How to raise your life potential. Communication with the opposite sex, flirting, falling in love. Ways to increase energy

If you're suffering from an energy crisis, another cup of coffee won't save you. Headstand, orange glasses - these are just a few, albeit strange, but effective ways quickly increase energy.

Ear massage

When you massage your ears, you stimulate acupressure points that provide energy to the entire body and improve blood circulation. You don't need to use any specific methods. Whenever you feel tired, massage your earlobes and then top part ear.

Wear orange lenses

If you're used to watching TV before bed, the blue light emitted from the monitor may interfere with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. To combat blue light and protect your sleep, try watching TV with glasses with orange lenses - this will help you rest better and forget about fatigue.

Take a cold shower

A hot shower in the morning is good idea, but a cold shower will give you a huge boost of energy. Flow cold water will improve your breathing rate as a response to shock, increase your oxygen consumption, and increase your heart rate as your body works to stay warm.

Eat two kiwis

This fruit is enriched with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium, which boost energy. Research shows that eating two kiwis a day is enough to relieve fatigue and depressive symptoms and increase energy.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is simply overflowing with essentials. nutrients, which have been proven to increase endurance and focus. Great product.

Do a headstand

Your colleagues may think you're crazy if you do this in your office, but inversion therapy is quick way improve mental performance. This exercise improves brain health by increasing blood flow. If blood flow to the brain increases, more oxygen and glucose will enter it.

Mow the lawn

Just the thought of having to mow your lawn can fill you with dread. But research suggests the smell of freshly cut grass can be overwhelming. Bad mood and promote feelings of joy, calm and well-being.

Keep a journal

Writing down everything you're grateful for can help you feel rested and happy, and it can also help you sleep better. This is an effective way.

Listen to loud music

If you have to long haul to work, take your headphones with you and download your favorite playlist to your phone. Loud music has been shown to increase energy and improve your mental condition. Cheerful music also evokes positive memories.

Don't forget to have breakfast

Whether you think breakfast is an important meal or not, many scientists are on its side, so to speak. They have proven that those who don't skip breakfast feel much better, are less stressed, and are more resilient throughout the day than those who skip breakfast.

Wash your face

Need a quick boost of energy? Instead of brewing a pot of coffee, try washing your face cold water, and you will perk up much faster than if you drank a cup of coffee.

Pay your loans on time

Financial issues are always stressful, and sometimes it’s impossible to escape from it. Credit debt affects our mood and lowers our energy levels. Try to pay all bills on time.

Eat eggs


Sedentary work can drain your energy and leave you feeling depressed. However, a short walk can make you a little happier and more energetic.

Eat yogurt

Yogurt is enriched with complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber. And these components provide a steady surge of energy.

Smell the rosemary sprigs

It has been proven that this aromatic herb improves physical state, relieves mental fatigue. Rosemary is believed to improve memory and soothe headaches.

Try to consume as much magnesium as possible

If you constantly feel tired, then your body does not have enough magnesium. When a person doesn't get enough magnesium, the body works harder to regulate the heart rate and convert glucose into energy. As a result, you feel exhausted. Nuts, whole grains and fish are all good sources magnesium

Eat chia seeds

Add two tablespoons of chia seeds to a cup of unsweetened almond milk, then cool. Sprinkle cinnamon on top and you have a delicious snack.

Give up alcohol

A glass of wine before bed can ruin your rest and slow down your energy levels. While alcohol may initially make you sleepy, it also increases the production of stress hormones that will lead to insomnia.

Peppermint chewing gum

This elastic band will not only give you fresh breath, but will also make you feel energetic. Peppermint is known to increase alertness as effectively as cold water.

Orange juice

It's not as stupid as it seems. Research shows that people who drink orange juice for breakfast are less tired and generally feel more alert.

Eat Indian food

Many Asian dishes contain spices that have medicinal properties, improve blood circulation and mood. They also increase energy.

