Synopsis of a winter walk in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Card file of winter walks in the preparatory group

Winter walk "Journey to Sportland"

in the preparatory group.

Event progress.

In Group.

Introduction to the situation.

V .: Guys, today we have an unusual walk. We have an interesting journey to the country of Sportlandia. In this country, all residents love to engage in physical education and sports.

Q: Do you know why you need to do physical education and sports? (to be healthy, strong, dexterous).

V .: In this country, people like to compete. We live in the North. Indigenous people are very fond of competing in national games. What national sports do you know? (children's answers). Among the indigenous people, the most popular national sports are jumping over sleds, a triple run jump on both legs, throwing a tynzei on a polecat, running with a stick over rough terrain, throwing an ax for a distance.

Q: Do you guys like to exercise?

Knowledge update:

Didactic task: updating knowledge about sports.

Didactic game "Name the sports" (for the development of positive motivation for playing sports and introducing a healthy lifestyle).

V .: Offers to play, guess the sport by the symbols.

Q: Would you like to visit Sportlandia?

D: Yes, we do.

V .: Well, but this is not an easy path, only the brave and dexterous, friendly and skillful can overcome it.

Q: I see that you are ready to travel.

V .: Then get dressed and go out into the street (outdoors).

On the street.

Research activity.

Didactic task: practical application of previously acquired knowledge, skills, skills - to continue to form the ability to determine the direction of the wind.

Q: Guys, is the weather favorable for traveling? (children's answers).

How to determine the state of the weather? Offers children cards with weather symbols. Teams choose cards and note the results of the observation.

Q: What card do you have? What are you going to define? (the sun is shining, it is snowing, etc.). At the end of the work, the teacher invites the children to unite and watch the wind.

V .: Guys, is there any wind, no, how to find out?

D .: with the help of sultans, turntables.

V: Let's try.

Q: Can we accurately determine the direction of the wind? (Can). With using what?

D.: With the help of a weather vane.

V .: We can determine from which part of the world the wind blows (from the south, west or east).

(Children's answers.)

Q: With what device? (Using a compass)

(V. suggests installing a weather vane and determining the direction of the wind by the compass).

Q: If the arrow is pointing north, what is the wind like? (northern), etc.

Q: Guys, what winter sports do you know? (Answers of children).

And I know another sport - this is biathlon. Biathlon is a sports competition of 2 types of exercises: skiing and target shooting from a rifle. And now I propose to participate in the first exercise of the biathlon. Unfortunately we don't have skis, but we do have ski poles that can be used for Nordic walking. Canadian walking is a new, modern sport that trains all muscle groups. And so where are we going? (to the country of Sportland). And so on the way! Let's say together:

To grow and mature

Gotta play sports

To grow healthy

We are on the way with sports.

Activation of motor activity .

Didactic task: Practical application of previously acquired knowledge, skills - training of motor skills and abilities in the main types of movements.

1 task "Walking with sticks" (Nordic walking).

V .: And now I suggest you try your hand at biathlon (shooting from a rifle at a target). But since we do not have rifles, we will throw snowballs at the target.

2 task "Biathlon".

Purpose: to exercise in throwing snowballs at a target, to develop an eye.

Children are divided into 2 teams according to the color of the scarves. On a signal, the children begin to perform the exercise.


Q: Guys, we don't have a skating rink, but we have sticks, we don't have pucks, but we have colorful pieces of ice. What game can you think of to use both clubs and ice?

Purpose: to create a positive emotional mood.

D .: Children offer their options.

Discovery of new knowledge.

B. Summarizes the rules of the game invented by children. Rules of the game: in the center of the circle are multi-colored pieces of ice. The team in red scarves collects red icicles with clubs, and the team in blue scarves collects blue icicles with clubs. Who will collect the ice faster.

V .: What an unusual, interesting game we got. Come up with a name for the new game. (fun sticks, fun hockey, fun ice cubes (coolers). Let's remember the rules of the game.

Introduction of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

Where else can we play this game? (at home, in the gym if you replace the ice with balls).

Guys, be sure to tell other children about this game.

Labor activity of children.

Purpose: to continue to form industriousness, the ability to bring business to a high-quality result.

