When will pensions be increased for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. List and rules for obtaining benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The calculation of the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs differs from the calculation of the pension of ordinary workers. But thanks to the calculator below, you will be able to calculate your pension payments without any problems.

The calculator takes into account the following changes.

  • From February 1, 2017, the reduction factor is 72.23 percent of the employee's salary. in 2019, the ratio has not changed.
  • Since January 1, 2018, the amount of official salaries and salaries for military rank has been increased by 1.04 times (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2017 N 1598).

The legislative framework

This calculation is based on the following laws of the Russian Federation:

  • Federal Law “On Social Guarantees for Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 N 878 “On the establishment of monthly salaries for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 1237 “On the size of the coefficients and percentage allowances and the procedure for their application for calculating the monetary allowance of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, and employees of some federal executive bodies undergoing military service (service) in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with adverse climatic or environmental conditions, including remote areas, high mountains ny areas, desert and waterless areas”;
  • Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 288, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 627, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 386, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. 369, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation No. 855 dated July 12, 2007 (as amended on December 25, 2012) “On measures to improve work to determine the qualifications of the flight personnel of state aviation.”;
  • Federal Law No. 93-FZ of April 20, 2015 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2015 and for the Planning Period of 2016 and 2017”;
  • Bill No. 15473-7 adopted in the third reading by the State Duma in December 2016 and approved by the Federation Council in the budget for 2017.
  • Federal Law No. 247 dated July 19, 2011 on social guarantees.

Instructions for using the calculator

  1. Select the salary according to the position or enter the salary amount manually, for this you need to select “Specify the salary yourself” from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the percentage of EFA increase for class qualification (relevant only for flight personnel).
  3. Select a salary according to a special rank, or enter it manually by selecting “Specify salary yourself”.
  4. Select seniority bonus and district coefficient.
  5. In the item “Work experience”, select the percentage of payments (depends on the length of service).
  6. Select a reduction factor.
  7. In the item “Pension in rubles payable”, the due amount of pension payments will be displayed.

Significantly changed the size and conditions of retirement. This affected all areas of activity, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on two key parameters: the salary of the position and the salary of the rank. In addition, the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the length of service, indexation and more.

Retirement of employees of the Ministry of the Interior

Usually people retire at the age of 55 (for women) and 60 (for men). There are people to whom a pension is assigned before reaching the retirement age. These include military pensioners, medical workers, teachers, employees of hazardous industries, etc. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must have at least 20 years of experience in order to calculate a pension. Moreover, depending on the situation, not only the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for length of service, but also for disability, loss of a breadwinner can be assigned.

This bill will come into force in 2019. But the government does not want to stop there. There are proposals to increase the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 25 to 30 years by 2025. The bill has already been drawn up, but has not yet been adopted.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The final amount of the pension will be formed taking into account benefits. They can be conditionally divided into the following types: basic, tax, transport, medical.

Benefits are received by all citizens retiring, but their size, the number depends on the department that will pay the pension. Priority positions are occupied by the military and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Upon retirement, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the following basic benefits:

  1. Getting housing. A pensioner who does not have his own housing has the right to receive an apartment.
  2. Tax incentives provided at the regional level.
  3. Benefits for medical care, treatment, provision of medicines.
  4. Travel concessions.

The state also provides benefits to close relatives of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Among all the benefits provided, pensioners most often use housing and those that are exempt from paying taxes. But it is worth knowing that pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not receive them for utility payments.

To apply for benefits, you must submit the following package of documents to the appropriate authority:

  1. Pensioner's passport.
  2. A document confirming that a citizen is a pensioner.
  3. Documents for real estate, vehicle, land and other evidence confirming ownership.

After the submission of these documents, the tax authority will recalculate and will not further charge taxes to the pensioner.

Medicine for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation seeks medical assistance, then it should be provided to him free of charge, but only if the medical institution belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. In other cases, the patient pays all the costs of treatment on his own.

Once a year, a pensioner has the right to receive a free ticket to a sanatorium, which is assigned to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Travel to the place of rest and back is paid.

Some family members can also hope for benefits, namely, a pensioner can buy a ticket for a family for half of its cost.

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occupy a priority position in the provision of additional social services. However, benefits are not available to everyone. You can clarify what exactly is required in a particular case by contacting the specialists who assign a pension (human resources department at the place of work).

Irregular working hours, low salaries and tense service in law enforcement reduce the number of people who want to become police officers. The pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs helps to attract new employees with decent cash payments in old age. Pension provision for law enforcement officers is based on the law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, with the latest amendments, and the law of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2001 No. 166, which provide the opportunity to receive three types of pensions.

The retirement age in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have such age restrictions as for ordinary citizens. You can retire before the age of 45, you just need to work in the police for at least 20 years. Until the age of 60, a well-deserved retirement is possible if the term of service in the police is at least 12.5 years, and the total length of service is 25 years or more. Reorganization or illness, which makes it difficult to perform official duties, allows you to leave the service if you have the specified work and service record.