Stress can drain your energy and this can affect your mood. Some researchers believe laughter the best medicine. So take the time to watch all those funny animal videos, particularly cats, that your friends throw at you on social media, and you will see how good laugh will help get rid of lethargy.

Cinnamon tea

Instead of running for another can of Red Bull, the next time you feel sleepy, brew yourself a cup of cinnamon tea. The aroma of the spice improves memory and attention.

Take your vitamins

Vitamin B is essential for energy production, but about 40 percent of people don't get enough energy. B 12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, sudden changes mood and dementia.

Have a mental health day

If you're constantly stressed at work, you may feel tired, moody, and exhausted. To regain your energy, take a short break and take a day off. Day mental health will allow you to leave your office job and focus on your happiness, which will restore your energy. Be sure to plan your day so that you don't start doing chores. Instead, spend some time reading, walking, or whatever makes you feel alert and energetic.

Drink more water

Humans are 60 percent water, and even moderate dehydration can lead to an energy crisis. To keep your body functioning properly, try to drink eight to ten cups of water a day.


A sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems including cancer, depression and diabetes. It can also cause feelings of lethargy. To boost your energy and protect your heart, try getting up from your desk more often and stretching. This will increase your heart rate and energy level, at the same time reduce the risk of serious problems with health.

Jumping on a trampoline

Jumping on a trampoline has been shown to improve mental clarity and generate positive energy, which lasts all day. You will definitely like it.

Eat blueberries

When a wave of fatigue hits you, fight it with sweet, delicious blueberries. The berry is known to boost energy and promote brain function thanks to its rich concentration of phytonutrients and antioxidants that improve brain function and memory.

Do you want to be full of energy throughout the day? Below are 6 ways to boost your energy and look great without coffee or energy drinks. Our lifestyle and nutrition are directly related to the feeling of vigor. Lightness + a sea of ​​energy or heaviness + the desire to lie down? The choice is yours.

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Ice cream, cookies, Coca-Cola, chips not only destroy our health and beauty, but also deprive us of energy! Sugar charges the body with quick energy for short term, after which there is even less strength left. After a few hours, the desire to snack on cookies or Snickers appears again. If you exclude such foods from your diet, your body will not waste precious energy digesting empty, heavy food with zero benefit.

It's better to eat a bowl of brown rice or whole grain pasta (if you are not sensitive to gluten) with a large serving of vegetables, which will provide the body with slow-burning energy throughout the day. Don't forget about superfoods for an energy boost - bananas, almonds, ginger, green vegetables and hot peppers.

2. Eliminate caffeine

Caffeine stimulates a surge of energy, while at the same time depriving us of energy. Coffee, energy drinks and Coca-Cola are physically and psychologically addictive. One cup of coffee is not enough to give you energy from morning to evening, so after a few hours the desire to drink a cup arises again. Coffee provokes such side effects, How headache, fatigue, irritability. How more coffee The more you drink, the stronger the side effects.

Try drinking a green smoothie made from greens and fruits, which are full of vitamins and minerals, instead of coffee for breakfast several times a week.

Green smoothies are easily absorbed by the body, unlike heavy foods, and make us more beautiful and healthier. Nutritional composition Such mixes will charge you with energy for the whole day!

3. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. You can read more It is very likely that you lack energy due to insufficient sleep.

Monitor your feelings immediately after waking up! It is very important to fully recover at night. And wake up with new strength and the desire to move mountains.

A few hours before bedtime, put away electronic devices that can disrupt your daily biorhythm. And on your day off, turn off the alarm, trust your body and sleep as much as you want.

4. Drink water

Dehydration reduces our energy levels. Drink clean water, herbal teas, eat fresh vegetables and fruits to nourish the body and maintain hydration. Sometimes add lemon slices for taste.

5. Play sports

Did you know that physical activity increases energy levels many times more than caffeine? Just a 40-minute walk before breakfast will fill you with energy for the whole day! Regular exercise stress makes us stronger, more positive and energetic.

