What is the best artificial Christmas tree to buy for your home? How to choose an artificial Christmas tree for the new year. How to set up a Christmas tree for the New Year

Artificial Christmas trees are rapidly replacing natural ones, and if at the beginning of their appearance on the New Year's goods market they did not inspire confidence either in quality or even in appearance, now every year more and more families prefer them.

Why artificial spruce is better

  • Ease of assembly and lack of maintenance, as well as crumbling needles.
  • Safety, because high-quality modern artificial Christmas trees do not burn, but only smolder.
  • Low cost taking into account the recalculation for many years that a tree chosen with a sense of business will serve.

One of the most unusual artificial trees, namely upside down, was invented specifically for Christmas shop windows in order to save space, which already has to pay a considerable rent. Under the Christmas tree, on the contrary, you can see all the goods and gifts, there is enough space for the movement of buyers, and the symbol of the upcoming holiday is preserved, albeit in such an unconventional form.

In order to choose an artificial Christmas tree that will not only not cause trouble, but will also please you year after year, you need to take into account several factors.

Manufacturers of artificial Christmas trees

Everyone knows that the lion's share of New Year's products on the Russian market is made in China, and in connection with this, a choice arises: turn immediately to goods made in Europe, or even in the USA, or look for and find high-quality artificial Christmas trees from Russian manufacturers or from the same China, but with a quality certificate.

It all depends on how much and how much time the buyer has.

  • Faster and more expensive European spruce: it is guaranteed to have a quality certificate and is unlikely to disappoint with its appearance and properties.
  • If you want to save money, then you need to spend time looking for a conscientious Russian manufacturer, which, upon request, is able to provide all the necessary documents for its products.
  • You can also empirically try to find a good artificial Christmas tree production China, namely, to ask the seller directly for a quality certificate for the goods that he sells. And here there is a chance to find a worthy copy.

Without a quality certificate, issued in accordance with all the rules with seals and signatures, a product can be simply life-threatening.

Materials and cost of artificial Christmas tree

The cost of a Christmas tree directly depends on the material from which it is made: the worse it is, the more dangerous the tree and, accordingly, the cheaper it is.

According to the type of frame, artificial spruce trees are divided into two types:

  • cast;
  • from PVC film.

cast Christmas trees are produced mainly in Europe and cost a lot of money. Each branch of such a Christmas tree is cast in strict accordance with the approved technology, and the finished tree can last up to 50 years.

Christmas trees are the most widely represented on the Russian market PVC film, the frame of which is made of steel wire. They can also look quite nice and, but will last much less than cast ones.

According to the principle of assembling Christmas trees, there are also two types:

  • In one case, each branch clings to the trunk with a hook. All branches of this design are marked, which is easy to understand.
  • In the second case, all the branches are already fixed, and it is the parts of the tree trunk that need to be connected. This assembly option is simpler and faster and many times more expensive than the first.

As for the material from which the needles are made, a quality Christmas tree should have:

  • fire resistant;
  • have absolutely no ;
  • the needles must be strong and easily return to their original position when deformed.

Thus, the cost of the Christmas tree varies depending on the frame, the method of assembly and the material from which the needles are made. A cast tree made of high-quality material can cost up to 3000 USD, but it will also serve more than one generation of your family at the New Year's celebration. The simplest spruce of good quality should not cost less than $400.

In truth, the million dollar Christmas tree was created by designer and jeweler Shoo Kee in Singapore. It took more than 20 thousand diamonds weighing more than 900 carats, as well as about 4 thousand crystal beads. So Shoo Ki decided to celebrate the next Christmas, not skimping at all on the main symbol of the holiday.

The shape and size of an artificial Christmas tree

After choosing a conscientious manufacturer, then you can fully rely on your taste, as well as the realities of the situation and the interior for which the Christmas tree is selected.

Currently, Christmas trees are produced in height from a few centimeters to 5 meters, with different density and sprawling branches.

