Attributes of luxury. Kremlin paths are an attribute of luxury. Add light to the interior

What is luxury, from the point of view of the Russian government? According to the definition of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, cars with a capacity of more than 410 hp should be included in this category. With. and real estate with a cadastral value of at least 300 million rubles. It is their department that proposes to impose the so-called luxury tax. And if there are several hundred thousand such cars in the country, then there will not be even a dozen real estate objects for personal use, experts warn: after all, the cadastral value is sometimes only a few percent of the market value. Such palaces can be counted on the fingers, despite the fact that Moscow leads in terms of the number of resident millionaires.

“Russians are more obsessed with cars than anyone else in the world,” says Florent Bondo, head of the strategy and research group at Digital Luxury Group, which annually compiles The World Luxury Index, about the peculiarities of the Russian attitude to luxury. He made a similar conclusion after studying 150 million user requests for luxury brands in the Yandex search engine. Based on the study, the group compiled a ranking of the fifty most popular premium brands in Russia (The Most-Searched for luxury Brands in Russia).

Auto steers

Internet users around the world are very interested in expensive cars, but in Russia this trend is at its peak, with car brands occupying eight places in the top ten most searched luxury brands, explains Bondo. In the US, for example, six car brands fell into the same ranking, and five in China.

And the difference is not only in quantity. In Russia, BMW rules, Bondo jokes, while in North America Audi ranks first in terms of interest. In Russia, it is only the second. And on the third line of the list is the Swedish Volvo, which did not even make it into the top ten in the USA and China. This is another feature of Russian consumers - they respond with special gratitude to the marketing efforts of brand owners. Volvo has been explaining to potential customers around the world for many years what a premium brand is, but Russian residents agreed the fastest, according to Digital Luxury Group data. In Moscow, now there are no less off-road vehicles of the Swedish brand than German ones.

Leading foreign cars in the Russian top 10 most frequently requested premium brands are Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Land Rover, Infiniti, and Porsche. Nine more car brands made it into the top 50. Overall, cars account for almost 75% of luxury searches. And, by the way, it is cars that are most often sought not for the sake of interest, but for the purpose of buying, the researchers found out.

premium dream

The compiled ranking reflects the people's idea of ​​luxury, and not a cut of the tastes of its consumers, Mikhail Lezzhov, marketing director of the Formula 91 car supermarket, is sure. “When we conduct customer surveys, it really feels like the BMW X5 is our everything and there is no other car on the market. But in reality, buyer behavior is pragmatic, and many of those who dream of a German SUV end up choosing a Korean one,” explains Lezzhov.

The Russian reverence for cars can also be partly explained by pragmatism, the marketer is sure: the country still has fairly cheap gasoline (say, compared to Western Europe), practically free parking, and still not too high taxes. In general, owning a car is not that expensive, so when buying a premium brand car, you don’t have to think much about what costs it will bring to you in the future, concludes Lezzhov.

Just shine

Digital Luxury Group researchers were interested not only in the tastes of Russians in terms of cars, but also in fashion, beauty and hospitality, and determined the most popular brands of jewelry and watches.

If you look at the results in all segments, you get a rather original list of luxury attributes: in addition to the already mentioned BMW, it includes Louis Vuitton clothes and accessories, Chanel cosmetics, Hilton hotels, Rado watches and Swarovski jewelry.

In terms of perception of luxury brands, the Russians have a lot in common with the Chinese, says Bondo. For example, the top five most sought-after brands in the fashion segment for users of the two countries are identical - Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermes and Gucci got into it, he explains. In the US, there are slight differences - in the first position among fashion brands was the native American brand Coach, in fifth - British Burberry, close in spirit.

The preferences of Russian, American and Chinese users in the field of watch and jewelry brands, as well as in the beauty industry are also quite similar, the researchers note. The only watch brand loved by Russians, but of little interest to residents of China and the US, is Rado: in China and the US, it is not even in the top five.

