Lesson on the development of speech in the middle group. Lesson on the development of speech in the middle group: "Journey to the country of Beautiful speech

The manual presents approximate plans classes on the development of speech and the familiarization of children 4–5 years old with fiction; recommendations on the organization and conduct of classes are given.

The book is addressed to a wide range of workers preschool education, as well as students of pedagogical colleges and universities.

Valentina Gerbova
Classes for the development of speech in the middle group of kindergarten
Lesson plans

Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna - candidate of pedagogical sciences, author of manuals on the method of developing children's speech and introducing them to fiction.

From the author

Successful implementation of program objectives depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life preschool, the atmosphere in which the child is brought up, from a specially given, thoughtful developmental environment.

The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children, and all employees of a preschool institution who communicate with preschoolers during the day.

The system of work on teaching children the native language, familiarizing them with fiction is presented in the works of V. V. Gerbova "Development of speech in kindergarten", "Introducing children to fiction" (M .: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005).

Manual "Classes on the development of speech in middle group kindergarten", written in the framework of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten", edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, complements the recommendations in the most important direction pedagogical activity- purposeful and systematic teaching of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to give educators approximate guidelines for planning classes (determining the topics and goals of training, ways to implement them).

Features of the development of speech in children of the fifth year of life

In the middle group, intensive work is envisaged to deepen children's knowledge about various subjects. The passive and active vocabulary of preschoolers is enriched by words - the names of parts and details of objects, their qualities and properties (color, shape, size, texture, etc.), as well as concepts that characterize spatial and temporal relationships.

Children are taught to use generalizing words in speech, for example: clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes, vegetables, fruits, flowers, birds, animals; group familiar objects and classify them (dishes: tea, tableware, kitchenware; shoes: summer and winter).

The vocabulary of preschoolers is replenished with words that reflect the relationship between people.

Children begin to use the names of military professions in speech: sailors, border guards, pilots etc.

By mastering the vocabulary of a language, children also learn its grammatical structure. In the fifth year of life, preschoolers begin to master the ways of forming nouns with suffixes of emotional and expressive evaluation, nouns denoting baby animals, as well as some ways of forming verbs with prefixes and degrees of comparison of adjectives.

In the speech of children of this age, simple common sentences predominate. The number of common sentences with homogeneous members (additions, definitions) is increasing. Offers with similar circumstances appear.

Relatively freely, four-year-old children use compound sentences, both non-union and with unions. a, and, as well as complex sentences (as a rule, with additional clauses and clauses of time). The number of complex sentences with subordinate clauses is increasing.

At the same time, while expressing detailed judgments and at the same time following the course of their thoughts, children find it difficult to simultaneously follow the grammatical form of their presentation. This is evidenced by errors in the coordination of words in a sentence, omissions of individual members, difficulties in constructing simple sentences included in the complex.

The program provides for teaching children of the fifth year of life the ability to use grammatical correct forms words, in answers and stories, express their thoughts in complete sentences, the meaning of which is clear to others. The solution of these problems requires systematic, purposeful work of the educator.

The requirements of the program for teaching conversational (dialogical) speech to four-year-old children are reduced to the formation of their ability to listen and understand speech addressed to them, participate in a collective conversation, answer questions and ask them. At the same time, it is necessary to instill in preschoolers sociability, tact, restraint - the qualities necessary for a person in communicating with others.

The teacher should teach children to answer questions clearly and meaningfully, while trying not to disturb the liveliness and emotionality of speech, its originality. However, the content of the child's speech, the completeness and consistency of statements is determined by the richness of his vocabulary and the degree of mastery by grammatical means language. Therefore, the development of coherent speech should be carried out in conjunction with the formation of a dictionary and grammatically correct speech.

A special place in working with middle-aged children preschool age takes teaching storytelling. The children are taught to compose stories about the subject, according to the picture; come up with your own picture using handout pictures that specify the topic given by the teacher (meetings in a forest clearing, on seabed etc.).

The sound side of the speech of children 4–5 years old also differs in some features: on the one hand, preschoolers have a developed susceptibility to the sounds of someone else's speech, on the other hand, the ability to recognize defects in their own pronunciation is not sufficiently formed, imperfect motor skills of the articulatory apparatus are characteristic.

The education of the sound culture of speech in children of this age comes down mainly to the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds. mother tongue, especially whistling, hissing and sonorous. Along with the solution of these tasks, it is also necessary to educate children in the sound and intonation expressiveness of speech, the ability to measure the loudness of the voice, speak at a measured pace, pronounce words correctly and clearly, put stress on them, and improve speech breathing.

