Congratulations on the Day of Passenger Transport Workers. Congratulations on the day of the motorist to the workers of the transport workshop in prose

Day of the motorist- one of the most folk holidays. After all last sunday October is considered "their" not only by representatives of the driving profession, but also by a huge army of motorists. Between "motorists" and "motorists" today an equal sign is increasingly being put, and any newcomer, even who has sat behind the wheel less than a year back, also feels a sense of belonging to this date.

Workers Day road transport established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N. Podgorny and Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. Georgadze signed a decree establishing annual holiday"Day of road transport workers", which should be celebrated on the last Sunday of October.

Later, the same decree dated 07.11.96 No. 1435 was signed by the President Russian Federation"On the establishment of the Day of road transport workers and road infrastructure". By this decree, President B.N. Yeltsin confirmed the continuity of traditions. That is, road workers were also involved in the celebration of the Day of Motorists. Probably, this caused some controversy, and a little later, in accordance with the decree of Russian President V.V. Putin dated 23 March 2000, the professional holiday of road workers began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of October.

Who is a real driver? A simple person with a driver's license who knows which color of a traffic light is red and which is green? Yes, he certainly must know. And it can also be safely called the rider of the "iron horse" and the conqueror of freeways, sometimes weather-beaten and slightly smelling of gasoline.

But, a real motorist is one who also knows very well where is right and where is left. Who never confuses a brake pedal with an accelerator pedal, or a carburetor with a gearbox. Which, even in the dark, will find where the car's engine and gas tank are.

And what is most important is that a true motorist values ​​life. Because, being behind the wheel, it doesn’t matter a moped or a thirty-ton truck, he values ​​human life above all else.

He understands that in motion his vehicle poses a potential threat to the health of people in other cars, and sometimes slow pedestrians. And he also understands that speed is good, but the most important thing is to return home safe and sound. Moreover, not only to him alone, but to all participants traffic.

Congratulations on the Day of Road Transport Workers.
Wishes of the motorist

Cars rush on the ground,
Bogatyrs are driving
You're no stranger to road dust
Today in Pskov, tomorrow you are in Tver.
Happy Driver's Day today!
Neither a nail nor a wand - we say.
Happiness, health and good luck
We want to wish you today.

The roads are not safe today
Today our city is both empty and clean:
Today marks a personal holiday
No, not a driver - a motorist!
And you are called by this proud word,
And it seems to us - this is not without reason;
We wish that in a new car
There are places for all your friends!

Congratulations on the Motorist's Day in verse

Happy Motor Transport Workers Day
Congratulations to you today!
Do you like driving cars?
Turn the steering wheel and press on the gas:
On a trailer, in the cabin, body
And on the bus every hour
You carry goods around the planet,
You are taking us on business.
Repair and wash
Yes, sometimes you take risks.
You cost a lot for the country;
Everyone is a master or a hero!
Also, stay healthy always.
At the helm - like for the first time,
And supernova roads
Fortunately, let the wheels rush you!

Having memorized the alphabet of driving,
Road conquerors,
Who knows a lot about repairs -
Admiration and delight, our congratulations:

Dear ladies, boys, rockers, ministers,
To all hardworking locksmiths:
Neither a nail nor a wand for you,
Farta and roads without holes, motorists!

He came pretty fast.
And they couldn't help but notice!
The smile of a motorist
Thick handlebars will not hide!
I wish you a clean road
The machines are strong, and besides
Do not hear the police whistle
Among the houses and dirty puddles.

On the Day of the Road Fans,
We congratulate with all our heart
All whom the gods have chosen
Rule the track and fate.
May the bright angel keep you,
Day and night on the way
So that to your cherished goal
You could always come.
To wait for your families
Dads, breadwinners and husbands,
We will warm you with our faith,
And we will return home soon.

Good luck and good weather
Let the adversity go away as soon as possible!
Driver, I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Reliable car, and you - do not rush!
Let the ride be excellent, comfortable,
And joy always brings you!
And let them wait at home with great love,
After all, happiness, the driver, is quite worthy!

