Christmas tree made of A4 paper with your own hands. Christmas tree from paper plates. Fluffy Christmas tree made of colored paper

The original Christmas tree-beauty will decorate the festive interior. Of course, a round dance around her is not to be led, but such a miracle will certainly raise the mood. Here is such an interesting desktop craft that can be made from the simplest things that are in every home.

Necessary materials:

  • A4 sheet, cardboard;
  • dense threads (preferably wool mixture);
  • 2 "yolks" from kinders;
  • wooden sticks for sushi;
  • plasticine;
  • Styrofoam;
  • stationery knife;
  • stroke corrector;
  • red nail polish;
  • PVA glue;
  • fabric scraps;
  • little things for decoration.

Make the frame of the future Christmas tree from A4 sheet - fold it into a bag. Insert the foam inside.

Apply glue to the surface of the cone in not wide strips and wind the thread around it.

Secure the end of the thread with glue.

Sushi sticks will serve as the legs of our beauty. To do this, they need to be painted with a proofreader.

While they dry from the "yolks" make boots, as shown in the photo.

Fill them up to half with plasticine and wrap with a cloth.

Insert stick legs into boots, decorate the Christmas tree with various bows, ribbons. Paint the legs with stripes of red varnish. ready!

You can make a hat out of cardboard, cover it with a cloth and sew on a pompom.

DIY shabby chic Christmas tree

Let's make such an amazingly beautiful and original craft in a trendy shabby chic style.

Necessary materials.

For the base, we take a large paper cup or any plastic utensils. Separately, we dilute alabaster or gypsum with water to the density of liquid sour cream and pour it into the future pot. We fix the trunk of our tree, plant a branch in the center and fix it in this position until it hardens.

We make a cone out of cardboard using a stapler.

We make the top of the spruce from wire and foam rubber.

We connect the top with the trunk and attach the cone.

We wrap the base of the tree with white fur.

Cut off excess from below.

Then we fold the ends of the burlap inward and attach it with hot glue.

Let's get down to the fun part - decorating our Christmas tree in the shabby chic style.

To create a finished composition, we need a stand.

We make a bench from a bamboo napkin.

From white fur - a snowman.

We attach a bell to the top of the spruce.

We decorate the Christmas tree with beads, pearls, flowers, lace, etc.

We apply transparent glue to the very top of the tree.

And sprinkled with artificial snow.

We do the same with the bench.

Our composition "Winter's Tale" is ready!

Decorative Christmas tree made of napkins

We will make it from cardboard and single-layer napkins. You will also need beads for decoration.

First of all, we will build a frame for our Christmas tree. We fold the cone from cardboard, fasten it (I sewed it with threads) and cut exactly the bottom of the cone so that it can stand.

The base is ready, set aside for now. Now let's move on to napkins. From them we will make roses. Single-layer plain paper napkins are suitable for us.

We take a napkin and cut it along the folds. Then fold it in three and cut along the folds again.

The resulting strips are still tripled and cut again. We got a square equal to 1/9 of the napkin.

We fasten this square in the center with a stapler.

Then cut out a circle from it. Mega-accuracy and accuracy are not required here at all, the finished rosette can be slightly corrected with scissors.

Thus, a rose is formed. If the finished rose seems uneven to you, then you can trim it with scissors.

The number of such flowers depends on the size of your cardboard cone. My Christmas tree turned out to be 21 cm high and I needed 59 roses for it.

When all the flowers are ready, we return to the cone. Starting from the crown, glue the flowers onto the cone so that the base is not visible. I glued it with hot glue (it’s more convenient for me), but the most ordinary PVA will do.

I made a Christmas tree from napkins in two colors. If you also decide to create your own craft from multi-colored roses, then you can safely experiment with their alternation on the cone. If the result does not suit you, you can always tear off the flower and re-glue it to another place. In this case, only the lower layer of the flower will suffer. It (the bottom layer) is simply torn off. The rosette will not lose its appearance.

So, we glued the flowers to the cone. The Christmas tree itself is ready and you can stop at this stage.

I also decorated it with beads - I glued it on the same hot glue, here PVA will no longer help.

DIY decorative Christmas tree made of napkins

As you can see, even a beginner can make such beauty, so you can safely involve children in the process.

