Where can you swear. Children swearing - funny or sad? offender - official

In the "Diary of a Writer" by F. M. Dostoevsky there is such a story: he heard the conversation of artisans, who, with the help of one very laconic word, expressed a lot of emotions, using it six times during the conversation with different intonation. The writer approached them and said: “Only ten steps have been passed, and this word was repeated six times! Aren’t you ashamed?”, and in response I heard: “Why do you yourself commemorate him for the seventh time?”

Why do people swear? And how to wean them from it? Alisa ORLOVA researched the issue.

Swearing in a cordial Russian conversation

In a Moscow cafe, a tournament of poets was held all winter long - the so-called poetic slam. Both well-known authors and debutants participated in it. Talent and artistry were evaluated by the audience jury. An interesting feature was revealed: a swear word inserted into a poetic text instantly attracted interest in the work and, accordingly, increased the ratings.

This was finally proved by the so-called "poetic boxing". One of its participants is a well-known network writer. And the other is a young poet, a favorite of thick literary magazines. In the end, the winner was the one ... who had more profanity in his poems. Classical poetry could not stand the competition of obscenities.

What happened in the finale suddenly began to go beyond the script: they shouted louder, the remarks became more aggressive, it suddenly became difficult for the host to control the situation. Several participants managed to speak when one of those sitting in the hall, who was already reading from the stage, heard an impartial review of his work and threw a glass at the offender. The glass hit the girl sitting next to him. There was a lot of blood, the evening was ruined. The hushed poets and spectators parted with the feeling that they themselves "woke famously."

The “mystical component” of foul language is the mysticism of malice boiling in the human heart, malice that unites a person with the devil, just as love unites with God and makes Him a child. In the illustration: a fragment of a painting by Hieronymus Bosch

Swearing becomes a fashion. Why this is happening, I decided to ask the head of the Russian Speech Culture Department of the Russian Language Institute Alexei Shmelev:

- There is a version that swear words in their origin are a blasphemy against God and the Mother of God. Is it so?

Filthy swearing arose in ancient times and was most likely associated with pagan rites. Checkmate is, first of all, a way to demonstrate readiness to break taboos, to cross certain boundaries. Therefore, the subject of swearing in different languages ​​is similar - “the bottom of the body” and everything related to the administration of physiological needs. In addition to “bodily swearing”, some peoples (mainly French-speaking) have blasphemous swearing. The Russians don't.

- Is it true that after perestroika, swearing in public places became freer? When women in Soviet times did not swear, for example.

Now the boundaries between men and women are blurring, not only in language, but also in life: there are fewer and fewer people who let a woman go ahead, give up their seat on the subway, and serve coats. In the same way, in the language, many consider it possible to use swearing in front of women. True, even before perestroika, in many villages, women swore no worse than men.

- Why do people fight?

If we are talking about Russian foul language, then its functions are different depending on who uses it. There is simply the use of words in literal meanings - not very common. This may be an expression of expression, associated with a conscious violation of certain taboos, and people who actively use the mat are aware of its prohibition. And swearing can also become a habit, become the norm of speech behavior for a person. For example, a person can be guided by the language of the environment, so teenagers begin to swear under the influence of peers. And intelligent people may believe that with the use of obscenities their speech becomes more expressive, or demonstrate their independence from conventions. The use of not only obscenities, but also euphemisms for such a person is just a way to connect his speech. Solzhenitsyn described this phenomenon in the story "The Easter Procession", describing it as abuse "in a cordial Russian conversation." The speaker himself does not notice these expressions, but maintains a certain tone of a rather cynical conversation.

Swearing on the lips of the leadership is a demonstration of closeness to the people and a willingness to speak with the people in a language they understand. In addition, a mat is a way of informal bossy conversation, because in this case a person swears “from top to bottom”, in relation to a subordinate who is not able to answer him in the same way.

- You, as a linguist, how do you feel about such expressions? Do they need a language?

It seems to me that there are so few cases where the use of obscene words is justified that they can be painlessly sacrificed. A person who owns various styles of speech can express anything without resorting to swearing.

The specialist, however, did not make it clear to us whether something could be done about the flow of swearing that pollutes life. Is it possible to wean yourself and others to swear?

Punishment for swearers

“When I was just baptized, I worked at a construction site,” says Priest Vladimir Sokolov, cleric of the Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery. - Everyone cursed there, and I decided that I would not use swear words. It was difficult to declare myself in this capacity, but then they were embarrassed to swear in front of me, and if they swear, they apologized. Just because I didn’t swear, I sort of found myself in the position of a boss, before whom everyone fawns.”

