Healthy lifestyle material on the topic: For a healthy lifestyle (Classroom parent meeting in elementary school). Cool parent meeting "For a healthy lifestyle"

For healthy



Kudryashova Lyubov Antonovna

S. Kosolapovo



Conduct form:

Preparation stage

The course of the meeting.

Introductory words of the teacher

Dear parents!

1. What is "Health"?


  • physical health
  • mental health -
  • Social health -
  • moral health
  • sedentary image of students;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;

Group work

It is hardly possible to find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy. How do you imagine healthy child?

To answer this question, I suggest you work in groups.

Make a portrait of a "healthy child."

(Parents work in groups, discuss, a representative of each group speaks.)

As you speak, the following notes appear on the board:




Kindly treats the people around him - adults and children;

Positive emotional impressions predominate in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him with firmness and without harmful consequences;

The development of his physical, primarily motor, qualities proceeds harmoniously;

Sufficiently fast, agile and strong;

The daily regimen of his life corresponds to individual biorhythmological and age characteristics: this optimal ratio wakefulness and sleep, periods of ups and downs of activity;

Adverse weather, their abrupt change healthy child are not terrible, as it is hardened, its thermoregulation system is well trained.

He doesn't need any medication;

Doesn't have excess weight body.

Of course, here is a “portrait” of an ideal healthy child, which you rarely see in life today. However, to raise and educate a child close to such an ideal is a completely feasible task. How to achieve this will be discussed further.


I see that you are a little tired. Let `s have some rest. (Parents perform a warm-up to the music. One of the parents conducts, a set of exercises was given in advance.) You can perform these exercises at work, at home. It’s good if your child does them when doing homework. It is this set of exercises that positively affects posture.

A physical minute is useful and necessary, it strengthens health, it helps the guys.

Fun exercises can be done with the child from the very early age. In the process of such an unpretentious outdoor game, the baby gets acquainted with his body, learns the rhythm and beauty of the word. Cheerful physical minutes are a great opportunity for children to usefully warm up between various activities that require perseverance and attention.
Particular attention should be paid to the morning physical exercise, which from the very morning raises the mood of the baby and prepares him for an interesting, fruitful day.
According to their content, physical education minutes are diverse:
Health-improving and hygienic.
They can be performed both standing and sitting: straighten your shoulders, arch your back, pull yourself up, turn your head, “talk your legs.
It is necessary to carry out exercises for the eyes. Without turning your head, look right, left, up, down.
They are especially loved by children, as they are always performed under cheerful music. All movements are arbitrary, everyone dances as best they can.
They are akin to dance ones, as they are performed to the music, but they differ in a clearer performance of the elements.
Physical culture and sports.
This is a traditional gymnastics, which is performed strictly by counting, with a uniform alternation of inhalations and exhalations. This can include running, jumping, squatting, walking in place…
This type of physical education is the most popular. Children collectively read small funny poems and at the same time perform various movements, as if staging them, for example:
The day came, sat on a stump,
Day sitting, day looking.
He climbed a spruce, completely disappeared.
Minute games are played. They are simple in content, but they bring a joyful revival and are a means of not only physical, but also emotional relaxation.
-imitative (imitative).
Children willingly imitate the movements of frogs, monkeys, grasshoppers, cats, bunnies, foxes, birds, etc.

Get involved with your child!
This is another opportunity to communicate with a child!

Topic 1. Personal hygiene.

1. Disease prevention (prevention)

2. A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (health)

3. The skin not only covers the entire human body, a person feels the skin ... (pressure, vibration, heat, cold, pain.)

4. Oral hygiene includes ... (brushing teeth, tongue and rinsing the mouth)

Summarizing the topic of the meeting

Thanks to all! See you soon! (Each parent is given a memo)

"Reminder to Parents"

Dear Parents! The school offers you cooperation in the upbringing of your child. Your child is your future, your immortality. After all, each person physically continues in his children, grandchildren, in his descendants. And you, of course, want your physical extension to be worthy, so that it not only retains all your virtues, but also increases them.

We - the school, teachers - are also extremely interested in your child becoming a full-fledged person, a cultured, highly moral, creatively active and socially mature person. For this we work, give our souls and hearts, our experience and knowledge to children. In order for our cooperation to be fruitful, we recommend that you adhere to the following basic rules of family education in raising your child:

1. A family is a material and spiritual cell for raising children, for marital happiness and joy. The basis, the core of the family is marital love, mutual care and respect. The child should be a member of the family, but not its center. When a child becomes the center of seven, and parents sacrifice themselves to him, he grows up as an egoist with high self-esteem, he believes that "everything should be for him." For such reckless love for himself, he often repays evil - neglect of parents, family, people.

No less harmful, of course, is an indifferent, all the more neglectful attitude towards a child. Avoid extremes in love for a child.

2. The main law of the family: everyone takes care of each member of the family, and each member of the family, to the best of his ability, takes care of the whole family. Your child must firmly grasp this law.

3. Raising a child in a family is a worthy, continuous acquisition of useful, valuable life experience in the process of living in a family. The main means of raising a child is the example of the parents, their behavior, their activities, this is the child's interested participation in the life of the family, in its worries and joys, this is work and conscientious fulfillment of your instructions. Words - aid. The child must perform certain household chores, which become more complicated as they grow older, for themselves, for the whole family.

4. The development of a child is the development of his independence. Therefore, do not patronize him, do not do for him what he can and should do for himself. Help him in acquiring skills and abilities, let him learn to do everything that you can do. It’s not scary if he does something wrong: the experience of mistakes and failures is useful to him. Explain to him his mistakes, discuss them with him, but do not punish for them. Give him the opportunity to try his hand at different things to determine his abilities, interests and inclinations.