The success of Swarovski reveals another feature of the Russian luxury market: brands here need to be truly dazzling in order to meet the needs of customers, the researchers write. Despite the talk that the tastes of Russians have recently become more restrained, there is a huge interest here in materials and brands that literally concentrate on brilliance. For example, expensive watches in Russia are much more often associated with materials such as gold and diamonds than in other markets, experts from the Digital Luxury Group say.

In Russia, the idea of ​​luxury was deformed due to the fact that the luxury goods market was created and developed too quickly - what took decades in the West, we passed in a year, says Georgy Trusov, president of the consulting company Contact Expert. Hence the combination of an apartment in Khrushchev with a luxury car, which was common at the time, and other distortions in the level of income and consumption. It is worth remembering the enduring love for the style, politically incorrectly called gypsy chic, continues Trusov. “Look, for example, at what are called elite mansions in the provinces: inside everything is Chinese, but in gilding,” he notes.

Liquid Suite

While Russians are optimistic about embracing the luxury lifestyle—our market is one of the largest and still one of the fastest growing in the world, according to Bain & Co—a very small percentage of the country's population falls within the traditional definition of a luxury consumer. Income over 60,000 euros per year is received by about 6% of the country's inhabitants, while the average European figure is about 20%, according to the consulting company McKinsey, so almost a third of the cost of luxury goods is borne by people who do not fall into the core of its target audience. Such consumers are able to purchase expensive things from time to time.

It is these fickle buyers of expensive goods that create another unique feature of the Russian consumption pattern: a very high proportion of expensive alcohol. Nearly 45% of the luxury market is in alcoholic beverages, another 36% in clothing, and the share of jewelry, watches, electronic devices, crystal products is unusually small - only 3%, McKinsey experts found. For example, in India, sales of the so-called expensive luxury account for 76% of the luxury goods market, in China - 51%, and in Brazil - 17%, McKinsey notes.

So if Digital Luxury Group included expensive alcohol in the study, then there would be fewer cars on the list. By the way, vodka is the only product for which successful brands have been created in the country over the 20 years of post-Soviet history, says Anna Lebsak-Kleymans, CEO of Fashion Consulting Group. The rest of the history of luxury is the history of the development of distribution companies and the education of their tastes. But if vodka were admitted to the ranking, patriots could be proud of it.

There are indeed special consumer values ​​in Russia, agrees Anatoly Korneev, executive director of the alcohol importer Simple. Wealthy Russians cannot fully copy the consumption patterns of developed countries: there is not enough culture (for example, for investing in art) or conditions (for example, for acquiring yachts) for something, he argues. And drinking is the easiest thing, there are no cultural or infrastructural barriers.

Consumer class

The real consumers of luxury that came to the attention of Runet researchers can be divided into two groups - the upper class and the upper middle class, Trusov argues. Their representatives are completely different people, with dissimilar consumer habits, he continues.

The former are easily ready to shell out $100,000 for a non-essential item or $5,000 for a dinner at a restaurant. There is a lot of demonstrativeness in their consumption. In its composition, the modern upper class is very different from the European or North American - most likely to fall into it are officials, golden youth and show business figures. On the Internet, they are often interested in brands, but they don’t buy anything using the web, the conversion of their requests into transactions is almost zero, says Trusov. The only way to lure them online is through personal contact.

It is quite another thing - the upper middle class. These are successful managers and entrepreneurs. They lead an active social life on the Internet, create interest clubs, look for interesting offers, actively use discounts. In their list of priorities, the combination of price and quality is not at the last place.

And what about the oligarchs? They, so to speak, do not leave a trace on the radar, notes Trusov from Contact Expert. These people have seen and tried a lot in their lives, now their consumption is completely individual and much less demonstrative. Their large expenses will be more likely to be connected with the arrangement of the hearth than with the desire to demonstrate to the world their position and status. So in the compiled list of popular brands, the representations of the richest Russians are unlikely to be reflected, the expert concludes.

In general, many experts believe that now it is more correct to measure the standard of living not in money, but in time. The longer you and your loved ones can maintain a decent standard of living and satisfy all your needs without resorting to the sale of property and other assets, the more reason you have to classify your family as real luxury consumers, writes business coach Konstantin Baksht in his book “ Taste of life".