If a person does not want to hear bad abuse, this is his right, confirmed by law. Two nurses were returning from duty and began to examine the magazines on the tray in the subway. They asked the seller a question, and in response they heard foul language. The sisters were resolute women, they took the foul-mouthed man to the police. Only under the threat of arrest for 15 days for hooliganism did he apologize.

Obscene language in public places entails administrative liability - a fine or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days, this is provided for by Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code "Petty Hooliganism".

Sheer "temptation"!

Those who come into the Church in adulthood find that some of their habits are in no way consistent with the concepts of godliness. Then hard inner work begins - control over every word. We talked about the influence of words on the human soul with Abbot Nektariy (Morozov), the editor of the Internet portal "Orthodoxy and Modernity":

- “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth,” says the Apostle Paul in a letter to the inhabitants of Ephesus, “but only good for edification in faith, so that it delivers grace to those who hear” (Eph. 4, 29). Why is that? Probably, first of all, for the reason pointed out by another apostle - James: “Does sweet and bitter water flow from the same source?” he asks rhetorically. And then he himself answers it: “My brethren, a fig tree cannot bring forth olives, or a vine of figs; neither can a spring alone bring forth salty and sweet water” (James 3:11-12).

The gift of speech is one of the manifestations of a person's likeness to God, as some Church Fathers say. Man, as a rational being, unlike animals, is called by the holy fathers a “verbal being.” Why is this gift - literature - given to us? Its highest purpose is prayer and glorification of God. But the word we call everything created by the Lord - just as Adam called the names of all the animals that God brought to him. And abuse, all the more obscene, is like trampling this amazing gift of God into the dirt, trampling it.

What is a "swear" word, what is a "mat"? It seems to me that the origin of this or that curse, its etymological component, is not important. Moreover, I do not think that this component contains something mystical. These words are traditionally considered (however, some - only gradually began to be considered, so they are found even in some early printed liturgical books) "the worst." And when a person decides to use them for some reason, it is obvious that either extreme malice, or contempt for someone, or complete lack of self-control makes him do so. The “mystical component” of foul language is the mysticism of malice boiling in the human heart, malice that unites a person with the devil, makes him a slave, just as love unites with God and makes Him a child.

Therefore, the Lord says: “... whoever says to his brother: “Raka” (an empty person), is subject to the Sanhedrin; but whoever says, “foolish,” is subject to hellfire” (Matt. 5:22). It is clear that the point here is not in words, but in what meaning is invested in them.

The use of obscene language is a conscious disrespect for the norms of social relationships, for people. And of course, to God. And if we talk about people who believe, then how can we imagine it: first, a person defiles his tongue with swearing, and then turns to God?

- What exactly sins lead us to the fact that we begin to swear? Maybe it's worth fighting all these sins together?

A person can swear under the influence of a variety of passions. But one of the main reasons is promiscuity. There are a huge number of people around us who constantly use profanity, but at the same time, in the full sense of the word, swear infrequently. They, using this vocabulary, simply speak. Moreover, in this series - and journalists, and officials, and politicians, who just is not.

Here the moral state of a pure and sinful soul is compared. The pure soul is represented as a virgin with a crown. In her hands are flowers and a jug with tears that extinguish the flame. Below is a dragon and a serpent defeated by her, and a tamed lion, symbolizing the conquered passions. A sinful soul sits in a dark cave

Once you get used to it, can you unlearn it? There is no such thing with which a person, if desired, could not part. Motivation is important. If someone understands that abuse interferes with him, then it is in his power to wean himself from it. If we talk about a believer, who is aware of scolding as a sin before God and neighbor, then there are even more means to combat this habit. There is a very good rule for those who are ill with such a passion - with the blessing of the priest, for each involuntarily erupted word, make a certain number of prostrations. So, on the one hand, a person testifies that he really wants to get rid of sin, works for this, and the Lord gives His help and His grace. On the other hand, many things reach the heart and mind faster and more efficiently through the legs.

Why are “normative” replacements for profanity bad? The fact that the meaning in both cases is the same. Moreover, such a “curse” - “temptation” is also common in the church environment! I remember how one monk, quite seriously, thinking, suddenly said: “Why are we all repeating: “Temptation, temptation”? I suppose they swore before, and now sometimes you want to, but your conscience does not allow you to say such words, so you hiss through your teeth: “Temptation!”

And where did this idea come from - that, being upset, saddened, one must definitely swear? Why, for example, not do something equally senseless: jump on one leg, tap your forehead with something, etc., etc.? How can one explain such a habit - to swear? Is it really possible to say that such is the tradition? And even if so, is this the only tradition that a believing, pious person should never follow?

Well, what exactly are the punishments in the next world for foul language, what will be the torments of hell in general - who can say for sure? Please, Lord, we will never know!