5. The basis of a child's behavior is his habits. See to it that good things are formed in him, good habits and there were no bad ones. Teach him to distinguish between good and evil. Explain the harm of smoking, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, materialism, lies. Teach him to love his home, his family, good people, your edge.

The most important habit for him should be the observance of the regime of the day. Develop a reasonable daily routine with him and strictly monitor its implementation.

6. Contradictions in the demands of parents are very harmful for the upbringing of a child. Coordinate them with each other. Even more harmful are the contradictions between your demands and those of the school and teachers. If you do not agree with our requirements or you do not understand them, come to us and we will discuss the problems together.

7. It is very important to create a calm, friendly climate in the family, when no one yells at anyone, when even mistakes and misconduct are discussed without scolding and hysteria. The mental development of the child, the formation of his personality to a large extent depends on the style of family education. The normal style is democratic, when children are given a certain independence, when they are treated with warmth and respect for their personality. Of course, some control over the behavior and learning of the child is necessary in order to assist him in difficult situations. But it is more important to contribute in every possible way to the development of self-control, self-analysis and self-regulation of their activities and behavior.

Do not insult the child with your suspicions, trust him. Your trust, based on knowledge, will bring up personal responsibility in him. Do not punish the child for the truth if he confessed his mistakes himself.

8. Teach your child to take care of the younger and older in the family. Let the boy give way to the girl, this is the beginning of the upbringing of future fathers and mothers, the preparation of a happy marriage.

9. Keep track of your child's health. Teach him to take care of his own health and physical development. Remember that during the years of training in the scale the child experiences in one form or another age crises: at 6-7 years old, when the child has an internal position, awareness of his feelings and experiences; the crisis of puberty, which usually passes in girls 2 years earlier than in boys; and youthful crisis of finding one's place in life. Be attentive to the child during these periods of crisis, change the style of your attitude towards him as you move from one age period to another.

10. A family is a house, and like any house, it can deteriorate over time and need to be repaired and updated. Be sure to check from time to time to see if your family home needs updating and refurbishment.

We wish you success in the difficult and noble cause of family upbringing of your child, may he bring you joy and happiness!

“Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing,” Socrates once said, these words are relevant in our time.

Meeting decisions

1. Let the spirit of health, the cult of health, reign in every family.

2. Do you want, don't you want,

But the point, comrades, is that

First of all, we are parents

And everything else - then!

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle in the family, giving up bad habits yourself and supporting children's desire for a healthy lifestyle.


1. M. Antropova, L. Kuznetsova, T. Paranicheva “Mode of the junior schoolchild”, newspaper “Health of children” No. 19, 2003. pp. 16-17.

2. A.S. Batuev. Biology: Man. – M.: Enlightenment, 1994.

3. Yu.F. Zmanovsky “To health without drugs”, Moscow, “Soviet sport”, 1990.

4. M. Matveeva, S.V. Khrushchev "Straight back!" pp.14-15, newspaper “Children's Health” No. 12, 2003.

5. The world of a teenager: A teenager / Ed. A.G. Khripkova; Rep. ed. G.N. Filonov. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989.

6. Yu.A. Frolova, Tobolsk “Say no to bad habits”. pp.65-68. “Class teacher” No. 8 - 2001.

7. Companion of the class teacher. / M.: Center "Pedagogical search", 2001.

8. L.I. Salyakhov. Parent meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for conducting. Grades 1-4. - M.: Globus, 2007.

For healthy


(Class parent meeting in primary school)


Kudryashova Lyubov Antonovna

S. Kosolapovo

Cool parent meeting "For a healthy lifestyle"

Target: formation of a healthy lifestyle, increased social activity and health promotion among students and parents.


Contribute to the improvement of relationships between children and parents;

Contribute to the creation of a positive psychological climate in the family;

To create conditions for the realization of the creative abilities of parents to increase social activity and improve the health of students and parents.

Conduct form: combined (combining traditional presentation of theoretical information and work in groups)

Preparation stage

1. Preparation of theoretical information.

2. Drawing up a portrait of a healthy child. Development of "Memo for parents"

3. Questioning of parents and children on the topic of the parent meeting.

The course of the meeting.

Introductory words of the teacher

Increasingly, the words of J. J. Rousseau are recalled: “To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong and healthy.”
The success (or failure) of a child depends on any component of health, be it physical, mental or social.

Dear parents!

We live in the 21st century, which has already been dubbed the century of maximum speed and science. New Age, technical and scientific progress require colossal loads and efforts from any person. How can this be dealt with? Only with the help of daily and permanent job above oneself. With such intellectual loads that offers today modern education, only constant physical work of the body can cope, in other words, an absolutely healthy student. Therefore, today we will talk about health in general and about the health of schoolchildren in particular, about how to help our children maintain and improve their health, and about many other very important and serious things.

1. What is "Health"?

In preparation for this meeting, this question was asked of your children as well. . (Read some of the children's statements)

Based on definitions World Organization health care, allocate following components health:

  • physical health- this is a state in which a person has a place to have a harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.
  • mental health - it is a person's ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance himself with the environment.
  • Social health - a measure of social activity, the active attitude of a person to the world.
  • moral health- this is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and informational sphere of the personality, the basis of which is determined by the system of moral values.

According to medical science, human health is determined by four main factors:

  • 50-55% depends on lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, Not proper nutrition, psychological climate.
  • 20-25% influence environment and ecology (only 5 to 10 percent of children are born healthy).
  • 20% - heredity (diseases such as Down's disease, diseases associated with metabolism, viral and other diseases are transmitted by heredity).
  • And only 5% depends on medicine.

