The program of art non-traditional drawing techniques. Non-traditional painting technique program

Marina Korobova
Work program on non-traditional drawing techniques "Magicians"

Working programm


« Wizards»

MKDOU kindergarten "Smile"

caregiver: Korobova M.V.

Explanatory note

Every child is creative by nature. Creativity is always striving forward, for the better, for the beautiful. That is why it is so significant for a person. At preschool age, the problem of creativity has always been one of the most urgent, because the development of creativity is one of the important tasks of pedagogy. Undoubtedly, visual activity is one of the most interesting views children's activities and allows the child to express in created images their impressions, their attitude to the world around them. But, as a rule, the creative abilities of preschoolers are in a latent state and are not always fully realized in the process of mastering the educational programs. Starting my teaching career, I noticed that children's drawings bear the imprint "patterns" and uniformity. In addition, the development of visual skills in children is at different levels. For some, they are sufficiently developed, and the child can easily display an object or phenomenon on a piece of paper. Other children fail draw even the most characteristics object or phenomenon. And in the mutual evaluation of children work is a problem: how to prevent unreasonable criticism, how to help a child discover creative possibilities and believe in himself? To address these issues, I began to study the methodological literature. Clearly defined guidelines for fine arts activities: knowledge of the age characteristics of the development of children, the presence creativity individual inclinations and preferences. One of the most interesting forms for me was the organization of children's visual activities using.

From my observations, it became clear that standard sets pictorial materials and image transfer methods are not enough. And they allow you to use any, sometimes even the most unexpected materials in the pictorial activities: paper, foam rubber, toothbrushes, thread, fingers and palms of hands, etc. The range of transmission methods is expanding Images: blotting, blowing, spraying, etc. In this regard, non-traditional drawing techniques give impetus to the development of children's intelligence, activate the creative activity of children, teach to think outside the box.

The relevance of the circle is that visual productive activity using unconventional drawing techniques is the most favorable for the development of children's creative abilities. At present, the problem of development children's creativity is one of the most relevant in both theoretical and practical relations: after all we are talking O essential condition formation of the individual identity of the personality already at the first stages of its formation.

Idea of ​​use unconventional drawing techniques in the visual activity of children implies work with preschoolers having both high and low motivation for creative activity and different levels of artistic and creative development.

Target work: Development of artistic and creative abilities of children preschool age through the use unconventional drawing techniques.


Expand your understanding of diversity unconventional drawing techniques.

Get to know the tricks unconventional drawing techniques and image methods using various materials.

Develop artistically Creative skills children.

To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality on the basis of familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques.

Create conditions for free experimentation with unconventional art supplies and tools.

To increase the experience of creative activity, to form a culture of creative personality (children's expression).

Develop creative imagination, fantasy, thinking of preschoolers through the development of unconventional drawing techniques;

Develop color perception and visual-motor coordination, a sense of composition and color.

Lead children to create an expressive image when depicting objects and phenomena of the surrounding activity.

The basic principles underlying work:

The principle of accessibility (careful, due to the age capabilities of children, selection of material)

The principle of integration (in various areas of educational work and activities of children)

The principle of creativity (includes inexhaustible opportunities for the education and development of children's creative abilities);

Scientific principle (children gain knowledge about shape, color, composition, etc.);

The principle of accessibility (taking into account age and individual characteristics);

The principle of phasing (sequence, proceeding to the next stage, one cannot bypass the previous one);

Principle of dynamism (from easiest to hardest);

The principle of comparisons (a variety of options for a given topic, methods and ways of depicting, a variety of material);

Choice principle (decisions on the topic, materials and methods without limitation);

The principle of succession (taking into account the tasks and neoplasms of the next age period) ;

The principle of cooperation (joint Job with the teaching staff of the kindergarten, parents, schoolchildren);


Paper of various sizes and colors

Watercolor paints


Gouache - Prints (corks, wooden carvings, fruits and vegetables, etc.)-Toothbrushes

Cocktail tubes - Trays with foam rubber

Water jars

Brushes round and flat in different sizes


Soft pencils, erasers, sketch paper

PVA glue


Methods and techniques used in work:

Visual method (examination of illustrations, albums, postcards, tables, videos and other visual aids);

game method

The method of examination (provides an independent creative search for children by means of expressiveness);

The method of problem presentation (stimulates the activity of children by including a problem situation in the course of the lesson. The method is aimed at activating creative thinking, rethinking generally accepted patterns and searching for non-standard solutions.) - a partially search method is aimed at developing cognitive activity and independence. It consists in performing small tasks, the solution of which requires independent activity. (working with diagrams, attracting imagination and memory). - method of co-creation (creation of collective works, expositions united by a common theme)

My circle is based on the idea of ​​learning without coercion, based on sincere interest child on a task. This gives the baby self-confidence, puts him in the position of the creator. By creating conditions that encourage the child to study, you can reveal these dormant creative inclinations for the time being. New approaches liberate the child. He is no longer afraid that something will not work out for him, - a little technology, and a spot on a sheet of paper turns into a cat, a mighty tree, a sea monster. It is easier for a child to put a spot on a sheet, make strokes, work brush in all directions, freely coordinating the movements of the hand.

Children should be introduced to the world of art as early as possible. I started work with children aged 2-3 years. At first I took the simplest technology- typing with fingers, palms, gradually complicating techniques and using others technology. By the age of 4-5, children already had the skills to use various materials in depicting objects of the world around them. And by the age of 6-7, preschoolers develop the skill of modeling the composition of a drawing using various drawing technician.

Keep children interested in game helps drawing as the main and favorite activity of a preschooler. Any material that falls into the hands of a child, becoming a toy, takes on a new life, new meaning. These materials can be paint, paper, Toothbrush, foam rubber, paraffin and much more. Work on the use of non-traditional drawing techniques is innovative in nature, since in the system works are used non-traditional methods and ways of developing creativity children: blotting, scratching, splashing, monotype, handprint drawing, fingers, drawing using natural material, tamponing, etc. Introducing children to art, I use different technology. There are many among them that give the most unexpected, unpredictable options for artistic representation and a tremendous impetus to children's imagination and fantasies. For example, technicians are relatives: “Printing with foam rubber, cotton wool, bandage, wooden signet” attracts children with its simplicity. It is in such classes that children do not worry that they will do something wrong. Also, I use available technique- watercolor monotype. The most important thing in it is to try to see in this color spot the basis of a real image and fixing this "spot", turn it into a story drawing. Next technique - "magic threads". Threads came to visit magic colors . What happened? Paints teach threads to play on paper. “Blurred drawing” - it turns out that not only children love to swim, but paints are also not averse to playing on the water (wet paper). Some paints can quickly swim, turn into other colors. And at the same time, there are no clear outlines, everything is as if in a haze. “Printing plants” or “Journey of colors on autumn leaves” is very popular with children. Let's plant the paint on the autumn leaf, turn it over, press it with our fingers, remove the leaf. You can send several colors on a trip on one leaf so that they are not bored.

In the organization of a circle on the use unconventional drawing techniques great importance has an integration of educational area "Artistic Creativity" with educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization", "Communication", "Fiction", "Work", "Music". Non-traditional drawing methods can be used not only in GCD in terms of activity, but also in free time. Having experience drawing in various ways, the children themselves already offer them, one has only to offer them a topic drawing. This experience work requires a lot of attention and concentration on the part of children. It is important to pay attention to the validity of the choice of children technique and material. The kids themselves must explain why the clouds are better draw with cotton wool and not foam rubber. To achieve this, it is necessary to include work element of experimentation. User experience unconventional drawing techniques universal in the sense that it allows you to include elements of other types of artistic activity and art for an effective process and a brighter product of children's creativity.

For the successful implementation of the tasks, close cooperation with teachers and parents is necessary. Such cooperation determines the creative and cognitive nature of the process, the development of children's creative abilities, and determines its effectiveness.

Job with teachers provides: conversations, consultations on the development of creativity and the use unconventional drawing techniques, conducting master classes, workshops, showing open classes By non-traditional drawing techniques, making homemade tools (signet).

I represented the circle at school-wide, district methodical associations. Conducted open shows for teachers and parents of pupils.

When organizing work with parents held thematic parent meetings, individual consultations and conversations, recommendations, information exhibitions of children's creativity, exhibitions of joint creativity (parents, children) and questioning on the artistic development of children.

Use circle unconventional drawing techniques in the organization of artistic activities of preschool children showed:

Preschoolers are more motivated to engage in artistic activities (it is always interesting to try something new, unusual and see what happens. New opportunities surprise the child, cause delight.)

