Abstract of GCD on drawing in the senior group Topic: “Wonderful transformation. GCD abstract for drawing "It's raining

Koval Vladislav
GCD abstract for drawing "It's raining"

Subject: « It is raining»

Target: The development of artistic and aesthetic feelings in children, creativity fantasy.

Program content:

Learn paint short lines depicting rain

To teach children to convey in the drawing impressions of the surrounding life, see in the figure is an image of the phenomenon.

Learn to distinguish the color of paint, correctly name it (blue).

Learn paint short lines from top to bottom.

Develop desire paint

To educate children in aesthetic perception. Continue to cultivate accuracy.

Equipment: landscape sheet, brushes, gouache of blue color, napkins, water jar, umbrella, easel.

Lesson progress:


IN: Hello guys, I will make a riddle for you, and you have to guess it. Ready?

D: Yes

IN: He will wet everyone to the skin,

But it won't bring trouble

Grass and snail are glad,

Save everyone from drought.

Million drops leader

Falls to the ground - (Rain)

IN: did you guess? This?

D: rain

IN: right.

(The teacher turns on the noise recording rain) .

IN: Guys, what time of year is it?

D: Autumn.

IN: That's right, autumn has come to us. The weather became cool, we began to dress warmly, people often go outside rains. Tell me guys, how is it rain?

D: weak and strong

IN: right, and now you will turn everything into droplets - raindrops, you will drip quietly and loudly at my signal.

Rain quiet at first dripped: children clap their hands softly.

The rain pounded louder: The children clap their hands loudly.

Main part:

IN: Well done boys. Today we will be with you draw raindrops on a landscape sheet. What color will we be draw rain?

D: blue

IN: That's right, look at the easel. What do you see on a piece of paper?

D: clouds

IN: what is missing here?

D: rain

IN: right, droplets rain we will paint with brushes. To do this, I wet the brush in a jar of water and pick up blue paint on a stick, then put dots on paper with the tip of the brush. If you are strong rain, then we put a lot of droplets, and if the rain is weak, then there should be few droplets (shows on an easel).

Finger gymnastics "Gifts of Autumn"

Sun, sun, more fun

Shine on, keep warm!

Clench your fingers into a fist

Rain, rain, don't interfere

Harvest us:

Pears, apples in orchards,

Tomatoes in the fields.

Beets, radishes and potatoes.

And, of course, carrots.

When listing, bend one finger on the left hand, and then on the right

So that when winter will come,

They were full of bins.

Clench your fingers into a fist

IN: Let's get to work.

IN: What beautiful and neat droplets you got. Well done, and now I invite you to play. We quietly get up, push the chairs under the table and stand on the carpet. The game is called "Sunshine and rain» . When will it sound funny music, we will walk in a circle with you, and when calm music sounds, we will hide under an umbrella. Does everyone understand?

D: Yes.

Final part:

IN: Let's remember what we did today?

D: painted

IN: It's right that we painted?

D: Rain

IN: Did you enjoy the activity?

Synopsis of GCD on artistic and aesthetic activities

"In the world of good"

(drawing) for the senior group

Target: To deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person, to encourage the child's desire to do good deeds. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to comrades, express their opinion, show goodwill to the judgments of other children). Teach children the skills of productive activity.


Continue to develop interest in visual activity;
To consolidate technical skills (to consolidate the ability to hold a brush correctly);
Cause a positive response to the results of their creativity;
To develop creativity, the ability to work independently, to cultivate accuracy in work.

Integration of educational areas:
Social and communicative development, speech development, artistic aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development(in accordance with GEF).

Methodical methods:
1. Artistic word.
2. Musical accompaniment.
3. Explanation of the educator.
4. Observation of the work of children.
5. Analysis of the work of the educator and children.

Material and equipment:
Artificial flowers, ball, computer, one big one, balloon, an envelope with a letter, multi-colored pieces of a picture (puzzles), decorations for a multi-colored country of kindness (flowers, autumn leaves), album sheets ½ for each child, gouache, brushes, cups of water, coasters for brushes, a large, soft toy-sun, geometric figures from multi-colored cardboard, toy - ladybug, cards of pink and purple for each child, paper hearts,

Preliminary work:
Reading the story of V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad"
Consideration of illustrations, organization of children by the educator for didactic and speech games, discussing the actions of heroes.

