"miracle tree" educational activity for children of the first junior group

Short description

Amazing walk through fairy forest, children meet characters and complete tasks.


Budgetary preschool educational
establishment of the city of Omsk
"Kindergarten No. 344"

Educational activity:
for children of the first junior group

Kryachko Antonida Fyodorovna.

Omsk city

In the 1st junior group

Purpose: To lay the first landmarks in the natural world, to provide an understanding of the initial relationships in nature.
Program tasks:
1. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of trees.
2. Teach, correctly determine the tree where the roots, trunk, branches, foliage (tree structure) are located.
3. To teach children to observe, analyze and draw elementary conclusions about the properties of a tree. To expand the knowledge of children about the features of the appointment of objects made of wood.
4. Education of cultural communication skills. Teach politeness (greet, say goodbye, thank you for your help).
5. Shape cognitive activity. Bring up careful attitude to nature.
6. Create a joyful mood in children.
Preliminary work:
Memorizing a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Hedgehog".
Making attributes: (poster with the image of a tree; tree structure models: crown, trunk, root; glade). Sewing costumes: hedgehog, fox, old woman - merry.
Rolling pin, table, water container, small boards and bars according to the number of children, wooden items kitchen utensils, a plate, a sugar bowl, a decanter with glasses, wooden Toys matryoshka, pyramid, tape recorder, envelopes.
Lesson progress:
Music sounds (voices of the forest, etc.).
Leading. Hello guys.
Children. Hello!.
Leading. I invite you to the fairy forest, the forest is full of wonders and fairytale heroes. And I think it will be very interesting for us to walk through the fairy forest. Come with me.
Cheerful music sounds.
Big feet are coming
along the track Top-top ...
Little feet run
along the path TOP-TOP-TOP ...
So we came with you to the woods.
And who is this sitting on a stump?
Children. Fox.
Fox. Hello children. I ran along the path, found a rock (shows). And I don't know what it's for?
Leading. Tell me, why do you need a rolling pin?
Children. Roll out the dough.
Leading. What is the rock made of?
Children. From a tree.
Fox (surprised). From a tree .., but where does a tree grow?
Children. In the forest.
Fox. Tell the children, what tree is it?
Children come to the stand, where a poster with a picture of a tree hangs. They tell where the roots, trunk, branches, foliage are located at the tree.
Leading. And now guys, let's show the fox how to put together a tree from parts of pictures. (Modeling: work with handouts).
Lisa: well done, they did the job.
Leading. There are many trees growing in the forest. Fox, listen to what trees the children know.
Children. Birch, spruce, oak.
Leading. Oh what Fresh air In the woods. It's so easy to breathe, it's the trees that purify the air for us. Therefore, nature must be protected, not to break trees, not to litter in the forest and not to make fires. Remember this guys.
Fox. You guys are great for your interesting story I will give you a rolling pin, you will need it.
Children. Thank you.
The fox runs away.
Leading. And we, with you, are going on a journey.
Music sounds.
Big feet are coming
along the track
Top top...
Little feet run along the path
Guys, look where we went?
Children. To a big clearing.
Leading. And who is sitting in the meadow?
Children. Hedgehog.
Hedgehog. Hello children!
Children. Hello hedgehog!
Hedgehog. Why did you come to my meadow?
Leading. Dear hedgehog, in this clearing we wanted to conduct small experiments with the guys and, if you don't mind, you can watch them.
E f and k. I will look and listen with pleasure.
On the table are prepared in advance: wooden objects (according to the number of children); container with water; small boards and bars (according to the number of children).
Leading. Guys, let's see: what boards are on the table?
The children answer.
Let's take a thin plank and try to break it. (Children try to break). A wooden plank is thin, it can be broken, it breaks. And now let's take a thick plank - a bar and try to break it. Yes, guys, if the plank is thick - a bar, it cannot be broken. What do you think, if you take a block and throw it on the floor, will it break or not?
The children answer.
Let's drop the block on the floor. Children throw a block on the floor.
Doesn't beat. Wooden objects are hard, smooth; are thin and thick. And now let's all try to lower our boards into the water (they lower them into the water) and see if our boards sink in the water. (Children's answers) - Yes, indeed, guys, wooden planks do not sink, they do not beat. Dear hedgehog, did you like our answers?
Hedgehog. I really liked it, I learned so much about wooden objects.
Leading. And let the guys play with the hedgehog.
Physical education with elements of finger gymnastics:
The wind drives clouds from the sky - (children raise their hands up and perform
movements to the right, to the left, swinging)
Dancing leaves in the yard - (circling around themselves)
Mushroom, put on thorns - (exercise "Fungus": vertically
set fist of one hand,
lower the rounded palm of the other
hands, then change hands).
Drags a hedgehog to his hole - (exercise "Hedgehog", cross both arms
Z. Alexandrova together in the castle and raise your fingers up).
Hedgehog: These are the needles I have. But it's time for me to leave. Goodbye, guys.
Children. Goodbye.
Leading. Wood is used to make furniture, utensils, and toys. Name the objects that are made of wood.
Children. Chair, table, shelf, bed.
Leading. Well done, we're off on our journey.
Music sounds.
Big feet are coming
along the path - Top-top ...
Little feet run
along the path TOP-TOP-TOP ...
See where we're at?
A grandmother is sitting at the table, kitchen utensils are on the table in front of her; toys, musical instruments (wooden spoons).
Grandmother. Hello children!
Children. Hello!
Grandmother. My name is an old lady - cheerful. I've been waiting for you for a long time.
Leading. The old woman is a merry woman, and what do you have on the table here, tell us, please.
Grandmother. There are wooden objects here: a plate, a sugar bowl, spoons, a decanter with glasses, a knife ... I also have wooden musical instruments: spoons.
Come on, kids, let's play with them.
Russian folk music "Kalinka" sounds.
Children do the exercise musical instruments(spoons). Grandma is dancing.
Leading. Thank you, grandmother, you made us happy, and for this we will give you a rolling pin.
Grandmother. Thanks for the gift. She will be useful to me to roll noodles. And now, in parting, help yourself to my pancakes.
almonds, almonds,
I baked you, pancakes,
Watered with oil
I treated the children
Pancakes are delicious, but with sour cream.
Goodbye guys, come visit me again.
Children. Goodbye.

