The belly beats like a heart during pregnancy. The baby hiccups in the womb. Hiccups in a child causes pulsation of the abdomen

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. During gestation future mom experience new sensations. Some of the symptoms are worrisome. For example, the pulsation of the abdomen during pregnancy can be scary. Although such a sign does not always indicate the development of disorders.

Early abdominal pulsation

Pregnant women always watch their feelings with interest throughout all nine months. Some signs can tell you about a changed position even before the test shows two strips. A pulsation in the abdomen, for example, can signal that conception has taken place and fertilized egg implanted in the lining of the uterus.

Changes with pregnancy hormonal background. It also leads to symptoms that the woman has not experienced before. Increased blood flow to the uterus, which can also provoke a pulsation. In the first days of pregnancy, all organs and systems are rebuilt. There may be malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence develops. This also gives rise to discomfort.

On early dates pregnancy, the stomach pulsates quite often. In the first weeks of gestation, thin girls with a small supply of subcutaneous fat often pay attention to new sensations. Fat women such a sign is noticed closer to the middle of pregnancy.

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen and pulsation is not a reason to panic. In the early stages, such symptoms are absolutely normal. The uterus grows, and the fetus develops in it.

It is worth worrying if, against the background of pulsation, the pain intensifies, the lower abdomen begins to pull, bloody discharge from the vagina appears, and the body temperature rises. These symptoms may indicate a threatened miscarriage. You need to see a doctor immediately.

Pulsation of the vena cava

The inferior vena cava is a large vessel that collects blood from the lower body. The pulsation of the abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by its squeezing due to the uterus increasing in size. The syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava is a common pathology that many women have to face when they are expecting the birth of a baby. Statistics indicate that such a disorder manifests itself to some extent in 70% of the fairer sex in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, not many women complain of a deterioration in well-being. Only a slight pulsation in the abdomen may be felt.

The syndrome of the inferior vena cava can lead to the development of serious complications up to termination of pregnancy or premature birth. If a pulse is felt in the abdomen, you need to inform your gynecologist about this.

The pathological process, as a rule, develops due to compression of the vein by the growing uterus. However, other precipitating factors may also be present. Women with thrombosis, liver and kidney diseases are at risk. Excess body weight also often provokes impaired blood flow in the inferior vena cava during pregnancy. The likelihood of encountering a pathology increases in the case of:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • congenital anomalies of the reproductive system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • diabetes mellitus.

When squeezing the vena cava, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities is disturbed. The systemic circulation suffers. In addition to the pulsation in the abdomen, a woman also has other symptoms. unpleasant symptoms oxygen starvation develops. The risk of developing varicose veins increases.

Usually the first signs pathological process begin to appear after the 25th week of pregnancy. Poor health is observed in girls in the supine position. The uterus squeezes the vena cava, the stomach begins to throb strongly, the woman feels a lack of air, dizziness appears. There may be noise or ringing in the ears, dark circles before your eyes. The expectant mother feels that she will lose consciousness if she does not change the position of the body. In most cases, there is a rapid decline blood pressure. The condition of a woman improves immediately as soon as she changes her vertical position to a horizontal one. Turning to the side from the back can also make you feel better.

The inferior vena cava syndrome should not be ignored. Pathology is fraught with serious complications associated with a violation placental blood flow. Refusal of therapy often leads to fetal hypoxia. A woman can develop varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis.

To reduce venous stasis, a pregnant woman is shown moderate physical activity. It is strictly forbidden to sleep on your back after the 20th week of pregnancy. The doctor prescribes drugs that stimulate systemic blood flow.

The presence of inferior vena cava syndrome in a woman is taken into account when choosing a method of delivery. natural childbirth recommended to be carried out in vertical position- standing.

Fetal movements

The baby begins to move inside the womb already in the first trimester of pregnancy. But the baby is still so tiny that his movements are not felt. The first time a woman can feel a pulsation after the 16th week of pregnancy. At the same time, the sensitivity of expectant mothers may be different. Some say that they felt the movement only closer to the 20th week, others note that the first pulsation appeared already at the beginning of the second trimester. At repeated births the first fetal movements begin to be felt two weeks earlier. Great importance also has a girl's body weight. Thin people manage to feel the baby faster.

