Congratulations on your wedding in your own words. Wedding toast in your own words. For example, it is better to give dishes with short words

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. The happiness of life is made up of individual minutes, of small pleasures - from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings. Love needs daily support, I wish you to remember this in order to be truly happy. And may everything always be fine in your house. Take care of each other, try to understand and forgive, experience all the joys together and overcome difficulties together. May your union be strong and long, may your house be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and healthy!

When a person is not alone, when his soul mate is finally found, it's time to taste happiness and find wings to fly to the ends of the world, hand in hand with your love! I congratulate the newlyweds on the conclusion of the sacred marriage union and wish them happiness! May the sun always shine for them and good luck smile!

My wonderful brother! I am extremely happy for you, because today you have acquired your little happiness, which every person dreams of and which not everyone is destined to get. You made a wonderful choice, because your bride is good and beautiful. I wish you all the best in this world. May all the plans that you have built come true and your life be joyful and happy, and your relationship only improves every day. May love, joy, prosperity and good luck not leave your newly-made family. May your home always be full of children's happiness and joy. May your love grow stronger every day! May the atmosphere in your home be always favorable and warm! Bitterly!

Dear sister, on your wedding day, please accept my sincere congratulations and most warm regards good health to you and your spouse, great and rainbow happiness for your entire life together, a peaceful sky under which your wonderful children will grow up and stable well-being, in which you can realize all your dreams.

Dear newlyweds, please accept my sincere congratulations on such a solemn day for you. You have changed your status from bride and groom to husband and wife. We wish you great happiness, a peaceful sky, a lot of joy. May your home be filled with love and children's laughter. May all wishes come true. Let the most bright Star illuminates your life path. Advice to you and love, all the best, prosperity and all the best. Always be true to each other, keep love like the apple of your eye.

Our dear newlyweds, I want to congratulate you on a wonderful day in your life! May it be remembered by you, and the happiness that you are experiencing now, and the joy that overwhelms you, may it never be forgotten. I want to wish your hearts to be loving and forgiving towards each other, and your spirit to be firm in any life situations. May all the congratulations and wishes that you hear today come true so that you can enjoy all the joys every day life together!

Congratulations on your wedding day. I wish you to turn from the most beautiful bride into the most wonderful wife. May the joint road be easy, may your family grow happy, may your spouse's shoulder always be there, may harmony and love always live in your hearts.

Congratulations, dear friend, here it is your happiness is already knocking on the door and promises a happy family life. Be always so joyful and bright, remain that star that calls to unknown heights. Love to you and your husband and long joint years!

Our dear son! From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on (name of daughter-in-law) on the most joyful event in your life! We wish your newly-made family prosperity and great love, and we wish that your feelings become stronger every day and you never lose respect for each other. Honor your wife, remember that she is a fragile woman who needs your support and wants to see in you not only a loved one, but also a best friend. We wish to be worthy husband, take care of your family and make your young wife so happy that all her girlfriends would be jealous and eager to take your family as an example! We wish you to hear the joyful laughter of the baby in your apartment as soon as possible.

You will find many options for congratulations on the wedding in this article.

When your loved ones invite you to a wedding, you understand that you want to tell them the most sincere and good wishes. But not always you yourself can come up with a suitable congratulation.

Congratulations on your wedding day are beautiful, original in prose, poetry, SMS

Undoubtedly, your congratulations will depend on the newlyweds: this is your child or girlfriend, the newlyweds are young or old. Based on the nature of the newlyweds, you will also select the right words.

  • Your congratulations may be romantic and beautiful in words or prose.

To live in wealth in a cozy house,
Where there will be peace and respect.
Happy wedding day to you! From us with love
Accept these congratulations

Fate brought you together forever
The two halves suddenly became whole.
Carry warmth through the years
Let no sorrow touch you.

Keep your family, peace and happiness,
Let love not leave you.
Let all bad weather go away
Let not lose the brilliance of the eyes!

Our dear newlyweds, you look incredible today happy! Your eyes light up when you look at each other. We want to wish you not to lose this spark in your eyes. Even in 20 years, looking at each other, you will feel the same happiness and joy as now!

If your young ones have a sense of humor, then you can choose simpler but vitally familiar words of congratulations.

We wish you a long and joyful life:
Wife to be cheerful, and husband - to laugh!
And in life family soul don't get old
Wife to be beautiful, and husband - to want!