Children "charged" for success (the fear of criticism from peers and adults disappears. Kids are confident in their abilities)

Develops thinking, imagination "from simple to complex" children gradually learn to model a composition by combining different techniques and tricks, methods and materials in one figure)

Artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers develop

Plan work mug with children 3-7 years old

Month Theme Work Technique Tasks

September "Autumn" Leaf printing Introduce new leaf printing technique. To teach children to apply paint on an autumn leaf and make an imprint on paper. Develop creativity when creating a composition of a picture.

"Autumn Tree" Drawing palms Continue to acquaint with hand painting technique. Learn how to make a group composition. Develop fine motor skills hands

"Happy Rain" Drawing fingers Continue to acquaint with finger painting technique. To form the ability to combine this technique with traditional ways drawing. Show techniques for obtaining points and short lines. Learn draw rain, conveying its character (small, droplets, downpour) using point and line as a means of expression. Cultivate accuracy.

"Funny fly agaric" Drawing with fingers Learn to apply rhythmically and evenly dots on the entire surface of the paper. Strengthen the ability to combine different drawing techniques.

October "Berries and Apples" Imprint with cork, potato seal Continue to acquaint with cork printing technique, potato seal. Show how to get a fingerprint. Learn paint berries and apples scattered on a plate, using a contrast of size and color. Develop a sense of composition when drawing up a still life.

"Rowan" Drawing fingers consolidate knowledge technology« finger painting» draw berries on branches(finger) and leaves (by dipping a brush).

"Autumn birch" Break mosaic Fix the name of the season and seasonal changes in nature, fix the names of trees and be able to correlate a leaf with a tree; continue to introduce children to broken mosaic technique; learn work With natural material by combining it with paper. Cultivate love for nature and careful attitude To her.

"Teddy bear" foam impression

Help children learn a new way of drawing foam sponge painting, which allows the most vivid transmission of the depicted object, the characteristic texture of its appearance (volume, fluffiness).Encourage children to convey in the drawing the image of a toy familiar from childhood; to consolidate the ability to depict the shape of the parts, their relative size, location, color. Develop children's creative imagination.

November "Fairy Tree" Blotography Introduce children to non-traditional drawing technique air - blotography. Develop the respiratory system. Develop imagination using the method drawings

"Squirrel Coat" Shrink Paper Impression drawing using non-traditional techniques(crinkled paper). To consolidate the ability to properly compress paper, pick up paint and leave an impression. Fix the ability to position the image in a certain place. To develop fine motor skills of hands and fingers in children. Bring up good relations to the forest dwellers.

« magical country - underwater kingdom " Drawing on a wet sheet to teach children draw unconventional

"Puppy" "Poke" hard semi-dry brush drawing technique poke with a semi-dry brush. Learn to imitate animal fur, that is, using the texture created by poking as a means of expression. Learn to draw on the entire surface of the paper. Cultivate love for animals.

December "Gift for the cat Murka" Exercise children in laying out and gluing images from geometric shapes; fix the names of the figures; improve skill paint balls with cotton swabs. Cultivate caution in work with glue and paints, desire to help a friend.

"My mittens" Imprint with potato seals, cork, drawing exercise with fingers printing technique. To consolidate the ability to decorate an object of a simple shape, applying a drawing as evenly as possible over the entire surface. Cultivate accuracy.

"I made a snowman" Paper tearing and rolling. Practice combining two different technician with a three-dimensional image of expressive images of snowmen.

"Mysterious trickles" blotography Exercise children in blotography. Develop the respiratory system. Develop imagination and thinking.

January "Herringbone" A poke with a hard semi-dry brush, drawing exercise with fingers drawing technique poke with a semi-dry brush. Continue to learn to use such a means of expression as texture. Strengthen the ability to decorate a drawing using finger painting.

"Frosty pattern" Drawing candle Arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena. Develop visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual in the world around you and the desire to reflect what you see in your work. To improve the skills of children in free experimentation with visual material, to help children master the method of spontaneous drawing

"Starry sky" Crumpled paper print Continue learning how to crumple paper. Continue to acquaint with the reception crumpled paper drawing, to develop fine motor skills of hands. Cultivate caution in work with paints.

"Snow" Finger painting, signet imprint paint big snowflakes with stamps or finger painting. Develop a sense of beauty.

February "Cockerel" Drawing palm Improve skill in drawing from fingers to palm. Learn draw details(comb). Develop imagination and creativity.

« Magical forest» Black and white printing, foam stencil printing Improve skills in non-traditional graphic techniques, printing with foam rubber on a stencil.

"White birch" Finger painting Learn to draw twigs, exercise in finger painting technique. Consolidate skills drawing and sense of composition.

"By Design" technique and theme.

March "Postcard for Mom" Screen printing, three-dimensional image using sawdust; drawing with cotton and sticks. Teaching children to decorate with flowers and draw with sawdust(mix PVA glue and sawdust, apply to the stencil). Strengthen the ability to use familiar technicians. Learn to arrange the image on the sheet in different ways.

"Hedgehogs on the Edge" A poke with a hard semi-dry brush, an impression with crumpled paper. Strengthen the ability to use technicians"poke with a hard semi-dry brush", "creased paper printing". Learn to complement the image with suitable details, including dry leaves.

"Spring tree" Drawing candle Lock skill draw with a candle and watercolor. Learn to create an expressive image. Develop a sense of composition.

"By Design" Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for works in non-traditional visual techniques. Strengthen the ability to choose independently technique and theme.

April "Snails" Drawing cam Learn to print by firmly pressing the cam to the paper. Learn to arrange objects all over the sheet, develop a sense of composition.

"Flowers in the Rain" Drawing on a wet sheet of paper Teach children draw unconventional wet sheet method. Learn to convey the composition in the plot drawing. Develop multidirectional hand movements. To instill in children the desire to achieve results.

"Snail" magical threads Introduce new magic thread technique. Show the children how to properly dip the thread into the paint and lay out a pattern from it on a piece of paper.

"By Design" Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for works in non-traditional visual techniques. Strengthen the ability to choose independently technique and theme.

May « forest clearing» Dry brush To develop in children the ability to expressively convey images from the world around them. Develop skill draw a dandelion new technology dry brush.

"Firework" Splatter Introduce New spray technique. Learn to evenly splatter the paint over the entire sheet.

"Butterfly" Monotype Clarify ideas about butterflies. Give an idea of ​​the new technique images are monotypes.

"Caterpillar" Drawing fingers Continue to teach children finger painting. Teach children to place fingerprints on the chain from left to right. Cultivate accuracy.

Accepted on pedagogical council"I approve"

MBDOU of combined type No. 205 head of MBDOU

Protocol No. 1 dated September 10, 2014 ___________ M.A. Alyakina



senior caregiver

MBDOU kindergarten

combined type No. 205

year 2014

Non-traditional drawing techniques in middle and older age groups

Explanatory note

Perspective lesson plan middle group

Perspective lesson plan senior group

List of used literature

Explanatory note

Fine art is one of the oldest areas of art. Every child is born an artist. It is only necessary to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful world.

main goal modern system additional education is the upbringing and development of the personality of the child. Achieving this goal is impossible without the implementation of the tasks facing the educational field "Artistic Creativity", an integral part of which is the fine arts. Fine art has a variety of materials and techniques. Often the child is not familiar enough, traditional ways and means to express their fantasies. After analyzing the author's developments, various materials, and innovate experience work with children, accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign practicing teachers, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional methods of creative activity in working with preschoolers to develop imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Unconventional painting techniques demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools. The formation of an artistic image in preschoolers occurs on the basis of practical interest in developmental activities. Classes under the program "We are magicians" are aimed at the implementation of the basic tasks of the artistic and creative development of children. Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals new possibilities of using objects well known to them as artistic materials, surprises with its unpredictability. Original drawing without a brush and pencil uninhibits the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character, mood. Unbeknownst to themselves, children learn to observe, think, fantasize.

The teacher must awaken in every child faith in his creative abilities, individuality, originality, faith that he came into this world to create goodness and beauty, to bring joy to people.

Relevance program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. There is a need for new approaches to teaching aesthetic arts able to decide contemporary tasks creative perception and personality development in general. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the education of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, brings up purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, and makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual. The program is aimed at introducing children to creativity through art. Children get acquainted with a variety of non-traditional ways of drawing, their features, a variety of materials used in drawing, learn to create their own drawings based on the knowledge gained. Thus, it develops creative person able to apply their knowledge and skills in different situations.

Practical significance of the program

An unconventional approach to the implementation of the image gives impetus to the development of children's intellect, encourages the creative activity of the child, teaches to think outside the box. New ideas arise related to combinations of different materials, the child begins to experiment, to create. Drawing in non-traditional ways is a fascinating, mesmerizing activity. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are a real flame of creativity, it is an impetus to the development of imagination, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality.

