Synopsis of GCD on cognition in kindergarten for children of the senior group “Zimushka - winter. Node for the preparatory group for the formation of a holistic picture of the world "winter-winter"

Target: to form ideas about the seasons, about the cyclical nature of natural phenomena, about the distinctive features of winter.


  • in the field of “Cognition”: strengthening the ability to generalize ideas about the seasons;
  • in the field of “Communication”: improving speech, the ability to more accurately characterize an object;
  • in area " Artistic creativity”: to improve the ability to draw from memory.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive research, productive.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, art. creation.

Materials and equipment: winter landscapes, cards depicting natural phenomena, objects of all seasons, transparent cellophane film, scissors, a dark bowl, a large piece of ice, an album sheet, colored pencils.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. A conversation about the seasons.
  3. The game "Seasons".
  4. Zimushka-winter.
  5. Drawing "Seasons".
  6. Winter fun game.
  7. The story of January.
  8. Compilation of experience.
  9. Summary of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher invites the children to listen to V. Dahl's fairy tale "The Old Man" (reads an excerpt).

An old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds go. Each bird has its own special name. The old one-year-old waved for the first time - and the first three birds flew. It blew cold, frost. The old one-year-old waved a second time - and the second three flew. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared on the fields. The old one-year-old waved a third time - the third trio flew. It became hot, sultry, stuffy. The men began to harvest rye. The old one-year-old waved for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and mists lay.

2. A conversation about the seasons.

Guys, did you understand what the birds were for? Let's remember what happened when the first three birds flew (together with the children we conclude that it has become cold, winter has come). Why were there three birds? How many winter months do we know? Name them.

Similarly, we recall what happened when other birds flew.

Let's recalculate and determine how many months there are in a year (12). How many months are there in each season? Name the seasons. Why do you think the “year-old old man” was called “year-old”?

3. The game "Seasons".

Children are given a set of cards depicting natural phenomena, objects of all seasons. Children are divided into four teams that will represent the four seasons. For a given time, each team must collect as many cards as possible corresponding to each season.

4. Zimushka-winter.

What happens to nature in winter? She freezes. Look at these winter landscapes. What can be said about them? How do we feel when we look at these pictures? List the signs of winter. Talking with the children will take winter:

snow cover;

Freezing of soils and reservoirs;

The days are short, the nights are long;

Few birds, no insects;

There are blizzards, snow storms; etc.

5. Drawing “Seasons”

The teacher distributes the sheets of the album to the children, divided by a pencil into four squares. He remembers with the children the most striking events of each season and asks them to draw using symbols. For example, winter is a snowflake, spring is an icicle, summer is a strawberry, autumn is a yellow leaf.

6. Game "Winter Fun".

Let's play a little. Imagine that we are on the street. Can you smell the frosty air? Repeat after me.

Let's take some snow
We make snowballs in our palms,
They left together,
Our hands stretched.
And now it's time to create
Sculpt a snow woman.
Whom after whom rolled,
hoisted on top of each other,
Above is the third, small room.
The snow was shaken off the hands afterwards.

7. The story of the month of January.

Which month is said to have the shortest days and longest nights? December). What month is it now? On the night of the first of January, people meet New Year. The houses are festively light, warm and cozy.

And in nature, January is the very middle of winter. It's time for the bitter cold. Frost and wind chill all living things, drive animals into burrows and lairs; they force the birds to seek shelter somewhere under the fences or freeze on bare branches, and others even hide in the snow, dig deep minks there. These are partridges, hazel grouses. You guys have to help the wintering birds. It is very difficult for them to get food in winter. If you do not have feeders, just sprinkle bread crumbs and grains near the trees on clean snow. In January, although the frosts are getting stronger, the sun shines longer and longer every day. The skies begin to turn blue, the days gradually arrive. January is also known as Széchen, which cuts the winter in half.

8. Conducting the experiment.

Which main color winters? What is snow made of? Snow is made up of snowflakes. Each snowflake individually is transparent, but the snow consisting of snowflakes is already white. Why? Let's do an experiment to understand why snow is white.

The teacher shows the children a sheet of film. Children apply it to colored paper to make sure it is transparent. Then the teacher cuts the film into several large rectangles, which are superimposed on each other. Children determine. You can see something through the resulting stack of film pieces. (You can, they are also transparent). After that, the teacher cuts the pieces of film into small strips and distributes them to the children. Children pour strips on a sheet of colored paper and determine the color of the resulting slide - white. The teacher concludes: a large number small transparent strips brought together turned out to be an opaque slide. In the same way, out of many small ones, one more, with a piece of ice. A large piece of ice is placed in a dark bowl. Children are convinced that the ice is transparent. The teacher gradually crushes the ice - until then. Until it turns white.