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I don't swear at my mother. Therefore, people who talk to me almost do not swear with me if only 2 people participate in the conversation, including me. Even the most inveterate swearers do not swear at me despite the fact that I did not tell them about it.

Red X, age: 01/17/2018

For some reason, when they talk about swearing, they always mention only obscene language. And I find "dirty" words much more unpleasant than swearing, such as Mrs. ... f ... etc. Many people, even intelligent ones, not only swear, but simply use them in their speech. "I was reading a gossip book." How can you say that in front of other people? When I hear this word, a visual image appears before my eyes. Why do people call each other the image of gov ...? Is he really that nice? Well, of course, you are beside yourself, terribly angry - then you have to swear in order to restrain yourself from a fight. But why in a normal state, even in a good mood, use dirty words?

Lenya, age: 40 / 07/04/2013

A fun way to get rid of swear words in young children's speech by imagining the smell, taste and color of bad words! Need to try! Perhaps even adults can say this as food for thought ... at least ... Will it be pleasant for them to wallow in waste? At least for a minute...

Katerina, age: 30 / 01/23/2013

mat is a sin

xenia, age: 18 / 11.12.2012

Article for the soul. This is in every comment. For Masha: What to do? Look for answers from the author and readers.

TYV , age: 57 / 05.12.2011

Mat hurts very even! Now I have a fight with my sister about this. Let him say what he wants and how he wants, but not in relation to me. For her, such a speech is normal, and with her fists to fight me with her fists is in the order of things ... And this offends me very much. And she knows it. And exploits this weakness of mine. It's a shame that our parents are on her side in this matter ...

Masha, age: 29/19/10/2011

Very good article, thanks a lot. It seems to me that the whole problem is the lack of education - in our time, few people will teach how to correctly express their thoughts and generally control themselves. I’m very quick-tempered by nature, I can say something that I want to bite off both my elbows later .. Recently I lost a girl because of this - I couldn’t restrain myself, said a lot of obscene language to her, insulted her in a particularly serious form (and the reasons are not really was) .. Then he tried to fix everything, but it was too late - the relationship did not improve. And they lived with her at that moment. And the most annoying thing is that even on the street I try not to lose control over myself, but here it’s the same at home ... Just awful !! ..now I can’t do anything, it remains to live on alone and regret what I did .. I learned a lesson for myself, now I’m looking for a way to keep my demon under control .. - I know I have it. You can’t swear, no matter what the situation, it’s better to behave with dignity. The word is the deed. You can't take back what you said. And the bad things that he said comes back and destroys you. Obscene language is not justified either by industrial necessity or by a threat to life. And it seems to me that it is better to die with dignity in silence than to babble some nonsense before death.

Alex , age: 30 / 05/30/2011

I personally don't care why I do it. For! When I'm beside myself, I can't control my speech. Swearing really discharges emotionally, besides, it gives a connotation to the importance of certain words. For some reason, people react better to mate ... when you want to achieve something from them.

vad , age: 28/28.04.2011

Whoever said that it is necessary to unlearn swearing, more than half of people swear, swearing emotionally discharges. In our school, they swear in class with teachers, in an undertone, but you can hear everything. The teachers are either all deaf or pretend not to hear. Personally, I use swearing (not often) not because I want to seem like an adult, as many people think, but because I don’t see anything wrong with swearing.

Sergey , age: 16/17.04.2011

This September, I'm starting to work as a teacher at a technical school. The students are mostly young men! I don't have any experience working with children of this age yet. I am very afraid to face the problem of swearing and foul language.

Olya, age: 22 / 07/01/2010

This part of the vocabulary is called obscenities only in Russian. None of the swear words directly to the mother has nothing to do. The origin of the mat and its etymology are more than controversial, and the article is not about that. And when I declare to you that I had an intimate relationship with your mother anally or orally, I really will not formally offend you, because all my words will be highly cultured. So Vlad is 100% right.

Brutus, age: 09/29/2009

*is the same as a castrated man* and castrated men are the enemies of society? :) But seriously, your arguments are ridiculous. Swear words (pay attention to the root "mat" - common with the root of the word "mother", this is good in your opinion, right?) Are present in any skirmish, in any insult in modern society. Is this not malice? Read the previous article. "For example, one of the swear words with the letter "e", which is of Slavic origin, is translated as "curse." Interesting, right? *At the same time, most of the swear words don't hurt anyone personally at all.* don't I count? and another 30 people of my acquaintances, also do not count? stupid .. I hope you, Vlad, did not write your comment seriously. Well, how can a swear word not be rotten, according to the Bible, if it only offends, humiliates a person who is awarded such a flattering epithet. The constant use of words about the human lower classes, waste, sexual intercourse, and most importantly - they also interfere with the sacred word - Mother! Is it intelligent? Nothing? Does this seem harmless to you? Joke? A habit that doesn't offend anyone? mnda..

desanormal , age: 15/17.08.2009

Everything's OK!!!