If the Christmas tree is planned indoors just as an attribute of the upcoming holiday, for example, in the office, then a small tree that fits on the secretary's desk, or a low spruce with tightly pressed branches in the hall, is quite suitable, so as not to disturb anyone. If the Christmas tree will be used for its intended purpose, namely, it will hide gifts and be the center of a round dance in a large apartment or at a children's party, then, of course, it should be tall with wide spreading branches, as far as the room allows.

The smallest artificial Christmas tree was made a few years ago by a Japanese left-hander: the length of the white gold tree was 5 mm, and it was decorated with precious stones. The work of the master is truly jewelry, because each emerald and diamond coincides with the previous one in size and shape.

Artificial Christmas tree color

Artificial Christmas trees can be not only different shades from dark green to emerald, after all, trees of flowers that have nothing to do with the natural color of forest spruce have become increasingly popular lately.

Artificial green Christmas trees are bought, as a rule, for small children, in other cases, the tree bears the burden of an interior detail or an original gift. So, a pink Christmas tree can be presented to a beloved girl, and an orange one to a friend with red hair.

In addition, often the owner of the apartment wants his home to look original and stylish, so he acquires a Christmas tree without any needles or, say, acid colors. The same trend applies to youth hotels and hostels, designer offices, cafes and restaurants with an original style, etc. Thus, everyone has the right to choose a tree of any color, according to their tastes and goals.

Artificial Christmas tree lighting

Artificial Christmas trees are currently available in three types:

  • without illumination;
  • with LED backlight;
  • with fiber optic lighting.

The first option is optimal for those who have a huge number of Christmas decorations and garlands, and most importantly - the time and desire to decorate the Christmas tree.

The other two options are suitable for those who do not want or cannot spend time decorating a Christmas tree, because Christmas trees with built-in lighting are beautiful without any additional effort and effort.

Christmas tree with LED lighting looks like it has a garland hanging on it. The bulbs on it can glow in one color, or they can shimmer at the request of the buyer.

artificial Christmas trees with fiber optic lighting, as a rule, are small in size and are placed on the kitchen table or on the desk in the office. Without being connected to the network, they look very simple and inconspicuous, but as soon as they are connected to the power supply, the tips of the branches begin to shimmer - in one color or all the colors of the rainbow, again at the request of the buyer.

Subject to the availability of a quality certificate, both lights are absolutely safe.

Video instruction for choosing a quality artificial Christmas tree

Thus, in order to choose a quality Christmas tree, you must first require a quality certificate from its manufacturer. Next, you should check the Christmas tree for the absence of smell and brittleness of twigs and needles, and only then, if everything is fine in terms of safety, continue the choice based on the interior features of the apartment or office in which it will be located, as well as the tastes and preferences of the people whose Christmas tree will please.

Greetings dear readers. What is the New Year without a Christmas tree? Yes, none. This is a tradition that is deeply rooted in our souls. And every year an eternal dispute begins: which tree is better, live or artificial. We will help you understand how to choose a Christmas tree for the New Year, since we ourselves have encountered such a problem more than once, and so, let's go.

Before you figure out how to choose a Christmas tree, I suggest that you first deal with a live and artificial Christmas tree separately. Then it will be easier to highlight all the pros and cons that are right for you, because, as they say, there is no friend for the taste and color.

Choosing a Christmas Tree for the New Year

First of all, I want to note that a live Christmas tree can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Go to the forest and cut down.

    They used to do this in my childhood, it was exciting to walk through the forest with my dad and choose a Christmas tree. But today it is prohibited by law. Maybe right, there are a lot of people, and the forests are getting smaller and smaller. Each felling causes irreparable damage to our nature.
    But you can go to the forestry and buy, so to speak, a Christmas tree. You will be told where you can cut down, go and cut. The check is always with you. Plus, you still need to plant a few trees in return (I don’t remember how many, about 3 pieces of seedlings) - fair.
    If the police catch you illegally cutting down a Christmas tree, the fine is huge, the Christmas tree is not worth it.

  2. Or you can just go to the Christmas market and buy a Christmas tree there.

    A minimum of hassle, a large selection, but not always of high quality.

