Plan of the thematic week "Goodbye, summer!". Calendar-thematic planning (middle group) on the topic: “Goodbye, summer

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 51"


"Goodbye, kindergarten! - Hello school!

1. Project name: Goodbye, Kindergarten! - Hello school!

3. Project participants: educator, musical director, children, parents of the preparatory group No. 4 "Golden Fish"

4.Project type: social

5.Project type: cognitive, creative and playful, group.

6. Project base: MBDOU d / s No. 51, Rostov region, Taganrog, Kotlostroitelnaya st., 21/2.

7. Implementation period: from 10.05. to 31.05. 2016, short term.

8.Characteristics of cognitive, creative game project

Project relevance:

graduation is last holiday children in kindergarten. To create a festive mood, you need to colorfully decorate the premises (music hall, group). I would like to encourage parents to actively participate in the preparations for the holiday. Create favorable atmosphere for the creativity of children and parents.

Objective of the project:

Organization of an original, memorable farewell of children from kindergarten.

The main tasks to be solved by the implementation of the project:

For children:

v Form ideas about the graduation ball as a fun and kind holiday

v To form the psychological readiness of children for school.

v Develop interest in joint activities with peers and adults.

v Teach courtesy, communication and social interactions.

v To develop the ability of children to present their activities to others, the ability to talk about their achievements and difficulties.

v To develop and consolidate the motor, mental, intellectual, creative abilities of pupils in a variety of activities.

For parents:

v Create conditions for increasing the active participation of parents in preparation for the holiday.

v Create a favorable atmosphere for the creativity of parents.

Mechanisms for achieving the goals and objectives of the project:

The following stages were defined for the implementation of the project:

Stage 1 - preparatory.

v Communicate to project stakeholders the importance of the issue.

v Setting a graduation date.

v Ask project participants to prepare proposals on how prom.

v Select methodological and fiction literature on this topic.

v Select illustrations, audio and video material.

v Select materials, attributes for children's play, theatrical activities.

v Prepare material for the visual and productive activities of children.

Stage 2 - the main, practical.

At this stage, a plan for the implementation of the project is being implemented (to carry out Parent meeting“Organization of a graduation ball in a preschool educational institution”, GCD, conversations, games are organized for children,)

Stage 3 is the final one.

At this stage, materials are summarized and structured based on the results of the work, and the effectiveness of the project implementation is determined.

The project is being implemented through integration educational areas:

v "Cognitive development",

v "Social and communicative development",

v "Speech development",

v "Artistic and aesthetic development",

v "Physical development".

Expected results from the implementation of the project:

v Creation of an atmosphere of joy, the formation of a positive state of all participants in the educational process.

v Creation of psychological motivation for children's readiness for school.

v Ensuring the content and technological integration of the activities of children, all preschool specialists and parents.

v Development of children's abilities in various types artistic and aesthetic activity.

v Interest and activation of parents in the preparation and holding of the holiday

Istage: preparatory .

Target: theoretical understanding of the project.

Estimated result

Studying the problem situation, choosing the topic of the project.

Determining the theme of the project, goals and setting tasks.

Project development, perspective plan events on the topic.

Drawing up a perspective-thematic plan.

Selection of material on the topic.

Selection of thin literature on this topic

Selection of poems for memorization.

Selection of song repertoire.

Preparation of an exhibition of crafts and drawings.

Newspaper design, presentation.

Drawing up and approval of the script of the holiday.

Introduce parents to the topic

Draw their attention to this project.

IIstage: practical.

Target: implementation of the project in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

Estimated result

Socio - communicative development

NOD - "Soon we will go to school."

Didactic games: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, “And we are in let's go to school", "Good bad",

"The road to school from home" (SDA).

Conversations: "What do I expect from the school",

“On the rules of conduct at school”, “My favorite toy” (Why you can’t take toys to school)

Plot - role-playing games: Stationery store,

Tour of the kindergarten.

Excursion to the school building

Raise interest in school and desire to learn. Clarify children's knowledge about the school, fix the names and purpose of school supplies. Expand lexicon children on this topic. Build learning skills

Systematize children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads; to form specific skills and behaviors in situations on the roads and public transport; to promote the expansion of children's interest in knowledge of the Rules traffic through ingenuity, fantasy, erudition; develop the ability to reason logically and draw conclusions from situations on the roads and in public transport

Raise interest in school and desire to learn.

Introduce children to school rules

To contribute to the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge gained in the classroom and in everyday life. To expand children's knowledge about the work of store workers. Expand vocabulary, improve verbal communication skills. Continue to learn before the start of the game, agree on a topic, distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions for Game

To contribute to the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge gained in the classroom and in everyday life. Expand, clarify and concretize children's knowledge about the school

Instill in children the desire to learn

Instill respect for the work of the teacher and the work of school employees Activate the vocabulary: school supplies, recess, bell, teacher's room Continue to teach before the start of the game, agree on the topic, assign roles, prepare the necessary conditions for the game

To form and systematize children's ideas about kindergarten, its history.

Creating a positive emotional environment when meeting with the school. Perfection cognitive processes and level of self-control.

The development of the desire to learn, to gain knowledge at school.

cognitive development

Conversation - journey "I was small, I became big."

Didactic games: "Who works at school?",

« school supplies»,

What do I need at school?

"Journey to School"

Enrich ideas about people, their moral qualities, gender differences, social and professional roles, rules of relationships between adults and children. Contribute to the development of children's self-confidence, awareness of the growth of their achievements, self-esteem. Develop self-control and responsibility for their actions and deeds.

Systematize and expand children's ideas about school; to introduce the professions of people working in the school; to awaken a positive attitude of children towards school staff

Give an idea about the school, school supplies and equipment; continue to exercise children in developing the skills of classifying school supplies, the ability to name them; develop memory, attention

Summarize children's knowledge about the school; arouse interest in school, awaken a positive attitude towards learning at school; to cultivate composure and accuracy.

Awaken a positive attitude towards learning at school; continue to develop team playing skills: answer questions briefly; take turns and be able to wait without disturbing the overall flow of the game; help a friend in trouble.

Speech development

NOD "Soon to school"

Reading fiction: E. Moshkovskaya “We play school”, V. Voronkova “Girlfriends”, V. Berestov “Counting”, smart fairy tale by M. A. Panfilova from the cycle “ forest tales"- "Funny Fears", "Collecting a Portfolio", "Squirrel's Dream", "Mistress Accuracy", "Greed", "Magic Apple", "Birthday Gifts", "Sloth", "Sneak", "Invisibility Hat", "Task for the Fox Cub", "Debater", "Resentment", "Tails", "Fights", "Rude Words", "Friendly Country", M. Yason "A Suitable Angle", V. Orlov "What is written in the notebook?", V. Golovkin "Unlucky", V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories".

Riddles: about the school, school supplies.

Proverbs and sayings about school.

Mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with other people.

To expand children's knowledge about the world around them through thin. liter-ru

Artistic and aesthetic development

NOD "Drawing" - "School bag"

NOD "Lepka" - "We are future schoolchildren."