Elizabeth, age: 04/12/2009

1. Our world is full of things that can only be designated with obscenities. Even the Russian Mat is not always enough. Here, Ksyusha Sobchak for example. 2. The Russian language without swearing is like a castrated man 3. Profanity is one of the conventions tied to a particular society, time, language, etc. All this has nothing to do with the Bible. The Bible considers the problem of foul language meaningfully. EVERY evil, vile, vile word is condemned in its essence, and not on formal grounds. It is very easy to mock a person while maintaining impeccable politeness. At the same time, most of the swear words do not hurt anyone personally at all. Sin is in malice, not in the word! The word as such cannot be bad, it is magic and not Christianity. Likewise, demons can be invoked only quite consciously. Although the evil one, of course, will always arouse great interest among the demons. But a swear word as such is not a "spell" to summon demons.

Vlad, age: 58 / 03/10/2009

Thank you for the fresh thoughts and for the reminder that it is possible to change your behavior, even with a strong influx of emotions. And having coped with the behavior, it is possible to reduce the strength of negative emotions! Thank you for once again\"tossed \" this idea to me (although it is as old as the world, I have known it for a long time, but it turned out to be forgotten). I read and noted the similarity of the discussed images of people with themselves at different times. It's very curious. As a child, I thought that swearing was bad, adults confirmed this to me. Finished school and... This point is common in many biographies. Demonstration of one's own independence (lack of control), but before whom? Everyone around is the same - who is surprised by this? Sometimes the reluctance to look\"not your own \"-following certain settings of the society in which he found himself. This is precisely the most interesting moment: a swear word loses its power and its ability to influence people and the situation - no one simply perceives it as a curse or something bad. Work, a lot of things to do, hassle, hassle, and again it's the same ... Well, just like Vysotsky's \"here you get so tumbled in a day, you come home - you sit there!\" I experienced for myself how exactly complete lack of self-control can make you very a well-mannered person to break into matyuki. A very effective way to throw out negative emotions, but where to? It turns out that people. What's the answer? Doubly the same for you! Up to a fight (by the way, it also helps to cope with emotions, but on the condition that he later made peace with his opponent). And when you calm down, then there is nothing to swear about. And when, following the guidelines of the society that is around you, you start not to swear, but to talk: the same thing you quickly notice that it does not have to be expressed that way, but it is better to save the strongest expressions as a last resort. Yes, it is to hide these words so that they do not become something that they do not pay attention to. Sounds strange, but true. There are so few cases when the use of obscene words is justified that they can be painlessly sacrificed. I fully agree with this and will add. When a person (still inexperienced) works with a source of increased danger and for him the help of a more experienced mentor exists only in the form of hints - this is where words become a very subtle tool that is difficult to master. It often happens that this inexperienced person begins to do things that put not only himself in mortal danger. They tell him he doesn't understand. What is happening around - does not perceive. Under the influence of danger, a person (any) can\"fall out of reality \" and his behavior becomes inadequate. Requires\"bring it back to reality \". The simplest remedy is a strong influence on him. But what if there are only clue words for it? This is where the checkmate becomes not the best, but the most accessible means. But this is exactly the case when a person saved from death in this way will immediately forgive all the words spoken to him. I will not decipher the situation, I will only say that I have encountered it more than once - it is not an invention.

Winitel, age: 33 / 27.06.2008

See also on this topic:
Mat - a consequence of self-doubt ( Psychologist Alexander Kolmanovsky)
Are we preserving the great Russian word? ( M. M. Dunaev, Doctor of Philology)

To date, the number of profanity among teenagers is constantly growing. Mat is no longer something out of the ordinary, it pours on us from everywhere, even from TV screens, and not always from the lips of a male.

Why are they cursing?

The reasons why girls use obscene words in their speech are different. Profanity can be the result of poor or inadequate upbringing. If parents use obscenities, then it is not surprising that the girl considers them the norm of communication and actively uses them in her speech.

From a certain age, in addition to the upbringing of parents, the surrounding people have a huge influence on the child and adolescent. Classmates, classmates and the company in the yard have a serious impact on the behavior and conversation of a modern girl. If in her environment they speak obscenities, then she will not even have a question whether it is possible to swear, it will seem to be a kind of norm of communication.

A stressful situation can provoke a girl’s desire to use swear words. In some cases, it is better to use profanity, splashing out the accumulated ones with it, and not keeping everything in yourself.

Is it possible to swear at the mother?