And it is necessary, of course, to give birth, to educate:
Wife to become a mother, and husband - to plow!
But in general, we wish, well, what to say,
Wife to be loved, and husband to love!

You can be among the first to congratulate if you just send a short SMS. SMS will remain in the phone's memory, which means that young people will be able to re-read it and will remember your sincere words.

Long years of joyful life
It is true to love and be loved,
In life, misfortune and grief do not know -
That's what I want to wish you.

Well, then, like this: without verbosity I -
I wish you to live and live
As well as happiness and health,
To cherish this life

We congratulate you on your wedding,
We send you an order immediately:
Honey life so that it was all
Wife to give birth to a son
So that the husband does not go to the left,
To love one wife!

Happy wedding day congratulations

Newlyweds love to have fun at their wedding, so amuse them with such funny congratulations.

It's time to grumble and stroke,
Cooking, darning and washing
Get along with other people's relatives
And lie to close relatives,

From the first birth to expect misfortune
And jealous to the blue
But they say it's happiness
So be happy too!

A magnificent wedding in full swing,
Guests in a wedding frenzy,
This is where the story ends...
You remember the command:
Wife - respect husband
And do not scold without work!
Well, for a husband to be with his wife

And do not run after another!
To live life like this
We need to get the letter wet!
And to drink to the end,
Gotta lighten it up somehow!


Husband is a horse, wife is a horse.
I wish for order
To keep the horse smooth
So that the horse is like fire,

To go in a team together,
There was what was needed in the cart,
So that the road is long,
And the team is not lazy.

Congratulations on the wedding of sister, brother

Sisters and brothers are very close people. Such people want to say the kindest and most reverent words. Congratulate your loved one brother pleasant, but at the same time masculinely strong words:

Dear brother, tell your wife:
Let her not think - married as if in paradise.
Let him take care of you and love you hard,
And even more likely to please us with a baby.
I miss the little ones so much
And I promise to nurse my nephews.
I will read books to them and take them for a walk,
Just don't hand them over right away.
than just five!

I'm extremely happy for you!
Congratulations on your wedding day!
After all, you are my best brother in the world -
I wish you everything.

May the house be in abundance
And children's laughter is heard.
Love you sweet-sweet -
May the family be successful!

sister you can congratulate more touchingly and sentimentally:

My dear and beloved sister!
On your wedding day, I wish that love
Has not become a habit after many years,
And, as today, excited your blood!

Let your hearts beat loudly in unison!
May all dreams come true!
And never forget your little sister!
I want you to be happy For your husband!

I wish my beloved sister
The only, unique,
Always the same to be beautiful,
As on your wedding day - happy.

For your husband to love you
Appreciated your virtues
I wish you happiness with all my heart
May luck be with you!

Congratulations on the wedding of a friend

Congratulating your friends on their wedding day, be sincere and feel free to talk about how much you love them.

My girlfriend dear,
Today you became a wife
I sincerely wish you
So that your husband loves you like that!

Successes in life unprecedented,
Don't be upset at all
I wish you small children
They are always to the delight of everyone!

And let everything in the world,
A happier family cannot be found
I wish you for this life
Walk hand in hand all the time!

You are the best friend in the world,
And what I'm most sure of
You will be a good and faithful wife
For my beloved husband.

I wish my husband never be stingy:
To walk in minks and sables,
I want your husband to be proud of you
And just all my life, to wear in my arms.

Now I want to turn to the groom:
Love your wife and cherish.
You're just lucky that you decided to marry
Today on best friend mine.

Congratulations for friend usually characterized by less expression of feelings and more manifestation of humor:

Hello, happy wedding day!
Already you, friend, are not a bachelor ...
You could play as you please!
Now you are a HUSBAND, now you are nothing.

Friend, we have so much with you
I had to survive!
We didn't know peace
And they knew how to make friends!

And on the wedding day, my friend,
I would wish you
To beloved wife
You have become a support!

Friend, you will, of course,
The best father!
Your union will be eternal,
And happy your home!

Congratulations on the wedding from the godparents

Godparents are spiritual fathers and mothers. Their words are usually saturated with warmth and real kindness to their godchildren. These words can be both in verse and in prose.

Congratulations, friends!
I'm a godfather, I'm happy
That you found each other!
Together for you to get through

The road to marriage is golden
warming each other with warmth
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
For the kids to be good

Congratulations on your wedding, children,
I wish you home warmth!
As a godmother, I bless you
May your love bloom more!

