A newborn hiccups every day. Common causes of hiccups in newborns. Imperfection of the nervous system

Does the baby hiccup often? How to help and what to do first? In the list of reasons causing hiccups, in the first place is overeating.

The first hiccups appear in the baby as early as 6-8 weeks. intrauterine life. Mothers often feel it last dates, therefore, by the birth of a child, they already know that hiccuping is safe and does not cause any discomfort to the baby. However, not everyone can calmly watch how a tiny baby shudders. Therefore, the question "how to save a child from hiccups" is popular among parents.


It only seems outwardly that hiccups are related to breathing. In fact, this process occurs as a result of irritation of the diaphragm - the muscle that separates chest from the peritoneum. due to immaturity nervous system, the muscle often comes into tone from any stimulus. This is precisely the reason for the appearance of hiccups.

Binge eating

Pediatricians tirelessly warn parents about the dangers of overeating. Nevertheless, in the list of causes that cause hiccups, it comes first.

Increasing in volume from an excessive amount of food, the stomach props up the diaphragm, causing it to contract convulsively. In addition, when the body cannot cope with digestion, increased gas formation is observed in the children's intestines, which also irritates the diaphragm.

Thematic material:


In newborns, hiccups can begin on contact with cool air. Adapting to a change in temperature, the child's muscles come into tone. The press tightens, and now the stomach again affects the diaphragm.

“This does not mean at all that with hiccups, the baby should be immediately wrapped up,” Komarovsky warns. This phenomenon only indicates that the body of the crumbs perfectly copes with temperature changes.

Swallowing air

When a baby does not attach properly to the breast, drinks from a bottle with an excessively large opening, or simply eats with "greed", a lot of air enters the stomach along with food. All this again leads to hiccups.


Any factor that excites the child, be it a sharp sound, light or even a cheerful laugh, becomes stressful for the baby. diaphragm contractions in this case are a response to this condition.

Frequent hiccups and its causes

The concept of the norm for the duration of hiccups in infants does not exist. It usually lasts from 5 minutes to a quarter of an hour. More frequent and longer sometimes requires consultation with a pediatrician.

He will determine whether the causes lie in the inflammatory processes of the digestive or respiratory systems, whether the pathology of the spinal cord or encephalopathy is possible.

In such cases, hiccups in a newborn are accompanied by a number of other symptoms: cough, fever, vomiting, and general malaise. Timely diagnosis especially important when it comes to the health of such a tiny little man.

Despite the fact that hiccups are a physiological and often safe process, it is better to stop the long, exhausting hiccuping of the baby. How to help a newborn and what to do first?

“In order to understand how to get rid of hiccups, it is important to determine the cause of the appearance,” says Komarovsky.

  • If it is associated with excess food or swallowing air, try holding the child for a short time in a column, along with the release of which the hiccups should also pass. In order not to think later how to get rid of similar condition It is best to take preventive measures right away. Feed the baby in a slightly elevated position (45 degrees), do not let him swallow air and overeat. Mothers of "artists" need to choose a nipple for a bottle in accordance with the age of the baby, so that a large flow of milk does not make the baby swallow often.
  • What to do when an attack is associated with freezing? If the nose and arms of the baby are cold, an extra layer of clothing will help to cope with hiccups. You can also take the child in your arms and warm your body.

  • This situation can also arise when changing clothes. This is explained simply: the children of the first months suffer from hypertension. To relieve muscle tension, you can make a baby warm bath or massage.
  • Sometimes ordinary water helps to cope with hiccups. The baby can be offered mother's milk.
  • If, after a sharp sound, light, or meeting new people, the little one bursts into tears and begins to hiccup, it is better to pick him up and calm him down. For some time, it is worth giving up new impressions and being with the baby in a calm environment familiar to him.
  • Never try to treat a fear with the "wedge with a wedge" method. Not only will this not stop a hiccupping newborn, but it may even aggravate the situation.
  • If after the above steps it was not possible to get rid of the baby's hiccups, just wait until it passes by itself.

Never try to treat a fear with the "wedge with a wedge" method. Not only will this not stop the hiccupping newborn, but it may also make the situation worse.

