Cool congratulations for the wives of paratroopers. Funny poems congratulations on the day of the paratrooper

On a worthy, proud holiday
I'll tell you on occasion:
Happy Airborne Forces Day, paratrooper.
I wish only the best!

More health
And a sea of ​​pleasure
For life to be love
Warmth, abundance.

For the Airborne Forces, for courage, for courage
We will shout three times "Hurrah!"
For those who once swore an oath in the army,
That he will be faithful to the Motherland forever.

Congratulations guys, have a wonderful day.
We wish you joy, health, for long years.
Soar under the dome in the azure of heaven for you,
Putting on a vest, and, of course, a blue beret.

May the angels protect you from grief,
From a bullet, from the enemy and from trouble.
We wish you great happiness, like the sea,
And we wish you endless love!

Congratulations on Happy Airborne Forces and I wish that the “blue beret” is always held in high esteem, that your courage does not fade away, that your strength grows stronger every day, that you can always provide reliable protection and true safety to relatives and others, so that your strong heart loves tirelessly, and your free soul keeps happiness.

We need a landing party
To raise culture
So that no one forgets
Airborne Forces to congratulate
With them merrily made noise,
Singing songs at the fountain
He drank water from it
Beat the bottle head
And remember: on the planet
The Airborne Forces are responsible for everyone!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day!
I wish you happiness in the air.
Strength, good luck and many blessings,
Be strong as steel, happy for no reason.

May the sky protect you from troubles
Have a healthy and wonderful years.
May the warmth and love of your strong family
Is present next to your strong chest.

Airborne Forces Day is celebrated by the whole country,
After all, pride is these blue berets.
Shine awards, shine orders
And the paratroopers are dressed in camouflage!

Happy holiday to everyone, guys of the Airborne Forces,
You are our pride, glory and courage.
So let you be rewarded all in triplets
For your service, valor and courage!

The bravest and most beautiful
The most intelligent, honest, strong,
Who looked fate in the face -
Happy holiday, Happy Airborne Forces Day!

Let courage live in the soul
For the good of you and the Motherland,
The heart is filled with love
Let health not fail.

Happiness, faith and kindness
Fight hard against the blues
Let sorrow not be bent -
Homes love you and are waiting for you!

Takes the colors of the sky.
Even though you're wearing a vest
It's not a secret for friends
That the soul is wide open.

If you suddenly need to fight -
There is no bolder and cooler.
And for those who are with you
There is no better defender.

Happy Airborne Forces Day
Congratulations, paratrooper!
Heaven in blue
Dissolved your holiday.

Calling, burlya,
Let the oceans of love
Happiness lays fields
Fountains of wealth are beating!

And luck flies
Already straightened the dome.
So meet! Let him watch
To find the way to happiness!

You are an Airborne Forces officer - it's proud!
You know your calling well.
Not only in the sky - on the ground
You will give yourself to your native country.

I wish you strength, patience,
In any case, always luck.
So that the sky is blue over your head
Not overshadowed by the war again.

You are strong, brave and courageous,
These men are hard to find
Such guys are only in the landing,
Do not pass by this.

The Motherland is proud of you
The whole family is proud of you.
Congratulations today
Relatives, relatives, friends.

Let the plane fly beautifully
Let the parachute be reliable
And let everything in life succeed
And fortunately the path will not be difficult.

"Winged Infantry",
Your holiday has arrived!
And fun and friendly
The whole city blew up.

I want to live with dignity
Confident, easy
The paratrooper is courage,
which are highly valued.

airborne, special holiday -
Real men!
For you, the motto is one single -
"More action and less words"
We wish you to be strong in life
And never lose heart
At the same time, be vulnerable in your soul.
Of course, to protect the weak.
You are the Airborne Forces, and it is proud.
For a century you carry the title!
And where there is injustice
Present yourself with honor.

Happy Airborne Forces Day, blue berets!
May they be warmed by the sun today
Broad shoulders in striped vests
AND brave heart with open mind.

Friendship priceless and strong families.
Though the years go by, become stronger
Do not change yourself and the principles of honor.
Well, health to you for two hundred years!

On Airborne Forces Day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you long life and good health. Let there be good and memorable moments in life, there will always be relatives and friends nearby. Never lose heart, be an example for guys and men and always stay in great shape!

Happy Airborne Forces Day! Be stronger, be bolder
Live, prosper, carry hope,
A family that is proud of you, believes in you,
May your whole life be filled with happiness!

Let the laws of the universe become subject,
You, so that you can realize all the plans,
So that life is bright, cheerful and cool,
I wish you health!

Airborne Forces Day is a special holiday,
Strong, courageous and courageous people.
May this day be full of joy
Happiness, fun and true friends.

You deserve people's respect
Service all year tirelessly carried.
So accept now congratulations,
And wishes of success, love.

clear sky above your head
Peace, health, peace of mind,
We celebrate Airborne Forces Day at this hour,
And we hand you a bag of congratulations:

At home - comfort, at work - success,
And everything turns out without interference,
Honor and glory, peace in the soul,
Celebrate the holiday in a cool turn!

