Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech “Transport. Abstract of the lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language in the senior group


direct educational activities

in speech development in senior speech therapy group on this topic:


PURPOSE: Formation of lexical and grammatical categories on the topic "Transport"


1. Activate and update the dictionary on the topic "Transport".

2. Improve the skill of sound-letter analysis of the word.

3. Improve grammatical structure speech (coordination of nouns with numerals)

4. Develop the skill of word formation.

5. Enrich expressive speech with complex words.

6. Improve the syntactic side of speech (complex sentences).

7. Develop the psychological base of speech.

8. Develop articulatory, fine and general motor skills.

9. To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility, initiative.


Physical development : development of fine and gross motor skills

cognitive development: familiarization with the types of transport and professions in transport, the development of cognitive processes.

Social communication development : building cooperation skills

EQUIPMENT: projector, laptop, split pictures with the image of transport, schemes coding the type of transport, a set of letters for each child, colored chips, an envelope with a letter.


1. Organizational moment.

Children, this morning we received a letter. The inhabitants of the island of Zhelezyaka are writing to you. We have a big problem: the Brake Wizard has broken all the cars. Please come help us fix them.

Well, children, let's help the inhabitants of the island of Iron. Today we are going on a trip to the island. We are waiting for different adventures and difficult tasks, because the wizard Brake will constantly interfere with us. And so - on the road.

First we will go to the bus stop.

2. Main body .

Finger gymnastics.

We walked along the path
And our legs are tired.

We connect all fingers with the thumb (Rings)

Knocking fists against each other

And they are waiting for the bus.

Fingers - to the castle

But we won't be sad for long
Bored on the sidelines

Connect fingers with each other (big with big, etc.)

The bus opened the door for us

thumbs- together, palms - to the sides.

We are now passengers.


Guys, the Brake wizard will let those who, by code, name the type of transport on the bus. (children look at the code, call the transport, go to the places) (see application)

Guys, who works on the bus? (driver, conductor)

What are they doing? (manages, refuels, repairs, washes, sells, keeps order, etc.)

You and I are on the bus, and cars are passing by. Let's count the cars: 1 bus - up to 5; truck, taxi. We arrived at the station, and there is a train on the platform, we will count its cars: 1 car - 5 cars.

Who works on the train? (driver, wagon conductor)

What are they doing? (manages, carries, transports, washes, cleans, meets passengers, checks tickets, etc.)

The Brake Wizard does not let our train through, he arranged the pictures, he says, if you find an extra one, then I will let it through.

The game "The fourth is superfluous"

Steamboat, truck, bus, taxi

Boat, boat, plane, ship.

Bus, taxi, truck, bike.

We have arrived at the station. Let's go for a walk.

Fizminutka. Children stand next to each other in a circle.


We drive our fingers along the neighbor’s back from top to bottom


Same thing from right to left

The train was running late

We knock on the back

Peas suddenly woke up from the last car.
Chickens came: they pecked;

We tap our fingers on the back

Mice came, they gnawed everything

Pinch easily

An elephant came - trampled everything

We knock with fists

The janitor came and swept everything sh-sh-sh

We drive calmly with our hands on the back from top to bottom

Let's go, the train is leaving (Children sit down)

We are with you in the port. What transport comes to the port? (steamboats, ships, boats, ferries, tankers, timber carriers)

Who works on a steamer, a ship (sailors, who cooks food - cook, the most important is the captain).

The Brake Wizard again interferes with us: I will not let the ship into the sea until you encrypt the word COC.

(We perform a sound-letter analysis of the word COC)

Well done!

Our last transfer was a plane. Who works on the plane? (pilot, flight attendant)

What is the pilot doing? What does a flight attendant do? (Controls the plane, steers, monitors instruments, checks tickets, feeds passengers, keeps order, takes care, etc.)

Guys, I just got a message that the Brake wizard has broken the plane. It is urgent to check whether all the details of the aircraft are in place. What does the plane have?

Frame. Cabin. Wings. Tail. Motor. Chassis. Window. (Portholes)

All named, all the parts are in place? We flew.

Here we are on the island. Look at the condition of their transport: broken, rusty. Need to fix it.

Let's play the game "Assemble the car" I tell you 2 words, and you collect 1 of them and you get a new name for the car:

Garbage + haul = garbage truck

Milk + carry = milk truck

Himself + flies = plane

Anywhere+going = all-terrain vehicle

Cement + carries = cement truck

Well done, we collected cars.