6. Don't be nervous

When we become emotionally and psychologically tired from daily tasks and stressful situations, then we feel physical fatigue. Stopping for a few minutes throughout the day to calm your mind will help you completely reset yourself. Taking a few deep breaths before answering a call, meditating for 2-3 minutes on the way home, or taking a bath after a weekday are small steps that each of us can try.

Shifting from a restless mind to your body will help you maintain precious energy, will radically change you and your way of thinking! You will become calmer, more balanced, peaceful and feminine. Thanks to moments like these, you find answers to exciting questions, and any problem turns out to be easy to solve.

Take the first steps, gradually changing familiar image life. Several times a week, replace your morning coffee with a glass of freshly squeezed green juice or smoothie. Try snacking on fruit instead of candy when your energy is low. Always listen to your inner feelings.

When we nourish our body with healthy foods and dedicate a few minutes a day just to ourselves, we not only feel a sea of ​​energy and internal balance, but we also look great! After all, beauty reflects physical health! There is no other way.

With love,

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As already mentioned, every human thought, as well as his feelings and body, has strong or weak energy. To connect with the power of intention, you need to increase your energy level. How to increase internal energy person?

It is impossible to heal by constantly cursing the disease. By such actions you only add destructive energy to the destructive energy that permeates your life. If for energy low level the world around you, you will react with the same low energy, you will only expand it even more. For example, this can be reflected in the following: if you treat a person who somehow offended you accordingly, you will only strengthen the field of low-frequency energy.

There is no need to take advantage of the low energy that is present in many of those around you. Try to operate at higher frequencies, then they will not be able to lower your energy level. On the contrary, you should strive to increase your energy level, becoming what you want and strive for.

In order to make it easier for you to eliminate all the obstacles that come from the low-frequency waves of your energy and get closer to the power of intention, you need to learn how to increase your energy system due to the following factors:

● Start practicing meditation regularly. To do this, throw away all extraneous thoughts for a while and immerse yourself in silence, while mentally constantly repeating the name of God as a mantra.

● Try to eat only healthy plant foods, such as nuts, fruits and vegetables, soy or yeast-free bread. They contain a high alkaline content and have a positive effect on energy levels, thereby making you stronger. Other foods, such as sweets, fatty dairy foods and foods with dyes, have low energy levels. The best option will be: separate nutrition and thus you will give the body the opportunity to increase energy levels.

● Avoid completely bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs (even mild ones). This is simply necessary in order to get closer to the power of intention and increase your level energetic force.

● Move cable and commercial television far into the background. It’s no secret to anyone that modern television programs, films, videos and even children’s cartoons in most cases are negative in nature. Try to stop watching TV in general, or at least pay attention exclusively to positive, good programs.

● When listening to music, pay attention to its energy. Loud, heavy and harsh sound vibrations significantly reduce your energy levels. Therefore, in order for you to attract love and peace to yourself, as well as the ability to contact with intention, listen exclusively to music and songs that can reflect your good, high thoughts.

●Picture your frequented spot with positive photos. Perhaps this turn of events may seem like complete nonsense to many, but this is not so. Photography is, to some extent, a form of energy reproduction, and photographs that capture expressions of love and joy, nature and kindness will be an excellent vehicle for filling your heart with high energy.

● Try to communicate with highly spiritual people as much as possible. It could even be your family and friends who see the greatness in you and help reconnect you with intention.

● Remember to monitor your behavior. Try to avoid places, activities and people that have low energy fields. Do not be violent, rude or angry. Instead of going with friends to a cafe or night club In order to drink and “have fun”, it is better to go to the park, on a hike, or to the sea. Try to be closer to nature. Visit monasteries, travel to holy places, or do charity work, not necessarily financially.

● Do any good deeds from pure heart, and don’t ask for anything in return. When making any decision, be specific, do not fuss.

● Think about forgiveness as often as possible. If someone has offended you, on purpose or by accident, there is no need to hold a grudge against this person, much less resentment, forgive him and wish him well.