The path to creativity has many roads for them, known and still unknown. Creativity for children is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands are the instruments of the soul. creative process is a real miracle. “In creativity there is no the right way there is no wrong way, there is only your own way”

Pedagogical expediency

From many years of experience working with children on the development of artistic and creative abilities in drawing, it became clear that standard sets of visual materials and ways of transmitting information are not enough to modern children, since the level mental development and the potential of the new generation has become much higher. In this regard, non-traditional drawing techniques give impetus to the development of children's intellect, activate the creative activity of children, teach them to think outside the box.

An important condition for the development of a child is not only an original task, but also the use of non-traditional waste material and non-standard isotechnologies.

All activities in the program I have developed are creative in nature.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques for this program:

Develops self-confidence

Helps relieve children's fears.

Teaches children to express themselves freely.

Encourages children to be creative and find solutions.

Teaches children to work with a variety of artistic, natural and waste materials.

Develops fine motor skills of hands.

Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.

While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

Confidence in one's creative abilities is brought up through the use of various isotechnics.

The novelty and distinctive feature of the program"We are magicians" on non-traditional drawing techniques is that it has an innovative character. The system of work uses non-traditional methods and ways of developing children's artistic creativity. Homemade tools are used, natural and junk for non-traditional drawing. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known household items as original art materials, surprises with its unpredictability.


To develop creative abilities in children, by means of non-traditional drawing.


To acquaint with various ways and techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques using various visual materials.

To instill interest and love for the fine arts as a means of expressing feelings, relationships, familiarizing with the world of beauty.

Track the dynamics of the development of creative abilities and the development of the visual skills of the child.

create everything the necessary conditions to achieve the set goal.

Types and techniques of non-traditional drawing.

Considering age features preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages for non-traditional drawing, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques.

Yes, for children. younger preschool agewhen drawing, it is appropriate to use the “drawing with hands” technique (with the palm, edge of the palm, fist, fingers), imprint with potato stamps, poke with a hard semi-dry brush.

Children middle preschool age:

poke with a hard semi-dry brush, printing with foam rubber; stopper printing; wax crayons + watercolor; candle + watercolor; leaf prints; palm drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; magic ropes (nitkography).

And in senior preschool agechildren can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

sand painting;

drawing with soap bubbles;

drawing with crumpled paper;

blotting with a tube;

screen printing;

subject monotype;

blotting ordinary;


Lesson Methods:

Verbal (conversation, artistic word, riddles, reminder of the sequence of work, advice);




Methods Used

- make it possible to feel the multi-color image of objects, which affects the completeness of the perception of the surrounding world;

- form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself;

- contribute to a more effective development of imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.

Organizing classes for unconventional drawing, it is important to remember that in order to successfully master children's skills and abilities, it is necessary to take into account age and individual characteristics children, their desires and interests. With the age of the child, the content expands, the elements, the shape of the paper become more complicated, new means of expression stand out.

Class mode:

middle group - Number of lessons per week 1, per month 4 lessons. There are 36 classes per year. The duration of the lesson in middle group-20 minutes

Senior group - Number of lessons per week 1, per month 4 lessons. There are 36 classes per year. The duration of the lesson in the senior group is 25 minutes.

Form of occupation – thematic Team work teacher and child in uniform circle work

Forms for summarizing the results at the end of the year of implementation of additional educational program :

Holding exhibitions of children's works

Holding an open event

Conducting a master class among teachers

Expected Result

Through this program, the teacher will be able to more effectively solve the problems of educating and educating preschool children. Since the presented material contributes to:

Development of fine motor skills of hands;

Exacerbation of tactile perception;

Improvement of color perception;

concentration of attention;

Increasing the level of imagination and self-esteem.

Expansion and enrichment of artistic experience.

Formation of prerequisites learning activities(self-control, self-esteem, generalized modes of action) and the ability to interact with each other.

Work skills will be formed

Activity and independence of children in creative activities;

The ability to find new ways for artistic representation;

The ability to convey in the work their feelings with the help of various means expressiveness.

The implementation of the program will help preschool children to creatively approach the vision of the world that they depict and use any available means for self-expression.

A promising lesson plan for the circle "We are magicians" in the middle group

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Planning, class notes: A guide for educators and interested parents. St. Petersburg: KARO, 2010.

Tskvitaria T.A. Non-traditional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in the preschool educational institution. – M.: TC Sphere, 2011.

Shvaiko G. S. Classes in visual activity in kindergarten. - Moscow. 2003.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 44 "Rodnichok"

Circle program

unconventional drawing techniques


for children of senior and preparatory age for school.

Avdeeva Anna Mikhailovna

Voronezh 2015

The one who draws gets more in one hour than the one who only watches for nine hours.

I. Diesterweg

Explanatory note.

Preschool age is the foundation general development child, the starting period of all high human beginnings. It is at this age that the foundations of the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child are laid. Fine art is a specific children's activity aimed at the aesthetic development of the world through fine arts, the most accessible type of knowledge of the world by a child. Ability to be creative distinguishing feature man, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create without causing harm, multiply without destroying. Psychologists and educators have come to the conclusion that early development creativity, already in preschool childhood, is the key to future success.

Drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing knowledge aesthetic education, since it is associated with independent practical and creative activity child. In the process of drawing, the child improves observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creative abilities. Drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities: a visual assessment of the form, orientation in space, a sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals new possibilities for using familiar objects as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

    Helps relieve children's fears;

    Develops self-confidence;

    Develops spatial thinking;

    Teaches children to freely express their intention;

    Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;

    Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;

    Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;

    Develops fine motor skills of hands;

    Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.

    While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

This program is not a component of the basic preschool programs, a is a variable element of the curriculum.

The course contains lessons. Classes are held once a week in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 25 - 30 minutes.


To develop creative abilities in children, by means of non-traditional drawing.



to expand children's ideas about non-traditional ways of drawing.

to acquaint children with various types of visual activity,

variety of art materials and methods of working with



develop artistic taste, spatial imagination,

creativity and fantasy, observation and imagination, associative

thinking and curiosity, the desire to experiment.


cultivate accuracy, diligence and a desire to succeed

own labor; form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.

Types and techniques of non-traditional drawing:

    foam impression;

    drawing on crumpled paper;

    candle and watercolor;

    leaf prints;

    drawings from the palms;

    magic ropes;



    poke with a hard brush;





    drawing on wet paper;

    drawing together on a long strip of paper;

    drawing with a secret in three pairs of hands;

    stopper printing;

    drawing with cotton swabs;

    drawing with soap bubbles;

    semolina drawing.

Each of these methods is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. In addition, this work contributes to the development of coordination of movements, attention, memory, imagination, and fantasy. Children are unlimited in their ability to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences, moods in drawings. The use of various techniques contributes to the development of the ability to see images in combinations of color spots and lines and arrange them to recognizable images. A variety of ways to draw gives birth in children original ideas, speech, fantasy and imagination develop, causes a desire to come up with new compositions, the ability of children to act with various materials develops: stones, ropes, wax crayons, candles, etc.

Thematic plan

Senior group

Topic of the lesson


Number of lessons

Program content



water coloring

Mastering the color scheme

A vase for flowers

Printing (seals, stencil)

Autumn leaves

Leaf printing


Myfavorite tree in autumn

Blotography with a tube, finger painting

Introduce children to a new drawing technique - tube blotting. Develop imagination.

Mushrooms in a basket

Hand drawings

Expand children's knowledge about mushrooms; learn to draw mushrooms with the palm of your hand

It's raining


Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush.

To acquaint with the technique of "poking with a hard semi-dry brush."



Unusual tableware

Cork impression, eraser seals, screen printing, "familiar shape - new look

Practice combining different techniques; develop a sense of composition, color, figurative ideas about objects

Teddy bear

Foam sponge painting

To help children master a new way of depicting - drawing with a foam sponge, which allows you to most clearly convey the depicted object, the characteristic texture of its appearance, continue to draw large, arrange the image in accordance with the size of the sheet. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

First snow

Drawing with cotton swabs



Frost patterns

Candle + watercolor

herringbone elegant

Father Frost

Gouache + salt


musical drawing


Develop a sense of color through music and drawing. Stimulate children's creativity to improvise with color spot.

Winter tunes


To acquaint with a new way of depicting snow - “splashes”. Enrich speech with aesthetic terms.

Dymkovo toy (horse)

imprint with seals

To consolidate the ability to decorate a simple figure with a Dymkovo pattern. Develop the ability to convey the color of the pattern


Sky at sunset

monotype landscape

Decorate the mitten

Tie for dad


Postcard for mom

Screen printing


Drawing on a damp background

Help children to create an expressive image. Education of emotional responsiveness. Develop imagination, observation.