At the beginning of the XXI century. Full satisfaction of the desire to sleep has become a luxury, Lipovetsky agrees, and more and more people are coming to understand that the main luxury is the ability to live comfortably and have their own time, he points out.

What are the attributes of a beautiful life? Yachts, jacuzzis, expensive beauty treatments and even illegal drugs that only golden youth can afford. But here's the paradox: all these "status" things, designed to demonstrate the wealth of their owner, were originally invented for purely practical purposes.

Jacuzzi today is a status item. In the public mind, this bathtub is so strongly associated with luxury and sex that it simply has to be some fifth-generation pimp who invented it. But no: the bath was created by Candido Jacuzzi, a loving father who wanted to alleviate the suffering of his son. It was originally called the "healing bath".

The seven Jacuzzi brothers emigrated from Italy at the beginning of the 20th century and made their living by manufacturing pumps for aviation and agriculture. Kenneth, son of Candido Jacuzzi, was 15 months old when doctors diagnosed him with rheumatoid arthritis. All that medicine could offer at that time was hydrotherapy, but every day it was an impossible task for a family of working people to take their son to the hospital and back. And the brothers began to develop a home version of the hydromassage installation. In 1948, a portable pump that could turn any bath into a therapeutic one was ready.

Initially, the device was sold in pharmacies as a therapeutic device, but then the Jacuzzi brothers discovered that their bathtubs are also great for fashionable homes. The company improved the design, and in the 1960s and 1970s, the jacuzzi finally became an essential attribute of chic.

Botox for a long time served to treat muscle spasms and get rid of strabismus. Botulinum toxin is considered one of the most dangerous toxins in the world. During the Second World War, for example, capsules with this toxin were put into the food of objectionable politicians.

So who came up with the idea to put a deadly toxin at the service of beauty? In the 1960s, ophthalmologist Alan B. Scott discovered that Botox could correct strabismus in monkeys. In 1978, he received approval for the use of the toxin in "human" medicine and made a number of observations: his discovery helped not only with strabismus, but also with spasms of the muscles of the face, neck and vocal cords. Everyone who suffered from a variety of diseases - from cerebral palsy to Parkinson's disease, received relief thanks to Botox injections. Now it is used in cosmetic surgery, mainly to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes.

Yacht. If you have a yacht, then the question "What to do on the weekend?" will no longer be fraught with lengthy reflections. The classic member of the yacht owner clan is the type whose blood is bluer than the sky and the sea combined.

But initially the yachts were used to intercept pirate ships. Dutch merchants realized that on their clumsy ships loaded with goods, they were unlikely to be able to catch up with filibusters, while yachts had high maneuverability. The very word "yacht" comes from the German jagen - "hunt". To hunt down, catch up and kill - that's what the yachts were for.

They became a symbol of luxury after King Charles II, who returned to England from exile, was presented with a yacht built in Amsterdam. Charles was imbued with sympathy for the unusual boat, which he infected with his younger brother James, the future king. Like most wealthy people, they used the yacht for racing. The popularity of yachts has played a trick on them: today these ships are perceived only as expensive toys.

Potency recovery pills are one of the most actively advertised and highly profitable drugs on the pharmaceutical market. Viagra alone sells more than two billion dollars every year. Although according to its "technical characteristics" Viagra can only overcome erectile dysfunction, the distributors promise much more: they say that the sex will be fantastic, and the wife will stop going to the left, and indeed, at any party you will be the king. The target audience of such pills is young, insecure men, who, however, make good money.

And Viagra appeared as a by-product in the search for a cure for hypertension. Phosphodiesterase of the fifth type was unable to overcome high blood pressure, but the volunteers who took this drug said that they no longer had problems with erection. As a result, in 1998, Pfizer received permission to sell Viagra specifically as a drug for the treatment of potency disorders. Already in the first year, blue pills were sold for a billion dollars.

Rhinoplasty ranks second in popularity among plastic surgeries. It is used, among other things, to facilitate breathing, but mainly to change the appearance. Although initially rhinoplasty was used to restore the noses of criminals who were cut off for certain atrocities.