Is it possible for girls to swear - a moot point. Considering the fair sex as young gentle creatures, of course, obscene language will not suit them. It's not nice or ethical, and besides, most guys prefer to communicate with girls who do not use a strong word in their speech. However, each person is a person, and he can decide what is good for him and what is bad for him.

How to unlearn cursing?

If, nevertheless, it is decided to make efforts to wean the girl from the use of swear words, then you need to follow some recommendations. You can periodically hint to the fair sex that she is a girl who should not use such words in her vocabulary. Such hints should not be offensive. If a girl supports you in your desire to cleanse her of swear words, you can add an element of the game by creating a piggy bank for fines for each obscene word. It is worth showing that you are offended to hear such words from her lips.

Mat makes speech more energetic. Perhaps with the help of obscene words, the girl is trying to attract your attention. Talk to her heart to heart, and find out the true reason for her use of obscene expressions.

There is an opinion in the world community that it is impossible to imagine a Russian person without a mat. Swearing in our country people belonging to almost all social strata. You can often hear from TV screens, on the radio, and even in kindergarten from a very young child. Most of us treat profanity quite normally, considering it just a means of expressing our emotions. However, in fact, foul language carries a serious destructive force, which, according to scientists, can lead to the degeneration of an entire nation. Moreover, this process is quite difficult to stop, because it goes unnoticed, covering an ever larger circle of the Russian-speaking population of the planet. Today we will try to explain to readers why it is impossible to swear under any life circumstances.

Before trying to understand why you can't swear in principle, you need to find out what falls under the category of "checkmate". If you carefully read the definition of this word in different dictionaries, it becomes clear that obscenity is one of the most rude and ancient forms of profanity in Rus' and in related languages.

Based on this definition, we can conclude that swear words were actively used by our ancestors. Most likely, you are now thinking that since great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers sometimes allowed themselves to swear with a strong word, then there is nothing wrong with that. But do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps in ancient times with profanity, everything was not so simple.

The history of the mat

Many people are so accustomed to swearing in their everyday speech that they don’t even think about why it’s impossible to swear and where these words came from. However, scientists have been interested in profanity for a very long time, and they have been studying this issue for decades.

Initially, there was a widespread opinion that the mat came to the Slavs from the Mongols and Turkic tribes. But a more thorough analysis of these languages ​​showed that there was nothing resembling swearing in them. Therefore, it is worth looking for the roots of foul language in more ancient times.

Ethnopsychologists were very surprised by the similarity of the Russian obscenity with the spells of the ancient Sumerians. Many words were almost identical, which led scientists to think about the sacred meaning of profanity. And as it turns out, they were on the right track. After much research, it was revealed that swearing is nothing more than an appeal to pagan spirits, demons and demons. It was widely used in pagan cults and rituals, but even then only special people who used their power to achieve certain goals could swear. Still do not understand why you can not swear? Then you should read the article to the end.

Many of the words that we use today several hundred times a day are the names of ancient demons, while others are a terrible curse sent in ancient times only on the heads of enemies. That is, using the mat every day, we consciously turn to the dark forces and call on them for help. And they are always happy to provide it, and then present an invoice for payment, which can be overwhelming for many.

It is noteworthy that even our ancestors were clearly aware of the harm of swear words. They didn't need to be told why they couldn't swear. An ordinary person could use profanity no more than ten times a year and only in the most exceptional cases. At the same time, everyone understood that retribution for this weakness would be inevitable.

Of course, many of our explanation will seem like a fairy tale. After all, modern man believes only in facts and figures. But well, we are ready to consider this issue from the point of view of science.

Scientific experiments with profanity

Even in Soviet times, scientists became interested in how the word affects living organisms. Since childhood, we know a lot of folk proverbs and sayings on this subject. For example, “a kind word is also pleasant for a cat” or “a word is not swollen, but people die from it.” This should teach us to be careful about what comes out of our mouths. However, most people take their speech extremely lightly. And, according to scientists, very in vain.

The research institutes of our country have been testing the hypothesis for several years about how much a word can affect the psychophysical state of a living organism. Experiments were carried out on seeds intended for planting. Three experimental groups were created. The first one was exposed to the most selective swearing for several hours a day, the second "listened" to the usual abuse, and the third was slandered only with thanksgiving words and prayers. To the surprise of the scientists, the seeds that were hit with the mat showed a germination rate of only forty-nine percent. In the second group, the figures were higher - fifty-three percent. But the seeds from the third group sprouted ninety-six percent!

No wonder our ancestors knew that in no case should one approach cooking and planting with foul language. In this case, you should not even expect a good result. But how exactly does checkmate work? This process was maximally revealed by the Russian geneticist Pyotr Goryaev.

The impact of profanity on the human body

We think many of us have read the Bible and remember that "in the beginning was the Word." But most people did not even think about what exactly is contained in this important line. But Peter Goryaev managed to reveal this secret.