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Budgetary preschool educational

establishment of the city of Omsk

"Kindergarten No. 344"

Educational activity:


for children of the first junior group


Kryachko Antonida Fyodorovna.

Omsk city

in the 1st junior group

Target: Lay the first landmarks in the natural world, provide an understanding of the original relationships in nature.

Program tasks:

1. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of trees.

2. Teach, correctly determine the tree where the roots, trunk, branches, foliage (tree structure) are located.

3. To teach children to observe, analyze and draw elementary conclusions about the properties of a tree. To expand the knowledge of children about the features of the appointment of objects made of wood.

4. Education of cultural communication skills. Teach politeness (greet, say goodbye, thank you for your help).

5. Form cognitive activity. Cultivate respect for nature.

6. Create a joyful mood in children.

Preliminary work:

Memorizing a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Hedgehog".

Making attributes: (poster with the image of a tree; tree structure models: crown, trunk, root; glade). Sewing costumes: hedgehog, fox, old woman - fun.


A rolling pin, a table, a container of water, small boards and bars according to the number of children, wooden kitchen utensils, a plate, a sugar bowl, a decanter with glasses, wooden toys nesting dolls, a pyramid, a tape recorder, envelopes.

Lesson progress:

Leading. Hello guys.

Children. Hello!.

Leading. I invite you to a fairy forest, the forest is full of wonders and fairy-tale characters. And I think it will be very interesting for us to walk through the fairy forest. Come with me.

Cheerful music sounds.


Big feet are coming

along the track Top-top...

Little feet run

along the path Top-top-top...

So we came with you to the woods.

And who is this sitting on a stump?

Children. Fox.

Fox. Hello children. I ran along the path, found a rock (shows). And I don't know what it's for?

Leading. Tell me, why do you need a rolling pin?

Children. Roll out the dough.

Leading. What is the rock made of?

Children. From a tree.

Fox(surprised). From a tree .., but where does a tree grow?

Children. In the forest.

Fox. Tell the children, what tree is it?

Children approach the stand where a poster with a picture of a tree hangs. They tell where the roots, trunk, branches, foliage are located at the tree.

Leading. And now guys, let's show the fox how to put together a tree from parts of pictures. ( Modeling: work with handouts).

Fox: Well done guys, they got the job done.

Leading. There are many trees growing in the forest. Fox, listen to what trees the children know.

Children. Birch, spruce, oak.