I wish you parental happiness,
Good luck and luck in everything!
And life's storms and bad weather
Bypass let your common sweet home!

My dear goddaughter! How glad I am that you are marrying such a wonderful person. Wish to be perfect wife, beautiful, caring mother, create strong family, cozy hearth. Be always, my baby, as charming, beautiful, loved as on this fabulous wedding day!

When presenting a gift, congratulations should be short and concise. All my prepared verses and beautiful words you will say when you make a toast.

There can be many guests at a wedding who will languish in anticipation until everyone says everything they want.

Therefore, when presenting a gift, congratulate and say a few key words:

  • Congratulations my dears. Love each other always and understand!
  • We are very happy for you. Congratulations! Be always happy together!

If you wish, you can focus on your gift. If it's a thing, you can say what it is. Or you can tell them that there will be a surprise for them when they open it themselves.

Dear our children!
Be the best in the world.
Married - do not swear.
Fall in love more every day.

Happiness, children, we wish you
And congratulations again.
Let there be your union
An example of family ties!

The day you become a husband
We want to sincerely wish
Be caring, strong and smart
And protect the family from adversity.

So that your wife loves you dearly,
Because we love you, son.
So that fate keeps your feelings,
It was smooth, so that more roads.

A huge number of congratulations on the wedding. The main thing is that your words are sincere. Then the young will no longer care whether these are prepared verses or spontaneous words.

Video: Incredibly touching wedding greetings from parents 8541

My dears, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully store and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, indulge in care and affection. Let no difficulties overshadow your life. I wish you more romance and vivid impressions in your life. Be for each other a reliable support and support in any situation. Love each other!

Congratulations on the birth of your family! I want to live together long years without losing the sharpness of feelings and respect for each other! Be happy, enjoy every moment lived together, love and take care of each other!

Congratulations dears. I want to wish you a long and happy life together, peace in the family and outside the window, joy in your hearts and on your faces. Love hard, dream beautifully, live luxuriously and always support each other!

My dear newlyweds! I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful and significant event - the creation new family. I wish you that your family ties are inseparable throughout your life. Be happy, always love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. Let your family happiness be colorful, filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with each other, understand and forgive each other. And I also want to wish you the most important thing - that your house in the near future be filled with children's joyful laughter.

How important it is that people find each other, find their love and soul mate! You have found! I congratulate you on your wedding, with love, with new life! I wish you a lot of very strong, faithful, all-conquering love but no less patience and humility! Understand each other, forgive each other, learn to be together with joy in your heart! Have a nice long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! Kids you full house and well-being!

Congratulations to the happy and beautiful couple on their wedding day! I wish you much joy and sincerity in your union. Deep respect, mutual understanding, tenderness, care and love! Be united in your views and remain a reliable rear of each other in any situation! May you live happily ever after!

I congratulate you on a significant day and important event in your now joint life. Take care of each other, pamper, appreciate and never betray. Eternal love to you, understanding, fidelity, family happiness, well-being, healthy children and a cozy home.

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you understanding, love, fidelity, tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's laughter, and the soul sing with happiness!

Congratulations, my dears! Now you are not just a beautiful couple, now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding, endless love and prosperity. Pamper, care, respect, appreciate and never cease to amaze each other. Happy wedding day!

Congratulations on your new family! We wish that your love only grows stronger and stronger. So that you always help each other, so that mutual understanding and respect always reign between you.

Our beloved, dear newlyweds, congratulations on this wonderful wedding day! Our sincere wishes- love each other for a long, long time, live in mutual respect, treat with understanding the difficulties of a difficult family, but such cool life. Let comfort, tranquility, cheerfulness, understanding reign in your home, your abode. We wish you healthy children, good true friends, success in work and life. May relationships become stronger and stronger over the years, and faith in love - more and more. May there be sincerity and warmth for each other, may the flame of love never fade away, and please every day lived together. We wish you to love passionately and passionately long happy years! We love you very much!

Dear bride and groom! Today is one of the most important beautiful days in your life - you got married, you created new family and new happiness! May God protect your union from all troubles, and grant your family happiness and prosperity. Stay always for each other true friends, devoted lovers and loving spouses. Let your life be shrouded in a series of happy accidents, pleasant moments and unexpected joys. Remember that from this day you become one, now you share all the sorrows and joys in half, and also protect each other on your common life path. This is exactly what a real family should do! Dear newlyweds, always remain as joyful and happy as on this bright day! May your love always warm you and protect you on the common path of life!