And now the last, main task "Fix the car." You need to assemble the picture from the pieces. Children collect split pictures and say:

I fixed the boat.

I fixed the taxi, etc.

Well done children. You were not afraid of the wizard, you completed all the tasks.

3. Results.

What can you praise yourself for?

In conclusion, let's say to each other:

You are super.

Annex 1.

Transport codes

Air Transport

Ground transport

Water transport

Development task: To teach children to generalize, classify vehicles: cargo, passenger, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, visual attention and perception.

Educational speech tasks: make up descriptive story about this vehicle toy with questions:

Exercise in the practical use of words with affectionate and magnifying shades;

Practical use of prefixed verbs;

Match nouns with adjectives in number, gender, case;

Learn to make a whole out of parts (cut pictures).

Corrective task: exercise children in the use of feminine and masculine nouns; expand the vocabulary on the topic "transport".

Educational task: to teach children through game images the rules of behavior in public transport.

Materials: transport toys, transport pictures, cutaway transport pictures, “Bus” audio recording, city panorama with transport image.

Lesson progress

Guys, how did you get to kindergarten today, who lives far away, on what? (walk, car, bus)

Who lives near the kindergarten - came on foot, who lives far from kindergarten- went by bus, car, taxi (the teacher puts the corresponding pictures on the magnetic board). What about a car, a bus, a taxi? (Transport)

What are people who ride in public transport called? (Passengers)

What is the name of the vehicle that helps to carry the load? (cargo)

What cargo can be transported by trucks (Furniture, sand, snow, food, gasoline, milk, etc.)

Pay attention to the panorama of the city, consider the image of transport. Finger game "Let's count".

Let's bend our fingers
(squeeze and unclench fingers)
We will call the transport:
car, taxi,
Tram, metro, bus
(unclench fingers, starting with the little finger)
We clenched 5 fingers into a fist,
5 modes of transport were named.
(squeeze fingers into a fist, starting with the big one).

Who drives passenger and freight transport (driver, driver).

Generalization of the educator: Machines are our helpers, but without a driver they cannot work. The driver must know the device of his car, its parts well.

Do you know what main parts it consists of?

What is the name of the part of the car where the driver sits and drives the car? (Cabin)

Where is the cargo stored? (Body)

Where are the passengers sitting? (Salon)

What part will the car never run without? (Without wheel)

Game exercise "Riding the bus"

Now let's all take a ride on the bus. Who will we be on the bus? (Passengers). And how should passengers behave on the bus and why?

I will speak, and you answer:

Bus stop ( drove off ), to another stop ( drove up ). Then up a small hill entered or moved ) and together with us he is a bridge ( moved ). He quickly into the tunnel ( stopped by ) and from there soon to the gas station ( went, arrived ).

Speech game "At the gas station"

All cars in order
They go to the gas station.
(with both hands “turn the steering wheel” in front of you)
fuel truck, garbage truck,
Milk truck with milk
With fresh bread
And a heavy hauler.

(Fingers alternately, starting with the little finger, touch the palm).

Having refueled, the bus to the exhibition-salon ( arrived, drove ).

In our group, an exhibition-salon of vehicles “Funny Motors” has opened. I'll be the director, and you'll be the car dealers. You should tell about the transport you like and advertise it:

Machine name.

Who is she: describe her appearance, color.

Name the parts.

What is it for.

Listen to 3-4 stories.

Guys, in the distant fairy-tale land of Lilliput, little people live and everything is small: clothes, shoes, and transport.

Game exercise “Big-small”

Cars are our faithful and reliable assistants. But in order for them to serve for a long time, they need to be monitored, repaired in time, put in the garage.

Didactic game "Fix the car"

The drivers pressed hard on the pedals,
The car broke into pieces.
Help, help
Assemble the car from the parts.

Children collect cars in parts (from split pictures). At the end, they say what they did.

And now I'm turning you into a car, whoever wants what. And each of you will leave the lesson with your own signal. word game“Picture the signal of your car” (honk loudly - goodbye, quietly - the cars have gone far).

Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group

On the topic: "Transport"



Summarize knowledge on the topic "Transport",

Form the ability to form adjectives from nouns,

improve sound culture speech,


Develop logical thinking, speech,

Hand motor skills.


To cultivate discipline, a sense of responsibility for what is happening, friendliness.

Dictionary activation:

Airplane, helicopter, car, boat, bicycle, etc., on the ground, on the water, in the air, etc., small, metal, rubber, etc., signal, traffic light, pedestrian, driver, pedestrian crossing, transport, etc.