Semenov nesting dolls

imprint with seals

To acquaint with Semenov matryoshkas. Develop color perception


space fantasy

Colored scraping

spring bouquet

Pointillism. Drawing with cotton swabs

To improve the skills and abilities of children in the technique of drawing - with cotton swabs; develop fine motor skills of hands, speech; to form the ability to use paints correctly, to develop a sense of color, to cultivate interest in nature, to create good mood


Monotype subject

Teach children to observe symmetry, draw on one half of the sheet, then fold. develop imagination, color scheme.

funny little men

Magic ropes


Fireworks on Victory Day



Lilac bouquet

Wet painting

Here comes the summer

Collaborative drawing

preparatory group

Topic of the lesson


Number of lessons

Program content


Diagnostics (free experimentation with materials)


Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques


Blotography with a tube

To acquaint with a new way of depicting - inflating paint through a tube, to master a new way of spontaneous drawing.

Autumn leaves

Leaf printing

To acquaint with a new type of fine art - "plant printing". Develop a sense of composition, color perception

A vase for flowers

Printing (with seals, stenciled) "a familiar form - a new image"

To consolidate the ability to make simple patterns, using the "old form - new content" technique to draw the shape of a vase. Develop a sense of composition.


autumn scenery

Wet drawing

Learn to reflect the features of the depicted object using various non-traditional visual techniques. Develop a sense of composition, improve the ability to work in different techniques.

Pied cats

Drawing with cotton swabs

Strengthen the ability to convey color Dymkovo patterns. Learn to combine various previously mastered elements in new combinations. Develop a sense of composition, color perception.

leaf fall


Familiarize yourself with embossing techniques. Learn to outline leaf patterns of a simple shape, emboss them.

It's raining

Wax pencils and watercolors.

Learn to use wax pencils and paints (combine). Strengthen the ability to build a composition of the picture.


Autumn on the paint palette bred


To acquaint children with the sequence of performing monotype; develop a sense of color, and composition, creative imagination.

IN underwater world

Drawing with a palm, wax crayons, watercolor

Improve skills in non-traditional fine art (wax crayons + watercolor, handprints). Learn to turn palm prints into fish and jellyfish, draw various algae. Develop imagination, sense of composition.

Young lady

Continue acquaintance with Gorodets painting. To consolidate knowledge about the characteristic elements of the composition.

Sky at sunset

monotype landscape

To consolidate the ability to fold the sheet in half, draw a landscape on one side, and get its reflection in the lake on the other. Wipe half of the sheet with a sponge.



Blotography, "a familiar form - a new image"

Continue to acquaint with the non-traditional artistic technique of blotography. To consolidate the ability to work in the technique of "old form - new content". develop imagination

winter patterns


To acquaint with the non-traditional visual technique of black and white scratching. Exercise in the use of expressive means such as line, stroke.

Frosty patterns on the window

Candle + watercolor

Learn to create patterns using a candle and watercolor. Expand and diversify the figurative range, using different decorative elements. Develop a sense of form and composition.

Father Frost

Gouache + salt

To teach a new technique for image design: sprinkling salt on wet paint to create three-dimensional image.


Kingdom of the mistress of winter

Printing, blotography

To consolidate the ability to reflect in the drawing the impressions received when observing winter nature; use cold range paints to convey winter color; develop children's creativity, artistic taste, fantasy, spatial imagination.

Stained-glass windows in the hut of Zimushka-Zima

stained glass

To form interest in winter nature, to help see its beauty, to introduce stained glass words and its technique. Learn to mix paint on a palette.

Winter night

Spray, blotography

Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for depicting snowflakes, stars, trees in non-traditional ways of drawing; develop children's creativity

Fairy heat - bird

Separate smear

Introduce children to a new drawing technique - a separate stroke

Develop color perception

Cultivate aesthetic sense


Fancy cars

Imprint with cork and seals, black marker + watercolor, “familiar form - new image»

Practice combining different techniques; develop a sense of composition, rhythm, creativity, imagination.

The city sleeps

strips of cardboard

Learn to draw with strips of cardboard, use samples; write a story; to consolidate the ability to type paint on cardboard and depict objects.

Tie for dad

Impression with cork, rubber stamps, screen printing, "a familiar form - a new image."

Strengthen the ability to decorate a tie simple pattern using large and small elements

The pattern on the plate - Gorodets painting "Dishes"

Poke with a semi-dry stiff brush

Learn to create an image of an owl using the poke and charcoal technique


Postcard for mom

Screen printing

Learn to decorate a card for mom with flowers. Strengthen the ability to use familiar techniques.

Grandmother's handkerchief


Learn to draw easy floral ornament based on Pavlo-Posad shawls. Develop a sense of rhythm, color perception

Still life

Wax crayons + watercolor

Continue to learn how to make a still life to determine the shape, size, color and location various parts. Exercise in careful painting with crayons creating a consonant tone with watercolors

Let's hasten to help spring (collective work)

Imprint with seals (potatoes, corks)

To improve the skills and abilities of children in the technique of printing with seals (potatoes, corks); develop imagination, sense of composition, rhythm; cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.


space fantasy

Colored scraping

To acquaint with the basic techniques for performing the scratching technique; study the technology of drawing in the technique of scratching.

cherry blossom


To consolidate the ability to think over the location of the picture on the sheet. Improve the ability to use the method of drawing with a poke to increase the expressiveness of the picture.

I draw the sea


Arouse interest in creating the image of the sea in various ways of non-traditional techniques. Create conditions for experimenting with different artistic materials and tools.

funny little men

Magic ropes

Introduce children to a new drawing method using multi-colored strings. Convey the silhouette of a person in motion


What color is spring


With the help of the unconventional drawing technique "monotype" - to generalize and expand the artistic experience of children in working with watercolors, draw on wet paper, mixing paints

colorful butterflies


Develop a strong interest in visual arts. To form the ability to independently choose the color range of paints, develop color perception

Lilac bouquet

Wet painting

Continue to acquaint with the “wet” technique, learn to transfer in a drawing characteristics spring flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Here comes the summer

Collaborative drawing

Learn to convey your feelings through visual means. Develop creative abilities.

Junior group

Topic of the lesson


Number of lessons

Program content


Diagnostics (free experimentation with materials)


Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials

water coloring

Mastering the color scheme

Receive various shades Red. Name objects that have the same color. Develop imagination, observation

"My Favorite Rain"

Finger painting

To acquaint with non-traditional visual technique of drawing with fingers. Show techniques for obtaining points and short lines. Learn to draw rain from clouds, conveying its character (small droplets, heavy rain), using a point and a line as a means of expression.

"Funny fly agaric"

(1 lesson)

Finger painting

Continue to acquaint with the non-traditional visual technique of finger painting. Learn to draw rhythmically dots on the entire surface of the paper.


"Funny fly agaric"

(Lesson 2)

Finger painting

Learn to draw grass with your fingers. Learn to decorate work with dry leaves, instill gluing skills (creating an elementary collage)

Mushrooms in a basket

Hand drawing

Introduce handprinting techniques.

"Yellow leaves are flying."

Hand drawing.

Continue to introduce the technique of typing with palms. Learn to apply paint quickly and make prints - leaflets. Develop color perception.

"Autumn Tree" (collective work).

Hand drawing.

Learn quickly, apply paint on the palm of your hand and make prints. Develop color perception.


“Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs ...”

Crumpled paper print, Finger painting

Introduce a new way of drawing. Learn to draw animals using crumpled paper. Draw the details of the image of a hedgehog with your finger

"The birds are pecking at the berries."

Finger painting.

Learn to draw twigs, decorate using finger painting techniques. (Performing berries of various sizes and colors). Strengthen your drawing skills. Develop a sense of composition.

"Sweater for friends."

Drawing with palm and fingers.

Continue to introduce the technique of drawing with fingers and palm; develop initiative, consolidate knowledge of colors; learn

make an elemental pattern.

First snow

Drawing with cotton swabs

To teach children how to draw with a foam stick (using the "poke" method); develop the ability to arrange a drawing throughout the sheet; introduce children to new material-cotton wool.




To acquaint with the non-traditional artistic technique of blotography.

"Ryabinka" (1st lesson)

Finger painting

Learn to draw berries on a branch (with fingers) and leaves (by sticking). Fix these drawing techniques. Develop color perception, a sense of composition.

"Ryabinka" (2nd lesson)

Paper rolling


Introduce a new technique - paper rolling. Learn carefully, stick branches on the image. Develop a sense of composition.

herringbone elegant

Finger painting, foam impression


To consolidate the ability to depict Christmas decorations.



Poke painting with a hard brush


Exercise in the image of objects of a rounded shape and carefully painting them with a poke with a hard brush. Learn to repeat the image, filling the entire space of the sheet.