The retirement age for some employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is reduced due to the special conditions of service (traffic police), business trips to "hot spots". The time of service in the Armed Forces or in the fire department is counted in the total length of service. Full-time study at a university also counts, with a year of study equaling six months of service.

The amount of pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the monetary allowance of the policeman. Every year, legislators increase this amount, which is taken into account when calculating pensions. According to the amendments introduced by Federal Law No. 430 of 12/19/2016, from 01/01/2017, its size is 72.23% of the amount of salary by rank, position and bonus for length of service. Multiplying the result by 0.5. we receive the final pension for employees of internal affairs.

The pension of Russian police officers who served in areas with difficult climatic conditions is higher due to the increasing "northern" coefficient. When changing the place of residence, pension provision is maintained in full for persons who have at least 15 years of service in the Far North, and 20 years in an equivalent area.

By disability

The amount of financial assistance for persons with disabilities depends on the conditions and causes that led to the loss of disability of varying degrees. Disability pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are divided into 2 types:

  1. injured during the performance of duty;
  2. who fell ill during the service or received injuries not related to official duties.

The amount of the pension is calculated as a percentage of the monetary allowance for the corresponding rank and position of a retired police officer at the time of injury. Disability pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are:

  • for category "a" - 85% for groups I and II, 50% for group III;
  • for category "c" - 75% for groups I and II, 40% for group III.

Confirmation of disability or its change requires regular re-examination: 1 group - 2 times a year, 2 and 3 groups - 1 time. If the examination is missed without good reason, the payment of the disability pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is suspended. After reaching the generally accepted retirement age, a medical examination is not carried out, except in cases of a written application from the pensioner.

insurance pension

Persons serving in the Department of Internal Affairs are entitled to the amount of two pensions - insurance and seniority. The insurance pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is paid to men upon reaching the age of 60, to women - at the age of 55 if they have fifteen years of insurance experience, and the value of the pension coefficient is 30. The insurance period includes the period of labor activity that is not taken into account when calculating length of service.


In addition to the increased pension content, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are financially encouraged by the state with various benefits:

  • unused vacation is financially compensated;
  • upon dismissal, seven salaries of monetary maintenance are paid;
  • a one-time social payment is provided to improve housing conditions, subject to established rules. At the time of leaving
  • to retire, the former employee must be registered for financial assistance. Pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, raising three or more children,
  • is more likely to receive the required amount;
  • housing purchased at the expense of the budget can be transferred to a disabled person of groups I and II of category "a".

In addition to direct payments, there are benefits that significantly save the pensions of police officers.

At the regional level, additional benefits are provided in different amounts. In Moscow, pensioners of the internal affairs bodies have free travel on public transport, and in St. Petersburg they buy a ticket at a reduced cost.


By the end of his service life, a policeman has a whole bunch of diseases. In gratitude for the years given, the state provides benefits for medical care:

  • Purchase of a voucher for 25% of the cost for treatment in departmental health or sanatorium institutions. Family members purchase vouchers for 25% more. You can use the benefit once a year. Travel to the place of rehabilitation is paid from the funds of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Free prosthetics, except when expensive materials are used. The disability pension of ordinary police officers does not allow for expensive repairs and the manufacture of dentures.
  • Disabled pensioners receive prescription drugs free of charge and are treated in subordinate polyclinics.
  • According to medical indications, a pensioner restores health free of charge in a specialized rehabilitation center.

In addition to benefits in the medical field, retirees have exemptions in the taxation of real estate.


The procedure for entering a preferential pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is disclosed in the order. N 418 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2005 with additions and changes. An employee who wishes to retire on a seniority basis submits a report to the personnel department of the unit at the place of service. The police officer often changes jobs, so the application must be written in advance, within 3 months before the proposed dismissal. Personnel officers calculate the total length of service and bring the result to the applicant against signature.

It happens that a seniority pension in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not assigned due to a lack of years before seniority. In controversial moments, if the years spent in the police department are not enough, you should go to court with a statement of claim. In this case, you need the help of a qualified lawyer specializing in this area of ​​law. Every year, various additions to existing legislative acts are published, and it is not very easy to figure out the intricacies of lawmaking on your own.

When applying for a pension, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the opportunity to take care of their health and go through the VVK. Based on its results, a decision is made on suitability or unfitness for service. A negative verdict of doctors allows you to get a disability through an examination in a medical and social expert commission.

Economic instability in the country reduces the likelihood that the government will fulfill its obligations to index pensions. The increase in pensions for police officers planned in 2017 was not carried out. Let's hope for the coming 2018.