● Don't be proud. Don't set yourself a higher standard than other people. Treat everyone equally, regardless of a person's status. After all, pride and conceit are worst enemies on the way to intention.

All these tips will help you as quickly as possible increase internal energy, and, therefore, get closer to the universal Spirit.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

Physical energy is the energy that maintains the vitality of the physical body. Physical energy is necessary to maintain a high tone of free (vital energy).

To maintain a high level physical energy Only 2 conditions are necessary:

  1. Good and nutritious nutrition;
  2. A good and complete rest.

Physical energy alone is not enough to maintain high vitality. Free energy is also needed. But before you set out to increase your free energy, you must have high level physical energy. When you are sick, what do you want most? Sleep and rest. You can sleep 17-18 hours a day. And there is absolutely no desire to work, and especially to create anything. Look after your physical body. If it is in abundance, then you can start developing free energy, but if not, take care of yourself. Get rest, sleep a lot, eat well. In general, dedicate certain time just rest. Take a vacation, go to the sea, to the mountains, to the country, in general, to somewhere where you can have a great rest.

So, let's say you have a sufficient amount of physical energy, and now comes the most interesting moment: how to increase vital energy. The first thing you should do is determine your current free energy level. If you are too lazy to get up in the morning, don’t want to go to work or study, if you feel limp after lunch and feel sleepy, if in the evening you have no other desires than to settle down in front of the TV, then your level of free energy is negligible. It may be only enough to maintain the current state.

So, whatever your energy level is at this moment, it can always be increased.

There are 2 approaches to increasing free energy levels:

  1. Reduce costs free energy;
  2. Increase income free energy.

First, let's talk about what free energy is spent on:

  1. Any kind of negative emotions. Everything that causes bad emotions pumps creative energy out of you! In particular, feelings of guilt, anxiety, fear;
  2. Stress. Any stress is caused by a sense of importance;
  3. Feeling of importance;
  4. Artificial methods of increasing energy:
    a. Energetic drinks;
    b. Alcohol;
    Artificial methods of increasing energy are very similar to borrowing money at interest (in other words, credit). You take energy now, but tomorrow or later you will give much more. Therefore, try to consume them and especially alcohol as little as possible;
  5. Cigarettes;
  6. Spending on little things.

Tell me, do you have clear priorities in life? If not, do it right now. This will save you from wasting energy on small things. Why waste your energy on something that isn't even on your priority list? For example, do you like football? Does it really matter to you? great importance which team will win? When you worry, you waste energy because the result is important to you.

Are you worried about what is happening in the country, in the country's economy? If yes, then again you are wasting energy. But note that you cannot change anything with your thoughts. Until you make a fortune, you cannot influence the economy. And is it worth devoting your energy to this?

But think about it, probably one of your highest priorities is your family and children. You can have a significant impact on their lives. Maybe it's worth spending your energy on improving their lives?

Once you have your priorities straight, you will realize that everything that is not on the list is not worth your energy!

Spend 80% of your energy on the first 3 items of your priorities: 50% on the first, 20% on the second, 10% on the third, and the remaining 20% ​​on everything else! By spending energy on little things, you give it away irrevocably. By spending energy on really important things, you invest it, for which you receive even more energy.

Well, now it’s time to talk about how to increase your energy level:

1. Dreams, goals

Having dreams and goals that you strive for day after day gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this only happens when your dreams and goals are yours and not imposed on you by other people. When the soul and mind are united in their aspirations, you gain a huge amount of energy for your use. No better feeling than feeling like your dream is moving towards you. If you follow your own path, then the Universe will accompany you in everything and always supply you with the necessary amount of energy!

2. Faith

No matter what you believe in: God, a Supreme Mind, the Universe, the superconscious, or anything else, your faith in that Supreme Being should give you free energy in sufficient quantities. If you don't feel it, then maybe. you should develop your faith. A very good affirmation: “my world takes care of me.” By repeating this affirmation, after a few days you will begin to feel absolute calm and a huge influx of energy, because you no longer need to be afraid. Your world will take care of everything. You can replace the phrase my peace with something you believe in, for example, “God takes care of me.”