9. The result of the lesson.

Look at all the drawings and choose the ones that you think best show all the seasons.

Members of NOD: children and teacher of the senior group No. 1, teacher of fine arts.

Guests: parents, teachers of kindergartens of the Turin urban district.

Target: to develop artistic representations in children through a holistic perception of winter nature.



Develop thinking in children creative imagination, fine motor skills


Develop dialogic speech;

Develop emotional responsiveness to winter manifestations of nature;

To develop interest in the process and the result of the application.


Continue to form ideas about winter natural phenomena,

the ability to use the acquired knowledge in their own work;

To form the ability to select definitions for the word; enrich vocabulary

preschoolers with emotionally colored vocabulary (silver,

pearl, creaky, bluish pink, pale blue);


Cultivate observation of natural phenomena, the ability to see

the beauty of nature;

Call in children emotional response on the artistic image of the winter

Methods and techniques:

comparison method,

Acceptance of precise settings,


Accentuating the details

Poetic verses

Musical accompaniment.

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development,

Artistic and aesthetic development,

Physical development.

Preliminary work:

Observations of winter natural phenomena, color manifestations of the season, people's behavior; conversations about winter, looking at reproductions of pictures about winter and compiling descriptive stories in accordance with the theme of the picture, an excursion to the winter forest, drawing winter scenery, memorizing poems about winter, holding didactic games“Find a painting on the palette”, “Collect a winter landscape”, “When does this happen?” etc., outdoor games: "Two Frosts", "We are funny guys", "Snow carousel", etc.

Material for GCD:


- Visual range:

reproductions of paintings of winter landscapes: I.E. Grabar "February azure", I.I. Shishkin "Winter"; photographs of winter nature.

- musical series:

songs: "Winter's Tale", "I'm not afraid of winter at all" lyrics. N. Bakai, music. I. Kadomtseva; "Winter Beauty" S. Savenkova, music. T. Tarasova; sound effect "Blizzard", waltz "Tale of the winter forest" - Strauss, music " Winter forest».

- Literary series:

an excerpt from S. Yesenin's work "White Birch", an excerpt from L. Charskaya's poem "Winter", an excerpt from A. S. Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning" (Under the blue skies...).

- Dispensing:

backgrounds prepared by children in the previous lesson for the composition “White Birch”, PVA glue, glue brushes, brush stands, cloth napkins, felt-tip pens.

GCD progress:

Children go into music hall to the song "Winter's Tale" and sit on the chairs.

Educator: Guys! Let's say hello again. Join hands and say loudly to each other and to everyone present: “ Good morning!" (The goal is to create a sense of group unity).

Educator: Well done! I want to start our lesson today by reading an excerpt from a poem, and you guys listen to it carefully and say who this poem is talking about:

Who is in a white down coat

Light step and bold

Out at one in the morning?

On her fluffy curls

Lots of golden glitter

Lots of silver.

These curls are gray

Large in rings curled,

Hit on the shoulder.

On the lips of the dawn crimson,

On the cheeks a lively blush

Burns hot.

She waved her mitten -

Once! Wherever you look

A white carpet is laid ....

A new wave - and the river became,

The one who babbled loudly

For a long time.

Raises hands up

Instantly covers the trees

Pure silver.

Question for children:

Who do you think the poet wrote about in his poem?

Children's answers

Also interesting abstract winter walk for the senior group:

Educator: Right!

This white coat

Everyone knows the sorceress -

Mother - winter!

Guys, I suggest you look at some photos.

Admire what a beauty!

Can you tell me what time of the year these photos show?

Children's answers

Educator: Why do you think it's winter? Explain.

Children's answers

Educator: Well done!

And who among you can say what winter is like?

Children's answers

Educator: Guys, you said that winter is snowy. What do we know about snow? What is snow?

Children's answers

Educator: Think and say, what is the snow like?

Children's answers

Educator: How many of you know the name of the natural phenomenon when snow falls from the sky?

Children's answers

Educator: Where can you see snow in winter?

Children's answers


How much snow has fallen!

The rivers were all frozen over.

In a snow cap

Every home.

Music "Blizzard" sounds (sound effect). Enter WINTER

Winter: Are you talking about me? Here I am. Hello my friends!

I am Zimushka-winter, I walk through the fields, through forests, through villages and cities. Wherever I pass, frost cracks there, snow falls.

Guys! You like winter time of the year?

Children's answers

Winter: Can you tell me about your favorite winter fun? What do you like to do outside in winter?

Children's answers

Winter: If there was no winter

In cities and villages

You would never know

These happy days!

Educator: Zimushka - winter! The guys and I like not only winter fun, but also winter nature, which is depicted by artists on their canvases.