If, after all the above steps, it was not possible to get rid of hiccups, just wait until it passes by itself.

All day hiccups - what to do?

Even frequent episodic cases that pass quickly are safe. However, there are situations when this condition can last for a very long time. What should parents do and when to sound the alarm?

In one of his "lessons" Komarovsky says that you need to contact the pediatrician after a three-hour hiccup. alarm signal maybe a baby crying.

In addition to a number of diseases and pathologies, indirect symptom which is hiccups, regular and prolonged contraction of the diaphragm can be caused malnutrition breast mom.

If she systematically consumes foods that cause fermentation and gas formation in the baby's tummy, it is not surprising that the baby has prolonged hiccups.

So, hiccuping is a completely physiological process, and the older your little one is, the less often it appears. Be patient, and it will soon become clear that all fears were unfounded.

Young parents are often worried about hiccups in babies, although in most cases this is a very harmless reaction. child's body to internal and external stimuli.

Not many people know that children hiccup even in the mother's stomach - this is how the child's diaphragm prepares for new living conditions. After birth, the nervous and digestive systems of the baby are not yet perfect, it is difficult for him to adapt, therefore, up to a month or even two, he is tormented by gases, colic, liquid stool and hiccups.

Hiccups in babies - causes of hiccups, how to rid a baby of hiccups

Babies hiccup because of the contractions of the diaphragm, which reacts to various irritations. Some pediatricians believe that the vagus nerve, which is excited for no particular reason, is to blame. The vagus nerve has a direct effect on the diaphragmatic muscle, causing it to contract.

Causes of hiccups

Attentive parents may notice that hiccups occur immediately after feeding the baby, or even in the process of eating. The overflow of the stomach leads to its distension and pressure on the diaphragm, and the child begins to hiccup. The intestines of the baby, full of gas, have almost the same effect.

Causes of hiccups infants can be not only internal, but also external, i.e. normal hypothermia while taking air baths or on a walk in most cases cause unpleasant symptom. As soon as the baby's nose or fingers become cool, hiccups begin.

Those. In a nutshell, there are basically two reasons:

Moms take note!

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  1. Hiccups while eating;
  2. Hiccups from hypothermia.

BUT, a serious symptom that requires immediate hospitalization may be hiccups, repeated very often and without visible reasons, lasting for a long time, and severely exhausting the child. The cause in this case may be an inflammatory disease of the lungs or digestive organs, because inflammation processes irritate the diaphragm. Encephalopathy or pathology of the spinal cord causes persistent hiccups that prevent the baby from breathing normally. Although this is extremely rare, play it safe and consult your pediatrician.

What to do, how to stop and save a child from hiccups?

When hiccups begin in the baby, not many mothers know what to do, and in order not to get confused, you need to remember a few simple actions to help the baby.

Method 1 Hiccups while feeding

For example, if the baby hiccups while eating, then you do not need to continue feeding, but raise him vertically and press him to your tummy. Perhaps the child swallowed air when he ate too greedily, and belching too much will make him feel better.

Since it is very difficult to stop hiccups in a baby after eating, and it will be necessary to wait until the milk in his ventricle is digested, the only thing parents can do is hold the baby upright. In the supine position, the full stomach presses on the diaphragm, and hiccups can continue for a long time.

Method 2 Hiccups from hypothermia

There are several ways to save a child from hiccups that started from mild hypothermia. First of all, you need to warm the baby, dressing warmly, covering with a blanket or simply hugging him. Even if it's not breastfeeding time yet, giving your baby a breast or warm formula milk will warm him up quickly.

With hiccups in a baby, you do not need to panic and think that the child is seriously ill: in most cases, this is just a reaction of a small body to irritants. The calmness and confidence of the parents are passed on to the children, and the nervousness of the mother can provoke anxiety in the baby.

A cause for concern for many parents is hiccups in young children. However, doctors say that this is quite normal phenomenon caused by the reflexes of the child's body. In a child, hiccups, as a rule, do not make it difficult to breathe, so in most cases you can not worry about the health of the crumbs. And yet, mom and dad do not hurt to know why the newborn often hiccups. This will help them accept correct solution if the baby needs help.