Plot pictures on the topic "Transport", 2 individual cards for tracing and shading (boat, car, plane; "Traffic lights", a layout of a road section and attributes for it (small cars, toys, traffic lights).

Preliminary work:

Having conversations about the rules traffic, road signs, traffic lights.


1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Listen to the riddles and guess them:

What kind of bird is this: it does not sing songs,

It does not nest, it carries people and cargo. (Airplane.)

Takes off without acceleration

Reminds me of a dragonfly

Takes flight

Our Russian ... (Helicopter.)

Floated on the water

And she took us with her. (Boat.)

This horse does not eat oats

Two wheels instead of legs.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bike.)

The teacher shows a picture for each answer.

2. Didactic games and exercise.

1) Show and name.

The teacher shows pictures depicting modes of transport, clarifies their components, purpose. Then he distributes to each child a picture of one type of transport and explains the rules of the game.

Educator: I will talk about a car, a ship or an airplane. If this vehicle is in your picture, pick it up and name it.

2) "Continue the sentences."

The train goes on the rails, and the bus on (the ground).

The tram is big, and the bike (small).

The plane flies through the sky, and the ship floats on (water).

The bus goes, and the plane (flies).

3) “What, what? ".

metal door; she (what) is metal.

Rubber wheels; they (what) - ...

oars made of wood; they (what) - ...

4) “What we hear is what we repeat.”

Educator: Noisy from traffic on the streets. Let's remember and pronounce the sounds that we hear:

The tires of the car rustle along the road: W - W - W.

The car is stuck in a ditch and is skidding: DZZZ - DZZZ, JZZZ - JZZZH.

The pilot starts the aircraft engine: R - R - R - R - R.

The plane flew: U-U-U.

They start the motorcycle, and it crackles louder and faster: D-D-D, D-D-D.

Children begin to pronounce slowly at first, and then with acceleration.

The train passes by: CHUKH - CHUKH - CHUKH - CHUKH.

Fiekultminutka "Pilot and Aircraft".

At the command of the educator, “motors start” - the children pronounce “r - r - r - r” on the exhale, hold the “steering wheel” and take off “f - f - f - f”. hands are spread like wings and turn on bends - “u-u-u-u”, “airplanes” circle and land on landing - “uh-uh-uh” (children squat).

5) "Trace and color."

Children on an individual sheet circle the boat (airplane, car, etc.) and color it.

6) "Color the traffic lights."

Children, following the example of a teacher, paint over one window at each traffic light in yellow, red or green.

3. Conversation "Traffic signals".

Educator: Where are the cars moving? (On the way to.)

What cars have you seen?

Why do cars stop? (For people to cross the road.)

When do cars stop? (When drivers see a red traffic light.)

What color are traffic lights? (Yellow, red, green.)

At what traffic signal can people cross the road?

What do other traffic lights mean?

The teacher demonstrates plot pictures.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Educator: What transport do you know?

Where can he move?

What games did we play? What did you color?

What signals do traffic lights have?



« Transport»

Prepared by a speech therapist: Krivoguzova O.P.


Correctional- educational:

    Consolidation of the vocabulary and knowledge of children on the topic "Transport".

    Clarify the concept of various types transport (land, water, air), as well as the names of some professions in this area, to consolidate children's knowledge about the details of transport.

    Keep learning:

Use the comparative degree of adjectives correctly

Form adjectives from nouns

- use the verb "to go" with different prefixes,

Make up garbled words

Precise use of prepositions

Write a descriptive story

Correctional- developing:

    Development of visual and auditory attention and memory, phonemic processes (syllabic structure and syllabic analysis)

    Logical thinking.

    Development of constructive praxis.

    Development of tempo-rhythmic components.

    The development of articulatory, fine and general motor skills directed air jet.

Correctional- educational:

    Formation of skills of cooperation, a sense of camaraderie, goodwill, mutual understanding.

    To form the ability of children to work independently, agreeing to achieve a result.

Lesson progress:

    Org moment

“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other

    Main part

I received a letter today. Do you want to know who it is from?


HelloGuys! Writeto youcogAndShpuntikingeniousinventorsfromFloralcities. Atushappenedtrouble, WedesignednewtransportFortravel, ButflewstrongwindAndAllourblueprintsconfused. WepleaseyouhelpusVcreationourtransport.

Children, are you ready to help Vintik and Shpuntik? Great, then you are all enrolled in the team of designers - inventors.

Tell me, why do you need transport?

What is the best way to travel?