Children briefly talk about the paintings of artists - I.I. Shishkin "Winter" and I.E. Grabar "February Blue".

Winter: Yes! Many artists love to paint winter landscapes. They choose very beautiful or something unusual species nature.

But the beauty of nature can be conveyed not only with colors, but also with words, as poets do, or with music, as composers do.

For example, the poet A.S. Pushkin described winter morning in these words:

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

A.S. Pushkin

Winter: This is such a beautiful picture of winter described by the poet!

And the composer Igor Kadomtsev composed a cheerful melody to the words of Natalya Bakai's poem “I'm not afraid of winter at all” and it turned out to be a cheerful, perky song. I invite you to perform it with me.


"White Winter":

(song “I am not afraid of winter at all”, lyrics by N. Bakai, music by I. Kadomtsev).

Let it cover everything with snow

Let the cold rage

(Hands on the belt, torso turns left - right.)

Winter won't freeze me

Never intimidate.


The snow is flying and I am laughing.

white snowflakes in winter

(Hands through the sides up, lowered.)

Dancing outside my window


And Santa Claus his pictures

Draws on night glass.

(Alternately with the right and left hand, a smooth upward movement -


The snow is flying and I am laughing.

I am no longer afraid of winter. - 2 times

(Swing with raised arms.)

Winter: How much fun! And now I want to invite you to my snow workshop. Do you want to visit there?

/Children's answers/.

Winter: I have a magical snowflake that will help us quickly get to the workshop. But for this you need to say such “magic” words: “You fly, fly, snowflake,

Circle around the earth

Circle around the earth

Bring me to the workshop!

Children together with Zimushka-winter pronounce magic words in a quiet, mysterious voice, make a turn around themselves and find themselves in the "workshop of Zimushka - Winter".

Winter: Here we come!

Please pass! Take a seat at the tables.

Children often come to my workshop. They create beautiful pictures and, some of them, give me as a keepsake ( points to works created by children of other groups that decorate the "workshop").

Today each of you will create your own winter tree- winter, densely snowy, white-trunked birch. And when we combine all your works, we will have a beautiful winter birch forest.

Think and tell me how you can depict a winter birch?

Children's answers

Winter: We will create an image of a winter birch tree from paper: the trunk and snow-covered crown - using the technique of broken application, and draw thin twigs and spots on the trunk with a black felt-tip pen (show 2-3 samples).

Didactic game "What does a winter birch look like?"

Winter: Well done! How many comparisons you have picked up for the image of a winter birch! And now it's time to get to work. For the image of a birch trunk, take a long narrow rectangle. Stroke it with your hand. What do you feel? What does paper feel like?

Children's answers

Winter: Remember, and the trunk of a birch is just as smooth and even?

Children's answers

Winter: So what do we need to do with paper so that it becomes uneven, rough, soft?

Children's answers

Winter: Right! ( Children crumple paper, rustle it)

Guys! But in order to make the trunk thin and uneven, you can tear off a strip on both long sides of the rectangle. For example, like this ( show).

We will make the snow-covered crown of the tree from another rectangle, which lies in the upper left corner of the tray. The crown of a birch can be different in shape. It may look like a haystack, a cloud, a tree leaf, etc. Remember what comparisons you selected for the image of a winter birch.

Children perform applicative work to the music of Strauss "The Tale of the Winter Forest".

At the end of the lesson, a collective composition "Winter Forest" is compiled from the children's works.

Winter: Look what a wonderful picture of the winter forest we got!

Children look at their own work and the work of other children. Share their impressions. Invite 2-3 children to choose the birch they like and explain their choice. (The music “Winter Forest” sounds in the background, author unknown.).

Child: White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe.

Winter: Well done boys! They made me happy with their work. Each of you got your own winter birch, not like the others.

And now it's time for you to go back to kindergarten. In memory of the fact that you were my guest, I give you a snowflake. She will help you find your kindergarten on the way.

And I say goodbye to you. Goodbye! See you soon!

(WINTER leaves).

Educator: Guys! And it's time for us to hit the road.

I will put a snowflake on my palm and we will all say “magic” words together: “You fly, fly, snowflake,

Circle around the earth

Circle around the earth

Bring us to kindergarten!

(The teacher with the children say the magic words and "return" to the group to the song"Winter Beauty" S. Savenkova, music. T. Tarasova).

Nomination: Kindergarten, winter activity, senior group, Summaries of classes, GCD, visual activity
Title: Summary of the lesson in senior group, in winter "Zimushka - winter"

Position: teacher of fine arts of the first category
Place of work: MADOU Kindergarten No. 2 "Bell"
Location: Turinsk city, Sverdlovsk region

Clarify the signs of winter; select words with the same root, exercise in the selection of adjectives, nouns, agreeing on them in gender, number and case;

activate the dictionary on the topic; develop visual and tactile perception; logical thinking; visual attention, auditory memory.