GCD "Application" - "Invitation card".

NOD " Manual labor": "Flowers for kindergarten employees."

Music: Songs, poems about kindergarten. Dances, farewell waltz.

Coloring pages, templates, stencils

The development of skills to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of the object, to correctly draw objects of a rectangular shape.

Compilation of a collective plot composition from molded figures with the transfer of various human movements by the method of modeling from a cylinder cut at both ends.

Introduce children to various options postcard art. Develop creative imagination, attention, artistic taste, fine motor skills. To evoke a joyful mood in children on the eve of the upcoming holiday and a desire, in accordance with etiquette, to invite their relatives to the holiday in advance

Arouse interest in children to make flowers from colored paper using the origami technique

improve tactile perception dexterity, accuracy, patience.

Use tools to develop the eye, fine motor skills hands, speeches of children .. To bring up the desire to bring the work begun to the end; respect for kindergarten staff

Physical development

Outdoor games: “Collect a briefcase soon”, “Lesson - change”, “We are funny guys”, “Traps with ribbons”, “Ball to the driver”, “On one leg along the path”.

Dynamic exercise: "We will go to school with you."

Self-massage of fingers and hands "Our cheerful pencil" (with a ribbed pencil).

Finger gymnastics "To school"

Develop motor activity, dexterity, attention

Combine children into groups that promote their cooperation, interaction with each other;

Function activation internal organs Improvement of nerve conduction "receptors - brain" Increase in the reserve capacity of the functioning of the brain Increase in muscle tone

Develop the small muscles of the hands

Working with parents

Photo newspaper "How I came to kindergarten."

Consultation "Mode of the future first-grader"

Tips for Parents of First Graders Baby is coming to school"

Watching m / f "How a camel and a donkey went to school", "Cheburashka goes to school", "A girl in the circus",

"Vovka in the Thirtieth Kingdom", "Again the deuce", "In the country of unlearned lessons"

Attracting the attention of parents to useful and necessary information.-

a properly organized regimen is a condition not only for maintaining and strengthening health, but also for successful study.

Attracting the attention of parents to useful and necessary information

Harmonization of child-parent relationships.

IIIstage: final.

Purpose: to summarize the materials based on the results of the work.

An approximate structure for planning educational activities for the first week of September

Topic: "Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!"


^ Final event: "Journey to the Play-town" - a day of games and toys, entertainment (responsible: educators of all age groups, music director, physical education instructor).

^ Date __________________.

scheduling work on the topic "Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!" in the second junior group

^ Day of the week








Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature


Communicative game "Let's get to know each other."

The situation of activating communication “How did you spend your summer?”, looking at photos and pictures about summer holiday.

The general game "Guys are walking."

Compilation and recording of stories on the topic “How I rested in the summer”, activation personal experience children (names of children).

Reading the nursery rhyme “Water, water, wash my face”, situational conversation about the rules for washing hands, exercise “Soap gloves”.

Introduction of the "Garden" layout, selection of appropriate attributes - independent games with a layout, toys.

Individual conversations with parents about the daily routine in kindergarten, about the need to comply with it (names).


Excursion "This is our group": to introduce the premises group room, talk about toys, rules of behavior in the group.


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Observation of the games of older preschoolers.

P.i. "We are funny guys."

Ind. work on the development of movements: walking on a limited plane - p.i. "On a flat path" (names).

Situational conversation about summer: weather, summer natural phenomena, plant and animal life in summer period, human activities.


Work in the book corner: acquaintance with the exhibition of books “Summer in poems, stories, fairy tales” - looking at illustrations, reading passages at the choice of children, discussion.

A minute of prank "Dance of names" - dance improvisations.

Compilation and recording of stories on the topic “How I rested in the summer”, drawing illustrations for stories (names of children).

Situational conversation about the rules of careful handling of books, toys, things.

Did. game "What lies where?" - continue acquaintance with the group, with the location of objects, toys in it.

Introduction of a printed board game: loto "Toys".

Enrichment with materials from the s / r game "Summer Journey".


Sand experiment games: what kind of sand you can build from, why. Stand alone games with sand, situational conversations about children's games (plot, idea, etc.), observation of the relationship of children during the game. Summer Riddles. P.i. "We are funny guys."

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Cooperative activity adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity

Morning exercises "Kids - strong men."

A moment of silence - poems about summer flowers, work with environmentalists. window - summer flowers.

Plot-did. games "Let's help the dolls set the table for breakfast", "Let's treat the dolls with tea."

Compilation and recording of stories on the topic “How I rested in the summer”, drawing illustrations for stories, making a homemade book (names of children).

Observation of the work of the nanny (table setting, food distribution), situational conversation “Who takes care of us in kindergarten?”

Reading A. Barto "Girl grimy", a conversation about the benefits of washing.

Independent examination of books, photographs and thematic albums about summer in a book corner is the creation of situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Enrichment with materials of the "Garden" layout, independent games with the layout.

Invite parents to take part in book publishing activities - joint production of home-made books “How I rested in the summer” with children, design of the exhibition.

Individual consultation on request.

^ Directly educational activities

Communication, Thu. thin lit., socialization

Communicative activity, reading: viewing the picture “We play”, reading N. Kalinin “Is this how they play?”, A conversation on the topic “How do we play in kindergarten”.

Motor activity: physical education "It's fun to walk together!"


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity

The target walk around the territory of the kindergarten is a visit to the flower garden: looking at flowers, talking about the work of people who took care of beauty in kindergarten, poetry.

Did. game "Guess the flower by description."

Labor: collection of flower seeds, natural material for creativity.

P.i. "I walk around the houses."

Ind. work on the development of movements: rolling the ball to each other - games in pairs (names).

Fixing the sequence of dressing and undressing, solving problematic situations “Help a friend”, situational conversation about mutual assistance.

Carrying out sports equipment: balls, hoops, jump ropes, etc. - activation of pair interaction, creation of conditions for the emergence of independent games in pairs: "Roll the ball", "Horses", "Taxi", etc.

Enrichment with materials from s / r games like "Journey" (to the country house, to the village, to the sea, etc.).


Hardening, etc.

Dramatization and discussion of problem situations “How a bear and a bunny shared toys”, “ New toy”, talking about how to play without quarreling.

Round dance game "Raspberry in garden let's go”, testing raspberries, getting to know its qualities, talking about the gifts of summer.

Compilation and recording of stories about the summer, drawing illustrations for stories, making a homemade book (names of children).

Remind children to keep toys in order. Monitor how children clean toys, put things in order in activity centers, provide needed help, encourage.

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Mothers and Daughters", "Kindergarten".

Independent games in activity centers, creation of conditions for the emergence of pair and subgroup interaction - the introduction of desktop constructors, attributes for dramatization games, board games lotto type.


Observation of the work of the janitor, situational conversation "Who takes care of us in kindergarten?". Carrying out the action "Clean site". Pair games - with sports equipment.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Hood. creation

Morning exercises "Kids - strong men."

Did. game "Wonderful bag" (toys).

General game "Gifts".

