Hello my baby, come on in dear. You baked potato pies, I know.

Wolf: It's you?

Grandmother: Me, me

Wolf: Then, Happy New Year, grandma.

Grandmother: Happy New Year granddaughter, is that you, honey? ( He speaks to the children.) This wolf has come, now I will teach him a lesson.

I've been waiting for you for a long time. How did you get prettier, did you put on new trousers? Lips with a bow, nose-snub.

Wolf: Have you lost weight, granny, or have you been ill for an hour?

Grandmother: Yes, I lie in bed all day, and I can hardly breathe. I don't eat anything all day, I don't taste good at all.

Wolf: What, what?

Grandmother: Yes, I'm unhappy. And now it's time for business. Here, take a basket and collect snowballs.

Snowball game.

Wolf: Well, I went.

Grandmother: No, wait, now sweep here. ( wolf sweeps). Well, yes, it's okay, let's broom.

Wolf: All right, shall I go?

Grandmother: I'll go to you, you need to run for water ( the wolf brought water). He brought water, well done. Listen, there is another thing, you bake us a pie.

(The wolf cooks and takes out a real pie)

Wolf: Everything, I can not, I went.

Grandmother: Where are you, my friend, wait, dance with me.

Dance "At the edge of the forest"

Wolf: Oh, I can't take it anymore, I'd rather run away.

Grandmother: Stand, the granddaughter should come soon, and bring gifts. I hear a song singing, this granddaughter is coming to us.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello my grandmother.

Grandmother: Hello granddaughter.

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why do you have such a suit.

Grandmother: So the New Year is coming, the fairy tale is coming to visit us, so I dressed up, decided to be a Baba Yaga, and teach the wolf a lesson.

Little Red Riding Hood: In general, he is a good fellow, he is generally kind-hearted, but he was not brought up like that.

Wolf: Yes, that's not how I was brought up. But by nature I am kind. Forgive me, friends, and invite me to your round dance.

New Year's round dance.

Grandmother: I hear the snow rustling, it's someone in a hurry to us.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost:

Oh, how much light in the hall
A glorious holiday is coming to us
So they told me right
That people are waiting for me here
Happy New Year
We wish you happiness and health!

Snow Maiden:

I love frosty frost
I can't live without cold
Santa Claus chose my name
What is my name, friends?

Father Frost: Do you know poems about Santa Claus?


Father Frost: Now sing me a song.

Song about Santa Claus.

Father Frost: I see that you were not lazy, and you worked hard, you worked marvelously, your Christmas tree is so beautiful. And there are so many toys, so many that you can’t count them. Let's play near the Christmas tree, let's dance together.

Musical game "We will hang the balls."

Father Frost: Well, it's time for me to pack up, hit the road.

Little Red Riding Hood: Santa Claus, have you forgotten something?

Father Frost: Oh yes! I almost forgot to give the guys gifts. Where is the bag? Not under the tree and not on the tree. Here is the secret on the right and no on the left. I remember I was carrying a bag. Where it fell, I don't know. There was a blizzard, snow circled. Where did I drop the bag? The forest is big, I'll go look. You will have to wait.

Little Red Riding Hood: Who is calling grandfather. Who will come here now.

Exit the bag to the music.

Bag: And today in the New Year will be the opposite. Santa Claus spin around, Santa Claus bow, and now do not yawn and catch up with me. ( The bag runs away, and Santa Claus catches up. Brings out a bag of gifts.)

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost:

It's time friends, you need to say goodbye
Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.
Goodbye time. Goodbye kids.

When compiling holiday scenario for the New Year at school, students of different age groups should be involved.

Of course, it will be difficult for students lower grades.

Therefore, younger children can be offered to play a scene for the New Year based on a fairy tale. They will be fun and interesting.

For example, the scene for the new year "Little Red Riding Hood" on new way for elementary school children includes familiar characters from the fairy tale of the same name, about new characters, so students will be happy to learn such a New Year's scenario.


  • Little Red Riding Hood,
  • Grandmother,
  • Laziness,
  • Envy,
  • Greed,
  • good wolf,
  • Woodcutter,
  • Father Frost,
  • Snow Maiden,
  • snowflakes,
  • Christmas trees,
  • forest animals

Little Red Riding Hood enters the stage with a basket:

Hello my dears, did you guess who I am? Well, of course, I'm Little Red Riding Hood, I'm going to visit my grandmother.

And I bring my grandmother not only pies, but also a gift - beautiful Christmas decorations with which we will decorate the Christmas tree to celebrate our favorite holiday - the New Year!