Plastic surgery- a relatively new invention, although the birth of rhinoplasty dates back to about 600 BC: the Indian genius surgeon Sushruta took pity on the criminals and figured out how to return the lost to them. Even 300 years before Hippocrates began to heal, Sushruta wrote a whole treatise on how to perform operations. Medieval Italian doctors used his advice, and later Western doctors took over the baton.

Expensive illicit drugs. Anyone today knows that young people at parties often throw illegal drugs. The most popular "disco" drug is ecstasy. This drug first appeared in 1912 thanks to the efforts of the Merck company. Ecstasy was originally used as a blood clotting agent for people with hemophilia. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven, and its production has ceased.

After a pause of 15 years, Merck took up ecstasy again. In 1927, a series of experiments on animals was carried out, but the researchers, apparently, did not endure anything interesting for themselves. In 1950, the CIA took up drugs, looking for a truth serum, but here, too, ecstasy did not show itself. In 1967 the situation changed. Dr. Alexander Shulgin "combed" the formula, tested the resulting substance and shared with his friends: it turned out that the drug copes well with stress disorders and helps people with autism.

The fastest private jet Gulfstream G650 $ 65.000.000 American aircraft manufacturer Gulfstream presents its new flagship aircraft G650.
With a length of 30.41 m, 18 people are accommodated on board, including two pilots and a flight attendant. Two Rolls-Royce BR725 engines provide the aircraft with a cruising speed of 870 km/h and a maximum speed of 965 km/h. The maximum flight range is 12.964 km, which for this type of aircraft has a world distance record, as well as a speed record for business jets. The maximum flight ceiling, at the same time, reaches 15.545 meters. Sales will start in 2012.

Expensive skis from Aston Martin $ 6.000 Aston Martin launched a series of skis. The unique handmade sports equipment will be available in limited quantities in the following sizes: 159cm, 166cm, 173cm and 180cm. The colors of the skis are: Morning Frost White, Quantum Silver, Almond Green and Silver Blonde. Skis can be used for sports slalom, freestyle and of course, for calm skiing from snowy peaks. In the construction of skis, high technologies are used. They are made from composite aluminum and carbon, which makes them very light and strong.

Decoration for the Christmas tree, toy ball $ 130.000 Are you wondering how to decorate the Christmas tree? The most expensive Christmas tree decoration was made in Great Britain. New Year's toy is made in the form of a ball enclosed in two rings. Decoration material, white gold. The ball is encrusted over the entire surface with 1500 diamonds, 188 red rubies are inserted into the rings.

The Most Expensive Christmas Tree $ 1.680.000 Ginza Tanaka jewelry store (Osaka, Japan) put up a Christmas tree made of 24 carat gold for sale. The artificial tree weighs 21 kilograms and is made in an avant-garde style. The spruce is decorated with a lot of jewelry, it is strings of pearls and numerous diamond pendants, the price of this attribute of the New Year holiday has set a world record as the most expensive Christmas tree in the world.

The most expensive fountain built in Dubai $ 218.000.000 Dubai Fountain is the largest fountain in the world and at the same time the most expensive. Built at the foot of the tallest building in the world, Burj Dubai, which will open in January 2010. The fountain area itself stretches for almost three hundred meters, equipped with 6600 illuminating lamps and 50 color projection spotlights. The height of the giant fountain ejection reaches an incredible 150 meters!

The most expensive Lamborghini - Lamborghini Reventon Roadster $ 1.450.000 The famous Italian manufacturer of supercars Lamborghini is famous for its outstanding cars in terms of design and technology. Since 1963, the company's cars have become more powerful, faster and more expensive, in competition with their main rival, Ferrari. Therefore, a natural question arises: - Which Lamborghini model is the most expensive in the world?
This is the latest development of the Lamborghini Reventon Roadster, which will be released in the amount of 20 copies.