"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter."

Finger painting


Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers. Learn to apply prints over the entire surface of the sheet (snowflakes, snowballs). Learn to draw a Christmas tree.

"Fluffy kittens play on the carpet" (teamwork)

Drawing with poke technique


Continue acquaintance with the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush (imitation of animal hair). Sticking figurines of kittens on a tinted sheet of whatman paper (carpet).


"Merry Snowman"

Finger painting.


Learn to paint with your finger along the contour. Develop a sense of composition.

Decorate the mitten

Working with familiar technicians


Use familiar techniques on your own. Cultivate emotional sensitivity. Develop hand coordination.

Tie for dad

Finger painting, poking.


Strengthen the ability to decorate a tie with a simple pattern, using large and small elements


Candle + watercolor


Introduce a new candle drawing technique. Learn to apply a drawing on the entire surface of the sheet, then paint over the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors.


Beautiful napkin for mom

Finger painting.


Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers. Develop compositional skills, color perception, aesthetic feelings.

Let's hasten to help spring (collective work)

Imprint with seals (potatoes, corks)


To improve the skills and abilities of children in the technique of printing with seals (potatoes, corks); develop imagination, sense of composition, rhythm; to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to nature, through the image of flowers

"Fancy Matryoshkas"

imprint with seals


To consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying the pattern as evenly as possible to the entire surface of the paper. Practice typing techniques. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition.

"Happy Octopus"

Hand drawing.


Continue to teach how to use the palm as a visual medium to paint it with paint and make an imprint. Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details.


"Mimosa Branch"

Rolling up napkins


Practice rolling balls out of napkins. Develop a sense of composition. Strengthen gluing skills. To consolidate knowledge and ideas about the color (yellow), shape (round), size (small), quantity (many), quality (fluffy) of the subject; develop application skills.

"Air balloons, obedient to the breeze ..."



To arouse interest in the combination of different isomaterials: air balloons depict with a brush, and the threads to them - with cotton swabs.

"Cockerel-Golden Scallop" (teamwork)

paper-plastic technique


Exercise in clumping and rolling into balls of strips from paper napkins(paper-plastic technique). Continue to develop application skills (sticking paper balls on the silhouette of the tail).


Drawing with cotton fingers, tamponing


To consolidate the ability to draw with cotton swabs and seals. Develop a sense of rhythm and form.


Fireworks on Victory Day



Introduce children to new technology - spray. Learn to distribute multi-colored splashes on a sheet. Develop a sense of composition.


Poke with a hard semi-dry brush + semolina


Continue to acquaint children with the method of drawing with a poke with a hard semi-dry brush, exercise in working with semolina, develop visual skills and abilities


drawing with wax crayons


Learn the technique of working with graphic materials, develop a sense of rhythm

« Beautiful flowers for a bee" (collective work).



Continue to learn to draw with your palm and finger on a sheet of paper, consolidate knowledge of red and Green colour, develop creative imagination.

Requirements for the level of preparation of pupils

First year children can:

- name and use methods of non-traditional drawing;

- smoothly and rhythmically depict shaping lines;

- use color to create different images;

- with the help of a teacher to create individual artistic images,

using various drawing methods known to him and means


- Express your attitude to the world through drawing;

- to give a motivated assessment of the results of their activities with

the help of a teacher.


1 .Teaching aids: audio, video equipment, laptop.

2 . visual material

    Album "Artists and their illustrations";

    Album Draw with us.

3 .Equipment:

  • Paper of various sizes and colors.

    Jars for water.

    Brushes are round and flat in different sizes.



    Cotton buds.

    Wax pencils.


List of used literature

    Akunenok T.S. Use in preschool receptions non-traditional drawing // Preschool education. – 2010. - №18

    Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques Part 1. - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003.2013.

    Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques Part 2. - M .: Scriptorium 2003 Publishing House, 2013.

    Kazakova R.G. Drawing with preschool children: non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes. - M., 2007

    Komarova T.S. Visual activity: Teaching children technical skills and abilities. // Preschool education, 1991, No. 2.

    Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. - Moscow. 2007.

    Lebedeva E.N. The use of non-traditional techniques [Electronic resource]:

    Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Planning, class notes: A guide for educators and interested parents. St. Petersburg: KARO, 2010.

    Tskvitaria T.A. Non-traditional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in the preschool educational institution. – M.: TC Sphere, 2011.

    Shvaiko G. S. Classes in visual activity in kindergarten. - Moscow. 2003.

Additional general educational general developmental program of artistic orientation for children 5-6 years old

Age of children 5 - 6 years
Implementation period: 1 year

Explanatory note

An additional general educational general developmental program of artistic orientation "Rainbow" was developed in accordance with federal law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, taking into account the provisions of the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r and other regulatory legal documents.
This program is aimed at developing the artistic and creative abilities of children through teaching non-traditional drawing techniques.
In the process of drawing, the child improves observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creative abilities. Drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities: a visual assessment of the form, orientation in space, a sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.
The relevance of the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. At present, there is a need for new approaches to the teaching of aesthetic arts, capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and development of the individual as a whole. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the education of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, brings up purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, and makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual.
The novelty and distinctive feature of the Iris program for non-traditional drawing techniques is that it has an innovative character. The system of work uses non-traditional methods and ways of developing children's artistic creativity. Homemade tools are used, natural and junk for non-traditional drawing. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using familiar household items as original art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.
The program is intended for children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old). The duration of the program is 1 year. The course is designed for 15 hours. The content is compiled taking into account age characteristics and in accordance with SanPiN (requirements for the organization of the daily routine and training sessions).
Class mode:
Senior group - number of lessons per week 1, per month 4 lessons. There are 36 classes per year. The duration of the lesson in the senior group is 25 minutes.
Form of organization educational process: group with individual approach.
Conditions for recruiting children: all comers are accepted.
The Rainbow program was developed in accordance with the State Educational Standard.
In the process of work, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:
cognitive development: art games.
Artistic and aesthetic development: listening to musical works.
Social and communicative development: solving problem situations, fostering friendly relationships, the desire to participate in joint work activities, careful attitude to materials and tools; development of the ability to maintain a conversation, generalize, draw conclusions, express one's point of view.
Speech development: reading poems and stories.
Physical development: physical education minutes.
Purpose of the Program:
To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality on the basis of familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques.
Expand ideas about the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques.
Improve technical and drawing skills
Based on an integrated approach, to promote the development of initiative, invention and creativity of children in an atmosphere of aesthetic experiences and enthusiasm, joint creativity of an adult and a child, through various types of visual and applied activities.
- shape creative thinking, sustained interest in artistic activity;
-Develop artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination.
- To form the skills and abilities necessary to create creative works.
- Develop a desire to experiment, showing vivid cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from learning new things.
- Consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about different types artistic creativity.
- To acquaint children with various types of visual activity, a variety of artistic materials and methods of working with them, consolidate the acquired skills and abilities and show children the breadth of their possible application.
- To cultivate industriousness and desire to achieve success by one's own work.
- Cultivate attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creativity
The main principles underlying the creative work:
- The principle of creativity (the program contains inexhaustible opportunities for the education and development of children's creative abilities);
- The principle of scientificity (children are given knowledge about the form, color, composition, etc.);
- The principle of accessibility (taking into account age and individual characteristics);
- The principle of phasing (sequence, starting the next stage, you can not bypass the previous one);
- The principle of dynamism (from the simplest to the most complex);
- The principle of comparisons (a variety of options for a given topic, methods and ways of depicting, a variety of material);
- The principle of choice (decisions on the topic, materials and methods without restrictions);
- The principle of continuity (taking into account the tasks and neoplasms of the next age period);
- The principle of integrativity (synthesis of arts).
The pedagogical expediency lies in the fact that all classes are aimed at the development of children's intellect, activate the creative activity of children, teach them to think outside the box.
Expected Result
As a result of the passage of program material
Children should know:
- about the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques
- about the properties and qualities of various materials;
- about safety during work.
Children should be able to:
- plan your work;
- negotiate with each other when performing team work;
- analyze, determine the conformity of shapes, sizes, colors, location of parts;
- create individual works;
- use various techniques and methods of creating drawings;
- Carefully and economically use materials.