Pensioners are the subject of special attention in many countries. Mainly because they are getting harder to maintain. Hence the constant talk about raising the retirement age, including for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Russia is no exception, especially in conditions when economic and other sanctions are applied to it, efforts are being made to worsen the lives of its citizens.

In this situation, it is understandable the increased attention that the state pays to military personnel, both those who are in the ranks and those who have already moved into the category of former employees. They are the hope and protection of the state.

The Russian government understands this problem in its own way, from the point of view of the tasks facing it. Minister of Finance Siluanov, in one of his public speeches in February 2015, touched on his favorite topic, this time it was about increasing the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He considered that it would be expedient to increase it immediately by 10 years.

The minister's approach to the problem was reasonably differentiated, such measures should not have affected those who had been in "hot spots", their right to early retirement was not contested.

However, employees who spent time serving in the rear units or in offices, on “paper” work, were considered expedient to take a well-deserved rest a little later.

In any case, the official initiative of the Ministry of Finance, which he launched in 2015, was to increase the length of service to 25 years.

The proposed bill does not imply any changes in the formulas for calculating pensions. On the other hand, it increases the period giving the right to an increased pension by ¼ of today's length of service, that is, by 5 years. About, what is the pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now and will it be increased, .

Raising the retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016

In 2016, the reform of increasing the length of service for retirement did start. The first who tried it on themselves were the police, but this does not mean that this will not affect the rest of the categories of employees of law enforcement agencies.

The deadline by which all preliminary work in pursuance of the Presidential Decree will be completed is determined by the following framework: November 1, 2016 - October 1, 2017. The reform is accompanied by a reduction in the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about which persistent rumors are circulating, not yet too much confirmed by the facts.

The media circulated panic news about an almost total reduction in the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but nothing of the kind happened. Police officers involved in ensuring the safety of citizens of the Russian Federation are practically not subject to reduction.

What are the rumors going around right now? an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who has worked in the system for at least 25 years can apply for a pension in 2017. And those who planned to retire after January 1, 2019 will have to serve another 5 additional years. The existing experience of 25 years allows you to retire in the future in any age category.

Issues of pensions for employees of law enforcement agencies in 2017 continue to be discussed, both in terms of increasing pensions and in terms of age characteristics. Only those of them who reach a certain age will be able to receive a pension. At the same time, there are options for the transition period, according to which growth will be gradual, for 6 months a year, . But so far they haven't made a decision.

The fact of increasing the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will increase responsibility and retain personnel, but at the same time, as the same Ministry of Finance points out, it will cause an increase in unemployment.

This will affect about 10% of citizens who are currently in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Government officials do not tire of repeating that social spending in the Russian Federation is unreasonably high, and the state can no longer bear this burden. This also applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there is no talk of canceling the intention to implement this bill from the authorities.

However, the debate has not stopped, the decision has not yet been made, and this is encouraging. Moreover, the notorious crisis, although not over, somewhat loosened its grip.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Pensions for law enforcement officers are in the focus of attention of all relevant departments and the country's leadership. That is why the latest news about what the pension at the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be like in 2018 is especially relevant. Issues of pension provision in the conditions of the difficult economic situation in the country.

Reorganization of the pension system

A few years ago, the reform of the pension system was launched in the Russian Federation. Changes are made to it regularly. The reform started on May 7, 2012 with the signing of the Decree "On Measures for the Implementation of State Social Policy" by Russian President Vladimir Putin. To implement the Decree, the Strategy for the Development of the Pension System of the Russian Federation until 2030 was developed and approved.

In subsequent years, the labor pension underwent a transformation, which was divided into an insurance and funded part. It was assumed that the retirement age would not increase. It was also planned to introduce a mechanism that would encourage citizens to retire later.

Pension certificate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

However, the economic situation in the country has made adjustments to. Starting in 2016, indexation was no longer charged to working pensioners. The funded part of pensions was frozen, payments on it can be received only after the final termination of employment.

Regarding pension accrual for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The satisfaction of law enforcement officers who have finished their official work has been under the close attention of the country's leadership for the past four years. The legislative acts adopted by the President were supposed to increase the pension by 10%. But not immediately, but in six stages.

The latest decisions of the president suggest that the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will be calculated in points, which are calculated monthly and later converted into the ruble equivalent. The number of points directly depends on the level of salary.

Pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - latest news

The instability of the Russian economic situation does not allow making accurate forecasts for the future pension provision of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the eve of the presidential elections, the plans of the current leadership of the country do not include a deterioration in the quality of the pension provision of former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The latest news provides a lot of information about the increase in pensions at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 in Russia.

According to the orders of the President in 2018, pensioners who were previously employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation should expect an increase in the amounts received. In addition, it is possible to receive an indexed pension in December of the current year.