Little Red Riding Hood sings a song to the motive "Ah, in Africa there are rivers ..." from the film "About Little Red Riding Hood":

- With the new, new, new, new,
Happy new, new, new year
With new, new, new happiness
I hasten to congratulate everyone!

And maybe, maybe, maybe
And probably, right, right,
And of course, and of course
Faithful wish friends!

Ah, we will set the table like this wide,
Ah, we will decorate the spruce tree from such a height,
Ah, along the forest path
Ah, let my legs run
Ah, to my dear grandmother! (2p) (out)

On the stage of the scenery - the grandmother's house, the grandmother is upset, Little Red Riding Hood appears:

K.Sh: — Hello, grandmother! Happy holiday to you! I brought you toys - let's decorate the Christmas tree as soon as possible!

B .: - Granddaughter, so I was waiting for you, only now I don’t have a Christmas tree. The woodcutter promised me today to cut down a fluffy beauty, but for some reason he didn’t come, he didn’t bring it. Apparently, we will have to celebrate the New Year without a Christmas tree ...

K.Sh: - Oh, no, you can't do that! What is a holiday without a Christmas tree? Not real. I'll go look for the Woodcutter!

B .: - Look, granddaughter, do not get lost in the forest, how heavy the snow has gone.

Snowflakes appear on the stage, dance, the motive "White Snowflakes", at this time the grandmother is hiding, the scenery changes to a forest and a path.

Snowflakes run away, Little Red Riding Hood looks around in confusion and suddenly notices Sloth under the tree in a dressing gown and slippers, who yawns and stretches.

K.Sh: — Oh, and who are you?
Laziness: - I don’t want to study
And work is not to my heart,
I yawn all day
Guess who I am? Laziness!

K.Sh: - Laziness, but I got lost. Do you know the way to the Woodcutter's house?

L: Of course I know. Only I'm too lazy to accompany you, it's too far away.

K.Sh: Well, you'll have to ask someone else. I'll go further...

Christmas trees appear, dance to "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter"

On the stage, K.Rapochka continues on her way and meets Envy, a fashionably dressed girl with an abundance of jewelry.

K.Sh: — Good evening, what is your name?
Envy: - Tatyana has a better skirt
And most of the toys.
Lyubka ate five nuts,
Well, I am one nut ...

I am from morning until night
I envy all my friends!
You guessed it, in short,
Envy is exactly me.

Z .: - Girl, what a hat you have! I want one too.

K.Sh: - Envy, please show me the way to the Woodcutter's house. The New Year is coming, and my grandmother and I are without a Christmas tree.

Envy (aside): - Wow, if I show her the way, they will have a holiday, gifts. And they don't give me gifts.

(K. Shapochka): - I don’t know the way, girl. (leaves)

On the stage - the dance of forest animals under "If there was no winter"

K.Rapochka continues on his way and sees Greed - fat woman clutching a chest.

K.Sh: Hello, I'm so glad I met you! Show me the way to the Woodcutter!

Greed: - So, Woodcutter, let's see. (Pulls out a map from the chest.) So you walk 55 steps straight, to a large pine tree, turn right, then 10 steps straight, turn left at the crow's nest, then 2 times to the right and 3 times to the left.

K.Sh: — Oh, I won't remember anything. And could you lend me a map for one day, tomorrow I will definitely return it, I really need to see the Woodcutter.

J: Haha, what else! Yes, you know that such a map is one for the whole forest! (sings):

- Now such people have gone,
Give them everything, lend it.
Take and never return
Try it, prove it!
I know how to keep good
Let them ask, I will not give!
Not for nothing Greed me
They call here and there! (runs away)

K.Sh: - Nobody wants to help me, how bad it is when there are lazy, greedy and envious people around.

A scary-looking Good Wolf appears from behind the trees, K. Riding Hood gets scared, but the Wolf approaches and sings:

- I'm ugly - that's right:
Big ears, sharp teeth
Everyone assumes that
I am angry, cunning and terribly rude.

I walk in the forest alone
They fear me like fire!
Everyone makes a big mistake -
I have a big heart!

K.Sh: — Wolf, are you kind?!

D.Volk: — Yes, why does it surprise you? After all, ugly does not mean evil. Sometimes the most unattractive-looking person can be brave, kind and true friend. Come on, I'll take you to the Woodcutter.

At the woodcutter's house

K.Sh: - Lumberjack, finally I found you! Why didn't you bring the Christmas tree?

Other: - Friends, the fact is that my ax is very dull, and I could not cut down for you nice Christmas tree. (K.Sh. crying)

D.Volk: - This is bad, but let's not despair - after all, today is the New Year, which means that a miracle can happen. What if we all together make a wish so that we have a Christmas tree? (audience) Guys, help us!