Situational conversation about the rules for washing hands, the need to wipe them dry, the exercise “Fold the towel”.

Enrichment with materials from the s / r game "Toy Store" - the activation of pair and subgroup interaction, the creation of conditions for the emergence of a role-playing dialogue.

Making the screen "What toys do children need."

Individual conversations with parents about the development of self-care skills in children, about the importance of their formation for personal development child and his successful self-realization in household activities (names).

Interaction with social partners: traveling theater- showing the play "Like a dog was looking for a friend."

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive activity: FEMP - “We will count all the toys” (acquaintance with the concepts of one, many, none; making up a set of individual elements).

Artistic creativity, labor

Productive activity: drawing with paints "Dandelion in a summer meadow."

Phys. culture, health

Motor activity: physical education in the air "Along the forest paths."


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Solving a problem situation and experimenting based on A. Barto's poem "Our Tanya is crying loudly" (how to help a girl and get the ball out of the water without getting wet?).

P.i. "My cheerful, ringing ball."

Communicative ball game "Call yourself affectionately."

Labor: game exercise "One, two, three - collect the toys!"

Ind. work on the development of movements: rolling the ball into the goal (names of children).

Fixing the sequence of dressing and undressing, the order of folding clothes in the closet, solving problem situations "Help a friend" - arouse the desire to provide all possible assistance to comrades.

Independent games with balls, with dolls, with transport toys - observation of the relationship of children, the ability to build pair interaction.


Simulation of the situation “Incompetent visiting the guys” (disorder in the group), the action “Each toy has its own place!”

Reading G. Tsyferov "When there are not enough toys."

Workshop children's creativity- making handicrafts from natural materials, designing the overall composition "On a sunny meadow".

Memorizing poems by A. Barto from the cycle "Toys" (children's names).

Making books - homemade with children's stories "How I rested in the summer."

Talk about the culture of behavior during meals.

Independent s / r games "Guests", "Daughters-Mothers", "Summer Journey", "Shop" - observation of the relationship of children, the ability to build pair and subgroup interaction.

The introduction of natural material to enrich the plots of games (using it as substitute items).


"ABC of safety": a conversation about safe behavior on a walk, a socially-oriented game "You can - you can not" (what you can and cannot do while walking). Independent games with toys.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Morning exercises "Kids - strong men."

Work in the book corner: acquaintance with the exhibition of books “How good it is in our garden!” - looking, reading, talking

Tour of the kindergarten: mini-blocks "Who cooks dinner for us?", "Who treats us?", "Work in the laundry."

General game "Erase ..."

Ind. work on the development of gaming skills - games in pairs (names of children).

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about compliance speech etiquettepolite words at a meeting, enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Kindergarten", "Kitchen", "Laundry", "Doctor".

Independent activity in activity centers – creation of conditions for meaningful communication and interaction.

Invite parents to take part in the day of play and toys "Journey to the Play Town", design the poster of the event, please bring toys for the mini-museum.

Consulting on the topic “Safe road to kindergarten”, distribution of leaflets “Know and follow the rules of the road”

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive research (constructive) activity: designing from the desktop builder "Room for nesting dolls", playing.

Musical activity - the theme is "Give a smile to a friend."


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


A targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten is a conversation about vegetables, about the work of people who grow them in the summer.

Did. game "What grows in the garden?"; round dance game "We have a garden."

Labor: all possible assistance in collecting vegetables (to whom shall we take it?)

Ind. work on the development of movements: climbing a gymnastic ladder (names of children).

Talking about clothes - developing self-care skills, educating careful attitude to things, neatness, neatness; strengthening the ability to fold clothes in the closet - ex. "Each thing has its place."

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Summer in the Village", "Gardeners".

Carrying out sports equipment: balls, hoops, jump ropes, etc. - activation of paired games "Roll the ball", "Horses", "Taxi", etc.


"Guest of the group" - a meeting with a kindergarten carpenter, a conversation about his profession, repairing a high chair in front of the children.

Testing turnip, getting to know its qualities, joint story. sk. "Turnip" showing movements.

Ind. work on the development of gaming skills - a dramatization game based on the fairy tale "Turnip", to develop the ability to build a role-playing dialogue (children's names).

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about the observance of speech etiquette - polite words after eating, at parting, enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Kindergarten", "Kitchen", "Laundry", "Doctor", plot-building game "Group room".

Independent games with layouts "Garden", "Road" - replenishment of attributes.

Independent visual activity.


Simulation of the traffic situation "We cross the road" on the transport site (zebra, traffic light).

P.i. Drivers and Pedestrians. Independent games with transport toys.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Artistic creativity

Morning exercises "Kids - strong men."

Examination of the exposition of the mini-museum "My favorite toy".

The general game "What will we ride."

Problematic situation in the process of washing, experimentation "Cube - soap" - discussion, search for a solution.

Replenishment with attributes of the s / r games "Journey", "Guests", "Toy Store" - activation of independent play activities of children, creation of conditions for self-realization.

Day open doors"Journey to the Play-town" - participation in the day of the game and toys, in leisure, joint play activity with kids.

Master classes (optional): “Do-it-yourself toys”, “Games for health” (physical instructor), “Learning to play” (educators),

^ Direct educational activities


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Experimental game "Sinking - floating", talking about the properties of objects, about materials; fun games with

Ind. movement development work: exercise in running,

The situation of activating communication: about the holiday - to arouse desire

"We're going to visit" - mutual visiting, creation of children's play communities of different ages, activation

clockwork floating toys.

Joking games "Flies - does not fly", "Grandfather Matvey", "Let's do everything like me."

jumping "Who is faster to the flag", "Frogs" (in pairs).

share impressions, enrich the experience of children's communication, teach to observe elementary rules communication.

and enrichment of the gaming experience of children, the development of communication skills, independence.

“Playing with fingers” (educators), “Games for the mind” (educators), “Folk games” (music director).


Hardening, gymnastics after sleep, walking along the “health paths”.

Decoration of the exhibition "Sounding Summer": home-made books, collection, photographs, creative works (drawings, crafts) - examination, communication, activation of personal experience.

Leisure evening in the group "Goodbye, summer!".

Compilation of stories on the topic "My favorite toy" (names).

game situation"Let's put things in order in the group."

Independent activity in game centers, activation of pair and subgroup interaction.


A dramatization game together with parents “Song of Friends” (S. Marshak). Joint games optionally.

^ Calendar planning of work on the topic “Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!” in the middle group

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Thu. thin lit.

Hood. creation


Communicative game "Let's get to know each other better."

The situation of activating communication “What do you remember about this summer?”, looking at photographs and pictures about summer holidays, summer landscapes.

A minute of prank "Dance of names".

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “What I remember this summer for”, activating the personal experience of children (names of children).

Reading K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" (excerpts), situational conversation about the rules of washing. “Lessons of Moidodyr”: exercises “Soap gloves”, “Wipe dry”, “Fold the towel”.

The introduction of the "Farm" layout, the selection of appropriate attributes - independent games with the layout, toys.