Lesson progress:
(children, together with the teacher, enter the bedroom and become a semicircle.)


We are all friendly guys
We are preschoolers
We don't offend anyone
How cares we know
Let's not leave anyone in trouble
We will not offend, but we will ask
May everyone be well
It will be joyful, light!

Educator: Guys, please look out the window. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the grass is green. When does it happen?(in summer)
Pay attention to how many flowers are on the windowsill.
Do you like flowers?
(yes) (distributes one flower at a time, pronouncing)
What can you do with flowers?(admire, sniff, give ...)
Such wonderful flowers, smell nice, I suggest you inhale their scent.(music No. 1. Breathing exercises: children with closed mouth inhale, then exhale through the mouth. 3-4 times.)

Educator: How many Vika do you have flowers, and you Egor ? (one…)
And if we all connect the flowers together, how many will there be?(a lot of…)
And when there are many flowers, what is this?(bouquet)
That's right, well done, of course the bouquet.
Dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world: Seryozhechka - friend,
Nikita is a light, Milanochka is a friend and Nelly is a laugher...
Guys, I suggest you play the game "Tender Word".
(takes the ball, the children stand in a semicircle ... teacher: Nikita I like you because you are brave ...., and Alina has beautiful smile etc.)
What do you think, children, is it nice to say affectionate words?(yes) And the evil ones? (No)
I invite such good, handsome people on a trip. Want to?(Yes)
Think and tell me what you can travel on?(by car, boat, plane, balloon ...) (balloon flies in)
Educator: Miracles guys balloon flew to us! Yes, there is also a letter!(opens in-l, takes out)
What is this letter? I will read it!
(we read: Dear guys! I suggest you make an amusing trip through the extraordinary “Colorful Land of Kindness!”)
From whom is the letter? Who invites us? There are some multi-colored pieces in the envelope here ... what to do with them?
Children: (collect)
(collected, recognized the Fairy of Kindness)
Educator: Who sent the letter is now clear! This is the mistress of the country "Kindness"
Well, here you can go.
On this balloon we will fly to the “Colorful Land of Kindness”. (music number 2 plays)
(Children, together with the teacher, holding on to a large balloon, move to a decorated group to the music)
Educator: Guys, we are met by the Fairy of Kindness herself!
Fairy: Gets well with children.
Educator: Your kindest majesty, why are you sad and why is it so dark in your country?
Fairy : Recently, an evil wizard appeared in our Colorful country, he really doesn’t like paints, and so he took them and hid them behind seven locks.
Guys, help light the sun!
Educator: Our preschool children are very kind children, children, you agree to help the Kindness Fairy!(Yes)
caregiver : Children sit down, we will help the Fairy to light the sun.(music No. 3 sounds. Children paint the image of the sun with paints on ½ of the album sheet.)
Fairy: Well done boys! Thank you guys. Here comes the sun(shows a big soft toy-sun)Here again in our country it became light and sunny!
Educator: It's bright and sunny, so it's time to play!
Stand up guys in a circle.
(physical minute to music No. 4)
Educator: Look, I found unusual leaves, they are different geometric shape! What is the shape of this leaf?(circle) What color is the circle? ( yellow) What figure is this?(triangle) What color is the triangle?(green)
Look guys, here's a bug! And we didn't notice it right away. Help the bug choose a leaf on which it would be noticeable.(music number 5 sounds. children put a bug on the leaves different colors and compare on which color the bug will be most noticeable.) (yellow)
Fairy: Well done, my mood has even improved. Do you guys know that each color has its own mood?(we know...yes)
Educator: I suggest you play the game "pick the color according to the mood!"(distributing purple cards and Pink colour each child)
I will read the poems of Vladimir Karkin, and you will pick up a card suitable color and lift it up.(music number 6 sounds)
Outside the window fog and slush
The stars hide in the dark
I really want to cry
It is not known why
Guys, what color card will you choose?
(purple) Right….

(music number 7 sounds)
Branches turn golden in the morning
In dream blue smoke
I really want to laugh
It is not known why
Now what color card will you choose?
Of course, everyone is in a great mood!
Fairy: The mood is excellent, because friendship and kindness work real miracles! Let's hold hands and feel the warmth and strength of the hands of our friends.
(reads a verse. psychological game)
The breeze is friends with the sun, and the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly, we are friends with you.
We are happy to share everything with friends in half!
Only quarrel with friends, never!

