The best paint for blondes: shades and brands

We all use the services of a hairdresser, but sometimes you want to experiment, try your hand at hairdressing or simply save money. When it comes to dark dyes (including natural and tonic), everything is not so difficult. But as for the blond, the task here is much more difficult. It is very difficult to go from another color to a "clean" blond, not to mention any of its shades.

And to dye your hair without yellowness is completely “aerobatics”, sometimes not even all masters cope with this task. Sometimes you have to visit the salon more than once or twice.

Which is not always convenient in terms of time, and it’s not very pleasant for the wallet.

To get a blond color from any other color, you need to rid your hair of the pigment and then. The pigment is dissolved by the oxidizing agent that paints contain, it is not always able to dissolve the first time. Left, even in not in large numbers on the hair, the pigment already looks like a yellow or orange canvas, not always monophonic. The wrong approach to dyeing hair in light can cause great damage to both the structure of the hair and the scalp.

When bleaching fairly dark hair (especially black), shades from red to yellow are often obtained. Even professionals in the salon do not advise to abruptly switch from black to blonde. After bleaching, the hair is tinted with light brown, natural blond, etc. To bring out the black color, you need to contact a very experienced specialist and follow his advice.

It is also worth considering individual characteristics native pigment. If even in a good salon your hair remains with a warm shade, your peculiarity is to blame, of course you can fight it, but at the same time additionally injuring your hair.

Poor-quality or expired paint can also cause yellow strands, and storage of such a product is also important. You need to buy cosmetics in trusted stores and do not forget about the expiration date.

Many colorists claim that even particles of rust in water can give hair an unwanted shade when washed. It is advised to use distilled water immediately after dyeing, and for further hair washing (especially blond), use mineral water, or at least purified with a filter.

How to dye your hair so that there is no yellowness

In order for both the appearance and health of the hair to be in order, it is better to turn to an excellent specialist in their field. But, firstly, it can cost a lot, and secondly, it is not always possible to get to a good master.

If you still decide to dye your hair yourself, you need to follow some rules:

What colors do not give a yellow tint to the hair

Even dyes that initially contain cold shades can leave an unpleasant yellow color on the hair if they are used incorrectly. There is a colorist rule: paint does not lighten paint. This means that it makes no sense to apply a different color to originally dyed hair, because. the reaction will be unpredictable, only damage to the hair without a change in color is possible, or the result will be far from desired. Before starting work, you need to “prepare a clean canvas”, i.e. lighten hair (wash native pigment).

If you focus on the advice of the manufacturer, then you should pay attention to the labeling of products. On some paints, the manufacturer directly indicates “no yellowness”. Or choose colors: mother-of-pearl, ash, pearl, silver, arctic blond.

Professional brighteners and brightening paints give an almost “pure blond” if used correctly.

How to remove yellowness from hair if it appeared after dyeing

Yellow tint can be neutralized with purple. You can take (download on the Internet) a color wheel and see the colors that are opposite each other: they are able to neutralize each other.

Even in the salon, to neutralize the yellow (orange) tint, they use products that have blue, and more often purple hues.

The beauty industry now has a huge amount of products (shampoos, masks, balms) for “removing” the yellow tint. It should be borne in mind that some of them additionally dry the hair, and with frequent use they can give the hair a platinum tint or even a bluish overflow (this applies to tonics).

In this case, color masters use the so-called color correctors, which are able to neutralize unwanted shades, but it is very difficult to work with such correctors, because their use is recommended only in beauty salons. You can also use folk remedies, they act very gently and are not always effective.

For example, a decoction of chamomile, which can slightly lighten undyed hair, can only lead to dry hair that has already been dyed.

How to properly care for your hair so that yellow color does not appear

The hair has already been dyed with the help of a specialist or on your own, the color suits you quite well, but yellowness may not appear immediately, but after some time. To avoid such an unpleasant moment, you need to choose special care.