The following negative health factors exacerbate the condition of students in the learning process:

  • sedentary image of students;
  • overloading the educational process with many disciplines;
  • stressful influences during training;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • non-compliance with hygiene requirements.

According to domestic researchers, by the end school period the number of practically healthy children is less than 10% of students. Therefore, it is very important, dear parents, not to waste time, but to correctly formulate for each family the main tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren in the process of their growth, development and education, to create a health-saving educational environment in each family.

Anastasia Antipina
Parent meeting"Healthy lifestyle"

Conduct form: themed living room

Target: Formation of stable motivation in parents to preserve and improve the health of their children.


Raise the level of knowledge of parents in the field of formation, preservation and promotion of children's health, a healthy lifestyle in the family through pedagogical education;

Ensuring close cooperation and uniform requirements of the kindergarten and the family in matters of children's health.

Equipment and materials:

Projector, screen, laptop, presentation;

Folders-sliders "Useful alphabet", "Keys to the health of your baby";

Booklets "Mobile games", "If you want to be healthy, temper yourself";

Questionnaires for parents;

Material and manuals for games with parents.

Preliminary work.

1. Questioning of parents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled out at home, before the meeting, their results are used during the meeting.

2. Making colorful invitation cards for parents.

3. Development of booklets for parents.

4. Making folders-movers.

5. Design of an exhibition of literature and other materials on the topic.

6. Selection of musical arrangement.

7. Group decoration.

8. Creation of a presentation to accompany performances.

9. Organization and conduct of a survey of children "How we temper ourselves at home."

Plan of the event:

1. Organizing time - introduction, subject announcement.

2. Performance of the educator, alternating with games with parents.

3. Familiarization of parents with the results of the survey.

4. Questioning of parents "Your opinion about the meeting."

5. Summary of the meeting.

Meeting progress:

The teacher meets the parents. At the entrance there is a table on which circles and squares lie. Parents take what they like geometric figure and sit down at the table with the image of the figure they have chosen. Thus, the parents were divided into two teams.

The teacher explains the topic of the meeting, introduces the planned events, and distributes the emblems and the name of their teams to the parents (for example: squares - “Healthy”, circles - “Healthy”).

Educator: Hello dear parents! We are very glad to see you at the next parent meeting. But today's meeting will be held in unusual shape, in the form of a themed living room, i.e. over a cup of tea we will talk a lot, play, joke and have a good time. And the theme of our meeting is a healthy lifestyle.

So, let's see what a healthy lifestyle is.

I Task "Warm-up"

Parents make a list of components of a healthy lifestyle, and the teacher checks the correctness of the answers.

Educator: Well done parents! You are absolutely right in saying that a healthy lifestyle is walking, it is proper nutrition, it is physical education and sports, it is the absence of bad habits, etc.

So - a healthy lifestyle:

1 emotional health,

2 day mode,

3 healthy eating,

4 morning exercises,

5 physical exercises and outdoor games,

6 hardening,

7 outdoor walks.

Let's take a look at each point now:

"Emotional Health"

The child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate. Let's say: an altercation in the presence of a child. The child begins to get nervous, the nervous system is exhausted. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child's body. Given this, we should always try to be in a good mood.

Remember, as soon as we smile - it immediately becomes easier, frown - sadness creeps up. They frowned - adrenaline began to stand out, contributing to a sad, anxious mood, smiled - they helped another hormone - endorphin, which provides a confident and cheerful mood. So with our mood, we adults infect children, so let's smile more and give joy to each other.

It depends on how parents wake up the child. mental attitude all day;

Smile at your child as often as possible;

Reward your child with gestures;

Rejoice in your child's success. Do not get annoyed at the moment of his temporary failures. Patiently, with interest, listen to stories about the events in his life;

The child must feel that he is loved. Shouts, rude intonations, obscenities should be excluded from communication.

So keeping the most elementary rules, we can say that with emotional health our kids are fine.

II Task "Guess the intonation"

The first teams receive a phrase and the name of the intonation with which this phrase must be said on the pieces of paper. The second team guesses the intonation, and then the second team gets the task, and the first one guesses.

Let me play ball (as a request; as a demand; as a threat);

I still won’t succeed (like despair; like a challenge; like a whim).

Educator: Next item- "Daily regime".

Great importance for health and physical development children have a daily routine. The daily routine is a system for distributing periods of sleep and wakefulness, meals, hygiene and health procedures, classes and independent activity children. Cheerful, cheerful and at the same time balanced mood of children to a large extent depends on the strict implementation of the regimen. The delay in eating, sleeping, walking negatively affects nervous system children: they become lethargic or, conversely, excited, begin to act up, lose their appetite, fall asleep poorly and sleep restlessly. One of the important hallmarks education in kindergarten from home - this is the regime in kindergarten. In kindergarten, everything is subject to a predetermined schedule. And this is a definite plus. After all, such a system teaches even the most eccentric little one to accuracy, accuracy, order. What to say about nutrition. Any nutritionist will confirm that correct reception food at the same time promotes the growth of a healthy body.

In a child accustomed to a strict routine, the need for food, sleep, rest comes at certain intervals and is accompanied by rhythmic changes in the activities of all internal organs. The body, as it were, tunes in advance to the upcoming activity, so it is carried out quite efficiently, without unnecessary waste of nervous energy and does not cause pronounced fatigue.