After many years of research that he conducted in Russian and foreign scientific institutions, it was proved that our DNA chain can be represented as a meaningful text, consisting of words grouped with a special meaning. The scientist himself called this phenomenon "the speech of the Creator." Thus, Goryaev confirmed that with our speech we can both heal ourselves and destroy ourselves. He claims that thought forms, and especially spoken words, are perceived by the genetic apparatus through special electromagnetic channels. Therefore, they can heal and support us, and in other cases literally blow up DNA, causing certain disorders and mutations. And checkmate is the most destructive force of all. Petr Goryaev believes that a frivolous attitude to profanity leads not only to cultural, but also to the physical degeneration of the nation.

Surprisingly, doctors partly confirm Goryaev's hypothesis. They have long noticed that patients with a stroke or patients after severe traumatic brain injuries who lose the ability to speak can quite freely pronounce long sentences consisting entirely of swear words. And this means that at this moment in the body the signals pass through completely different nerve chains and endings.

The opinion of the clergy

Why can't you swear? In Orthodoxy, there has always been a consensus on this matter. Any church-going person can explain that profanity is, first of all, a sin that is not pleasing to God. With swear words, we amuse the unclean and call on the help of demons. And they do not miss the opportunity to lead a person into an even more difficult and difficult situation. Thus, we move further and further away from the Lord and cannot fully open our hearts to him.

In addition, many swear words are a real and terrible insult to the Mother of God and the entire female gender as a whole. That's why girls shouldn't swear in any case. As future mothers, they should carry only a bright program in themselves, and not be “stained” with curses and blasphemous words. And this includes the whole mat and any swearing speech.

Priests are always trying to convey that the word is God's special gift to man. With it, he connects himself with the space surrounding him with invisible threads, and it depends only on the personality itself what exactly will happen to it. Often even believing people allow foul language, and then they are surprised that troubles, misfortunes, poverty and illness come to their house. The Church sees this as a direct relationship and advises to carefully control one's speech even in moments of intense anger.

The impact of the mat on expectant mothers

Scientists argue that foul language has the ability to spoil the health and condition of a person not only in a momentary situation, but also completely change his genetic program, laid down by nature. Swearing seems to knock out certain links from DNA or completely change them. Any spoken word represents a certain wave genetic program, which in most cases does not have retroactive effect. Therefore, women in position should especially carefully monitor not only their own speech, but also the society in which they are located. After all, the influence of the mat extends not only to those who use foul language themselves, but also to the category that can be called "passive listeners." Even one person in a company using profanity can bring great harm to everyone present.

If you still do not understand why pregnant women should not swear, then you should refer to the latest research by scientists. They became interested in the data that in some countries cerebral palsy and Down's disease are extremely rare, while in others it is regularly included in the statistics of newborn diseases. It turned out that in countries where there is no such thing as "swearing", there are much fewer congenital childhood diseases than in countries where foul language is the natural everyday speech of almost every person.

Children and mat

Many adults do not consider it necessary to think about why it is impossible to swear in front of children. They believe that kids still don’t remember or understand anything, which means they won’t perceive profanity as something harmful. But this position is fundamentally wrong.

Mat is very dangerous for children of any age. First of all, he is a conductor of violence in the life of a child. Foul language most often becomes a companion of fights and any kind of aggression. Therefore, children very quickly become saturated with this energy and begin to actively transmit it to the outside world, surprising their sometimes quite prosperous parents with their behavior.

Secondly, dependence is almost instantly developed from swear words. Psychologists quite often draw a parallel between it and alcohol or nicotine addiction. A child who uses profanity from a very early age will be able to get rid of this habit with great difficulty. The process will require incredible efforts from him.

Thirdly, foul language reduces the chances of your child to be able to find happiness in the future and become a happy parent of a healthy baby yourself. Therefore, try to convey to the children as clearly as possible why it is impossible to swear.

An interesting fact about profanity

Many are interested in why it is impossible to swear in prison. This rule has several explanations. The first is the fact that many swear words contain understandable insults. And they are interpreted literally. Therefore, a couple of such words can be perceived as a deadly insult, it is quite possible to pay for it with your life.

In addition, in places of detention there is a language - Fenya. It carries quite a lot of negative energy and psychologists consider its effect on the body to be much more powerful than mat.

Instead of a conclusion

We hope that our article was at least a little useful to you. And now you will choose your words carefully in your daily life. After all, if every person begins to follow the speech and exclude foul language from it, then society as a whole will turn its back on swearing. And at the same time - from the evil that she carries in herself.