The most expensive bed in the world Vi-Spring Majesty $ 90,000 British bed manufacturer Vi-Spring has proposed a new masterpiece called The Majesty, that is, "Greatness". Sold exclusively in the London boutique. The bed has a size of 217 cm by 215 cm. Made entirely by hand and decorated with silk, cashmere, lambswool and cotton.

The most expensive lighter in the world - S.T. Dupont $ 74.000 The most expensive lighter in the world, made by the famous French luxury goods manufacturer S.T. Dupont. The lighter is made of 18-carat white gold and encrusted with 468 brilliant-cut diamonds, which explains the high value of the gift. For customers who are demanding of their image, Dupont also offers a fountain pen in the same style as a lighter.

The most expensive toilet paper in the world - Renova $3.5
A $3.50 toilet paper roll from Renova is the most expensive in the world. And if you are already rich enough, then it does not suit you to wipe your sirloin with cheap white paper. Renova has the solution, with six stylish colors to choose from: green, orange, black, red, blue and pink. The texture of the paper is very pleasant to the touch. Toilet paper is already being used in expensive clubs and restaurants.

The most expensive lipstick in the world $62.000

The World's Most Expensive Lipstick Will Cost You A Whopping $62,000 The cost of such an essential makeup item for all fashionistas is due to the material of the lipstick body. It is made of 18 carat gold and encrusted with 200 diamonds. Among other things, you order your personal drawing, initials or logo, which will decorate the box. The lipstick comes with a black lacquered wooden case, a lipstick brush and a soft suede pouch.

The most expensive sushi sticks. $450
When you hear about chopsticks used in Asian countries and sushi bars, you imagine them as the cheapest cutlery that mankind has invented. Indeed it is. And even the Chinese government has imposed a five percent tax on their exports in order to combat deforestation in the Middle Kingdom.
Now look at this! Known for its luxurious handbags, purses and other accessories, Louis Vuitton has created this elegant set of chopsticks for the discerning Asian consumer. And they are now the most expensive chopsticks in the world at $450.

The most expensive pool table in the world $177.000
2x World Champion in billiards, Vincent Facquet has designed a line of luxury pool tables. The most extravagant of them, with a platinum ornament - Majeste, is the most expensive billiard table in the world. The table pockets are lit with LED lights and fiber optics for increased visibility.

The most expensive vacuum cleaner in the world $20.000

Polish designer Lukaz Jemiol has created the most expensive vacuum cleaner in the world. 3730 Swarovski crystals are encrusted in the room cleaner. The vacuum cleaner was taken as a basis, the standard model "Ergorapido" from Electrolux. Despite the fact that the designer made only one copy, Electrolux offers everyone who wants to fork out, on special conditions, to create a couple more.

The most expensive Barbie doll in the world $ 85.000
The diamond Barbie doll, created in collaboration with the masters from De Beers, is dressed up in a dress decorated with 160 diamonds, white gold is also used in miniature jewelry details of the outfit.
The doll is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Barbie, made in 1999.

The most expensive umbrella in the world $50.000
An ultra-luxurious accessory made of the highest quality, black crocodile leather. It is only available by special order from London's Millionaire Fashion House, priced at $50,000. This model is designed exclusively for men and is designed to show a unique luxury, quality, sophistication and originality.

Phone iphone 3GS SUPREME $ 3.150.000
The most expensive iPhone in the world today was made by English jeweler Stuart Hughes.
The phone took 10 months of painstaking work. The one-piece iPhone body weighs 271 grams and is cast from the purest 22 carat gold. The front faces are set with 136 flawless diamonds totaling 68 carats, with a clarity factor F (highest). The apple emblem, on the back cover of the device, has fifty-three diamonds, weighing 1 carat. The composition is crowned by a navigation button, in which a unique and very rare diamond of 7.1 carats flaunts.
Packed in a 7kg case made from a single piece of granite and lined with gold cashmere and nubuck.

What do you think, what can be common between the usual Khrushchev, the residence of the Pope himself, the White House in Washington State and the Kremlin? This is a carpet path, which is present at the entrance of each of the listed objects.