III Task "Chamomile of health"

On the easel there is a yellow center of a chamomile, on it the beginning of proverbs about health is written in a circle. The teams have the same number of petals, on which you need to write the continuation of the proverb and attach the petal to the chamomile.

IN healthy bodyhealthy spirit;

Take care of the dress again and health from a young age;

If you don't run while you're healthy, have to run when you get sick;

Smoking - harm health;

Sun, air and water our best friends;

Purity - guarantee of health.

What parents do not have to invent in order for their beloved baby to eat. And this capricious and gourmet only knows that he is dodging a spoon. But you have to eat! So how do you get your child to eat every last spoonful?

One of the most common mistakes parents make is to offer their child sweets instead of water. fruit juices or milk when he asks for a drink. After all, sugar, which is part of these drinks, reduces appetite.

A few tips:

Make your meal a holiday! During meals, the emotional atmosphere is very important. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners should not be used as an opportunity to punish or criticize a child for disobedience.

Try to feed your baby in the kitchen, where you eat yourself. Children are more likely to eat if they see their parents eating and enjoying the food themselves. If the baby sees that you are happy to eat carrots or vegetable puree, he thinks it is tasty and will try such food sooner in the future.

Don't try to force your child to eat more than he can. This can form an undesirable habit in him of taking food into his mouth and holding it there without swallowing it.

If possible, let the child try everything that is not forbidden to him at this age - this will only increase his interest in food.

Forcing a child to constantly eat a dish is wrong - you will only increase the rejection of this dish.

Avoid using sweets as a reward for eating vegetables or drinking milk. This is unlikely to endear the child to the food you force him to eat.

IV Task "Beautiful salad"

The teams are invited to make such a fruit salad from fruits that the child could not refuse. Parents show all their imagination and not just salads appear on the dish, but real pictures. Everything is so beautiful and delicious.

Educator: Now let's talk about morning exercises.

"Morning exercises" is an obligatory part of a child's daily routine. In the kindergarten every morning complexes of morning exercises are necessarily held. Do not forget about gymnastics at home.

The systematic conduct of morning exercises instills in children the habit of physical exercise, associated with pleasant muscle sensations, positive emotions.

Morning exercises are the first step to health. There is such a miracle remedy that will make you the most healthy, cheerful and friendly family. Doing a fun workout in the morning with mom and dad is a great idea! And not as impossible as it seems at first glance. Well, think about it: just a few minutes a day - and good health is a plus good mood provided for everyone. Try to perceive daily workouts not as an extra load, but as an opportunity to communicate with loved ones. After all, a parental example for a child is more than convincing speeches about the benefits of daily sports activities.

V Task "Charging"

Parents are encouraged to leave the tables and stretch a little. Perform a few exercises: “Get to exercise!”

Wake up, get up

Get ready to recharge!

Need to open the window

Let in a little freshness.

Fresh air won't chill

It will be good for the kids!

We stood on tiptoe

We raised our hands up

We sighed, stretched

And they smiled at each other.

Exhale, hands down

Let's repeat now for an encore!

The exercise is simple

We turn our heads to the left.

And now circles to the right.

We charged to glory!

They clenched their hands into fists,

The jerks begin.

Left, right, left, right.

Well done guys, bravo!

We are such a physical education

Strengthen your muscles!

Stand up straight, legs wider

They put their hands on their hips.

Leaned to the right side

Leaning to the left

And now one more time

And they stopped.

We continue to recharge

And let's go dancing!

One - sat down, two - got up,

One more rip! Not tired?

Let's get energetic!

We straighten the back sharper!

They lined up like soldiers.

Running on the spot, aty-baty!

Hurry! Knees up!

We slow down the run. Quiet!

We breathe evenly, deeply,

Let's go slowly, easy.

One and two, we count together.

Three four. Stay where you are!

Educator: Well, parents, are you tired? And these are just a few of the physical exercises that children do every day and much more. After all, the child has a strong need for movement. However, so that the movements are not aimless and random, it is necessary to help the child, offer The right way. Now we will talk about "Physical exercises and outdoor games"

The child receives the basis for the successful mastery of motor skills in systematic physical education classes. However, the improvement and sustainability of acquired skills, and their independent application by the child in various conditions life cannot be accomplished by occupation alone.

In addition to daily morning exercises and a certain amount of physical education, children must be given the opportunity to exercise on their own. For this, it is best to use mobile games. (distribute booklets "Outdoor games" to parents)

VI Task "Who is more?"

Both teams are invited to remember as many outdoor games as possible from childhood, the one who names the most games wins this competition.


The child is sick endlessly.

Mother in a panic, in tears: both fear and sadness.

After all, I'm from the cradle

I always strive to keep warm.

The apartment has windows even in summer

Afraid to open - suddenly a draft,

With him then to the hospital, then to the pharmacy,

Medicines cannot be counted.

Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.

So, sometimes, we are from children

We grow a greenhouse creation,

And not fighters - heroes. V. Krestov "Greenhouse creation"

You probably already guessed that we are talking about hardening. But before you start talking about this, I suggest you watch a video where children talk about how they harden at home. (watch video).

After analyzing your profiles, I concluded: there are few families where hardening events are held at home, and the immunity of children is mainly strengthened by medical means, few parents go out with their children on weekends, and therefore there are often sick children in our group.

But hardening, as E. A. Arkin noted, is of great importance for a weakened child than for a healthy one. Along with traditional methods hardening ( air baths, water foot baths, gargling) are widely used and non-traditional.

The point of hardening is that over time, with the help of special procedures to increase a person's resistance to cooling due to the fact that the body will each time react with appropriate defensive reactions- an increase in body production and a decrease in heat transfer. When hardening, an increase in immunity occurs at the same time due to an increase in the production of interferon and other protective factors in the body. Therefore, it would be great if hardening became a common family affair.