Leading. Ah, what fresh air in the forest. It's so easy to breathe, it's the trees that purify the air for us. Therefore, nature must be protected, not to break trees, not to litter in the forest and not to make fires. Remember this guys.

Fox. You guys, well done, For your interesting story, I will give you a rolling pin, it will come in handy.

Children. Thank you.

Fox runs away.

Leading. And we, with you, are going on a journey.

Music sounds.


Big feet are coming

along the track

Top top...

Little feet run along the path


Guys, look where we went?

Children. To a big clearing.

Leading. And who is sitting in the meadow?

Children. Hedgehog.

Hedgehog. Hello children!

Children. Hello hedgehog!

Hedgehog. Why did you come to my meadow?

Leading. Dear hedgehog, in this clearing we wanted to conduct small experiments with the guys and, if you don't mind, you can watch them.

Hedgehog. I am happy to watch and listen.

On the table are prepared in advance: wooden objects (according to the number of children); container with water; small boards and bars (according to the number of children).

Leading. Guys, let's see: what boards are on the table?

Children answer.

Let's take a thin plank and try to break it. ( Children try to break. A wooden plank is thin, it can be broken, it breaks. And now let's take a thick plank - a bar and try to break it. Yes, guys, if the plank is thick - a bar, it cannot be broken. What do you think, if you take a block and throw it on the floor, will it break or not?

Children answer.

Let's drop the block on the floor. Children throw a block on the floor.

Doesn't beat. Wooden objects are hard, smooth; are thin and thick. And now let's all try to lower our boards into the water (lowered into the water) and see if our boards sink in water. (children's answers)- Yes, indeed, guys, wooden planks do not sink, do not beat. Dear hedgehog, did you like our answers?

Hedgehog. I really liked it, I learned so much about wooden objects.

Leading. And let the guys play with the hedgehog.

Physical education with elements of finger gymnastics:

The wind blows from the sky clouds - ( children raise their hands up and perform

movements to the right, to the left, swinging)

Dancing leaves in the yard- (circling around themselves)

Mushroom, put on thorns - ( exercise "Fungus": vertically

set fist of one hand,

lower the rounded palm of the other

hands, then change hands).

Drags a hedgehog to its hole- (exercise "Hedgehog", cross both arms

Z. Aleksandrova together in the locks raise the fingers up).

Hedgehog: Here are the needles I have. But it's time for me to leave. Goodbye, guys.

Children. Goodbye.

Leading. Wood is used to make furniture, utensils, and toys. Name the objects that are made of wood.

Children. Chair, table, shelf, bed.

Leading. Well done, we're off on our journey.

Music sounds.

Big feet are coming

along the path - Top-top ...

Little feet run

along the path Top-top-top...

See where we're at?

A grandmother is sitting at the table, kitchen utensils are on the table in front of her; toys, musical instruments (wooden spoons).

Grandmother. Hello children!

Children. Hello!

Grandmother. My name is an old lady - cheerful. I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Leading. The old woman is a merry woman, and what do you have on the table here, tell us, please.

Grandmother. There are wooden objects here: a plate, a sugar bowl, spoons, a decanter with glasses, a knife... I also have wooden musical instruments: spoons.

Come on, kids, let's play with them.

Russian folk music "Kalinka" sounds.

Children perform an exercise with musical instruments (spoons). Grandma is dancing.

Leading. Thank you, grandmother, you made us happy, and for this we will give you a rolling pin.

Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 27

general developmental type, village Pavlishchevo




Program section

cognitive activity

educating the basics healthy lifestyle life in babies

Thematic field

Project name

"Teddy bear visiting children"

Project relevance

Children are not sufficiently aware of the world around dangerous objects in the group kindergarten. Children do not have the skill of putting toys away after themselves.

Thematic field

Work on consolidating and strengthening children's knowledge and cognitive skills.

Project type


Project duration

10-15 minutes

Types of children's activities

Playful, communicative, educational

Integration of educational areas

"Knowledge" (formation complete picture peace),

"Communication", "Socialization", "Safety", "Reading fiction”, “Health”, “Physical development”

The purpose of the teacher's activity

Create conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children during the project. To form the initial foundations for the life safety of a preschooler in a kindergarten group.

Decorations, props

Situation group room, toys are scattered on the carpet; scissors, socket, toy Bear, attributes

Summarize the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in the kindergarten group.

To acquaint and show the children dangerous objects that are in the kindergarten group, tell them how to handle them.