3. Love

Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you experience great enthusiasm and a feeling that you can accomplish anything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

4. Energy gymnastics

Energy gymnastics are exercises aimed at expanding energy channels. We'll talk about this point in the next newsletter. I will give one very powerful exercise in the next newsletter.

5. Gratitude

How do you feel when you thank someone from the bottom of your heart for some service? Try to be grateful for all the good things you have. This will provide you with an additional large amount of free energy.

6. Art

What type of art do you like best? Art enlivens the soul. In times of information, art fades into the background. It is being replaced by the Internet. But don't forget to spend time on art. It is important for the soul. In general, in times of information, more and more tools and activities for the mind appear, and everything that is for the soul fades into the background. But do not forget that the mind only with the support of the soul can realize anything in this world!

7. Music

Music is energy in pure form. Play music that you like. You can turn it up louder so that the flow of energy is greater, and take as much as you can.

8. Hobby

A hobby is nothing more than an activity for the soul. Everything you do is for the soul. gives you energy.

9. Communication with people who have high energy

There are people who have a very high amount of energy. They have enough of this energy and even overflows. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily transfers to the interlocutor. Everyone feels great positive feelings towards such people. Sometimes they don't even know why. All successful people have a high level of energy, and therefore after communicating with such people you always leave in high spirits. When they enter the room, it is simply filled with invisible light. There are also opposite people. The room is filled with light when they leave it. Such people always take your energy away from you.

10. Self-hypnosis

As you understand, with the help of self-hypnosis you can achieve anything you want. You can also increase your energy level. To do this, it is enough to use visualization and energy gymnastics. It is possible to use self-hypnosis in its pure form to increase energy levels.

11. Pets

I think no explanation is needed here. Whenever you look at your pets, they always evoke pleasant feelings.

12. Exchange for physical energy

While playing sports, active rest you get tired physically, but your vitality always goes up. Morning jogging, swimming, exercise gyms always gives you extra energy.

13. Exchange for money

These are nothing more than donations. You give money without expecting a return, and in return the Universe gives you energy.

14. Sex

The most powerful source of free energy.


You may forget everything said above, but if you remember at least one phrase, then you have gained a lot by reading this article:
You gain energy when you experience positive feelings, and you expend energy when you experience negative feelings.

4.5 Increasing our energy

At the next stage of work, you must make sure that your mental energy message is heard by those performers who can come to your aid. To do this, he must be strong enough not to get lost in the countless chorus of thoughts like “I want this! I want this!”, which are simultaneously sent by billions of people living on the planet.

Some are very good at increasing energy psychological trainings, where, with the help of special techniques, the presenters boost the internal potential of the training participants. After the training, participants are in a high-energy, euphoric state, and all their goals are realized very quickly.

But, unfortunately, external energy “pumping” usually only lasts for two to three months, then the procedure needs to be repeated. People become addicted to trainings and strive to participate in them again and again.

We propose a different approach - independent work to increase internal energy. If you use these recommendations, then your future will depend only on you! From your desire and from the efforts made. We give you a tool to work on yourself once and for life. Whether you take it is up to you.

Increased internal energy and self-confidence
The timing of the implementation of your planned events directly depends on the date internal energy you will go towards their realization. If you are a very confident, energetic and purposeful person, then your plans can come true in just a few days. But such people rarely study methods similar to ours - they simply do not need it. And people with a lot of doubts and worries always have low internal energy, and the time frame for realizing even their most ardent desires (if they exist at all) stretches out for many years. This leads to a simple conclusion: to speed up the formation of the events you need, you need to use special exercises aimed at increasing your energy potential. It is recommended to master such exercises at the next stage of studying the methodology of event formation.

Inner doubts are a devourer of vitality
Inner doubts and worries like “Did I do everything right? Did I say anything unnecessary? Did I do the right thing by buying this dress?” and so on. Internal doubts, which are the result of the uncontrolled work of your own mind, are the main devourer of your strength and health. A person who constantly doubts and, most importantly, tries to come to informed decisions through constant internal reasoning, is most often poorly suited to prosperity in our lives. A continuously working “word mixer” takes away such a person’s time and energy when complete absence visible results.