Let's talk about the second method in more detail. How to choose the right Christmas tree? The bazaar mainly offers Spruce (worth no more than 10 days), pine (no more than 12 days), fir (about 14 days). Spruce is very afraid of warm rooms, so if you want exactly spruce, then it is better to take blue, it is not afraid of heat.

Due to the fact that a live Christmas tree does not stand for long (it dries over time and the needles fall off), it is better to buy a Christmas tree before December 25th. Before, there is no point, by the New Year she may not “survive”. And it is advisable to come to the market in the morning, as there is more choice. By the way, it is better to buy a Christmas tree in a specialized nursery or market. Usually Christmas trees are specially grown there for sale. And so you will be sure that you will not become an accomplice of illegal logging.

When choosing a Christmas tree, decide where it will stand. If in the center of the room, then you need to choose a symmetrical Christmas tree, but if it is near the wall or in the corner, then you can choose one-sided. And look at the height too, so that you don’t have to saw off the Christmas tree later or punch a hole in the ceiling (hello neighbors).

The trunk of the tree should be thick: at 1.5 m tall, the thickness of the trunk is about 6 cm. There should be fresh resin on the cut, the more the better. This suggests that the tree was cut down recently. There should be no dark spots, damage, fungi, mold on the trunk and branches.

The needles should be bright green, not gray or dull. They should sit firmly on the branches, not crumble. Pluck off a couple of needles and knead with your fingers. They should give a pleasant aroma.

Spin the tree, look again. You should like it and the lower branches should be directed upwards. When everything suits you buy.


Immediately after purchase, the Christmas tree must be wrapped with burlap and tied. You can just connect well.

If carried by hand, then the lower end of the trunk forward. But when you bring the Christmas tree into the room, you need to, on the contrary, carry the tip forward.

The tree can be transported by car. If there is a trunk on top, then turn the top back and secure it well with ropes. If there is no trunk, then a cloth is placed under the tree so as not to scratch the car.

It can also be transported inside the cabin by removing the passenger seat in front and behind. If the tree does not fit and sticks out on the street, then fix it well and transport it in accordance with the rules of traffic rules.

Tree care.

Even before buying a Christmas tree, you need to decide on what and on what it will stand. it can be a tripod or some kind of special holder thing. It is necessary to determine what it will stand in: in water, in sand, or simply wrap it with a damp cloth.

You can not bring the Christmas tree home immediately from the frost. It is necessary that she stand a little on the balcony or garage, if possible. You can’t put a Christmas tree near the battery either.

It is better to put the tree in the sand and periodically water it with water at room temperature. Needles also need to be watered. The Christmas tree can be fed: for 2 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, table vinegar and 1 tablet of aspirin.

Before spraying, be sure to unplug the garlands from the outlets.

When you wake up to decorate a Christmas tree, be sure to carefully look at the electric garlands. They must be intact, without damage and working, and not to get very hot. When the tree dries up, it can flare up from a short circuit, be careful.

elegant Christmas tree

Don't rush to dress up. The Christmas tree should stand in the apartment for a bit, fluff up.

When it comes time to remove the Christmas tree, the needles will crumble a lot. Then you need to wear thick gloves and long sleeves. Branches should be cut as close to the trunk as possible. Put the branches themselves in a bag and throw them away with the trunk. So you will litter less and it is much more convenient to throw it away. And who has stove heating, everything is much simpler - stop in the stove and that's it.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree?

Variety of artificial Christmas trees

How to choose a Christmas tree if it is artificial? I asked this question for a long time, I bought one that was not expensive and regretted it. She smelled terribly and eventually became very bald for season 3, the artificial needles all crumbled (like a dry live Christmas tree, damn it).

Let's go in order. Artificial Christmas trees come in different sizes, colors, with artificial snow, with light bulbs in needles, and so on and so forth. All this is a matter of taste for everyone. Well, the material is not so simple.

There are PVC Christmas trees, durable, but not very long (I had one). Their price is low, but the quality leaves much to be desired. Usually they are faked by the Chinese and they do not look natural.