Our dear newlyweds! So the day of your marriage has come, the day of the triumph of your love and happiness. We want to congratulate you on this bright and happy holiday in your life. May the angels of your love always protect you both from trouble and misfortune, and your life together will seem like paradise and God's grace! Stay always as happy and cheerful as on this day. May joy and common good always warm your souls and fill them tender love. Remember that now you have one path for two and one goal - to take care of yourself, each other and your family. Let your family relationships will be happy and peaceful. We also wish you, our dear ones, a successful and long-awaited addition to the family, because with children the house becomes warmer and more comfortable, and parents happy and flourishing. All the best, newlyweds, all the best!

Dear our children! Today is the best and happiest day of your life because you are connected marriage bonds and started a new family! So may God and your love protect you on the path of life, and family life will seem like paradise and the highest good. Receive from family life only joy, happiness and pleasure. multiply your happy moments, increase your love and enjoy every day you live together. It is a great joy to be close to your loved one, so appreciate each other and protect from adversity and trouble. Stay always as cheerful, cheerful, happy and loving as today! Let your hearts burn with passion and tenderness for each other even through years and distances! Be always together and do not forget that you have each other!

Our wonderful newlyweds! With all our hearts and burning hearts, we want to congratulate you on your wonderful marriage! May this day remain forever in your memory as the brightest and happiest day in your life, and in many years your eyes will also shine and shine with happiness! Joy to you, success and prosperous joint days together. May the house in which you live always be friendly and benevolent, and your hearts always be open and affectionate to new achievements and achievements. Of course, I would also like to wish prosperity and well-being to your family, because without them, nowhere! Be sure to take them on your way, and do not let go of you for a moment! Always warm your souls with the warmth of love, tender kisses and passionate hugs! Be happy, our beloved and dear ones! We love you very much!

Our dear newlyweds! Today you have embarked on a common path of living together. Without a doubt, this is the decision of adults and responsible people. We want to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event, and also join the congratulations. Let on your family path you are always protected by love, luck and happiness. They will not allow you to give up in the fight against minor adversities and troubles. After all, as you know, life is a striped thing, and only strong people! So let your strength be caring for each other, loyalty and devotion, to which there will be no end and end. Stay always for each other best friends, passionate lovers and devoted loving people who, first of all, will take care of each other and the general family well-being.

Dear newlyweds! Today is one of the most important and beautiful days in your life - you have become legal spouses! I would like to wish you that your love would only grow stronger over the years and give you new positive emotions and impressions! Let your fairy tale come true, and the common dreams that both of you definitely have will come true. I also want to wish you health, endless understanding of each other and kindness! Remember that you promised to be always together, and to go through all the joys and bad weather only holding hands! This is the meaning of the family: always support each other and protect from adversity. So let joy, harmony, happiness, kindness and prosperity always reign in your family. Stay always loved and loving friend for a friend, let the Guardian Angel protect you, and you will protect your love!

Dear newlyweds! On this bright and festive day of your marriage, I would like to wish you great happiness for two, a fresh loaf on the table, smiles and a full house of shining people. Be always beautiful and beautiful, as today, always remain as happy as on this day, and let the bird of luck hold you with its paws and not let go. Of course, I will not miss my speeches and wishes for an addition to your family, because children are always joy and laughter in the apartment, this is sincere laughter and happiness. I wish you a lot of strength and health for the implementation of your plans and the realization of your desires. There is nothing better than a dream that is destined to come true thanks to two loving people! Our dear newlyweds, let your dreams come true, and wishes come true today. Congratulations!

Our dear newlyweds! Today you have tied the knot of love and marriage, so let this day be the best and happiest in your life for you! A lot of friends and relatives have gathered around you, to whom you opened the doors to your heart and soul, so let their number not decrease over time, but only increase. We wish you strong family friendship, true love and prosperity that will warm your loving hearts and give you sincere smiles! Always remain for each other the closest people, lovers and spouses. Let your life be painted in the most the best shades magic, love and happiness, and your home will become the most hospitable and friendly for friends and relatives. Today you have become truly happy loving people! We congratulate you on your common holiday of love and light!

Our beloved newlyweds! On this solemn and important day, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your marriage and wish you a happy family life, love and good luck! Always try to support each other in everything, do not forget about care, loyalty and family friendship! Let the years of joint married life will seem to you the best and most pleasant moments in your life, and your loved one will surround you with his care and affection. Love each other, enjoy each other and remember that everything is ahead of you, but only the best and flawless ahead. Do not be offended by trifles and do not surrender to loneliness, but remember that in this world each of you has one single devoted and loving person who will not leave you in Hard time and won't make you feel bad. Love each other and be happy!