The placenta plays an important role. If it is located on the front wall of the uterus, the movements can be felt a little later.

The first fetal movements important indicator. The data is recorded in exchange card. By this criterion, it is also possible to determine the estimated time of the birth of the child. With the first pregnancy, 20 weeks are added to the start date of the movements, with the second - 22 weeks.

By the movements of the fetus, it is possible to determine its position in the womb. Where the pulsation is most clearly felt, the limbs of the baby are located. If the shocks are felt closer to the diaphragm, the fetus lies head down. Even if the head is at the top, there is no cause for concern. Until 35 weeks, he still has time to take correct position. Breech presentation fetus - a reason for delivery through the operation "caesarean section".

Pulsation in the abdomen, as a rule, increases after the 25th week of pregnancy. The uterus becomes tighter for the baby. He tries to take comfortable position. The nature of the movements of the baby also changes. By week 32, it is formed nervous system, your sleep and wake patterns appear. By the nature of the movements, it is already possible to determine at what hours the child will sleep after birth.

The expectant mother must definitely follow the nature of the movements of the child, keep a diary. For 12 hours, a woman should notice at least ten movements. If the baby is not active, you need to consult a doctor. You should also inform your gynecologist about excessive fetal activity.

Baby hiccups in the womb

Hiccups are rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm. The baby inside the womb can also hiccup. The expectant mother cannot hear the characteristic sound, but the pulsation in the lower abdomen in the third trimester can signal the baby's intrauterine hiccups. The woman will feel twitching of the abdomen in the same rhythm on the right or left.

The first such symptoms can be felt after the 25th week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, baby hiccups will be felt quite often. The duration of the pulsation of the abdomen can be from several minutes to an hour. Hiccups may not occur for several days, and may be repeated up to 5 times a day. Each mother feels the baby's hiccups in her own way. Some note rhythmic tremors at one point in the abdomen (the uterus seems to twitch), others talk about small spasms. Hiccups are clearly different from the usual fetal movements. A tapping may be felt in the navel.

Baby hiccups in the womb is not a cause for concern. If a child hiccups, then his diaphragm is developing normally. Thus, the body prepares for independent breathing outside the uterus. There may be another reason. Often provokes hiccups by swallowing intrauterine fluid. More often this is observed when the mother abuses sweets. The liquid acquires a special flavor, the child swallows it with pleasure.

If the child hiccups throughout the day, while his physical activity, apply for medical care needed immediately. Such symptoms may indicate the development of fetal hypoxia. It is also worth worrying when, against the background of hiccups, the baby’s movements are completely absent for 5 or more hours. With the development of any atypical signs, you should seek the advice of your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Pulsation in the abdomen at any time is a variant of the norm. It is necessary to worry if other unpleasant symptoms appear. It is worthwhile to consult a doctor in a timely manner and not to miss time in case of complications.

During pregnancy, a woman is looking forward to her figure changing. special attention the belly is awarded - the space where the baby grows and develops. Assessing the ongoing changes, the expectant mother pays attention to the shape and size of the abdomen, and also listens to own feelings. Many women are alarmed by the pulsation that occurs in the womb at the most different terms. What is it and what does the pulsation in the lower abdomen indicate during pregnancy?

Possible reasons

Under the pulsation in the lower abdomen, pregnant women understand various states. Different sensitivity and susceptibility to body signals determine the most bizarre interpretations of this phenomenon. It seems to some expectant mothers that they literally hear the fetal heartbeat. Others argue that behind the rhythmic pulsation, the movements of the baby are unambiguously determined. Often, pulsation is confused with painful sensations that occur during the pathology of pregnancy. In some cases, an examination by a specialist is required to determine the cause of this condition.