So, yellowness appears on the hair, most often when lightening the hair. Lightening is a very difficult and sometimes not fast process. Blonde color care is also quite expensive and time-consuming. Choosing such a color, you need to be prepared for certain difficulties. But if the color suits you, then it's worth the fight.

The main thing is not to overdo it, if the natural color is too dark or black, it is not advisable to resort to a complete hair lightening procedure, because. any, even the most gentle clarification, harms the hair. And the difference between regrown roots and the rest of the hair will be too noticeable. In this case, it is better to use the currently fashionable methods of coloring, which do not imply a uniform color of the entire length of the hair.

Action plan: choose a good master or learn how to do everything yourself, choose a good (and better professional paint), be patient and care products. Then enthusiastic looks on the hair are provided.

Modern hairdressing provides various options for dyeing hair, depending on the wishes of their owner. Most say to themselves: “I want to be blonde,” because this image is dictated by the standards of Barbie, which since childhood has been a real ideal for most girls. However, in addition to the question of how to dye your hair blonde, you should also ask yourself how to do it without harming your hair, especially if the original shade is dark or dark blond and a dramatic change in color is required.

The most important negative point is that the fair sex dyed herself, but at the same time she became not “blonde”, but yellow. In addition, often “I want” and “result” do not justify each other at all. With improper and unprofessional coloring, the hair gets the most damage, looks lifeless, like tow, splits and falls out. In order not to bring your hair to such a state, it is necessary to carry out staining according to all the rules.

Salon methods

For those who do not dare to take risks, and also lighten their hair for the first time, it is advisable to apply for a procedure for turning from a brunette to a blonde in a salon. It is undesirable to carry out the primary procedure at home, since the most harmless thing that can be obtained as a result is yellow strands. It may also happen that a girl with thick hair dyed her hair blonde and lost 50% of her gorgeous hair, and the second part of it turned yellow. A sharp loss of strands occurs in case of improper use of the composition or if the composition was of poor quality and caused a lot of harm.

Nevertheless, the salon is not a saving place where a brunette who said to herself: “I want blond hair!” will be made into a blonde in a matter of hours. When choosing a master and preparing for the procedure, you should consider some features:

  • The procedure for the first repainting of a brunette in a “blonde” deserves special attention from the master. The transition from dark to white is not “dyed and that’s it.” This procedure requires special formulations and adherence to the correct technology.
  • You should not try to appeal with terms that are completely unfamiliar to a person who is far from hairdressing. No need to try to find on the Internet a picture of the future color that fits the native hair color type, be it light brown or black. To prevent the hair from turning yellow in the end, it is necessary to entrust this activity to professionals.
  • For a consultation with the master, you can take a photo of the hair that you liked the most. However, it should be borne in mind that the skin color of the model should be correlated with the skin color of the future owner of blond hair.
  • When answering the question of whether to dye your hair blonde, you should be prepared for the fact that the desired result is not always obtained the first time. The appearance of yellowness is possible even with an experienced master for a light brown shade. To get the effect of "platinum", you need to go through several clarification procedures, each of which will require a certain exposure.
  • Proper home care is a prerequisite, especially if yellowness could not be avoided the first time. You should not wash your hair every day, you can not use metal combs and combs, you need to give up ironing and protect your hair from the sun.
  • The transition from brunette to blonde occurs through the use of a special washer. This composition is very active, which often leads to thinning of the hair. Accordingly, if the hair is naturally thin and sparse, it is not recommended to change their color so drastically. Often, the result of the first staining, even in salon conditions, is yellowness. This is corrected in later steps.


Despite the possibility of salon coloring, most representatives prefer the transition from brunette to blonde at home. Before that, you should find out all the pros and cons of the procedure, and only after that decide how to dye your hair blonde. In principle, if your shade is naturally light brown, then it will be quite possible to independently make the transition from one color to another. Owners of pure black color, it is advisable to still contact a specialist.