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the beauty of the surrounding nature; to form a friendly attitude towards each other; develop the ability to work and play in a team.



MDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 170"

Zavodskoy district of Saratov





Prepared and hosted:

teacher Fedotova Marina Viktorovna


Approximate basic general education program under

edited by N.E. Veraksa "From Birth to School".

Age groupschool preparatory group _

Theme (in accordance with the integrated thematic planning): "Winter".

GCD theme: "Winter-Winter"

Purpose: To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about winter.


clarify the signs of winter; select words with the same root, exercise in the selection of adjectives, nouns, agreeing on them in gender, number and case;

activate the dictionary on the topic;

Develop visual and tactile perception; logical thinking; visual attention, auditory memory.

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the beauty of the surrounding nature; to form a friendly attitude towards each other; develop the ability to work and play in a team.

Types of activity: Playing, cognitive-research, musical.

Forms of organization: frontal

Forms of implementation of children's activities:


Listening to music and viewing slides about winter;

The arrival of a snowman toy;

Answers on questions;

Quiz game (two teams participate);

The game "What has winter done?";

The game "Call it affectionately";

Breathing exercises

Riddles guessing;

The game "What did the artist forget to draw?"


Game "Tell me a word";

Game "Find an extra word";

Exercise "Name the action";

Drawing a snowflake with a finger in a plate with semolina;

Equipment: snowman toy; an envelope with tasks; magnetic board, emblems - "snowman - red cap", "snowman - blue cap"; "snowflakes" for breathing exercise; pictures depicting clues; a leaflet depicting an incomplete snowman symbol; plates with semolina; pointer.

Preliminary work: conversations about winter; guessing riddles; reading fiction; observing winter events; viewing illustrations; learning songs; topic drawing.

The prospect of subject enrichment gaming environment : creation of the album "Zimushka - winter".


Educator: Children, now I will make a riddle, listen carefully.

“I powdered the paths, decorated the windows.

She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled.

What season is this riddle about? (About winter).

How many months does winter have?

Around winter, around snow and wind and frost. In winter we have different mood: joyful and sad; sad and funny.

Let's listen and see how musicians and artists talk about winter. (Children sit on the carpet, listen to music and look at the slides).

Knock on the door. A toy arrives - a snowman with an envelope.

The teacher makes a riddle:

What a ridiculous person

Sneaked into the 21st century?

Carrot nose, broom in hand

Afraid of the sun and heat. (snowman).

The teacher looks at what lies in the Snowman's envelope.

Children, and here are assignments, questions, crossword puzzles!

Dear Snowman, the guys will certainly help you answer all your questions. Yes guys?

We will play with you today. Two teams participate in our game: "Snowman - Red Cap"

"Snowman - blue cap."

I will evaluate your performances on a magnetic board with such snowmen. Now we will do a warm-up.

It's winter outside. Look out the window: the trees are white, wrapped in snow, the blizzard has covered large snowdrifts. Nature is sleeping, even the singing of birds is now almost inaudible. But the Russian people have always loved winter. There are many holidays in winter: New Year, Christmas, Epiphany and Maslenitsa. A Winter holidays in Rus' were always accompanied by festivities, various games and amusements. So we will have fun and play today.

Who will name the signs of winter, he will sit on a chair. (Snow, cold, frost, blizzard, cold, powder).

Children answer and sit on chairs.

Say: "What's the weather like in winter?"

I propose an option (if the children find it difficult): If it snows outside, then the weather ...

Snow - (snowy);

Frost - (frosty);

Wind - (windy);

Cold - (cold);

Cold - (cold).

Well done! Let's get to the competition.

Game - quiz "What has winter done?". Two teams are responsible in turn (for the correct answer - a chip).

1. Winter came with frosts and that's it ... - (froze).

2. A blizzard of chalk and all the paths ... - (swept up).

1. The river was covered with ice and that's it ... (frozen).

2. Winter called and a blizzard and that's it ... (zawizhila).

The game "Call it affectionately"

Although winter has frozen and covered everything, but we love it and affectionately call it what? (Winter).

1. Frost - (frost).

2. Ice - (ice).

1. Cold - (chill).

2. Snowstorm - (blizzard).

Breathing exercises.

Educator: “In winter, a cold wind often blows, and cheerful snowflakes fly in the sky.

A winter breeze blew, snow fell.

Snow, snow, white snow, it covers us all.

I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. (Children take snowflakes).

Do you know how to blow properly? Please tell me how to do it.

Children say: “We inhale deeply through the nose, do not raise our shoulders. When inhaling, do not puff out the cheeks. (Children blow on a snowflake).

Now let's warm up the hands.