Pedagogical diagnostics

Pedagogical diagnostics are carried out 3 times a year (primary in September, intermediate in January, final in May).
The purpose of the diagnosis:
1. Reveal the level of artistic development of children
2. To identify the possibilities for the child to freely choose the type and nature of the activity, materials, design, image methods
The nature of the diagnosis: natural pedagogical.
The survey is carried out in the following areas:
1. Color perception: the child sees the brightness and elegance of the color and its shades

2. Object drawing: the child depicts objects by creating distinct shapes, choosing colors, carefully painting, using familiar materials and tools
3. Drawing plot: the child conveys a simple plot, combining several objects in the drawing, using familiar non-traditional techniques
4. Decorative drawing: the child decorates the silhouette of an object using familiar non-traditional techniques
Equipped with a place for subgroup lesson with kids
Various materials and tools are placed on the table for the children to freely choose.
Invite the children to name everything they see, tell how they can use it, and choose what they will use in their work to realize their plan.
Record along the way: the choice of the child, the external manifestations of his reaction to the situation, the sequence of development of the idea, a combination of types of techniques, comments along the way, game and speech development artistic image.
For the analysis, a system of indicators was developed, summarized in a table for the convenience of fixing observations.
Levels of mastery of skills and abilities in drawing using non-traditional techniques
Short(1 point)
interest in the perception of the features of objects is unstable, weakly expressed
an emotional response occurs only with the active prompting of an adult
child sees common signs objects, some of their characteristic features
recognizes and rejoices at familiar images in a drawing
the main property in recognition is the form, and only then - the color
the child draws only with the active help of an adult
knows visual materials and tools, but lacks the ability to use them
Lack of technical skills and knowledge
Average(2 points)
the child has an interest in the perception of the aesthetic in the environment
he highlights the main features of objects, seasonal changes, external signs of emotional states
knows how to depict certain objects and phenomena
use materials and tools correctly
masters simple non-traditional techniques with partial help of an adult
Shows interest in learning new technologies
shows independence
High(3 points)
the child sees the means of expression: the brightness and elegance of color, some of its shades
quickly learns how to work in new non-traditional techniques
possesses basic visual and technical drawing skills
conveys in the drawings some resemblance to the real object
enriches the image with expressive details, color, using knowledge of non-traditional techniques
can create a bright elegant pattern
can independently choose the topic of drawing and get the result using non-traditional techniques
can objectively evaluate their own and other people's work (for older preschool children)

Non-traditional artistic techniques used in the Iris program:
- Wax crayons + watercolor, candle + watercolor - the child draws with a candle on paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors.
- Drawing with fingers, palm - the child puts a finger or palm into gouache and applies patterns and prints on paper.
- Imprint - applied with various objects (cork, cardboard, crumpled paper and napkins, potatoes)
- A monotype is a single print. For its manufacture, polyethylene or paper is needed as a basis for applying watercolor or gouache stains on them, then it is superimposed on top of the drawing Blank sheet paper, gently ironed from above by hand and removed. It turns out an imprint, which, like the inkblotography, can be completed.
-Poke with a hard semi-dry brush - the child lowers the brush into the gouache and hits it on the paper, holding the brush vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of a fluffy or prickly surface.
-Drawing on wet - a sheet of paper with a sponge or brush is moistened with water until the sheet is dry, a drawing is applied.
-Blotography - the child scoops up gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto paper. The result is spots in random order. Then the sheet is covered with another sheet and pressed (you can bend the sheet in half, drop ink on one half, and cover it with the other.) Next, the top sheet is removed, the image is examined: it is determined what it looks like. Missing details are drawn.
-Spray - the child picks up paint on the brush and hits the brush on the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. The paint splatters on the paper.
-Blowing - the child scoops up paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto a sheet, makes a small spot (droplet). Then this spot is blown from a tube so that its end does not touch either the spot or the paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. Missing details are drawn.
-Drawing with salt - first you need to make sketches on paper, moisten it with water with a brush, sprinkle with salt, wait until it absorbs water, pour excess salt. When everything dries, draw the missing elements and color.
- Pointillism - drawing is created using separate dots of different colors.

Conditions for the implementation of the program

Material and technical base:
- group room (teaching board, tables).
- albums with samples and diagrams
- working material.
External conditions:
- organization of exhibitions.

List of used working material:
- colored cardboard;
- napkins;
- wax crayons;
- paints, gouache, brushes;
- albums for drawing;
- candles;
- colored pencils;
- tubes for cocktails;
- cotton buds.

A promising lesson plan for the circle "Iris"


1 Diagnostics To improve the skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in non-traditional fine arts.
2 Early autumn. Spider. (Imprint by cork) Development of children's cognitive interests, intellectual activity.
3 Apple tree with golden apples. (Drawing with foam rubber poke) Learn to create a fabulous image, draw branchy trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees
To consolidate the ability to draw with non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber poke). Learn to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet.
4 Flowers in a vase. (Printing with natural material) Introduce the non-traditional technique Printing (applying paint to small leaves and printing). Develop artistic and creative abilities. Develop the ability to select colors according to the color scheme. The development of fine motor skills of the hands. To cultivate love and respect for close people, the desire to bring joy with their work. Build compositional skills.

5 Autumn tree. (Blotography and spraying) To teach to convey in the drawing the structure of a tree - a trunk (with a brush, branches different lengths(unconventional technique: using a straw from under the juice). To consolidate the skills of drawing foliage with a toothbrush and a stack (an unconventional drawing technique is spraying). Improve technical skills. Develop imagination; creative thinking. Cultivate a positive attitude towards nature and a desire to take care of it. Cause an emotional response to new ways of drawing.

6 Asters. (Drawing with a plastic fork) Continue to teach children to draw from nature.
To teach to see the beauty of a combination of warm tones of a bouquet, to understand aesthetic value.
Develop a sense of rhythm, aesthetic taste, creative imagination.
To consolidate the ability to convey the beauty of the bouquet through densely diluted gouache, using an unconventional drawing method - with a plastic fork, the technique of scrolling the bone when drawing the middle.

7 Fruit trees. (Printing with natural material, drawing with fingers) To form the ability to independently choose colors, develop color perception, develop the ability to use non-traditional drawings, improve the development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands, evoke a positive response to the results of their work.
8 Nature is reflected in the water. (Monotype, drawing on a wet sheet.) Improve the technique of drawing with watercolors. To expand the possibilities of the method of drawing in a wet way with obtaining prints, as an expressive and pictorial means in children's painting. Teach children to make a harmonious color composition. To fix the technique of drawing trees. Develop creative imagination. To develop interest in nature and the display of representations in visual activity.

10 Autumn landscape. (Paper toning, foam rubber poke) Consolidate children's knowledge of drawing techniques. Encourage children to pass on features autumn trees, achieving expressiveness with the help of color. Improve fine motor skills. Continue enrichment work vocabulary, consolidate the concept of "landscape". Cultivate emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

11 Rainy late autumn. (Drawing with a candle, paper toning) To develop the idea that through the selection of colors it is possible to convey in the drawing certain weather and mood, characteristic of rainy late autumn.
Introduce children to a new way of expressing the color of late autumn using wax candle painting.
To form the skills of wet toning paper with watercolors, as well as printing dried leaves painted with paint.
Develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, imagination and creative activity
Raise interest in landscape painting and in the drawing process itself.
12 Wonderland- underwater kingdom. (Drawing on a wet sheet) Teach children to draw in an unconventional way “on a wet” sheet. Develop multidirectional, continuous, smooth hand movements, visual control over them. Learn to convey the composition in the plot drawing. Cultivate imagination and creativity.

13 Hedgehog in the clearing. (Splatter) Promote the development in children of the desire to depict a picture with the help of splashes, to get satisfaction from doing work.
To evoke an emotional response to a new way of drawing.
Develop creative thinking and imagination.
Consolidate children's knowledge about appearance hedgehog, clarify the concept of "wild animal";
To develop skills in children to embody the characteristic features of a hedgehog in a drawing.

13 Bullfinch. (Wax crayons + watercolor) Develop children's creativity, imagination. To consolidate the ability to work with a brush and paints, carefully paint over a white sheet of paper. Raise a caring attitude towards birds, care for and feed them.
14 Cactus. (blotography) To consolidate the ability to use the "blotography" image technique; develop creativity, interest in the world around.

15 Frosty patterns. (Monotype) Practice using the "monotype" image technique using cellophane. Arouse children's interest in visual arts. Develop creative abilities. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

16 Santa Claus. (Painting with salt) To teach a new method of image design: sprinkling salt on wet paint to create a three-dimensional image. To consolidate the ability to draw the figure of the depicted character, conveying the shape of the parts, their location, relative size. Develop imagination and creativity. Cultivate accuracy, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

17 Blizzard. (Spray) Develop the ability to build a composition of a drawing, establish a connection between music and painting to express one's feelings in a drawing. To consolidate the skills of drawing slanted tree branches with the end of the brush. Encourage children to independence, creativity, emotional response, develop aesthetic feelings (joy, delight).