V .: We live in the North. There are national sports in our region. What sports do you know?

V .: Let's show the residents of Sportgrad such a type of competition as "Sled Jumping".

V .: To play, you need sledges, but we don’t have them, and the inhabitants of this country don’t have them either (and how to make them, where to get them). I propose to make them from snow, we have forms for this. We will set up the forms and cover them with snow.

After the end of the work, the teacher summarizes: what have we done with you? (filled boxes). For what? (to make sledges). When will we jump? (when the snow freezes). Then we will come back here and show how athletes compete in this national sport.

Making sense.

Q: Did you enjoy our trip? What new did you learn?

D.: children's answers.

V .: Guys, it's time for us to go back to our site.

You and I came here by Nordic walking, but how do you want to return back (on foot, skipping, running, etc.).

Independent activity of children.

V .: Guys, what would you like to do on the site? (children's answers). The teacher supervises the activities of children.

Ludmila Derkunova
Synopsis of a walk in the preparatory group "Winter Fun"

Synopsis of a walk in the preparatory group "Winter Fun"

Software content.

To create favorable conditions for the disclosure of children's creative ideas, the manifestation of their physical activity and a positive emotional state.

Observation "What snow?"


Observe with children such properties of snow: white, cold, falls like snowflakes that melt on a warm hand, become water droplets.

Walk progress:

The teacher invites the children to admire the winter landscape. Draws the attention of children to large snowdrifts, shining in the sun during the day.

How beautifully A. S. Pushkin said about this time of year:

... The sorceress winter is coming.

Came, crumbled: shreds

Hung on the branches of oaks;

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills.

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil;

Frost flashed. And we are glad

I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.

Vos-l: What can you say about the snow? What is he?

Children: Fluffy, sparkles in the sun, shimmers, plump, shaggy.

Vos-l: In winter, snow often changes its color: sometimes blue, sometimes bluish or yellow, depending on the lighting.

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

What kind of stars through

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut.

And you take it - water in your hand.

The teacher shows the children a magnifying glass and explains what it is for. She catches a snowflake on a black leaf and invites the children to examine it through a magnifying glass. Children examine a snowflake, admire its beauty, consider how many rays it has.

Ecological game "Guess what bird"

The educator reads to the children a poem by O. Vykhotskaya "Winter the Craftswoman"

Winter has come, it's busy:

wrapped in snow

All bumps and stumps

Benches and stacks.

Winter told the oak

Put on fluffy fur

I put on a fur coat on a spruce,

Warmly covered everyone.

The waxwings turn red

On the branches of birches.

They didn't fly away.

Will they survive the cold?

Vos-l: How can we help the birds survive the winter?

Children: Pour food into the feeder.

The teacher invites the children to solve riddles about wintering birds:

little boy

In a gray coat

Scurry around the yard

Collects crumbs.

roams at night,

Hemp steals (sparrow)

That bird is a fidget.

One with birch color.

Who is this? (magpie)

She's a little bird

And her name is ... (titmouse)

I knock on wood

I want to get a worm.

Though hidden under the bark,

You will still be mine (woodpecker)

Vos-l: Children, what winter fun has winter prepared for us?

Children: sledding, skiing, skating, playing snowballs.

A competition is held "Who can make a snowman faster?"

Children are divided into two teams, roll snowballs of different sizes (large, medium, small, then put them in a certain order and decorate snowmen. The team that quickly makes beautiful snowmen wins.

Mobile game "Frost - Red Nose"

Purpose: to develop the ability to run in different directions, agility, speed, courage. The driver is chosen with the help of a rhyme.

Game progress: two houses are indicated on opposite sides of the site. One of them is the players. In the middle of the site, the leader becomes facing them - Frost - Red Nose. He says:

I'm Frost - Red Nose

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

The children respond in chorus:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze (touch with a hand). The "Frozen" stop at the place where Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the dash. After several dashes, a new Frost is chosen. At the end of the game, the “frozen” children are counted and they find out which of the Morozovs is the most dexterous.

Mobile game "Snow carousel"

Purpose: to learn to move in a circle at a fast and slow pace, changing direction.