A special program task is to familiarize children with fiction. In the program, literature is singled out as an independent section, without reference to the development of speech. A work of art is considered as a value in itself. Children need to read every day, forming their interest in reading. You should continue to teach children to look at books, to correlate illustrations with the content of the works.

Features of working with children in the classroom

In the system of preschool education, the leading means of developing the speech of children is education. Learning in the classroom allows preschoolers to master the most complex program material, provides the formation of the necessary speech skills, which are then improved outside of class. Special classes on the development of speech of children in the middle group are held weekly.

By the age of four, in physical and mental development the child undergoes significant changes. However, children of this age are still characterized by instability of attention, inability for long-term volitional effort, increased emotionality and, as a result, a rapid decrease in working capacity.

The formation of many speech skills requires multiple repetitions (for example, when teaching a clear pronunciation of a sound, using a certain grammatical form of a word in speech, compiling a story from a picture, memorizing poems). However, the teacher should offer tasks for repeating the material to the children in such a way that they are perceived by them as necessary and attractive.

In classes for the development of speech, the child has to speak on his own, listen to the explanations of the teacher and the answers of his comrades, but in four-year-old children the ability to tell (express) and listen to peers is only being formed. The teacher must take this into account when conducting classes.

GCD on the development of speech in the middle group "Forest parcel"

Description of work: Abstract directly educational activities for children of the middle group "Forest Parcel". The material will be useful to educators preschool groups. This abstract cognitive activity for preschoolers 4-5 years old, aimed at summarizing and consolidating the topic "Wild Animals".
Target: Expansion of vocabulary and consolidation of knowledge of the names of wild animals in preschoolers.
1. Fixing in speech the names of wild animals, and their cubs, body parts, dwellings.
2. The development of thinking on the material of descriptive riddles.
3. Strengthening the ability to compose a story using mnemonic tables.
4. Development fine motor skills fingers.
Integration of educational areas:"Knowledge", "Communication", " Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction».
Materials for work:
- parcel with locks, letter;
- cards with the image of dwellings of wild animals;
- didactic game: Whose tail? ”;
- subject pictures depicting wild animals and their cubs.
Preliminary work: Acquaintance with wild animals in the classroom on familiarization with the outside world, through outdoor games, imitation of animal movements. Holding finger gymnastics, guessing and inventing riddles. Educator: Good morning, Guys. This morning a parcel and a letter were brought to our group. Let's read the letter.
Hello guys!
We send you a parcel with gifts for you. But in order to open it and find out who it is from, you need to pass tests. For each test you pass, you will receive a key to the lock. We wish you good luck!

Educator: So guys, are you ready for the test? (children's answers)
caregiver: In order to learn how to speak beautifully and correctly, you and I need to do a warm-up for the tongue.
1. "Smile", "Fence"
Our lips smiled
Straight to the ears stretched.
You try "I-i-i" say
Show me your fence.

2. "Tube"
An elephant came to visit us,
Amazing baby,
Look at the elephant
Sponges proboscis pull.

3. "Smile" / "Tube"
If our lips smile
Look - the fence appears.
Well, if the sponges are a narrow tube,
So we can play the flute.

4. "Watch"
One after the other, one after the other
Arrows go around.
You lick both lips

Show me how the arrows move.

5. "Pendulum"
There is a minion in the clock:
To the left is tick, and to the right is so.
You will be able to do this:
Tick ​​and tock, tick and tock?

6. "Swing"
On a fun swing
Tanya and Nikita sat down.
The swing went down
And then they flew up.
Probably with the birds
They wanted to fly.

Educator: Well done, you did a great workout. So, the 1st test is guessing riddles (with the correct answer, an image of an animal is displayed).
What kind of forest animal is this?
Did you stand up like a column under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears are larger than the head.
Answer: hare
Who is cold in autumn.
Walking gloomy and hungry? (Wolf)

This glorious redhead
Lush tail, white belly,
Very scary trick
Chickens in a cage will count
And the owners will be scared
Instantly run away and straight into the forest.
Answer (fox)

In the pit sleeps in the long winter,
But as soon as the sun begins to warm,
On the road for honey and raspberries
Heading off …
Answer (Bear)

I walk in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts.
Answer (Squirrel)

Well done boys. All riddles solved. Here is the first key to the lock. Tell me, what animals did you and I guess riddles about? (children's answers). Why are they called that? (children's answers). That's right, wild animals live in the forest, and everyone has his own house. The next test is called "Who lives where?"