18 Crystal Castle Snow Queen. (Drawing with salt) Strengthen the ability to arrange the pattern in accordance with the given shape, invent the details of the picture as you wish; improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials.
19 Let us give each other joy. (Colored foam, polystyrene print, cotton buds) Develop the ability to correctly express your emotions and feelings through facial expressions, pantomimics; stress relief, development of communication skills.
Creation of conditions for mastering non-traditional drawing techniques: colored foam, foam plastic print, cotton buds.
20 Fluffy kittens. (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush) Strengthen the ability to hold a brush, deepen ideas about color and geometric shapes, form the ability to independently choose a color scheme; developing: develop color perception, fine motor skills of the hands; educational: to cultivate compassion and love for animals.

21 Drawing of the wind. (Blowing) To teach drawing an unconventional drawing technique: drawing with exhaled air.
22 Princess - swan (Drawing with a palm) Learn to draw with a palm, mix paints. Develop artistic and creative abilities, develop imagination and a sense of composition.
23 Flowers for Thumbelina. (Drawing with stamps) Clarify children's knowledge of garden flowers. Develop children's skills tactile sensation. To consolidate the skills and abilities gained at the previous GCD to draw with the help of seals - stamps (potatoes, onions) and various items (plastic fork, cotton swab and foam ball).
24 Fairy fish. (Pointillism) Learn to draw the body of a fish and scales with dots.
Learn to press on a cotton swab, leaving a round imprint.
Develop children's knowledge about external signs fish.
Cultivate interest in visual arts.
25 Tulips. (Drawing with a fork and finger) Development of children's creative abilities.
Development of creative imagination, thinking. Raising interest in creativity in general and in non-traditional types of creativity. Improve the ability to compositionally arrange details on a sheet of paper.
26 Branch of mimosa. (Plasticineography, pointillism) Improve the ability to use cotton swabs and plasticine to create an image; develop creative abilities, interest in visual activity.
27 Snowdrops. (Monotype) Continue to improve the drawing technique - monotype.
28 Lilac bouquet. (Drawing with crumpled paper) Consolidate knowledge genre features still life and landscape. Learn to convey the characteristic features of lilac flowers using the technique of applying paint in several layers (each next layer is lighter than the previous one. Develop color perception and a sense of composition, aesthetic perception of the natural world and works of fine art.
Cultivate Skills adequate self-esteem its activities.

29 Spring. (Imprint, prints of leaves) Give an idea of ​​the task and its implementation independently; develop the creative abilities of children through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques; to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to nature and its image; to develop imagination, a sense of composition, to arouse in children the joy of the work done.
Continue to improve drawing techniques: impression, leaf prints.
30 Sunset (Damp painting) Create conditions for free experimentation with watercolor. Learn to depict the sky using the wet color stretching method. Develop a sense of color, shape, composition. Cultivate a desire to admire the phenomena of nature.

31 Colorful butterflies (Pointillism) Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints that corresponds to a joyful mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Develop creativity in children ability - feeling colors, the ability to invent a pattern.
To educate in children the desire to bring the work begun to the end, to bring joy to children from their works drawn in an unconventional way.
32 Outer space (Drawing on a wet sheet, spray) Expand the horizons, knowledge of children about space; to consolidate the skills of creating a background by drawing "on raw", pouring color into color (using watercolor); learn to depict the starry sky, its view in the airless
space using the spray technique (using gouache). To consolidate the skills of working with gouache and watercolor; learn to think over the composition and content of the picture; encourage independence and creativity.
33 Forget-me-nots (Drawing on a wet sheet) Develop fine motor skills of hands, eye, visual perception, fantasy, creativity. To expand the understanding of children about field plants, about nature protection. Build a sense of responsibility.
34 Beehive (Imprint) Continue to introduce children to options for using non-traditional drawing techniques. Continue to improve the ability to work with gouache. To consolidate the ability to create a decorative pattern. Cultivate accuracy in the performance of work. To consolidate knowledge in the ability to correctly determine the geometric shape, its color, size, group shapes by size and color.

35 Teddy bear (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush, foam) Encourage children to convey in the drawing the image of a toy familiar from childhood; to consolidate the ability to depict the shape of parts, their relative size, location, color.
Continue to learn how to draw large, arrange the image in accordance with the size of the sheet.
To develop the creative imagination of children, create conditions for the development of creative abilities.
36 Final diagnosis
Final exhibition of drawings for the year

Literature used by the teacher:

1. Development of fine motor skills in children from 4 to 5 years old through non-traditional drawing techniques. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.
2. G.N. Davydova Non-traditional drawing technique in kindergarten (part 1,2) - M .: Scriptorium, 2007.
3. Journal "Preschool Education". 2010 - 2015.

Download Additional general educational general developmental program of artistic orientation for children 5-6 years old

The program of work with gifted children in the preschool educational institution in the senior group

The program of the circle "Dreamers"

Non-traditional drawing technique

Explanatory note

Compiled by: Kirichenko Elena Yurievna 09/15/15

Artistic activity is an integral part of the aesthetic education of preschoolers. Improving the child's personality involves the development of various abilities, skills, and abilities that develop in productive activities. Drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing knowledge of aesthetic education. Fine art is one of the oldest areas of art. Every child is born an artist. It is only necessary to help him awaken his creative abilities, to help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful world.

The main goal of the modern system of additional education is the upbringing and development of the child's personality. Achieving this goal is impossible without the implementation of the tasks facing the educational field "Artistic Creativity", an integral part of which is the fine arts. Fine art has a variety of materials and techniques. Often, the child does not have enough familiar, traditional ways and means to express his fantasies. Unconventional painting techniques demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools. The formation of an artistic image in preschoolers occurs on the basis of practical interest in developmental activities. Classes under the program "Rainbow of colors" are aimed at the implementation of the basic tasks of the artistic and creative development of children. Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals new possibilities for using familiar objects as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability. Original drawing without a brush and pencil uninhibits the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character, mood. Unbeknownst to themselves, children learn to observe, think, fantasize.

The teacher must awaken in every child faith in his creative abilities, individuality, originality, faith that he came into this world to create goodness and beauty, to bring joy to people.

Relevance: At present, there is a need for new approaches to the teaching of aesthetic arts, capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and development of the individual as a whole. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the education of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, brings up purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, and makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual. The program is aimed at introducing children to creativity through art. Children get acquainted with a variety of non-traditional ways of drawing, their features, a variety of materials used in drawing, learn to create their own drawings based on the knowledge gained. New ideas arise related to combinations of different materials, the child begins to experiment, to create.
Drawing in non-traditional ways is a fascinating, mesmerizing activity. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves. Thus, a creative person develops, able to apply his knowledge and skills in various situations.


To develop creative abilities in children, by means of non-traditional drawing.


    To introduce different methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques using various visual materials, different ways of creating an image, combining in one drawing different materials in order to obtain an expressive image.

    Develop aesthetic sense of form, color, rhythm, composition, creativity, desire to draw.

    To instill interest and love for the fine arts through unconventional shape as a means of expressing feelings, relationships, familiarizing with the world of beauty.

    Track the dynamics of the development of creative abilities and the development of the visual skills of the child.

    To develop creative abilities in children through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

    To cultivate the ability to bring the work begun to the end, to work in a team, individually.

    Material for work:

    watercolors, gouache;

    wax and oil crayons, a candle;

    cotton buds;

    foam seals;

    cocktail tubes;

    sticks or old scratching rods;

    cloth napkins, paper;

    glasses for water;

    stands for brushes;

  • colored paper, scissors;

Types and techniques of non-traditional drawing.

Given the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques for non-traditional drawing.

Junior preschool age: use the technique of “drawing with hands” (palm, edge of the palm, fist, fingers), imprint with potato stamps, poke with a hard semi-dry brush.

Middle preschool age: poke with a hard semi-dry brush, printing with foam rubber; stopper printing; wax crayons + watercolor; candle + watercolor; leaf prints; palm drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; magic ropes (nitkography).

Senior preschool age: more difficult methods and techniques:

    Drawing with salt, cereals;

    drawing with soap bubbles;

    drawing with crumpled paper;

    blotting with a tube;

    screen printing;

    subject monotype;

    blotting ordinary;


    on - raw;

  • poke with a hard brush;

    by - print;


    toothbrush, cotton swabs.

Lesson Methods:

Verbal (conversation, artistic word, riddles, reminder of the sequence of work, advice);



Methods Used

    make it possible to feel the multi-color image of objects, which affects the completeness of the perception of the surrounding world;

    form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself;

    contribute to a more effective development of imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.

When organizing non-traditional drawing classes, it is important to remember that in order for children to successfully master skills and abilities, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their desires and interests. With the age of the child, the content expands, the elements, the shape of the paper become more complicated, new means of expression stand out.


    From simple to complex, where the transition from simple to complex activities is provided.