The baby begins to hiccup in the womb, and already at six weeks she can feel the rhythmic movements that are caused by this phenomenon.

At intrauterine development there are the following prerequisites for hiccups:

  1. With the development of the sucking instinct in the fetus, absorption occurs amniotic fluid, because of which hiccups occur;
  2. Sometimes this is due to brain signals to contract the infant's diaphragm;
  3. Situations are dangerous when the umbilical cord wrapped around the fetal neck becomes the cause of hiccups, because in this way it limits the flow of oxygen to its tissues.

If the mother has a suspicion of such a pathology, an ultrasound examination will help clarify the picture.

When a newborn baby hiccups, there are reasons for this:

  • It may be banal, but such an allergy is dangerous for a baby. If he has intolerance to certain proteins contained in breast milk (or formula), then they irritate the mucous membranes of the esophagus, provoking inflammatory process called esophagitis. At the same time, the diaphragm experiences spasms, and this is how hiccups are born.
  • Some foods in the mother's diet, such as coffee, chocolate, certain types of nuts, can cause hiccups in children, entering their body along with mother's milk. That's why women should stick to proper nutrition during lactation.
  • A sharp drop in body temperature of the child provokes contractile movements of the diaphragm and fast closing vocal cords. As a result, the newborn begins to hiccup.
  • Until 12 weeks, the baby has not yet developed digestive system Therefore, gases often accumulate in the intestines. Colic, which occurs because of this, can also cause hiccups. You can verify this by touching his tummy - at the same time it is hard, and the baby behaves restlessly, and tries to raise its legs in order to somehow alleviate its condition.
  • A common cause is considered to be overfeeding the baby. The stomach in this case overflows and causes convulsions of the respiratory muscle.
  • Any stimulus in the form strong odor, the pair contributes to the development of cough in children. It also affects the diaphragm muscles and causes the baby to hiccup.
  • Hiccups in a small child can also occur due to fear. Since the child's nervous system is not yet fully developed, he may be frightened by bright lights or loud sounds that cause reflex spasms of the respiratory muscle.
  • Sometimes the child's diaphragm itself works out of sync, causing the vocal cords to close. As the newborn grows, its function gradually stabilizes.

Many parents worry, not understanding why the newborn hiccups after feeding. There are two explanations for this. Hiccups in babies occur when they swallow a certain amount of air during feeding. This may depend on the posture they are in. Mom can be advised to let the baby burp more often during feeding. So the amount of air will decrease, and the hiccups will quickly pass.

Another explanation is gastroesophageal reflux, which can be caused by congenital pathology esophagus and stomach. Such hiccups are accompanied by discomfort, pain, colic in children. If this condition is repeated regularly, and the child cries a lot and is naughty, including at night, we can talk about a serious problem that will have to be solved together with doctors.

Newborn hiccups after feeding: what to do

What to do if a newborn hiccups

Although hiccups do not always mean serious pathological process, you need to know how to deal with it in order to normalize the well-being of the child.

There are several proven ways that help save the baby from such an unpleasant phenomenon:

  • The baby can be given a light back massage. To do this, you need to put him in a vertical position, and gently massage his back, starting from the lower back and ending with the shoulders. You can conduct the same session, laying the crumbs on the tummy. You should not put much pressure on the muscles - the movements should be soft and light, because the main task is to relax the muscles of the diaphragm.
  • An extremely easy way to stop hiccups is to give your child some breast milk. When the baby suckles, milk flows slowly enough and, thus, the respiratory muscle relaxes.
  • It helps well with hiccups to attract the attention of a child with any toy or rattle. If the spasms are caused by impulses of the nervous system, looking at the toy may well stop the hiccups.
  • Many parents note that a few grains granulated sugar help stop hiccups in children. Babies can be given a nipple by anointing it with sugar water or syrup. Sugar helps to relax the muscles, as a result of which the child stops hiccuping.

Knowing why the newborn often hiccups, you can quickly provide him with all possible assistance after feeding.