Thanks to the modern development of hairdressing, there are a large number of hair lightening products on the market that are considered professional. Previously, such technologies were available only to salon masters, but now the corresponding products are sold in ordinary stores at an affordable cost. Also, before moving from a brunette to a blonde, you should soberly evaluate your hair - you should not subject your hair to such a tough test, which is not distinguished by health and brilliance, as well as density.

Preparing for staining at home requires taking into account several nuances.

  • If the structure of the curls characterizes them as thin and fragile, it is advisable to give preference to extremely gentle means, even if the native color is light brown or light.
  • The transition from a dyed dark shade to a blonde requires certain preparations. It is forbidden to color the strands four months before the planned clarification. During this period, the black pigment is completely washed out of the structure of the strands, which will allow blonding to go easier.
  • You can wash out the pigment from the hair structure with the help of special washes, which bleach the strands in a couple of procedures, but here you also need to be prepared for the fact that this does not spare the hair at all.
  • If your color is naturally light blond or light, then the paint must be purchased with an ammonia content of 3% or 6%.
  • Self-coloring requires special care in order to obtain a uniform color. If possible, it is advisable to ask someone to help with the coloring of the back of the head. It will be very difficult to achieve uniformity in this area on your own.

In addition to special preparatory work, it is also necessary to pay attention to some recommendations for bleaching. If possible, blonding is still better to entrust to professionals.

  • If, after staining, the color of the curls does not suit you, after a short period of time, you can repeat the procedure using paint, the composition of ammonia in which will be 3% or 6%.
  • The ends of the hair are colored differently than the root part. If they turn out darker than the roots, you can cut them off a little. This often happens if the original shade is unevenly blond.
  • If, despite the correct choice of paint and adherence to the staining technology, glimpses of yellowness have made themselves felt, it is not difficult to get rid of it. It is enough to dilute the ash-colored tonic with water, then rinse your hair in it.
  • To avoid staining pink, a preliminary consultation with a colorist is necessary, even if the original shade is light brown.
  • Blonde curls, especially if there has been a radical change in shade, require careful care. Otherwise, such hair will look ugly.
  • It is not difficult to take care of bleached scalp, the most important thing is to observe regularity in this at home. It is desirable to use various masks and balms of specialized lines. Masks can be made independently, using only natural ingredients that are useful for nourishing hair. The following tips will help you keep your dyed hair in order:
  1. It is advisable to wash your hair with cool water, as hot destroys the scales.
  2. After bleaching, it is advisable to use a decoction of chamomile as a rinse after washing.
  3. Do not comb wet hair, as this leads to brittleness and deformation, and also contributes to hair loss.
  4. It is desirable to use one series of shampoos, masks and balms, which will complement each other qualitatively.

Hair coloring in BLONDE without yellowness / At home

Probably every owner of naturally dark hair at least once in her life dreamed of golden or platinum curls. But the fear of “turning yellow”, or even completely “balding”, stops each time from fulfilling the dream. ELLE asked the best colorists to dispel these and other fears.

Olaplex Training Ambassador in Russia

Today, the blonde has received its next rebirth. With the advent of convenient and effective care products, the blond has returned in earnest and for a long time - on its own or as a preparation for the now fashionable color staining. Go to Instagram or Facebook. Since the advent of Olaplex, there has been almost no celebrity left who would not become part of this trend: from to.

A good colorist has always been able to make a decent blonde: 10 years ago, and now. But coloring is a chemical reaction that the colorist cannot change. He only combines their consistency and aggressiveness in the correct order, starting from the initial state of the hair. However, thanks to new technologies and products, there are significantly fewer contraindications for experimenting with color. But still a luxurious blond is the privilege of the strongest colorists.

There are many options for blonde hair. Let's say the rooty-blonde effect is as popular as ever, when the roots seem to have grown. The key word is "as if". Such staining is no cheaper than correcting the color of the roots every 3-4 weeks. As Karl Lagerfeld says: “Beauty does not require sacrifice. Beauty requires money.