On the tables are cards with the image of an animal and a dwelling. Children are invited to connect the line of the animal and its dwelling. When completing the task, the teacher asks related questions:
Where does the wolf live? (In the lair)
Where does the squirrel live? (In the hollow.)
Where does the fox live? (In holes.)
Where does the hare live? (Under the bush.)

Educator: Great, and passed the test. Here is the second key to the lock. And our next test is called "Name it right."
The child chooses a picture from the series "animals and their cubs" and names:
Fox - fox - fox cub (foxes)
Wolf - she-wolf - cub (wolf cubs)
Bear - she-bear - cub (cubs)
Hare - hare - hare (hare)
Squirrel - squirrel - squirrel (squirrels)

caregiver: Good job. And for this we get another key. And now I suggest a little rest. (physical minute)
Naughty animals.

Bunny jumps on the bushes,
Through the swamp and over the bumps.
The squirrel jumps on the branches
The mushroom carries baby squirrels.
The clumsy bear walks,
He has crooked paws.
No paths, no paths
A spiny hedgehog rolls. They jump on two legs, making "ears" from their palms.

They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.

They go side by side.

They move in a half squat, making round backs.

Educator: We rested, but there is still a test, and it is called “Make up a story”.
The child is invited to choose an image of one animal and use the mnemonic table to compose a story. Children's responses are heard.

Educator: Another test is behind us, and we have another key. There remains the last test "Whose tail?"
On the tables are pictures of animals without tails. The child is invited to find the desired tail and stick it while naming whose tail (fox, wolf, squirrel, hare).
Educator: Guys, all the tests have been passed, let's see what's inside the package (open it, there's a treat).
Educator: Who do you think sent you the package? (children's answers). That's right, the forest dwellers sent you gifts.
The children are given treats.

Winner all-Russian competition"Most Requested Article of the Month" DECEMBER 2017

Age of children: 4 - 5 years

Technologies are used in OD: health escaping technologies, modeling


  • Development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms
  • Develop speech by composing descriptive stories using graphic schemes



  • Teach children to write a descriptive, coherent and consistent story about toys using a diagram.
  • To consolidate the ability to examine an object from perceiving it as a whole to highlighting essential features.
  • In the description - to define an object, to consistently describe parts, properties (color, shape, size, qualities, actions with it, at the end to express a value judgment.
  • Use in speech the names of objects, their parts, parts, materials from which they are made.

Development tasks:

  • Strengthen your pronunciation skills
  • Develop phonemic perception and sound analysis skills
  • Develop the grammatical structure of speech.

Educational tasks:

Demo material:

Bear soft toy, toy description graphic diagram, pictures of various toys, animal pictures, toys for description: doll, car, ball.

Handout: green and red signal cards (per child).

Vocabulary work:

Expand your active vocabulary with quality adjectives.

Course progress.

Organizing time.


All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, a guest has come to us, but who is this guest, you need to guess.

This animal lives in the forest.

He has a brown, warm and thick fur coat.

This animal has large, thick, clubfoot paws.

This beast loves honey and berries.

In winter, he sleeps in a den and sucks his paw.

Children: Bear.

Educator: That's right, children, this is a bear. He hid somewhere, let's call him, only quietly so that he is not frightened.

"bear" quiet (whispers).

Educator: He does not hear us. Let's call the bear a little louder.

Children: Children call the bear by saying the word "bear" louder.

Educator: All the same, he does not hear us. Let's call the bear loudly.

Children: Children call the bear by saying the word "bear" loud.

A bear appears.

Bear: Hello guys. I've been looking at your toys. Do you like to play with these toys? Do you have any favorite toys?

Main part:

Educator: Bear, of course we love to play with the toys that we have in the group. And we will tell you about our favorite toys. Misha, sit down next to us and listen to how the guys will describe their favorite toys. And our scheme will help us describe the toys.

But before we start, let's take a break.

And blueberries grow in the forest
And blueberries grow in the forest,
Strawberries, blueberries.
To pick a berry

You have to squat deeper. (Squats.)

I took a walk in the forest.

I carry a basket with berries. (Walking in place.)

Drawing up descriptive stories according to graphic schemes.


How can you play?

Educator: And also, Mishka, we have funny toy "Roly-Vstanka" , guys, let's show how we play with Vanka-Vstanka.

Physical education: Dynamic pause "Vanka - Stand up" .

Roly-Vstanka, Roly-Vstanka,

Stop swinging. Hands on the belt, torso to the right / left

Sit down for a while. Squats

Walk along the path. Walking

Put on a shirt. Trunk twists

Meet the Tumbler. Forward bends, arms to the sides

Educator: Well done guys. We sit down a little.

Educator: And now I invite you, Mishka, to play with us. Children, take signal cards, if you hear the wrong name of the toy that is shown in the picture, you must raise a red card, if the correct one is a green one.






