The professional standard of a specialist in working with families. Job description of a social work specialist. Social protection and social assistance

Social protection, social assistance to the population are institutions that characterize a humane and conscious civil society. In this area, the role of a professional providing such support - a social worker - is very important. It is worth familiarizing yourself more thoroughly with the features of his work, as well as the documents regulating his work.

Social protection

In general, social protection of the population is a set of measures aimed at observing the rights of a citizen and meeting his social needs. The high level of such protection of the population is a sign of a strong and prosperous state.

Social protection is mainly provided in three forms - social security, social assistance and social insurance. In the Russian Federation, its guarantor is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, whose head today is M.A. Topilin. It is provided by state Russian extra-budgetary funds:

  • compulsory medical insurance;
  • social insurance of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian pension fund.

These organizations operate at the local, subject and all-Russian levels.

Types and measures of social protection

Social protection of the population consists of a number of measures:

  1. Protecting the rights of children and monitoring compliance with this.
  2. Help in overcoming unemployment.
  3. Material and moral support for families with many children.
  4. Payment of benefits to low-income families.
  5. Determination of the minimum wage, the smallest amount of scholarships, allowances, pensions.

Social protection is divided into state and non-state. The first one is:

  • free education;
  • payment of pensions;
  • privileges;
  • free healthcare;
  • social services for the population, social services.

Non-state social protection is represented by:

  • charity;
  • voluntary social insurance programs;
  • affordable private programs for the protection and restoration of health, etc.

Today, there are two models of state social support in the world:

  1. Beveridge (English). Minimum social assistance to every citizen, regardless of his social status.
  2. Bismarckian (German). A citizen receives support from the state according to the amount of social contributions that he deducts to the treasury during his life. For socially unprotected categories, other rules and state protection programs apply.

Social help

Social assistance is either monetary support or in-kind (in particular, it is provided by the social assistance center) to citizens in difficult financial situations. Such payments are financed either from the state treasury or from a fund of voluntary donations from those who are not indifferent.

Social assistance is provided both as a result of checking the sources of income for those in need, and without these measures. Usually, assistance to people in especially difficult living conditions exceeds support to other citizens living more or less tolerably.

Social work with family

One of the most priority and necessary areas of social protection is work with the family. Its key tasks are:

  • support for cells of society that find themselves in difficult conditions;
  • help them overcome intractable problems;
  • prevention of the emergence of new difficulties;
  • carrying out work, as a result of which "difficult" families learn on their own to overcome such difficulties on their way.

The Social Assistance Center mainly works with the following types of families:

  • whose members are supported by the state (disabled people, pensioners);
  • created by minor parents (parent);
  • with a high risk of depriving the mother and / and father of parental rights;
  • found themselves in a difficult situation: a parent’s disability, alcohol or drug addiction of a family member, forced migration, HIV infection, a parent in prison, faced with unemployment, cruel treatment, violence, orphanhood, homelessness.

Functions of the social center for working with families

Social work with the family is multifunctional:

  1. Coordination of work on social support of "difficult" families.
  2. Preparation of personal files of such families.
  3. Social inspection.
  4. Development of a family support plan, taking into account the wishes of the latter.
  5. Providing targeted support and assistance.
  6. Prevention of domestic violence.
  7. Notification of the relevant services and authorities about the fact in the ward families.
  8. Protecting the interests of families in court when such a need arises.
  9. Providing other government agencies interested in assistance with information about wards families.
  10. Distribution of social advertising.

Requirements for a social worker

A professional social worker may not have work experience, but must have a secondary or higher education in social, legal or pedagogical areas. The requirements for a professional II and I (highest) qualification are much stricter: higher narrow-profile education, work experience in the previous categories.

The job description of a social work specialist assumes knowledge in the following areas:

  • relevant legal regulations relating to social protection and assistance, support for families and socially vulnerable citizens, protection of motherhood and childhood, state policy in relation to these categories of citizens;
  • effective ways to improve the quality of social assistance;
  • the basics of psychology: a child, a pensioner, a disabled person, people in a difficult situation, etc.;
  • fundamentals of the Labor Code, labor protection;
  • sanitary and hygienic rules and the disabled.

Also, the job description of a social work specialist says that knowledge in philosophy, political science, cultural studies, history, pedagogy, social medicine is actively used in his professional activities. It is important to know the stages of development of a social institution and its current state in the Russian Federation and in the world, forms, principles, methods of helping people of different ages and social status, general tools, key concepts, methods of analysis and monitoring in social work.

Necessary human qualities of a professional:

  • unselfishness;
  • purposefulness;
  • sociability;
  • goodwill;
  • tolerance;
  • social intuition;
  • diligence;
  • stress resistance;
  • analytical type of thinking;
  • observation;
  • performance.