Today is for you, dear newlyweds, new stage in life. Undoubtedly, this will be one of the best and brightest periods in your life, because it is you who will paint and create it. The main thing is that you will do it with your loved one and loving person. Dear newlyweds, we sincerely want to congratulate you on your marriage and wish you all the best, and most importantly, happiness and health without which it is impossible to live. Finally, you have become spouses, that is, a husband and wife who will love each other and protect each other until the end of their days. This is very important in modern world, and also it is a great happiness and good luck to find your man, your destiny among the crowd, and then get married in marriage and love! Appreciate it, increase your happiness and goodness, and heaven will surely reward you with a long-awaited addition to the family - a child! Be happy!

Dear newlyweds! We are very happy for you and want to sincerely congratulate you on your marriage and the creation of a new family, because this is important for every person. We are sure and we know that your union was made out of love, which means in heaven, and we want to wish you with all our heart beautiful couple remain always loving, faithful and reliable spouses for each other. May good luck always accompany you and a lucky star guide you, because you deserve it and you deserve it. We wish you that your love would live to old age and warm your souls throughout your life.

A wedding event is traditionally associated with congratulations and this is true. Indeed, during the wedding, a lot of instructions, pleasant words and toasts sound in their address. However, there comes a moment when young spouses have to get up from the table, pick up a microphone and say words of gratitude. To whom are they addressed? How beautiful is planned What should be said during this action, you will learn from our article.

Why and what to say to the newlyweds

In the course of the wedding celebration, the newlyweds will, as they say, answer to their guests, relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates. They only do the whole event by listening to congratulations, and at the end they are simply obliged to say their words of gratitude to all those present for congratulations, gifts, parting words, and most importantly, for the fact that on this important day for them, the guests abandoned all their business and came to triumph. And of course, the bride and groom traditionally thank their parents for all the kindness and love that they have invested in them.

The speech of the newlyweds at the wedding can rightly be called the most touching and sweet moment. And in order for it to be beautiful and consistent, it is necessary to sketch in advance sample text and of course include it in general scenario solemn event. We will consider examples of diverse appeals below.

How can you be grateful?

There are several options for how to say words of gratitude to guests and relatives. For example, it can be beautiful poems, individually selected for the person to whom they were originally addressed. Or you can say prose, but it will sound natural and from the heart. The musical version of gratitude also looks original, for example, in the form of a song. At the same time, both the newlyweds themselves and a professional singer or musician can perform it.

Among other things, beautiful speech for a wedding can be supported by such pleasant little things as a commemorative certificate or medal. Moreover, you can complete them using funny nominations and titles. For example: “Diploma for assistance in raising a daughter”, “Medal for courage in battles for the attention of a daughter”, “Diploma for raising a son”, etc.

Nice words of gratitude to parents

The very first people who deserve not just words of gratitude, but also a low bow, are parents. They take care of you, educate you, don’t get enough sleep at night, and in most cases they are the ones who take care of everything for the upcoming wedding celebration.

A beautiful wedding speech is a great way for your loved ones to appreciate all they have done. It goes something like this: the host or toastmaster gives a sign to the musicians, and the music stops, then the bride and groom get up. Then the bride begins her speech: “On this wonderful day, I would like to thank my mother for the fact that with her help I was born. For her kindness and kindness. It is because of her efforts that I stand before you today. Thank you, dear!"

Then she turns towards her father and says: “On this day, I want to thank you too, my father! For the fact that you have always been a support and support for your mother. For the fact that he always substituted his strong male shoulder when needed. Thank you and low bow!” In response to this appeal, you can also hear the speech of the mother. At the wedding of a daughter or son, this is one of the highlights. Do not forget about the preparation of such a speech.

Wedding speech: an example for the groom's parents

After her laconic speech, but filled with great meaning, the bride expresses her gratitude to the groom's parents: “Wedding is not an easy and troublesome business. Therefore, on this day, I want to thank you (name and patronymic of my husband's parents) for your prompt assistance in solving most of organizational issues. Thank you for all your help and support."