Possible causes of pulsation in the lower abdomen:

fetal hiccups

Prolonged rhythmic pulsation in the womb area after 20 weeks of pregnancy may be associated with fetal hiccups. You can feel the pulsation by placing your hand on your stomach between pubic bone and belly button. On later dates pregnancy, fetal hiccups are perceived quite clearly without additional manipulations.

Why does the baby hiccup? The exact cause of fetal hiccups is still not known. According to one version, hiccups occur at the moment when the baby swallows amniotic fluid. amniotic fluid, falling into oral cavity and the esophagus, irritates the mucosal receptors, which in turn provokes hiccups. Such hiccups are completely safe for the fetus. On the contrary, swallowing amniotic fluid gradually prepares digestive tract child to eat.

According to another version, hiccups are nothing more than a manifestation chronic hypoxia fetus. Experiencing a lack of oxygen, the baby thus tries to compensate for his condition. The duration of hiccup attacks during hypoxia can be different - from several minutes to half an hour. Chronic hypoxia is a very dangerous condition. In the absence of adequate therapy, this phenomenon can lead to a delay in fetal development and the occurrence serious problems health after birth.

How to find out the cause of hiccups in the fetus? Get checked out by a gynecologist. You can find out if the baby is suffering from hypoxia using ultrasound and CTG. When conducting an ultrasound, the height and weight of the fetus is assessed, the state of its condition is determined. internal organs and the brain. The blood flow velocity in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord is necessarily assessed. If any abnormalities are identified, the doctor may prescribe treatment to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of serious complications in the fetus.

CTG (cardiotocography) is performed after 32 weeks. A special sensor is attached to the tummy of a pregnant woman, with the help of which the heartbeat of the fetus is estimated. When a pathology is detected, therapy is also carried out aimed at improving uteroplacental blood flow and eliminating the consequences of chronic fetal hypoxia.

Fetal movements

In the period from 16 to 24 weeks, fetal movements are not perceived very clearly. Only in the third trimester can a pregnant woman clearly distinguish the kicks of her little legs from other sensations. In earlier periods, the movements of the baby are similar to light bursts, tickling or pulsing. Such a pulsation is felt just above the womb, usually only on one side. At first, the pulsation associated with fetal movements will occur once or twice a day. Over time, the baby will move more and more actively, and soon the expectant mother will no longer be able to confuse the movements of the fetus with other sensations in the stomach.

It is quite difficult to correctly assess fetal movements in the second trimester. Until 24 weeks, the expectant mother does not feel all the movements of the baby. Only the strongest kicks of the legs or turns with the whole body are perceived by a woman. The absence of any movements during the day should alert. Increased activity the fetus is also a signal of malfunctions in the body. In these situations, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Compression of the inferior vena cava

The inferior vena cava is the largest vein human body. It collects blood from the lower extremities and passes just where the enlarged uterus is located along with the baby. Pulsation in the lower abdomen, not like hiccups or fetal movements, may be associated with clamping of the inferior vena cava. This condition occurs mainly after 28 weeks, when pressure on the vein and other organs abdominal cavity increases significantly.

With compression of the inferior vena cava, the pulsation in the lower abdomen is felt quite clearly. If you put your palm on the area between the pubic bone and the navel, you can clearly feel the movement of blood through the vessel. The pulsation rate matches the mother's heart rate and distinguishes this condition from other causes of pulsation during pregnancy.

Pulsation during compression of the inferior vena cava increases in the supine position. In this position, the uterus puts more pressure on the vein, which leads to impaired blood flow in it. Compression of the inferior vena cava is also accompanied by other symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • nausea.

Compression of the inferior vena cava can lead to loss of consciousness. When the first unpleasant sensations appear, you need to change your position: roll over on your side, sit down or slowly get out of bed. If the pulsation increases, weakness increases, dizziness increases, it is urgent to call a doctor.

Compression of the inferior vena cava, accompanied by pulsation, is dangerous not only for a woman, but also for her baby. When a large vessel is clamped, the blood flow in the pelvic organs and the placenta is disturbed. The deterioration of blood flow leads to short-term fetal hypoxia, which adversely affects its further development.