To do this, you need to hold the baby in vertical position about 10-15 minutes after eating. Thanks to this, the children's diaphragm is in optimal condition, and any vibrations of it are excluded. Stroking the back of the baby, you can let him burp - the swallowed air will go away, and hiccups will be prevented.

The same can be done if the baby hiccups in a dream. Usually, he wakes up from this, as breathing becomes difficult. Mom needs to take him in her arms, holding him upright and pressing her tummy to her.

How to prevent hiccups in young children

Parents, understanding why a newborn hiccups and what to do when it happens, nevertheless need to know how to prevent this phenomenon. And it's not that difficult.

  • First of all, you should not overfeed the baby, as distension of the stomach very often causes unwanted cramps. You can advise to feed the child more often, but little by little.
  • For better satiation with food, you can express the less fatty foremilk and feed the baby with a hind, more nutritious composition.
  • To prevent the baby from swallowing air, feeding must be carried out correctly. Everything is important here - how the child grabs the breast, at what angle to it he is. It is most convenient for the child when it is located at an angle of 40-45 degrees. The child should not choke on milk, but suck it slowly. The less stress the baby experiences while eating, the more likely it is that he will have hiccups.
  • A calm, peaceful environment during feeding is also important. If a child is excited about something, do not immediately give him a breast or a bottle of formula. First you need to calm the baby, hold him in your arms, stroke his back and shoulders.
  • The cleanliness of the nipple is also important when bottle feeding. If it is poorly rinsed and there are milk residues in it, they can interfere with normal sucking, and the child will regularly swallow air. Parents can hear by ear when the baby is swallowing it, as it makes more noise than when sucking milk normally.
  • Do not leave a baby to sleep with a full bottle. This causes the child to transmit. This is dangerous not only because hiccups appear, but such bad habit reflects on early appearance dental problems in the baby, and can also lead to choking with formula or milk.

But there are times when parents really need to worry. This applies to such a cause of hiccups as acid reflux. Usually, at the same time, the baby often burps and hiccups. Other symptoms of this disease are head tilting and arching immediately after feeding. This disease needs to be urgently treated, so you should not postpone a visit to the pediatrician.

If hiccups occur too often, it can cause sleep disturbance in the baby, and this too serious occasion see a doctor. Constant, not passing hiccups - this is already a pathology that needs to be fought.

Why a newborn often hiccups, the mother and father can find out by talking to the children's doctor. In this case, it is better to be safe than to miss a serious illness, especially if this phenomenon tends to occur again and again. In general, hiccups are harmless, and even inexperienced mom with simple actions, your own patience and love for your precious baby.

Newborn hiccups: causes

When small child hiccups begin, his parents different ways trying to help him. But this symptom on some days it is repeated many times. And the usual, well-known measures do not always help. What to do if a newborn hiccups, is it dangerous and how to avoid this unpleasant condition?

Most often, hiccups are provoked by the baby swallowing air while sucking on the breast or bottle. This situation is easy to overcome. Hiccups in babies after eating do not occur if the mother holds them correctly at the breast. It is advisable to feed the baby at a 45-degree angle, making sure that he deeply grasps the nipple, along with the areola. Hiccups in newborns after bottle feeding are provoked by several reasons at once:

  • overfeeding (for harmonious artificial feeding it is very important to observe the norms of consumption of the mixture and the hourly mode);
  • a large hole in the nipple (choose only nipples that have a very small hole, so that the liquid flows out of the bottle drip);
  • strong shaking of the bottle (air enters the liquid);
  • air entering the nipple during feeding.

Sometimes hiccups after feeding in infants do not occur during meals, but after a while, even after half an hour or more, after a meal. Loud laughter can be provoking factors; during laughter, children often swallow air, active game, mechanical pressing on the stomach area. Sometimes hiccups from hypothermia in a newborn occur. This feature of the body is inherent in all people. Reaction to stress. By the way, stress, unfamiliar surroundings, a sense of fear also cause our diaphragm to contract rhythmically.

Causes of hiccups in newborns can be more serious, up to heart problems. But in this case, the hiccups continue for more than two days, are constantly growing, and are not associated with feeding. It goes away for a while and reappears. Parents immediately see that something is not right. Will not be overlooked.