Another version of the Christmas tree from napkins

Craft from cones, balls, ribbons and beads

How to make such a craft - see the video tutorial at the end of the article.

Christmas tree made of plasticine with sweets

What do we all associate a wonderful New Year's holiday with? With the smell of pine needles, bright lights, garlands, sweets. And children still create unusual crafts with their own hands, thereby bringing a pleasant moment of the onset of a fabulous night. Lessons of creativity of such subjects they like most of all. It is in crafts that you can realize any fantasies.

We offer to make an elegant Christmas tree, which is easy to decorate with sweets. Blind crafts from plasticine - the cheapest and most popular material. You will definitely make a beautiful souvenir if you follow our tips - they are simple.

To sculpt a Christmas tree with your own hands, prepare:

  • green plasticine for the crown;
  • a stump in the form of a cap or an empty spool of thread;
  • toothpick, red and white plasticine for sweets.

Choose a green block of plasticine from the set. The body of the Christmas tree itself will be made from it, and in the future we will make small sweets as toys. Of course, a small souvenir does not have to be green, any other color that you choose at will will do. If you manage to find a set for sale that has a gold bar, then this option will look rich.

Thoroughly knead the entire prepared bar in your hands and prepare for further work. It is necessary to form a cone-shaped crown, and not quite the usual even, but curved, similar to the cap of a fabulous gnome. Since we are talking about a magical holiday, it is not forbidden to fantasize and create something incredible.

Pull all the soft plasticine into a long cone. Sharpen the upper part as much as possible, press the lower part along the circumference with your fingers, showing the skirt. Then take and bend to the side the entire structure. Sometimes Christmas trees do not stretch up perfectly evenly, but lean to the side like this.

To model Christmas tree decorations - small sweets - use white and red plasticine. Form red round pills (the inside of the candy), as well as white triangles (the twisted part of the candy wrappers).

Glue delicious sweets. Glue a white dot on each red circle and push in the center with a toothpick. Glue triangular pieces on the sides.

Make enough decorative details to fill the entire surface of the Christmas tree, evenly distributing sweets around the circumference at some distance.

Glue all the resulting blanks to the crown. A beautiful Christmas craft is almost ready. From below, press down a small lid - a stump (or mold it from plasticine).

And the top is still missing. She just asks to complete the resulting fabulous Christmas tree. Come up with some option, for example, the same spruce branches in combination with red berries. All this looks festive and bright.

This is such a fantastic Christmas tree. This is an elegant version of crafts for the New Year, which will be a great gift for your favorite holiday.

The New Year is just around the corner - you need to hurry up to catch everything.

How to make such a postcard.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of felt

Let's make felt Christmas trees - this is a great Christmas decoration and perfect for school or kindergarten.

Prepare for them:

  • A set of colored felt;
  • cotton wool;
  • glue "Moment" transparent;
  • any beads;
  • threads for knitting and sewing;
  • a needle;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.

Choose the right colors for the felt. It can be different shades of green. Or you can show your imagination and make an unusual red or blue spruce. Fold a couple of sheets of felt together, draw the shape of a spruce on the top.

Cut a piece of patterned felt along the entire length and fold it in half as shown in the photo. We do this only if the felt is not very thick, otherwise it will be difficult to cut 4 layers at once.

Cut out 4 blanks.

To give them a bulge, put some cotton wool, as shown in the photo.

Lubricate the edges of the workpiece with glue.

Cut a piece of knitting thread and attach it to the top of the workpiece, directly on the glue. For him, it can be hung. Attach the second blank and press along the edge so that both parts stick together.

On a light Christmas tree, make stitches with threads of a darker green color. This will add originality to the craft.

Decorate the second with a border of pearl beads. To do this, make a layer of glue along the edge and put beads on it.

Now let your kid decorate them however he wants. After drying, the craft is ready for use.

Such a simple craft will be a great decoration for your Christmas tree. It can be given to grandparents. Older kids can do it completely on their own. By this principle, you can make any decorations from felt. Anything your imagination tells you.

From natural materials with flowers from foamiran do-it-yourself video lesson

Herringbone-sachet - to create a festive aroma

A sachet is a small bag filled with dry fragrances that is used to create a fragrant background in a wardrobe or chest of drawers. If you put such fragrant bags on the shelves with things, then a pleasant and subtle smell will settle in your closet.