So, close your eyes and think: one, two, three ...

Sounds tense and then solemn music, Santa Claus suddenly appears with a Christmas tree in his hands and the Snow Maiden, and with them the grandmother; everyone dances, decorates the Christmas tree and sings "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Scenario of the matinee "New Year's Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood"


Presenter, Little Red Riding Hood, Mom, Grandmother, Laziness, Envy, Greed, Good Wolf, Robbers, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowflakes.


On the holiday of the New Year tree

The story doesn't end.

Near the Christmas tree today

The story begins.

On the magical path

You can enter the fairy tale.

But where is the magic path?

How can we look into the fairy tale?

Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world

Loved by adults and children

And today in our hall

We will show the story ourselves.

Take a seat, spectator

And look carefully.

Beyond the mountains, beyond the valleys.

Beyond the fields beyond the woods.

The girl lives in the forest

And dancing and singing.

Everyone loves her and waits

It's called Little Red Riding Hood.

Music sounds. A mirror is placed in front of the tree.

Little Red Riding Hood flaunts in front of a mirror. Included

Mom, she has a basket and a little red cap in her hands.

Mother: Hello, daughter!

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello mother!

Mother: I sewed a hat today at dawn.

Do you like it or not?

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh thank you, what a treat!

I need to put on a hat.

(She runs to the mirror and puts on a cap. She admires herself. Mom looks at her with a smile and shakes her head.)

Mother: Just show off

better go to grandma's.

And bring gifts.

On the eve of the New Year

Grandma is waiting for him.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, I'll run away

And I'll hug grandma.

(Mom leaves, Little Red Riding Hood sings, the motive "Ah, in Africa there are rivers ..." movie "About Little Red Riding Hood")

With a new, new, new, new, With a new, new, new year, With a new, new, new happiness, I hasten to congratulate everyone! friends! Ah, we will set the table like this wide, Ah, we will decorate the spruce like this height, Ah, along the forest track A-a, let my legs run Ah, to my dear grandmother! (2p) (out)

(On the stage of the scenery - the grandmother's house, the grandmother is upset, K. Hat appears):

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello grandma! Happy holiday to you! I brought you toys - let's decorate the Christmas tree as soon as possible!

Grandmother: Granddaughter, so I was waiting for you, only now I don’t have a Christmas tree. The woodcutter promised me today to cut down a fluffy beauty, but for some reason he didn’t come, he didn’t bring it. Apparently, we will have to celebrate the New Year without a Christmas tree ...

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh no, that's not possible! What is a holiday without a Christmas tree? Not real. I'll go look for the Woodcutter!

Grandmother: Look, granddaughter, don’t get lost in the forest, how heavy the snow has gone.

Snowflake dance

(Snowflakes appear on the stage, dance, the “White Snowflakes” motif, at this time the grandmother is hiding, the scenery changes to a forest and a path) (Snowflakes run away, K. Hat looks around in confusion and suddenly notices Sloth in a dressing gown and slippers under the tree, who yawns and stretches.)


Christmas story about Little Red Riding Hood in a new way.

Good always wins in fairy tales
From the fairy tale always breathes warmth.
Dear viewer, you will be glad.
"Little Red Riding Hood" in a new way.

(Fairy-tale music sounds, two Storytellers enter.)


The girl lives in the forest
And dancing and singing.
Everyone loves and waits for her.
It's called Little Red Riding Hood.


She lives here alone with her mother.
She loves her grandmother.
Take a seat, spectator,
And look carefully

This is a saying, not a fairy tale
The story is ahead.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : Mom, mom, why so long ...

MOTHER: What are you screaming like a locomotive, mommy hears ...

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : What did you call, then ...

MOTHER : Little Red Riding Hood is outside minus thirty, go to the forest and take the oil cooler to your grandmother.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : She's freezing or something ...

MOTHER: You didn't listen. Go and take the oil cooler to your grandmother, otherwise she is freezing ...

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : And why is she freezing, but yes, yes ... Why should we freeze or what?

MOTHER : We don’t owe anything to anyone, so we don’t freeze ...

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : It's minus thirty outside, good host Don't take the dog outside.

MOTHER : I'm not kicking out. Acey sit.

TUZIK : As long as you can, sit, lie down, give me a paw. Woof….

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : Yes, I’ll be mistaken, mom ... We were with her for a long time ... when they took away the pension ...

MOTHER : Don't get lost. Take our family skis, from where you leave, you will arrive there. Just don’t confuse it like a grandfather, otherwise it will break into two halves.


MOTHER: Radiator…

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : Approaches the radiator, puts it on like a backpack and walks to the music.