Congratulations on the Motorist's Day in prose

Cars are one of the most important achievements of modern civilization. And an important professional achievement that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker. Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward, along frozen icy roads, among hot sands and gloomy swamps. Continued success in this!

Dear owners, amateurs, auto mechanics, drivers and everyone who is related to road transport! On this day, I sincerely greet you with the Day of the Motorist - the main holiday for users of wheeled vehicles. On this day, you are all equal among yourself, and congratulating you, I congratulate the whole country: there is not a single corner in it where there would be no car. Therefore, I wish the whole country two things that cannot exist separately - proper movement and mutual respect! Happy holiday to you, friends, colleagues, like-minded people!

Accept congratulations on the Day of the motorist, on the day of the driver, those who can proudly consider themselves to this glorious profession, that is, the majority of the population of our country. Almost every adult on October 28 will consider himself involved in this holiday.
What do we want to wish the whole army of motorists: both those who have professionally connected themselves with motor transport and the so-called "amateurs"? Of course, first of all, an accident-free situation on the way, straight, wide and even roads, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect for them, health, family well-being, Good luck! Let only time and space happen to overcome you on your life and automobile routes!

SMS congratulations on the Motorist's Day

Are you driving today?
You go, don't get bored
And with the road together
You celebrate the holiday.
May the driver be lucky
Everything you need will be
Strong tea and sandwich
And the journey is never boring.

Dear friend, you are a good and experienced driver and your car is your second wife. I wish you unearthly good health, smooth and spacious roads, mutual understanding with traffic police. Let your faithful "iron horse" never let you down on the road, and as they say "Not a nail, not a wand"!

You do not know, what to give for motorist's day? PRESENT A FUNNY VOICE CARD ON A MOTORIST'S DAY!

Cheerful and kind audio congratulations on the Motorist's Day on service Grattis: poems and songs. All motorists and professional drivers celebrate the holiday, so congratulations will be relevant for millions of people.

Your friends will receive an incoming call and hear the musical postcard, comic voice greeting happy motorist day

Funny congratulations on the Motorist's Day

Congratulations, human
Happy day, motorist,
And we wish you tirelessly
Three hundred years rush along the road.
Don't lose your health
Skip other people's slander
Be happy in every way
The main thing is to be in family decisions!

Behind the wheel you are serious and sober,
Well, in life - a joker, humorist,
That's why we love you
The carrier is a motorist.
Your holiday has come, congratulations,
We wish you doubly happiness
To always and everywhere be in order
On your iron horse.

Happy motorist day congratulations!
Just a super-duper for you, friend, I wish!
I wish you can easily handle the steering wheel
And not to confuse the day of the holiday with booze!

With this holiday, friends,
Congratulations to all of you!
No drift, no diarrhea -
That's what we want!
Neither a nail nor a wand to
Never met again...
On the roads - less anger
You would notice!
Let them not grumble at women
evil bastards,
And they won't let you go
Evil jokes!

Congratulations on the Day of Road Transport WorkersOctober 25, 2014

Dear road transport workers!

Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Road transport today is a link between many industries and regions, the economic potential of the whole country depends on its condition. Therefore, the issues of developing the road network and ensuring traffic safety are of particular relevance and require the coordinated work of all levels of government.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without road transport. But we do not even think about how difficult the work of professional drivers, those who deliver the goods, who ensure the smooth operation of enterprises, who work in passenger transport. Well-established operation of vehicles is one of the components of the uninterrupted functioning of the entire national economy of the country.

The Day of Road Transport Workers is a holiday for drivers, workers, engineering and technical workers and employees, heads of motor transport and passenger automobile enterprises, scientists of branch science and teachers of educational institutions. In solving all the problems facing the industry, the experience of veterans of automobile and passenger transport who have given their favorite profession is invaluable. best years life. Head of the Lensky District Municipality Sergei VYSOKIH.

Dear employees of motor transport enterprises, dear motorists!

On behalf of the District Council of Deputies and myself, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of Road Transport Workers.