It will not be difficult to make such a sachet with your own hands, and if you create it in the form of a Christmas tree, then in addition to the aroma, the festive composition will also set the appropriate mood.

Materials for the master class:

  • Peel from citrus fruits;
  • essential oil of orange;
  • thread, needle;
  • beads, beads, sequins;
  • satin ribbon;
  • green fabric, cotton;
  • scissors and pencil.

On a sheet of paper, draw a spruce template and cut it out.

Finely cut the peel from citrus fruits, and to give more flavor, you can also add a few drops of essential oil.

From a thin green cotton fabric, cut out two blanks according to the template, fold them with their right sides inward and sweep.

If possible, sew and process the edge on a sewing machine, but if this is not possible, process the edges by hand.

Turn out.

From a silver thread, make a loop with a voluminous knot at the end, use a needle or a hook to thread the loop into the top of the spruce.

Tie a satin ribbon into a bow and secure at the top with a couple of stitches.

We fill the craft with fragrant peel from citrus fruits, sew the edge.

If desired, do-it-yourself Christmas tree-sachet can be decorated with different beads and sequins.

Our affordable and easy-to-make sachet is ready, now its aroma will delight, and its beautiful appearance will give an unusual and festive energy.

Photo of Christmas tree-sachet with orange flavor

Pasta tree toy

Now, starting with the largest part in decreasing order, we string all the blanks onto the barrel. At the top, we insert a small accordion made of the same paper into the hole in the body of the pen. Our Christmas tree is ready to become a New Year's interior decoration.

Happy creativity!

Christmas tree made of paper No. 2

You can make many interesting crafts from colored paper. But with the approach of the New Year holidays, we are increasingly interested in holiday decorations. You can also make a small Christmas tree out of paper. If you do everything exactly according to the instructions, then this is quite easy.

The fir-tree turns out about ten centimeters. It will perfectly fit into the interior of the office. Even the most modest workplace can be decorated with this "forest beauty".

If you do crafts with a child, you can add bright decorations. Cut out circles from multi-colored paper and glue them on the "twigs".


green paper;

Christmas tree process

To make our Christmas tree, you need a square sheet. To get it from A4 sheet, fold the one, as in the figure, cut off the strip on the side. Photo 3.

The resulting square is folded twice in half and diagonally. First in one direction, then in the other direction. These folds will further facilitate our task of folding the Christmas tree blank. Photo 4.

Let's start putting up the Christmas tree. We fold the straightened sheet diagonally. Photo 5.

Once again. Photo 6.

We bend the corners, as shown in the photo. Photo 7.

It should turn out like this. Photo 8.

Scissors cut off the corners that look out from below. Photo 9.

To check if we did everything right, we can straighten our workpiece. It will turn out such a figure, a bit reminiscent of a circle. Photo 10.

Now we begin to fold it according to the existing creases. But at the same time, we make folds alternately in one direction, then in the other direction. We get like an accordion that goes in a circle. From below, this blank will look like this. Photo 11.

Now we need to make our Christmas tree "needles". To do this, we cut the paper parallel to the bottom side of the workpiece. The closer to the "crown", the shorter the incisions will be. We make them on both sides of the triangular blank. Photo 12.

We bend the resulting slots in the direction from the "crown" of the Christmas tree. We repeat this for each paper "twig". Photo 13.

It remains to straighten everything, and our Christmas tree made of colored paper ready! The crown can be decorated with an asterisk or a snowflake cut out of red paper.

And another version of the Christmas tree made of paper, see:

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As it was said in one Soviet plasticine cartoon: "What is the new year, but without a Christmas tree?..." Without a Christmas tree for the New Year, indeed, the feeling of the holiday will not be complete. You don’t need to immediately run after a real forest beauty, we take colored paper, scissors, glue, some tinsel and - for business. The task of making such a craft is completely independently within the power of children from 5-6 years old, the younger ones need the help of adults in cutting paper on a stencil and gluing the Christmas tree. And we get a Christmas tree made of colored paper like this:

Master class "Christmas tree from colored paper"

Print out the Christmas tree stencil. Click on the link to save it to your computer: Christmas tree stencil. Cut it out and transfer it with a pencil to colored paper. To save paper, you need to arrange the stencil details like this:

Cut out the parts of the tree.