This does not mean that we urge you not to doubt anything and always have a judgment on any matter. Doubt is destiny thinking man. We are only trying to convince you that you need to solve problems not with the help of your “word mixer”, but with the help of stronger and more knowledgeable forces. But to resolve your doubts and questions with the help of the subconscious (that is, with the help of guided intuition), you must be able to silence your mind and make room in your head to receive answers to your questions.

Powerful energy is a guarantee of success
A person with powerful energy can, at will, make contact with any egregors, including very high ones, and literally “force” them to fulfill their desires. There are such people, but they are few and they usually do not attach importance to their capabilities. But if you run in all directions at once, violating the second principle of the Event Formation Methodology, then even with the highest energy you can wait a very long time for your desires to come true. But if high energy and one goal are combined, then it can be realized literally the next day.

You can increase the power of your energy different ways. Various oriental gymnastics, especially qigong, help very well with this. Can be used breathing exercises from yoga or from rebirthing.

In yoga Special attention is given to the concept "prana". The word “prana” translated from Sanskrit means “vital breath, vital energy.” According to ancient Indian views, when breathing a person absorbs not only oxygen, but also a certain energy substance, which is called “prana”. This energy, inhaled by a person along with the air, is transferred to various organs of the body and processed by them, collectively forming an internal “pranic current”.
We also want to offer you one of the famous yoga breathing exercises.


One of the most effective techniques The way to gain energy in yoga is to breathe “in a triangle”, which means dividing the breathing cycle into three stages: inhale-hold-exhale and then repeat this cycle many times.

IN various sources are given different recommendations according to the duration of these stages. Our experience shows that it is best to use the same duration of stages and keep them multiples of the number of heart beats - 6 beats (6 beats per inhale, 6 beats hold and 6 beats exhale). If this duration is not a problem, try increasing the duration of the stages to 8, 10 or even 12 heart beats.

If you are conducting the exercise in a room with large tabletop or wall mounted mechanical watch, then the “ticking” of the clock can be taken as the unit of reference. One tick-tock usually corresponds to about one second. One stage of the cycle should also last 6 (8,10,12) “tick-tock” hours.

You can perform the exercise standing or lying down.

Breathing should be performed quite freely, without interruption or tension. Inhalation is carried out according to the following scheme: the lower abdomen is filled with air, then the middle part, then the top of the chest to capacity. Exhale in reverse order: top-middle-bottom.

While performing the exercise, using the “inner gaze” or “ray of attention”, you need to mentally send streams of energy from the lungs to all organs and parts of your body - including diseased organs to heal them. You can breathe through diseased organs, that is, imagine that air enters and leaves through this organ (eyes, liver, knee, etc.).

If you do it before bed, you will have colorful dreams. The exercise can be performed while walking - then the duration of the stage is regulated by the number of steps. The number of triangle breathing cycles is 5-10 at a time, otherwise you may feel dizzy from an excess of oxygen.

It is advisable to perform the exercise constantly, but to increase your energy and get the effect, you need to do it daily for at least a month.

Breathing exercises provide a general, non-selective increase in energy. You will feel cheerful, confident, good mood will not leave you. The efficiency of realizing your wishes will increase several times.

To charge internal energy, visualization techniques are widely used, that is, imagining that flows of energy from the external environment enter your body and fill it.

For example, if you are overcome by doubts based on personal relationships or you want to impress with your cheerfulness and freshness of judgment, then we recommend charging yourself with light and pleasant energy.


Stand straight, stretch and release your body muscles, close your eyes.

Imagine that a column of slightly glowing transparent energy descends on your head directly from the distant depths of Space. You have seen similar pillars in stormy weather, when individual rays of the Sun make their way through rare openings between dark clouds. The flow of energy entering you through this pillar can be painted in a color that is pleasant to you.