The job of a colorist is only half the battle. The other half is hair care. Just as clothes from your favorite designer have care instructions, so your colorist must advise the right products, explain the sequence of actions. And you need to follow his advice. As practice shows, buying everything you need and using it correctly is not the same thing.

Now there is everything to make hair care easier, more effective and, most importantly, more enjoyable than ever. Not only formulas, but fragrances, textures and even bottles have become real works of art.

Aveda Leading Hair Specialist

Lightening is the most complex and expensive of salon services. You can't rush here. And as part of brightening products should be a lot of caring oils and protective proteins.

Neglect of home care is one of the causes of hair loss as a result of lightening. To prevent this from happening, you need a moisturizing shampoo, a repairing conditioner, an intensive mask every third wash, a leave-in protective cream and silicone-free oil.

After staining in the salon, you need to do a deep care. This is a necessary condition for the beauty and health of curls. After a 6-7 hour lightening procedure, not every guest agrees to spend more time. Therefore, in Aveda, all hair care procedures take no more than five minutes.

Cardinal changes require special care habits. When lightening, the hair is exposed to quite a strong effect, so they need to be taken care of. Home masks and salon treatments are a must for blondes.

When you get tired of being a blonde, returning to your color is no less difficult than becoming a blonde. The dark color is washed off very quickly, the paint does not hold well on bleached, porous, damaged hair. Therefore, again, you can not do without regular maintenance of color and care.

Art Partner Redken

The process of a radical change of image, as a rule, is accompanied by great risk and imposes a huge responsibility on the colorist. The task of a professional is to correctly, but honestly, pronounce all the possible consequences.

Hair after dyeing can fall out in strands only if the scalp was burned and the follicles were damaged in the process. But in the conditions of professional beauty salons, where they work with high-quality products, this is practically impossible. The most negative consequence of lightening is brittleness.

The lightening process entails a deep effect on the hair. This is accompanied by damage to the structure of the hair, including the cuticles, which are responsible for shine. But with the right strategy for further care and coloring, this problem can be solved - the hair will be shiny again. However, it is worth remembering that the refractive index of light in dark hair is much higher than that of light hair.

Quality blond requires investment. The most important thing you should not save on is a professional colorist. It is he who will help you choose the shade and staining technique that will be ideal for you. Now there are a huge number of highlighting and lightening techniques (from balayazh to babylights), which allow you to color once every 2-3 months, or even less often.

According to the theory of color, which experts use for any staining, cold pigment is the most unstable. Unlike, say, golden warm tones. If you have chosen a cool blonde, you will need to maintain it regularly to avoid yellowing. The better the quality of the hair, the more beautiful and stable the color will be.

The process of returning to a brunette is not easy. If you just apply a dark dye to light hair, the result will be distorted, desaturated and unstable. However, there are certain techniques for returning from blonde to brunette. This is a specific process, but if it is done correctly, the new dark color will be completely natural and stable.

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Of course, there is a fashion for hair color, as well as for other details of appearance.

If you have a naturally attractive, unique color, then there is no need to paint them. If, in your opinion, it is not expressive enough, then it should be given a more interesting, fashionable shade to make the overall look brighter. In this case, it would be quite appropriate. Many women are interested in: from a brunette?

Do not change your hair color too drastically. This applies just to the transformations from brunettes to blondes. This is quite impractical, because with such a contrast, you will have to tint the roots every 12-15 days. It is best to just slightly change your natural color by staining, for example, to give it a richer and deeper tone. In the event that the natural hair color and the color after dyeing do not differ so much, it will be possible to tint the regrown roots no more than once a month.

However, it is not difficult to repaint without harm today: modern paints practically do not harm the hair (except for those that strongly bleach by several tones). Today, there are paints on sale, the composition of which is designed in such a way that they even improve the structure of the hair, make it more silky and shiny. Such paints can not only improve the structure, but even cure dandruff and make the hair thicker.