Christmas trees made of polypropylene are the highest quality today. They are very similar to real Christmas trees, but their price is high. They are produced in Europe.

There are also Christmas trees made from fishing line (monofilament thread), their price is also not high, but they bear little resemblance to natural trees.

There are also paper Christmas trees - budget versions, but they are not durable and extremely flammable.

Among other things, there are cast Christmas trees, but there are no comments at all, I don’t even consider them.

Whatever trees you have, any can be faked, so ask sellers for certificates of quality and try not to buy in suspicious places. Still, how to choose a Christmas tree and where - you decide.

When buying, unpack the Christmas tree, inspect it, check how the branches and needles are attached. Joints must be secure. Check the needles by running against the direction of the needles, pull them. Smell the tree itself, it should not smell, release toxic substances.

How to care.

How to choose a Christmas tree figured out a little, but you still need to understand how to care for it.

Taking out the Christmas tree once a year, you need to clean it from dust. But it all depends on the quality of the tree. For example, a high-quality Christmas tree (unassembled) can be soaked in a large container with water and detergent for 30 minutes. Then just shake it off the water, rinse and dry.

If the Christmas tree is made of PVC, then you just need to collect and wipe with a wet cloth. It's really dreary, but otherwise it will all fall apart, peel off.

Remember that you can not wet Christmas trees with paper needles, with light bulbs or music. In general, if wires go to the Christmas tree, then we just take a dry cloth and wipe it.

Which one to choose?

Well, nevertheless, how to choose a Christmas tree, or rather which one? Let's see all the pros and cons.

Living tree:



  • The cost is sometimes high.
  • Every year, cutting down trees causes great harm to the environment. But the situation is changing. There are nurseries where Christmas trees are specially grown for sale.
  • Over time, the tree begins to crumble and will have to be thrown away.
  • We have to buy a live Christmas tree every year.

Faux Christmas tree:



  1. The more it looks like the real thing, the more expensive it is. The better the quality, the more expensive.
  2. Sometimes the Christmas tree takes up a lot of storage space. It must be stored in its original packaging and always vertically. You can not put something on top, especially heavy.
  3. Poor-quality Christmas trees are not durable, sometimes parts break quickly and the Christmas tree can no longer be assembled or it loses its beauty.

Based on this, everyone can make their choice, comparing all the pros and cons. I'd rather buy an artificial Christmas tree. Not cheap, but it will last a long time, there are more pluses, you don’t need to buy every year and I won’t harm the environment.

But this year I will put up a live Christmas tree. Yes, this is such a paradox. I just have a little son, I want a real holiday, plus it is very useful for a person, especially kids.

What choice will you make? Leave your comments below.

Safe New Year

How to choose a Christmas tree for the New Year, we, I hope, have decided. And no matter what tree you have, I want to spend some time on safety. This is important, especially if there are children in the family.

  • Before you hang a garland on the Christmas tree, be sure to check its operation and look carefully so that there are no frayed wires. It is better not to buy a cheap Chinese garland, but to buy a factory-made one with a quality certificate for it. Buy a less powerful garland - such a risk of fire in the event of a malfunction is less.
  • Garlands should not be left on when you go to bed or leave the house. Do not hang several electric garlands on the Christmas tree.
  • If you have a live Christmas tree in your house, then check that it does not tip over - it is securely fixed on a special stand or sits tightly in a bucket of sand. If necessary, secure it with a thick fishing line or rope by driving a nail into the wall.
  • Place the Christmas tree away from radiators, fireplaces, floor lamps and heaters.
  • It is better not to hang small and very fragile toys that look like food (fruits, vegetables, berries, etc.) on the Christmas tree so that a small child is not tempted to pull it into his mouth.
  • At a live Christmas tree, be sure to cut off the lower branches so that the child cannot get hurt by needles
  • Water and spray the living tree regularly so that the needles from it fall less and do not hurt the bare feet of your children.
  • Do not place lighted candles or other pyrotechnic toys on the tree, even if they seem safe to you.
  • Have a home fire extinguisher somewhere nearby and teach everyone how to use it (if children, then those who will understand the seriousness of the matter and be able to cope with it).