Threat of abortion

Pulsation in the lower abdomen, accompanied by pain or any pronounced discomfort, may indicate a malfunction in the body. This condition occurs when the tone of the uterus increases. Myometrial hypertonicity - dangerous phenomenon, which can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth. When any unusual and even more so pain it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Pulsation in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy

According to statistics, every fourth woman feels a pulsation over the womb in the first trimester. Similar symptom considered one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Often, the expectant mother learns about the birth of a new life only after she begins to listen to her own feelings. Pulsation in the lower abdomen - one of the confirmations successful conception and a reason to get tested. You can find out exactly about pregnancy with the help of pharmacy test or a blood test for hCG.

Why does pulsation occur in the lower abdomen in the early stages? After the conception of a child, blood flow in the pelvic organs increases. The uterus gradually increases, the movement of blood through the vessels is redistributed. All this increases the load on the inferior vena cava, the pulsation of which is felt in the early stages. Women perceive the pulsation best asthenic physique with a small supply of subcutaneous fat. Expectant mothers with normal and overweight feel the pulsation of the inferior vena cava mainly in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy.

What to do?

Pulsation in the lower abdomen is not a reason to panic. In most cases, this condition does not pose a danger to the woman and the fetus. According to statistics, up to 80% of all expectant mothers experience a similar phenomenon during pregnancy. How to distinguish the norm from the pathology?

  1. Place your palms on the pulse area. Count your pulse. Does your pulse rate match your heart rate? You probably feel the movement of blood in the inferior vena cava under your hands. Change your body position. Watch your feelings: development of dizziness and fainting is possible.
  2. Track how often there is a pulsation in the lower abdomen. Listen to your feelings. Perhaps behind the pulsation you can feel light kicks of small legs. The baby makes itself felt, and over time, his movements will become more active. Be patient.
  3. Is the pulsation in the lower abdomen rhythmic, but not similar to your own pulse? Your baby is probably hiccuping. Track how often the child hiccups, how he behaves after the hiccups stop. If, against the background of such a pulsation, fetal movements increase or, on the contrary, become less active, consult a doctor. This condition may indicate the development of fetal hypoxia.
  4. Pulsation in the lower abdomen accompanied by pain or spotting from the genital tract? Seek immediate medical attention. This symptom is indicative of high risk termination of pregnancy.

If you have any questions or doubts, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist. An experienced doctor will be able to identify the pathology in time or dispel all doubts and anxieties about the condition of your baby.

As soon as you register with the antenatal clinic for pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist will listen intently to your tummy during each visit. You, too, will pay all your attention to the growing tummy. Looking forward to when others begin to notice your interesting position, you constantly listen to the sensations in the lower abdomen. Women are often concerned pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. No one can say for sure what this is, since there may be more than one reason for this phenomenon. Also, future mothers call various sensations pulsation: some feel contractions, tapping, stirring, while others feel pulsation. As a rule, these symptoms are observed in most women with a normal pregnancy. But, nevertheless, in order to relieve anxiety, it will not hurt the expectant mother to tell the doctor observing her about her condition, especially if accompanied by pain. In this article, we will only give the most common causes of this phenomenon in a normal pregnancy.

The main causes of pulsation in the lower abdomen in pregnant women

  1. 1. baby stirring

On short term During pregnancy, fetal movements are still felt indistinctly, so some expectant mothers take the first ones for pulsation.

  1. 2. fetal hiccups

Obstetrician-gynecologists confirm that indeed very often babies hiccup in the uterus. This is due to the ingestion of amniotic fluid by the fetus. Starting at 28 weeks future baby begins to make swallowing movements. Thus, he trains his muscles, improves gastrointestinal tract And digestive system. The hiccuping of a child is a physiological state in normal development pregnancy. Hiccups are usually accompanied by rhythmic fluctuations of the abdomen, while the entire abdomen shudders, but the center of the hiccups is localized in the lower abdomen. By time twitching in the lower abdomen during pregnancy due to fetal hiccups, it can last from a couple of minutes to an hour. Sometimes the expectant mother may feel discomfort, especially if the fetal hiccups do not go away for a long time and are often repeated. At the same time, some pregnant women do not feel hiccups at all due to individual low sensitivity. If the child's hiccups occur too often and for a long time, it is worth undergoing an additional examination to identify possible cause. IN this case fetal hypoxia may occur due to a lack of oxygen supplied with cord blood.