Game progress: children form a circle near the snowman, depicting snowflakes. At the signal of the teacher, the children walk slowly, then faster and faster and run. After letting the children run a few laps, the teacher says: “The wind has changed, the snowflakes flew in the other direction.” Children slow down, stop and start moving in the other direction, moving slowly at first, then increasing the pace until the next command of the teacher.

Mobile game "Entertainers"

Purpose of the game: to fix winter species, to name them correctly and imitate.

The course of the game: the children stand in a circle, the entertainer, chosen according to the counting rhyme, stands in a circle, holding hands and say:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are


Let's do it like this.

The children stop, the entertainer shows some movement that imitates the pose of a skater, a skier's step, a skater's rotation, a blow with a stick, a pose of a goalkeeper in hockey, etc. All the children repeat the movement and repeat it.

Role-playing game "Warship".

Purpose: to maintain interest in military topics, to cultivate friendly relations. Use snow when building a ship.

In the role-playing game, the "military" conduct a pair relay "Reckless" to improve the health of children.

Relay progress: the children of each team become pairs one after the other. The first pairs are preparing for the competition: one child sits on the sled, the other pulls them by the rope. The movement begins at the signal of the teacher: "Let's go"

1st option. One participant sits on a sled, the other carries him by the rope.

2nd option. One sits on the sled, the other pushes the sled from behind.

Labor on site.

Purpose: to cultivate a desire to work, to take care of the younger ones.

Clear the paths in the nursery.

Individual work:

A subgroup of children stand in a line, in each hand they have a snowball. On the command: “Throw left (right)”, everyone simultaneously tries to throw the snowball as far as possible.

Material: magnifiers, sleds, buckets, snow molds, shovels, black leaves.

Organization: GBOU gymnasium No. 1595 (dsp)

Location: Moscow

Demo material:

Map, compass, bridge, skis, ice rinks, hoops, "beads" of geometric shapes, "treasures".


Plates with numbers.

Preliminary work:

Learning proverbs about winter, folk signs. Making a map. Introduction to parts of the world. Conversation about migratory and wintering birds.


Educator: Guys, please tell me what time of year is it? (Winter). Yes, and I would like us to talk about this wonderful time of the year today. Guys, do you like winter? Why? (Answers of children). Indeed, winter is a fun time. On our huge planet called Earth, there are many different countries, but in each country the winter is different. There are countries where it never snows. They are called so - hot countries. Guys, what country do we live in? Tell me please, what kind of Russian winter do we have?

Children's answers: (white, fluffy, silver, cold, snowy, beautiful, icy, magical, fabulous, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, harsh, funny, etc.)

Educator: Yes, guys, you are right, our winter is very different. She is cold, and with a thaw, with snowstorms and with a drop, with crisp snow. Each season has its own 3 months. Name all the winter months.

Children's answers:

December January February.

Educator: Guys, in the old days, the people called December “frown”. Why do you think? (Children's answers) That's right, because in December the sun rarely peeps through low gray clouds, a gloomy, sunless month, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early. And January in the old days was called "fierce". Why do you think? (Answers of children). I agree with you, because the cold is fierce, the frosts are cracking, and the snow is creaking underfoot. And February was popularly called the “snowman”. Why? Yes, this month blizzards and blizzards sweep high snowdrifts, and gusty winds drive snow drifts across the ground.

Goblin comes out: When he sees the children, he runs towards them waving paper.

Goblin: Guys, what are you doing in my forest?

Educator: Wait, grandpa. How is it with you? It was you who came to visit us. We are glad to meet you. We are the guys from the preschool group.

Goblin: How amazing! To school means smart, you know a lot and know how. So you can help me. My old friend Raven brought me this piece of paper and said "treasure". Treasures are great! But only this piece of paper does not look like a treasure. And Raven never deceived me!

Educator: Look, this is an unusual piece of paper, this is a map, it shows the path to the treasure. What do you think there might be treasure? Children, do you want to find him? (Yes) Then on the road! What do we need to take with us to choose the right route? (Compass) Right. The path will not be easy. We will have to experience many difficulties, many things can happen. It is necessary to count all the members of the expedition so that no one gets lost. Children, line up. Let's count how many of us. Calculate in order. (Children calculate). Now everyone take a number for yourself, this will be your code. (Children find numbers). Anything can happen on the road, suddenly someone gets lost. I don't think this will happen, but we'll check just in case. Attention game "Which number is missing?" Let's look at the map. What do the letters mean? (North, south, east, west.) What else do you see on the map? (Children list what they see) Where do the arrows lead?