Cultivate observation good relations to toys, and the desire to always put the toys back in their place.


Forms of work with children

Game activity.

Outdoor games : “At the bear in the forest”, “The bear and the children”, “The bear and the good hares”.

Speech and verbal communication.

Didactic games loto "Masha and the Bear",

"Pair Pictures".

cognitive development.

Examination of illustrations, pictures of dangerous objects.

Conversation: “I know what is possible, and what

it is forbidden!".

aesthetic development.


Riddles about the bear.

Reading, acquaintance with works about the bear.

Russian folk tale"Three Bears"

O. Ivanova "Bear clubfoot"

Preliminary work on the project

Looking at pictures of dangerous objects.

Conversation: "I know what is possible and what is not!".

Reading, acquaintance with works about the bear:

Russian folk tale "Three Bears"

O. Ivanova "Clumsy Bear".

Outdoor games : “At the bear in the forest”, “The bear and the good hares”

Didactic games: loto "Masha and the Bear"

move project:

Educator:- Oh, guys, who is that roaring outside the door? (children's answers).

That's right, Mishka. He must have come to visit us. I'll go take a look. (The teacher brings in a bear).

Hello Mishka, come on in! Guys, invite Mishka. (Children greet the bear and invite him to pass). Guys, touch the Bear and tell me what it is? Examination actions of children: The bear is big, soft, fluffy. (Mystery):

He is brown and shaggy.

Guess guys

Who, having built a warm house,

Sleeping all winter in that house?

Bear cub!!!

Mishutka is in kindergarten for the first time, and therefore wants to be shown how to behave in a group, what is possible and what is not. Let's tell and show?

(Assistant educator helps organize morning exercises)

In the morning we do exercises!

Building in a circle. Walking in place. We walk one after the other

forest and green meadow.

Walking on toes, hands to the sides. The colorful wings flicker.

Wave your arms up and down. Butterflies fly in the field. flew, circled.

Walking with knees high. Now let's go a little

Raise your legs up.

Walking with straight legs, like soldiers on parade.

without bending at the knees. We walk line by line.

Let's go Mishutka, we'll introduce you to our group!

The teacher and Mishutka are walking along the group, along the road, Mishutka "wants" to climb onto the windowsill.

Educator: You can not climb on the windowsill, otherwise you will fall!

Bear: I don't climb on the window.

I am not a bird, I do not fly.

I'll fall - I won't fly

I'll get a bump on my forehead!

Educator: What do you guys think, is the teddy bear talking correctly?

(Assistant educator helps organize)

Physical education minute

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,

Collects cones - puts in a basket,

The bump bounced right on the bear's forehead,

The bear got angry and kicked the top. (Repeat 2 times.)

The teacher approaches the electrical outlet, Mishutka "trying" to stick his paw into it.

Educator: Remember dear boy

Don't put your finger in the socket!

His Majesty lives there

Spiky, evil electricity!

Teacher: A are you guys going to touch the outlet? Who lives in the outlet?

The teacher approaches the carpet on which toys are scattered.

Educator: My dear Mishutka,

Take away the toy

Stumble on her

Tears will not stop!

Educator: Mishutka does not want to put away toys, he went on the carpet, stumbled, fell and hurt himself. Let's help him put the toys away. And you, Mishutka, remember: toys should always be put away.

Finger game:"Toys"

One, two, three, four, five (alternately bend the fingers on both hands at the same time)

We have a toy

This is a rattle

This is a fat bear

This is a miracle book

This is a tumbler

This is Masha doll!

One two three four five,

We will check again!

(we spread our arms to the sides)

The teacher with the bear comes to the table, takes the scissors, shows how sharp they are.

Bear: Scissors cut great

But they prick decently.

Don't play with scissors

With sharp ends!

Didactic game:"Paired Pictures"

Educator: Do you think the teddy bear is right? Guys, soon Nadezhda Viktorovna (assistant teacher) will bring hot lunch and will pour the soup into bowls. Tell the bear cub where he should be at this time so as not to get burned?

Bear: Play quietly on the carpet:

The soup is hot on the table.

Educator: And now let's play with Mishutka.

mobile game: "Bear and children" (physical minute):

The bear was walking in the forest

And he was looking for kids.

For a long time he searched

Sat down on the grass and dozed off.

The children began to dance

They began to knock with their feet:

Misha, Mishenka, get up,

And catch up guys!