Bear: And I also know very much interesting game "call me nice" . I will show pictures of animals and you guys have to name them affectionately.

Cat, dog, goat, chickens, duck, horse, squirrel, hare.

Children: Kitty, goat, chickens, horse, squirrel, bunny.

Educator: Well done, guys, they did a good job with the Mishka game.

Bear: Guys, I really liked visiting you. You are very interesting about your toys. I will also draw such a diagram and describe the toys to my forest friends. Thank you. Goodbye.


Educator: Guys, today we not only played with Mishka, but also remembered how to describe toys, played interesting games, you are all great today.

details: Nikitina Olga Alexandrovna

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 10 of the municipality Ust - Labinsky district

Synopsis of organized activities for the development of speech for children of the middle group "Visiting a tiger cub"

Educational area"Communication": continue to form coherent speech skills (description of objects); teach children to choose the right words; to consolidate the assimilation of generalizing concepts: "vegetables", "clothes", "furniture"; to teach children to pronounce the sounds p, p΄ clearly and correctly, to select words with these sounds; to clearly pronounce words and phrases, using the appropriate intonation, to continue to cultivate the ability to identify and name the first sound in a word, to select words for a given sound.
Educational area "Socialization": to form a relationship of cooperation in children, to cultivate the ability to listen to each other, to supplement the answers of a friend.
Educational area "Reading fiction": continue to cultivate interest in Russian folk tales

Material. tiger toy, table theater"Teremok", small toys-chips. 1. Organizational moment.
Educator. Someone came to us (shows a tiger toy). Who is this?
Children. Tiger
caregiver. Right. How does a tiger growl?

2. The game "Who screams how"
Educator. Can a dog growl?
Children. Yes
caregiver. Right. How does a dog growl?
Children. Rrrrrrrrrrr (Choral and individual repetitions of children)
Educator. Can a crow roar?
Children. No
caregiver. What can she do?
Children. Croak
caregiver. How does a crow croak?
Children. Kar-kar-kar (Choral and individual repetitions of children)
caregiver. The crow croaks, and the duck?
Children. quacks
Educator. How does a duck quack?
Children. Quack-quack-quack (Choral and individual repetitions of children)
Educator. How does a cockerel crow?
Children. Kukareku (Choral and individual repetitions of children)
Educator. How does a hedgehog snort?
Children. Frr-frr (Choral and individual repetitions of children)
Educator. How does a piglet grunt?
Children. Oink-oink (Choral and individual repetitions of children)
Educator. How does a cat purr?
Children. Mur-mur (Choral and individual repetitions of children)
Educator. Well done!
3. The game "Who does what"
Educator. Now let's play the other way around. I say quack-quack, and you answer which animal says it and the corresponding action
Children. duck quacks
caregiver. Oink-oink
Children. Piglet grunts
Educator. Kar-kar-kar
Children. The crow croaks.
caregiver. Cuckoo
Children. Rooster crows
caregiver. Purr purr
Children. The cat is purring
Educator. Frr-frr
Children. Hedgehog snorts
4. Game "Tell me a word"
caregiver. Now we will play an interesting game. The task is difficult. Listen to me carefully. I will say: they swam in the aquarium .... And you help me come up with an ending, finish. Who swam?
Children. Fish.
Educator. The fish were swimming right in the aquarium. It grows in the garden ... what grows in the garden?
Children. Carrot.
caregiver. What other vegetables do you know?
Children. Cucumbers, potatoes, beets….
Educator. Mom put on Vova what ...
Children. shirt.
caregiver. What other clothes do you know?
Children. Sundress, skirt, trousers…
caregiver. What is in the room.. what kind of furniture?
Children. Table, chair, bed...
caregiver. Well done! A lot of the right words you helped me choose.
5. Dynamic pause
Two kittens met: "Meow-meow!",
Two puppies: "Aw-wow!",
Two foals: "Igo-go!",
Two tiger cubs: "Rrr"
Two bulls: "Moo-moo."
Look what horns.
6. The game "Tale" Teremok "
Educator. See what little animals came to play with us. These are not just little animals, they came to us from the fairy tale "Teremok", we will play with them now, but only the one who correctly calls it can take the little animal, highlight the first sound in the word with his voice and talk about it.
Children. Mmmmyshka - the first sound m. lllllllfrog - the first sound l ...
Educator. Well done! But look, our tiger cub is in a hurry somewhere, it’s time for him to go home, to his mother. Let's say the magic word to him.
Children. Goodbye.
Educator. And let's say goodbye to him in tiger
Children. Rrrrr.