Here is a small list of tempering activities:

Contrast air hardening (children get from a warm room into a “cold room”).

Walking barefoot. At the same time, the arches and ligaments of the feet are strengthened, and flat feet are prevented. IN summer period give children the opportunity to walk barefoot on hot sand and asphalt, on small stones and bumps that act as strong irritants. On the contrary, warm sand, soft grass, indoor carpet have a calming effect. When walking barefoot, the intensity of the activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation is stimulated throughout the body, and mental activity improves.

Contrast shower - the most effective method tempering at home. (After a short charge, the child gets up under the shower, douses himself with water at 36-38 degrees for 30-40 seconds, then the water temperature drops by 2-3 degrees, and the duration of dousing is reduced to 20-25 seconds. The procedure is repeated 2 times. After 1 - 1.5 weeks the difference in water temperature increases to 4 - 5 degrees and within 2 - 3 months is brought to 19 - 20 degrees).

Gargling with cool water with a decrease in temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease. (Gargling begins at a water temperature of 36 - 37 degrees, decreases every 2 - 3 days by 1 degree and is brought to room temperature.)

that a break in hardening for two to three weeks reduces the body's resistance to cold factors and is therefore highly undesirable.

Yes, if we want to see our child healthy, we need to carry out hardening procedures daily. In the "minimum" hardening include air and water procedures well-chosen clothes. (distribute booklets “If you want to be healthy, temper yourself”)

And now we will talk about walks in the fresh air.

All mothers understand that the child needs to walk as much as possible. But not everyone knows exactly the benefits of walking. During walks in the air, the lungs are cleansed of allergens and dust, thanks to this, the functions of the upper respiratory tract and nasal mucosa.

Walking on the street helps the vital systems of the body, as well as the brain, to work properly. Additional energy consumption for physical activity and maintaining body temperature, raise the energy of all body systems, as well as immune and cardiovascular.

When a child comes into contact with various environmental factors, such as heat, frost, wind, rain, the adaptive mechanisms of the body do not fade away, but only harden.

In the skin, with the help of UV rays, vitamin D is produced, the lack of which can lead to the development of rickets.

Walking helps prevent myopia. In a limited space, the gaze is focused on objects located near, and on the street - on distant ones.

During walks, the child gets a lot of new impressions and positive emotions, on which his intellectual and social development depends.

When can't you walk?

The child is sick (pain, weakness, heat, and also if the disease has an infectious nature. It is necessary and possible to walk during the recovery period, because Fresh air promotes recovery, especially in diseases of the respiratory tract.

How much, how and when can you walk?

You should walk in any weather. Walking puts the baby in contact with a variety of environmental factors, and helps to strengthen immune system. The benefits of walking are invaluable.

The duration of the walk is not limited.

Walks should be active. Movement stimulates the physical and intellectual development child and contributes to the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems.

How to understand that the child is cold?

If the child does not complain about anything, you can safely walk. But when the child is still cold:

You need to pick it up in your arms, and try to warm it with the warmth of your body. An older child needs to organize active games to make him move and run.

When the baby warms up a little, he needs to be dressed warmer.

When overheated, the child develops a feeling of thirst, and he begins to ask for water. In this case, it is necessary to undress the baby. Let him drink more liquids, for example, compote, fruit drink, juice, mineral water. It is very good to bathe the child in cool water in case of overheating, if it is available nearby.

VII Task "Guess the riddle"

To not be frail, lethargic,

Didn't lie under the covers

Didn't get sick and was fine

Do every day ... (exercise)

I have no time to hurt my friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What gives me health ... (sport)

In this bright store

You will see in the window

Not clothes, not food,

And not books, and not fruit.

Here is medicine and pills,

Here mustard plasters, pipettes.

Ointments, drops and balms

For you, for mom and dad.

For human health

Opens the door. (pharmacy)

There are fruits and vegetables.

Children need to eat a lot.

There are more pills

Tastes like candy.

Taken for health

Their cold season.

For Sashuli and Polina

What is useful? –. (Vitamins)

Summing up the results of the game and rewarding parents with medals "For active participation", "For diligence".

Educator: Dear parents! Remember that the health of the child is in your hands! You need to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle for the child.

Questionnaire for parents "Your opinion about the meeting"

Approximate decision of the parent meeting:

Create the necessary conditions for the realization of the child's need for motor activity in everyday life;

Organize at home a daily routine and meals close to kindergarten;

On weekends, be sure to organize walks with the children;

Systematically conduct hardening of the child in a family environment.

Outline of the parent meeting "Formation of a healthy lifestyle for a student"

Purpose: to form in parents a sustainable motivation to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of their family, their children.

Form of holding: meeting-dialogue.



Khannanova L.A. , classroom teacher 4th grade

municipal budgetary society educational institution"Secondary school No. 9 with in-depth study of individual subjects" Yelabuga municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

Parent meeting "Formation of a healthy lifestyle for a student»

Purpose: to form in parents a sustainable motivation to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of their family, their children.

Form of holding: meeting-dialogue.

Proceedings of the meeting: Dear parents,

We live in the 21st century, which has already been dubbed the century of maximum speed and science. The new century, technical and scientific progress require colossal loads and efforts from any person. How can this be dealt with? Only with the help of daily and constant work on yourself. With such intellectual loads, which modern education offers today, only constant physical work of the body can cope, in other words, an absolutely healthy student. Therefore, today we will talk about health in general and about the health of schoolchildren in particular, about how to help our children maintain and improve their health, and about many other very important and serious things.