Motorist Day is a professional holiday of road transport workers, which is celebrated annually in the Russian Federation. This is a holiday not only for drivers, but also for all those who, by virtue of their activities, are somehow connected with cars - repairmen, engineers, heads of motor transport enterprises. Modern life is unimaginable without cars. Without them, the transportation of passengers and cargo, the development of all spheres of life and our Lensky district is impossible.

Thanks to road transport, humanity has a lot of opportunities. Each of us is well aware of how significant the role of road transport in modern life, and especially in the conditions of life in our northern region, when a car is sometimes the only means of transportation through difficult forest routes. Our special gratitude and recognition to those who daily carry a working watch behind the wheel, choosing the profession of a driver as their life's work.

Motor transport is the most important link in the economy - it provides the activity of any developed society. Today, road transport workers face a number of important tasks: further improvement of road transport, ensuring their safety, expanding the range and improving the quality of transport services provided.

The profession of a driver has been and remains one of the most widespread, on the eve of the professional holiday I want to thank all representatives of this industry for their dedication to their work, high professionalism, and responsible attitude to work. Special thanks to the veterans for the years of fruitful work, a huge contribution to the development of the transport system of our region.

Thank you for your loyalty to the profession, for endurance and patience! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you trouble-free traffic on the roads, safe roads, mutual courtesy, reliable cars and green traffic lights! Health and prosperity to all! Marina BALAGUROVA, Chairman of the District Council of Deputies of the Lensky District Municipality.

Dear residents of Leningrad - veterans and road transport workers!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Motorist's Day!

This holiday for us, residents of Lenno, has long become one of the city's favorite holidays. In Lensk, every family has both professional drivers and motorists.

Delivery of cargo to the northern regions of our republic is the main task of professional drivers in Lensk. It is difficult to overestimate the work of our motorists for the development of the economy and social sphere of our city, region and the republic as a whole.

Road transport is a constant movement, but the machine is always driven by a person. Every day local drivers deliver hundreds of tons of cargo to the right addresses, solve the problem of passenger transportation, ensure the operation of enterprises, road construction, trade and construction organizations, medical, educational, fire and many other institutions.

This year, the oldest enterprise in Lensk, LATP-2 PU Almazdortrans, is celebrating its anniversary. I express my special gratitude to all employees of the team and veterans of this enterprise for their responsibility and professionalism in their work!

I think that work driver-Lenchanin worthy of perpetuation. Therefore, soon, as part of the improvement of Lensk, a sculptural composition dedicated to the drivers of our city will appear in the city.

Dear road transport workers!

Your attitude to work, patience and dedication to your work are an important guarantee of the safety and quality of life of people not only in our city.
Thank you for understanding the full extent of the significance of your case, for conscientious work. I wish you health and well-being, success in any endeavors, peace and goodness to you and your loved ones!
And about .g lava MO "City of Lensk" Oleg BRYANSKY.

Dear workers and veterans of road transport!

We heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday!

On the last Sunday of October, Russia traditionally celebrates the Day of Road Transport Workers. The car has long been an integral part of our Everyday life. Every day, hundreds of cars take to the roads of our city, carry cargo, deliver it to work and on business. Road transport is a constant movement, but the machine is always driven by a person.

Hundreds of our fellow countrymen work in this area: drivers, repair workers. Their work is complex and responsible, requiring high professionalism and organization. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of motor transport for the economy and social sphere of our Lensky district. In many localities, it is still the only means of communication, meeting the needs of the population in transportation.

The motorist is a special profession, with its own romance, its own traditions, character and way of life. It's very stressful and honorable work requiring high physical and emotional dedication, professionalism. Motorists successfully solve the problem of freight and passenger transportation, ensuring the life of the entire diamond region.

Deep gratitude to the veterans of the motor transport industry, best traditions which are passed down from generation to generation.

We are confident that road transport workers, multiplying glorious traditions, will successfully solve the tasks facing them, making their worthy contribution to strengthening the economy of our city, ALROSA and all of Western Yakutia.