Golden energy gives fun, lightness, wit. Blue or silver - determination, inner peace, confidence in success. The incoming energy fills you completely and pours out through your heart onto those around you.

The flow of energy should be with you all the time - when you work, travel, relax, etc. You must become like a puppet - a doll suspended on a “thread” of the energy flow.

Be a puppet for several days, and you won’t recognize yourself, let alone your friends.

You can recharge your energy from the sun, trees, water and other natural objects. In general, any methods are good. Another thing is that various ways Charges provide energy of different “densities” - depending on which energy centers your enhanced energy supply goes through.

Accordingly, if you are going on a date and need to work up the courage to love confession, you need soft and gentle energy - the rays of the setting sun can give it. Here is one exercise that will help you achieve this goal.


  • Stand facing the rising or setting Sun.
  • Squint your eyes and try to see through them Sun Ray, coming from the Sun straight into your eyes. Remember this ray and close your eyes.
  • Imagine that your body is an empty crystal vessel that needs to be filled with solar liquid. Begin to “fill yourself” with solar liquid through the sun’s ray, which enters directly into your eyes. The liquid will gradually fill your legs, torso, spill into your hands, then fill your head and begin to pour out through the top of your head, creating a sunny radiant stream around you.
  • If the Sun is covered by clouds or you are indoors, you can imagine a ray coming from above and charge yourself from it.
  • At the end of the exercise, which should last from 3 to 5 minutes, wash your face with open palms.
To indicate the degree of “filling” of the crystal vessel with solar liquid, you can use your hands using the following actions.

Exercise “INDICATOR HANDS” (additional to the previous one).

Stand straight, completely relax your arms and let them “hang” along your body. Start doing the “Crystal Vessel” exercise. As the vessel “fills,” your hands should very slowly begin to rise up to the sides. This should only happen spontaneously. On a conscious level, you should only observe the process of raising your hands up. Lifting speed - from bottom to top no faster than 3 minutes. The most difficult place is from the horizontal position of the arms to the vertical up, since the shoulder muscles are not used to lifting our arms up, especially through the sides. This position can be passed through for the first or second time with some conscious effort.

The arms immediately begin to rise spontaneously in about 60% of people; the rest require a certain amount of effort and time to develop this ability.

This is an exercise to charge with “gentle” energy. But if you are going to sort things out with your superiors or with business partner, and it is advisable to literally impose on your interlocutors the point of view you need, then we recommend that you do the following exercise.

To perform this exercise, it is advisable that you be alone in the room while doing it and you have the opportunity to mutter something or even shout something not very loudly, and no one will come running and offer to call psychiatrists.

Exercise “I AM THE POWER!”

  • Stand straight, raise both arms to your chest, clench your fists and forcefully throw them up, down or away from you (you can only use one hand, one at a time).
  • At the same time, with the most emotionality and expressiveness possible for you, literally shout out a short energetic phrase like: “I am the power!” I am energy! I am the master (of my life)!” or “I am happy (rich, cheerful, successful)!” The text can be more practical like: “I am the head of the department!”, “I am submitting a report!” or “I’m the sexiest!”
  • You need to perform this action 5-6 times in a row. If you do it very energetically, you will literally feel waves of energy hitting the back of your head from the inside.
The exercise is very energetic, but it creates in a person a rather tough energy, which is necessary for the military, managers, businessmen, politicians and simply people who want to advance in their careers or demand a higher salary. It can be performed several times a day, including immediately before important meetings or speeches.

Let's get to know ourselves
The next step towards increasing your energy is to see what a wonderful person you are. To do this, you need very little - just remember once again how many different peaks on your life’s path you have already overcome. And once again make sure that you have always done it wonderfully.

It should be noted that most people do not remember their successes and greatly underestimate their achievements, and this should never be done.

To help you really evaluate your strengths and achievements, we suggest you complete a simple exercise.