1. What is "Health"?

Health theorists interpret this important concept in different ways. “Health is the process of preserving and developing biological, physiological and mental functions, optimal working capacity, social activity with maximum life expectancy” (V.P. Kaznacheev).

“Health is such a state of the body in which it is biologically complete, able-bodied” (V. I. Dubrovsky).

“Health is not the absence of disease, but the physical, social and psychological harmony of a person” (I. T. Frolov).

The most popular definition given by the World Health Organization:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Important in all these and other definitions of health is the attitude to it as a dynamic process, which allows for the possibility of purposefully managing it.

2 . Based on the definitions of the World Health Organization, the following components of health are distinguished:

Physical health is a state in which a person has a place to have a harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.

Mental health is a person's ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance himself with the environment.

Social health is a measure of social activity, the active attitude of a person to the world.

Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and informational sphere of the personality, the basis of which is determined by the system of moral values

3. What is the reason for the crisis of the children of Russia and the district in particular? There are different points of view.

According to medical science, human health is determined by four main factors:

Depends on lifestyle

Impact of the environment and ecology


From medicine

4 . We talk more deeply about the first factor - dependence on lifestyle. The following negative health factors exacerbate the condition of students in the learning process:

Sedentary image of students;

Overloading the educational process with many disciplines;

Stressful influences during training;

Unbalanced diet;

Lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families;

Non-compliance with the daily routine;

Failure to comply with hygiene requirements.

5 . According to domestic researchers, by the end of the school period of study, the number of practically healthy children is less than 10% of students. Therefore, it is very important, dear parents, not to waste time, but to correctly formulate for each family the main tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren in the process of their growth, development and education, to create a health-saving educational environment in each family.

6 . The results of the diagnosis of students and parents (questionnaires for parents and students).

Dear parents!

We ask you to express your opinion on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of your children, as well as your personal health and work on it.

Underline the answer that is acceptable to you or write down another opinion.

1. Emphasize the most important value for you in today's world: a high salary, your own apartment, a strong family, interesting job, good health, higher education, imported car, latest computer.

2.Do you consider yourself a healthy person? Not really

3. What factors have a very negative impact on your health?

4. Indicate how you improve your health:

We are engaged in hardening, charging,

We monitor our weight, rational nutrition,

We move a lot, we walk,

We do not have bad habits, we are engaged in the sports section,

We carry out the regime of the day, we are engaged in auto-training.

5. Your attitude to your health: we hope for medicine, everything is in the hands of God, my health is in my hands.

6. What is the purpose modern school you think yourself important task: preserving and strengthening the health of students, providing a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities for entering higher educational institutions?

7. Are you satisfied with the activities of the school in the work to preserve and improve the health of students? Yes No Why?

8. How healthy is your child in this class? Evaluate on a ten-point system. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9. What do you do in the family to preserve and improve the health of your child?

We control the implementation of the daily routine

Help with homework

Interested in learning outcomes and behavior

Equipped with a place to perform tasks at home

We control the time spent on watching TV and working with a computer

We talk about the problems of teaching children at school

Encourage physical activity and sports

We help the teacher organize sports events and participate in them ourselves

We create a comfortable environment in the family

10. Who do you consider responsible for maintaining and strengthening the health of your child: society, the child himself, the family, teachers, medical workers.

11. How often do you talk to your child about the values ​​of health:

Need more often

Often enough,

Not enough

12. What health topics are discussed in your family?

13. What would you like to know about health at parent-teacher conferences?

14. Your suggestions to the head of the school to improve the preservation and promotion of the health of your children.

Thank you. You helped us a lot!

Questionnaire for children

"How do you feel about your health?"

1. Are you healthy? Not really

To walk outside

Conduct disease prevention

be treated

Dress properly

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Perform body hygiene

Follow the daily routine

Carry out hardening


Eat properly

  1. What do you do for health, so as not to get sick?
  2. How do you learn about how to stay healthy?

From parents

media (means mass media)

From friends

From teachers

  1. How often do your parents talk to you about the value of health?
  2. What health topics are discussed in your family?

Daily regime

Healthy lifestyle




Preservation of teeth

Children's diseases

The benefits of sports

Proper nutrition

  1. What would you like to learn about health at school?
  2. What would you like to change at school to stay healthy?

Thank you! You helped us a lot.

You, dear parents, were asked to answer the questions of the questionnaire “Health in my family.

Analyzing the answers of parents and children, we can say that the creation of conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle depends on the specific conditions in which a person lives, on the economic condition of the family in which the student is brought up, on the attitude of the child himself, on his needs and opportunities, on desires and aspirations of the family - to be healthy.

7 . Please listen to a parable on this topic.

Parable. This story happened a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown. But there was a man in the city who envied its fame. And so he decided to come up with such a question that the sage could not answer it.

And he went to the meadow, caught a butterfly. He planted it between closed palms and thought: “Let me ask the wise man: tell me, O wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?”

If he says - alive, I will close my palms, and the butterfly will die, and if he says - dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.

The envious caught a butterfly, planted it between the palms and went to the sage. And he asked that one: “Which butterfly is in my hands, oh wise one, is it alive or dead?” And then the sage said, “Everything is in your hands, man!”

Conclusion: everything is in the hands of the person himself, including health.

  1. And for this, parents must create such conditions so that the child can avoid the first factor - inactivity. Movement as a form of physiological activity is an indicator of physical health, inherent in almost all living things and plays important role in the development of the human psyche and intellect.

In a growing organism, some excess of motor activity is created. There is the concept of "biological sufficiency of movements."