We cut the rounded edges of each stencil to the center to an arbitrary length, but without cutting it completely. How deep you make the cuts, how hairy your Christmas tree will be.

Ironing with scissors, twist the cut strips outward.

We make 3 cones by bending in half the straight side of each part of the Christmas tree. We glue the largest part with an influx of 1 cm, the middle one - 1.5 cm, the small one - 2 cm. So our Christmas tree will be more slender. If you are a teacher and you are going to do this craft with children in kindergarten, it is better to immediately cut the medium and small stencils by 0.5 and 1 cm, respectively, so that you get not an ordinary semicircle, but a semicircle with a cut corner.

We dress the branches of the Christmas tree on top of each other. If the paper is glossy, it is better to put them on glue.

Now you can start decorating, cut out a star from 2 parts,

glue the rays and put the star on the top of the head. Balls can be made from 2 cut circles of colored paper.

You can decorate the Christmas tree with beads made of beads, individual beads, cotton wool-snow, cover the star with sparkles or varnish - fantasize.

The New Year is already very close! And he must be met with full force! Ready to decorate with us? Today we will have many options! Choose what you like best and repeat each step according to the photo! So, let's get started - do-it-yourself paper Christmas tree!


Let's start our work with such a wonderful Christmas tree! Here, it seems, every step is painted, but something is not right ... Apparently, only origami lovers can understand these works! After all, origami is an art!


Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands from circles. Now this is a completely understandable option! We prepare a large number of circles of different diameters. We cut the circle, as shown in the figure, glue it into a flower. And he puts our blanks on the wire. Not bad! The tree turns out unusual and beautiful!


And this is an example of how to make a garland of Christmas trees! You may well not waste time on tinsel, but fix our blanks on the existing tinsel. We simply cut out an uncountable number of Christmas trees, fix them on threads and carefully hang them on tinsel. And the Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands is ready!


And this is another more complex version of the work, which refers to such a type of creativity as origami. Fold, unbend, bend, fold, unfold ... In general, let's repeat all the steps in the photo and see what happened to someone? How do you like the idea?)) A little lower you can watch a video on how to make this Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands.

And this is a continuation of our Christmas tree made of paper. The Christmas tree, of course, turns out to be indescribably beautiful! No glue, no chemicals... With these Christmas trees, you can safely decorate a baby's room and be calm for his health!



Below we have prepared for you 3 more options for Christmas trees made of paper. Agree that it turns out very elegant and beautiful! Such Christmas trees will decorate the New Year's Eve and give you a lot of positive emotions!

And this do-it-yourself paper Christmas tree is made of openwork details. Very nice!

The article was prepared specifically for the site

Craft: DIY Christmas tree

Today in stores you can see a large number of different Christmas trees. However, it is not at all necessary to buy a Christmas tree; you can make it yourself with almost any improvised means. Of course, you simply cannot do without a live Christmas tree at home during the New Year holidays, and a hand-made Christmas tree will perfectly decorate the house or be suitable as a gift to friends and relatives.

Craft: DIY Christmas tree

Christmas tree from magazine pages

To make a pretty Christmas tree out of magazine pages you will need:

  • old magazine;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard;
  • pen or pencil.

First of all, you need to make a cone out of cardboard and fasten it with glue. Neat circles or flowers of the same diameter should be cut out from the pages of an old magazine.

The resulting circles need to wrap the pencil. Thus, they will turn out a little twisted. Then you can start gluing the circles to the cone, starting from the bottom. The mugs should be glued by pressing them tightly against each other so that the cone itself is not visible. From one circle, you can make a small cone and glue it instead of the top. The tree is ready.

Christmas tree from old magazines.

Video: do-it-yourself Christmas tree craft

Christmas tree from wrapping paper

It is very easy to make a Christmas tree from wrapping paper.

For this you will need:

  • wrapping;
  • cardboard;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • decorations.

As with most Christmas trees, the first step is to make a cone out of cardboard or thick paper. If the wrapping paper you are going to use is thick enough, you can make a cone out of it.

The resulting cone can be fixed with adhesive tape. Then you need to cover the cone with wrapping paper. To do this, lay the paper on a flat surface with the beautiful side down. Then tape the end of the paper to the cone, and slowly turning the cone completely wrap it with wrapping paper.