On this festive day, we wish you, dear workers and veterans of road transport, success in your work, good health and family well-being, trouble-free work and good mood! May you always be lucky on the road! Director of PU "Almazdortrans" - Coordinator of the company's enterprises in the Lensky district Andrey BUKHAROV. Chairman of the trade union committee of the PU "Almazdortrans" Valery SOLOVYOV.

Administration and Trade Union Committee of the Lenskoye Automotive transport company No. 1 PU "Almazdortrans" wholeheartedly congratulate workers and veterans, former employees who are on a well-deserved rest, Happy Road Transport Workers Day!

In our city and at our enterprise, the work of a driver has always been and remains in high esteem. You often have to work in difficult, and even extreme conditions, but you never lose heart, but loyalty to the cause and such sacred concepts as mutual assistance, a sense of elbow, and professional pride help you in this.

Most warm congratulations veterans who dedicated the best years of their lives to their native enterprise. Your work laid the glorious traditions of motorists. Today, these traditions are preserved and passed on to the younger generation along with experience and knowledge.

On the day of road fans, we congratulate with all our heart

All whom the gods have chosen to rule the track and fate.

May the bright angel keep you day and night on the way,

So that you can always come to your cherished goal.

Good luck and health to all, kind words, in the family warmth,

So that huge Russia could travel happily!

Dear employees and veterans of the motor transport enterprise, colleagues!

Driver's Day is a holiday for all, without exception, transport workers. The main values ​​of any transport company are the people who work in it. This year Lensky motor transport company No. 2 turns 50 years old. Looking at the past and present, we can say with confidence that every driver and employee of the department is a high professional. Drivers who travel thousands of kilometers, delivering the necessary cargo for the needs of the joint-stock company ALROSA and the residents of Lensk, as well as all those who ensure the well-functioning work of drivers - all, as one, are indispensable links in one mighty chain of the half-century-old Lena motor transport enterprise No. 2 .

I wish the people working in the transport sector and the staff of the Lensky ATP-2 further well-coordinated work, new production achievements and, most importantly, smooth and accident-free roads! Aleksey EREMIN, head of LATP No. 2, Almazdortrans.

People who have decided to become motorists and deliberately drive a vehicle that can become a potential threat to the life and health of both themselves and those around them have courage, a good reaction and are ready to take risks. Today they celebrate their holiday - the day of the road transport worker. You, their relatives and friends, of course, are preparing to congratulate people dear to you, to please you with beautiful and touching wishes full of professional humor, kind and sincere words, as well as serious parting words. We were able to select on our website the most original and interesting wishes, which combine those feelings and emotions that I want to convey with all my heart to the heroes of today's celebration.

Congratulations on the Motorist's Day in verse

How much do you need to know
To drive a car.
And besides feeling
How else to behave
So that on the road without problems,
To keep everyone safe!
The car to come there
Where the cargo is waiting, and you too!
We are a motorist on your day,
We wish happiness to the monastery,
So that you do not know bitterness,
To make dreams come true! ©

You're driving almost all the time
Fate does not burden you
After all, your passion is with you everywhere,
You are on the "iron", on the "horse"!
You are a mechanic and a minder,
Or easier, motorist!
On your day, we wish the motor
I wouldn't let you down in life.
Even on your day we wish
So that all roads are on the way! ©

All kilometers outside the window,
They fly and you are a little sad,
That's how your days fly,
What did you meet on the way
But that success, and that there is a risk,
Kohl in life you are a motorist.
And that's all you live for
What do you breathe, and all that you expect,
What is inseparable from you
What is the essence of all destiny!
So with your holiday,
We congratulate you on him
We wish in life that always,
The roads were like a string
No incident, no sadness
To bestow joy! ©

Congratulations on the Motorist's Day to colleagues (employees of the convoy) in verse