Functions of a social worker

The current job description of a social work specialist assumes the assignment of the following functions to the employee:

  1. Formation of a database of "difficult" families (social card) in need of help from single pensioners, disabled people.
  2. Determination of the sources of trouble, the size and nature of the assistance provided, the provision of it itself.
  3. Caring for disadvantaged cells of society, especially those that include children with developmental disabilities or disabilities, families of internally displaced persons, participants and victims of military conflicts, with orphans, as well as disabled (including due to disability), elderly people.
  4. Assistance in the employment of wards and other ways to overcome their financial difficulties.
  5. Conducting joint work with the internal affairs bodies for the prevention of illegal activities and antisocial lifestyle of the wards.
  6. Analysis of the work done, forecasting the results of social assistance.
  7. Implementation of federal and regional social programs, preparation of their projects and proposals.
  8. Participation in methodological unions to improve the quality of social assistance provided.
  9. Coordination of the activities of non-profit charitable associations that also provide assistance to the wards.
  10. Consultation of interested citizens on the subject of their activities.
  11. Documentation of the work done.

Rights and social work

Social worker's rights:

  • propose and implement projects to improve the quality of social services provided;
  • contact management for assistance in the performance of their functions;
  • demand for familiarization the documentation and information necessary for their work;
  • improve your qualifications.

The job description of a social work specialist ascribes to him the following responsibilities:

  • liability under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance of their official functions:
  • liability under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses for offenses in the course of work;
  • liability under the Criminal Code, Civil Code, Labor Code of the Russian Federation for causing material damage.

A social worker is a responsible and necessary profession in any developed society. Social protection itself and have a lot of areas of activity, ways to improve and update them.

The National Technological University (NTU) is licensed by the Mosobrnadzor. During our existence, we have accumulated extensive experience in the implementation of distance learning technologies and have formed a staff of highly qualified teachers. Refresher courses and professional retraining "Specialist in working with families" relate to additional vocational education and are aimed at people with higher or secondary vocational education. Training is carried out in order to meet the requirements of the professional standard.

Professional training for family professionals

Professional standard "Specialist in working with families" No. 13, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 683n dated November 18, 2013, describes the level of knowledge, skills and practical experience of specialists to match the position held. This document was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation under No. 30849 dated December 26, 2013 and is used in the field of providing assistance to different types of families and comprehensive support for families with children based on the identification of family distress.

Thanks to raising the qualifications of professionals working with families at the National Technological University, the employees of your organization will be constantly aware of the latest developments in their professional activities. We undertake the obligation to systematically inform about important and recent changes and guarantee the impeccable quality of education.

Professional retraining of specialists in working with families with the issuance of a diploma makes it possible to meet professional standards.

Professional training for family professionals assumes that your employees will legally be able to engage in:

    identifying different types of families in difficult life situations;

    organization and provision of targeted social, medical, social, psychological, pedagogical and social and legal types of assistance.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated May 2, 2015, from July 1, 2016, the practical application of professional standards has become mandatory for all organizations. For non-compliance of specialists with the requirements of professional standards, penalties are now provided in the amount of 1,000 - 5,000 rubles. employee and employer 30,000 - 50,000 rubles. (see clause 1, article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How is training at NTU and how to contact us

You can contact us by phone and agree advanced training or professional retraining of specialists working with families right now. Also, you can order a call or apply for training using a special form right on this site.

How is training at the National Technological University:

  1. You leave an application for training in any way available to you.
  2. Wait for a call from our specialist and discuss the conditions for advanced training / retraining, as well as get answers to all your questions.
  3. Confirm your intentions by signing the contract for the provision of services (the contract is provided) and pay the invoice.
  4. Take training when it is convenient for you and successfully pass the final test.
  5. You receive a certificate of advanced training of the established sample or a Diploma.

By choosing the National Technological University, you are guaranteed to get the best prices in the capital. The highly qualified teaching staff of our University is guaranteed to help you acquire additional professional competencies. Training is carried out on the basis of modern material and technical base. We provide you with a personal manager and guarantee an impeccable quality of service.

The family is the basis for the formation of the personality of each person, his well-being, intellectual and spiritual development. Mastering the presented course will help you fulfill one of the most noble missions of a person - to provide assistance and support to families and children. The profession of a specialist in working with the family belongs to helping professions, and, therefore, differs from others in its special humanistic orientation.

The versatility and variability of the presented retraining course for a specialist in working with families will allow you to find a job and use your competencies in various areas: pedagogy, psychology, the social sphere, etc.

With the course "Family Psychology" it is necessary to get acquainted with all specialists who provide assistance to people who find themselves in difficult life situations. The content of the course is structured so that it can be used by all categories of social workers, and not just professional psychologists. The purpose of the course: to expand the area of ​​competence of social specialists in matters of psychological assistance, support and psychological support for families and families with children in difficult life situations.

The main objectives of the course program:

1. Training of psychologists who are able to carry out in practice the process of social and psychological assistance to representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population, prevention and psychological correction of negative social manifestations in the behavior of social groups and individuals.

2. Formation of competencies in the field of solving problems of psychological diagnostics of families and families with children.

