The theme of the lesson: “Friendship is strong. Summary of the lesson “How to learn to be friends. Or... Secrets of Friendship

MK preschool educational institution d / s 451 Novosibirsk.

friendship day

Synopsis of integrated classes in the middle group topic "Friendship Day"

Target. Create an atmosphere of goodwill, freedom, love.


To form the ability of children to manage their feelings and emotions, to expand the idea of ​​​​friendship; to deepen the idea of ​​​​children about kindness as a single integral quality of a person, the ability to reflect on the moral essence of actions, the ability to create a new situation in familiar fairy tales; to develop children's communication skills, memory, thinking, emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other's aid in difficult situation, develop social feelings to cultivate interest in fairy tales, a fair attitude towards each other, a friendly attitude towards peers and adults.

1. Morning

Charging "Hello, friend!"
Hello Friend!

Hello Friend!

Get in a circle)
(hold hands)
We'll go in circles
And we will find friends everywhere!
(go around in circles)
Hello bunny!
(Wave right hand above head.)
Hello hedgehog!

What a good day!
(raise both hands up)
Squirrel, hello!
(wave right hand above head)
Wolf, hello!
(wave left hand above head)
Hello! sounds like an answer.
(stretch arms forward)
Hello Friend!
(pull out right hand to the side)
Hello Friend!
(pull out left hand to the side)
Get in a circle)
(hold hands)
We'll go in circles
And we will find friends everywhere!
(go around in circles)
"Conversation for what friends are needed"
Outdoor fun
Educator: Today we have with you fun party, dedicated to Friendship. After all, it is in kindergarten that we have our first friends and girlfriends.
I love our kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One two three four five…
Too bad we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!
Leading. To meet and make new friends, you need to know polite words Do you know polite words?

The game "Tell me a word."

1. If you meet a friend, even on the street, even at home,
Do not be shy, do not be cunning, but say louder ... (hello).

2. If you ask for something, then first do not forget
Open your mouth and say… (please).

3. If you don’t want to be considered ignorant,
I beg you, be wise
Begin your request with a polite word:
Be ... (kind), be ... (kind).

4.If the company met, not hastily, not in advance,
Then at the moment of parting, tell everyone ... (goodbye).

5. If, by word or deed, someone helped you,
Feel free to speak loudly, boldly… (thank you)

Vraka the Ruffian appears.

Vraka-Zabiyaka: Hello everyone! Aha! This is where I need to be! (rubs his hands). Educator: Where is this "here"?
Vraka-Zabiyaka: Where, where... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.
Host: Who are you?
Ruff Vraka: I am Ruff Vraka. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?
Educator: Not some kind, but the Holiday of Friendship, the holiday of true friends. And we're here to have some fun.
Vraka-Zabiyaka. Are these shorty kids friends? Can they be friends? Oh, laugh! (laughs).
Educator: Wait, wait, Vraka-Zabiyaka, to find out if our guys really know how to be friends, you need to check them in games, in dances, in songs.
Vraka-Brawler: Check, huh? Please! (Pulls out the ball.) Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him has not grown up and, therefore, has not learned to be friends! Starts randomly, deceiving children, throwing a ball at them.
Teacher: Well, no! This will not work! If you play it, then for real.
Vraka-Brawler: How is it for real?
Educator: This means - according to the rules. Look, we will now take the ball and we will pass it in a circle, and you catch up. Agreed?

Game "Pass the ball around"

Purpose: to learn to act on a signal, to pass the ball together and quickly

Description: Children stand in a circle, pass the ball in a circle. At the leader's signal (clap), the ball is passed in the other direction.

Vraka-Zabiyaka: That's it, I don't play like that. It's not fair. Now, if I played alone with the ball, and you all ran after me, it would be great!
Educator: Do you want to play with the guys interesting game"Guess by voice"
Mobile game "Guess by voice"
Purpose: to develop hearing, mindfulness.
Description: Children stand in a circle, the leader in the center stands with eyes closed. Children walk in a circle and say:
We frolic a little
All were placed in their places.
You are Alyosha (name of the driver), guess
Who called you, find out.