Further, according to the scenario, the bride sits down in her place. Now the thank you speech at the wedding is the concern of her young husband. He also turns first to his parents and says: “My beloved dad and mom! I am very glad that you have come to support me at this important and memorable moment. Thank you for raising me, teaching me and helping me get back on my feet. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to do anything. You have always been by my side, supported and protected. Today I have my own family, which I will take care of in your image and likeness. Thank you for everything!”

Thank you speech for the parents of the bride

After the groom pays his respects to his parents, he should turn to the mother and father of the bride: “Dear (name and patronymic of parents)! On this sunny day, I would like to thank you with joy for the efforts that you have made while raising your own daughter. Thanks to you I met and loved it charming creature(name of the bride). She is the best and kindest thing in my life. Thank you for helping to arrange this holiday, for affection, care and love. Low bow to you.

What words of gratitude does the mother say to her daughter?

Often, in response to heartfelt praise from their loved ones, parents make a return gesture. For example, it could be a mother's speech at her daughter's wedding:

“Thank you very much for the praise and kind words! I'm glad I lived to see my daughter thank me for everything. Of course, as in any family, it can not do without excesses. But I would like to have as few of them as possible in your life. Be happy and keep what you have. Advice to you and love!”

What words does a father say to his son?

The answer to the long and heartfelt words of gratitude from their children will be a memorable speech of the father at the wedding of his son. For example, he might say:

“Dear son! I'm glad I lived to see this have a wonderful day. Today you have become a real father of the family and a man with capital letter. Remember and appreciate all the advice that I once gave you. Let my experience and parting words be useful to you. Mother and I, in turn, promise to support and help you in the first stages of your life together. Advice to you and love!

Father's alternative speech at his son's wedding: “Son! I congratulate you on this wonderful date for all of us - your wedding day. I wish you great happiness, love and good luck in all family affairs. May the guardian angel keep you and your family. Be happy!"

Words of gratitude to parents for bread and salt

If in your wedding celebration everything goes through traditional scenario When your parents bring you bread and salt, you should remember to thank them for it. We offer you examples of this speech. The bride and groom say together: “Our dear and beloved mom and dad! Please accept from us the words of heartfelt gratitude for presenting this wonderful loaf to us at an important moment for us. This is the best dish we have ever had together. We promise to love each other and never forget about you, our family!”

Another beautiful wedding speech performed by the newlyweds: “Our beloved parents! My wife and I thank you for the warmth with which you gave us this wedding bread. We promise to love and take care of each other, just like you gave us this wonderful gift. We hope that you will not leave us in difficult times and will always be with us.”

Thanksgiving speech from young guests

The newlyweds are obliged to say special thanks to their guests, who came, congratulated and gave many valuable gifts. An example of a thank you speech: “Dear our guests! We are very happy that you came to our wedding. Thank you for pleasant words, for beautiful and meaningful toasts, for gifts and other signs of attention. We appreciate and respect you! Thank you very much for what you are!”

Here is another speech of the newlyweds at the wedding, addressed to the guests:

“We welcome all the guests gathered here. We have a holiday today solemn marriage. At this time, we want to tell you a big human thank you for not forgetting about us, no matter what, came and congratulated, gave a lot of pleasant and kind words. I would like to say special thanks to those people who took direct involvement in the design and organization of the wedding. Without them, our celebration would not have been possible. Thanks to all!"

The answer of one of the guests to the congratulations

response to pleasant thanksgiving words The newlyweds will be the speech of the guest at the wedding. For example, it could be a colleague or classmate. He says, "Thank you for Nice words from wonderful couple. I have known you for a very long time, almost since childhood. You have always been wonderful people: appreciated and respected elders, were fair and honest, shared the latest with their friends, honored their relatives and friends. Congratulations on your wedding day. We wish you to remain as you are and pass on all your knowledge and skills to your children and grandchildren.”

What words to choose for a friend at a wedding?

However, it may happen that the wedding is not with you, but with your friend. Suppose you were invited to this wonderful event, and at one of the moments of congratulations it turned out that you were supposed to cook for a friend's wedding. So, you can say the following: “Dear (name of the groom) and sweetheart (name of the bride)! I'm glad I got out to your wedding. This is a wonderful day for both of you, on which I want to wish you happiness, success, an inexhaustible source of love, joy and prosperity.

Summary: words of thanks are something that no wedding can do without. Reciprocal speeches will be glad to hear both adults and children. The main thing is to carefully prepare for your role, prepare a wedding speech for a friend, girlfriend, and also take care of pleasant moments for parents, relatives and guests.