"Deep Snow" Children pass on skis and find the following task: "Guess riddles."

Solving riddles:

Troika, trio - arrived.

The horses in that trio are white.

And in the sleigh sits the queen -

White-skinned, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered in silver. (Winter)

The old man at the gate

All warmly dragged away. (Freezing)

I'm flying, I'm spinning

I grumble for the whole world. (Blizzard)

Who, guess what?

Sitting mistress!

Shake feather beds -

Above the world of fluff! (Winter)

Will lie all winter

In the spring he will run away into the river. (Snow) ***

The girl Belyan came,

The whole field turned white. (Winter)

And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

Doesn't run on his own

And he doesn't want to stand. (Freezing)

Goblin: What good fellows you are!

The children and the teacher look at the map again. The map says "Swamp". The swamp needs to go over the bumps and not fall. Children jump from hoop to hoop and find a note: "Winter signs".

Educator: Let's remember folk winter signs:

Winter signs:

If the night is cold

Quiet and starry

The smoke from the chimneys is rising


So, it will be clear in the afternoon.


Blue spots over the forest

A thin curtain of snow

Slightly less cold

Wind from the south...


Wait for the blizzard.


If a fish on a winter day

Walking right under the ice

Walking right under the ice

And his tail is pounding on the ice -

So without a doubt...


Wait for warm weather.


If the sunset in the evening

Was slightly greenish

If he lay down on the branches of frost,

Bouquet of roses on the glass

If the smoke is blue palm

Reaches to the stars

And the wind does not whistle menacingly ...


It will be clear and cold.

Goblin: Well well. I never thought that children before school are so smart.

Educator: Leshik, we already know a lot.

Goblin: What good fellows you are.

Educator: Let's look at the map again. What else do you see on the map? So we're heading north. And how in the forest with the help of trees to find out where the north is? (Children answer). The next arrow on the map indicates: "Help a friend." We have ice rinks here, but there are few of them, but everyone needs to go through.

Goblin: The boys will have to carry the girls or vice versa.

Game: Help a friend.

Goblin: You and each other are always ready to help. No wonder I contacted you. I would treat you with berries, but it's not the season.

Educator: Thanks Leshik. what's next on the map? "Bridge". Look, there's a deep river ahead. Let's cross it over the bridge. But the bridge will let through only those guys who name migratory and wintering birds. (Children call and cross the river).

Goblin: Well well. You are not only smart, you know with whom I sing songs in the forest in winter.

Educator: We return to the map. What else is on the way? Someone's house.

Goblin: Yes, this is my house! Oh trouble, trouble. Santa Claus hid all the paths under the snow. How will the forest animals come to visit me? They won't find my house in the woods.

Educator: Don't be upset, Leshik. The guys and I will help you fix everything. Guys, can we clean the paths to the house?

The children clear the snow around the house.

Goblin: Well, thank you! Well, thank you! And the house became beautiful again. Why are these pictures here?

Educator: These are not pictures, these are letters. Guys, what can be read with these letters?

Children make syllables. The words are obtained: "IN THE HOUSE UNDER THE STORE". Goblin went to his house and found "treasures" (chocolate medals). He treated all the children, thanked them for their help and hurried into his magical forest to tell his friends about his new acquaintances. And the children went to the group to refresh themselves and relax for new adventures.