With the end of the words, the children stop, the teacher points to one of the players, he calls the driver by name, if the driver guessed who called him, this child changes places.

Vraka-bully: Well, the fact that you know each other by name - I understood this well, but do you know how to help each other? I will check this in the next game. Only those who truly know how to be friends with everyone will be able to move to the other side.

Friendship Bridge game

Purpose: to teach to act in groups, to be responsive, to consolidate knowledge of colors.

Equipment: colored cardboard according to the number of children

Description: A strip is drawn - this is a river (3-4 widths of a sheet of cardboard), in order to cross to the other side, children need to build a bridge from sheets of cardboard of the same color. The winner is the group of children who was able to agree faster than the rest and move across the bridge to the other side.

Educator: Bully, you see, we coped with this task! And why are you sad?
Vraka-Zabiyaka: You are so cheerful and friendly, but you don’t want to be friends with me!
Educator: What are you doing! We want to be friends with you! Guys, right?
Children: Yes!
Educator: And as a sign of our friendship, we want to give you a flower of friendship, which we will now draw together!
Vraka-Zabiyaka: Oh, how great!
Drawing by numbers "Flower"
Children collectively paint the flower of friendship, the colors are chosen according to the numbers. At the end, they give a flower to Vraka-Zabiyaka.
Educator: Well, what kind of Vraka-Zabiyaka are you now, you learned to be friends with us and now you are Veselushka-Hahatushka!
Finger gymnastics "Friendship"
Friends in our group
Girls and boys.
(fingers of both hands are connected rhythmically to the castle)
We will make friends with you
Little fingers.
(rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands)
One two three four five.
(alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger)
Start counting again:
One two three four five.
We've finished counting.
(arms down, shake hands)


Invigorating gymnastics
For us to be okay
Let's load quickly.
We walk slowly,
(walking, arms at sides)
We spread our hands to the sides,
Put your hands on your sides
(walking on outside feet)
Teddy bear is walking
We went on heels
(walking on heels, hands behind the head, on the neck)
Hands to the neck, look.
And now the slopes are together,
We do it on the spot.
(tilts to the side)
Put your hands in front of you
Get them now with your foot!
(swing legs)
Well, my friend, do not yawn,
"Scissors" you perform!
(straight arms in front of chest)
We all squat together
We really need health!
We will inflate a balloon
(breathing exercise to restore breathing 4-5 times)
And then we'll slowly blow it away.
Woke up what? Well then -
Water is waiting for you!
Wash up, don't be lazy
(children wash and dress)
Get dressed, eat sit down!

Game-dramatization "Kindergarten"

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions

Description: Two participants in the game are selected, the rest of the children are spectators. Participants are invited to act out the following situation - parents came to kindergarten for a child. The child comes out to them with an expression of a certain emotional state. Spectators must guess what state the participant of the game is showing, parents must find out what happened, and the child must tell the reason for his condition.


observation in nature

For the friendly work of ants.

Game "Give movement to a friend"

Children stand in a circle, cheerful music sounds, one child shows the movement, all the children repeat it, and so on in a circle.

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group

« Friendship starts with a smile»

Abstract of the thematic lesson

« Friendship starts with a smile»

Educational area : "Social and communicative development"

Area integration: « emotional development», « Speech development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "," Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.



To generalize and expand the knowledge of children about such concepts as "friend", "friendship";

To acquaint children with the emotions and qualities of a person that help and hinder friendship;

Develop the ability to understand emotional condition another person and adequately express their own.


Develop communication skills and abilities.


To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others, the desire for mutual assistance, cooperation.

Improve your ability to participate joint game, work in a team.



1. Activate the dictionary.


1. Removal of emotional and muscular tension.

2. Decreased impulsivity, increased motor activity.

3. Development of the ability to move in the same rhythm with other children.

4. Development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, speed of reaction, speech.


    Creating an atmosphere of emotional security.