They say this about the Airborne Forces:
The best guys out there.
Wearing a beret is a great honor,
Thanks to everyone who has it.

Appreciate the landing experience:
She gave muscle
Brains and experience is good.
Here the muscles are friends with the head.

Don't forget years of service
Do not break the bonds of friendship.
And remember: like you, such
Guys do not know the world.

Congratulations, paratroopers!
Strength and courage to you all,
Heaven - only peaceful,
Away with the horrors of war.

Good health to you
devoted friends,
Fortitude with courage
Loving people.

Happy day of the brave and fearless,
Airborne Forces - glory forever!
Let this holiday give
Lots of new exploits.

Prosperity and happiness
The sky of the peaceful tent,
To be in your power
Fight back against all problems!

Happy Airborne Forces Day! May heaven and earth
You are always warmly welcomed
Your fate is full of dangers
But the paratroopers do not know fear!

Let the winds sing merrily in the slings,
Let the dome of the sky shine with purity,
May good luck await you in life
And may fate protect you!

You are worthy of any awards,
After all, you could achieve a lot!
Airborne Forces Day is your holiday, brother,
It's time to glow with joy!

Have a fancy party
And be happy, without further ado,
And have fun to the fullest
Always be strong and healthy!

In the Russian army airborne troops- the elite of all the armed forces of the country. This can be said not only about Russia. After all, this type of troops was founded in the Soviet Union, so the Airborne Forces are also considered the best in Belarus and Ukraine. Today, paratroopers are rightly called the most various titles: blue berets, infantry on wings and so on. The servicemen themselves jokingly call themselves "Uncle Vasya's Troops." The essence and character of these troops is eloquently characterized by their slogan "No one but us!". On the second day of the last summer month in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine, the holiday of this type of troops is celebrated. Directly on this date in 1930, that is, more than eighty years ago, the airborne troops were formed. It happened during the exercises of the Air Force of the Military District of Moscow. Cool congratulations happy airborne day.

Congratulations to our landing!
Pour quickly, brother!
For "winged infantry"
It hurts to drink me hunting,
For the "blue berets".
generals, privates,
For Uncle Vasya's Troops
Let everyone “sour” today!
I want to wish the guys
From the Russian landing
Happiness, Courage, Love
And fun until dawn!

Paratroopers - you are the best soldiers,
You always have excellent results.
You will always be able to complete any task,
You can always come to the rescue in time.
We wish you hot love, like the sun,
So that it gently shines to you in the window.
And always cherished in very difficult tasks,
well in general days We wish you only wonderful things.

There is a KV tank in the museum,
Frozen tightly "Katyusha",
But since someone here spit in the soul -
Will tear the vest of the Airborne Forces!
Shoulder straps are also worn -
Honor is sold for hard currency
but there is no Judas in the landing,
And therefore - for the Airborne Forces!

For our immense landing
I poured a drunken glass today.
I drink for those who serve in military service,
Or she once served.
Let the insidious enemy hopelessly rush about -
He will not make his way into the deep peaceful rear,
When in the ranks - the defenders of the Fatherland,
Paratroopers of the Military and Air Forces.

The landing is all right -
Today the holiday has come
And, remembering the orders of the army,
The paratrooper swirled again!
Guys, we congratulate you,
Good luck and good wishes!
It's great to have a holiday,
To remember for a very long time!

Accept congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces!
The blue beret stands out in the crowd.
Paratrooper day without crazy you
And do not hold, and it is impossible to imagine!
The youthful prowess will please everyone:
Rivals are strong heaped down!
Reveler, warrior, steel hero,
At the celebration of life, you are not rowdy!
I wish the elite beauty of the gene pool
Good luck, victories and a big record!

Opera became alert again,
From forebodings, the blood froze in the veins ...
Janitors getting ready in the morning
Sweep up bottle shards...
There are no idle kids in the fountains,
Although the sun is hot, as if on purpose.
Do not see Caucasian merchants ...
Airborne Troops Day today! Exactly!!

The landing party celebrates its holiday:
Rippled vests and blue berets,
Reliefs of muscles, play of muscles,
And nearby ... police "carriages".
Fountains turn into pools...
Bottles of vodka, shouting and fighting...
For the Motherland and even for Hussein
Attacks on civilians.
The peaceful Park of Culture is buzzing and groaning.
Walk-soul and - vests are torn.
Passers-by shied away like chickens -
On the body are imprints of stars from the buckle.
Here and there battles of local outbreaks,
As if in Chechnya or Afghanistan,
And the cries of the "fighters" are disgusting to hear -
They do not celebrate, but only hooligans.
The "warriors" of the reserve are walking violently -
The landing party celebrates its holiday.
PARATROOPERS (their bulk)
In the circle of friends they will celebrate culturally.

Friends, the second of August, prepare your foreheads,
They will have to withstand the glass and pillars now.
After all, the day promises fun, fun and revelry,
Someone has already dived into the sunny fountain.
Congratulate you, paratroopers, sincerely we want
Be an iron support dear.
Good health and joy in the soul,
May life keep getting better!