(Children run away from the bear, he catches up with them).

Educator: Hush, children, hush

The group does not shout

From such a cry

Ears hurt!

Educator: That's right, in a group you need to behave calmly, do not shout or make noise!


Guys, now let's remind Mishutka what you can do in a group and what you can't do!

1. You can not climb on the windowsill! 2. Do not stick your fingers into the socket! 3. You can always clean up after yourself toys. 4. You can't play with scissors. 5. You can behave calmly in the kindergarten group, do not shout or make noise, do not run!

You did very well today! I liked the way you told and showed Mishutka so many interesting and useful things. Mishutka liked it very much in our group!


educational area

"Fabulous Guests"





State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

middle School of General education

In-depth study in English № 1287

(GBOU secondary school No. 1287) preschool department

Synopsis of the COMPLEX lesson

for the JUNIOR group of kindergarten

direction : COGNITIVE, artistic and aesthetic development


"Fabulous Guests"

Prepared and conducted

teacher Kovalevskaya I.S.

Moscow 2013

Comprehensive familiarization session
with the outside world and drawing in 2 ml. gr.

Target: diagnostics of knowledge, skills, skills of children in the sections "Animal World", "Plant World", "Drawing Technique"


Educational: to consolidate and clarify the knowledge and ideas of children about wild animals, vegetables and fruits; to reveal in children the ability to draw long straight lines, to identify skills in working with a brush and paints.

Developing: develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking;

Educational: to cultivate accuracy in working with paints, to arouse in children a desire to help heroes in a difficult situation.

Material for the lesson:Figurines of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, a wolf from table theater; drawn house, 5-6 Christmas trees, 2 white and gray bunnies, a wonderful bag, pictures of vegetables and fruits. Gouache paints, jars, brushes, aprons blanks, aprons samples, refreshments.

Lesson progress:

Guys, look who came to our lesson?(Little Red Riding Hood)

And today Grandma invited Little Red Riding Hood to visit her. Let's guys help Little Red Riding Hood so that trouble does not happen to her?(Yes, we will)

Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother lives in this house in a clearing beyond the forest.

(I hang the house on the board and a few Christmas trees)

Little Red Riding Hood came up to the forest. And different animals live in the forest. Who knows what?(guys list)

What are they called?(wild, forest)

And then a wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood. He says, if you guess my riddles, then I’ll let you go to your grandmother, and if you don’t guess, then I’ll eat. Can we help Little Red Riding Hood?

Walks without a road in summer

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a lair

Hides the nose from the cold.(bear)

He looks like a dog.

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

Ready to attack the sheep.(wolf)

Needles on the back

Long and spiky

And he curls up into a ball

There is no head or legs.(hedgehog)

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Ears bigger than head?(hare)

cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty.

Who is this? . (fox)

Wolf: Well done, guys, helped Little Red Riding Hood. I send her to my grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, and two hares are carrying a bag towards her.(pictures of bunnies are posted)

Children take turns taking out a card with a vegetable or fruit from the bag, name it, highlight the properties and say where they grow.(cards are hung on an easel)

Bunnies ask: help us separate vegetables and fruits. Vegetables for a gray hare, fruits for a white one.

(Children help distribute)

Bunnies: Thank you guys and Little Red Riding Hood for helping us. Now let's play together.

Every day in the morning

We do exercises (walking in place)

We like it very much

Do in order:

Have fun walking (walking)

Hands up (hands up)

Squat and stand up(squat)

Jump and jump(jumping)

One two three four five!

The hare began to jump.

Jump hare much.

He jumped 10 times.

The bunnies played with us and ran into the forest.

And Little Red Riding Hood came up to the grandmother's house. Grandmother meets Little Red Riding Hood and the children.

Grandmother: Hello guys! Thank you for helping Little Red Riding Hood. Who did you meet in the forest?

Guys, let's make a striped apron for grandmother as a gift. And then my grandmother's apron became quite old.

(Children sit at the tables, where everything is prepared for drawing)

Look, my apron is ugly, without patterns. To make it elegant, bright, we will decorate it with stripes. Stripes can be multi-colored.(showing)

The teacher invites the children to draw striped aprons. Children choose the color of the paints and begin to draw.

At the end of the lesson, we lay out all the aprons in front of the grandmother on the table. Grandmother praises each child and treats all children with sweets.