There is rain, fog and ice,
But we're on the road
To ensure delivery to us,
To report back to the head,
That everything that was entrusted to us,
No longer anywhere, but there,
Where did the cargo go?
And the track is no longer empty,
With seals and paintings,
Don't believe? See for yourself!
And we honor and congratulations,
And there is a reason and a command,
Almighty, who gave us
Dedicated to motorists
At least one day of the year for everyone
Who is near, who forges success,
Colleagues, with our day to all of you,
May life give us the best! ©

Funny congratulations on the Motorist's Day

Freedom is not necessary and leisure,
And in the soul a blizzard and a blizzard,
Once the day passed not on a horse,
Which is already used to!
Your iron horse, then the car,
Here the smell of burning and gasoline,
The engine growls, the tires screech,
About that dream is not by hearsay!
You especially like it
Don't try to convince me otherwise
No, that's not skepticism at all,
And you do not accept anarchism,
And even you don't give a damn
And you're just a motorist!
Congratulations on your day,
We wish you joy, fun! ©

Congratulations on the Day of the road transport worker in prose

This day marks a holiday a large number of people connected in one way or another with cars, from their manufacturers to active users. This type of transport greatly simplifies life, reduces distances and brings people together. Thanks to professional work employees in the automotive industry, we can cover distances quickly, comfortably and safely. And without qualified drivers it is difficult to imagine commercial and private transportation of both goods and passengers. We wish you all that the "iron horse" never fails its creator and owner, serves faithfully and for a long time, and the road turns into pure pleasure! ©

If your acquaintances, relatives or friends are military motorists, then congratulations for them can also be found in the article " Congratulations on the Day of the military motorist in verse". This holiday is celebrated on May 29.

Transport is one of the most important components of our modern world! Congratulations on the Day of the road transport worker! Without you, nothing would have gone anywhere! After all, there is no remote control for the machines we are used to ... Accept best wishes from a person, like you, partial to good cars!

Happy Road Transport Worker's Day! This holiday rushed so fast that it seems that a racing car gave us a lift! Where do we start the fun? Let's bet which car is the most reliable off-road, or which is the most difficult to repair? But since cars are not the most important thing in the world, I can’t forget to wish you love and happiness in your life!

On the Day of the road transport worker, I send you congratulations and strongly suggest that you exchange everything related to cars on this day for our society! Trust me, it won't be boring! I wish you trips to all parts of the world, and maybe around the world! After all, you are with us, as you know, with a passion for travel, so let there be every opportunity for this!

I won’t be mistaken if I assume that you were waiting for the Day of the Road Transport Worker in advance? Certainly less than New Year or a birthday, but still... Please accept congratulations and wishes that are much warmer than the established autumn season!

On the Day of the road transport worker, nature falls asleep in the arms of autumn ... But as always, you are full of energy, so it’s even a little enviable! However, you will need all of them ... To be the first in your work, to fight for happiness ... Which, however, should be easy for you to fall into your hands!

The day of the road transport worker is celebrated relatively recently - about thirty years, and how much has changed in the field of motor transport! And, in general, we live in an amazing time, right? Congratulations! Perhaps the events of your life should be amazing! So that life changes for the better, acquiring new colors, smells, tastes!

On the Day of the Road Transport Worker, I address congratulations to the one who knows exactly what to do with the great invention of man, who has four wheels and a steering wheel! I also send my best wishes of good luck and well-being to a person who really knows how to fairly dispose of the gifts of fate!

Someday cars will not drive, but fly through the air ... On the one hand, there will be no trouble with tires, and on the other, something new will appear from worries! But you, a road transport worker, do not get lost, doing your job, neither in the future, nor now! Congratulations on your professional holiday!

Trouble with an iron horse, perhaps even more than with a simple one! But you easily solve machine-related issues, as if in between times, although you pay maximum attention to each case. Today I congratulate you on the Day of the road transport worker and wish you to achieve the highest success in this area!

To workers of road transport of all kinds, on their holiday - my congratulations! You do not just drive a car, but also keep it in order - at least look under the hood, at least into the salon, at least admire it from the outside, but you won’t find fault with anything! So even in other areas, you always manage to be as diligent and accurate so that the quality of life grows by leaps and bounds!