In order to turn from brunettes to blondes, the so-called "blonding" is necessary.

"Blonding" (bleaching) is the least gentle procedure for hair. That is why, having weak, thin curls, such a procedure must be approached very carefully. It is best to use the highest quality dyes from reputable companies to avoid unpleasant surprises.

If you decide to dye your hair from brunette to blonde, a preliminary consultation with a hair stylist would be a good option. And in general, it is best to go through the procedure in the salon. However, if you still decide to paint yourself, then you should strictly follow the instructions indicated on the product packaging.

Women with very thick hair will need to go through 3-4 stages of lightening. In this case, the breaks between stages should be about a week. No matter how high-quality the paint is, you need to understand that in the end this can lead to the fact that the curls will become thinner, and may even begin to fall out.

Before starting the staining procedure, it is imperative to conduct a test for the tolerance of brightening preparations. To do this, apply a small amount of clarifying agent to the bend area on the elbow. If after some time (the interval should be indicated on the package) you do not have redness or irritation, you can safely proceed with the procedure of turning from brunettes to blondes.

You need to paint unwashed, a little. The procedure can take from 25 to 40 minutes, depending on the original color. After the time specified in the instructions, the hair must be washed. warm water and dry.

However, remember the main thing: no matter what hair color is chosen, blondes and brunettes, girls who take care of their hair, will always look attractive and well-groomed.

Cardinal changes in appearance are carried out not only due to plastic surgery. One of the fastest transformations is not only changing hairstyles, but also repainting in a different color. Especially a large number of people who want to transform from a brunette into a charming blonde.

In domestic conditions, only owners of blond strands can transform into a fair-haired beauty with a minimum risk for hair. Brunettes should be extremely careful, as there is a huge risk of burning their hair and making it a lifeless mop.

How to dye your hair blonde from brunette

First of all, of course, you need to decide where you will perform the procedure: at home or in the salon. The master has a procedure for washing off paint from hair, which includes the complete removal of black pigment, neutralization of yellowness and restoration of the natural color of curls.

If you do not have enough experience at home coloring, or if there are no acquaintances who have done similar procedures, then it is best to find a good specialist who will skillfully change your image, and with minimal damage to your hair. Also, the master will help you choose the right shade of blond that suits your color type.

What color will it be?

When washing off black or dark Brown the most unexpected shades of strands are obtained. But there is only one rule: the darker (blacker) your curls were before decapitation, the “yellow” the shade will turn out. The master will need to try very hard to restore your image to its former naturalness. But it is easiest to get the following shades after washing:

  • - almost natural blonde, but this color will turn out only after re-dyeing with a purple mixture;

It will be more difficult to get these colors:

  • strawberry blond;
  • any cold shades (the hair will have to be dyed again, and maybe more than once).

Naturally, the pigment created by a dark shade cannot be removed the first time.

Brunettes will need to go through at least three lightening sessions. The more procedures a girl undergoes, the more her curls become thinner and much more hair falls out.

In order to avoid the manifestation of allergic reactions, it is recommended to preliminarily conduct a test that determines the tolerance of the clarifier. You will find how to carry it out correctly on the packaging of the purchased composition.

Clue! With a cardinal change in color, it is important to consider that you can maintain an even shade by regular, monthly clarification of the roots.

However, if you have already encountered painting at home, then there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. In this case, you only need to purchase suitable brightening and coloring agents, and follow the instructions impeccably. This will allow you to dye your hair as economically as possible, and without leaving your own home.

Below you can see photos of celebrities who were not afraid of radical changes in appearance. Let's take a look at whether they did well or badly.

Drew Barrymore: Good.

The actress is much more light curls with barely noticeable bronding.

Good: Highlighted curls give volume to the hairstyle and emphasize brown eyes.

Good: Scarlett Johansson's dark hair only accentuated her large features. highlighting the curls made the face of the actress more harmonious.