That's all for me, write comments below, share the post on social networks, bye and see you all.

On the threshold of the New Year and its celebration, according to a good tradition, is not complete without a New Year tree. After all, it is the elegant beauty, shining with multi-colored lights of garlands, that creates that magical, unique atmosphere of the holiday. Every year more and more families are acquiring artificial Christmas trees.

Today we will try to figure out what artificial Christmas trees are, what material they are made of and how to choose the right New Year's artificial beauty so that it lasts for many years and delights you with its beauty.

What are the Christmas trees

On the eve of the New Year holidays, various models and types of Christmas trees appear in stores from table, very tiny Christmas trees to huge fir trees right up to the ceiling.

It can be pine, fir, blue spruce or ordinary spruce, with or without cones, covered with hoarfrost, with multi-colored bulbs built into the branches. Yes, and the color of an artificial Christmas tree can be any - from light green to dark emerald. On sale there are Christmas trees of any color, gold and silver, white and red, for every taste and color.

Artificial Christmas trees have a different design. Some types have a hinged structure and open like an umbrella, other trees are assembled from branches that are inserted onto the stem-trunk of the tree.

What are artificial Christmas trees made of?

Let's try to figure out what New Year's artificial beauties are made of.

Plastic molded Christmas trees

Artificial Christmas trees can be made of plastic, these are the so-called cast Christmas trees. They are very similar in appearance to real live Christmas trees. Branches with soft needles are made of polypropylene, and each branch is cast in a separate special mold.

Christmas trees made of PVC film

Artificial Christmas trees are also made from PVC film. From a thin polymer tape with a metal base inside, better Christmas trees are obtained. This tape is passed through machines that finely cut it into needles. Strips with needles of different lengths are wound on a wire and create branches that are collected into fluffy beautiful trees.

Artificial Christmas trees from fishing line

For the manufacture of the Christmas tree, a fishing line is used. A Christmas tree made of fishing line is more fluffy than a Christmas tree made of PVC film and is more similar to natural. Pine branches are also made from fishing line, which look like bottle brushes.

Christmas trees with paper needles

Needles for Christmas trees can be made of paper impregnated with a special composition. Paper needles are wound on a wire. Such an artificial Christmas tree has a short service life and is easily ignited, even from electric garlands.

How to choose the right artificial Christmas tree

Before you buy an artificial Christmas tree, you must choose a place where you will put your New Year's beauty - on the table, on the floor, by the window, in the center or in the corner of the room. And also decide on the type of tree (fir, spruce or pine) and size, you will have a small Christmas tree or a large spruce right up to the ceiling.

Christmas tree stand

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an artificial Christmas tree is a stand. The stand can be metal, plastic or wood. If the tree is more than 150 cm, then the stand should be cruciform, stable, the Christmas tree should not stagger. A metal stand is considered more reliable. The plastic stand may break under the weight of the toys.

Christmas tree quality

Pay attention to how the branches are attached, they must be well fixed, the needles on the branches must also hold tight and be rigid. When choosing a Christmas tree, pull slightly on the needles, they should not come off. Run your palm along the twig against the growth of the needles, or squeeze the twig in your palm. High-quality needles will quickly take their original shape and will not crumble. The wire on which the branches are wound should not be translucent and stick out naked.

Fire safety

A high-quality Christmas tree should be made of fire-resistant materials or treated with special anti-flammable substances that prevent fire. On the packaging of the Christmas tree, such information must be present. After all, electric garlands are hung on the Christmas tree, and if the material from which the Christmas tree is made is flammable, then the consequences can be the most deplorable.

Environmental Safety

Environmental safety is one of the conditions for the correct choice of artificial Christmas trees. The tree should not exude an unpleasant chemical smell and should not contain substances harmful to health. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the quality certificate, ask the seller to show you this document.