Independent visual activity (the theme is summer).

Talk to parents about gathering materials for the Summer Finds collection.

Ask to bring photographs of a family summer vacation for the design of the “Sounding Summer” exhibition.

Participation in the joint parent-child project "Friendly Guys": interviewing "What is friendship", the task is to make a poster "Friendship" with the child, an emblem badge "I am a good friend."

^ Direct educational activities

Music, knowledge, communication

Musical cognitive activity: holiday "Knowledge Day".

Cognition, security, communication, socialization

Toys and games, about the rules of behavior in a group.


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Target walk around the site: to acquaint with the territory of the site, with the rules of safe behavior on a walk.

Reading poems about summer, u.n.t.

P.i. "We are funny guys."

Labor "Together it is necessary to clean up toys cheerfully and amicably!"

Ind. work on the development of movements: walking on a log - game exercise. "Pass - do not fall" (names).

Situational conversation about what we do on a walk, how we walk.

Conversation "We are almost big now."

Enrichment with materials from the s / r game "Summer Journey".

Carrying out toys for playing with sand, crayons for drawing on asphalt.


Project “Friendly Guys” (beginning): staging the problem situation “The hare and the fox quarreled”, situational conversation “If you quarrel, if you fight” - posing the problem.

Compilation and recording of stories on the topic “What I remember this summer”, drawing illustrations for stories (names of children).

Situational conversation about the rules of careful handling of things.

Did. the game "Everything has its own place" - continue to get acquainted with the group, with the arrangement of objects and toys in it.

Reading L. Voronkov "Masha is a confusion."

Enrichment with materials from the s / r game "Summer Journey".


^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Thu. thin lit.


Morning exercises "Strong and dexterous."

Observation of the work of the nanny: table setting, situational conversation “How will we be on duty”, did. Game "Trick-Track, not like that!"

Work on the project "Friendly guys" - discussion of proverbs and sayings about friendship, listening to songs.

Communicative game "What is the name, guess and pass the object"

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “What I remember this summer”, drawing illustrations for stories, making homemade books (names of children).

"Lessons of Moidodyr": solving problem situations, experiments "Cube - soap", "Dry soap".

Thematic selection of books “How good it is in our garden” - viewing illustrations, communication.

Entering the "Kindergarten" layout with attributes - independent games.

Introduction of lotto "Professions".

Invite parents to take part in book publishing activities - joint production of homemade books with children “What I remember this summer”, exhibition design.

Project work: selection of material about friendship for the compilation of the "Literary piggy bank".

Consulting on the topic "Safe road to kindergarten", distribution of leaflets "Know and follow the rules of the road."

Interaction with social partners: watching an educational cartoon on traffic rules in the House of Culture

^ Direct educational activities

Physical culture, health

Motor activity: physical education "To all friends - physical education greetings!" (In the project's boundaries).

Cognition, work, communication, socialization


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


"ABC of safety: SDA" - a tour of the nearby streets, the formation of knowledge of traffic rules, familiarity with the route "Crossroads - Kindergarten".

Enrichment with materials from s / r games such as "Journey" (to the city, at sea, etc.), "Road".


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

"ABC of safety: SDA" - communication on the topic "On the way to kindergarten", laying a safe route using the "Road" layout

The general game "Guys are walking."

Workshop of children's creativity - "Portrait as a gift to a friend": work with cardboard, plasticine (as part of the project).

Ind. assignment "Set the table" (preparation for duty), ind. conversation “How did you take care of your comrades” (names).

Situational conversation about the work of adults in kindergarten, did. games “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?”, “Who cares about us?”

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Family on vacation", "Kindergarten", "Journey".

A selection of books and pictures about friendship for independent viewing - creating conditions for the emergence of meaningful communication, the development of friendly relationships.


P.i. Drivers and Pedestrians. Independent games on the transport site.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Thu. thin lit.

Hood. creation

Morning exercises "Strong and dexterous."

Compilation and examination of the collection "Summer Finds" (a shelf of obscure knowledge), communication, stories from personal experience.

"Guest of the group" - a meeting with a kindergarten laundress, a conversation about her profession.

General game "Erase ...".

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about the observance of speech etiquette - did. game "Learning to say hello in different ways."

Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, reproductions of paintings about summer in a book corner - creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Role-playing games at the choice of children, games with a large builder.

Project work:

joint production of wall newspapers "Our friendly family".

The design of the screen "Adults and children are friends", ind. conversations about the formation of friendly relationships in preschool age.

Participation in environmental action"Clean area" - joint work children, parents and caregivers to clean the site.

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive activity: FEMP "Toy Store" (counting within 5, compiling and comparing sets, orientation in group space - did. game "Find a toy").

Hood. creativity, work

Productive activity: creating a collage “What is summer?” - collective application from preforms.

Phys. culture, health, safety

Motor activity: physical education in the air "We are tourists."


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity

Continuation of the excursion "What is a kindergarten" - acquaintance with the territory of the kindergarten, observing the work of adults on the street.

P.i. "Tea, tea - help out", "We are funny guys."

Game-competition "Who will collect toys faster" (boys or girls).

Ind. work on the development of movements: exercise in jumping forward - p.i. "From bump to bump" (names).

Enrichment with materials from the s / r game "Toy Store" - the development of skills in building a role-playing dialogue.

work before bed

Reading by E. Uspensky “House of Friendship” (chapter from the book “Crocodile Gena and his friends”), activating communication on the topic “Squirrels and bunnies are friends, girls and boys are friends”, songs about friendship (within the framework of the project).


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

The situation of activating communication “If you are polite” - looking at pictures, reading, staging a problem situation “Ask or take away?”, Discussion, socially-oriented game “Polite request”.

The work “Soap foams in the trough, we wash it - look!” (washing doll clothes).

Memorizing counting rhymes and myrilok (names of children).

Making homemade books with children's stories "What I remember this summer" (names).

General game "Guest".

Enrichment with materials for plot-building games “Guests have come to us”, “House of Friendship”, “Kindergarten”, - the development of a game plan, skills of role-playing behavior, constructive ways of interaction.

Independent activity in the activity centers: viewing the collection, books, fine arts, playing with layouts.


^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Thu. thin lit.

Hood. creation


Morning exercises "Strong and dexterous."

Did. the game "Magic Chest" - a joint composition and staging of fairy tales about friendship (modeling with toys based on familiar fairy tales) - within the framework of the "Friendly Guys" project.

General game "Teremok".

Learning songs about friendship.

Memorizing counting rhymes, myrilok, discussion of proverbs about friendship (names of children).

“The ABC of Cleanliness”: a situational conversation about the need to wash, reading S. Byalkovskaya “Julia the Clean”, K. Kuznetsov “Zamarashka”.

The introduction of theaters for games-dramatizations based on the fairy tales "Teremok", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", etc. - the development of role-playing interaction.

The introduction of board games such as lotto, dominoes - creating conditions for subgroup interaction, developing the ability to negotiate, follow the rules of the games.

Design of the wall newspaper "Interesting summer in kindergarten!"