It is not good to swear - this truth has been known to many since childhood, and in some cases it is also fixed by physical sensations that are forever imprinted in the memory of those from whom parents heard swear words. However, there is hardly a single adult who has never uttered a single swear word in his life. Mat is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is very popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear.

7 reasons that justify swearing

Mat is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is very popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear by highlighting at least seven reasons for the popularity (or even advantages) of swearing.

Reason 1: Pain Relief

Mat activates the body's fight-or-flight response, which is an adrenaline rush followed by an analgesic effect. This theory was proven experimentally: people who swore obscenities could keep their hands in ice water twice as long as those who did not use swearing during the experiment. Moreover, such an effect obtained from a mat is typical only for people who use it in exceptional cases, and do not use it almost always during communication. People who swear constantly are less sensitive to the effects of swear words, and therefore their body does not respond to them with an adrenaline rush.

Reason 2: Power and control

Checkmate gives a person the opportunity to feel more power and control over a bad situation. Even if a person demonstrates this very power to himself, this is very important, because he no longer feels like a passive victim, but is ready to respond and fight against the prevailing circumstances. And this, in turn, can instantly raise self-esteem and increase self-confidence in a particular situation, as well as provide an incentive to take corrective action. Mark Twain also said: “If you are angry, count to four; if you are very angry, swear.”

Reason 3: Non-violent retribution

Swear words are a weapon that a person uses to get revenge on bad people without resorting to violence. Instead of hitting someone, we vent our anger with swearing. Psychologists also draw a parallel: swearing is the same for a person as growling is for an animal. Thus, he warns the interlocutor that he should be more careful, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

Reason 4: Humor

Swearing in a circle of friends is sometimes fun. In such circumstances, checkmate serves as a way to break free from ordinary social restrictions, as well as a mock fight with a friend. (Debatable)

Reason 5: Social connections

Believe it or not, but, like any weapon, a mate can be used for good: if used correctly and appropriately, a mate can show others that you belong to a certain group or feel quite comfortable with members of such a group. Cursing can also demonstrate that you are open, honest and sociable.

Reason 6: Self-expression

Swear words can also indicate that the subject of our conversation is of great importance to us. Undoubtedly, the assertion supported by obscenities acquires the maximum possible emotional coloring. Thus, the swear word (again, said to the point) helps to emphasize the importance of the word or phrase.

Reason 7: Physical and Mental Health

Among the health benefits of the mat are the following: increased blood circulation, increased levels of endorphins, as well as a general state of calm, a sense of control and well-being. The main precondition for such advantages is that you should swear very infrequently and try not to get angry while doing so.

Estet-portal does not encourage you to swear everywhere and every day. However, as practice shows, sometimes a mat can serve as an excellent tool both for improving one's well-being and for eliminating an unpleasant or difficult situation. Therefore, use swear words, but only wisely.

Just like all bad habits, it is very easy to start cursing but hard to stop. Sometimes we don't even notice that we are arguing! Fortunately there is a way wean yourself from swearing- to begin with, admit that you swear too much. Next, you will have to put in some effort. In this article, we will tell you a couple of simple ways to wean yourself from using the mat.


Train yourself to stop cursing

    Ask your friends for help. Sharing difficult moments or tasks with friends makes them much easier to bear. Your friends can help you stop swearing:

    • You can take on the difficult task of stopping swearing with one of your friends who also uses a lot of swearing. In addition, you can ask a non-swearing friend to monitor your speech and remind you every time you break down.
    • Be that as it may, when there is someone nearby who will constantly remind you that you should not swear, it will help you get rid of this bad habit once and for all.
  1. Find out what triggers the swearing and avoid it. Everyone has their own provoking factors, or triggers, that make you want to swear. For some people it's traffic jams, for others it's queues at stores, for others it's the death of a favorite character on Game of Thrones. If you can identify what triggers you to swear, you can avoid it—by leaving work half an hour early to avoid traffic, shopping online, or rewatching Friends.

    • Avoid any situations that generate negative emotions in you, and it will be easier for you to control your swearing.
  2. Use a penalty jar for swearing. This is a proven way to stop cursing. To do this, you will need a large jar or box (something that you can easily open) in which you will put ten rubles (or as much as you wish) for each swear word you say. Think of this jar as a punishment and as a future reward:

    • This is a punishment, because you have to say goodbye to ten rubles every time you swear. But, as soon as the bank is full (or you stop cursing), you can spend all the accumulated money.
    • You can keep such a jar at work if you and your colleagues decide to stop swearing. Everyone will keep an eye on the others so that no one escapes monetary punishment for checkmate. Once your jar is full, you can buy a new coffee maker for your department.
  3. Hit your wrist with a rubber band. It's like putting a shock collar on a dog to correct its behavior - not humane, but effective. You are required to put on an elastic band around your wrist, and every time you swear, pull the elastic band and hit your arm.