Let's blow warm air. (Children “warm their hands”).

Winter is a frosty time, but it brings a lot of games, entertainment and fun to people. Now I will guess riddles about winter fun, and you guess them. Your answers will appear on the screen. (Or the teacher hangs pictures).

1. My new friends are both shiny and light,

And he frolics with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of frost. (Skates).

2.Two new maple soles two meters

They put two feet on them -

And run through the big snows (Skiing).

1. Oh, it poured snow! I'm taking out a horse - my friend.

For a rope-bridle I lead a horse through the yard,

I’m flying down the hill on it, and I’m dragging it back. (Sled).

2. They didn’t raise me - they blinded me from the snow.

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot,

Eyes-coals, handles-knots.

Cold, big. Who am i? (Snowman).


Educator: “Children, get up in a circle, start a physical education minute!”

(Children stand in a circle).

Winter has finally come. (Children spread their arms to the sides)

The houses have become white, (They fold their hands like a house above their heads)

It's snowing outside, (Moving hands up and down)

Janitor sweeps the street, (Imitate)

We are sledding, (Squatting, arms stretched forward)

We write circles on the rink, (Hands are laid behind the back, slowly spinning)

Dexterously skiing, (Imitate)

And we all play snowballs. (They make and throw snowballs).

The children take their seats.

Game "Find the extra word."

Listen and find the extra word. (Children find an extra word and explain their choice).

1.Frost, freezer, ice cream, drizzle.

2. Snow, bullfinch, tackle, snowman.

1. Cold, good, refrigerator, chill.

2. Ice, ice, medicine, ice.

Now let's play with my snowball. And I'll see how you know winter phenomena.

Exercise "Name the action" (with snowball)

1. In winter, a blizzard ... (sweeps)

2. Night wind in the pipes ... (howls, howls)

1. From a snow cloud, snowflakes ... (fall, fly, spin).

2. In the forest in winter, a hungry wolf ... (howls)

1. For the winter, a bear in a den ... (falls asleep)

2. Frost of the cheeks and nose ... (stings)

1. In winter, water in the river ... (freezes)

2. Frost on tree branches ... (glistens)

1. In winter, snow is all around ... (covers)

2. Trees in winter ... (sleep)

1.Under the snow, grass in winter ... (warms up)

2.Insects in winter ... (hide)

Well done! You know winter well.

And now we will draw snowflakes on the "snow" (in plates with semolina).

Children draw.

Together with the children we count the points. Let's sum up the game.

Draw. Well done!

Let's remember what we did today, what did we talk about? Who liked what? (Children pass each other a snowball).

This is where our game ends. We completed all the tasks of the snowman Thank you for your attention.

I give direction to further activities.

Authors: Kotelnikova Tatyana Vasilievna, Shepeleva Elena Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher, senior teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten with Streletskoye"
Locality: Belgorod region, Yakovlevsky district, with. Streletskoye
Material name: methodical development
Subject: GCD in middle group"Zimushka-winter"
Publication date: 09.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of GCD for speech development

in the middle group.

NGO "Speech Development"

Theme: "Winter-winter"






"Social and communicative development".

Program content:

Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about winter; clarify signs

winters. To consolidate knowledge about wintering birds

Teaching children vocabulary. Activate the use in speech earlier





names of objects in a diminutive form. exercise in

sign words,




distribute it. Teach children to answer questions

offer. Learn to finish poetic lines with words, choosing





sound With And


Enrich children's knowledge through poems and riddles about winter.

Equipment: magic wand, the image of the sorceress of Winter,

pictures of icicles, snowflakes, snowman, snowballs; snowflakes on strings;

a series of paintings on the theme "Winter", a letter from Winter.

Lesson progress

Hello girls! - Hello!

Hello boys! - Hello!

Hello adults! - Hello!

Hello, hello everyone!

Please take a seat on the chairs. (Children sit down).

Today I had a fabulous dream, but what happened in it was

very confusing. I'll tell you now, and you help me solve the dream.





long snow-white hair. And now she comes to us, covering everything

around with a cold white veil. Snow-covered trees all around

bushes, houses. And how the wind will blow, how it will sweep, the blizzard will spin, leaving

high drifts. Rivers, streams, lakes are frozen. I wonder who is this

beauty, sorceress and queen? (Winter).

Is it really winter? Or maybe it's spring (Winter dresses in white outfits,

covers the earth with a cold blanket)

Well done, you guessed it. Thanks for helping me figure out my dream.

Guys, what is winter like? - (snowy, cold, frosty, blizzard) ... Which of


buildings, sledding, skiing, skating).

Is it warm or cold outside in winter? (Cold). What happens to a person

if he stays in the cold for a long time? (We are freezing).