For example, the minimum norm for the number of steps per day for an adult is 10,000, and a student must take 25-30,000 steps per day.

If parents have overweight, then 80% of children have it too.

People who do not exercise have a 20% higher heart rate. This leads to rapid deterioration of the body. According to statistics, 20% of children born develop flat feet. This is due to muscle weakness.

  1. The second factor is the stressful impact during training and the overload of the educational process by many disciplines.

Increasing psycho-emotional stability.

According to research materials, not active emotions, but passive ones are especially dangerous for any person and student: despair, anxiety, timidity, depression. That is why it is necessary to develop positive thinking which is achieved through hard work.

It is important to teach the student to rejoice even in his small victory, and even more in someone else's luck. Learning will only be effective when the student experiences the joy of learning.

Parents should also remember that only in a strong, friendly, prosperous family, where there is a comfortable environment and understanding parents, where mutual understanding and love reigns, where conflicts are internal and quickly resolved, only in such a family to raise truly healthy offspring.

  1. The third factor is an unbalanced diet. Proper nutrition is what parents should take care of in the first place, wanting to see their child healthy. Once the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates gave mankind advice“Eat to live, not live to eat”. No one has yet challenged Socrates, but few follow his advice. Parents should not forget that adherence to a diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition is not easy to organize. Care must be taken to ensure that various foods and chemicals are correctly combined in the child's diet.

Balanced diet. Food must be rational chemical composition and contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Be harmless and safe. Even in ancient times, it was known that proper nutrition is an indispensable condition for a long life.

Modern scientists have found that the main eating disorders are an excess of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, a deficiency of fruits, vegetables and berries, as well as a violation of the diet.

Parents also need to remember that children in the younger school age you need to eat at least 4-5 times a day and adhere to the following rules: variety, moderation and timeliness of nutrition.

Should a child be forced to eat if he refuses? You can’t force it, assessing your desire to eat, the child listens to the needs of his body.

Do children need to eat first courses? Yes. Used only second courses do not cause sufficient separation of gastric juice, food for a long time lingers in the digestive canal, wanders and irritates the mucous membrane.

In addition, you should teach the child to eat slowly, chewing food well, not to engage in extraneous activities while eating.

  1. The fourth factor is non-compliance with the daily routine.

The importance of sleep for children.

A special place in the daily routine is given to sleep. The younger student spends a lot of time at school, he is mobile, easily excitable, so he needs a good sleep. First-graders need to sleep 11 hours, and students aged 8-10 up to 10 hours a day.

Proper sleep provides rest, high performance, prevents overwork, headaches, weakness, irritability, tearfulness.

And if a child chronically does not get enough sleep, he develops a neuropsychiatric disease.

  1. The fifth factor is non-compliance with hygiene requirements.

Hygiene requirements when doing homework.

Air-thermal mode is one of important factors environments that affect the performance and health of children. Hygienists have established that in the room where the child works, there should be a temperature of 18–20 degrees, relative humidity up to 60%. Temperature measurement is carried out in the center of the room at the height of the child. Mandatory is the daily implementation of wet cleaning and ventilation of the room.

Light mode - can prevent overload, stimulate the development of the visual analyzer, prevent the occurrence of myopia. The most optimal location of the room for lessons is the south or southeast side. Not allowed for indoor use dark colors. Red color is used only as signals. Warm tones are recommended - orange and yellow, you can use shades of green. Can be used artificial lighting in addition to natural. In the month of December, the light must be on until 10 am and from 2 pm. Then, every month, reduce the additional light regimen by 1 hour.

Furniture and other items of equipment also affect the health of schoolchildren. The level of the tabletop should be 4 cm above the elbow of the freely lowered arm of a seated person.

If the chair is too low, the student is forced to raise the right shoulder high, and if the chair is high, the child is forced to hunch, and this all leads to a curvature of the spine.

Therefore, it is better to prepare home lessons like this:

1st lesson - phase of training, lessons of medium difficulty.

Lessons 2-3 - lessons of maximum complexity.

Lesson 4 is easier.

The duration of continuous reading in elementary school is as follows: 10 minutes for students in grades 1–2, up to 20 minutes for students in grades 3–4.

The same time is allotted for working with a computer.

  1. The sixth factor is the lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families.

The Law “On Education” (Article 18) places all responsibility for the upbringing of children on the family, and all others social institutions(including school institutions) are called upon to promote and complement family educational activities. W health is the peak to which everyone must climb himself. The task of parents is to create conditions for the child to advance along this path. And in this, nothing can replace the authority of an adult. Therefore, parents themselves must accept the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health. There is a rule:"If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise he will have nowhere to lead!".

  1. So let's sum up all of the above.

How to form in children right attitude to your health.

Be attentive to the formation of figurative-verbal associations in children, especially those related to attitudes towards health.

Form a positive attitude towards the physical self in the child.

Remember that your attitude to health affects the child's attitude to health "Teach by showing, not by telling."

Remember that in order to reinforce the habit, the praise of an adult has much more greater value than condemnation.

  1. Meeting decision

The parent meeting of primary school students decided:

  1. To form an active life position in students. Lead a healthy lifestyle, understand the need and role of physical activity of students.
  2. To be an example to your children in everything, to help the school, the teacher to maintain and strengthen the health of students.
  3. To form an idea of ​​what is useful and what is harmful for the child's body.
  4. To teach children to determine their state and feelings, to develop positive emotions.
  5. Learn how to improve and maintain your health.
  6. Teach safety rules while doing various kinds activities, to form the correct working posture when doing homework.
  7. Remember, dear parents, that our health, the health of our children is in our hands! We wish you all good health!!! Thank you for your cooperation!