The product first appeared in the times of Hellas, and an expensive dye, purple, was used for its manufacture. This is where the red carpet trend came from. The ancient Greeks firmly believed that only the Olympic gods could walk on them, so such luxury could only be in royal palaces or at noble receptions.

What are Kremlin paths and where are they used?

In the classical sense, the Kremlin carpet paths consist of a dense carpet fabric (about 300 thousand knots) of red, green, blue, crimson, beige or other shades with a border edging with various ornaments processed along the edges. As a rule, they are made of high-strength propylene-based threads, which allows the product to have a high level of wear resistance.

Unlike carpet paths for the home, the Kremlin ones are designed for rooms with high traffic. These products are denser than conventional tracks, and also larger in width (from 0.8 to 2 m) and have a higher pile (up to 11 cm). In addition, such a coating can be purchased in any length.

The Kremlin carpet paths got their name due to the fact that at one time they were used to cover the stairs and corridors of government buildings. Today, red carpets are laid outside the building during special celebrations. Take, for example, the presentation of such awards as the Oscar and Grammy or the premiere of the next movie, none of these events is complete without the famous red carpet. She is not threatened by the concept of “a relic of the past”, since she has long managed to consolidate her authority throughout the history of her existence and no new fashion trends are able to change this.

The main advantages of the Kremlin paths

Among the main advantages of products can be noted:

· High wear resistance. Do not lose their bright colors when using various cleaning products, and do not fade in the sun. At the same time, a coating made of natural material will require more thorough and careful care than synthetic ones;

· Due to the dense antibacterial composition, dirt does not accumulate in the fibers, which allows cleaning quickly and easily;

· Affordable;

Dust does not accumulate due to the antistatic properties of the fibers;

· As a part of a product use safe natural materials of high quality;

· They have a classic design, various colors and ornaments, which allows them to be used both in a kindergarten and in a private residence.

But in addition to its aesthetic functions, carpeting also performs a number of practical ones, for example:

Detains dirt and interferes with its further distribution;

· Protects a floor from mechanical damages and scratches;

· Absorbs noise;

· Do not allow a person to slip and fall on the stairs.

The classic Kremlin carpet due to its design (a wide long plain canvas with a pattern along the edges) is able to visually enlarge the room. Thus, you literally expand the horizons of space. Kremlin paths are always practicality, comfort, luxury and a part of a real holiday.

The most expensive things that were purchased as luxury attributes.

The fastest private jet Gulfstream G650 $ 65.000.000

American aircraft manufacturer Gulfstream is introducing its new flagship aircraft, the G650.
With a length of 30.41 m, 18 people are accommodated on board, including two pilots and a flight attendant. Two Rolls-Royce BR725 engines provide the aircraft with a cruising speed of 870 km/h and a maximum speed of 965 km/h. The maximum flight range is 12.964 km, which for this type of aircraft has a world distance record, as well as a speed record for business jets. The maximum flight ceiling, at the same time, reaches 15.545 meters. Sales will start in 2012.

Christmas tree decoration, ball toy $ 130,000

Wondering how to decorate your Christmas tree? The most expensive Christmas tree decoration was made in Great Britain. New Year's toy is made in the form of a ball enclosed in two rings. Decoration material, white gold. The ball is encrusted over the entire surface with 1500 diamonds, 188 red rubies are inserted into the rings.

The most expensive Christmas tree $ 1.680.000

Jewelry store Ginza Tanaka (Osaka, Japan) put up a Christmas tree made of 24 carat gold for sale. The artificial tree weighs 21 kilograms and is made in an avant-garde style. The spruce is decorated with a lot of jewelry, it is strings of pearls and numerous diamond pendants, the price of this attribute of the New Year holiday has set a world record as the most expensive Christmas tree in the world.

The most expensive fountain built in Dubai $ 218.000.000

Dubai Fountain is the largest fountain in the world and at the same time the most expensive. Built at the foot of the tallest building in the world, Burj Dubai, which will open in January 2010. The fountain area itself stretches for almost three hundred meters, equipped with 6600 illuminating lamps and 50 color projection spotlights. The height of the giant fountain ejection reaches an incredible 150 meters!