We are frozen with you

And we chatter our teeth

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Children clap their hands, pat themselves on the shoulders, knees, stomp

When we are cold, what should we do? (get dressed). The clothes we

wear in winter, what is it called? (winter). Guys, let's get dressed. (Children



put on

jeans), then ... (jacket, sweater), then ... - a hat, jacket or fur coat, put on shoes

boots, tie a scarf, put on mittens. Everybody go for a walk. look,

it's snowing!

Physical education "Snowflakes are falling"

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

Like a fairytale picture.

Let's catch them with our hands

And show mom at home.

And around the snowdrifts

Snow covered the road

They raise their arms above their heads and make grasping movements, as if

catch snowflakes, sipping - arms to the sides

Do not get stuck in the field so that

Raise your legs higher.

There is a hare jumping in the field,

Like a soft white ball.

Jumping in place

Well, we go, we go

And we come to our house.

Walking in place.

Children sit down

Did you know that winter has a lot of helper friends. Let's

let's look at the screen.

And here is her first girlfriend - an icicle.

Guys, let's talk about the icicle. And this magic will help us

the wand that winter sorceress gave me. Who will I touch the magic

wand, he answers.

Didactic game "Pick up signs"(to whom the wand touches,

he answers).





round, brittle...

Educator: And the icicle is sweet, tasty and healthy! So guys?

(no, you can’t eat icicles, your throat may hurt)

And here is another friend of hers - "snowball". Let's make snow together.

Finger gymnastics "Snowball".

One, two, three, four, five, (Bend fingers one at a time.)

We came to the yard for a walk. (“They go” with their fingers.)

They sculpted a snow woman, (“They mold” a lump with two palms.)

They fed the birds with crumbs, (Crumbling movements with all fingers.)

Then we rode down the hill, (They lead index finger

right hand on the palm of the left hand.)

And they rolled in the snow. (They put their palms on the table one by one,

then the other side.)

Everyone came home in the snow. (Shake hands.)

We ate soup and went to bed. (Movement with an imaginary spoon;

hands on the cheek.)

What shape is the snowball? (round). What else is round? -


a game


It happens




Guys, look, there is a postcard under the snow. Let's read it.

Only some of the words on it were erased. Will you help me? (Yes)

Didactic game "Tell me a word."

On the trees, on the meadow - quietly falls ... (snowball).

Here's the fun for the guys - Getting stronger ... (snowfall).

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play ... (snowballs).

As if in white down jacket dressed up ... (snowman).

In the snow, look -

With a red breast ... (bullfinches).

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth ... (snow).

Guys, as we said - snowball. We named it affectionately. And how can

kindly say?

Didactic game "Call it affectionately"

snowman - snowman


Ice - ice

wind breeze

Christmas tree

Tree - tree

Frost frost

beanie hat

fur coat

winter winter

And here is another friend of winter - a snowflake. But she is very sad.

What could have happened to her? What can you offer her? (Maybe she doesn't

friends; Maybe she didn't get a birthday present).

Let's cheer her up.

How to cheer her up?

Let's talk about her.

Guys, what snowflake?

(Light, white, patterned, cold, delicate, carved, beautiful). Look, everyone

Even so, the snowflake remained sad.

Maybe play with her breathing exercise- the development of a long-term

smooth exhalation - a snowflake is attached to the thread, you need to blow on the snowflake,

do not puff out cheeks).

That's how funny she is. She liked to play with us.

And here we have a guest friend of winter - Snowman

The snowman still has a task for us: snowflakes with questions (basket with

snowflakes, on snowflakes - riddles about winter and winter phenomena)

1. It grows upside down,

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake it -

She will cry and die


2. We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

Waited for the pores. Rushed down the mountain. ( Sled)

3. The blanket is white

Not made by hand.

Not woven

And it didn't crumble

Fell from heaven to earth


4. Draws without hands, bites without teeth


5 Who whitens the glades with white,

And writes on the walls with chalk,

sews downy feather beds,

Did you decorate all the windows?


7 White stars fell from the sky,

They fell on my palm and disappeared


Educator: Guys, let's call winter helpers again (snowball,

icicle, snowflake, snowman). What sound is hidden in these words (sound With).

Let's say it together again - snowball, ssssosulka, snowflake, snowman. A


Snow Maiden, snowfall, sled).

Educator: guys, look, Winter sent us a letter, but she

messed up to check us, do we know everything about it.

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

In winter, leaves bloom on the trees. It is hot outside. The sun is bright

shines and warms the earth. Sometimes it's raining. In winter, children ride

boats on the river, swim in the sea and sunbathe. In winter, it is easy for birds to get

feed yourself. People go without hats and mittens. In order not to catch a cold

you need to eat one icicle every morning. Winter is a wonderful time of the year!