What do you think, is it convenient to go on a long journey by trolleybus or tram?

What 3 types can be divided into all transport?

Look at the screen, what do you see? These are parts of what transport?

A game « FromwhatWhich

If the wheel is made of rubber, what is it?

Metal door (what?) - ...

Steering wheel made of plastic (what?) - ...

Leather seat (what?) - …

Glass window (what?) - ...

Well done, and now let's remember the story about the car, which, like the inhabitants of the Flower City, was very fond of traveling.

Be careful, look at the screen.

Fairy tale « Journeysmallcars

Can you tell me who is driving the car? Now get out in the circle, we'll be the drivers.


Let's go, let's go by car

We press the pedal.

We change the speed

We look closely into the distance.

The wipers clean off the drops.

Right left. Purity!

Hair ruffled by the wind.

We are drivers - no matter where!

Children, what are you listening to now? What is that sound?

The plane is flying...

So what kind of transport is this? Which one else air Transport You know? Who is flying the plane? What about a rocket?

Let's compare an airplane and a rocket.

Ball game "Finish the sentences"

The plane flies high, and the rocket ... (above)
The plane flies far, but the rocket ... (more)
The plane flies fast, but the rocket ... (faster)
The plane is powerful, but the rocket ... (more powerful)
The plane is big, but the rocket ... (more)
The plane is heavy, but the rocket ... (heavier).
The plane is spacious, and the rocket ... (more spacious)
The plane is long, and the rocket ... (longer)
The plane is fast, and the rocket ... (faster)


Everyone take a plane, we will now send them flying.

Look at the board, there was a nuisance - the words fell apart. Think about how to connect these parts to make words.

Read the words, how many syllables are in each word?

Do you think it is possible to travel by ship?

Yes guys, it's very exciting and interesting, you can visit different countries, cities, see a lot of new things.

So let's design a ship for Vintik and Shpuntik, on which they will go on a trip with their friends.

    Independent work(construction)

I invite you to the workshop. Sit comfortably, in front of you are parts of the ship. I suggest that the boys take on the most important job - to collect parts, and the girls will help you and make the ship beautiful.

Let's see what we got. Children, what do you think our ship lacks? That's right, every ship has its own name.


D - what is the first sound in the word house?

R - what is the last sound in the word ball?

U - name the sound that is located in the middle of the word beetle.

F - what sound does the word giraffe begin with?

B - name the first sound in the word letter

A - name the sound that is located in the middle of the word poppy.

Read the word we got.

What is friendship?

    Summary of the lesson

Well done, I really liked how you worked today, what masters you were. We worked together, harmoniously and were a team.


Organization of continuous directly educational activities of children in the preparatory group for school on the topic: “Transport. Types of transport".

Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the group preparatory to school on the topic "Transport. Types of transport." This material will be useful to educators preparatory groups. This abstract cognitive activity aimed at enriching the active and passive vocabulary.

Priority educational area: speech development.
Target: formation of coherent grammatically correct speech.
Educational areas: social - communicative development, cognitive development, physical development.
Educational tasks: deepen and consolidate the names of transport.
Development tasks: stimulate conscious speech activity develop phonemic perception and hearing, develop visual attention, develop auditory perception, develop skill correct use in the speech of relative adjectives and coordinate adjectives with nouns.
Educational tasks: develop the ability to work in a group; listen to each other's answers.
Preliminary work: a conversation about various types of transport, about transport professions; viewing illustrations; doing physical exercises and finger gymnastics on this topic.
The developing object-spatial environment of the NNOD topic: Carlson, ball, cards with transport, the Traffic Light module, audio recording of transport sounds, counting sticks, video presentation with a diagram for composing a boat and a sailboat from sticks, video presentation for reflection, sound accompaniment.
Planned result: In the process of interaction teacher - children NNOD deepen and consolidate the name of the modes of transport, stimulate conscious speech activity, develop visual and auditory attention, encourage to build a speech statement in a situation of speech communication, develop fine and gross motor skills, bring up the ability to act in a group, listen to each other's answers.

motivational stage.
1. Guest Carlson.
- Guys! We have guests here today. Oh, who else is this?
- Excuse me, can you land here?
- What?
- Well, what! Let's land!
- Please sit down ... (Sits on a chair)
- And so, we continue the conversation! So I flew to you in order for you to help me! I had a problem, I have already become old and my propeller is acting up ... and in general I am the most unfortunate person in the world .... Is there any jam?
- No.
- Well there is no way! So I haven’t been to my grandmother for so long ... I missed her so much, and the propeller is acting up ... I’m afraid I won’t get to her. Can you tell me how to be?
- Will the guys help Carlson? (-Yes)
Sounds music "flies" Carlson.