Cut off excess paper with scissors. It remains only to decorate the Christmas tree out of paper. To do this, you can cut out the stars and decorate them with sparkles, you can stick buttons, beads, tinsel, stickers or lace on the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree from wrapping paper

Crafts with children: a luminous Christmas tree for the new year

A luminous Christmas tree looks very original and beautiful. In order to make such a Christmas tree with your own hands you will need:

  • floristic mesh;
  • floral wire;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • cellophane;
  • PVA glue;
  • pins;
  • decorations.

First, make a cone out of cardboard. Wrap the finished cone with cellophane. Then cut the floral mesh into small pieces and coat with glue. Glue the resulting pieces of mesh onto cellophane. Secure the resulting design with pins and wait until the glue is completely dry. After the cone dries, repeat everything done again. After the glue has completely dried, remove the cellophane from the cone. Secure the garland inside the cellophane with pins. You can decorate the Christmas tree as you wish.

The process of making a luminous Christmas tree

Do-it-yourself glowing Christmas trees

Original Christmas tree made of pasta

In order to make an original Christmas tree from pasta you will need:

  • foam cone;
  • gouache, acrylic paint or spray paint;
  • pasta of various sizes and shapes;
  • PVA glue;
  • tassel.

First, paint the Styrofoam cone any color you like and let it dry. Then carefully glue the pasta to the cone. Design can be absolutely anything. Then paint over the pasta, carefully coloring all the details. It is better to cover the pasta with paint in two layers. Let your tree dry thoroughly.

The process of making a Christmas tree from pasta

Fluffy Christmas tree made of colored paper

A Christmas tree made of ribbons of colored paper turns out to be very elegant. To independently make such a New Year's beauty you will need:

  • thick cardboard cone;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • double sided tape.

First you need to make the base for the Christmas tree, for this we take a thick sheet of cardboard, fold it into a cone shape, fixing it with glue. Then we make thin strips of colored paper, the same in length and width. Christmas trees made of green, red, silver and gold paper look very impressive. Using glue, glue the strips along the edges, getting loops out of them. We attach the resulting loops to one side of the adhesive tape, and fasten the other side to the cone in the direction from the bottom up. Thus, a funny fluffy Christmas tree is obtained.

The process of making a Christmas tree from strips of colored paper

Fluffy Christmas tree do it yourself

Craft Christmas tree: 40 photos and workshops

Elegant homemade Christmas trees from tinsel and balls

Children's craft: green Christmas tree made of cardboard or paper

New Year's crafts with children: a Christmas tree made of cones and balls made of fabric or yarn

Multi-colored Christmas trees made of yarn with your own hands

Children's craft: Christmas tree made of felt and buttons

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How to sew an elegant Christmas tree - an idea for the New Year

How to weave a Christmas tree from beads with your own hands

Flat Christmas tree made of twigs for wall decoration

Beautiful Christmas tree made of lace with your own hands

Master class: volumetric Christmas tree made of paper using quilling technique

Stylish tree made of jute and beads

Craft Christmas tree from plastic forks and other utensils

Miniature Christmas trees made of beads

Beautiful Christmas trees from ribbons

How to make a Christmas tree from yarn and buttons with your own hands - master class

Little lace Christmas trees

Crafts - Christmas trees from burlap and spices

Christmas tree made of coffee, beads and satin ribbons

Two Christmas trees from pine cones

Knitted Christmas tree - photo

How to sew a Christmas tree from scraps of fabric

Unusual Christmas tree made of plastic spoons

Gift Idea: Candy and Tinsel Christmas Tree

Christmas tree made of beads - a beautiful craft

Decor of a bottle of champagne in the form of a festive tree

Christmas tree made of satin ribbons for the new year

Flat Christmas trees made of twine and lace

Bright Christmas trees made of colorful balls

Homemade tree from wrapping paper

Fluffy Christmas trees made of yarn with your own hands

Small Christmas trees made of fabric and buttons

Christmas tree crafts made from natural materials: cones and feathers

Simple Christmas trees made of yarn, beads and buttons

Transparent Christmas trees from Christmas balls suspended in the air

DIY wine cork tree

Funny Christmas trees from twine and ribbons

A simple children's craft - paper tree

Crooked sisal Christmas trees