Good: Britney's natural hair color is blonde. We are not used to seeing her as a brunette.

Bad: Rachel McAdams looks more fragile and delicate as a brunette.

Good: despite the Mexican surname, Cameron Diaz is a blonde by nature and in life. Dark curls looked out of place and did not go to her complexion.

Bad: Despite the fact that we are used to seeing Bridget Jones as a blonde, a neat dark hairstyle makes Renee Zellweger sophisticated and age.

Good: such alien features are best emphasized with a shade of bright blond.

Bad: too much highlighting and flashy yellowness. This is what self-washing of color leads to.

The Bad: While Jessica Alba looks very delicate with her blonde hair, the dark locks look great with her brown eyes and bronzed tan.

Bad: Natural dark-haired girls Jessica Biel and Rihanna shouldn't change their color so drastically.

Bad: the blond makes the light-skinned Emma Stone simple, but the dark curls successfully emphasize the graceful features of the face and make the image more adult and serious.

Bad: With blond hair, Angelina looks like a moth. But dark curls - what you need!

Bad: if you have a natural skin tone - swarthy, dyeing blonde is not for you.

Good: before this, the color was unsuccessful, and the regrown roots did not improve the image at all.

Good: a boring dark has been transformed into a multi-faceted light armoring.

Good: not just a well-chosen color, but the image itself hits the mark.

From brunette to blonde: the negative side of lightening

  • If a girl has problem skin, then light curls only focus on redness and pimples.
  • Aggressive dye does not have the best effect on the health of the hairs, and can weaken them and set them on fire. In addition, hair loss increases.
  • Bleached hair is less easy to style. Curls are obtained only when using hot or cold styling.
  • After each wash, you will need to use rinses, because without special tools it is not possible to comb the clarified strands.
  • If the lightening procedure is abused, a significant violation of the structure of the hairs is possible. In this case, the hair loses elasticity, becomes weakened and extremely brittle.

Of course, the most harmful is the first lightening session. Chemicals that contain brighteners adversely affect the hair and dry it severely. Due to this, excessive brittleness, porosity is formed. Dry curls tend to get dirty quickly and, without care and styling, will look like straw.

Due to dryness, the hairs become brittle. Of course, on light curls, the broken ends are less noticeable due to the characteristic white tint, however, the process of caring for them is more difficult.

For example, wet curls can break right in your hands, you just need to gently pull the tip of the strand with your fingers. Laid curls, of course, break much less, but, due to dryness, they require intensive care, they should be constantly washed, which causes a lot of trouble, and possibly tears to its owner.

In addition, staining entails damage to the scalp, which causes some discomfort. The process of separating particles may begin, which will remain in the form of white flakes on clothes and hair, as well as redness and swelling.

Clue! When using chemicals, you should take care of the skin of the face and hands. It is forbidden to use lightening if you have dull, brittle and dry hair with split ends.

Coloring natural strands

It is not so easy to transform into a blonde from a natural brunette. The structure of dark hair is characterized by its extreme density and rigidity. In this case, to eliminate the pigment, you will need to go through about 3-4 lightening sessions.

One procedure will not be able to turn you into a blonde, a good example of the result obtained is shown to us by the photo "before and after". After the first clarification, only a copper-yellow color is obtained.

If you notice that the strands do not respond well to lightening, then take a break. You can try again after a week.

If the natural color has a cold tint. then painting will not cause any special difficulties. If the initial color is dark chestnut, then the result will be an unpleasant yellowness.

Clue! You can use the highlighting technique, it is a smoother transition from dark to lighter.

Choosing a shade and coloring agent

If you still prefer salon coloring, then, of course, you have nothing to worry about. The stylist will independently select the necessary means of the necessary power, which will wash the red and dark pigments. However, if home staining was chosen, then the coloring material will have to be chosen independently.