How to help a newborn with hiccups

Adults are usually advised to breathe into a bag or hold their breath. The second child does inadvertently while crying. But for baby Of course, this won't work. Do not make him scream ... But these methods are easy and quite real.

1. Give food or drink. By "eat" we mean formula or breast milk. You can just let the baby suck on the breast. Well, or water from a bottle. 30 seconds of sucking will solve the problems.

2. Raise with a column, straightening the diaphragm. This method is especially good for babies who are 2-3 months old. If the baby swallowed air during feeding, he will come out. Getting rid of hiccups in babies is not a problem. After all, it occurs precisely in order to expel air from the esophagus into oral cavity. Your child's well-being and mood will immediately improve.

Many mothers face days when their children hiccup especially often and actively. What to do with hiccups in newborns in this case and how to finally stop it? Often periods of hiccups coincide with periods of flatulence in children. Often this happens in children who are already receiving complementary foods. Mom needs to find out what product the child has such a violent reaction to. For example, potatoes can provoke it. By the way, it can be given no more than 30-50 grams per day.

What should be done to get rid of hiccups in a newborn yet? Symptomatically, it will be good to massage the baby's tummy in a circle, clockwise around the navel, gently pressing. Gases will move away faster and stop pressing on the diaphragm, causing hiccups. You can use a warm (heated with an iron or in a microwave oven) diaper or heating pad for the same purpose. In some cases, with difficulties with passing gases, they will help vent tube And drug therapy in the form of the drug "Espumizan" ("Bobotiki"), "Baby Calm", "Plantex", etc.

Prevention of hiccups in children in the first year of life is simple - you need that gastrointestinal tract the child was normal. And for this you need proper feeding child and timely physical exercise according to the age.

When a baby appears in the family, one of the questions that comes to the minds of young mothers is this: the newborn often hiccups - why and what to do !?

Moms need to know that the baby's hiccups begin at the moment when the diaphragm begins to contract, and the vocal cords begin to close very quickly. This is what causes the sound of hiccups.

Funny thing or a huge problem?

Hiccups can be found in both adults and older children very often. And if for most people this is a fairly common phenomenon, then if babies begin to hiccup, the anxiety of parents knows no bounds. Some immediately rush to consult a pediatrician, while others try to cope with this problem at home. In this article we will try to figure out why a newborn often hiccups. The reasons for what to do are all that will be mentioned. After all, it is very important that young mothers and fathers not only understand what causes hiccups, but also how to deal with it and what to pay close attention to.

Since, as a rule, hiccups interfere with adults, they believe that babies also experience a lot of inconvenience because of it. But the little ones do not have any discomfort. Many babies can even sleep while having bouts of hiccups. And, as a rule, it does not have any effect on the breathing of krokhotulek.

Most episodes of hiccups can last from a few minutes to an hour. But no matter how long they last, you should not worry too much. By the way, many babies find hiccups to be quite a funny thing. And in general - the hiccups of the crumbs - this is a completely normal reflex of the body.

What is this hiccup?

Before looking for an answer to the question of why a newborn often hiccups (the reasons for what to do will be noted in this article), you need to find out what this very hiccup is, which is talked about so much, and what period in this state is dangerous for a little one and which one is not.

If the baby's hiccups continue within a quarter of an hour, there is no reason to worry. In this state, there is no danger to the baby, most often hiccups will pass without requiring any outside help. But if the hiccups last 15 minutes or longer - half an hour, an hour, then you need to resort to medical assistance. Because such a prolonged state may mean that something is happening in the baby's body.

This happens infrequently, but in some cases, long-lasting hiccups can serve as evidence of pneumonia, a disease digestive tract or even spinal cord injury.

That's why it's best to get specialist advice if your baby's hiccups last longer than twenty minutes.

Why do babies hiccup so often?

Hiccups in a newborn baby should not be surprising to his parents, because all babies are born with underdevelopment of two systems - nervous and digestive. Therefore, in order for them to adapt to a new life - outside the mother's body - it will take quite a long time.