Invite parents to take part in the day of play and toys "Journey to the Play Town", in summing up project activities Making a poster for the event, please bring toys for the mini-museum.

Give a task parent committee bake a “Pie of Friendship”, prepare a treat for a tea party (within the framework of the project).

^ Direct educational activities

Music, communication, socialization

Musical activity - the theme "Give a smile to a friend" (within the framework of the project).

Communication, reading literature, socialization

Reading, communicative activity: reading A. Kuznetsov "We quarreled with a girlfriend", discussion of the problem situation "How to play without quarreling?" communication on the topic “We are friendly guys, we don’t quarrel at all!” (In the project's boundaries).


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


“ABC of safety”: watching the games of younger and older preschoolers, situational conversation “So that there is no trouble, do the right thing for you”, games in a circle with the ball “Dangerous - safe”, “You can - you can’t”.

Labor: collecting flower seeds.

Ind. work on the development of movements: exercise in throwing into the distance - p.i. "Who will throw further" (names).

Fixing the sequence of dressing and undressing, solving problem situations “Help a friend”, “Refer to a friend with a request”, a situational conversation about mutual assistance.

Carrying out toys for games-experiments with the wind - activation of cognitive research activities, creating situations for meaningful communication on cognitive topics.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Ind. work in preparation for duty - did. game "Set the table for dolls" (names).

Remind the children that toys must be kept in order, reading Z. Aleksandrov “What you took, put it in its place”, the game “1, 2, 3 - take away the toys!”

Introduction of materials and toys for self-experimentation in the center "Sand - Water" - activation of research activities, development cognitive interests, creating conditions for cognitive communication.


General game "Guest". Joint gaming activities: s / r games "Family", "Guests", "Shop" - learn to connect games with a single plot, distribute roles, build role-playing dialogues, use substitute objects.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

^ Friday is play and toy day


Physical Culture





Artistic creativity

Morning exercises "Strong and dexterous."

Examination of the exposition of the mini-museum "My favorite toy" - examination, communication.

Surprise moment: “buffoons” come to visit the children with an invitation to the Play-town.

The general game "What will we ride."

Compilation of stories on the topic "My favorite toy" (names).

Work in preparation for duty - did. the game "Trick-Track - Not So", observation of the table setting, situational conversation.

“Games for health” (physical instructor), “Learning to play” (educators), “Playing with fingers”, “Games for the mind”, “Folk games” (music director).

Distribution of booklets “The game is the leading activity of a preschooler” (senior educator).

^ Direct educational activities

Music, physical culture, socialization, communication

Entertainment "Journey to the Play-town": musical and theatrical activities, motor activity- continuation of entertainment on the street: "Games on the pavement".


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


The game "Guess the riddle - find the answer" (about toys).


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Making a group for a sweet evening - table setting, an exhibition of joint creative works within the framework of the project "Friendly guys".

Sweet evening "Strong friendship does not end" - the result of the project: a concert, presentation of wall newspapers "Our friendly family", gifts to friends (portraits), a socially-oriented game "Pie of Friendship", tea drinking.

Compilation of stories on the topic "My favorite toy" (names).

Recall proverbs, sayings, poems and songs about friendship.

Independent activity in activity centers - viewing the collection, thematic selections of books about summer, kindergarten, friendship, expositions of the exhibition, mini-museum, creative activity - creating conditions for meaningful communication, for reflecting impressions in productive activities.


A dramatization game together with parents “Song of Friends” (S. Marshak). Joint games of choice, drawing with crayons on the pavement on the theme "Mom, dad, I are best friends."

^ Calendar planning of work on the topic “Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!” V senior group

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Thu. thin lit.

Hood. creation


Communicative game "Call yourself in a different way."

Situation of activating communication wonderful summer”, looking at photographs and pictures about summer holidays, summer landscapes.

Speech game "Kuzovok" ( summer words).

A minute of prank "Dance of names".

Compiling and recording stories on the theme “Wonderful Summer”, making homemade books, activating the personal experience of children (names of children).

Reading Y. Tuwim "Letter to children", a situational conversation about the need and benefits of washing.

Observation of the work of the dining room attendants, a conversation on the topic "How the attendants took care of us."

Visual activity (the theme is summer, illustrations for a homemade book).

Talk to parents about gathering materials for the Summer Finds collection.

Ask to bring photographs of a family summer vacation for the design of the “Sounding Summer” exhibition.

Participation in the joint parent-child project “We are all so different, we are all so the same”: making personalized posters “What I know about myself”, “Daisies of names” together with the children.

^ Direct educational activities

Music, knowledge, communes

Musical and educational activities: the holiday "Day of Knowledge".

Cognition, safety, commun., social.

Excursion "This is what our group is like": introduce the group room, talk about new

Toys and games, about the rules of behavior in a group, did. game "What has changed in the group?"


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Target walk around the site and the territory of the kindergarten: acquaintance with the territory, with the rules of safe behavior on a walk.

Reading poems about summer, u.n.t.

P.i. "Running Traps" (words about summer).

Labor "Together it is necessary to clean up toys cheerfully and amicably!"

Ind. work on the development of movements: throwing at a target - ex. "Don't miss" (names).

Situational conversation about maintaining order in the closet, did. ex. "Each thing has its place."

Enrichment with materials from s / r games " Cruise”, “Summer in the village”.

Carrying out toys for playing with sand, crayons for drawing on asphalt.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Work in the book corner: acquaintance with the exhibition of books "Summer in poems, stories, fairy tales" - viewing illustrations, reading, communication.

Project “We are all so different, we are all so the same” (beginning): situation of activating communication “What do we know about ourselves? What do we want to know?”, problem statement, information creation. project fields

Compilation and recording of stories on the theme “Wonderful Summer”, drawings, making homemade books, activating the personal experience of children (names of children).

To continue the conversation about independence, about what older preschoolers can do, what they can learn: to teach how to make the bed after sleep, to encourage you to clean up toys on your own - the motto is "Played - put it back."

Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, reproductions of paintings about summer in a book corner - creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Summer Journey", "Family on Vacation".


Experimental games and construction games with sand: properties of sand, what kind of sand can be built from, why, what.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Hood. creation


Morning gymnastics "On the ship"

Communication on the topics “What are our boys … made of?”, “What are our girls … made of?” - the formation of a positive image of "I", a positive attitude towards oneself and others, similarities and differences, considered. portraits, photographs, name posters, "chamomile names".

Social-oriented. the game "Hare-brag".

A situational conversation about the benefits of water, about how it should be used and protected.

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about the observance of speech etiquette - the communicative game "Greeting".

Thematic selection of books “How good it is in our garden” - viewing illustrations, communication.

Games with layouts "Kindergarten", " Dollhouse and the inhabitants in it.

Nast. games "Professions in kindergarten", "What we do in the garden."

Invite parents to take part in book publishing activities - joint production of home-made books “Wonderful Summer” with children, design of the exhibition.

Project work: selection of literary, informational and illustrated material about different people to create an encyclopedia.

Consulting on the topic “Safe road to kindergarten”, distribution of leaflets “Know and follow the rules of the road” (senior educator).