Winter walk in the preparatory group of the kindergarten

Author: Borgoyakova Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of the preparatory school group of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of the City of Abakan "Child Development Center - Kindergarten "Chaika"
Material Description: the proposed summary will be useful to preschool teachers, methodologists and senior teachers, primary school teachers, day care group teachers and parents, students of pedagogical faculties.
Theme: "Visiting the Snowman"
Target: Creating conditions for fixing the signs of winter through a walk.
- systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter;
- create conditions for search and research activities;
- create conditions for encouraging children to speech activity;
- to promote the development of observation, education of curiosity and love for the native nature;
- create conditions for the organization of motor activity.
Materials and equipment: an envelope with a letter, a map of the site, 2 buckets, ice, carrots, a scarf.
Progress of the walk
Children at the site discover an envelope with a letter, gather around it.
-Guys, let's read and find out from whom the letter is (children read aloud on their own)
“Help, help! Big trouble happened to my friend - the Snowman. He was kidnapped by the Snow Queen. She will let him go if you and I complete all her tasks. But first you need to find them, I am sending you a map to help you. I wish you good luck! Sincerely, "Snow Woman"

- Guys, let's help the Snow Woman free her friend, the Snowman, from captivity. Children look at the map and hit the road.
-Find the first task, you need to guess the riddle:
Troika, Troika has arrived,
The horses in that trio are white,
And in the sleigh sits the queen,
Belokosa, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve
Everything is covered in silver...
- Guys, what is the riddle about? (about winter)
- Do you like winter? Why?
- Name the winter months (December, January and February)
What does "snowfall" mean?
- Find, on our site, signs of winter? (snow, frost, blizzard)
Why is snow loose? (Layer after layer of snow falls on the ground, and each layer is loose at first, because there is a lot of air between the snowflakes.)
Educator: Well done answered all the questions of the Snow Queen! Let's go further.
Game "Follow the trail"
Description of the game: children stand one after another and jump to get to the next task.

Research activity "Comparison of ice and snow". Children find ice and snow.
- In the heat, snow and ice ... (melt, water forms)
- Snow is white, and ice ... (transparent)
- Snow is opaque...
- Snow is loose, ice ... (hard and brittle)
- Guys, the Snow Queen wants to freeze us, let's play.
Mobile game "Two Frosts"
Game description:
The game takes place on two platforms.
"School" and "home" are marked on opposite sides of the site. Two Frosts are selected - the drivers, and the rest of the guys are located behind the line of the house in one line. In the middle of the site - on the street - there are two Frosts. Frost appeals to children:
We are two young brothers
- Two Frosts are removed.
- I'm Frost-Red Nose,
“I am Blue Nose Frost.
- Which one of you decides
- To go on a path?
Children (in chorus).
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost!
After these words, the guys run from home to school. Frosts osalivayut-freeze guys. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
- Children according to the map-scheme find two empty buckets. Read the task. It is necessary to fill these buckets with snow, but not with a shovel and at a distance.
Mobile game "Hit the target!"
Game description: Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of their bucket. On a signal, the children fill the snow buckets with snowballs. The first team to fill the bucket with snow wins.
The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Well done, we did the job, now we can continue on our way.
Children follow the map - the scheme, come to the next task and find a carrot.
Labor activity
- Guys, what do you think, whose carrot is this? (snowman nose)
- What an insidious Snow Queen, she broke a snowman and only a carrot nose remained from him. What to do? (To make a snowman)
Children sculpt a snowman, decorate with attributes (carrots, bucket, scarf)
No matter how hard the Snow Queen tried, we still outwitted her and completed all the tasks. Helped the Snowman find a snowman friend.

Synopsis of an open walk in the preparatory group on the topic "Hello, winter-winter!"

The summary reflects all the main components of the walk: observation, labor activity, mobile and sedentary games, individual work with children, independent activities of children.



Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution No. 14 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten"

Synopsis of the regime moment "walk"

(open view)

On the topic: "Hello, winter - winter!" for children of the preparatory group.

Prepared by: Oleinikova N. G.


City of Kemerovo 20015

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about the cycle in nature; increase the level of physical activity of children; cultivate a positive attitude to walks, curiosity.

Materials: ice toys, children's paddles, ball, bags for throwing at the target.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations about winter, reading fiction, making colored, ice toys.