3. Mastering the ways of organizing and conducting various forms of psychological family counseling, psychological correction and methods of psychotherapy, social and psychological training.

The peculiarity of this course is that it is based on the integration of the theoretical provisions of modern approaches to psychological counseling and the direct formation of practical skills for conducting various forms of socio-psychological interaction; is focused on new trends in the market of psychological services and is aimed at training specialists who are ready to successfully carry out this type of professional psychological assistance.

The profession of a psychologist makes special demands not only on the cognitive and intellectual sphere of a specialist, but also on his personal sphere. No other profession is as demanding on the personality of a specialist as the profession of a psychologist, in this regard, the course "Family Psychology" presents a variety of methodological material for self-diagnosis, self-study and reflection. If you are an accomplished specialist, then the course will help expand your area of ​​professional competence and provide material for your training of students and colleagues. Upon completion of the course and the successful passing of the exam, the student gets the opportunity to master the professional field in demand in the market of psychological services - a psychologist in the social sphere.

The professional retraining program was developed on the basis of:
- Federal State Educational Standard of higher education in the direction of training 39.03.02 Social work; 37.03.01 "Psychology"
- Professional standard No. 683n dated 11/18/2013. "Family Specialist"


To form the students' professional competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity: providing assistance to different types of families and comprehensive support for families with children based on the identification of family problems using various technologies, reintegration of the child and family into society, assign the qualification of Specialist in working with families.


Level of education: higher education. Psychologists, social workers, specialists in the field of social problems, heads of social organizations.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation included instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation:
a) prepare and submit before September 1, 2012 to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the development, approval and application of professional standards;
b) approve by December 1, 2012 a plan for the development of professional standards;
c) by 2015 develop and approve at least 800 professional standards.
To implement this decree, a layout of the professional standard "Specialist in working with the family" is being developed. This standard acquires special significance in connection with the complexities of the life of many families in society. The number of families with children in a difficult life situation, a life-threatening situation, living in a crisis situation and trouble is constantly growing. This situation causes concern among the public, citizens of the country, the government, as many children become hostages of the situation in their own families. When children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are identified, as a rule, parents are deprived of parental rights and the child is placed in a state institution. Unfortunately, professional specialists who can help a family with a child in such a situation are not trained in our country.
The professional standard "Specialist in working with the family" assumes the main goal - to provide assistance to different types and types of families based on the identification of family problems using early intervention techniques in the family, the development of a plan and program for the rehabilitation of a family with a child, the reintegration (return) of the child and the family in society with the involvement of the resources of the family and its immediate environment, as well as changes in relations between family members, improving the socio-psychological situation in the family, increasing the responsibility of parents for raising children.
This goal can be concretized by bridging the gap between the requirements for the professional activity of a specialist in various areas of social practice and the system of vocational education that has developed in Russia. This situation will require the creation of new directions and profiles in the development of the existing system of vocational education for effective training of personnel in those areas of activity where such training is in great demand or may be in demand in the very near future. The social sphere has become just such an area, and the new profession is “specialist in working with the family”. The introduction of this new profession will overcome the interdepartmental nature of both his training and professional activities. The very essence of the introduction of the new profession "specialist in working with the family" is interdepartmental, since he can work in any organization in the social sphere.
The occupational standard is used to define education and qualification requirements. For a family work specialist, a 6-7th level of qualification is provided, higher education: master's degree, specialist, postgraduate student, additional professional retraining under new programs based on higher education or additional education programs, regular professional development of specialists and internships. At the same time, it is desirable that the specialist has at least three years of work experience in a specialty close to the main one (volunteer, volunteer).
According to modern experts, the most problematic points of the existing system of training specialists in the social sphere are:
lack of an interdisciplinary approach in solving the problems of social practice in education;
lack of specializations focused on those areas of activity of a specialist in the social sphere in which such a request has developed, but there is still no system for training personnel for them (work with different types of families with children: those who find themselves in a difficult life situation, a life-threatening situation, living in crisis , in trouble);
low saturation of the educational process with the results of modern, including foreign, research due to the insufficient level of language training of future specialists in working with families, the lack of access to modern international databases on psychology, etc.
Possible places of work for a specialist in working with families: organizations of the education system, healthcare, social protection, primarily schools, boarding schools, orphanages, PMPK, PPMS centers, educational institutions for children with special educational needs, social rehabilitation centers, shelters, centers assistance to families and children, socio-psychological support services for families and children, guardianship and guardianship authorities, authorized organizations involved in supporting different types of families, non-profit organizations providing assistance to orphans, working with families and children.
The introduction of the professional standard "Family Specialist" will contribute to the solution of two important tasks - the prevention of social orphanhood, which involves the reduction of children placed in state institutions, and the policy of deinstitutionalization - the removal of children from residential institutions and their return to their birth families or placement in foster families. families.

Tatyana SHULGA,
Doctor of Psychology,
Leading Researcher
laboratories of psychological and social
neglect prevention problems
and orphanhood MSUPU