  • Take a piece of paper and a pen. Divide a sheet of paper with lines (across the sheet) into three equal parts. Above each part, make one of the following inscriptions: 1) My positive qualities. 2) What have I achieved? 3) Where can I prove myself?
  • Accept comfortable position sitting at the table, relax your body muscles, stop your thoughts running.
  • Mentally ask yourself the question: “What positive qualities do I have?” and begin to write down the answers that appear in the first column. This could include kindness, cheerfulness, openness, perseverance, the ability to empathize with other people, the desire to help them, etc. This may also include and your very specific achievements - physical strength, beauty, ability to play chess or speak English foreign language, drive a car, swim, fish, write or draw beautifully, play an instrument or sing songs, etc.
Experience shows that anyone, even the most modest person, can “dig up” at least a dozen positive qualities. So don’t be too shy, if one sheet is not enough, take a second one.
  • When you finish filling out the first column, move on to the second. In the same way, in a state of relaxation and stopping the racing of thoughts, ask yourself next question: “What have I achieved so far?”
  • As soon as the first answers appear, start writing them down without getting distracted by memories and discussions of missed opportunities. Your “word mixer” will constantly try to seize the initiative from you and start discussing some problems - do not give in to her attacks. In the second column you should write down ALL the more or less significant achievements of your life. This may be an entry or an end educational institution, marriage or divorce, buying a good thing or an interesting trip, meeting with interesting people or execution hard work, composing a song or catching a big crucian carp while fishing, etc. and so on.
    As we have already said, there is no person who could not recall a dozen or so achievements.
  • When the achievements stop popping up in your memory, proceed without interruption to filling out the third column. Ask yourself the question: “Where can I express myself? in the best possible way" and start writing down the answers that appear. The answers, again, can be very different. Maybe you see yourself as an outstanding military leader or a prominent politician, a preacher or intelligence officer, the father of ten legitimate children or a successful Don Juan, etc.
  • It would be nice if the entries from the second and third columns intersect and complement each other. This will mean that you write down in the third column not just your fantasies on the topic “Who would I like to be,” but some aspects of your personality that are confirmed by your very specific successes? real life and activities.
Likewise, any person can find five to ten activities in which he is likely to succeed. If, of course, he actually engages in them.

The total time spent on performing the exercise is from 15 to 30 minutes.

When you finish the exercise, you will need to return to your normal state of consciousness, review and analyze the recordings again. We are sure that it will be a great revelation for you to see all your advantages and achievements at once. People tend to forget and downplay their achievements and focus on their shortcomings, which reduces their energy and self-confidence.

Doing the above exercise will certainly increase your self-esteem and self-confidence - i.e. will increase your energy and facilitate communication with high egregors.

But do not throw away these sheets of paper with the completed exercise, but save them! And write down your new achievements as they appear. And if you remember and look for new achievements, they will constantly appear in your life. And you will become more and more convinced of what a talented, successful and simply outstanding person you are! You will be filled with feeling self-importance, and this is the high self-esteem necessary to quickly achieve the goals you need.

And don’t forget that there are equally outstanding and successful people next to you, so you have no reason to look at other people with contempt or arrogance. This will already be an idealization (that is, an exaggeration) of your abilities, and Life will be forced to give you a lesson in destroying this idealization. Therefore, think simply: “I am super! And those around you are super!”, although they may not even realize it.

And it’s time for us to take stock of the results.

1. The time frame for the implementation of planned events directly depends on the internal energy with which you will go towards their implementation. Therefore, everyone accessible ways you need to increase your energy and your self-esteem.
1. To increase your energy, the first thing you need to do is get rid of constant doubts and fears. We have already considered techniques for stopping the “word mixer”.
2. The next way to increase your energy is to use various types of exercises, during which you will visualize the flow of energy flowing into your body from external sources, which can be the Sun, trees, mountains, fields or open bodies of water.
3. To increase your self-esteem, it is very important to record on paper all your previous achievements and constantly add to this list.

This is the very first book
methods of Alexander Sviyash, which later
like technology
Intelligent life.