Materials and equipment: Pictures with the image of a sad and cheerful face, pictures of a bear, a bunny, a hedgehog, a swing. Images fairytale heroes(positive and negative).

Lesson progress

    Organizing time.

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle.

Good afternoon guys! I suggest you greet each other, turn to the neighbor on the right, smile, call him by name and say that you are glad to see him. Then the children say in unison: “Good afternoon, everyone!”.

    Main part.

Friendship conversation.

The teacher asks questions to the children, the children answer them.

    What do you think friendship is?

    Do you have friends?

    Why do we need friends?

    Who can you be friends with?

    What should a true friend be like?

    What guys do you want to be friends with, and what do you not want to be friends with?

Teacher: Friendship is when people want to be together, when they play together, communicate, do not quarrel. Friendship is the smiles of friends. Friends are people we enjoy playing with. Friendship is when you know how to negotiate without shouting and quarrels; share toys, speak politely and not be rude; be attentive (caring) to a friend; be able to sympathize with a friend. If a friend has joy, then rejoice with him, if trouble, then grieve together. Raise your hands whoever has friends. (Children raise their hands).

Conversation "Mood".

The teacher shows the children 2 pictures (on one sad face, on the other cheerful). The psychologist asks the children questions:

    Guys, look, are these little men the same? What is the difference?

    What is your mood today?

    Why are you happy, fun?

    Which of these men do you think has many friends?

    Why do you think so?

Psychologist: That's right, a little man good mood because he has many friends. That's why he smiles.

Game "My mood".

The psychologist covers his face with his hands, invites the children to do the same, then asks the children to open their faces and show:

What is your face when you:

Ate chocolate.

We tried lemon.

Saw a friend.

Mom is upset.

A friend gave you a gift.

You have been punished.

You and your friends play on a walk.

When a friend smiled at you.

Psychologist: Well done! See what happy faces everyone had when I asked questions about friends, because friendship begins with a smile, with a good mood.

Good or bad game.

To begin with, we will play with you the game "Good - bad." We listen to the rules of the game. I will pronounce the deeds of the people. If the deed is good - clap your hands, if it is bad - be silent. (The psychologist calls actions: “quarrel, help others, fight, put up, say hello at a meeting, show off, ask for forgiveness, be greedy, share, call names, speak pleasant words, to be polite, to be rude, to yield").

Psychologist: Guys, does it happen that you quarrel? What causes quarrels most often?

Children: ... (children's answers).

Psychologist: So, the most common cause quarrels when you can't share something. I know the story of how Mishka and the hedgehog quarreled. Guys, do you want to hear it?

(The psychologist shows pictures of a Bear, a hedgehog and a swing.)


Two friends lived - Bear and Hedgehog

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a swing in the clearing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The bear pulled the swing towards him

Bear: "I'm the first! »

Hedgehog: "No, I am! »

Friends do not give in to each other.

The bear was offended: “So you are the Hedgehog,

As a friend, I'm not good at all! ".

The psychologist asks the children questions:

    What happened that friends did not share?

    Why did Mishka decide not to be friends with the Hedgehog?

    Guys, what do you think, is it good or bad to quarrel with a friend?

    Why is it bad to quarrel?

Psychologist: Remember Mishka the first rule of friendship: Do not quarrel with friends, try to play together.

Psychologist: How to reconcile the Bear and the Hedgehog? What if there is only one swing and two friends?

Children: ... (children's answers).

Psychologist: Let me tell the story again, well, with a cheerful, good ending, when the Bear and the hedgehog agreed.

In a quiet forest, among bushes and paths,

Lived two friends Mishka and Hedgehog

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a swing in the clearing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The bear pulled the swing towards him

The bear said: “I will shake you,

we are friends with you Hedgehog.

Psychologist: So, what should be done in order not to quarrel?

Children: Give in, share.

Psychologist: Bear, remember the second rule of friendship: Know how to negotiate. Dare to give in.

Guys, when do you give in to your friends?