Educator: I am looking at you now, you are all smiling... What is your mood after our trip?(Good)
So paint your mood in color!(Colour hearts different colors to music number 8)
Educator: And now, dear Fairy of Kindness, accept from us a rainbow of our good feelings as a keepsake!(children give multi-colored hearts).
Fairy: Thank you kind guys. And so that you return safely, I will give you magic balls on which you will fly to your favorite kindergarten.(Music No. 9 sounds. The fairy distributes balloons and the children fly into the bedroom).

Outline of the GCD on acquaintance with non-traditional technique drawing "Drawing with a fork."

Description: The outline of the lesson is focused on middle and senior preschool age. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. The material can be useful for preschool teachers, young professionals and students.

Target: Introduce children to new technology creative activity- drawing with a fork.


- educational. Teaching children the methods and techniques of non-standard drawing techniques.

- developing. Development creative thinking and imagination when creating a drawing unconventional method.

- educational. Education of accuracy, independence, attentiveness when working with gouache and a fork.

Priority educational area. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas. Artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Activities. Informative - research activities, visual activity, communicative activity, motor activity.

Material and equipment.

- sheets of A4 paper

- sheets of paper ½ A4

- gouache

- markers

- disposable plastic forks

- napkins

- cups - non-spill

GCD progress.

Educator. Guys, today we have with you creative occupation. We will draw on a free topic. What does it mean to be free?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, we will draw the drawing that we ourselves will come up with, showing our imagination and fiction. Take a look at your tables. Are we ready to be creative?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, there is gouache, but no brushes. Not order. We'll fix it now. Where are our brushes?

The teacher looks into the cabinet with the office and discovers the loss of brushes.

Educator. Guys, the brushes are gone!!! What are we going to draw? Let's eat them together!

The teacher and children are looking for brushes in the group. In the game kitchen cabinet, they find a cup from under the brushes, but there are forks in it.

Educator. So so so. Someone decided to play a trick on us and changed our tassels for forks. What do we do?

Children's answers.

Educator. What if we try to draw with forks?

Children's answers.

Educator. Fine. We just need to prepare our fingers for unusual drawing.

Finger workout.

To draw beautifully

Gotta play with your fingers

Here is a large one, this one is medium,

Nameless and last

Our little finger is a baby.

Oooo index forgot.

We will show the goat's horns

And even deer antlers

Let's not forget bunny ears

We will lead with a finger.

To draw beautifully

You have to play with your fingers.

Educator. Then let's start our experiment. Take a large sheet of paper. Dip the fork into the paint can, just like you would dip the paintbrush. Now let's draw a straight line on the sheet.

Educator. It turns out?

Children's answers.

Educator. Rinse the forks in cups of water and dry with a paper towel. Now let's pick up another paint and draw a wavy line. If there is not enough paint for the entire line, dip the fork into the paint again.

The teacher does this stage of work on the board, then the children on the sheets.

Educator. Well done. Rinse the forks again in water and wipe with a napkin. The third time we collect paint and draw small straight lines.

The teacher does this stage of work on the board, then the children on the sheets.

Educator. Umnichki, so we learned to draw with a fork. Tired?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's loosen up a bit.


One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend down, unbend,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three head nods.

For four - arms wider,

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

Educator. And now it's time to return to the topic of our lesson. Who remembers what the theme is?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, today you and I draw whatever we want, i.e. drawing on a free topic. So let's not waste a minute and start drawing.

The children start painting. The teacher approaches each child and asks the subject of the drawing, if there are difficulties, prompts, directs. Shows you how to use felt-tip pens to complete the drawing.

Educator. What wonderful drawings you have! You are all great fellows! Who wants to tell about his drawing to all the guys?

Children take it in turns to come out and talk about their drawing. The teacher helps the narrator with leading questions.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the work done and sums up the lesson.

Educator. Guys, did you like our new brushes? What did you like? What didn't you like? What was difficult to do? What new did you learn about the fork? Would you like to paint with forks again?

Children's answers.

Educator. With such an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with a fork, we met today. Now we know that the fork is not only cutlery, which cutlets are eaten with, but also an unusual brush for drawing, with which you can create such wonderful pictures!

Several examples of drawings.