Interaction with social partners: watching a training cartoon on traffic rules.

Setting up a gallery of portraits.

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, work, socialization, communication

Cognitive activity: a tour of the kindergarten "What is a kindergarten?" - acquaintance with the premises of the kindergarten, with the rules of behavior in it, with the labor of people in kindergarten, education respectful attitude to employees of d / s.


Musical activity - the theme "From a smile will become brighter for everyone" (within the framework of the project).

Productive activity: "Self-portrait" - different ways images, design of a gallery of portraits (within the framework of the project).


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


"ABC of safety: traffic rules" - a tour of the microdistrict, the formation of knowledge of traffic rules, acquaintance with the route "Stop - kindergarten".

Games on the transport site: simulation of traffic situations, the formation of skills for safe passage across the road.

Ind. work on the development of movements: long jumps from a place - ex. "Who will jump further" (names).

A situational conversation about the culture of behavior at the table, about the culture of communication, about observing speech etiquette - did. Thank you game.

Enrichment with materials from s / r games such as "Journey" (to the country, to the village, to the sea, etc.), "Road".

Taking out transport toys, bicycles, scooters is an independent activity.

Removal of equipment for self-study labor activity for site cleaning.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

“ABC of safety: SDA” - communication on the topic “On the way to kindergarten”, laying a safe route using the “Road” layout, according to the scheme - mark dangerous places of movement.

I.m.p. "Best Pedestrian"

Compilation and recording of stories "Wonderful Summer", drawings, making homemade books, activating the personal experience of children (children's names).

Situational conversation about the work of adults in kindergarten "People of different professions", did. And. "Who takes care of us?" .

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Family on vacation", "Kindergarten", "Journey", "Guests".

Independent games with the "Road" layout.

A selection of books on the topic "Adults and Children" for independent consideration - creating conditions for the emergence of meaningful communication.


P.i. "Drivers and Pedestrians", "Traffic Light". Independent games on the transport site.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Thu. thin lit.

Hood. creation

Morning gymnastics "On the ship"

Compilation and examination of the collection "Summer Finds" (a shelf of obscure knowledge), communication, stories from personal experience.

"Guest of the group" - a meeting with the kindergarten cook, a conversation about her profession, sit. conversation "My favorite dish».

P.i. "Edible - not edible"

Ind. work with table setting attendants (names).

“The ABC of Cleanliness”: a situational conversation about dirty and clean people, reading K. Chukovsky “Moydodyr” (excerpts), did. Toiletries game.

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Kindergarten", "Kitchen", "Family", "Guests", " Children's Cafe", the production of missing attributes by children - to provide material for creativity.

Design of the screen "The Art of Communication", ind. conversations about the formation of constructive ways of interaction in preschool age.

Participation in the environmental campaign "Clean site" - the joint work of children, parents and educators to clean the site.

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive activity: FEMP "Merry little men" (counting within 10, compiling and comparing sets, measuring, modeling from geometric shapes) - project.

Hood. creation

Prod. activity: creation of a cookbook "Our favorite dishes" (cuttings from magazines - collage).

Phys. culture, health, knowledge, safety.

Motor activity: tourist trip "At the sunset of summer".


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Continuation hiking trip"At the sunset of summer": a walk in the forest, informative conversation about summer, poems, riddles, signs.

P.i. "Traps with a tail", "Blind Man's Buff", "Hide and Seek", etc.

Collection of natural material to replenish the collection "Summer Finds".

Obstacle course.

Ind. work on the development of movements: running for speed - p.i. "Race together" (names).

A situational conversation about the rules of safe behavior during a hike, about the rules of behavior in nature, did. game "Can't"

Independent physical activity: games and exercises on the obstacle course, outdoor games, football.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Journey on the map different kids live on the planet" - an introduction to the lives of children different nationalities and races.

Creation and review of the encyclopedia " Different people» - activating communication, reading lit. works.

Playing in a circle with a ball "How are we similar, how are we different?"

Ind. work on art - drawing, modeling of a person (names).

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about the observance of speech etiquette - did. game "How can I say goodbye."

Application different types designers, natural and waste material- modeling "Merry little men", playing with crafts.

The plot-building game "My favorite place recreation".

C / r game "Kindergarten".


Observation of the work of the janitor, situational conversation "Who takes care of us in kindergarten?". Carrying out the action "Clean site". Games with sports equipment.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Physical Culture





Hood. creation


Morning gymnastics "On the ship"

Creation of a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important”, joint selection of illustrated material, art. words. Communication games "Reportage", "Interview", "Journalists" - interviewing the children of the group, kindergarten employees on the topic, compiling stories, inventing rubrics.

Ind. assignments for a survey of employees of the d / s for the newspaper (names).

Learning songs about friendship.

A situational conversation on the topic “How a person works: our assistants”, games for the development of the senses, sensations - “Guess by taste, smell, sound, voice, touch”, did. game "I can, I can".

Application table theaters based on the plots of familiar fairy tales about friendship - independent dramatization games.

Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, encyclopedias about summer, kindergarten, people - creating situations for communication.


Continue work on creating a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important” - a survey of parents.

Design of the wall newspaper "Interesting summer in kindergarten!"

Participation in the leisure "Goodbye, summer!"

Invite parents to take part in the day of play and toys "Journey to Playtown". Making a poster for the event, please bring toys for the mini-museum.

Give the task to the parent committee to bake the “Pie of Friendship”, to prepare a treat for tea drinking.

^ Direct educational activities

Reading thin. literature, communication

Reading, communicative activity: V. Mayakovsky “What is good, what is bad”, a conversation on the topic “Our actions, habits, character”, compiling stories according to proverbs and sayings about a person (his character, actions, habits), playing in a circle with a ball “What does it mean to be a good man? (project).

Phys. culture

Motor activity: physical education "Zigzags of dexterity".

Hood. creativity, socialization

Productive activities: modeling "Boys and Girls in Kindergarten", creating a collective composition "Our Kindergarten" (project).


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Continue work on creating a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important” - a survey of children and educators of other groups on the topic, compiling short stories.

Cognitive research activities: games for the development of the senses, sensations - "Guess by smell, sound, voice, touch."

Ind. labor assignments (names).

Ind. work on the development of movements: exercise in accuracy - the game "Knock down the skittles" (names).

Situational conversation on the topic "How to become Non-sick" - who cares about our health in kindergarten? How can we take care of our own health?

Carrying out toys, natural and waste material for sand games - building a city out of sand, playing around.

Enrichment with materials from the s / r games "Kindergarten", "Family" - the development of game interaction skills.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Decoration of the exhibition "Sounding Summer": homemade books, collection, photographs, creative works (drawings, crafts) - examination, cognitive activity, communication, activation of personal experience.

Leisure in the group "Goodbye, summer!".

Ind. work on compiling stories according to proverbs and sayings about a person (names).

Learning songs about friendship.

Situational conversation on the topic "Who are polite people", speech game"Kuzovok" (polite words and expressions).