If the baby hiccups too often, moms and dads think that not everything is in order with the health of their baby. But in the vast majority of cases, hiccups in babies are caused by such reasons:

  • hiccups can begin immediately after the end of feeding or even during it. This is due to the fact that, along with food, the baby swallows a lot of air (he either grabbed the mother’s nipple incorrectly, or the hole in the feeding bottle is too large); the causes of hiccups include the overflow of the baby's stomach (it stretches and presses on the diaphragm), flatulence, bloating;
  • the second most common cause is hypothermia of the entire body or arms and legs of a little one. Young parents may notice that as soon as the baby's fingers get cold, hiccups begin, which disappears immediately after the body temperature has returned to normal;
  • immature diaphragm - if the baby's diaphragm contracts irregularly and suddenly, he often hiccups. The baby grows, the contractions of his diaphragm, together with the muscles between the abdomen and the ribs, gradually become synchronized and become stronger, and due to this, both the frequency and severity of hiccup episodes decrease;
  • sometimes incessant hiccups indicate that the baby has serious illness. For example, hiccup attacks occur due to any inflammatory diseases of the digestive system or the respiratory system, as well as encephalopathy, congenital anomalies development of the spinal cord and other ailments;
  • mom's diet - the baby can hiccup because of the mom's diet. What she eats or drinks, all the substances consumed are passed to the little one through breast milk. If a mother eats peanuts, chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs before feeding the baby, there is a high probability that the baby will hiccup. Therefore, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to stop using such products at least an hour before feeding;
  • airborne irritants - babies have a very sensitive respiratory system, so any airborne irritant (intense aroma, pollution, fumes) can cause coughing. He, in turn, presses on the diaphragm, which vibrates. This is where the hiccups start.

Types of help that can be applied for hiccups

If your toddler suffers from hiccups, you can try the following tips. Only for one episode to try one option.

The easiest way is to breastfeed your baby. After all, hiccups begin with irritation of the diaphragm. And when the baby sucks out a little breast milk, then slowly entering the body, it leads to the fact that the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its normal movement.

You can offer the little one a little sugar. That's how they did it a long time ago. If the baby is already old enough to eat solid food, then you can put a little sugar crystals under his tongue. If he is still very small, then you can simply dip his nipple in the sugar syrup prepared just now and put the nipple in the child's mouth. You can dip your finger in this syrup and give it to the baby. Pay attention: the mother must ensure that both the nipple and the finger are clean. Thanks to sugar, tension in the baby's diaphragm will be relaxed, which will stop him from hiccups.

After each feeding, it is necessary to keep the little one in an upright position - “gopher”. This should be done for about a quarter of an hour. So it will be possible to keep the diaphragm in its natural position and muscle flutter will not happen. You can gently and easily stroke the back of the little one so that he burps. Thanks to this, the air that the baby swallowed during feeding will come out.

Baby back massage. This is perhaps the second easiest way to get rid of hiccups from a toddler. The baby should be placed in an upright position. sitting position and gently rub his back from the waist to the shoulders in a circular motion. You can put the little one on the tummy and do everything in the same way. Don't push too hard, because the idea of ​​these hand movements is to loosen the tension in the diaphragm.

You can try to give the baby dill water. It has not been scientifically proven to be beneficial. And yet, it is one of the most popular solutions to treat stomach discomfort that causes hiccups in babies. But you need to get the advice of a pediatrician before offering this water to your little one.

What not to do when the baby hiccups

In no case should you scare the baby if he began to hiccup. As a rule, cotton from a burst plastic bag. In this case, the only result is damage to the delicate eardrums of the little one.

Sour candies are appropriate for adults, but they are definitely not suitable for kids. Even if the child is already a year old, sour sweets or other sour foods should not be given to him to relieve hiccups. The powdered edible acid found in most sour candies is not good for baby's health.

Doctors forbid "out of breath" to clap on the back of the baby. In his skeleton, the ligaments are still malleable, so any use of brute force causes significant damage to them. It is for this reason that you can not slap the baby hard on the back so that he stops hiccuping. You can just knock lightly, but the excessive use of force will be inopportune.