Children: ... (children's answers)

Dynamic pause "If there is good friend»

The mood has fallen, things are falling apart (children stand facing each other, hands up, gradually lower their hands)

But not everything is lost yet (they threaten each other with a finger)

If there is a good friend (clap hands)

Let's do it together (hold hands)

Let's breathe a sigh of relief (sigh)

Raise the mood (raise hands up)

And shake off the dust (shake off the dust. Smile at each other).

Psychologist: Guys, I'll tell you another story now, listen carefully.

Carried once Bunny dexterous

Basket full of carrots.

The basket was not small

Very, very hard.

Mishka walked towards him.

Bunny asks: "Help me to bring the basket!".

"Carry your own basket,

I went looking for raspberries."

Psychologist: How would a friend act in this situation?

Children: Help.

Psychologist: Bear, remember the third rule of friendship: Help a friend (Psychologist shows sign number 3).

Psychologist: Guys, do you help your friends? How do you help?

Psychologist: Like this simple rules, Mishenka, the children of our group observe, and if you remember them, then you will have many good and faithful friends.

Bear: Thank you guys for teaching me how to be friends and telling me about the rules of friendship. I will definitely make friends in the forest with all the animals.

Psychologist: Guys, let's remind Mishka once again what the rules of friendship sound like:

1. Do not quarrel with friends, play together.

2. Be able to negotiate, give in, share.

3. Help a friend.

Psychologist: And you guys, never forget these rules! What other rules would you guys add here?

Children: ... (children's answers). Be able to ask for forgiveness if you were wrong, be polite, etc.

The game "Yes-yes-yes, no-no-no."

Psychologist: Guys, do you know what real friends should be like? Now we will check it. I will ask questions, and you answer: “yes-yes-yes” or “no-no-no”. Shall we try?

Will we be strong friends?

To value our friendship?

Will we learn to play?

Will we help a friend?

Need to annoy a friend?

No no no!

And give a smile?

Is it worth hurting a friend?

No no no!

How about resolving disputes?

Shall we drink tea with friends?

Will we be strong friends?

    Final part.

Guys, friendship starts with a smile. We say goodbye today with a smile. Turn to your neighbor on the right and smile.


So, our lesson has come to an end, let's remember what we talked about today?

The children answer.

Well done, you did a great job today. This concludes our lesson. Thank you!

Program content:

Lead the children to understand the meaning of the word "Friendship".

Expand ideas about what qualities a friend should have

Learn in a simple way exit from the conflict

Cultivate a fair attitude towards each other, cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults.

To develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other's aid in a difficult situation, to develop social feelings, as well as the development of communication skills.

To teach to manage their feelings and emotions, to expand the idea of ​​friendship, to deepen the idea of ​​children about kindness.

Lesson progress:

The music of V. Shainsky “When my friends are with me” sounds.


The breeze is friends with the sun,
And dew is with grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
All with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only to quarrel with friends

.What is friendship? As it is sung in the good old song from the cartoon: “You can’t play all the games alone, neither me, nor you, nobody, nobody”, and even more so “There is always ice cream alone, it doesn’t taste good either to me, or to you, to anyone ...”. Guys, do you know what real friends should be like? (children's answers).

I will ask questions, and you will answer “yes-yes-yes” or “no-no-no”.

A game:"Yes-yes-yes", "no-no-no".

Will we be strong friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

To value our friendship?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we learn to play?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we help a friend?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Need to annoy a friend?

(no no no)

And give a smile?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Is it worth hurting a friend?

(no no no)

Shall we drink tea with friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we be strong friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Well done! Completed the task.

The song of V. Shainsky "Smile" sounds.

Educator: Guys, where does acquaintance and friendship begin? (children's answers) True, because a smiling person is friendly. benevolent person someone who wishes you well. Let's give friendly smiles to our guests, let everyone have a good mood and a good day.
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other. (children hold hands and stand in a circle)

Warm palms touched
And the children smiled.

Any person is pleased not only with a kind smile, but also with a friendly word.