Demina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 31" Zhemchuzhinka "EMR RT

GCD abstract for drawing with appliqué elements in senior group on the topic

"Dymkovo beauty"

Compiled by: Educator for fine arts

Tokayuk K.V.

Software content. Continue to teach children to make a pattern on the model of the Dymkovo masters. Use the following pattern elements - circles different sizes, dots, straight and wavy lines. Fix the drawing skill with the end of the brush, sticking. Develop a sense of color when drawing up a pattern on the model of the Dymkovo masters. Raise interest in folk arts and crafts.

Preliminary work. Teacher's stories about craftsmen from the village of Dymkovo with an examination of Dymkovo toys. Drawing in the classroom elements of Dymkovo painting. Decorative appliqué according to the samples of Dymkovo masters.

Materials and equipment. Envelope for each child with a planar image Dymkovo young lady. Oilcloths, napkins, hard bristled brushes, glue, brush holders (for application). Gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for drawing).

GCD progress:

Children stand around the teacher.

Children, today such an unusual cover came to our mailbox. Look at it and try to guess: where is it from? (from Dymkovo).

And how did you guess? (The envelope shows Dymkovo toys).

The teacher takes out a letter and reads:

"Dear guys from kindergarten"Pearl", we received your drawings with Dymkovo patterns. We really liked your drawings and we decided to send you our beauties. We have already painted them a little, and you will finish according to our samples. If you paint the same way as we do, you will have real Dymkovo souvenirs in your group.”

Guys, let's see what kind of beauties the masters from Dymkovo sent us. For each of you, they prepared an envelope, and in it - a young lady. There is a sample on the envelope, look - here it is not only drawn, but also there are elements of the application. In an envelope are ready-made forms to be glued as in the sample. Everything else will need to be painted with paints.

Let's imagine that we are real masters. You need to get ready for work, put yourself in order.

I will distribute an envelope to everyone and you will go to your seats. And music will help you with this - a Russian folk melody that reminds you of these amazing bright and colorful toys.

(Children are working).

(After the application is completed, a physical education session is carried out).

Guys who have finished their work and think that it turned out good, quietly approach our booth and we will hang your work on the left. And those who believe that today his work failed will hang their work on the right.


Let's stand in a semicircle and see what we got.

Why, if you look at these works, you can say that they were painted like Dymkovo masters? (bright, rich colors, the use of elements of Dymkovo painting - straight and wavy lines, large and small circles, dots and rings).

What work did you like the most? Why?

Today everyone tried very hard, so the work turned out like real Dymkovo toys, they really decorated your group. I think that we will write a letter to Dymkovo and thank the craftsmen for the gifts.

“Once again about ... how you can teach older children preschool age non-traditional drawing techniques "

MADOU "Kindergarten village. them. Karl Marx"

Synopsis of GCD: "Drawing"

Theme: "FunnyMatryoshkas»

Educator: Yarosh Z.N.

Exemplary general education program preschool education

From birth to school

Edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

Age group older

GCD theme : "FunnyMatryoshkas»

NGO Artistic and Aesthetic Development, NOD "Drawing"

Target : To create conditions for the development of basic artistic perception and practical skills when painting the silhouette of a nesting doll with an unconventional drawing technique (“monotype” and “crumpled paper print”, using various artistic materials ( gouache, wax crayons)


1. To form children's ideas about Russian nesting dolls. (Introduce children to the history of the creation of Russian nesting dolls: author's nesting dolls, based on fairy tales, depicting cultural monuments, glamorous nesting dolls) "Cognitive Development"

2. Develop children's communication skills in communicating with adults and peers "Social and communicative development";

Develop creative imagination children, fantasy, independence when painting the silhouette of a nesting doll using familiar methods of non-traditional drawing - “monotype” and “print with crumpled paper” "Artistic and aesthetic development";

Develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the game "Physical development"

develop in children cognitive interest to the matryoshka, as a souvenir, a symbol of Russia. "Cognitive development»

Develop the desire to become master artists and decorate the silhouette of nesting dolls "Cognitive development»

Develop the ability to evaluate creative work "Social and communicative development"

3. Raise accuracy in children when using paints. "Artistic and aesthetic development",
Activities: Visual, game, communicative, motor

Forms of organization: Group. individual

Forms of implementation of children's activities: Making children's art products

Equipment and materials : Presentation "The history of the creation of Russian nesting dolls", a laptop, a parcel, a chest, white silhouettes of nesting dolls from a landscape sheet, gouache , oilcloths, napkins, brushes, non-spills, wax crayons, sheets of paper, cotton buds, plates for used cotton buds, palettes, a large wooden nesting doll,

preliminary work : A conversation about Russian folk toy"matryoshka", looking at illustrations, real products of nesting dolls, playing with nesting dolls.