Elena Danilina
Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group

Abstract of the lesson on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten No. 69"Okay", educator: Danilina E. E.

Subject: Sound culture speeches(sound /f/)

Program content:

1. Exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of an isolated sound, a sound in a syllable, in words.

2. Develop phonemic awareness : exercise discrimination (aurally) a familiar sound, in the ability to differentiate the sounds Zh - Sh in words;

3. Cultivate sound and intonation expressiveness speeches.

4. Expand and systematize lexicon children.

5. Learn to distinguish by ear words with a certain sound.

6. Clarify the spatial relationships expressed by the prepositions ON, UNDER, FOR, BEFORE.

7. Develop fine motor and kinetic skills;

8. Contribute development of coordination of speech with movement;

Equipment: Pictures: eggplant, hedgehog, frog, giraffe, cat, walrus, horse, mouse; blue and green circles; two houses; snake, beetle and cat toys.

The course of educational activities

1. The teacher approaches the children, he has a beautiful basket in his hands and offers to solve riddles.

Who is longer than a stocking?

Who has no arms or legs?

Skin like scales.

Crawling on the ground... (snake) (takes a snake out of the basket)

What is the song of the snake? That's right, Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh ... How does this song sound? Deaf ... Yes? Let's designate it with such a movement (the teacher shows a zigzag movement with his hand away from himself (snake crawling).

Now guess another riddle:

Someone is flying in the dark

Making a loud sound.

Who is arguing with the plane?

Well, of course May .... (bug) (takes out a beetle from the basket)

What does the beetle song sound like? Firmly? And loud! If we put our hand to the neck, then we can feel how our vocal cords work with this sound. Let's try. We will have movements such: put your hands in front of your chest, cross your hands and move them up and down (beetle flies).

Now let's try not to get confused ... (The teacher helps the children to master the relationship between sound and the corresponding movement.)

I will name the sounds, and you try to distinguish what movement you need to make. (Sounds are pronounced w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w)

Well done. Let's sit down on chairs and continue to play, and we will put our heroes in houses ... (the teacher determines the snake in the left house, and the beetle in the right).

Now I will call words with the sounds Sh and Zh, and you have to show what sound is heard in word: (toad, pear, sting, mouse)

2. finger game "Car".

BE-BE-BE - the car is humming. (Palm knock on the left fist)

Knock-knock-knock - the engine knocks. (Knocking fist on fist)

GO, GO, GO, GO (Rolling with hands)

He speaks so loudly.

Tires rubbing against the road (Three hands together)

SHU-SHU-SHU - they rustle.

Wheels are spinning fast (Making a turntable)

TA-TA-TA hurry forward!

3. Now we will play a game "Be careful".

I will name the words, and if you hear the sound Zh, raise the blue circle, if you hear the sound Sh in the word, raise the green circle.

Words: car, scarf, toad, closet, clothes, cherries, flag, mouse, knives, cuckoo, beetle, pear, puddle, bag, pencil.

4. Well done! Let's loosen up a bit!

I'm funny Chafer, (show yourself)

I don't sit idle! (Wag finger)

I circle above the earth - I circle, (Spread your hands, flight simulation)

And buzz, buzz, buzz...

I rise on my toes (make movements in the text)

I squat, straighten up.

Hands in the belt, legs apart

Legs straight, legs - sideways!

My song is buzzer (spread your arms, raise your shoulders)

Tired of everyone. And w-w-it's a pity!

5. And now a new game. It is called "Settled in a house".

I have in my hands pictures depicting objects whose names have the sound Sh or Zh. The sound Sh lives in the left house, and Zh in the right. The one whom I call will come to the board, take the picture, show it to everyone and call it out loud . If the word contains the sound Sh, then it must be placed in a house, which is located on the left side. And if there is a sound Zh in the word, then the picture must be identified in the house on the right. (The teacher puts the first two pictures himself, then the children are called one by one).

6. In conclusion, let's play a little more. Want to?

Solve the riddle first:

He is cheerful as a child.

Grey, sweet... (kitty) .

Right! Who is the mother of the kitten? (cat)

Look, I brought with me a kitty, the mother of that very kitten. Now I'll place it like this... (put the cat on a chair). Where is the cat? (on the chair). And now? (that's right, under the chair). And now? (behind the chair). Well done! What if I put my cat like this? (in front of a chair) .

Patter: "Centipedes have too many legs".

Outcome: Guys, what sounds did we learn to distinguish today lesson?

What did you like? Your tongue is now much stronger and faster.

Well done, everyone tried to be attentive, raised the cards correctly, tried to remember the verses.

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