Compliments game.
Children stand, turn in a circle, shake hands and say, "Sasha, you are kind." And so on. Sample words: cheerful, beautiful, fast, brave, brave, caring, polite, cultured, hardworking, friendly.

The person is in a good mood good words.

Physical education minute

Hold hands together
Right - left turn (turns right - left)
Let's have fun (clapping)
jump (jump)
And spin around (circle)
A lot of joyful people(go around in circles)
Good faithful friends to us.
We will not quarrel (we approach the center)
Let's forget about sadness (we step back).

caregiver: Guys, does it happen that you quarrel? What causes quarrels most often? (children's answers)

Educator: So, the most common cause of quarrels is when you can't share something or when you want to do the same thing. Imagine two friends Hedgehog and Bunny, each of whom wants to ride on a swing, how to help them not to quarrel.

(The teacher selects two children to participate in the game, gives out the appropriate masks of animals, the children are invited to portray the current situation.)

Lived two friends Bunny and Hedgehog

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a swing in the clearing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The hare pulled the swing towards him

Hare: "I'm the first!"

And the Hedgehog: “No, I am!”

Friends do not give in to each other.

The hare was offended: “So you are the Hedgehog,

I’m not good at all as a friend!”

Discussing the problem, finding ways to solve it.

Educator: Why did the Hare decide not to be friends with the Hedgehog? (children's answers)

Do you think it's worth arguing with friends over this? (children's answers)

How to reconcile friends, to make sure that there is no quarrel? (children's answers)

Let's read the poem again, well, with a happy ending, when the bunny and the hedgehog agreed.

In a quiet forest, among bushes and paths,

Lived two friends Bunny and Hedgehog

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a swing in the clearing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The hare pulled the swing towards him

The hare said: "I will shake you, we are friends with you Hedgehog"

Educator: So, what should be done to avoid quarreling? (children's answers: be able to negotiate) What do you think a friend should be like? (children's answers: kind, attentive, sympathetic)

And let's make unusual poster about friendship. (children come to the table, on which there is a large paper with a glued globe.)

Guys, the palm is a symbol of trust, sincerity and friendship. If adults and children will be friends on our planet, then we will be able to call our planet the PLANET OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP. Let's leave our handprints on our poster. (children dip their hands in colorful paints)

(during work, a song about friendship sounds)

caregiver: The teacher finishes:
brighter sun rays
Friendship in the whole world
It's more fun with friends
On any planet.

The song of V. Shainsky “When my friends are with me” sounds.

Lesson in the middle group "Know how to be friends, know how to cherish friendship"

OUD in the middle group.