  • Form ideas about the properties of snow (color, size, shape of snowflakes, composition - the state of aggregation of matter);
  • To stimulate cognitive and research activities;
  • To consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall
  • Activate and expand vocabulary, improve the evidence-based side of speech by resolving problematic issues;
  • To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings and artistic and creative abilities in interaction with nature:

Walk progress:


Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the water cycle in nature,

The development of observation, the ability to draw conclusions

The teacher asks the children where the snow comes from. Explains that rain comes from rain clouds in summer. Now it is winter outside, there are no rain clouds, the weather is cold, frosty. In the clouds, steam and small droplets of water freeze and turn into snowflakes; they fall to the ground, form heaps of snow, snowdrifts. Make a riddle:

white, patterned,

little asterisk,

You fly into my hand

sit for a minute

An asterisk circled

A little in the air.

Sat and melted

On my palm."

Educator: Guys, winter has prepared gifts for you, but in order to receive them you must pass all the tests that she has prepared for you!

On a calm day, snowflakes fall slowly, you can see their shape. When the wind blows, the snowflakes fly in solid dust, touching each other and other objects. Their rays break off, lose their beautiful shape, In a great frost with a clear sky, crystals in the form of needles fall out. Offer to catch a snowflake, consider it.

Invite the children to make a snowball. Get it or not. Why?

Experimental activities:"Decorate the Christmas Tree"

Purpose: to reflect existing ideas in transformative activities.

The teacher reminds of the upcoming New Year holidays and offers to decorate the Christmas tree on the site with unusual toys - from the water.

Children examine pre-prepared toys together with the teacher and decorate the Christmas tree on the site.

Child reads a poem

At night, when everything around freezes,
The Christmas tree is quietly playing with toys.

Messing around with them just like a girl:
Hiding a hare from a gray wolf,

A golden ball rolls on the floor,
The Snow Maiden braids the ribbon,

Gently the little mouse shakes on its paws, -
In general, she does not get bored at night!

In the daytime, the Christmas tree looks like a pretender -
It's like she doesn't care about toys.

Labor activity:

Target: educate diligence, skills of collective activity.

Clearing paths from snow, building a snow slide.

The teacher conducts a conversation with the children for which it is necessary to clear the paths from snow.

Game activity

Outdoor games: "Hunters and Hares"

Purpose of the game: learning to run in a playful manner, developing dexterity and coordination of movement.

From among the children playing, two are chosen: a “hunter” and a “homeless hare”. The rest of the "hares" children draw for themselves on the playground mugs - "houses" with a diameter of up to 50 cm.

Each hare occupies its own "house"-circle. The teacher gives a signal by which the hunter begins to pursue the "homeless" hare. Running away from the hunter, the “hare” winds between the houses, and then suddenly it can jump into any house and stand behind the back of the “hare” living there. At the same moment, this "hare" turns into a "homeless man", must leave the "house" and run away from the hunter now chasing him.

As soon as the hunter caught up with the hare and touched it with his hand, they change places: the hare becomes the hunter, and the hunter becomes the hare.

Game option: the total number of hares decreases, and instead of circles, “houses” for “hares” are children, 3-4 holding hands.

They open the “doors” (raise their hands) in front of the “homeless hare”, letting him into the house, and close it in front of the “hunter”. At the same time, the hare that was in it leaves the house through other “doors”. The rest of the game follows the same rules.


One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he becomes in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children walk in a circle, holding hands. They pronounce:

an even circle,

One after the other

We go step by step.

Stay where you are


Let's do... like this.

Lowering their hands, the players stop. The entertainer shows some movement that imitates the posture of a skater, a skier's step, a skater's rotation, a blow with a stick or a goalkeeper's action in hockey, as well as any other action characteristic of one of the winter sports. All children must repeat this action and name it. After several repetitions of the game, the entertainer chooses someone else from the players to take his place. Entertainers should try to remember diverse e movements of athletes, do not repeat those already shown.

Individual work.

Children with low physical activity:"Skiing"

Purpose: to exercise in skiing, to develop dexterity, endurance.

Children with high physical activity:"Who has more hits?"Purpose: an exercise in throwing at a horizontal target.

Independent activity.

Purpose: development of initiative, independence, friendly relations between children.

At the end of the walk, the teacher opens the chest with gifts and gives them to the children!

Attention! Exhibition!

Dear parents, we invite your children and you to participate in the manufacture of crafts on the New Year theme"New Year's Kaleidoscope", which will start since December 1, 2015