The most expensive Lamborghini - Lamborghini Reventon Roadster $ 1.450.000

The famous Italian supercar manufacturer Lamborghini is famous for its outstanding cars in terms of design and technology. Since 1963, the company's cars have become more powerful, faster and more expensive, in competition with their main rival, Ferrari. Therefore, a natural question arises: - Which Lamborghini model is the most expensive in the world?
This is the latest development of the Lamborghini Reventon Roadster, which will be released in the amount of 20 copies.

The most expensive bed in the world Vi-Spring Majesty $ 90.000

British bed manufacturer Vi-Spring has come up with a new masterpiece called The Majesty. Sold exclusively in the London boutique. The bed has a size of 217 cm by 215 cm. Made entirely by hand and decorated with silk, cashmere, lambswool and cotton.

The most expensive lighter in the world - S.T. Dupont $74.000

The most expensive lighter in the world, made by the famous French manufacturer of luxury goods S.T. Dupont. The lighter is made of 18-carat white gold and encrusted with 468 brilliant-cut diamonds, which explains the high value of the gift. For customers who are demanding of their image, Dupont also offers a fountain pen in the same style as a lighter.

The most expensive toilet paper in the world - Renova $3.5

A $3.50 toilet paper roll from Renova is the most expensive in the world. And if you are already rich enough, then it does not suit you to wipe your sirloin with cheap white paper. Renova has the solution, with six stylish colors to choose from: green, orange, black, red, blue and pink. The texture of the paper is very pleasant to the touch. Toilet paper is already being used in expensive clubs and restaurants.

The most expensive sushi sticks. $450

When you hear about chopsticks used in Asian countries and sushi bars, you imagine them as the cheapest cutlery that mankind has invented. Indeed it is. And even the Chinese government has imposed a five percent tax on their exports in order to combat deforestation in the Middle Kingdom.
Now look at this! Known for its luxurious handbags, purses and other accessories, Louis Vuitton has created this elegant set of chopsticks for the discerning Asian consumer. And they are now the most expensive chopsticks in the world at $450.

The most expensive pool table in the world $177.000

Three-time World Champion in billiards, Vincent Facquet has designed a line of luxury pool tables. The most extravagant of them, with a platinum ornament - Majeste, is the most expensive billiard table in the world. The table pockets are lit with LED lights and fiber optics for increased visibility.

The most expensive vacuum cleaner in the world $20.000

Polish designer Lukaz Jemiol has created the most expensive vacuum cleaner in the world. 3730 Swarovski crystals are encrusted in the room cleaner. The vacuum cleaner was taken as a basis, the standard model "Ergorapido" from Electrolux. Despite the fact that the designer made only one copy, Electrolux offers everyone who wants to fork out, on special conditions, to create a couple more.

The most expensive Barbie doll in the world $ 85.000

The diamond Barbie doll, created in collaboration with the masters from De Beers, is dressed up in a dress decorated with 160 diamonds, white gold is also used in miniature jewelry details of the outfit.
The doll is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Barbie, made in 1999.

The most expensive umbrella in the world $50.000

An ultra-luxurious accessory made of the highest quality, black crocodile leather. It is only available by special order from London's Millionaire Fashion House, priced at $50,000. This model is designed exclusively for men and is designed to show a unique luxury, quality, sophistication and originality.

The most expensive autograph in the world $ 5.000.000

Phone iphone 3GS SUPREME $ 3.150.000

The most expensive iPhone in the world today was made by English jeweler Stuart Hughes.
The phone took 10 months of painstaking work. The one-piece iPhone body weighs 271 grams and is cast from the purest 22 carat gold. The front faces are set with 136 flawless diamonds totaling 68 carats, with a clarity factor F (highest). The apple emblem, on the back cover of the device, has fifty-three diamonds, weighing 1 carat. The composition is crowned by a navigation button, in which a unique and very rare diamond of 7.1 carats flaunts.
Packed in a 7kg case made from a single piece of granite and lined with gold cashmere and nubuck.