(Children correct inaccuracies in the text).


Elena Viktorovna Zaitseva
NOD "Zimushka-winter" (senior group)

Basic educational region: "Cognitive - speech development".

Integration: "Artistic and aesthetic development"(Drawing, music, "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge about winter.

Educational tasks:

Expand and activate vocabulary by topic: "Winter". Summarize and systematize children's ideas about characteristics winters. Continue to teach children to use speech correctly, answer questions in full sentences, learn to draw in an unconventional way "painting with salt".

Development tasks:

Strengthen the ability to correctly build sentences, develop phonemic awareness. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills. Learn to answer questions, reason, solve problem situations, listen to your comrades.

improve grammatical structure speech, develop phrasal speech, select antonyms. Clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, make sentences. Fix the correct pronunciation.

Develop visual and auditory attention, thinking, coherent speech, tactile sensations, creative imagination; articulatory, fine and general motor skills. Improve the ability to work with a brush.

Educational tasks:

Bring up cognitive interest to natural phenomena. Raise interest in speech development classes and activities iso-activity; bring up friendly relations, mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team, to educate in children the desire to achieve results; cultivate independence and accuracy in work.

wellness: Monitor the posture of children during work.

Methodological techniques: surprise, game, verbal, visual, repetition, generalization, artistic word, physical minute, self-massage, cartoon display, teacher's display and explanation; monitoring the work of children; analysis of work by the educator and children; promotion.

vocabulary work: snowflakes, snowy, beautiful, snowballs, icy, cold, sparkling….

Individual work: Monitor children's speech, provide assistance in answering questions, assist in drawing snowflakes in an unconventional way of drawing.

preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations about winter, winter phenomena, winter activities. Reading works about winter; acquaintance with proverbs, poems about winter; solving riddles about winter phenomena. Conversations about animals, compiling descriptive stories, memorizing poems about winter, getting to know folk omens and proverbs.

Equipment, visual material: Dunno toy, pictures with natural phenomena of different seasons, snowballs, buckets, an envelope with a letter, snowflakes with tasks, an audio recording of Tchaikovsky's muses "Snowflake Waltz", record of musical physical education minute "Snow-snow", laptop, cartoon videotape "Winter fairy tale. How did the teddy bear get sick?, Black or blue cardboard, salt, PVA glue, glue brushes, oilcloths and napkins.

Planned result:

Acquiring by children the experience of productive interaction with each other, the ability to listen to a friend;

Increasing cognitive activity;

Mastering the necessary knowledge on the topic "Winter";

Formation of a steady interest in observing phenomena in nature.

Lesson progress:

Welcome circle

Hello golden sun! Hello blue sky

Hello, free breeze, Hello, little white snow!

Hello kids: girls and boys

Hello, I'll tell you, I welcome you all!

Guys, this morning I received an unusual letter. On the envelope written: Kitovsky Kindergarten. Guys senior group"Semitsvetik". So I decided to deliver it to you right away. Look how beautiful it is. Let's open and read

Winter sent us a letter

It is in the snowflakes-stars.

This is how the letter begins:

"I haven't been with you for a long time."

Beautiful handwriting in Winter,

"It's time for us to meet, friends,

You cannot live without me.

How can you not ride a sled?

How not to make a snowman?

Well, guys, how do you stay

Without a snow slide, without a skating rink?

I am white winter

I will build a tower for you

And the garden and the forest turned silver,

Gave me a big tree.

Everywhere you will find me

I'm hiding among the snowdrifts...

I want to test your knowledge

and prepared assignments...


Here is your first snowflake

And she has a task.

You tell me friends

What kind of winter am I?


What season is it now?

How did you know it was winter?

Winter has three sons, three winter months. What are their names? (December January February)

What month is it now? (January)

Now let's remember:

What happens in winter? Which natural phenomena? (hoarfrost, frost, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall, cold)

What is the wind like? (strong, fast, burning, prickly, icy, cold, gusty, icy)

What happens in the winter on the waters?

What happens only in winter? (snow)

What is snow like? (light, sparkling, white, cold, fluffy, prickly, loose, dirty, opaque)

And now we are with you a little let's play:

A game "Winter Signs"


If the night is cold

Quiet and starry

The smoke from the chimneys is a pillar, So it will be clear ... Children: day.


Blue spots over the forest

A thin curtain of snow

Slightly less cold

Wind from the south Wait ... Children: blizzards.


If a fish on a winter day

Walking right under the ice

Walking right under the ice

And his tail is pounding on the ice -

So no doubt wait... Children: warming.


If the sunset in the evening

Was slightly greenish

If he lay down on the branches of frost,

Bouquet of roses on the glass

If the smoke is blue palm

Reaches to the stars

And the wind does not whistle menacingly It will be clear and ... Children: frosty.