    • Thus, your brain will begin to associate swearing with pain, and gradually you will begin to use less swear words.
    • You can also ask a close friend to hit you on the arm with a rubber band every time you swear. Just make sure this friend doesn't abuse his power!
  4. Imagine that you are constantly near your grandmother. Another way to wean yourself from swearing is every time you want to swear, imagine that someone is next to you. It could be your grandmother or your boss, your son or daughter, it doesn't matter. Most importantly, it should be someone you are ashamed to scold in front of.

    • Every time you swear, imagine that this person is behind you and that he is shocked by your behavior
  5. Avoid music and movies with profanity. Many people, especially teenagers, get into the habit of swearing at the profanity that is used in the music, movies, and TV shows they listen to or watch. If this is your case and you're just imitating your favorite musician, remind yourself that this is the wrong way to communicate in the real world. Try to listen to music that does not use obscenities.

Change your attitude

    Convince yourself that swearing is bad. People scold for all sorts of reasons, some because they're angry, others to make more sense of what they're saying, and still others just to be funny. But swearing is not the most pleasant habit. First, it gives the impression of being uneducated and ill-mannered, even if it has nothing to do with you. Secondly, the person may take the words personally (even if they are not), and thirdly, it may be offensive to others, which may adversely affect your success at work or in your personal life.

    • Perhaps your habit of swearing was laid down in childhood, if one of the household members was constantly swearing. Maybe you used to swear as a teenager when you used swear words to make yourself look cooler.
    • Whatever the case, don't blame other people. The most important thing is to recognize the problem and strive to solve it.
  1. Try to think positively. To stop swearing, it is very important to learn to think positively. This is because people are prone to scolding when they complain about something, are in a bad mood, or simply surround themselves with negativity. We do not argue that learning to think positively is not such an easy task, but there is a way. Just every time you get negative, stop yourself, take a deep breath, and ask yourself the question: “Is it worth it?”

    • For example, ask yourself the question: “Is it really that scary if I’m a couple of minutes late for a meeting?” - or: “Yes, I can’t find the remote, but I can change channels from the TV itself. Is it worth it to be so angry about it? It is worth looking at the situation from a different angle, and you can calm yourself and overcome negative emotions.
    • Also, consider not swearing as a positive change. If you see everything in a dark light and do not believe in the success of your venture, you are a priori setting yourself up for a loss. Remind yourself that if people can quit smoking, or lose tens of pounds, then you can stop cursing.
  2. Be patient with yourself. Most likely, the habit of swearing has developed over the years and during this time has become a part of you. You can't retrain yourself overnight. This is a long process. You will have days when everything goes well and days when you fall apart. Remind yourself why you are doing this and imagine yourself when you finally kick the habit.

    • Think constantly why you want to stop swearing. Maybe you don't want to make a bad impression at your new job, or you don't want to be a bad example for your kids. Let it motivate you.
    • Whatever you do, don't give up. Control yourself and remind yourself that you can achieve any goal you set!

Change the way you speak

  1. Pay attention to your speaking habits. Scolding from time to time is forgivable. But if you're constantly swearing and can't last more than one sentence without checkmate, you've got a problem. The first step to wean yourself from swearing is to become aware that you are swearing. Do you swear in front of certain people or in certain situations? Is there a certain word that you use all the time? Try to understand why you swear and what role these words play in your daily communication.

    • Once you begin to pay attention to this habit, you will most likely be shocked at how much thoughts you express with the help of a mat. Don't let that worry you. The first step to breaking this habit is to determine how often you swear.
    • Once you start noticing every mate you say, you'll start noticing this habit in other people as well. This is very good, because you will begin to understand how unpleasant swearing sounds to others, and what impression it creates about you.
  2. Replace swear words with others. Once you become aware of your swearing habit, you can gradually remove the swear words from your vocabulary. For example, you can stop scolding for no reason, that is, when you use swearing for no reason and without anger, but only for a bunch of words. To correct yourself, replace this word with another, not swear word, which, for example, may begin with the same letter or may sound similar.

    • For example, you can replace the word "n **** c" with the word "scribe". It may sound silly, but you will get used to it. Perhaps if you use such meaningless words, over time, the need for scolding will simply disappear.
    • Even if you accidentally say a swear word, just say the replacement word of your choice right after it. Gradually, your brain will draw a parallel between these words, and you will be able to consciously choose between them.
  3. Expand your vocabulary. Swear words are often used to better express one's point. However, this is not an excuse. There are many other words that will help you express your thought more specifically and more correctly than a swear word. Enrich your vocabulary and replace swear words with others, and you will be perceived as an intelligent and interesting person.