Main stage.
Types of transport.
- Let's tell Carlson about the modes of transport that we know.
- What are the modes of transport? (air, water, ground, underground).
- (Carlson) Why are they called that?
Why do people need transport? (carry goods, people, clean the streets).
- What is the name of the transport for transporting people? (passenger).
- Stand up those who found pictures on the table with passenger transport, and tell us what kind of transport is shown in your picture.
- What is the name of the transport for the transport of goods? (cargo).
- Stand up those who found pictures with a cargo mode of transport on the table and tell them the same way.
- How can you name snowplows, garbage trucks, truck cranes in one word? (special)
- Stand up those who found pictures with special vehicles on the table.
- Fire engine, "ambulance" - what is this transport called? (operational).
- Stand up those who found pictures with operational transport on the table.

What is the name of the transport that does not move by land, not underground, but not by air? (water)
- Stand up those who found pictures with a water mode of transport on the table.
- And what is the name of the transport, which is depicted on the remaining pictures on the table? (air) (underground)

Educator: And now we will play with you.
One, many game.
(children pass a toy in a circle to the music, on whom the music stops, he calls what kind of transport, divides the word into syllables, names the color, pronounces in the singular and plural shown on the slide).

- (Carlson) Wow! Wow how much do you know!
- Tell Carlson, do you know how to use a traffic light?
- I thought it was just a multi-colored lantern, why use it?
Guys, stand on your feet behind your chairs.
The game is called Green, Yellow, Red.
I will show you the traffic lights, and you will follow the commands.
on a green signal - walking in place,
on yellow - stop,
on red - sit down

- (Carlson) But I’m completely confused ... Did you know that this transport of yours also emits different signals ...
-Of course they did! Now we will tell you!
I will include you different sounds, and you tell me what kind of transport can sound like that. Agreed? - Yes. Then get ready to listen carefully.
- ship sound
- train sound
-car sound
- aircraft sound
Guys, you are so great! Correctly named all types of transport.
- (Carlson) Well, now it has become clear ...

Get up in a circle, the next game is called "Details of transport ..."
I will take turns throwing the ball to you and naming the transport, and you must name any detail that this transport has and return the ball to me.
For example:
- The car has wheels.
-Airplane has wings, etc.

And now I will name the transport, and you give me a profession.
- Boat?
- Captain, sailor.
- Car?
-Driver, etc.

So far we have been playing Carlson and the guests have completely sat up. Let's do a workout for them!

One, two, three, four, five (walk in place).
We will call transport.
Passengers are carried on the ground (clap their hands).
Car, bus and train (rotate an imaginary steering wheel in front of them).
The plane is taking off (raise their arms to the sides and shake them like an airplane wings).
The ship is sailing on the sea (they connect their palms, depicting the bow of the ship, while slightly shaking their hands, as if the ship is swaying on the waves).

Guys, while we were doing a warm-up, Carlson whispered to me that he flew through the air, walked on the ground, but never rode a boat! And I think we can help him. Let's make a boat out of sticks. But first, let's turn our conventional handles into magical special exercise.

Children pronounce the words and hit their fists on their palms.
Stop, car, stop, car,
Stop, stop the car!
Stop, car, stop, car,
Stop, stop the car!
We say the same thing in a whisper.
We shook our hands, we sit down at the tables and quickly get to work!
Laying out figures from sticks according to the model.
The boat is on the shore
A fisherman is fishing from a boat.

- (Carlson) Guys! What have I been sitting with you! My grandmother is waiting for me! And make me such a boat so that I instantly find myself in it!
- On a sailboat he quickly rushes to right place.
A boat sails with a sail
Calls to travel.

The final stage(reflection).
- Carlson tell me, did you like visiting us? Are you still coming to us? Was it difficult for you?
- Of course I will! You are the most best friends in the world! It was hard but I learned so much today! And I remember everything! Thank you!
-Guys, was it difficult for you? Take the magnets and put them on the boat if it was difficult, on the car if it was a little incomprehensible and on the plane if everything was easy and interesting!
- (Carlson) Well ... I flew! Oh, I almost forgot! I have prepared a game for you! Shall we play?
- Yes!
- I call transport, and you also tell me any transport but with the last letter.
For example:
Boat to you on "A"
Car, the next word starts with "L", etc. Speech development (communicative activity)
Conversation. Carlson slide.