Games with layouts "Kindergarten", "Doll's house and inhabitants in it", "Sea coast", "Road".

The introduction of a globe, a map is the creation of situations for meaningful communication about people living on Earth.


Joint gaming activities: s / r games "Family", "Guests", "Journey" - learn to connect games with a single plot, distribute roles, build role-playing dialogues, use substitute objects.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

^ Friday is play and toy day


Physical Culture





Artistic creativity

Morning gymnastics "On the ship"

Examination of the exposition of the mini-museum "My favorite toy" - examination, communication, games.

Surprise moment: “buffoons” come to visit the children with an invitation to the Play-town.

The general game "What will we ride."

Compilation of stories on the topic "My favorite toy" (names).

Situational conversation on the topic “What determines our mood (our feelings and emotions)”, the game “Continue the phrase” (I am happy when ... I am sad when ... I am offended when ...); problem situation "How to feel sorry for a friend."

Finish work on creating a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important” - design; provide material for creativity.

Enrichment with attributes of s / r games "Family", "Kindergarten", "Toy Store" - activation of independent play activities of children, creation of conditions for self-realization.

Cleaning up toys.

Open Day "Journey to the Play-town" - participation in the day of play and toys, in a sweet evening (project results), joint play activities with children.

Master classes (optional): “Do-it-yourself toys” (educators), “Games for health” (physical instructor), “Learning to play” (educators), “Playing with fingers” (educators), “Mind games” (educators), “Folk games” (music director).

Distribution of booklets “The game is the leading activity of a preschooler” (senior educator).

^ Direct educational activities

Music, physical culture, socialization, communication

Entertainment "Journey to the Play-town": musical and theatrical activities, motor activity - continuation of entertainment on the street: "Games on the pavement".


Physical Culture





Reading thin. literature

Artistic creativity


Joking games “Flies - does not fly”, “Grandfather Matvey”, “Let's do everything like me”, “Edible - not edible”.

The game "Guess the riddle - find the answer" (about toys).

Joint games-experiments with wind, water, sand, launch soap bubbles– enrichment of research activities, development of cognitive interests.

Ind. work on the development of movements: exercise climbing on a gymnastic ladder - game exercise. "Monkeys" (names).

The situation of activating communication: about the holiday - to arouse a desire to share impressions, enrich the experience of children's communication, teach them to follow the elementary rules of communication.

"We're going to visit" - mutual visits, the creation of children's play communities of different ages, the activation and enrichment of the children's play experience, the development of communication skills, independence.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Making the group for a sweet evening - table setting, an exhibition of joint creative works within the framework of the project.

Sweet evening “We are all friends together, we cannot live without each other” - the result of the project: a concert, a presentation of a wall newspaper, a socially-oriented game “Pie of Friendship”, a tea party.

Compilation of stories on the topic "My favorite toy" (names).

Remember proverbs, sayings, poems and songs about friendship, people.

Independent activity in activity centers - viewing the collection, thematic selections of books about summer, kindergarten, people, expositions of the exhibition, mini-museum, art activities - creating conditions for meaningful communication, for reflecting impressions in productive activities.


A dramatization game together with parents “Song of Friends” (S. Marshak). Joint games, drawing with crayons on the pavement "Different people".
Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is "Goodbye Summer"

Lesson 1. How I spent the summer

(Free choice of material)

Software content. Bring back fond memories of summer. Give children the opportunity to choose the material and the way they convey their impressions. Develop the ability to fit a composition into a sheet. Strengthen the ability to draw with gouache. Develop artistic taste, fantasy and imagination.

Handout. album sheets, simple pencils, gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, wax crayons, brushes, cloths, palettes, jars of water.

Lesson progress

Talk to the children about where they were during the summer and what they remember the most. Ask them to think about what they would like to convey in the drawing (someone will draw how he was at sea, the other - how he swam in the river, the third - will depict his life in the village, etc.).

Children themselves need to outline the contour drawing with a simple pencil, and then arrange the work in color.

You can finish the lesson with a poem by L. Daskalova “Tears for Summer”:

The wonderful summer is over.

There are golden coins in the grass.

Quietly drops a birch on the ground

Leaf Gold -

Farewell tears...

Lesson 2. Flowers in a vase

(Watercolor painting)

Software content. Learn to draw flowers from nature. To consolidate the ability to draw curved lines with a brush. Practice painting with watercolors. Develop visual memory constantly comparing the image with nature.

Demo material. Flowers (daisies, forget-me-nots, asters, etc.) in a plain vase, simple in shape.

Handout. Sheets of watercolor paper, simple pencils, watercolor, brushes, rags, palettes, jars of water.

Lesson progress

Put the flowers in a vase. Consider the shape of the vase with the children. From vase to different sides there are thin curved stems that should be drawn with the end of the brush. They have flowers on them. Discuss the structure of a flower with the children.

Invite the children to draw their own still life, achieving resemblance to nature. You should start the drawing with a vase, which must be placed at the bottom of the sheet so that there is enough space for flowers.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Summer is ahead” Lesson 35. A basket of flowers (Colored paper. Application from cut-out parts of the subject and weaving. Teamwork) Program content. Encourage children to create teamwork. Learn to make flowers and arrange them

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Goodbye, summer” Lesson 1. How I spent the summer (Free choice of material) Program content. Bring back fond memories of summer. Give children the opportunity to choose the material and the way they convey their impressions. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My home” Session 41–42. Houses of the three pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a piece of paper. Learn

From the book Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Summer is ahead” Lesson 69. Khokhloma patterns (Gouache painting) Program content. To expand knowledge about the Khokhloma fishery. To cultivate interest and love for the art of Khokhloma masters, to teach to highlight the plant and herbal ornament. Keep teaching kids

From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My house” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. To teach children to draw small and large objects, consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue to learn how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate Responsiveness

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. The sun and the cloud (Drawing with a finger and palm. Gouache) Program content. Continue to consolidate the technique of typing with the palm of your hand and drawing with your fingers. Continue learning to draw dots with your fingers. Material. sheets of blue paper

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Swan on the lake (Modeling from plasticine using natural material) Program content. Strengthen the ability to connect in crafts natural material and plasticine. Practice putting parts together. Learn to complete the craft

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Strengthen the ability of children to bring the product to desired image using plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the book French children always say "Thank you!" by Antje Edwiga

The theme of the week is “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Beautiful butterfly (Applying plasticine to the surface) Program content. Continue to teach children to apply plasticine to the surface thin layer inside the contour of the picture, decorate the product. Develop speech and thinking. Learn with

From the book All the best methods of raising children in one book: Russian, Japanese, French, Jewish, Montessori and others author Team of authors

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using cold color scheme. Get to know the possibilities

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Summer is coming” Lesson 71. Dandelion (Poking with a hard semi-dry brush. Drawing with a palm) Program content. Continue to teach how to convey the shape and structure of an object in a drawing, use different techniques (drawing with a palm, a brush and a hard poke

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My House” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Bugs (Colored paper and magazine pages. Collective plot application from prepared parts of objects) Program content. Continue to teach children to make a collective composition; bring the product to the desired image with

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Summer sky (Drawing with wax crayons and a brush. Watercolor paints) Purpose. To teach children to draw with wax crayons the sun, consisting of a circle and short lines; toning paper. Handout. album sheet, wax crayons,

From the author's book

From the author's book

Goodbye "Did you say goodbye to the doctor?" Every day of my work is filled with these parenting issues. Saying goodbye when leaving the office (exactly like saying hello when entering) is a strict requirement of French upbringing. They die from

Tatyana Ryabova
Theme week"Bye, summer!"