  • Mass production clarifiers

These are the most popular brands that are provided for your choice in any specialty cosmetics store on the shelf with paints. The level of clarifier is selected depending on the initial color of the hair - the darker the color, the higher the level. Be sure to pay attention to the lightening illustrations provided and take into account the manifestation of red pigment.

  • Bleach powder

Such a product is provided to our choice by professional cosmetics stores. It can be purchased both in the exact dosage for a certain number of uses, and in packages. To the powder, you need to buy an oxygen agent, which provokes a bleaching reaction. There are oxygens of various concentrations: 12%, 9%, 6% and 3%. Its concentration depends on the type of work to be carried out. Of course, the higher the concentration percentage, the more damage the oxygen does to the hair.

When the remedy for removing the dark color has already been purchased, it is imperative to choose a paint of a suitable shade. Blonde paint will help to achieve a single shade, in addition, modern coloring compositions help restore shine to hair, because after bleaching it disappears.

Also now used paints that create multicoloring. This effect allows the hair to be saturated with different shades of blonde, creating a beautiful visual game, and the color becomes attractive and more saturated.

Choosing the right color is not difficult - go to the mirror and take a look at yourself. Pay attention to your look, the color of your eyelashes and eyebrows, skin and eyes. These components will be great helpers in choosing the right blonde color.

For darker skin tone (tanned or naturally swarthy), golden shades of blond are more suitable. This will create a warm, inviting look. And the lighter the skin, eyes and eyebrows, the paler the shade should be.

staining methods

The main methods of dyeing a blonde from a brunette are:

  • Classic color scheme. It is a uniform application of the coloring composition along the entire length. And you can achieve a single color.
  • Coloring. The technique is performed without clarification, and the strands are painted in any shades you like.
  • Highlighting. It involves dyeing individual strands in lighter colors.
  • Balayazh. It involves coloring only the tips, due to which the hair takes on a voluminous look. Clarification is carried out with special solutions.

Lightening is a rather complicated procedure. It requires a lot of time and a professional approach.

To do this, you can use the following staining methods:

Acid wash, which allows you to gradually repaint the strands from dark to lighter.

Ordinary peroxide is used to burn out the natural pigment. Upon completion of lightening, the hair is repainted in the shade you like. This method is considered one of the most harmful, after which the strands become duller.

Henna can be used at home. To get a lighter shade, add a decoction of chamomile flowers to the solution. This procedure will not harm even with frequent use.

Clue! After a perm, hair coloring is strictly not recommended, as this can lead to stains. Experts do not advise lightening the color more than 2-3 tones. This will keep them healthy.

Coloring at home

To lighten the strands by 3 tones from the natural color, oxygens 12%, 6% and 9% should be used - a white transparent liquid in one and a half to two liter bottles, it is also sold for bottling. To save money, you can immediately purchase a small bottle of the required concentration and a jar of clarifying powder - supra. The higher the percentage of oxygen concentration, the more aggressively it affects the strands.

Some representatives have already discontinued 12% activators. So which one is better to choose, nine or six? "Nine" requires strict control of exposure time, otherwise there is a huge risk of completely losing hair. With the "six" you also need to be careful and it is important not to overdo it, but it affects the hairs a little softer.

You need to mix blonders in a ratio of 1: 2. For one scoop of blue powder, you need two tablespoons of liquid oxygen. Products are mixed in a plastic bowl immediately before being applied to the strands. Work should be done with gloves and a brush for staining. Put on a protective peignoir and an apron for the one who will brighten you.

There is an even safer option - to purchase brightening paint in the store.

The procedure for lightening hair should be carried out in several stages.

Before applying the paint, the hair should be divided into two zones and secured with special clips. You need to start with the parietal zone or the lower occipital - as it suits you. The main thing is to recede 2 cm from the roots during the first clarification. You need to apply the product as quickly as possible, the hair should “bathe in the paint”, as the hairdressers say, in this case, high-quality staining, without any stains is provided. First, a strand 2 cm wide is separated, after which it is dyed along the entire length and combed with a non-metallic comb.