(Storytellers appear)

And so she went on her way.
All alone in a scary forest?

And not a scary forest at all.
There are many miracles in it.

They fly straight from the sky to us
Light fluff.
Silver and glitter
white snowflakes

Snowflakes are dancing
fly, spin,
in the sun
silvery on a cold day.
Openwork dresses, carved scarves ...
magical winter miracle- snowflakes.

(Snowflakes run out onto the stage)

(The wolf runs out and sings)

(Song to the tune of the song "Black Eyes")

If you have read books

Know me:

Grey, angry and shaggy me,

Like my family.

Everyone in the forest is afraid of me

I know exactly:

Pigs, squirrels, hares,

Cap Red.


Hat Red,

Where are you hiding, dear?

Hat Red,

I will find you in the forest.

Hat Red,

The most beautiful

Hat Red!

How stupid she is.
I'll catch her now
I'll scare you to death.
Oh, itchy hands
I'm itching from boredom!


(the wolf approaches Little Red Riding Hood, leans back against the oil cooler and says ...)

WOLF : Hello! Oh, sorry, bonjour, dear child! Wu how good! 5,6 and 7 vertebrae thank you Little Red Riding Hood.

WOLF: Where are you going?

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : I will never tell that I am going to my grandmother and bringing her an oil cooler .... .... Mom strictly forbade me to talk to an unfamiliar wolf.

WOLF : That's lucky you people. Electricity was invented once and that's it. And our people sit in the forest and do nothing ... Do you have something to eat?


WOLF : Then I'll eat you!

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Don't eat me, I'll sing a song for you... I'm a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man, in the barn, sweeping, scraped in the barn.

WOLF : Yes, well, you, some kind of freaky hat you are !!! Well, go ahead. Here is the shortest path, go along it and do not turn anywhere. Hello grandma!

Ah, how cunning the treacherous wolf is.
So he deceived the poor thing.
And he went the other way.
How scary for grandma.


Bad is our fairy tale
Takes a turn.
The case is drawing to a close
What to do? ... (into the hall ...)
Hey people!


If you are in trouble,
Phone 02 was dialed.
The police will come to you
He will help everyone, he will save everyone.

(Dance of the Tough Cop.)


I am my own grandmother.
Kiss you very hard
After all, my grandmother
Very, very kind.

(Last scene)

(Pumped up grandmother in tracksuit trains (beats a punching bag, pushes up from the floor). Knock on the door.

WOLF : “Ba-boo-la! It's me, your granddaughter - Little Red Riding Hood!

GRANDMOTHER : (without stopping training) pull the rope, granddaughter - the door will open!

WOLF : Ba-boo-la, hello! How are you… (stops in mid-sentence, looks at his grandmother in shock) Oh!... Why do you have such big feet?

GRANDMOTHER : To stand firm.

WOLF : Granny, why do you have such big hands?

GRANDMOTHER : To hold the weapon more firmly.

WOLF : Granny, why are your biceps so big?

GRANDMOTHER : To immediately cut down uninvited guests, so that they don’t chat without unnecessary nonsense!

(wolf falls)

GRANDMOTHER : My granddaughter has entrance keys, she is at the door, like a wolf does not break)

(The jingle of keys. The door opens, Little Red Riding Hood enters)

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : Hello, grandmother, something is a little hot with you.

GRANDMOTHER : Yes, I just turned off the fan.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD : And I brought you an oil cooler. We haven’t seen each other for a long time, listen ... Did you take up bodybuilding? I dyed my hair, put in teeth ... My dear grandmother ....


I am with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She is in everything

Along with me.

I do not know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her

But grandmother's hands ...

I love everything the most.

GRANDMOTHER : Yes, okay, you granddaughter, don't embarrass me!!!


It's time to part

It's time to welcome the New Year.

And say goodbye to the heroes.


But let's not be discouraged

We will invite a fairy tale.

(everyone comes out and sings a song)

Final song New Year's Disco Crash

New Year is rushing to us,

Everything will happen soon

It will come true that dreams

Wait a little longer

There will be a tree soon.

Just a little sense

Hi happy new year! The New Year is coming to us.

And you can freely expect anything.

Only where he wears that gray-haired old man,

Who gets gifts for children from a backpack.

Hey, Santa Claus, come, we've been waiting for you.

And they got me to order your song.

Show yourself to us, do not make the children nervous,

we will shout: "Santa Claus, e-ge-gay!"

New Year is rushing to us,

Everything will happen soon

It will come true that dreams

That they will deceive us again, they will not give us anything.

Wait a little longer

There will be a tree soon.

Just a little sense

If Santa Claus does not sing a song to Santa Claus.