GCD progress

Children sit on chairs on the carpet. (There is a knock on the door)

Guys, they sent us a package

What's in the package? (opens the parcel) This is a chest, it is not simple,
And the surprise in it is painted. And what, you will know when you solve the riddle.

These bright sisters
Together they hid the pigtails
And they live as a family.
Just open the older one
In it sits another sister,
In that one, there is a smaller sister.
You get to the crumbs
These girls are…


- (opening chest) That's right, it's a matryoshka. Look how bright and elegant she is. But a misfortune happened to our nesting doll: Winter turned her friends into snow nesting dolls (showing the silhouettes of nesting dolls). The nesting dolls became completely white, ugly. The nesting doll became sad, sad, and decided to ask you for help. It is necessary to return to nesting dolls their colorfulness, to make them bright and cheerful again. Can you help the matryoshkas? ( Yes, we will help

(Children sit down at the laptop to watch the presentation)

- Matryoshka is a unique toy. Together with the Russian birch tree and the Russian samovar, it has become a symbol of Russia. Russian matryoshka is a good messenger of friendship and love. She is the soul of Russia. How did the matryoshka appear? (slides #2, #3, #4)

The most popular Russian wooden painted doll in the world appeared in Russia in the 90s of the XIX century in the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow, owned by S.I. Mamontov, The first Russian nesting doll was made by a toy turner Vasily Zvezdochkin, within the walls of the workshop “ child education” . Sergey Malyutin, the first artist to paint a nesting doll. The first matryoshka turned out to be a round-faced, plump, mischievous girl in a headscarf and folk dress, with a rooster in her hands. (slides #5, #6, #7, #8)

What material are matryoshkas made of? (from wood)

- : So what are they? ( wooden)

- Different masters painted their matryoshkas in different ways. (slides #9, #10, #11, #12). Therefore, although nesting dolls are similar, each has its own character.

The first in the world and in Russia is the Matryoshka Museum (slide No..17)

Here is such a huge collection of nesting dolls ( slides no..19)

Look at the glamorous nesting dolls ( slides no..21,slides no..22, slides no..23 ,slides no..24 ,slides no..25)

Who knows what the word glamorous means? ( Fashionable. shiny)

(The teacher offers a toy - Matryoshka for examination)

- Matryoshka is an unusual toy. Look how beautiful she is, with what bright colors the artist painted her. Do you like her? ( Yes, I like it.)

- What face? ( Funny, sad, beautiful)

- And what are the cheeks? ( Round ruddy.)

- And the eyes? ( Small, round.)

- And what is on the head of the matryoshka? ( Handkerchief.)

- What color is the sundress? ( Red sundress)

- What color is the apron? ( The apron is white.)

What is painted on the sundress? ( Flowers.)

- Right. Our nesting doll is very bright, she has a red sundress, a little white apron. On the apron are bright red flowers with green leaves. On the head of the matryoshka is a yellow handkerchief. The eyes are black. Round like beads. On the cheeks - a bright blush.

And now take the silhouettes of nesting dolls (children choose any silhouettes of nesting dolls themselves) and I invite you to the workshop where you, like real artists - authors, paint your nesting dolls, help them become bright, elegant again. But first, let's do a warm-up before work.

(Children go to the workshop, to pre-prepared tables)

Fizminutka "Visiting Matryoshka"

Matryoshka called to her (palms on cheeks, shake our heads)

And we went along the path (we walk in place)

We see a tree high (cam to cam)

We see a deep lake (wave by hand)

The birds are singing (fingers crossed)

Grains are pecking everywhere (knock on the palm with a finger)

They peck here and peck there, they don’t give them to anyone (jumping on the spot)

This is a house. And there is a window in it (a lid and a window from the hands)

Matryoshka meets us there (forward bends)

We will stay for a while and run back (hello, running in place ...)