Having processed the first part of the hair, we move on to the second. You will need to have certain application skills. Another option is safer: brightening paint from the store.

It is necessary to have certain skills in applying paint, since the exposure time lasts 30-35 minutes, and begins from the moment the last strand is dyed, when all the hair is in supra. If the procedure already lasts half an hour, and the final is not close, then seriously worry about the hair zone, from which it all began. In this case, you need to finish the remaining hair as soon as possible, and after 15-20 minutes try to wash off the composition from the first half of the dyed hair - of course, this is rather inconvenient. So better hurry: Apply faster and comb through faster. In no case do not overexpose and, if necessary, after a few days, do the clarification again.

With timely application and exposure time, as well as the absence of an allergic reaction, wash off the supra after half an hour - 35 minutes. Rinse with shampoo!

During the re-staining process, the product is also applied to the root zone. This procedure is usually repeated until the desired result is achieved.

At the end, be sure to apply a balm that helps restore the hair structure.

After each session, it is important to assess the degree of hair loss.

Clue! Before staining, be sure to protect your hands by wearing gloves, use a cloth to cover your shoulders and a special brush.

Away with the yellow tint!

If you have decided to become a blonde with a cold tint, you will be frankly upset and annoyed by the penetrating yellowness. Based on the laws of color, we know that yellow can be muted with purple. So that you don’t have to spend a lot of time on professional paint for a month - you can buy a tonic, it works superficially with the hair, which means it is quickly washed off and does not harm the hair at all, it is diluted with water and used as a rinse after each shampooing. The main thing is to do it evenly so that the result is not stained. Comb through and don't overexpose to avoid becoming too purple. The choice of the purchased product depends on your financial capabilities, which you can allocate for yourself.

More recently, special paints have appeared on the professional formulation market that destroy yellowness, which irrevocably eliminate unpleasant yellowness.

But not professional, but popular advertised shampoos like "Gliss Kur", "Nivea", and others are series for blondes, in which the emphasis is on golden hues, not cold at all. Accordingly, the products contain yellowish shades with small sparkles. For cold blondes, this is superfluous.

Coloring curls in the salon

For high-quality staining, it is worth contacting an experienced, proven master. This is a great guarantee of the success of the safety of the procedure. For each case, a professional will find an individual approach, and will take into account the depth of the original color and the condition of the hair.

Basically, the wizards offer the following methods:

  1. Brightening a brunette in one session, for which high concentration brighteners are used.
  2. Bleaching in three stages - one session per week. The master uses preparations with a lower concentration, after which toning is performed.

Clue! In salons, painting starts from the root zone and is distributed over the entire head. Next, the master refines the strands along the entire length and combs them.

Further care for bleached curls

After the dyeing procedure, the hair will be extremely damaged. Your hair will become dry and more likely to break. Now your main task is to intensively care for them.

After removing all the flaws, be sure to purchase products for colored hair, such as masks, shampoos and balms. They are good helpers in color retention.

Without fail, you will need to make a mask of strong impact at least once a week. You can use paint for dyed curls, purchased from a professional store, or a mask of oils, prepared at home. It is important to use moisturizers such as shea butter, coconut oil, or argan oil. It is also important to purchase shampoos with the same oils.

When combing, apply a leave-in soap to your hair to help protect the ends from damage.

For the first time, give up blow-drying and hot everyday styling.

Add vitamins of groups E and A to your diet - they will help you in general, plus they are very useful for hair.

To achieve an unnatural beautiful blond, you will need to make a lot of effort, spend a lot of time and money. If the desire for reincarnation overcomes these obstacles, then the way of life will also change. what if you get bored? Do not rush to return to a dark color, because you still cannot return the previous state of the hair. And you will need to allocate a little extra time for hair care and styling. Now you need to wait until the new hair with natural color grows back.