  1. 3. Pulsation of the inferior vena cava

The inferior vena cava is located on the right along the spine. From the third trimester of pregnancy during a long-term stay of a pregnant woman in awkward posture, for example, in a supine position, this vein can be squeezed under the weight of an enlarged uterus. From squeezing the vein, the blood flow in it is disturbed and the syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava develops. In addition to the rhythmic twitching of the abdomen, nausea, dizziness, a feeling of lack of air, and even loss of consciousness can be observed. The likelihood of compression of the vena cava is higher with increasing gestational age, as well as in women bearing big kids and in multiple pregnancies.

Rarely pulsation during pregnancy may be accompanied by increasing pain, localized in the middle of the abdomen. This may be a symptom of a serious dangerous state- Aortic aneurysms. In this case, urgent medical attention is required.

Prevention of possible complications with pulsation

To prevent any complications, expectant mothers are prescribed the intake of complex vitamins that you need to drink until the moment of delivery. It is also necessary to avoid overwork and high physical activity. Monitor weight gain, for convenience, it is advised to put between the legs special pillow or roller. These simple measures can help avoid compression of large blood vessels and minimize the risk of fetal hypoxia.

With regular visits antenatal clinic, following all the doctor's recommendations and confirming that your baby is developing well, you will have nothing to worry about! After the birth of the long-awaited crumbs, you will forget about all the worries that concern you now.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman is more attentive than before, listening to the signals of her body. And most expectant mothers notice a pulsation in the abdomen.

Pulsation of the abdomen during pregnancy, what is it?

There is no single definition for abdominal pulsation during pregnancy. Firstly, women describe this feeling in quite different ways: some think that this is a muscle contraction, others that it is jolts, others - twitches and so on.

Expectant mothers tend to call all these sensations pulsation, and such a phenomenon can be observed at any stage of pregnancy.

The main causes of pulsation in the lower abdomen in pregnant women

A fairly common cause of pulsation is hiccups baby inside mother's belly. After 28 weeks, the baby develops swallowing skills, and the baby can swallow liquid at the same time. Therefore, the baby hiccups, which provokes a pulsation. Outwardly, this is noticeable on the entire surface of the mother's tummy, but mothers say that the feeling of pulsation is concentrated precisely in the lower abdomen.

Another cause may be squeezing the hollow veins caused by the pressure of the growing uterus. This can happen if a woman lies on her back, as well as with multiple pregnancies and large baby sizes.

Pregnant women can call pulsation and stirring crumbs.

Abdominal pulsation in early pregnancy

Since in the early stages the baby cannot yet press on the blood vessels, hiccup or push, the feeling of pulsation may appear due to individual sensitivity. The volume of blood during the bearing of the baby increases, and, perhaps, the woman feels her own in the stomach. pulse.

Rhythmic pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Pulsation in the abdomen during pregnancy usually does not threaten the baby. But if it is rhythmic and monotonous, it may still be your pulse, which you feel due to squeezing the vena cava.

If the pulsation is caused precisely by squeezing this blood vessel, you may feel weak and dizzy, sometimes even fainting. For a child, this condition threatens oxygen starvation(hypoxia).

If the pulsation is not rhythmic, is not accompanied by any other signs of deterioration, and there are no pain in the abdomen - do not worry.

Prevention of complications with pulsation

If the cause of the pulsation is the hiccups of the baby, complications are extremely rare, and then only if it is repeated too often and lasts more than an hour.

Moving and pushing the crumbs also does not threaten either you or the baby.

In the case of compression of the vena cava, there are some recommendations to help avoid this phenomenon: do not sleep on your back. If you feel a pulsation accompanied by dizziness - just change the position in which you are, that is, sit or lie down in a different position, best of all - on your left side.