Material Description: Integrated activity for children middle group. The lesson gives children an idea of ​​​​friendship, friends, and mutual understanding. In the procession of this lesson, children are brought up with such feelings as responsibility, mutual understanding, friendliness.
Educational areas:"Society", "Creativity"
Sections:"Introduction to the world around", "Drawing".
Target: Formation of ideas about friendship and friends.
Tasks: To develop understanding in children, then friendship should be cherished, to cultivate a sense of mutual understanding and trust in people, to consolidate the ability to use paints and a brush.
Vocabulary work: friendship, friend, loyalty.
Bilingual component: dos - friend.
Equipment: Toys are a doll. Puppy, sample drawings of trees, album sheets with the image of trees, paint, brushes, brush holders, water tank, napkins.
Children enter the hall and greet guests in two languages.
Morning cr yi:
Educator: Guys, I am very pleased every day to meet you, my friends! How warmly this word sounds - friends. Friends are people who understand each other, who feel good together. You are all friends in the group and I am your friend!
(song sounds). Children stand in a circle, take each other's hands.
Stand up children, stand in a circle
Get in the circle, get in the circle
You are my friend and I am your friend
Saami is a true friend...
(Children shake hands, hug each other).
Educator: Sit down guys on the chairs.
The move is busy and I.
Educator: Guys, please tell me in which Republic we live?
Children: In Kazakhstan.
Educator: In Kazakhstan, guys, there are many people of different nationalities, all people live in friendship and harmony. There are also many children in our group different nationality and we are all friends in the group. I read the story "A True Friend".
Doll Olya and her puppy friend come to visit the children.
Children: They show interest. Hello.
Showing a fairy tale: "Olya and her friend Puppy."
Children: carefully watching show interest.
Educator:- Guys, how did the puppy help Olya in her trouble?
Children: answer the question.
Educator:- Olya and the puppy are friends?
Children:- Yes friends.
Educator:- Guys, do you have friends?
Children: Answer questions, discuss.
Educator:- Can you name your friends?
Children: They call.
Educator:- Guys, these are friends in the group, but do you have friends in the house or in the yard where you live?
Children:- Yes, I have.
Educator: Call them by their names?
Children: are called.
Educator:- Guys, and on Kazakh language friend - dos.
Children:- they repeat in chorus.
Fizkultminutka. Children stand in a circle.
Friends all together early in the morning
Do exercises in the morning
Stretched together, together (Children rise on their toes)
One stoop, two stoop (Bend forward)
Spread your arms wider (Spread your arms to the sides)
And then we sit down (squat)
Let's stand together, one and two. (Get up)
This is where the game ended.
Educator: Reading a poem "My friend."
Vitalka and I are friends,
Do not spill water we live.
We don't argue, we don't fight
We call him friends…..
- Guys, do you think that the boys I read the poem about can be friends?
Children: Yes, they can be friends.
Educator: Why do you think so?
Children: They answer the question.
Educator:- What games do you play with your friends?
Children: Discuss, answer the question.
Educator:- Do you offend your friends?
Children:- No, we do not offend our friends.
Educator:- What do you need in order not to quarrel?
They answer the question.
Educator:- Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about friendship?
Children: say 3 proverbs.
Educator:- A tree is strongly rooted, and a man is friends. I suggest you go to the workplace and draw as many roots to the tree as you have friends.
Children: paint on the roots of the tree.
Educator:- While our work dries up, let's remember what we talked about today?
Children: About friendship, about friends.
Educator:- Well done guys, everyone did their best, drew the roots, that is, their friends, which means you have a lot of them. Children find their friends and give them their drawings, and say - you, my friend!

The development of communication skills in older children preschool age.

1. Enrich with new knowledge and skills conflict-free communication.

2. Develop communication skills, friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate and help, positive social behavior.

3. Educate moral foundations personality of the child in the process of forming ideas about friendship.

Software content.

Fix the correct pronunciation of children, follow the full answers, activate adjectives in speech.

· Promote bonding children's team.

To form a favorable psychological climate of the group.

Expand and deepen children's ideas about a benevolent attitude towards people around him. Encourage compassion and empathy for family and friends.

· Teach children to identify, analyze and evaluate behavior in terms of standards and samples.

· Develop a desire to help, support another person. Education of a humane attitude towards relatives and friends.

To form awareness of the moral side of actions.

· Development of a sense of empathy, relaxation.

Types of activity: productive, playful.

Form of conduct: game

Materials and equipment.

· A parcel box with a letter from Snow White and a camera inside;

· Sheets of paper with the image of characters, felt-tip pens;

· Glue, characters to create a book.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

Lesson progress

1. Ritual of greeting.

Hello children! I am glad to see you all healthy and in good spirits. I really want you to have a good mood for the whole day. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but also to the world around us. Repeat all the words and movements after me.

Educator and children (together):

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello, strong oak tree!

We live in native land,

I welcome you all!

2. The main part.

Well done boys! Do you think we are all the same? Of course not! Although we all communicate together, live side by side, we differ from each other in character, weight, height, desires and much more. We also have things in common that unite us.

3. The game "Listen carefully!"

We will verify this now. Let's play a game. I will tell you the task, and you will answer it with movements.

Hold hands those who love ice cream.

Raise your hands up those who love exercise.

Put your hands on your belt for those who like to walk outside.

Stomp with your right foot those who like to visit.