    The principle of developmental education lies in the correct definition of the leading goals of education: cognitive, developmental, educational. This principle involves the development of creative tasks that do not have an unambiguous solution.

    The principle of visibility is expressed in the fact that children have more developed visual-figurative memory than verbal-logical memory, so thinking is based on perception or representation.

    The principle of individualization ensures the involvement of each child in the educational process.

    The image should be based on the impression received by the child from the surrounding reality.

    The principle of material availability.

The program is designed for circle work:

middle group- Number of lessons per week 1, per month 4 lessons. There are 36 classes per year. Duration of classes in the middle group - 30 minutes

senior, preparatory group- Number of lessons per week 1, per month 4 lessons. There are 36 classes per year. The duration of the lesson in the senior group is 35-40 minutes.

Form of occupation- thematic activities and in the form of circle work

Forms of summarizing the results at the end of the year of implementation of the additional educational program:

Holding exhibitions of children's works. Participation in city and regional exhibitions and competitions throughout the year.

Conducting a master class among teachers

Expected Result

Through this program, the teacher will be able to more effectively solve the problems of educating and educating preschool children. Since the presented material contributes to:

Development of fine motor skills of hands;

Exacerbation of tactile perception;

Improvement of color perception;

concentration of attention;

Increasing the level of imagination and self-esteem.

Expansion and enrichment of artistic experience.

Activity and independence of children in creative activities;

The ability to convey in the works their feelings using various means of expression.

The implementation of the program will help preschool children to be creative in their vision of the world they are depicting and to use any available means for self-expression.


Topic of the lesson

Program content

Introduction to technology.

Expand ideas about non-traditional visual material, arouse interest in children. To acquaint with the wonderful property of color to transform the world around us, with warm and cold colors.

"Rainbow Journey"(with fingers)

Teach children to draw with their fingers and the technique of priming. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm. Know how to choose the right color.

Encourage children to work individually.

"Gifts of Autumn".

(crumpled paper)

Introduce leaf printing techniques. Develop independence and train fine motor skills. The ability to make prints from lumps of paper, to develop imagination. Improve the ability to work accurately.

"Autumn landscape".

(raw + semolina)

To acquaint with the technique - raw. Cultivate a child's artistic taste. Learn to reflect the features of the depicted object using various non-traditional visual techniques. Develop a sense of composition, improve the ability to work in different techniques.

"Autumn still life in a vase".(leaf printing + spray)

Introduce leaf printing techniques. To consolidate the ability to work with the stencil printing technique. Learn to mix colors directly on the leaves or with a swab when printing. Develop a sense of composition.

"Sprig of rowan".

(with fingers)

Teach children to draw dots with tightly pressed fingers. Be able to rhythmically apply strokes and spots, develop fine motor skills of the hands. Draw simple objects with lines and strokes. Improve the ability to work accurately. Cultivate independence in creating an image.

"Fabulous animals in the autumn forest."

(Poke with a hard semi-dry brush + salt + application)

To introduce the technique of drawing with a poke, a semi-dry hard brush. Learn to create an image of an animal using the poke technique. Strengthen the ability to decorate a drawing using finger painting. Encourage children to work individually

"Portrait of my mother".

(cotton buds + colorful salt)

To improve the ability of children to draw with cotton swabs. Teach children to portray the face of their mother. To develop children's imagination, fine motor skills of hands.

Cultivate a sense of pride in your mother.

Exhibition of children's works for Mother's Day


(plain blotography + superimpose two colors on top of each other)

Introduce children to the technique - blotography, teach children to blow into a tube and make stains with a toothpick.

To be able to apply blows on color, to develop fine motor skills of hands, fantasy, imagination. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

"Winter forest".

(spray + cotton buds + toothpaste)

Continue to consolidate the ability to draw with your fingers. Develop a sense of composition, artistic taste. Introduce children to technology - spray.

To cultivate accuracy when working with soap bubbles.

"Hello Dedushka Moroz"! (hard semi-dry brush + cotton wool)

To teach children to draw apples on a branch, to consolidate the ability of children to apply one layer of paint to another by poking; expand knowledge about fruits, about the beneficial properties of products; arouse interest in nature, attention to its seasonal changes.

"New year's night"

Technique scratching

Exhibition of works "Soon, soon New Year!

"Bullfinches on a branch."

(poke with a semi-dry hard brush + grits)

Develop imagination, creativity, learn to convey the image of a bird in drawings using the poke technique. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm, color perception. To form in children a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbirds. Awaken children's interest in famous birds. Expand your knowledge of migratory birds. Learn to draw bullfinches using the poke method.

"The Unseen Beast"

(blotography + wax crayons)

To develop in children a sense of color, the ability to draw not only with a brush, but also with hands and fingers. Develop aesthetic perception. To acquaint with the non-traditional technique of blotography. To consolidate the ability to work in the technique of "old form - new content". develop imagination

"Flowers in a pot".


Introduce children to the technique of drawing with colored threads. Cause emotional responsiveness, pleasure from the perception of the picture. Raise respect for work; develop creativity.

"Semyonov nesting dolls".

(finger + crumpled paper)

Exercise in the drawing of a simple composition on the aprons of the painted nesting dolls. Develop color perception.

"Portrait of a soldier".(wax crayons + watercolor)

To consolidate the ability of children to draw using the “candle + watercolor” technique. Teach children to draw according to the idea; consider, invent and represent Frost patterns; teach children to work with a candle (or white wax crayon).

Cultivate an aesthetic attitude, develop creativity.


(wet + foam rubber imprinting, + drawing with cotton swabs)

To teach children to draw with the help of an impression of foam rubber of the appropriate size. Strengthen the ability to successfully arrange images on a sheet. Learn to draw "wet". Develop compositional skills (place "ships" in the sea "over the entire sheet of paper). Raise pride for your country, patriotism.

Exhibition of works dedicated to the Day of the Defender


(poke + spray


Strengthen the ability to draw with a poke. Learn to draw flowers, expand knowledge about flowers, develop an aesthetic attitude to the world around us; form moral foundations: attention and love for loved ones, the desire to make gifts.

"Early spring".


Teach children to poke with a hard, semi-dry brush. Develop an aesthetic perception of the spring landscape. Create conditions for reflecting spring impressions in the drawing. Develop creative imagination.

"Underwater kingdom".

(scrattage + wax crayons)

To acquaint with the new technique of drawing "grattage". Use various ways drawing. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of various visual materials. Learn to draw by combining different materials in the drawing: wax crayons, gouache. To teach children the ability to reflect in the drawing the signs of the holiday - the meeting of the new year. Strengthen the ability to create a composition. Develop imaginative perception, creativity.

"Magic patterns".


Continue to develop drawing skills with colored threads. Continue to introduce the genre of still life. Cause emotional responsiveness, pleasure from the perception of the picture. Raise respect for work; develop creativity. Continue introducing healthy foods.

"Sunset in the Desert"

(watercolor + colored salt)

To teach a new technique for image design: sprinkling salt on wet paint to create three-dimensional image. Learn to create an image using salt, independently draw the resulting image to get a sunset.


(scrattage + spray + wax crayons)

Develop artistic creativity, aesthetic perception. To consolidate the ability to combine several materials in a drawing (wax crayons, gouache, stack). Call emotional attitude to the image. Develop the ability to independently position the image on a sheet of paper.

Exhibition of works for the Day of Cosmonautics

"Fairy meadow".

(subject monotype)

Learn to depict blooming trees, flowers. To develop aesthetic perception, love for nature, the desire to convey its beauty.


(wet + spray + cotton swabs + plastic bottle)

Continue to teach how to depict flowering trees, the structure of a tree. Learn to draw with plastic bottle. To develop aesthetic perception, love for nature, the desire to convey its beauty.

"Festive Fireworks"

(wax crayons + gouache + spatter + scratching)

Continue familiarity with the technique of scratching. To teach children to reflect in the picture the impressions of the Victory Day; create a composition of the picture, placing it at the bottom - at home, and at the top - fireworks. Develop artistic creativity, aesthetic perception. To consolidate the ability to combine several materials in a drawing (wax crayons, gouache, stack). Cultivate a sense of pride in your country.

"Here comes the summer."

(painting on stones)

Improve the ability to make palm prints and finish them to a certain image. To consolidate the ability to think over the location of the picture on the sheet. Develop imagination and creativity.

Exhibition of all works. Diagnosis per year

Diagnostic card

according to the method "Diagnostics of visual activity" G.A. Uruntaeva


F.I. child

technical skills

Movement accuracy

Expressive means (color, shape, composition, etc.)

Presence of intent

Manifestation of independence

Attitude towards drawing

Speech while drawing

"n"the beginning of the year; "To"the end of the year