Prices for artificial Christmas trees are also very diverse. There are cheap Chinese Christmas trees with paper needles on sale, but it is advisable to refuse such a Christmas tree. Most often, these trees are sold without a certificate and can be made from materials that contain substances hazardous to health.

Molded plastic Christmas trees have a higher price, since the production of such Christmas trees is more expensive. Artificial cast Christmas trees are made in Europe, they are of high quality.

The most affordable price for artificial Christmas trees made of PVC, such Christmas trees are considered safe and look elegant.

The price of a Christmas tree also depends on the quality and strength of the structure, on the size, as well as on designer features in the form of cones, luminous twigs, multi-colored needles and other decorations. But an artificial Christmas tree is not bought for one year, and therefore it is better to buy a better product that will delight you for more than one year.

If we decide to buy an artificial Christmas tree, then we should not take the first one that comes across. Especially in the event that it will be sold cheaper than others. This is true: there is a high risk of bringing low-quality goods into the house, which will also be environmentally dirty, fire hazardous and short-lived. Let's try to figure out which Christmas trees made of artificial materials you can buy, and which ones are better to pass by.

Artificial Christmas trees are most often the traditional green color.

Materials used to make artificial Christmas trees

Examination of artificial Christmas trees confirms that a number of materials emit volatile chemicals such as phenol and formaldehyde. In residential premises, this occurs at room temperature and when artificial needles are heated (for example, by turning on a garland with light bulbs). A person has a headache, slight dizziness, a feeling of fatigue and malaise.

pay attention to artificial snow, which manufacturers sometimes beautifully spray on the branches of Christmas trees. With us, it crumbled in the first season, leaving white marks on the carpet. They had to be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Artificial snow often crumbles quickly

Expensive artificial Christmas trees are made from environmentally friendly non-flammable synthetic material. They are sometimes called plastic, molded. They look almost like real spruces. Manufacturers (usually European) cast each branch in special forms.

The price is lower for fir trees, the needles of which are made from a special line(usually a nice green color). Such a Christmas tree is always fluffy, its needles do not crumple and look natural.

The price is even lower for those Christmas trees whose needles are ribbons made of polyvinyl chloride material (PVC). It's safe as long as you don't heat it up too much. In all cases, this material must be of high quality, which must be indicated in the certificate.

The needles of this artificial Christmas tree are made of PVC.

The cheapest - with "paper" cellulose needles. They can flare up not only from an accidental spark of sparklers, but also when heated by electric garlands with light bulbs.

We study hygiene certificates

The buyer is not an expert, so he has to trust any written sources. He has the right to ask the seller for all the accompanying documentation. Or carefully study the text on the package. Perhaps this will help to figure out how this artificial Christmas tree meets environmental standards.

Unfortunately, artificial spruces are not subject to mandatory certification and declaration. This is a voluntary matter. The manufacturer may not receive a conclusion confirming the safety for the health of artificial spruce. Or get it to feel more confident in the market. Trade organizations often filter suppliers themselves, choosing those who have documents confirming the quality of the product. In some cases, sellers independently conduct an examination of artificial Christmas trees in order to protect themselves from possible claims from buyers who may decide to contact the Rospotrebnadzor offices.

Conclusion: do not be shy to ask the seller for the documentation (certificate) he has. Be sure to study what is written on the package.

Choosing a quality tree

Let's try to determine for ourselves how high-quality artificial Christmas tree we are going to purchase at an affordable price.

Needles. In a good artificial Christmas tree, the needles hold tight even when we run our hands along it in different directions. You can slightly pull the bundle of needles towards you. Their ends should not prick, but be rounded or fluffy. It is better if artificial needles are not crushed after we squeeze them in a fist. Slightly inclined branches spring back, trying to return to their original position. There should be no unpleasant chemical smell. Bad artificial Christmas trees drop their needles.

It's hard to believe this artificial Christmas tree has "paper" needles

fire resistance. An important property of a good artificial Christmas tree is fire resistance. Fire-resistant PVC products made from cellulose without impregnation with flame retardant, which prevents ignition, may catch fire. In such "paper" Christmas trees (made of cellulose), garlands, candles and sparklers included in the network become the cause of the fire. An accidental spark can cause a fire if it hits any low-quality Christmas tree (especially one made from cellulose). The fireproof Christmas tree will remain intact.