Hold hands those who love cartoons.

You see how much we have in common, how many favorite activities unite us all together!

4. Surprise moment.

There's a knock on the door junior educator brings in a parcel box, says that the postman brought it to kindergarten.

Guys, what is this? Where? Help me read.

(on the box return address: Forest Glade, from Snow White)

Do you know who Snow White is? (Yes)

What fairy tale is she from? (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

I wonder what's inside? (children, together with the teacher, open the box and find a letter with a camera in it).

What it is? (letter, camera)

Sit on the chairs, now we will read it

"Hello guys! Snow White writes to you, I live in fairy forest. All my dwarf friends quarreled among themselves. They don't want to be friends anymore. I do not know what to do. Help them reconcile, please!”

Snow White needs help. Let's help her guys? (Yes)

Guys, I don’t understand why you need a camera? (to write down something.)

What do you think we will record? (How we play together and do not quarrel)

Sit on the chairs, and I will ask one of the guests to help us and take a picture of us. (The teacher gives the camera).

5. Conversation on the topic "What is friendship?"

Are you friendly guys? (Yes)

Why do you think so? (because we help each other, care, try to do so as not to offend each other)

Where does friendship begin? (with a smile, with an acquaintance, with affectionate word, With common interests etc.)

What color do you think friendship is? And what smell? (children's answers)

What can be compared strong friendship? (with iron, stone, chain, rope, lock, sun, song, etc.)

Do you know, there are even proverbs about friendship, I wonder what they are?

One for all and all for one

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you can't put it together

Friendship is the most precious treasure

Clothes do not make a man, but his good deeds

Bad for those who do no good to anyone

Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor

Look for a friend, but found - take care

Help a friend everywhere, don't leave him in trouble

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Well done boys! Interesting conversation about friendship and friends we got it.

You know a lot about friendship. I would really like the Dwarfs to hear our conversation. Remember the guys, who can help the forest gnomes? (children's answers).

Yes, only friendly guys can help the forest gnomes. Remember this!

How much do you know about friendship, well done. And now let's show how friendly we are. (children stand on the carpet)

6. Exercise "Friend to friend."

In this game, you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks.

As soon as I say the phrase "to each other", you should find yourself a partner and shake his hand, and then greet those parts of the body that I will name. Every time I say "to each other", you will have to find yourself a new partner.

Ear to ear;

Nose to nose;

Forehead to forehead;

Knee to knee;

Elbow to elbow;

Back to back;

Shoulder to shoulder (lose 3-4 times, sit on chairs).

Well done boys! Liked? Was it easy? Why?

In order for us to be friendly guys, we must not forget to say hello every morning, not only with children but also with adults. I would really like the forest gnomes to see our game.


Stand up, children, stand in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let the circle of Friendship be wider.

Your friends are standing in a circle

You give them a smile.

Left friend and right friend

And together it is a circle of Friendship,

Shake the other hand on the right

Give him the warmth of your hand.

We had a little rest, and now I ask my friends for work, it's time for us.

8. Work in activity centers (art center, book and literacy center, theatrical activity center).

Center for theatrical activities

All fairy tales are mixed up in the center, help them find their houses.

art center

There are pictures of characters on the table, you will need to draw a friend of the picture you have chosen, you will color them in and then we will send them to the gnomes so that they can see our pictures about friendship.

Book and Literacy Center

In the center of the book and diploma there is a book about friendship, but it lacks illustrations, let's finish it and send it to the gnomes.

Children disperse to centers

9. Reflection.

To the sound of a tambourine, children with their work stand in a circle.

Guys, show each other your work that you made in the activity centers, and now we will put them in the package ..

Have you forgotten what to put in? Of course the camera.

We will put the camera in the package and send it to the gnomes, let them see how friendly we are, and also learn how to be friends and measure.

Poem from children

We are all friendly guys

We are preschoolers

We don't offend anyone

How cares we know

Let's not leave anyone in trouble

We will not take away, but we will ask

May everyone be well

It will be joyful, light!