And the former Airborne Forces simply does not happen.
Any of them keeps the flight in his soul.
On the second of August he celebrates his holiday
Winged regiment of brave and dashing guys.
We are very pleased to congratulate you on this date.
God himself ordered you to mark it from heaven.
But courage does not need to destroy all barriers!
In alcohol you know the measure, in actions - the limit!

You could now open your soul wide open
And scratches all show from jumps,
But the blue vest saves you
From such steps, not inherent in the landing.
You could tell how you soared in the blue sky,
But at this moment you are like a storm at sea.
Airborne, do not drink very much on your holiday,
And then you will be declassified and shot down as a wife.

You can't swim in the fountains today,
Crawling up to them especially slowly!
Celebrate loudly but without adventure!
And on Airborne Forces Day you have cool entertainment!
Success in work, great prospects,
And let the whole team respect you,
Tailwind, healthy ambitions,
And often fly to rest abroad!

Paratrooper, you are fed by winged infantry,
And on the day of the Airborne Forces, you are a universal hero.
And even though it’s reluctant to break your head
Any surface is a combat day.
Today you will pass through the city with a flag
And you will chant: "Who but us?"
Walk, because fearlessness, courage, courage,
Determination and valor - it's all about you!

Everywhere you look, vests are full of colors.
Yes, this is Airborne Forces Day for guys!
And now Mashki, Natashka are already near them
They draw a figure eight with their own figure.
Do not take women into your company!
Today is truly a men's holiday.
Walk until night, but just look
So that all your troops land home!

The most beautiful guys in the world can not be found:
Blue beret, vest, tunic on top!
And today you can safely rest
In glorious airborne holiday, guardian of heaven!
We wish you peace, unearthly luck
Parachute with you? Check it out just in case!
You and your friends are waiting for a task from tasks
Prove to the people who is stronger and cooler!

Airborne brotherhood, happy holiday, guys, -
Strong nerves and muscles, like stones!
May you be lucky, crazy people
Life will bring, everything will be delivered on a platter!
Strength is not measured, courage, courage.
Be happy! What else does?
Be healthy in mind and body
And do the right thing!

Happy Airborne Forces Day! Well, ready, brothers,
Check your body for "weak"?
Compete on the fortress of the head,
Drink vodka with beer after finishing Shabo?
That you are eagles in the sky, we know in action.
And the courage to all of you not to take.
But now keep your agility in your body,
So that you don’t have to fly in disassembly!

Airborne Forces Day is always long-awaited,
Every fountain suddenly became so popular.
Loudly, cities are humming in a big way,
With a flag, a jeep is carried by regularly.
Hello, paratrooper, heavenly beret,
Your holiday passes briskly and loudly.
Your feat is sung in the songs of your acquaintances.
May the battle path be noble!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, Russian landing force!
A striking example strong friendship and strength!
May there be good luck in everyone's life
Money, cars, how else?
We wish to go on vacation by the sea,
How will the beaches be without Russian heroes?
May you be well and kayfovo,
So that you celebrate your day cool!

The Airborne Forces are especially held in high esteem by us.
There is no place for the faint-hearted weaklings.
With full gear they jump from the plane,
And then they take off again into the clouds.
And when they celebrate their holiday -
On the way do not get caught by them, friends!
Anyway, we heartily congratulate them!
Deserved. We can't do without them.

Let's shake the country and show off!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, my friend, my brother!
Today we will show ourselves!
I'm glad to meet you
Let's shake the country and show off!

Those who have not served will not understand
That you can’t crush the landing!
Here we drink, we will repeat the flight.
And congratulations at the same time!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Takes blue, let him sing today

Do not touch with your hands, the landing will not understand.
Receive a command and come from the rear.
Leave it alone, let it rest.
He takes blue, let him sing today.

Congratulations, my old friend!
Above us more than once a circle hovered domes.
We descended from heaven to earth more than once.
Today is our Day! Airborne is class!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Airborne Forces Day - funny congratulations

Today the airborne troops

Today the airborne troops
We want to forget what longing is!
Boast of your bravery,
So that the Fatherland knows its sons!
Many people know you as strong guys,
People want to be like you
So be an example everywhere and always,
To have good fame for years!

Purchased and owned by the site.


Way to the fountain! Today is our holiday
No need to teach a paratrooper to swim!
We absolutely need today
Beat last year's swim record.

Way to go, passers-by! We are walking!
Peaceful and noisy, and only once a year.
No need to be afraid - we remember
The everyday life of an army is a beautiful flight.

Purchased and owned by the site.

Funny congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day

for the airborne forces

"For the airborne forces!" - distributed everywhere.
Come along with us, walk, pour.
Let the city hide at home together,
Who did not serve - better not get out!

Today we are the main heroes in the parks,
We breathe air under the same sky.
Biceps, tattoo, berets and flags -
A complete set and irreplaceable.