It is worth studying the certificate or the inscription on the box. If there is the word "fire retardant" there, then the artificial Christmas tree has reliable fire protection.

Storage. A high-quality artificial Christmas tree should be easy to fold so as not to take up much space during storage. There are two types of structures according to the assembly method. This " umbrella "(the tree is assembled in ready-made tiers) and fully collapsible (the trunk is disassembled into several parts, and each branch is attached separately). The packaging of the second design will take up less space. It is imperative to check how reliable all the connections (hooks and hinges) are, otherwise the branches will fall out of the trunk. Artificial Christmas trees with the first mounting option (such as "umbrella") are more expensive than the second (with separate branches).

Stand. It is very important that the stand is strong and stable. It's better if she metallic cruciform. plastic supports are short-lived and unreliable. Especially with a large number of Christmas decorations that make the Christmas tree heavier.

The simplest and most stable metal stand

frame There are two types of artificial Christmas trees: cast And wire with PVC film . Cast frames of artificial Christmas trees are expensive, they are most often found in products imported from Europe. These are the most durable structures, designed for decades. Frames made of wire and PVC film are the most common. The basis is steel or aluminum wires covered with a film. Such frames are less durable than cast ones, but they look beautiful. It turns out fluffy trees of a beautiful shape.

Sizes of artificial Christmas trees

Artificial Christmas trees can have different heights. There are both low and very high. Designers reasonably recommend not to purchase too sprawling spruce for an apartment of a relatively small area. It is better to take with branches more pressed to the trunk so that the space of the room is not eaten. This approach has its drawbacks: some mystery disappears, there is no way to hide New Year's gifts under the crown, etc. Another option is a low lush Christmas tree, which is usually placed on a table or other suitable furniture. Then the tree becomes a decoration of the room and does not interfere with anyone.

This artificial Christmas tree with a dense, but not too lush crown can be placed in any apartment.

height 1.5 - 1.8 meters will fit in a small room and will look great in a spacious room.

What needle color to choose?

Green And dark green Artificial Christmas trees remain the most popular. For original gifts, "non-traditional" Christmas trees are sometimes chosen. white, silver, red, gold, orange or other color.

White needles of an artificial Christmas tree

We had an inexpensive Chinese New Year tree which had to be thrown away because its snow-white artificial needles soon turned gray.

Christmas tree with lights or without?

Artificial Christmas trees are produced in three versions: without illumination, with fiber optic illumination and with LED illumination. Artificial Christmas trees without backlight usually bought by people who like to decorate the tree with toys, garlands and shiny tinsel. Backlit options are self-sufficient and do not need additional decoration.

The manufacturer of this artificial Christmas tree has obviously gone too far with cones and artificial snow, leaving no room for other decorations.

Modern led backlight can give not only monochromatic light, but also create fabulous patterns. So far, many of us are scared away by the rather high price of these artificial fir trees, especially when they are over one meter high. Such a Christmas tree is connected to the network through a special adapter.

Tips of artificial Christmas trees with built-in fiber optic backlight begin to shimmer in all colors (there are several backlight modes) when they are connected to power. The color of the needles of such artificial Christmas trees can be very different, but most often green or white.

Manufacturers of artificial Christmas trees

European manufacturers expensive artificial Christmas trees supply their products with full documentation. They produce high-quality and safe spruces, which are expensive.

domestic producers, as a rule, also provide all the necessary documentation. As a rule, there are no claims to the material. But often there are spruces on sale that lack elegance. Their branches are often made of metal rods with pointed ends.

Artificial cones on an artificial Christmas tree

Lots of goods imported from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand And China. Questions about quality arise most often with Chinese artificial Christmas trees. They are bought because they are usually cheaper than others. If desired, among Chinese firs you can find good options with all the accompanying documentation. Unfortunately, the main share of complaints and marriage falls on products made in China.

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