1 a week

Subject: Before goodbye summer!

Knowledge Day.

First call.

School supplies.

Program content

Develop interest in school, books. Consolidate children's knowledge about the school, about school supplies, the profession of a teacher (who and

what he teaches at school, subjects studied at school). To form friendly relations between children (habits to play together, work, engage in independently chosen business, negotiate, distribute responsibilities, help each other). Develop cognitive motivation, interest in

kindergarten, the desire to live in a large friendly family- Kindergarten group.

Form of organization of children's activities

Conversations: "How did I spend summer» , "Knowledge Day", "What is friendship", "School Supplies", "My group",

"We are the elders in kindergarten"

Role-playing game "School", "I'am a teacher"

Music-rhythm games "Like ours at the gate"

Examining illustrations on the topic

D.I: "School Supplies", "Each thing has its place", "One - many", "Stationery shop. goods"

In the corner of creativity: work with scissors "Cut out school supplies"

Situational conversation on the topic "Truth and lies"

Reading: E. Artyushina "Confession" ,

Reading Marshak's verse "First Day of the Calendar"

Memorizing a tongue twister: “It was fun on the hill Sanya, Sonya and Yegorka ...”

N. p. and "Opposites"

Excursion to the school (to the school grounds)

Guessing and compiling riddles on the topic.

Project activity (laying out the school building from small items).

Watching a cartoon "Cheburashka goes to school"

P.I « Strong friendship» , "We are funny guys", "Zhmurki", "Paints", "From bump to bump" .

Quiz game "Friendship is our strength"

round dance game "Friendship"

Final event: photo exhibition how we rested in summer.

Related publications:

Goals: 1. Create festive mood. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. 3. Perform dance moves 4. Teach.

I bring to your attention the design of the reception room, with the help of photo collages and wall newspapers, made by parents and teachers, together with.

At the end of August in our kindergarten passed traditional holiday"Goodbye, Summer!", where we, together with the guys, said goodbye to the hot summer.

Scenario of the holiday "Goodbye, summer!" Holiday "Goodbye, summer!" Host: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! We are glad to meet with you in our light, warm.

Scenario of the holiday "Goodbye, summer!" Scenario of the holiday "Goodbye, summer!" For older preschool children. Compiled by: music director Salnikova L.V. Date.

Entertainment scenario "Goodbye, summer!" Compiled and conducted by: Bunyaeva N. N. August 2016. The song sounds in the recording.

Sports festival "Goodbye, summer!" Abstract sports festival"Bye, summer!" Purpose: To form in children the desire to engage in physical culture and sports, creating.

Statement of the problem: preschoolers do not have fully formed skills correct behavior on the streets. Participants: children of the older group of different ages.

Comes to the end academic year and according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, the last week of May is dedicated to saying goodbye to kindergarten and expanding children's knowledge about school life. The teacher organizes a virtual tour of the school, talks about school subjects, about the profession of a teacher. The acquired knowledge preschoolers reflect in the role-playing and interactive games, decorate the group for the prom. The content of games and conversations about the school, poems for the holiday and much more on the theme of the week you will find in the annex to the plan "Thematic week "Goodbye, kindergarten!".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, activities are planned aimed at creating a sense of gratitude and respect for the kindergarten staff, the work of adults. Future schoolchildren repeat the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, in nature, learn about the life of people with handicapped health, participate in socially useful work and talk about how their actions can save nature.

cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, it is planned to look at a map of Russia, talk about the country and its wealth, as well as talk about a spring, study the properties of air, and observe nature. Preschoolers, together with their parents, prepare messages about those who work at the school, make a wall newspaper “Our Days in Kindergarten”.

Speech development

Work on speech development continues in games and exercises, composing riddles on different topics, conversations “What do I want to be when I grow up”, “What can a teacher teach”, etc. Every day the teacher reads to the children literary works about school, learning poems for the prom.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Preschoolers make invitation cards to the prom, participate in the design of the group. The game “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show”, the application “dance of friendship” contribute to artistic and aesthetic development in the same way as game exercises in the TRIZ system.

Physical development

In area physical development talks are planned about teeth, their meaning and diversity in animals, dominoes " Healthy foods”, various relay races and outdoor games on the theme of the week.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "How I save nature." Purpose: to involve children in environmental activities.Watch the video "Our days in kindergarten." Purpose: to remember the main events in the life of children in kindergarten.Di. "Choose a verb." Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the actions of the educator and teacher.Production of invitations to the graduation ball. Purpose: to show children the importance of the upcoming event.Fizminutka at the choice of children. Purpose: to repeat familiar physical minutes, words and movements.
Work in the garden. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to work with a rake.Storm watch. Purpose: to introduce the concept of "thunderstorm", to form real ideas about the phenomenon of nature, to enrich vocabulary.Conversation "What do I want to be when I grow up?". Purpose: to deepen children's ideas about the life of adults, to form respect for people of different professions.Work with the album "Theaters of the World". Purpose: to expand knowledge about theaters in different countries to encourage dramatization.Relay "Who will collect the portfolio faster?". Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the relay race, to develop physical qualities. P.i. "Mousetrap". Purpose: to remember the rules of the game.
2 p.d.Labor assignments. Purpose: to improve the ability to completely make the bed after sleep.Cognitive and research activities "Candle in a jar", "Live snake". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the properties of air, to determine the percentage of oxygen and other substances in the air.Reading fiction about kindergarten at the choice of the teacher. Purpose: to remember interesting moments from life in kindergarten.Drawing "School of the Future". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to convey in the drawing the features of architectural styles, to develop imagination.A story about a physical education lesson at school. Purpose: to expand knowledge about school subjects.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Problem situation "Forgotten package". Purpose: to form the basis of safe behavior.Virtual tour of the school. Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about school subjects, to form a desire to study at school.The game "The letters are mixed up." Purpose: to exercise children in laying out words from letters.Games in the "Museum of Letters". Purpose: to maintain interest in the study of literacy, to encourage dramatizations with letters.Learning the counting rhyme (Mikhalkov's poem "Kittens"). Goal: develop memory, consolidate counting skills.
Socially useful work. Purpose: to form the ability to work together in a team of peers.Board game "Fold the square." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fold a square from different parts without reference to a sample.Articulation gymnastics at the choice of the teacher. Purpose: to improve sound culture speech.Dramatization of favorite fairy tales. Purpose: to create conditions for the manifestation creativity in children.P.i. "We are funny guys." Goal: improve running skills, develop auditory attention. P.i. children's choice. Purpose: to improve physical skills.