(Children sit at the tables and roll up their sleeves)

- We will paint the silhouette of the nesting doll not as usual, but in different ways of drawing and different materials (show)- wax crayons, gouache, and cotton swabs. Now look different ways drawing .(display teacher) With wax crayons we draw a face for a nested doll: round eyes - beads, eyebrows, nose, mouth. rosy cheeks, dark hair. So the face of the matryoshka is ready.

What elements of patterns can we draw with a brush? ( Wavy lines, blades of grass, curl .., and cotton buds - poke, leaves. By priming, you can draw leaves and flower petals)

- Each nesting doll has sundresses painted different patterns, we will paint in our own way. I fold the silhouette of a nesting doll in half. Remind me what the method of drawing is called when we first fold a sheet of paper in half (or a silhouette of a nesting doll in this case) ? ("Monotype")

That's right, we use the “monotype” method for painting a sundress. And for painting a handkerchief, we use crumpled paper. What is the name of this drawing method? ("Printing with wrinkled paper")

That's right, but we use the “print (print) with crumpled paper” to paint the handkerchief. Our nesting doll has already drawn a face, and I already bent the silhouette of the nesting doll in half and smoothed the fold line.

Sophia took the brush correctly, just above the metal tip, left hand I put it on the left half of the sundress so as not to paint this side, and on the right half of the sundress of the nesting doll silhouette with a brush we apply any patterns because you are the authors-artists .. After drawing one half of the nesting doll sundress, until the paint has dried, we again fold the silhouette in half along fold lines and iron with your hand so that you get an imprint on the (left) clean half of the sundress. We open the silhouette of the matryoshka and look at the pattern, similar to the pattern (showing a child - working with "monotype"). It turned out such an elegant sundress at the matryoshka. Then we proceed to another method of “printing with crumpled paper”:

(I call the child to show at the blackboard).

Cyril, took the paper and crumpled it, then lowers the crumpled paper into any paint and puts an imprint (imprint) on the matryoshka handkerchief (showing a child - working with a “print of crumpled paper”). The resulting pattern resembles a mosaic.

Let's repeat how we will draw. ( First, the face of the matryoshka.)

- Right. How do we draw a face? ( wax crayons)

- What do we do next? ( Then we bend the silhouette of the nesting doll in half. And on one half - apply paint)

Right. What do we paint with? ( By brush. Then we apply the other half of the sundress.)

- How do we color the handkerchief? ( Crumpled paper and crumpled paper we put an imprint of any paint on a handkerchief.)

- Well done! Everything is correct! And if we try, then with cotton swabs we will decorate our author's nesting dolls (Beads, cheeks ...)

Well, masters, get down to business - Decorate nesting dolls boldly.
Choose any pattern that pleases the eye.

The music soundsWe are funny Matryoshkas ...».

Children perform the task, the teacher controls, helps in case of difficulty.

Finger gymnastics.

Time two three four five we will count the fingers, strong friendly all so necessary. The fists were unclenched - squeezed.
Here are the fingers stretched.
And now, masters,
It's time for you all to rest.
-I suggest you get up and walk around the tables - stop near the doll you like.

Why do you like this matryoshka the most? (I ask 3-4 children) (children's answers)

Now back to your matryoshkas.

Look at these “joyful” and “sad” emoticons. Which of you thinks that he coped with the task and he got the nesting doll exactly as you intended, then he puts the nesting doll on the table, where the smiley is “joyful". And if you think that your nesting doll did not work out , then on the table, where the “sad” emoticon is. (Children complete the task)

- Our matryoshka also really liked her new girlfriends. They became smart, bright, cheerful. Well done! Very beautifully painted. True master artists! And the matryoshkas are no longer afraid of the leprosy of Winter (I give a brief assessment of children's work) All of you tried very hard, matryoshka thanks you for your help and thanks you for her new girlfriends. And now she says goodbye to you and returns to her home.

Outcome: What did you like most about the lesson? (children's answers). In what way did you like to paint the matryoshka “monotype” or “print with crumpled paper”? (children's answers). Well done! The lesson is over.

Used Books:


1 T.S. Komarov. "Classes in visual activity in the senior group of kindergarten." Abstracts of classes. M. : Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009

2.R.G.Kazakova “Drawing classes with preschoolers: Unconventional Techniques, planning, class notes "-M, TC Sphere 2009.

3. T.A. Tskvitaria. "Unconventional Drawing Techniques. Integrated classes in the preschool educational institution "-M, TC Sphere 2011