Parent meeting

Subject : "Healthy lifestyle".

Target: To acquaint the parents of pupils with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservation of the health of preschool children at home and in kindergarten. Formation in parents of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their own health and the health of their children, increasing pedagogical competence parents in the use of health-saving technologies at home.

To draw the attention of parents to problems related to the health of children, their modern and full mental development and preparation for school.

To develop a sense of unity, cohesion of the MDOU and the family in matters of children's health improvement.

Participants: parents, educators.

Previous work:

2. Questioning of parents.

Implementation plan.

1. Opening remarks.

2. Conducting competitions.

3. The final stage assembly.

4. Summing up the results of the meeting.

5. Video films, slides.

Dear parents, hello! It seems at first glance, what a simple and ordinary word. But everything is in it: warmth, and meetings, and a handshake of friends, and a wish for health.

The poem "What is hello."

"What is hello"

The best of words

Because "hello"

It means: "Be healthy."

So today we will talk about the health of our children.

More and more often, questions related to the health problems of children - the younger generation of our country - are heard in the media, from the lips of teachers, doctors, parents. In the era of computer technology, the invention of new machines, which, it would seem, are called upon to help a person, freeing from domestic problems, in the era of an irreversible process, there is a tendency to worsen the health of children.

A child's health depends on a number of factors: biological, environmental, social, hygienic, as well as on the qualitative interaction between the family and preschool educational institutions. It is impossible to form a positive attitude of the child to a healthy lifestyle without active participation in this process, teachers, all kindergarten staff and, of course, the direct participation of parents.

No wonder they say: "A child learns what he sees in his home"

Only through close cooperation can we expect real results in changing the attitude of children to their own health.

The main task in realizing the goal is to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils.

Everyone knows that human health largely depends on reasonable, careful attitude to him in childhood and youth. A person can make up a lot of what nature lacked for him, hardening his body and increasing its endurance. But at the same time, it can also become a spender of one’s health, treating oneself thoughtlessly, leading wrong image life.

Therefore, the most important duty of parents is to instill in children the skills to preserve and strengthen their health. The words of Academician Bykov can be attributed to all:

“Our trouble is that for the first time we think about our health only when the mechanism is already “broken, and we need to think about fixing it”.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child's health is laid, intensive growth and development, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is not possible.

On how successfully it will be possible to form and consolidate the skills of a healthy lifestyle in children, the real lifestyle and health of a person subsequently depends.


The main goal of the kindergarten is to help the child grow up strong and healthy together with the family, to let the child understand that health is the main value of human life.

The created system for the formation of a healthy lifestyle allows you to form functional system"Health of the child and the foundation of the culture of the future adult", which includes:

a positive attitude towards physical exercises, games and hardening procedures, personal hygiene rules, adherence to the daily routine in the family and preschool educational institutions;

motivation to study exercise and involvement of parents and children in sports;

initial skills of natural movements of a general developmental nature, correct posture, protection of vision, knowledge of one's body, the usefulness of products, the ability to navigate in space, the prevention of flat feet, culture of behavior, independence;

the level of physical fitness corresponding to the standards of the preschool educational institution.

Healthy lifestyle! So what is a healthy lifestyle? Only one that does not harm health, allows you to maintain high level performance, wellness and moods.

The kindergarten regularly hosts:

morning exercises (complexes have been developed for all age groups);

physical education;

classes in the pool;

preventive actions:


breathing exercises

 hardening (barefoot)

 outdoor games and game exercises

The health and development of preschool children largely depends on the correct organized meals in DOW. Rational nutrition of children preschool agenecessary condition their harmonious growth, physical and neuropsychic development, resistance to infections and other adverse environmental factors.

The problem of improving children's health is not the work of one day of activity and one person, but a purposeful, systematically planned work of the entire staff of an educational institution on a long period. Therefore, we, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, will continue to expand the use of health-saving technologies, modern health programs and methods.


And now we invite you to be a little child. Let's play with you. So…….Q&A?????

Task number 1.

Please answer a few questions:

What does a healthy person mean?

-What is a healthy lifestyle"?

-What bad habits of children have a bad effect on their health?

What good habits should be instilled in children so that they are healthy?

And now we invite you to listen to your children's answers to the same questions.

Video report. ????????????

Your opinions and the opinions of your children coincide in many ways. And it pleases.

Agree to feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful. As the ancient Greeks said:

"In a healthy body healthy mind!".

A lot of proverbs and sayings about health are composed by the Russian people.

Task number 2.

We offer you the beginning of a proverb about health, and you must choose the right one from the options offered to you.

Those who do not smoke and do not drink will save their health.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.

If you give sports time, you will get health.

Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age.

Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.

Treat yourself, only spoil.

Not happy with a sick and golden bed.

A person's illness does not paint.

Task number 3.

Solving pedagogical situations.

And so our meeting came to an end. And now I want to offer you the game "Join Hands".

(Sitting at the table in a circle. Everyone wishes something to the neighbor on the right and takes his hand. The action continues until the circle closes)

Our thread has not been interrupted and I hope that we will always fight together for the health of our children, we will also be close friends and support each other in difficult times.

After all, good deeds, friendship is also health.

Dear parents. Remember that the health of the child is in your hands!

(Distribute printed sheets with the material to parents).

And now we invite you to the health lounge. There you can try health teas made from medicinal herbs.

Parents go to the tables where there are several teapots with brewed herbal teas (lime tea, breast tea, relaxing tea) and sweets (dried dried apricots, dates, prunes).