The indexation rate will be 4%, compared with the allowance received this year. As follows from the latest news, the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 may be increased twice. But for this, experts are convinced, the Russian economy must stabilize. A detailed analysis of the inflation rate shows that there was no real increase in pension provision, even if the government announced an increase.

The dynamics of the inflation rate in Russia for 1991-2016 can be presented in the following table:

Table: Dynamics of the inflation rate in Russia for 1991 - 2016

* Dynamics of consumer prices by groups of goods and services (month to the corresponding month of the previous year, % ** Dynamics of consumer prices by groups of goods and services (month to the previous month, %).

According to the data provided by the Bank of Russia and the Statistical Agencies, the monthly breakdown of inflation in 2017 has the following tabular expression:

Table: Monthly breakdown of inflation in 2017

Today's news shows that the increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 directly depends on the ongoing reform. Some time ago, a decision was made to reduce a certain number of employees - out of those employed in various structural divisions, 1,200,000 people were included in the list of redundant people.

In addition, the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself is undergoing changes. In particular, the traffic police is being disbanded. Some employees will join the ranks of other departments of the ministry. The main duties of the traffic police will be taken over by the traffic police.

Experts fear that against the backdrop of an unstable economic environment, such reforms will negatively affect the possibilities for increasing pensions.

Retirement age for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia by 2018

Due to the peculiarities of the profession and the negative impact on health, the retirement period for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is somewhat different from that for other categories of the population. Today, the minimum length of service as a police officer, which is sufficient for retirement, is 20 years.

The actual age doesn't matter. It should be pointed out that the amount of pension provision directly depends on the length of service - the longer it is, the higher the amount of allowance.

The latest news today about the increase in the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 speaks in favor of the fact that an increase in the retirement age for employees of law enforcement agencies is quite realistic. In particular, starting from 2016, it was planned that the minimum length of service would be 25.5 years. The table reflects the expected changes.

Forecast for changing the retirement age

According to experts, having decided to raise the retirement age for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the current government plans to save a significant amount (we are talking about several trillion rubles a year) to restore the Russian economy. Including, and to improve the quality of life of pensioners.

However, the draft law on raising the retirement age was not passed, as it received resistance from trade unions. The depletion of the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia leaves the question of whether the increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will be open.

Changes in the amount of payments in 2018

In October 2017, the head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov, announced that the indexation freeze that was in effect at the time the budget was adopted. The same applies to law enforcement officers who, having retired on the basis of length of service, and not on the basis of age, have decided to continue their labor activity. Taking into account all the payments, as the government is sure, the amount of pension payments is quite enough.

Head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov

The previously existing procedure for calculating pension allowances for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue to operate in 2018. According to it, when calculating payments, the total length of service, length of service, as well as allowances for special cases will be taken into account.

The new rules will apply to persons who retired after January 1, 2016.

Their pension will be calculated according to the following scheme:

  • the first part is a fixed amount, which is regulated by the state.
  • the second part is the percentage deducted by the employer.

They are counted in the form of points, which are then converted into the ruble equivalent. Their number is determined by the level of wages. All allowances will be kept.

Indexation of payments only formally affects their volume. However, in fact, it only compensates for the rise in food and other prices. According to experts, the latest news about the increase in the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 does not take into account the real economic situation in the country.

The "thirteenth" salary, appointed by the country's leadership in order to offset the negative impact of inflation, is not taken into account when calculating the amount of the pension.

Indexation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

This summer, the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Office of the Security Council prepared a draft strategy for the development of the Russian Federation for 2018-2024. In the direction of "Increasing the defense capability and security of the state", the Ministry of Internal Affairs became the central figure. The proposed changes should affect almost all departments, which will also affect the provision of pensions.

One of the proposals is to issue driver's licenses and passports to civilian departments - Rosreestr, Ministry of Justice. Accordingly, the employees of the department who previously dealt with these issues will no longer be subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and will no longer be able to count on military pensions.

Most likely, employees of the forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will lose their special status. Legislators propose to introduce them into the federal state unitary enterprises. Accountants, personnel officers, financiers and psychologists can also become civil servants. The latest news yesterday and later, about the increase in the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, respectively, does not apply to them.

In the proposals, one can also find the abolition of hospitals, sanatoriums that are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These establishments are planned to be either sold or transferred to the Ministry of Health. Accordingly, employees will be transferred to the status of civil servants and there will be no need to count on a pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The procedure for calculating accruals for the military and police

Those with 20 years of service can count on a seniority pension. The term can be reduced if two conditions are met:

  1. The total work experience of a person is 25 years or more.
  2. Of the total experience, at least 12 years had to work in law enforcement agencies.

Persons who do not meet any of the two listed conditions, but their term of service is at least 15 years, are assigned social benefits.

When calculating the pension allowance, the following amounts are taken into account:

  • salaries for rank and position;
  • increase for the service life;
  • reduction factor;
  • special allowances.