There are similar words

Like relatives are similar

They live as one family

They want to play with you.

Do you want to play?

The game is called: "Speak a word". "Snowfall".

Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground .... snow.

Fluffs are sliding from the sky - silvery ... snowflakes.

On the country roads, on the meadow, everything is falling ... snow.

The earth is white, clean, tender, covered with a bed ... snowy.

Here's the fun for the guys - it's getting stronger ... snowfall.

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play ... snowballs.

Snowball - on a snowball, everything was decorated ... with a snowball

As if in a white down jacket we dressed .... snowman.

Nearby is a snow figurine, this is a girl ... a snow maiden.

And now I propose to dance a little (audio starts)

Physical education minute "Snow-snow"

Snow, snow

Snow is snow.

Creeps along the path.

(Children's hands are raised up, gradually fall down)

Snow, snow


White blizzard.

Snow, snow


Covered paths. (Gently shake hands left and right)

Snow, snow


Melts on the palm.

(Alternately stretch forward the right and then the left hand)

We'll make snowballs

Let's play together

("The snowballs are falling")

And each other snowballs

fun throwing

("Throwing snowballs")

But it's warm outside

(Clap hands)

Ears not frozen

(rubbing ears with palms)

We roll snow

(Clench fingers into fists and rotate them in front of the chest).

In a big white lump. (Spread hands to sides).

Well done boys!


Here is another snowflake

Look at the pictures.

You tell me friends

What is left to remove here?

The game is being played "Remove the extra picture"

(On the board there are pictures with winter, spring, autumn natural phenomena. It is necessary to remove unnecessary pictures)

In winter, all children love to play outside in different games. What games do you like to play? Let's play a game with you "Snowballs"(Game being played "Hit the target with a snowball".)

Well done boys! The snowballs are cold and your hands are probably frozen. Let's get warm!


It's cold outside! (with index finger, massage the point between the eyebrows)

Hey, rub your nose (same on the other side)

Warm up your chin (massage of the point under the lower lip)

Everyone smiled soon (On the other side)

And at the eyes we will rub more friendly (circular motions at the temples)

More fun, more fun. (On the other side)

Well, we took up the ears (thumbs behind the ears)

There is no need for us to beat the buckets (circular motion)

Twisted, turned

Here are the ears warmed up!

We warm each finger (remove the ring from each finger)

We rub hard.

Well done boys!

(Audio recording turns on - Dunno cries)

Guys, can you hear someone crying? Let's see who is it? (The teacher brings in a Dunno toy)

Yes, it's a Dunno! What happend to you?

Dunno: I live far, far away in the Sun City. We have a very warm and many flowers growing, and it never snows. I wanted to see what kind of snow it is! Znayka told me about him. You have so beautiful and fun in winter. And what beautiful snowflakes so you want to eat them!

teacher: What are you, Dunno, you can’t eat snow! Guys, tell Dunno why you shouldn't eat snow. (children's answers) That's right guys, the snow is white, but it's cold.

Here Dunno you are with the guys, watch the cartoon. (Showing a fragment of the cartoon « snow fairy tale» . About how the teddy bear got sick)

teacher: That's how the bear cub got sick all over winter. Better snowflakes just admire. Look how beautiful they are. (Showing the snowflakes shown in the pictures).

Dunno: Can I take snowflakes with me to Sunny City?

teacher: Oh, they will melt! True guys.

Dunno: What should I do? I wanted to show them to my friends.

teacher: Do not worry Dunno, we will teach you how to draw snowflakes. They will not melt, they will be drawn on paper. To do this, we need these sheets of blue cardboard, glue and brushes, and also salt. Draw a snowflake on a sheet of cardboard with glue, and then sprinkle salt on the glue. Press the salt with your palm. The excess must be shaken off. These are the snowflakes you now know how to draw. Well done boys! (during independent activity children, the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet is turned on "Nutcracker", "Dance of the Snow Flakes")

Dunno: Thank you guys! Now I will show all the inhabitants of the Sunny City what beautiful snowflakes are and teach them how to draw. Goodbye!

teacher: - You have completed all the tasks of the Witch of Winter! What tasks did you enjoy the most? Here I have beautiful snowflakes, they are all different: big and small. I suggest you take each a snowflake, if you did well, you did it, then take big snowflake, and if you think that it did not turn out the way you wanted (not all is well, or something did not work out)- then take a smaller snowflake. Well done! Look, there's something here. Guys, this is some kind of casket. Let's open it? Yes, there is a note. That's what's in it written: "Dear Guys! You completed all my tasks, made me happy and in gratitude I send you colored ice cubes! Zimushka-winter

Yes, it's time for me to get back! Thank you guys and goodbye!